Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.gradle.model.collection.internal; import; import; import; import org.gradle.api.Nullable; import org.gradle.internal.util.BiFunction; import org.gradle.model.collection.CollectionBuilder; import org.gradle.model.internal.core.*; import org.gradle.model.internal.core.rule.describe.ModelRuleDescriptor; import org.gradle.model.internal.type.ModelType; import org.gradle.util.CollectionUtils; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import static org.gradle.internal.Cast.uncheckedCast; public abstract class CollectionBuilderModelProjection<I> implements ModelProjection { protected final Class<I> baseItemType; protected final ModelType<I> baseItemModelType; public CollectionBuilderModelProjection(ModelType<I> baseItemModelType) { this.baseItemModelType = baseItemModelType; this.baseItemType = baseItemModelType.getConcreteClass(); } protected abstract Collection<? extends Class<?>> getCreatableTypes(MutableModelNode node); protected abstract BiFunction<? extends ModelCreators.Builder, MutableModelNode, ModelReference<? extends I>> getCreatorFunction(); private String getBuilderTypeDescriptionForCreatableTypes(Collection<? extends Class<?>> creatableTypes) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(CollectionBuilder.class.getName()); if (creatableTypes.size() == 1) { @SuppressWarnings("ConstantConditions") String onlyType = Iterables.getFirst(creatableTypes, null).getName(); sb.append("<").append(onlyType).append(">"); } else { sb.append("<T>; where T is one of ["); Joiner.on(", ").appendTo(sb, CollectionUtils.sort(Iterables.transform(creatableTypes, new Function<Class<?>, String>() { public String apply(Class<?> input) { return input.getName(); } }))); sb.append("]"); } return sb.toString(); } public Iterable<String> getReadableTypeDescriptions(MutableModelNode node) { return getWritableTypeDescriptions(node); } protected Class<? extends I> itemType(ModelType<?> targetType) { Class<?> targetClass = targetType.getRawClass(); if (targetClass.equals(CollectionBuilder.class)) { Class<?> targetItemClass = targetType.getTypeVariables().get(0).getRawClass(); if (targetItemClass.isAssignableFrom(baseItemType)) { return baseItemType; } if (baseItemType.isAssignableFrom(targetItemClass)) { return targetItemClass.asSubclass(baseItemType); } return null; } if (targetClass.isAssignableFrom(CollectionBuilder.class)) { return baseItemType; } return null; } public <T> boolean canBeViewedAsWritable(ModelType<T> targetType) { return itemType(targetType) != null; } public <T> boolean canBeViewedAsReadOnly(ModelType<T> type) { return canBeViewedAsWritable(type); } public <T> ModelView<? extends T> asReadOnly(ModelType<T> type, MutableModelNode modelNode, @Nullable ModelRuleDescriptor ruleDescriptor) { return asWritable(type, modelNode, ruleDescriptor, null); } public <T> ModelView<? extends T> asWritable(ModelType<T> targetType, MutableModelNode node, ModelRuleDescriptor ruleDescriptor, List<ModelView<?>> inputs) { Class<? extends I> itemType = itemType(targetType); if (itemType != null) { return toView(ruleDescriptor, node, itemType); } return null; } protected <T, S extends I> ModelView<? extends T> toView(ModelRuleDescriptor sourceDescriptor, MutableModelNode node, Class<S> itemClass) { ModelType<S> itemType = ModelType.of(itemClass); CollectionBuilder<I> builder = new DefaultCollectionBuilder<I>(baseItemModelType, sourceDescriptor, node, getCreatorFunction()); CollectionBuilder<S> subBuilder = builder.withType(itemClass); CollectionBuilderModelView<S> view = new CollectionBuilderModelView<S>(node.getPath(), DefaultCollectionBuilder.typeOf(itemType), subBuilder, sourceDescriptor); return uncheckedCast(view); } @Override public Iterable<String> getWritableTypeDescriptions(MutableModelNode node) { return Collections.singleton(getBuilderTypeDescriptionForCreatableTypes(getCreatableTypes(node))); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } CollectionBuilderModelProjection<?> that = (CollectionBuilderModelProjection<?>) o; if (baseItemType != null ? !baseItemType.equals(that.baseItemType) : that.baseItemType != null) { return false; } return !(baseItemModelType != null ? !baseItemModelType.equals(that.baseItemModelType) : that.baseItemModelType != null); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = baseItemType != null ? baseItemType.hashCode() : 0; result = 31 * result + (baseItemModelType != null ? baseItemModelType.hashCode() : 0); return result; } }