Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2010 SpringSource * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.grails.datastore.mapping.redis.query; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.DefaultGroovyMethods; import org.grails.datastore.mapping.query.projections.ManualProjections; import org.springframework.core.convert.ConversionService; import org.springframework.dao.DataRetrievalFailureException; import org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException; import org.grails.datastore.mapping.config.Property; import org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.PersistentEntity; import org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.PersistentProperty; import org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.Identity; import org.grails.datastore.mapping.query.Query; import org.grails.datastore.mapping.query.Restrictions; import org.grails.datastore.mapping.redis.RedisSession; import org.grails.datastore.mapping.redis.engine.RedisEntityPersister; import org.grails.datastore.mapping.redis.engine.RedisPropertyValueIndexer; import org.grails.datastore.mapping.redis.util.RedisCallback; import org.grails.datastore.mapping.redis.util.RedisTemplate; import org.grails.datastore.mapping.redis.util.SortParams; /** * A Query implementation for Redis. * * @author Graeme Rocher * @since 1.0 */ @SuppressWarnings({ "hiding", "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) public class RedisQuery extends Query { private RedisEntityPersister entityPersister; private RedisTemplate template; private ConversionService conversionService; public RedisQuery(RedisSession session, RedisTemplate redisTemplate, PersistentEntity persistentEntity, RedisEntityPersister entityPersister) { super(session, persistentEntity); this.entityPersister = entityPersister; template = redisTemplate; conversionService = getSession().getMappingContext().getConversionService(); } @Override protected List executeQuery(PersistentEntity entity, Junction criteria) { final ProjectionList projectionList = projections(); String finalKey; if (criteria.isEmpty()) { finalKey = entityPersister.getAllEntityIndex().getRedisKey(); } else { List<Criterion> criteriaList = criteria.getCriteria(); finalKey = executeSubQuery(criteria, criteriaList); } if (!getEntity().isRoot()) { // if the entity is not a root entity then apply a conjunction to trim // any entities not of this type final String childEntityResultsKey = finalKey + "-" + getEntity().getDecapitalizedName(); template.sinterstore(childEntityResultsKey, finalKey, entityPersister.getAllEntityIndex().getRedisKey()); finalKey = childEntityResultsKey; } Collection<String> results; IdProjection idProjection = null; if (projectionList.isEmpty()) { results = paginateResults(finalKey); } else { List projectionResults = new ArrayList(); String postSortAndPaginationKey = null; for (Projection projection : projectionList.getProjectionList()) { if (projection instanceof CountProjection) { if (postSortAndPaginationKey == null) postSortAndPaginationKey = storeSortedKey(finalKey); projectionResults.add(getCountResult(postSortAndPaginationKey)); } else if (projection instanceof MaxProjection) { MaxProjection max = (MaxProjection) projection; final String sortKey = getValidSortKey(max); if (!shouldSortOrPaginate()) { projectionResults.add(getMaxValueFromSortedSet(sortKey)); } } else if (projection instanceof MinProjection) { MinProjection min = (MinProjection) projection; final String sortKey = getValidSortKey(min); if (!shouldSortOrPaginate()) { projectionResults.add(getMinValueFromSortedSet(sortKey)); } } else { final String projectionType = projection.getClass().getSimpleName(); if (projection instanceof SumProjection) { return unsupportedProjection(projectionType); } else if (projection instanceof AvgProjection) { return unsupportedProjection(projectionType); } else if (projection instanceof CountDistinctProjection) { List resultList = new ArrayList(); PropertyProjection propertyProjection = (PropertyProjection) projection; final PersistentProperty validProperty = getValidProperty(propertyProjection); final List<String> values = projectProperty(finalKey, postSortAndPaginationKey, validProperty); projectionResults.add(DefaultGroovyMethods.unique(values).size()); } else if (projection instanceof PropertyProjection) { List resultList = new ArrayList(); PropertyProjection propertyProjection = (PropertyProjection) projection; final PersistentProperty validProperty = getValidProperty(propertyProjection); final List<String> values = projectProperty(finalKey, postSortAndPaginationKey, validProperty); return convertProjectedListToActual(resultList, validProperty, values); } else if (projection instanceof IdProjection) { idProjection = (IdProjection) projection; } } } if (!projectionResults.isEmpty()) return projectionResults; results = paginateResults(finalKey); } if (results != null) { if (idProjection != null) { return RedisQueryUtils.transformRedisResults(conversionService, results); } return getSession().retrieveAll(getEntity().getJavaClass(), results); } return Collections.emptyList(); } private List convertProjectedListToActual(List resultList, PersistentProperty validProperty, List<String> values) { Class type = validProperty.getType(); final PersistentEntity associatedEntity = getSession().getMappingContext() .getPersistentEntity(type.getName()); final boolean isEntityType = associatedEntity != null; if (isEntityType) { return getSession().retrieveAll(type, values); } for (String value : values) { resultList.add(conversionService.convert(value, type)); } return resultList; } private List<String> projectProperty(String finalKey, String postSortAndPaginationKey, PersistentProperty validProperty) { if (postSortAndPaginationKey == null) postSortAndPaginationKey = storeSortedKey(finalKey); String entityKey = entityPersister.getEntityBaseKey(); return template.sort(postSortAndPaginationKey, template.sortParams().get(entityKey + ":*->" + validProperty.getName())); } private List unsupportedProjection(String projectionType) { throw new InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException("Cannot use [" + projectionType + "] projection. [" + projectionType + "] projections are not currently supported."); } private String getValidSortKey(PropertyProjection projection) { PersistentProperty prop = getValidProperty(projection); return entityPersister.getPropertySortKey(prop); } private PersistentProperty getValidProperty(PropertyProjection projection) { final String propName = projection.getPropertyName(); PersistentProperty prop = entityPersister.getPersistentEntity().getPropertyByName(propName); if (prop == null) { throw new InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException("Cannot use [" + projection.getClass().getSimpleName() + "] projection on non-existent property: " + propName); } else if (!isIndexed(prop)) { throw new InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException("Cannot use [" + projection.getClass().getSimpleName() + "] projection on non-indexed property: " + propName); } return prop; } private String storeSortedKey(String finalKey) { if (shouldSortOrPaginate()) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append('~').append(finalKey).append('-').append(offset).append('-').append(max).append('-'); if (!orderBy.isEmpty()) { final Order order = orderBy.get(0); builder.append(order.getProperty()).append('-').append(order.getDirection()); } String sortKey = builder.toString(); template.sortstore(finalKey, sortKey, getSortAndPaginationParams()); return sortKey; } return finalKey; } private String executeSubQuery(Junction junction, @SuppressWarnings("unused") List<Criterion> criteria) { List<String> indices = getIndexNames(junction, entityPersister); if (indices.isEmpty()) { throw new DataRetrievalFailureException("Unsupported Redis query"); } if (indices.size() == 1) { return indices.get(0); } final String[] keyArray = indices.toArray(new String[indices.size()]); String finalKey; if (junction instanceof Conjunction) { finalKey = formulateConjunctionKey(indices); template.sinterstore(finalKey, keyArray); } else { finalKey = formulateDisjunctionKey(indices); template.sunionstore(finalKey, keyArray); } // since the keys used for queries are temporary we set Redis to kill them after a while // template.expire(finalKey, 1000); return finalKey; } private Collection<String> paginateResults(final String key) { final boolean shouldSort = shouldSortOrPaginate(); if (shouldSort) { return template.sort(key, getSortAndPaginationParams()); } return template.smembers(key); } private boolean shouldSortOrPaginate() { return offset > 0 || max > -1 || !orderBy.isEmpty(); } private SortParams getSortAndPaginationParams() { SortParams params = template.sortParams(); if (!orderBy.isEmpty()) { Order o = orderBy.get(0); // Redis doesn't really allow multiple orderings String orderBy = entityPersister.getEntityBaseKey() + ":*->" + o.getProperty();; if (o.getDirection() == Order.Direction.DESC) { params.desc(); } else { params.asc(); } } if (offset > 0 || max > -1) { params.limit(offset, max); } return params; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private String formulateDisjunctionKey(String[] indices) { final List<String> indicesList = Arrays.asList(indices); return formulateDisjunctionKey(indicesList); } private String formulateDisjunctionKey(List<String> indicesList) { Collections.sort(indicesList); return "~!" + indicesList.toString().replaceAll("\\s", ""); } private String formulateConjunctionKey(List<String> indices) { return "~" + indices.toString().replaceAll("\\s", ""); } private long getCountResult(String redisKey) { if (shouldSortOrPaginate()) { return template.llen(redisKey); } return template.scard(redisKey); } private boolean isIndexed(PersistentProperty property) { if (property instanceof Identity) return true; Property kv = (Property) property.getMapping().getMappedForm(); return kv.isIndex(); } @SuppressWarnings("serial") private final Map<Class, CriterionHandler> criterionHandlers = new HashMap() { { CriterionHandler<Like> likeHandler = new CriterionHandler<Like>() { public void handle(RedisEntityPersister entityPersister, List<String> indices, Like criterion) { String key = executeSubLike(entityPersister, criterion); indices.add(key); } }; put(Like.class, likeHandler); put(ILike.class, likeHandler); put(Between.class, new CriterionHandler<Between>() { public void handle(RedisEntityPersister entityPersister, List<String> indices, Between criterion) { String key = executeSubBetween(entityPersister, criterion); indices.add(key); } }); put(GreaterThanEquals.class, new CriterionHandler<GreaterThanEquals>() { public void handle(RedisEntityPersister entityPersister, List<String> indices, GreaterThanEquals criterion) { String key = executeGreaterThanEquals(entityPersister, criterion); indices.add(key); } }); put(GreaterThan.class, new CriterionHandler<GreaterThan>() { public void handle(RedisEntityPersister entityPersister, List<String> indices, GreaterThan criterion) { String key = executeGreaterThanEquals(entityPersister, criterion); indices.add(key); } }); put(LessThanEquals.class, new CriterionHandler<LessThanEquals>() { public void handle(RedisEntityPersister entityPersister, List<String> indices, LessThanEquals criterion) { String key = executeLessThanEquals(entityPersister, criterion); indices.add(key); } }); put(LessThan.class, new CriterionHandler<LessThan>() { public void handle(RedisEntityPersister entityPersister, List<String> indices, LessThan criterion) { String key = executeLessThanEquals(entityPersister, criterion); indices.add(key); } }); put(Equals.class, new CriterionHandler<Equals>() { public void handle(RedisEntityPersister entityPersister, List<String> indices, Equals criterion) { final String property = criterion.getProperty(); final Object value = criterion.getValue(); final String indexName = getIndexName(entityPersister, property, value); indices.add(indexName); } }); put(IdEquals.class, new CriterionHandler<IdEquals>() { public void handle(RedisEntityPersister entityPersister, List<String> indices, IdEquals criterion) { final Object value = criterion.getValue(); final String indexName = getIndexName(entityPersister, entityPersister.getPersistentEntity().getIdentity().getName(), value); indices.add(indexName); } }); put(NotEquals.class, new CriterionHandler<NotEquals>() { public void handle(RedisEntityPersister entityPersister, List<String> indices, NotEquals criterion) { final String property = criterion.getProperty(); final Object value = criterion.getValue(); final String indexName = getIndexName(entityPersister, property, value); indices.add(negateIndex(entityPersister, indexName)); } }); put(In.class, new CriterionHandler<In>() { public void handle(RedisEntityPersister entityPersister, List<String> indices, In criterion) { final String property = criterion.getName(); Disjunction dis = new Disjunction(); for (Object value : criterion.getValues()) { dis.add(Restrictions.eq(property, value)); } indices.add(executeSubQuery(dis, dis.getCriteria())); } }); put(Conjunction.class, new CriterionHandler<Junction>() { public void handle(RedisEntityPersister entityPersister, List<String> indices, Junction criterion) { indices.add(executeSubQuery(criterion, criterion.getCriteria())); } }); put(Disjunction.class, new CriterionHandler<Junction>() { public void handle(RedisEntityPersister entityPersister, List<String> indices, Junction criterion) { indices.add(executeSubQuery(criterion, criterion.getCriteria())); } }); put(Negation.class, new CriterionHandler<Negation>() { public void handle(RedisEntityPersister entityPersister, List<String> indices, Negation criterion) { final String finalIndex = executeSubQuery(criterion, criterion.getCriteria()); indices.add(negateIndex(entityPersister, finalIndex)); } }); } }; private String negateIndex(RedisEntityPersister entityPersister, String indexName) { final String negatedIndex = "!" + indexName; template.sdiffstore(negatedIndex, entityPersister.getAllEntityIndex().getRedisKey(), indexName); return negatedIndex; } private static interface CriterionHandler<T> { void handle(RedisEntityPersister entityPersister, List<String> indices, T criterion); } private List<String> getIndexNames(Junction criteria, RedisEntityPersister entityPersister) { List<Criterion> criteriaList = criteria.getCriteria(); List<String> indices = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Criterion criterion : criteriaList) { CriterionHandler handler = criterionHandlers.get(criterion.getClass()); if (handler != null) { handler.handle(entityPersister, indices, criterion); } } return indices; } protected String executeLessThanEquals(RedisEntityPersister entityPersister, PropertyCriterion criterion) { final String property = criterion.getProperty(); PersistentProperty prop = getAndValidateProperty(entityPersister, property); return executeBetweenInternal(entityPersister, prop, 0, criterion.getValue(), false, true); } protected String executeGreaterThanEquals(RedisEntityPersister entityPersister, PropertyCriterion criterion) { final String property = criterion.getProperty(); PersistentProperty prop = getAndValidateProperty(entityPersister, property); String sortKey = entityPersister.getPropertySortKey(prop); Object max = getMaxValueFromSortedSet(sortKey); return executeBetweenInternal(entityPersister, prop, criterion.getValue(), max, false, true); } private Object getMaxValueFromSortedSet(String sortKey) { String maxKey = sortKey + "~max-score"; Object max = template.get(maxKey); if (max == null) { Set<String> results = template.zrevrange(sortKey, 0, 0); if (results.isEmpty()) { max = -1; } else { max = template.zscore(sortKey, results.iterator().next()); } template.setex(maxKey, max, 500); } return conversionService.convert(max, Double.class); } private Object getMinValueFromSortedSet(String sortKey) { String minKey = sortKey + "~min-score"; Object min = template.get(minKey); if (min == null) { Set<String> results = template.zrange(sortKey, 0, 0); if (results.isEmpty()) { min = -1; } else { min = template.zscore(sortKey, results.iterator().next()); } template.setex(minKey, min, 500); } return conversionService.convert(min, Double.class); } protected String executeSubBetween(RedisEntityPersister entityPersister, Between between) { final String property = between.getProperty(); PersistentProperty prop = getAndValidateProperty(entityPersister, property); return executeBetweenInternal(entityPersister, prop, between.getFrom(), between.getTo(), false, true); } private String executeBetweenInternal(RedisEntityPersister entityPersister, PersistentProperty prop, Object fromObject, Object toObject, @SuppressWarnings("unused") boolean includeFrom, @SuppressWarnings("unused") boolean includeTo) { String sortKey = entityPersister.getPropertySortKey(prop); if (fromObject instanceof Date) { fromObject = ((Date) fromObject).getTime(); } if (toObject instanceof Date) { toObject = ((Date) toObject).getTime(); } if (!(fromObject instanceof Number)) { fromObject = conversionService.convert(fromObject, Double.class); } if (!(toObject instanceof Number)) { toObject = conversionService.convert(toObject, Double.class); } final double from = ((Number) fromObject).doubleValue(); final double to = ((Number) toObject).doubleValue(); final String key = sortKey + "~between-" + from + "-" + to; if (!template.exists(key)) { final Set<String> results = template.zrangebyscore(sortKey, from, to); if (results != null && !results.isEmpty()) { template.pipeline(new RedisCallback<RedisTemplate>() { public Object doInRedis(RedisTemplate redis) throws IOException { for (String result : results) { redis.sadd(key, result); } // redis.expire(key, 1000); return null; } }); } } return key; } private PersistentProperty getAndValidateProperty(RedisEntityPersister entityPersister, String property) { final PersistentEntity entity = entityPersister.getPersistentEntity(); PersistentProperty prop = entity.getPropertyByName(property); if (prop == null) { throw new InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException("Cannot execute between query on property [" + property + "] of class [" + entity + "]. Property does not exist."); } return prop; } private String executeSubLike(RedisEntityPersister entityPersister, Like like) { final String property = like.getProperty(); String pattern = like.getPattern(); final List<String> keys = resolveMatchingIndices(entityPersister, property, pattern); final String disjKey = formulateDisjunctionKey(keys); template.sunionstore(disjKey, keys.toArray(new String[keys.size()])); // template.expire(disjKey, 1000); return disjKey; } private List<String> resolveMatchingIndices(RedisEntityPersister entityPersister, String property, String pattern) { PersistentProperty prop = getEntity().getPropertyByName(property); assertIndexed(property, prop); RedisPropertyValueIndexer indexer = (RedisPropertyValueIndexer) entityPersister.getPropertyIndexer(prop); return new ArrayList<String>(template.keys(indexer.getIndexPattern(pattern))); } private String getIndexName(RedisEntityPersister entityPersister, String property, Object value) { PersistentProperty prop = getEntity().getPropertyByName(property); if (prop == null) { final PersistentProperty identity = getEntity().getIdentity(); if (identity.getName().equals(property)) { prop = identity; } } assertIndexed(property, prop); return entityPersister.getPropertyIndexer(prop).getIndexName(value); } private void assertIndexed(String property, PersistentProperty prop) { if (prop == null) { throw new InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException("Cannot execute query. Entity [" + getEntity() + "] does not declare a property named [" + property + "]"); } if (!isIndexed(prop)) { throw new InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException("Cannot query class [" + getEntity() + "] on property [" + prop + "]. The property is not indexed!"); } } }