Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.gradle.api.reporting.dependents.internal; import; import; import org.gradle.api.Action; import org.gradle.api.tasks.diagnostics.internal.graph.NodeRenderer; import org.gradle.api.tasks.diagnostics.internal.graph.nodes.RenderableDependency; import org.gradle.internal.graph.GraphRenderer; import org.gradle.internal.logging.text.StyledTextOutput; import java.util.Set; import static org.gradle.internal.logging.text.StyledTextOutput.Style.Info; public class DependentComponentsGraphRenderer { private final GraphRenderer renderer; private final DependentBinaryNodeRenderer nodeRenderer; private final ShowDependentPredicate showDependentPredicate; public DependentComponentsGraphRenderer(GraphRenderer renderer, boolean showNonBuildable, boolean showTestSuites) { this.renderer = renderer; this.nodeRenderer = new DependentBinaryNodeRenderer(); this.showDependentPredicate = new ShowDependentPredicate(showNonBuildable, showTestSuites); } public void render(DependentComponentsRenderableDependency root) { renderChildren(getChildren(root)); } private void renderChildren(Set<? extends RenderableDependency> children) { renderer.startChildren(); int idx = 0; for (RenderableDependency child : children) { boolean last = idx++ == children.size() - 1; doRender(child, last); } renderer.completeChildren(); } private void doRender(final RenderableDependency node, boolean last) { renderer.visit(new Action<StyledTextOutput>() { public void execute(StyledTextOutput output) { nodeRenderer.renderNode(output, node, false); } }, last); renderChildren(getChildren(node)); } public boolean hasSeenTestSuite() { return nodeRenderer.seenTestSuite; } public boolean hasHiddenTestSuite() { return showDependentPredicate.hiddenTestSuite; } public boolean hasHiddenNonBuildable() { return showDependentPredicate.hiddenNonBuildable; } private Set<? extends RenderableDependency> getChildren(RenderableDependency node) { return Sets.filter(node.getChildren(), showDependentPredicate); } private static class DependentBinaryNodeRenderer implements NodeRenderer { private boolean seenTestSuite; @Override public void renderNode(StyledTextOutput output, RenderableDependency node, boolean alreadyRendered) { output.text(node.getName()); if (node instanceof DependentComponentsRenderableDependency) { DependentComponentsRenderableDependency dep = (DependentComponentsRenderableDependency) node; if (dep.isTestSuite()) { output.withStyle(Info).text(" (t)"); seenTestSuite = true; } if (!dep.isBuildable()) { output.withStyle(Info).text(" NOT BUILDABLE"); } } } } private static class ShowDependentPredicate implements Predicate<RenderableDependency> { private final boolean showNonBuildable; private final boolean showTestSuites; private boolean hiddenNonBuildable; private boolean hiddenTestSuite; private ShowDependentPredicate(boolean showNonBuildable, boolean showTestSuites) { this.showNonBuildable = showNonBuildable; this.showTestSuites = showTestSuites; } @Override public boolean apply(RenderableDependency node) { if (node instanceof DependentComponentsRenderableDependency) { DependentComponentsRenderableDependency dep = (DependentComponentsRenderableDependency) node; boolean hideNonBuildable = !dep.isBuildable() && !showNonBuildable; boolean hideTestSuite = dep.isTestSuite() && !showTestSuites; if (hideNonBuildable) { hiddenNonBuildable = true; } if (hideTestSuite) { hiddenTestSuite = true; } return !hideNonBuildable && !hideTestSuite; } return false; } } }