Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.gradle.caching.internal.packaging.impl; import; import; import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.tar.TarArchiveEntry; import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.tar.TarArchiveInputStream; import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.tar.TarArchiveOutputStream; import; import; import; import org.gradle.api.GradleException; import org.gradle.api.UncheckedIOException; import org.gradle.api.internal.cache.StringInterner; import org.gradle.caching.internal.CacheableEntity; import org.gradle.caching.internal.origin.OriginMetadata; import org.gradle.caching.internal.origin.OriginReader; import org.gradle.caching.internal.origin.OriginWriter; import org.gradle.caching.internal.packaging.BuildCacheEntryPacker; import org.gradle.internal.IoActions; import org.gradle.internal.MutableLong; import org.gradle.internal.file.FileType; import org.gradle.internal.file.TreeType; import org.gradle.internal.fingerprint.CurrentFileCollectionFingerprint; import org.gradle.internal.hash.HashCode; import org.gradle.internal.hash.StreamHasher; import org.gradle.internal.nativeplatform.filesystem.FileSystem; import org.gradle.internal.snapshot.DirectorySnapshot; import org.gradle.internal.snapshot.FileSystemLocationSnapshot; import org.gradle.internal.snapshot.FileSystemSnapshotVisitor; import org.gradle.internal.snapshot.MerkleDirectorySnapshotBuilder; import org.gradle.internal.snapshot.RegularFileSnapshot; import org.gradle.internal.snapshot.RelativePathStringTracker; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static org.gradle.caching.internal.packaging.impl.PackerDirectoryUtil.ensureDirectoryForTree; import static org.gradle.caching.internal.packaging.impl.PackerDirectoryUtil.makeDirectory; /** * Packages build cache entries to a POSIX TAR file. */ public class TarBuildCacheEntryPacker implements BuildCacheEntryPacker { @SuppressWarnings("OctalInteger") private interface UnixPermissions { int FILE_FLAG = 0100000; int DEFAULT_FILE_PERM = 0644; int DIR_FLAG = 040000; int DEFAULT_DIR_PERM = 0755; int PERM_MASK = 07777; } private static final String METADATA_PATH = "METADATA"; private static final Pattern TREE_PATH = Pattern.compile("(missing-)?tree-([^/]+)(?:/(.*))?"); private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 64 * 1024; private static final ThreadLocal<byte[]> COPY_BUFFERS = new ThreadLocal<byte[]>() { @Override protected byte[] initialValue() { return new byte[BUFFER_SIZE]; } }; private final FileSystem fileSystem; private final StreamHasher streamHasher; private final StringInterner stringInterner; public TarBuildCacheEntryPacker(FileSystem fileSystem, StreamHasher streamHasher, StringInterner stringInterner) { this.fileSystem = fileSystem; this.streamHasher = streamHasher; this.stringInterner = stringInterner; } @Override public PackResult pack(CacheableEntity entity, Map<String, CurrentFileCollectionFingerprint> fingerprints, OutputStream output, OriginWriter writeOrigin) throws IOException { BufferedOutputStream bufferedOutput; if (output instanceof BufferedOutputStream) { bufferedOutput = (BufferedOutputStream) output; } else { bufferedOutput = new BufferedOutputStream(output); } try (TarArchiveOutputStream tarOutput = new TarArchiveOutputStream(bufferedOutput, "utf-8")) { tarOutput.setLongFileMode(TarArchiveOutputStream.LONGFILE_POSIX); tarOutput.setBigNumberMode(TarArchiveOutputStream.BIGNUMBER_POSIX); tarOutput.setAddPaxHeadersForNonAsciiNames(true); packMetadata(writeOrigin, tarOutput); long entryCount = pack(entity, fingerprints, tarOutput); return new PackResult(entryCount + 1); } } private void packMetadata(OriginWriter writeMetadata, TarArchiveOutputStream tarOutput) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); writeMetadata.execute(baos); createTarEntry(METADATA_PATH, baos.size(), UnixPermissions.FILE_FLAG | UnixPermissions.DEFAULT_FILE_PERM, tarOutput); tarOutput.write(baos.toByteArray()); tarOutput.closeArchiveEntry(); } private long pack(CacheableEntity entity, Map<String, CurrentFileCollectionFingerprint> fingerprints, TarArchiveOutputStream tarOutput) { MutableLong entries = new MutableLong(); entity.visitTrees((treeName, type, root) -> { if (root == null) { return; } CurrentFileCollectionFingerprint fingerprint = fingerprints.get(treeName); try { entries.increment(packTree(treeName, type, fingerprint, tarOutput)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new GradleException(String.format("Could not pack tree '%s': %s", treeName, ex.getMessage()), ex); } }); return entries.get(); } private long packTree(String name, TreeType type, CurrentFileCollectionFingerprint fingerprint, TarArchiveOutputStream tarOutput) { PackingVisitor packingVisitor = new PackingVisitor(tarOutput, name, type, fileSystem); fingerprint.accept(packingVisitor); return packingVisitor.finish(); } private static void createTarEntry(String path, long size, int mode, TarArchiveOutputStream tarOutput) throws IOException { TarArchiveEntry entry = new TarArchiveEntry(path, true); entry.setSize(size); entry.setMode(mode); tarOutput.putArchiveEntry(entry); } @Override public UnpackResult unpack(CacheableEntity entity, InputStream input, OriginReader readOrigin) throws IOException { try (TarArchiveInputStream tarInput = new TarArchiveInputStream(input)) { return unpack(entity, tarInput, readOrigin); } } private UnpackResult unpack(CacheableEntity entity, TarArchiveInputStream tarInput, OriginReader readOriginAction) throws IOException { ImmutableMap.Builder<String, CacheableTree> treesBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder(); entity.visitTrees((name, type, root) -> { if (root != null) { treesBuilder.put(name, new CacheableTree(type, root)); } }); ImmutableMap<String, CacheableTree> treesByName =; TarArchiveEntry tarEntry; OriginMetadata originMetadata = null; Map<String, FileSystemLocationSnapshot> snapshots = new HashMap<String, FileSystemLocationSnapshot>(); tarEntry = tarInput.getNextTarEntry(); MutableLong entries = new MutableLong(); while (tarEntry != null) { entries.increment(1); String path = tarEntry.getName(); if (path.equals(METADATA_PATH)) { // handle origin metadata originMetadata = readOriginAction.execute(new CloseShieldInputStream(tarInput)); tarEntry = tarInput.getNextTarEntry(); } else { // handle tree Matcher matcher = TREE_PATH.matcher(path); if (!matcher.matches()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cached entry format error, invalid contents: " + path); } String treeName = unescape(; CacheableTree tree = treesByName.get(treeName); if (tree == null) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("No tree '%s' registered", treeName)); } boolean missing = != null; String childPath =; tarEntry = unpackTree(treeName, tree.getType(), tree.getRoot(), tarInput, tarEntry, childPath, missing, snapshots, entries); } } if (originMetadata == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cached result format error, no origin metadata was found."); } return new UnpackResult(originMetadata, entries.get(), snapshots); } private static class CacheableTree { private final TreeType type; private final File root; public CacheableTree(TreeType type, File root) { this.type = type; this.root = root; } public TreeType getType() { return type; } public File getRoot() { return root; } } @Nullable private TarArchiveEntry unpackTree(String treeName, TreeType treeType, File treeRoot, TarArchiveInputStream input, TarArchiveEntry rootEntry, String childPath, boolean missing, Map<String, FileSystemLocationSnapshot> snapshots, MutableLong entries) throws IOException { boolean isDirEntry = rootEntry.isDirectory(); boolean root = Strings.isNullOrEmpty(childPath); if (!root) { throw new IllegalStateException("Root needs to be the first entry in a tree"); } // We are handling the root of the tree here if (missing) { unpackMissingFile(treeRoot); return input.getNextTarEntry(); } ensureDirectoryForTree(treeType, treeRoot); if (treeType == TreeType.FILE) { if (isDirEntry) { throw new IllegalStateException("Should be a file: " + treeName); } RegularFileSnapshot fileSnapshot = unpackFile(input, rootEntry, treeRoot, treeRoot.getName()); snapshots.put(treeName, fileSnapshot); return input.getNextTarEntry(); } if (!isDirEntry) { throw new IllegalStateException("Should be a directory: " + treeName); } chmodUnpackedFile(rootEntry, treeRoot); return unpackDirectoryTree(input, rootEntry, snapshots, entries, treeRoot, treeName); } private void unpackMissingFile(File treeRoot) throws IOException { if (!makeDirectory(treeRoot.getParentFile())) { // Make sure tree is removed if it exists already if (treeRoot.exists()) { FileUtils.forceDelete(treeRoot); } } } private RegularFileSnapshot unpackFile(TarArchiveInputStream input, TarArchiveEntry entry, File file, String fileName) throws IOException { OutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(file); HashCode hash; try { hash = streamHasher.hashCopy(input, output); chmodUnpackedFile(entry, file); } finally { IoActions.closeQuietly(output); } String internedAbsolutePath = stringInterner.intern(file.getAbsolutePath()); String internedFileName = stringInterner.intern(fileName); return new RegularFileSnapshot(internedAbsolutePath, internedFileName, hash, file.lastModified()); } @Nullable private TarArchiveEntry unpackDirectoryTree(TarArchiveInputStream input, TarArchiveEntry rootEntry, Map<String, FileSystemLocationSnapshot> snapshots, MutableLong entries, File treeRoot, String treeName) throws IOException { RelativePathParser parser = new RelativePathParser(); parser.rootPath(rootEntry.getName()); MerkleDirectorySnapshotBuilder builder = MerkleDirectorySnapshotBuilder.noSortingRequired(); String rootPath = stringInterner.intern(treeRoot.getAbsolutePath()); String rootDirName = stringInterner.intern(treeRoot.getName()); builder.preVisitDirectory(rootPath, rootDirName); TarArchiveEntry entry; while ((entry = input.getNextTarEntry()) != null) { entries.increment(1); boolean isDir = entry.isDirectory(); int directoriesLeft = parser.nextPath(entry.getName(), isDir); for (int i = 0; i < directoriesLeft; i++) { builder.postVisitDirectory(); } if (parser.getDepth() == 0) { break; } File file = new File(treeRoot, parser.getRelativePath()); if (isDir) { FileUtils.forceMkdir(file); chmodUnpackedFile(entry, file); String internedAbsolutePath = stringInterner.intern(file.getAbsolutePath()); String indernedDirName = stringInterner.intern(parser.getName()); builder.preVisitDirectory(internedAbsolutePath, indernedDirName); } else { RegularFileSnapshot fileSnapshot = unpackFile(input, entry, file, parser.getName()); builder.visit(fileSnapshot); } } for (int i = 0; i < parser.getDepth(); i++) { builder.postVisitDirectory(); } snapshots.put(treeName, builder.getResult()); return entry; } private void chmodUnpackedFile(TarArchiveEntry entry, File file) { fileSystem.chmod(file, entry.getMode() & UnixPermissions.PERM_MASK); } private static String escape(String name) { try { return URLEncoder.encode(name, "utf-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ignored) { throw new AssertionError(); } } private static String unescape(String name) { try { return URLDecoder.decode(name, "utf-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new AssertionError(e); } } private static class PackingVisitor implements FileSystemSnapshotVisitor { private final RelativePathStringTracker relativePathStringTracker; private final TarArchiveOutputStream tarOutput; private final String treePath; private final String treeRoot; private final FileSystem fileSystem; private final TreeType type; private long entries; public PackingVisitor(TarArchiveOutputStream tarOutput, String treeName, TreeType type, FileSystem fileSystem) { this.tarOutput = tarOutput; this.treePath = "tree-" + escape(treeName); this.treeRoot = treePath + "/"; this.type = type; this.fileSystem = fileSystem; this.relativePathStringTracker = new RelativePathStringTracker(); } @Override public boolean preVisitDirectory(DirectorySnapshot directorySnapshot) { boolean root = relativePathStringTracker.isRoot(); relativePathStringTracker.enter(directorySnapshot); assertCorrectType(root, directorySnapshot); String targetPath = getTargetPath(root); int mode = root ? UnixPermissions.DEFAULT_DIR_PERM : fileSystem.getUnixMode(new File(directorySnapshot.getAbsolutePath())); storeDirectoryEntry(targetPath, mode, tarOutput); entries++; return true; } @Override public void visit(FileSystemLocationSnapshot fileSnapshot) { boolean root = relativePathStringTracker.isRoot(); relativePathStringTracker.enter(fileSnapshot); String targetPath = getTargetPath(root); if (fileSnapshot.getType() == FileType.Missing) { storeMissingTree(targetPath, tarOutput); } else { assertCorrectType(root, fileSnapshot); File file = new File(fileSnapshot.getAbsolutePath()); int mode = fileSystem.getUnixMode(file); storeFileEntry(file, targetPath, file.length(), mode, tarOutput); } relativePathStringTracker.leave(); entries++; } @Override public void postVisitDirectory(DirectorySnapshot directorySnapshot) { relativePathStringTracker.leave(); } public long finish() { if (entries == 0) { storeMissingTree(treePath, tarOutput); entries++; } return entries; } private void assertCorrectType(boolean root, FileSystemLocationSnapshot snapshot) { if (root) { switch (type) { case DIRECTORY: if (snapshot.getType() != FileType.Directory) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("Expected '%s' to be a directory", snapshot.getAbsolutePath())); } break; case FILE: if (snapshot.getType() != FileType.RegularFile) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("Expected '%s' to be a file", snapshot.getAbsolutePath())); } break; default: throw new AssertionError(); } } } private String getTargetPath(boolean root) { if (root) { return treePath; } String relativePath = relativePathStringTracker.getRelativePathString(); return treeRoot + relativePath; } private void storeMissingTree(String treePath, TarArchiveOutputStream tarOutput) { try { createTarEntry("missing-" + treePath, 0, UnixPermissions.FILE_FLAG | UnixPermissions.DEFAULT_FILE_PERM, tarOutput); tarOutput.closeArchiveEntry(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new UncheckedIOException(e); } } private void storeDirectoryEntry(String path, int mode, TarArchiveOutputStream tarOutput) { try { createTarEntry(path + "/", 0, UnixPermissions.DIR_FLAG | mode, tarOutput); tarOutput.closeArchiveEntry(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new UncheckedIOException(e); } } private void storeFileEntry(File inputFile, String path, long size, int mode, TarArchiveOutputStream tarOutput) { try { createTarEntry(path, size, UnixPermissions.FILE_FLAG | mode, tarOutput); FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream(inputFile); try { IOUtils.copyLarge(input, tarOutput, COPY_BUFFERS.get()); } finally { IoActions.closeQuietly(input); } tarOutput.closeArchiveEntry(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new UncheckedIOException(e); } } } }