Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2018 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.gradle.internal.logging.text; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.gradle.util.TextUtil; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Method; /** * Constructs a tree of diagnostic messages. */ public class TreeFormatter implements DiagnosticsVisitor { private final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); private final AbstractStyledTextOutput original; private Node current; public TreeFormatter() { this.original = new AbstractStyledTextOutput() { @Override protected void doAppend(String text) { buffer.append(text); } }; this.current = new Node(); } @Override public String toString() { return buffer.toString(); } /** * Starts a new node with the given text. */ public TreeFormatter node(String text) { if (current.state == State.TraverseChildren) { // First child node current = new Node(current, text); } else { // A sibling node current.state = State.Done; current = new Node(current.parent, text); } if (current.isTopLevelNode()) { // A new top level node, implicitly finish the previous node if (current != current.parent.firstChild) { // Not the first top level node original.append(TextUtil.getPlatformLineSeparator()); } original.append(text); current.valueWritten = true; } return this; } /** * Starts a new node with the given type name. */ public void node(Class<?> type) { // Implementation is currently dumb, can be made smarter node(StringUtils.capitalize(type.toString())); } /** * Appends text to the current node. */ public void append(CharSequence text) { if (current.state == State.CollectValue) { current.value.append(text); if (current.valueWritten) { original.append(text); } } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot append text to node."); } } /** * Appends a type name to the current node. */ public void appendType(Class<?> type) { // Implementation is currently dumb, can be made smarter append(type.toString()); } /** * Appends an annotation name to the current node. */ public void appendAnnotation(Class<? extends Annotation> type) { append("@" + type.getSimpleName()); } /** * Appends a method name to the current node. */ public void appendMethod(Method method) { // Implementation is currently dumb, can be made smarter append(method.getDeclaringClass().getSimpleName()); append("."); append(method.getName()); append("()"); } /** * Appends some user provided value to the current node. */ public void appendValue(@Nullable Object value) { // Implementation is currently dumb, can be made smarter if (value == null) { append("null"); } else if (value instanceof String) { append("'"); append(value.toString()); append("'"); } else { append(value.toString()); } } /** * Appends some user provided values to the current node. */ public void appendValues(Object[] values) { // Implementation is currently dumb, can be made smarter append("["); for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { Object value = values[i]; if (i > 0) { append(", "); } appendValue(value); } append("]"); } public TreeFormatter startChildren() { if (current.state == State.CollectValue) { current.state = State.TraverseChildren; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot start children again"); } return this; } public TreeFormatter endChildren() { if (current.parent == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Not visiting any node."); } if (current.state == State.CollectValue) { current.state = State.Done; current = current.parent; } if (current.state != State.TraverseChildren) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot end children."); } if (current.isTopLevelNode()) { writeNode(current); } current.state = State.Done; current = current.parent; return this; } private void writeNode(Node node) { if (node.prefix == null) { node.prefix = node.isTopLevelNode() ? "" : node.parent.prefix + " "; } StyledTextOutput output = new LinePrefixingStyledTextOutput(original, node.prefix, false); if (!node.valueWritten) { output.append(node.parent.prefix); output.append(" - "); output.append(node.value); } Separator separator = node.getFirstChildSeparator(); if (!separator.newLine) { output.append(separator.text); Node firstChild = node.firstChild; output.append(firstChild.value); firstChild.valueWritten = true; firstChild.prefix = node.prefix; writeNode(firstChild); } else if (node.firstChild != null) { original.append(separator.text); writeNode(node.firstChild); } if (node.nextSibling != null) { original.append(TextUtil.getPlatformLineSeparator()); writeNode(node.nextSibling); } } private enum State { CollectValue, TraverseChildren, Done } private enum Separator { NewLine(true, TextUtil.getPlatformLineSeparator()), Empty(false, " "), Colon(false, ": "), ColonNewLine(true, ":" + TextUtil.getPlatformLineSeparator()); Separator(boolean newLine, String text) { this.newLine = newLine; this.text = text; } final boolean newLine; final String text; } private static class Node { final Node parent; final StringBuilder value; Node firstChild; Node lastChild; Node nextSibling; String prefix; State state; boolean valueWritten; private Node() { this.parent = null; this.value = new StringBuilder(); prefix = ""; state = State.TraverseChildren; } private Node(Node parent, String value) { this.parent = parent; this.value = new StringBuilder(value); state = State.CollectValue; if (parent.firstChild == null) { parent.firstChild = this; parent.lastChild = this; } else { parent.lastChild.nextSibling = this; parent.lastChild = this; } } Separator getFirstChildSeparator() { if (firstChild == null) { return Separator.NewLine; } if (value.length() == 0) { // Always expand empty node return Separator.NewLine; } char trailing = value.charAt(value.length() - 1); if (trailing == '.') { // Always expand with trailing . return Separator.NewLine; } if (firstChild.nextSibling == null && firstChild.firstChild == null && value.length() + firstChild.value.length() < 60) { // A single leaf node as child and total text is not too long, collapse if (trailing == ':') { return Separator.Empty; } return Separator.Colon; } // Otherwise, expand if (trailing == ':') { return Separator.NewLine; } return Separator.ColonNewLine; } boolean isTopLevelNode() { return parent.parent == null; } } }