Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2010 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.gradle.internal.resource; import; import org.gradle.internal.SystemProperties; import org.gradle.util.GradleVersion; import*; import; import; /** * A {@link Resource} implementation backed by a URI. Assumes content is encoded using UTF-8. */ public class UriResource implements Resource { private final File sourceFile; private final URI sourceUri; private final String description; public UriResource(String description, File sourceFile) { this.description = description; this.sourceFile = canonicalise(sourceFile); this.sourceUri = sourceFile.toURI(); } private File canonicalise(File file) { try { return file.getCanonicalFile(); } catch (IOException e) { return file.getAbsoluteFile(); } } public UriResource(String description, URI sourceUri) { this.description = description; this.sourceFile = sourceUri.getScheme().equals("file") ? canonicalise(new File(sourceUri.getPath())) : null; this.sourceUri = sourceUri; } public String getDisplayName() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(description); builder.append(" '"); builder.append(sourceFile != null ? sourceFile.getAbsolutePath() : sourceUri); builder.append("'"); return builder.toString(); } public String getText() { if (sourceFile != null && sourceFile.isDirectory()) { throw new ResourceException(sourceUri, String.format("Could not read %s as it is a directory.", getDisplayName())); } try { Reader reader = getInputStream(sourceUri); try { return IOUtils.toString(reader); } finally { reader.close(); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new ResourceNotFoundException(sourceUri, String.format("Could not read %s as it does not exist.", getDisplayName())); } catch (Exception e) { throw ResourceException.failure(sourceUri, String.format("Could not read %s.", getDisplayName()), e); } } public boolean getExists() { try { Reader reader = getInputStream(sourceUri); try { return true; } finally { reader.close(); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { return false; } catch (Exception e) { throw ResourceException.failure(sourceUri, String.format("Could not determine if %s exists.", getDisplayName()), e); } } private Reader getInputStream(URI url) throws IOException { final URLConnection urlConnection = url.toURL().openConnection(); urlConnection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", getUserAgentString()); urlConnection.connect(); String charset = extractCharacterEncoding(urlConnection.getContentType(), "utf-8"); return new InputStreamReader(urlConnection.getInputStream(), charset); } public File getFile() { return sourceFile; } public URI getURI() { return sourceUri; } public static String extractCharacterEncoding(String contentType, String defaultEncoding) { if (contentType == null) { return defaultEncoding; } int pos = findFirstParameter(0, contentType); if (pos == -1) { return defaultEncoding; } StringBuilder paramName = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder paramValue = new StringBuilder(); pos = findNextParameter(pos, contentType, paramName, paramValue); while (pos != -1) { if (paramName.toString().equals("charset") && paramValue.length() > 0) { return paramValue.toString(); } pos = findNextParameter(pos, contentType, paramName, paramValue); } return defaultEncoding; } private static int findFirstParameter(int pos, String contentType) { int index = contentType.indexOf(';', pos); if (index < 0) { return -1; } return index + 1; } private static int findNextParameter(int pos, String contentType, StringBuilder paramName, StringBuilder paramValue) { if (pos >= contentType.length()) { return -1; } paramName.setLength(0); paramValue.setLength(0); int separator = contentType.indexOf("=", pos); if (separator < 0) { separator = contentType.length(); } paramName.append(contentType.substring(pos, separator).trim()); if (separator >= contentType.length() - 1) { return contentType.length(); } int startValue = separator + 1; int endValue; if (contentType.charAt(startValue) == '"') { startValue++; int i = startValue; while (i < contentType.length()) { char ch = contentType.charAt(i); if (ch == '\\' && i < contentType.length() - 1 && contentType.charAt(i + 1) == '"') { paramValue.append('"'); i += 2; } else if (ch == '"') { break; } else { paramValue.append(ch); i++; } } endValue = i + 1; } else { endValue = contentType.indexOf(';', startValue); if (endValue < 0) { endValue = contentType.length(); } paramValue.append(contentType.substring(startValue, endValue)); } if (endValue < contentType.length() && contentType.charAt(endValue) == ';') { endValue++; } return endValue; } public static String getUserAgentString() { String osName = System.getProperty(""); String osVersion = System.getProperty("os.version"); String osArch = System.getProperty("os.arch"); String javaVendor = System.getProperty("java.vendor"); String javaVersion = SystemProperties.getInstance().getJavaVersion(); String javaVendorVersion = System.getProperty("java.vm.version"); return String.format("Gradle/%s (%s;%s;%s) (%s;%s;%s)", GradleVersion.current().getVersion(), osName, osVersion, osArch, javaVendor, javaVersion, javaVendorVersion); } }