Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2010 SpringSource * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.grails.datastore.mapping.query; import; import java.util.*; import javax.persistence.FetchType; import javax.persistence.FlushModeType; import org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.ConnectionNotFoundException; import org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.MappingContext; import org.grails.datastore.mapping.query.api.AssociationCriteria; import org.grails.datastore.mapping.query.api.QueryableCriteria; import org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException; import org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.AbstractDatastore; import org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.Session; import org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.SessionImplementor; import org.grails.datastore.mapping.engine.EntityAccess; import org.grails.datastore.mapping.engine.EntityPersister; import org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.PersistentEntity; import org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.PersistentProperty; import org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.Association; import org.springframework.util.Assert; /** * Models a query that can be executed against a data store * * @author Graeme Rocher * @since 1.0 */ @SuppressWarnings({ "hiding", "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) public abstract class Query { protected PersistentEntity entity; protected Junction criteria = new Conjunction(); protected ProjectionList projections = new ProjectionList(); protected int max = -1; protected int offset = 0; protected List<Order> orderBy = new ArrayList<Order>(); protected Session session; protected boolean uniqueResult; protected Map<String, FetchType> fetchStrategies = new HashMap<String, FetchType>(); protected boolean queryCache; protected Query(Session session, PersistentEntity entity) { this.entity = entity; this.session = session; } /** * @return The criteria defined by this query */ public Junction getCriteria() { return criteria; } /** * Specifies whether a join query should be used (if join queries are supported by the underlying datastore) * * @param property The property * @return The query */ public Query join(String property) { fetchStrategies.put(property, FetchType.EAGER); return this; } /** * Specifies whether the query results should be cached (if supported by the underlying datastore) * * @param cache True if caching should be enabled * @return The query */ public Query cache(boolean cache) { queryCache = true; return this; } public ProjectionList projections() { return projections; } /** * Adds the specified criterion instance to the query * * @param criterion The criterion instance */ public void add(Criterion criterion) { Junction currentJunction = criteria; addToJunction(currentJunction, criterion); } /** * @return The session that created the query */ public Session getSession() { return session; } /** * @return The PersistentEntity being query */ public PersistentEntity getEntity() { return entity; } /** * Creates a disjunction (OR) query * @return The Junction instance */ public Junction disjunction() { Junction currentJunction = criteria; return disjunction(currentJunction); } /** * Creates a disjunction (OR) query * @return The Junction instance */ public Junction conjunction() { Junction currentJunction = criteria; return conjunction(currentJunction); } /** * Creates a negation of several criterion * @return The negation */ public Junction negation() { Junction currentJunction = criteria; return negation(currentJunction); } private Junction negation(Junction currentJunction) { Negation dis = new Negation(); currentJunction.add(dis); return dis; } /** * Defines the maximum number of results to return * @param max The max results * @return This query instance */ public Query max(int max) { this.max = max; return this; } /** * Defines the maximum number of results to return * @param max The max results * @return This query instance */ public Query maxResults(int max) { return max(max); } /** * Defines the offset (the first result index) of the query * @param offset The offset * @return This query instance */ public Query offset(int offset) { this.offset = offset; return this; } /** * Defines the offset (the first result index) of the query * @param offset The offset * @return This query instance */ public Query firstResult(int offset) { return offset(offset); } /** * Specifies the order of results * @param order The order object * @return The Query instance */ public Query order(Order order) { if (order != null) { orderBy.add(order); } return this; } /** * Gets the Order entries for this query * @return The order entries */ public List<Order> getOrderBy() { return orderBy; } /** * Restricts the results by the given properties value * * @param property The name of the property * @param value The value to restrict by * @return This query instance */ public Query eq(String property, Object value) { Object resolved = resolveIdIfEntity(value); if (resolved == value) { criteria.add(Restrictions.eq(property, value)); } else { criteria.add(Restrictions.eq(property, resolved)); } return this; } /** * Shortcut to restrict the query to multiple given property values * * @param values The values * @return This query instance */ public Query allEq(Map<String, Object> values) { for (String property : values.keySet()) { eq(property, values.get(property)); } return this; } /** * Used to restrict a value to be empty (such as a blank string or an empty collection) * * @param property The property name */ public Query isEmpty(String property) { criteria.add(Restrictions.isEmpty(property)); return this; } /** * Used to restrict a value to be not empty (such as a blank string or an empty collection) * * @param property The property name */ public Query isNotEmpty(String property) { criteria.add(Restrictions.isNotEmpty(property)); return this; } /** * Used to restrict a property to be null * * @param property The property name */ public Query isNull(String property) { criteria.add(Restrictions.isNull(property)); return this; } /** * Used to restrict a property to be not null * * @param property The property name */ public Query isNotNull(String property) { criteria.add(Restrictions.isNotNull(property)); return this; } /** * Creates an association query * * @param associationName The assocation name * @return The Query instance */ public AssociationQuery createQuery(String associationName) { final PersistentProperty property = entity.getPropertyByName(associationName); if (property == null || !(property instanceof Association)) { throw new InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException("Cannot query association [" + associationName + "] of class [" + entity + "]. The specified property is not an association."); } Association association = (Association) property; final PersistentEntity associatedEntity = association.getAssociatedEntity(); return new AssociationQuery(session, associatedEntity, association); } /** * Restricts the results by the given properties value * * @param value The value to restrict by * @return This query instance */ public Query idEq(Object value) { value = resolveIdIfEntity(value); criteria.add(Restrictions.idEq(value)); return this; } /** * Used to restrict a value to be greater than the given value * * @param property The name of the property * @param value The value to restrict by * @return This query instance */ public Query gt(String property, Object value) { criteria.add(, value)); return this; } /** * Used to restrict a value to be greater than or equal to the given value * * @param property The name of the property * @param value The value to restrict by * @return This query instance */ public Query gte(String property, Object value) { criteria.add(Restrictions.gte(property, value)); return this; } /** * Used to restrict a value to be less than or equal to the given value * * @param property The name of the property * @param value The value to restrict by * @return This query instance */ public Query lte(String property, Object value) { criteria.add(Restrictions.lte(property, value)); return this; } /** * Used to restrict a value to be greater than or equal to the given value * * @param property The name of the property * @param value The value to restrict by * @return This query instance */ public Query ge(String property, Object value) { return gte(property, value); } /** * Used to restrict a value to be less than or equal to the given value * * @param property The name of the property * @param value The value to restrict by * @return This query instance */ public Query le(String property, Object value) { return lte(property, value); } /** * Used to restrict a value to be less than the given value * * @param property The name of the property * @param value The value to restrict by * @return This query instance */ public Query lt(String property, Object value) { criteria.add(, value)); return this; } /** * Restricts the results by the given property values * * @param property The name of the property * @param values The values to restrict by * @return This query instance */ public Query in(String property, List values) { criteria.add(, values)); return this; } /** * Restricts the results by the given property value range * * @param property The name of the property * @param start The start of the range * @param end The end of the range * @return This query instance */ public Query between(String property, Object start, Object end) { criteria.add(Restrictions.between(property, start, end)); return this; } /** * Restricts the results by the given properties value * * @param property The name of the property * @param expr The expression to restrict by * @return This query instance */ public Query like(String property, String expr) { criteria.add(, expr)); return this; } /** * Restricts the results by the given properties value * * @param property The name of the property * @param expr The expression to restrict by * @return This query instance */ public Query ilike(String property, String expr) { criteria.add(Restrictions.ilike(property, expr)); return this; } /** * Restricts the results by the given properties value * * @param property The name of the property * @param expr The expression to restrict by * @return This query instance */ public Query rlike(String property, String expr) { criteria.add(Restrictions.rlike(property, expr)); return this; } /** * Creates a conjunction using two specified criterion * * @param a The left hand side * @param b The right hand side * @return This query instance */ public Query and(Criterion a, Criterion b) { Assert.notNull(a, "Left hand side of AND cannot be null"); Assert.notNull(b, "Right hand side of AND cannot be null"); criteria.add(Restrictions.and(a, b)); return this; } /** * Creates a disjunction using two specified criterion * * @param a The left hand side * @param b The right hand side * @return This query instance */ public Query or(Criterion a, Criterion b) { Assert.notNull(a, "Left hand side of AND cannot be null"); Assert.notNull(b, "Right hand side of AND cannot be null"); criteria.add(Restrictions.or(a, b)); return this; } /** * Executes the query returning zero or many results as a list. * * @return The results */ public List list() { uniqueResult = false; flushBeforeQuery(); List results = executeQuery(entity, criteria); if (session instanceof SessionImplementor) { SessionImplementor sessionImplementor = (SessionImplementor) session; for (ListIterator iter = results.listIterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Object instance =; EntityPersister ep = (EntityPersister) session.getPersister(instance); if (ep == null) { // not persistent, could be a count() or report query continue; } Serializable id = findInstanceId(instance); if (sessionImplementor.isCached(instance.getClass(), id)) { iter.set(sessionImplementor.getCachedInstance(instance.getClass(), id)); } else { sessionImplementor.cacheInstance(instance.getClass(), id, instance); } } } return results; } /** * Executes the query returning a single result or null * @return The result */ public Object singleResult() { uniqueResult = true; List results = list(); return results.isEmpty() ? null : results.get(0); } /** * Here purely for compatibility * * @param uniqueResult Whether it is a unique result * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public void setUniqueResult(boolean uniqueResult) { this.uniqueResult = uniqueResult; } /** * Subclasses should implement this to provide the concrete implementation * of querying * * @param entity The entity * @param criteria The criteria * @return The results */ protected abstract List executeQuery(PersistentEntity entity, Junction criteria); protected Object resolveIdIfEntity(Object value) { // use the object id as the value if its a persistent entity MappingContext mappingContext = session.getMappingContext(); if (mappingContext.getProxyFactory().isProxy(value)) { return mappingContext.getProxyFactory().getIdentifier(value); } else { return mappingContext.isPersistentEntity(value) ? findInstanceId(value) : value; } } private Serializable findInstanceId(Object value) { EntityPersister ep = (EntityPersister) session.getPersister(value); if (ep != null) { return ep.getObjectIdentifier(value); } return (Serializable) new EntityAccess( session.getMappingContext().getPersistentEntity(value.getClass().getName()), value).getIdentifier(); } private Junction disjunction(Junction currentJunction) { Disjunction dis = new Disjunction(); currentJunction.add(dis); return dis; } private Junction conjunction(Junction currentJunction) { Conjunction dis = new Conjunction(); currentJunction.add(dis); return dis; } /** * Default behavior is the flush the session before a query in the case of FlushModeType.AUTO. * Subclasses can override this method to disable that. */ protected void flushBeforeQuery() { // flush before query execution in FlushModeType.AUTO if (session.getFlushMode() == FlushModeType.AUTO) { session.flush(); } } /** * A criterion is used to restrict the results of a query */ private void addToJunction(Junction currentJunction, Criterion criterion) { if (criterion instanceof PropertyCriterion) { final PropertyCriterion pc = (PropertyCriterion) criterion; Object value = resolveIdIfEntity(pc.getValue()); pc.setValue(value); } if (criterion instanceof AssociationCriteria) { AssociationCriteria ac = (AssociationCriteria) criterion; AssociationQuery associationQuery = createQuery(ac.getAssociation().getName()); for (Criterion associationCriterion : ac.getCriteria()) { associationQuery.add(associationCriterion); } currentJunction.add(associationQuery); } else if (criterion instanceof Junction) { Junction j = (Junction) criterion; Junction newj; if (j instanceof Disjunction) { newj = disjunction(currentJunction); } else if (j instanceof Negation) { newj = negation(currentJunction); } else { newj = conjunction(currentJunction); } for (Criterion c : j.getCriteria()) { addToJunction(newj, c); } } else { currentJunction.add(criterion); } } public static interface Criterion { } /** * The ordering of results. */ public static class Order { private Direction direction = Direction.ASC; private String property; public Order(String property) { = property; } public Order(String property, Direction direction) { this.direction = direction; = property; } public Direction getDirection() { return direction; } public String getProperty() { return property; } public static Order desc(String property) { return new Order(property, Direction.DESC); } public static Order asc(String property) { return new Order(property, Direction.ASC); } public static enum Direction { ASC, DESC } } /** * Restricts a property to be null */ public static class IsNull extends PropertyNameCriterion { public IsNull(String name) { super(name); } } /** * Restricts a property to be empty (such as a blank string) */ public static class IsEmpty extends PropertyNameCriterion { public IsEmpty(String name) { super(name); } } /** * Restricts a property to be empty (such as a blank string) */ public static class IsNotEmpty extends PropertyNameCriterion { public IsNotEmpty(String name) { super(name); } } /** * Restricts a property to be not null */ public static class IsNotNull extends PropertyNameCriterion { public IsNotNull(String name) { super(name); } } /** * A Criterion that applies to a property */ public static class PropertyNameCriterion implements Criterion { protected String name; public PropertyNameCriterion(String name) { = name; } public String getProperty() { return name; } } /** * A Criterion that compares to properties */ public static class PropertyComparisonCriterion extends PropertyNameCriterion { protected String otherProperty; public PropertyComparisonCriterion(String property, String otherProperty) { super(property); this.otherProperty = otherProperty; } public String getOtherProperty() { return otherProperty; } } public static class EqualsProperty extends PropertyComparisonCriterion { public EqualsProperty(String property, String otherProperty) { super(property, otherProperty); } } public static class NotEqualsProperty extends PropertyComparisonCriterion { public NotEqualsProperty(String property, String otherProperty) { super(property, otherProperty); } } public static class GreaterThanProperty extends PropertyComparisonCriterion { public GreaterThanProperty(String property, String otherProperty) { super(property, otherProperty); } } public static class GreaterThanEqualsProperty extends PropertyComparisonCriterion { public GreaterThanEqualsProperty(String property, String otherProperty) { super(property, otherProperty); } } public static class LessThanProperty extends PropertyComparisonCriterion { public LessThanProperty(String property, String otherProperty) { super(property, otherProperty); } } public static class LessThanEqualsProperty extends PropertyComparisonCriterion { public LessThanEqualsProperty(String property, String otherProperty) { super(property, otherProperty); } } /** * Criterion that applies to a property and value */ public static class PropertyCriterion extends PropertyNameCriterion { protected Object value; public PropertyCriterion(String name, Object value) { super(name); this.value = value; } public Object getValue() { return value; } public void setValue(Object v) { this.value = v; } } /** * Used to differentiate criterion that require a subquery */ public static class SubqueryCriterion extends PropertyCriterion { public SubqueryCriterion(String name, QueryableCriteria value) { super(name, value); } } public static class EqualsAll extends SubqueryCriterion { public EqualsAll(String name, QueryableCriteria value) { super(name, value); } } public static class NotEqualsAll extends SubqueryCriterion { public NotEqualsAll(String name, QueryableCriteria value) { super(name, value); } } public static class GreaterThanAll extends SubqueryCriterion { public GreaterThanAll(String name, QueryableCriteria value) { super(name, value); } } public static class LessThanAll extends SubqueryCriterion { public LessThanAll(String name, QueryableCriteria value) { super(name, value); } } public static class GreaterThanEqualsAll extends SubqueryCriterion { public GreaterThanEqualsAll(String name, QueryableCriteria value) { super(name, value); } } public static class LessThanEqualsAll extends SubqueryCriterion { public LessThanEqualsAll(String name, QueryableCriteria value) { super(name, value); } } /** * A criterion that restricts the results based on equality */ public static class Equals extends PropertyCriterion { public Equals(String name, Object value) { super(name, value); } @Override public void setValue(Object value) { this.value = value; } } public static class SizeEquals extends PropertyCriterion { public SizeEquals(String name, int value) { super(name, value); } } public static class SizeNotEquals extends PropertyCriterion { public SizeNotEquals(String name, int value) { super(name, value); } } public static class SizeGreaterThan extends PropertyCriterion { public SizeGreaterThan(String name, int value) { super(name, value); } } public static class SizeGreaterThanEquals extends PropertyCriterion { public SizeGreaterThanEquals(String name, int value) { super(name, value); } } public static class SizeLessThanEquals extends PropertyCriterion { public SizeLessThanEquals(String name, int value) { super(name, value); } } public static class SizeLessThan extends PropertyCriterion { public SizeLessThan(String name, int value) { super(name, value); } } /** * A criterion that restricts the results based on the equality of the identifier */ public static class IdEquals extends PropertyCriterion { private static final String ID = "id"; public IdEquals(Object value) { super(ID, value); } @Override public void setValue(Object value) { this.value = value; } } /** * A criterion that restricts the results based on equality */ public static class NotEquals extends PropertyCriterion { public NotEquals(String name, Object value) { super(name, value); } @Override public void setValue(Object value) { this.value = value; } } /** * Criterion used to restrict the results based on a list of values */ public static class In extends PropertyCriterion { private String name; private Collection values = Collections.emptyList(); public In(String name, Collection values) { super(name, values); = name; this.values = values; } public String getName() { return name; } @Override public String getProperty() { return getName(); } public Collection getValues() { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(values); } } /** * Used to restrict a value to be greater than the given value */ public static class GreaterThan extends PropertyCriterion { public GreaterThan(String name, Object value) { super(name, value); } } /** * Used to restrict a value to be greater than or equal to the given value */ public static class GreaterThanEquals extends PropertyCriterion { public GreaterThanEquals(String name, Object value) { super(name, value); } } /** * Used to restrict a value to be less than the given value */ public static class LessThan extends PropertyCriterion { public LessThan(String name, Object value) { super(name, value); } } /** * Used to restrict a value to be less than the given value */ public static class LessThanEquals extends PropertyCriterion { public LessThanEquals(String name, Object value) { super(name, value); } } /** * Criterion used to restrict the result to be between values (range query) */ public static class Between extends PropertyCriterion { private String property; private Object from; private Object to; public Between(String property, Object from, Object to) { super(property, from); = property; this.from = from; = to; } @Override public String getProperty() { return property; } public Object getFrom() { return from; } public Object getTo() { return to; } } /** * Criterion used to restrict the results based on a pattern (likeness) */ public static class Like extends PropertyCriterion { public Like(String name, String expression) { super(name, expression); } public String getPattern() { return getValue().toString(); } } /** * Criterion used to restrict the results based on a pattern (likeness) */ public static class ILike extends Like { public ILike(String name, String expression) { super(name, expression); } } /** * Criterion used to restrict the results based on a regular expression pattern */ public static class RLike extends Like { public RLike(String name, String expression) { super(name, expression); } @Override public String getPattern() { return getValue().toString(); } } public static abstract class Junction implements Criterion { private List<Criterion> criteria = new ArrayList<Criterion>(); protected Junction() { } public Junction(List<Criterion> criteria) { this.criteria = criteria; } public Junction add(Criterion c) { if (c != null) { if (c instanceof Equals) { final Equals eq = (Equals) c; Object value = eq.getValue(); if (value != null) { try { Session session = AbstractDatastore.retrieveSession(); final PersistentEntity persistentEntity = session.getMappingContext() .getPersistentEntity(value.getClass().getName()); if (persistentEntity != null) { EntityPersister ep = (EntityPersister) session.getPersister(value); if (ep != null) { c = new Equals(eq.getProperty(), ep.getObjectIdentifier(value)); } } } catch (ConnectionNotFoundException e) { // continue, use original value } } } criteria.add(c); } return this; } public List<Criterion> getCriteria() { return criteria; } public boolean isEmpty() { return criteria.isEmpty(); } } /** * A Criterion used to combine to criterion in a logical AND */ public static class Conjunction extends Junction { public Conjunction() { } public Conjunction(List<Criterion> criteria) { super(criteria); } } /** * A Criterion used to combine to criterion in a logical OR */ public static class Disjunction extends Junction { public Disjunction() { } public Disjunction(List<Criterion> criteria) { super(criteria); } } /** * A criterion used to negate several other criterion */ public static class Negation extends Junction { } /** * A projection */ public static class Projection { } /** * A projection used to obtain the identifier of an object */ public static class IdProjection extends Projection { } /** * Used to count the results of a query */ public static class CountProjection extends Projection { } public static class DistinctProjection extends Projection { } /** * A projection that obtains the value of a property of an entity */ public static class PropertyProjection extends Projection { private String propertyName; protected PropertyProjection(String propertyName) { this.propertyName = propertyName; } public String getPropertyName() { return propertyName; } } public static class DistinctPropertyProjection extends PropertyProjection { protected DistinctPropertyProjection(String propertyName) { super(propertyName); } } public static class CountDistinctProjection extends PropertyProjection { public CountDistinctProjection(String property) { super(property); } } /** * Computes the average value of a property */ public static class AvgProjection extends PropertyProjection { protected AvgProjection(String propertyName) { super(propertyName); } } /** * Computes the max value of a property */ public static class MaxProjection extends PropertyProjection { protected MaxProjection(String propertyName) { super(propertyName); } } /** * Computes the min value of a property */ public static class MinProjection extends PropertyProjection { protected MinProjection(String propertyName) { super(propertyName); } } /** * Computes the sum of a property */ public static class SumProjection extends PropertyProjection { protected SumProjection(String propertyName) { super(propertyName); } } /** * A list of projections */ public static class ProjectionList implements org.grails.datastore.mapping.query.api.ProjectionList { private List<Projection> projections = new ArrayList(); public List<Projection> getProjectionList() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(projections); } public ProjectionList add(Projection p) { projections.add(p); return this; } public org.grails.datastore.mapping.query.api.ProjectionList id() { add(; return this; } public org.grails.datastore.mapping.query.api.ProjectionList count() { add(Projections.count()); return this; } public org.grails.datastore.mapping.query.api.ProjectionList countDistinct(String property) { add(Projections.countDistinct(property)); return this; } public boolean isEmpty() { return projections.isEmpty(); } public ProjectionList distinct() { return this; } public org.grails.datastore.mapping.query.api.ProjectionList distinct(String property) { add(Projections.distinct(property)); return this; } public org.grails.datastore.mapping.query.api.ProjectionList rowCount() { return count(); } /** * A projection that obtains the value of a property of an entity * @param name The name of the property * @return The PropertyProjection instance */ public org.grails.datastore.mapping.query.api.ProjectionList property(String name) { add(; return this; } /** * Computes the sum of a property * * @param name The name of the property * @return The PropertyProjection instance */ public org.grails.datastore.mapping.query.api.ProjectionList sum(String name) { add(Projections.sum(name)); return this; } /** * Computes the min value of a property * * @param name The name of the property * @return The PropertyProjection instance */ public org.grails.datastore.mapping.query.api.ProjectionList min(String name) { add(Projections.min(name)); return this; } /** * Computes the max value of a property * * @param name The name of the property * @return The PropertyProjection instance */ public org.grails.datastore.mapping.query.api.ProjectionList max(String name) { add(Projections.max(name)); return this; } /** * Computes the average value of a property * * @param name The name of the property * @return The PropertyProjection instance */ public org.grails.datastore.mapping.query.api.ProjectionList avg(String name) { add(Projections.avg(name)); return this; } } }