Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2017 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.gradle.internal.component.model; import; import; import org.gradle.api.attributes.Attribute; import org.gradle.api.attributes.HasAttributes; import org.gradle.api.internal.attributes.AttributeContainerInternal; import org.gradle.api.internal.attributes.AttributeValue; import org.gradle.api.internal.attributes.ImmutableAttributes; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * This is the heart of the attribute matching algorithm and is used whenever there are multiple candidates to choose from. * <p> * <ol> * <li> * For each candidate, check whether its attribute values are compatible (according to the {@link AttributeSelectionSchema)} with the values that were requested. * Any missing or extra attributes on the candidate are ignored at this point. If there are 0 or 1 compatible candidates after this, return that as the result. * </li> * <li> * If there are multiple candidates matching the requested values, check whether one of the candidates is a strict superset of all the others, i.e. it matched more * of the requested attributes than any other one. Missing or extra attributes don't count. If such a strict superset candidate exists, it is returned as the single match. * </li> * <li> * Otherwise continue with disambiguation. Disambiguation iterates through the attributes and presents the different values to the {@link AttributeSelectionSchema}. * The schema can declare a subset of these values as preferred. Candidates whose value is not in that subset are rejected. If a single candidate remains after * disambiguating the requested attributes, this candidate is returned. Otherwise disambiguation continues with extra attributes. * </li> * <li> * If we run out of candidates during this process, the intersection of preferred values is not satisfied by any of them, so there could be multiple valid choices. * In that case return all compatible candidates, as none of them is preferable over any other. * </li> * <li> * If there are one or more candidates left after disambiguation, return those. * </li> * </ol> * </p> * * <p> * Implementation notes: * * For matching and disambiguating the requested values, we keep a table of values to avoid recomputing them. The table has one row for each candidate and one column for each attribute. * The cells contain the values of the candidate for the given attribute. The first row contains the requested values. This table is packed into a single flat array in order to reduce * memory usage and increase data locality. * * The information which candidates are compatible and which candidates are still valid during disambiguation is kept in two {@link BitSet}s. The nth bit is set if the nth candidate * is compatible. The longest match is kept using two integers, one containing the length of the match, the other containing the index of the candidate that was the longest. * * </p> */ class MultipleCandidateMatcher<T extends HasAttributes> { private final AttributeSelectionSchema schema; private final ImmutableAttributes requested; private final List<? extends T> candidates; private final ImmutableAttributes[] candidateAttributeSets; private final List<Attribute<?>> requestedAttributes; private final BitSet compatible; private final Object[] requestedAttributeValues; private int candidateWithLongestMatch; private int lengthOfLongestMatch; private BitSet remaining; private Attribute<?>[] extraAttributes; MultipleCandidateMatcher(AttributeSelectionSchema schema, Collection<? extends T> candidates, ImmutableAttributes requested) { this.schema = schema; this.requested = requested; this.candidates = (candidates instanceof List) ? (List<? extends T>) candidates : ImmutableList.copyOf(candidates); candidateAttributeSets = new ImmutableAttributes[candidates.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < candidates.size(); i++) { candidateAttributeSets[i] = ((AttributeContainerInternal) this.candidates.get(i).getAttributes()) .asImmutable(); } this.requestedAttributes = requested.keySet().asList(); requestedAttributeValues = new Object[(1 + candidates.size()) * requestedAttributes.size()]; compatible = new BitSet(candidates.size()); compatible.set(0, candidates.size()); } public List<T> getMatches() { fillRequestedValues(); findCompatibleCandidates(); if (compatible.cardinality() <= 1) { return getCandidates(compatible); } if (longestMatchIsSuperSetOfAllOthers()) { return Collections.singletonList(candidates.get(candidateWithLongestMatch)); } return disambiguateCompatibleCandidates(); } private void fillRequestedValues() { for (int a = 0; a < requestedAttributes.size(); a++) { Attribute<?> attribute = requestedAttributes.get(a); AttributeValue<?> attributeValue = requested.findEntry(attribute); setRequestedValue(a, attributeValue.isPresent() ? attributeValue.get() : null); } } private void findCompatibleCandidates() { for (int c = 0; c < candidates.size(); c++) { matchCandidate(c); } } private void matchCandidate(int c) { int matchLength = 0; for (int a = 0; a < requestedAttributes.size(); a++) { MatchResult result = recordAndMatchCandidateValue(c, a); if (result == MatchResult.NO_MATCH) { compatible.clear(c); return; } if (result == MatchResult.MATCH) { matchLength++; } } if (matchLength > lengthOfLongestMatch) { lengthOfLongestMatch = matchLength; candidateWithLongestMatch = c; } } private MatchResult recordAndMatchCandidateValue(int c, int a) { Object requestedValue = getRequestedValue(a); Attribute<?> attribute = requestedAttributes.get(a); AttributeValue<?> candidateValue = candidateAttributeSets[c].findEntry(attribute.getName()); if (!candidateValue.isPresent()) { setCandidateValue(c, a, null); return MatchResult.MISSING; } Object coercedValue = candidateValue.coerce(attribute); setCandidateValue(c, a, coercedValue); return schema.matchValue(attribute, requestedValue, coercedValue) ? MatchResult.MATCH : MatchResult.NO_MATCH; } private boolean longestMatchIsSuperSetOfAllOthers() { for (int c = compatible.nextSetBit(0); c >= 0; c = compatible.nextSetBit(c + 1)) { if (c == candidateWithLongestMatch) { continue; } int lengthOfOtherMatch = 0; for (int a = 0; a < requestedAttributes.size(); a++) { if (getCandidateValue(c, a) == null) { continue; } lengthOfOtherMatch++; if (getCandidateValue(candidateWithLongestMatch, a) == null) { return false; } } if (lengthOfOtherMatch == lengthOfLongestMatch) { return false; } } return true; } private List<T> disambiguateCompatibleCandidates() { remaining = new BitSet(candidates.size()); remaining.or(compatible); disambiguateWithRequestedAttributes(); if (remaining.cardinality() > 1) { disambiguateWithExtraAttributes(); } return remaining.cardinality() == 0 ? getCandidates(compatible) : getCandidates(remaining); } private void disambiguateWithRequestedAttributes() { for (int a = 0; a < requestedAttributes.size(); a++) { disambiguateWithAttribute(a); if (remaining.cardinality() == 0) { return; } } } private void disambiguateWithAttribute(int a) { Set<Object> candidateValues = getCandidateValues(a); if (candidateValues.size() <= 1) { return; } Set<Object> matches = schema.disambiguate(getAttribute(a), getRequestedValue(a), candidateValues); if (matches.size() < candidateValues.size()) { removeCandidatesWithValueNotIn(a, matches); } } private Set<Object> getCandidateValues(int a) { // It's often the case that all the candidate values are the same. In this case, we avoid // the creation of a set, and just iterate until we find a different value. Then, only in // this case, we lazily initialize a set and collect all the candidate values. Set<Object> candidateValues = null; Object compatibleValue = null; boolean first = true; for (int c = compatible.nextSetBit(0); c >= 0; c = compatible.nextSetBit(c + 1)) { Object candidateValue = getCandidateValue(c, a); if (candidateValue == null) { continue; } if (first) { // first match, just record the value. We can't use "null" as the candidate value may be null compatibleValue = candidateValue; first = false; } else if (compatibleValue != candidateValue || candidateValues != null) { // we see a different value, or the set already exists, in which case we initialize // the set if it wasn't done already, and collect all values. if (candidateValues == null) { candidateValues = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(compatible.cardinality()); candidateValues.add(compatibleValue); } candidateValues.add(candidateValue); } } if (candidateValues == null) { if (compatibleValue == null) { return Collections.emptySet(); } return Collections.singleton(compatibleValue); } return candidateValues; } private void removeCandidatesWithValueNotIn(int a, Set<Object> matchedValues) { for (int c = remaining.nextSetBit(0); c >= 0; c = remaining.nextSetBit(c + 1)) { if (!matchedValues.contains(getCandidateValue(c, a))) { remaining.clear(c); } } } private void disambiguateWithExtraAttributes() { collectExtraAttributes(); int allAttributes = requestedAttributes.size() + extraAttributes.length; for (int a = requestedAttributes.size(); a < allAttributes; a++) { disambiguateWithAttribute(a); if (remaining.cardinality() == 0) { return; } } } /** * Collects attributes that were present on the candidates, but which the consumer did * not ask for. Some of these attributes might be weakly typed, e.g. coming as Strings * from an artifact repository. We always check whether the schema has a more strongly * typed version of an attribute and use that one instead to apply its disambiguation * rules. */ private void collectExtraAttributes() { extraAttributes = schema.collectExtraAttributes(candidateAttributeSets, requested); } private List<T> getCandidates(BitSet liveSet) { if (liveSet.cardinality() == 0) { return Collections.emptyList(); } if (liveSet.cardinality() == 1) { return Collections.singletonList(this.candidates.get(liveSet.nextSetBit(0))); } ImmutableList.Builder<T> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (int c = liveSet.nextSetBit(0); c >= 0; c = liveSet.nextSetBit(c + 1)) { builder.add(this.candidates.get(c)); } return; } private Attribute<?> getAttribute(int a) { if (a < requestedAttributes.size()) { return requestedAttributes.get(a); } else { return extraAttributes[a - requestedAttributes.size()]; } } private Object getRequestedValue(int a) { if (a < requestedAttributes.size()) { return requestedAttributeValues[a]; } else { return null; } } private Object getCandidateValue(int c, int a) { if (a < requestedAttributes.size()) { return requestedAttributeValues[getValueIndex(c, a)]; } else { Attribute<?> extraAttribute = getAttribute(a); AttributeValue attributeValue = candidateAttributeSets[c].findEntry(extraAttribute.getName()); return attributeValue.isPresent() ? attributeValue.coerce(extraAttribute) : null; } } private void setRequestedValue(int a, Object value) { requestedAttributeValues[a] = value; } private void setCandidateValue(int c, int a, Object value) { requestedAttributeValues[getValueIndex(c, a)] = value; } private int getValueIndex(int c, int a) { return (1 + c) * requestedAttributes.size() + a; } private enum MatchResult { MATCH, MISSING, NO_MATCH } }