Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2010 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.gradle.api.plugins.jetty; import org.gradle.api.GradleException; import org.gradle.api.internal.ConventionTask; import org.gradle.api.plugins.jetty.internal.ConsoleScanner; import org.gradle.api.plugins.jetty.internal.JettyPluginServer; import org.gradle.api.plugins.jetty.internal.JettyPluginWebAppContext; import org.gradle.api.plugins.jetty.internal.Monitor; import org.gradle.api.tasks.InputFile; import org.gradle.api.tasks.InputFiles; import org.gradle.api.tasks.Optional; import org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskAction; import org.gradle.internal.classpath.DefaultClassPath; import org.gradle.logging.ProgressLogger; import org.gradle.logging.ProgressLoggerFactory; import org.mortbay.jetty.Connector; import org.mortbay.jetty.RequestLog; import org.mortbay.jetty.Server; import; import org.mortbay.util.Scanner; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import java.util.*; /** * Base class for all tasks which deploy a web application to an embedded Jetty web container. */ public abstract class AbstractJettyRunTask extends ConventionTask { private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractJettyRunTask.class); private Iterable<File> additionalRuntimeJars = new ArrayList<File>(); /** * The proxy for the Server object. */ private JettyPluginServer server; /** * The "virtual" webapp created by the plugin. */ private JettyPluginWebAppContext webAppConfig; /** * The context path for the webapp. */ private String contextPath; /** * A webdefault.xml file to use instead of the default for the webapp. Optional. */ private File webDefaultXml; /** * A web.xml file to be applied AFTER the webapp's web.xml file. Useful for applying different build profiles, eg test, production etc. Optional. */ private File overrideWebXml; private int scanIntervalSeconds; protected String reload; /** * Location of a jetty XML configuration file whose contents will be applied before any plugin configuration. Optional. */ private File jettyConfig; /** * Port to listen to stop jetty on. */ private Integer stopPort; /** * Key to provide when stopping jetty. */ private String stopKey; /** * <p> Determines whether or not the server blocks when started. The default behavior (daemon = false) will cause the server to pause other processes while it continues to handle web requests. * This is useful when starting the server with the intent to work with it interactively. </p><p> Often, it is desirable to let the server start and continue running subsequent processes in an * automated build environment. This can be facilitated by setting daemon to true. </p> */ private boolean daemon; private Integer httpPort; /** * List of connectors to use. If none are configured then we use a single SelectChannelConnector at port 8080 */ private Connector[] connectors; /** * List of security realms to set up. Optional. */ private UserRealm[] userRealms; /** * A RequestLog implementation to use for the webapp at runtime. Optional. */ private RequestLog requestLog; /** * A scanner to check for changes to the webapp. */ private Scanner scanner = new Scanner(); /** * List of Listeners for the scanner. */ protected List<Scanner.Listener> scannerListeners; /** * A scanner to check ENTER hits on the console. */ protected Thread consoleScanner; public static final String PORT_SYSPROPERTY = "jetty.port"; public abstract void validateConfiguration(); public abstract void configureScanner(); public abstract void applyJettyXml() throws Exception; /** * create a proxy that wraps a particular jetty version Server object. * * @return The Jetty Plugin Server */ public abstract JettyPluginServer createServer() throws Exception; public abstract void finishConfigurationBeforeStart() throws Exception; @TaskAction protected void start() { ClassLoader originalClassloader = Server.class.getClassLoader(); List<File> additionalClasspath = new ArrayList<File>(); for (File additionalRuntimeJar : getAdditionalRuntimeJars()) { additionalClasspath.add(additionalRuntimeJar); } URLClassLoader jettyClassloader = new URLClassLoader( new DefaultClassPath(additionalClasspath).getAsURLArray(), originalClassloader); try { Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(jettyClassloader); startJetty(); } finally { Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(originalClassloader); } } public JettyPluginServer getServer() { return this.server; } public void setServer(JettyPluginServer server) { this.server = server; } public void setScannerListeners(List<Scanner.Listener> listeners) { this.scannerListeners = new ArrayList<Scanner.Listener>(listeners); } public List<Scanner.Listener> getScannerListeners() { return this.scannerListeners; } public Scanner getScanner() { return scanner; } public void startJetty() {"Configuring Jetty for " + getProject()); validateConfiguration(); startJettyInternal(); } public void startJettyInternal() { ProgressLoggerFactory progressLoggerFactory = getServices().get(ProgressLoggerFactory.class); ProgressLogger progressLogger = progressLoggerFactory.newOperation(AbstractJettyRunTask.class) .start("Start Jetty server", "Starting Jetty"); try { setServer(createServer()); applyJettyXml(); JettyPluginServer plugin = getServer(); Object[] configuredConnectors = getConnectors(); plugin.setConnectors(configuredConnectors); Object[] connectors = plugin.getConnectors(); if (connectors == null || connectors.length == 0) { configuredConnectors = new Object[] { plugin.createDefaultConnector(getHttpPort()) }; plugin.setConnectors(configuredConnectors); } //set up a RequestLog if one is provided if (getRequestLog() != null) { getServer().setRequestLog(getRequestLog()); } //set up the webapp and any context provided getServer().configureHandlers(); configureWebApplication(); getServer().addWebApplication(webAppConfig); // set up security realms Object[] configuredRealms = getUserRealms(); for (int i = 0; (configuredRealms != null) && i < configuredRealms.length; i++) { logger.debug(configuredRealms[i].getClass().getName() + ": " + configuredRealms[i].toString()); } plugin.setUserRealms(configuredRealms); //do any other configuration required by the //particular Jetty version finishConfigurationBeforeStart(); // start Jetty server.start(); if (daemon) { return; } if (getStopPort() != null && getStopPort() > 0 && getStopKey() != null) { Monitor monitor = new Monitor(getStopPort(), getStopKey(), (Server) server.getProxiedObject()); monitor.start(); } // start the scanner thread (if necessary) on the main webapp configureScanner(); startScanner(); // start the new line scanner thread if necessary startConsoleScanner(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new GradleException("Could not start the Jetty server.", e); } finally { progressLogger.completed(); } progressLogger = progressLoggerFactory.newOperation(AbstractJettyRunTask.class).start( String.format("Run Jetty at http://localhost:%d/%s", getHttpPort(), getContextPath()), String.format("Running at http://localhost:%d/%s", getHttpPort(), getContextPath())); try { // keep the thread going if not in daemon mode server.join(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new GradleException("Failed to wait for the Jetty server to stop.", e); } finally { progressLogger.completed(); } } public abstract void restartWebApp(boolean reconfigureScanner) throws Exception; /** * Subclasses should invoke this to setup basic info on the webapp. */ public void configureWebApplication() throws Exception { //use EITHER a <webAppConfig> element or the now deprecated <contextPath>, <webDefaultXml>, <overrideWebXml> //way of doing things if (webAppConfig == null) { webAppConfig = new JettyPluginWebAppContext(); } webAppConfig.setContextPath(getContextPath().startsWith("/") ? getContextPath() : "/" + getContextPath()); if (getTemporaryDir() != null) { webAppConfig.setTempDirectory(getTemporaryDir()); } if (getWebDefaultXml() != null) { webAppConfig.setDefaultsDescriptor(getWebDefaultXml().getCanonicalPath()); } if (getOverrideWebXml() != null) { webAppConfig.setOverrideDescriptor(getOverrideWebXml().getCanonicalPath()); } // Don't treat JCL or Log4j as system classes Set<String> systemClasses = new LinkedHashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(webAppConfig.getSystemClasses())); systemClasses.remove("org.apache.commons.logging."); systemClasses.remove("org.apache.log4j."); webAppConfig.setSystemClasses(systemClasses.toArray(new String[systemClasses.size()])); webAppConfig.setParentLoaderPriority(false);"Context path = " + webAppConfig.getContextPath());"Tmp directory = " + " determined at runtime");"Web defaults = " + (webAppConfig.getDefaultsDescriptor() == null ? " jetty default" : webAppConfig.getDefaultsDescriptor()));"Web overrides = " + (webAppConfig.getOverrideDescriptor() == null ? " none" : webAppConfig.getOverrideDescriptor())); } /** * Run a scanner thread on the given list of files and directories, calling stop/start on the given list of LifeCycle objects if any of the watched files change. */ private void startScanner() { // check if scanning is enabled if (getScanIntervalSeconds() <= 0) { return; } // check if reload is manual. It disables file scanning if ("manual".equalsIgnoreCase(reload)) { // issue a warning if both scanIntervalSeconds and reload // are enabled logger.warn("scanIntervalSeconds is set to " + scanIntervalSeconds + " but will be IGNORED due to manual reloading"); return; } scanner.setReportExistingFilesOnStartup(false); scanner.setScanInterval(getScanIntervalSeconds()); scanner.setRecursive(true); List listeners = getScannerListeners(); Iterator itor = listeners == null ? null : listeners.iterator(); while (itor != null && itor.hasNext()) { scanner.addListener((Scanner.Listener); }"Starting scanner at interval of " + getScanIntervalSeconds() + " seconds."); scanner.start(); } /** * Run a thread that monitors the console input to detect ENTER hits. */ protected void startConsoleScanner() { if ("manual".equalsIgnoreCase(reload)) {"Console reloading is ENABLED. Hit ENTER on the console to restart the context."); consoleScanner = new ConsoleScanner(this); consoleScanner.start(); } } /** * Try and find a jetty-web.xml file, using some historical naming conventions if necessary. * * @return File object to the location of the jetty-web.xml */ public File findJettyWebXmlFile(File webInfDir) { if (webInfDir == null) { return null; } if (!webInfDir.exists()) { return null; } File f = new File(webInfDir, "jetty-web.xml"); if (f.exists()) { return f; } //try some historical alternatives f = new File(webInfDir, "web-jetty.xml"); if (f.exists()) { return f; } f = new File(webInfDir, "jetty6-web.xml"); if (f.exists()) { return f; } return null; } @InputFile @Optional public File getWebDefaultXml() { return webDefaultXml; } public void setWebDefaultXml(File webDefaultXml) { this.webDefaultXml = webDefaultXml; } @InputFile @Optional public File getOverrideWebXml() { return overrideWebXml; } public void setOverrideWebXml(File overrideWebXml) { this.overrideWebXml = overrideWebXml; } /** * Returns the interval in seconds between scanning the web app for file changes. * If file changes are detected, the web app is reloaded. Only relevant * if {@code reload} is set to {@code "automatic"}. Defaults to {@code 0}, * which <em>disables</em> automatic reloading. */ public int getScanIntervalSeconds() { return scanIntervalSeconds; } /** * Sets the interval in seconds between scanning the web app for file changes. * If file changes are detected, the web app is reloaded. Only relevant * if {@code reload} is set to {@code "automatic"}. Defaults to {@code 0}, * which <em>disables</em> automatic reloading. */ public void setScanIntervalSeconds(int scanIntervalSeconds) { this.scanIntervalSeconds = scanIntervalSeconds; } /** * Returns the context path to use to deploy the web application. */ public String getContextPath() { return contextPath; } public void setContextPath(String contextPath) { this.contextPath = contextPath; } public JettyPluginWebAppContext getWebAppConfig() { return webAppConfig; } public void setWebAppConfig(JettyPluginWebAppContext webAppConfig) { this.webAppConfig = webAppConfig; } /** * Returns the reload mode, which is either {@code "automatic"} or {@code "manual"}. * * <p>In automatic mode, the web app is scanned for file changes every n seconds, where n is * determined by the {@code scanIntervalSeconds} property. (Note that {@code scanIntervalSeconds} * defaults to {@code 0}, which <em>disables</em> automatic reloading.) If files changes are * detected, the web app is reloaded. * * <p>In manual mode, the web app is reloaded whenever the Enter key is pressed. */ public String getReload() { return reload; } /** * Sets the reload mode, which is either {@code "automatic"} or {@code "manual"}. * * <p>In automatic mode, the web app is scanned for file changes every n seconds, where n is * determined by the {@code scanIntervalSeconds} property. (Note that {@code scanIntervalSeconds} * defaults to {@code 0}, which <em>disables</em> automatic reloading.) If files changes are * detected, the web app is reloaded. * * <p>In manual mode, the web app is reloaded whenever the Enter key is pressed. */ public void setReload(String reload) { this.reload = reload; } /** * Returns the jetty configuration file to use. When {@code null}, no configuration file is used. */ @InputFile @Optional public File getJettyConfig() { return jettyConfig; } public void setJettyConfig(File jettyConfig) { this.jettyConfig = jettyConfig; } /** * Returns the TCP port for Jetty to listen on for stop requests. */ public Integer getStopPort() { return stopPort; } public void setStopPort(Integer stopPort) { this.stopPort = stopPort; } /** * Returns the key to use to stop Jetty. */ public String getStopKey() { return stopKey; } public void setStopKey(String stopKey) { this.stopKey = stopKey; } /** * Specifies whether the Jetty server should run in the background. When {@code true}, this task completes as soon as the server has started. When {@code false}, this task blocks until the Jetty * server is stopped. */ public boolean isDaemon() { return daemon; } public void setDaemon(boolean daemon) { this.daemon = daemon; } /** * Returns the TCP port for Jetty to listen on for incoming HTTP requests. */ public Integer getHttpPort() { return httpPort; } public void setHttpPort(Integer httpPort) { this.httpPort = httpPort; } public Connector[] getConnectors() { return connectors; } public void setConnectors(Connector[] connectors) { this.connectors = connectors; } public UserRealm[] getUserRealms() { return userRealms; } public void setUserRealms(UserRealm[] userRealms) { this.userRealms = userRealms; } public RequestLog getRequestLog() { return requestLog; } public void setRequestLog(RequestLog requestLog) { this.requestLog = requestLog; } /** * Returns the classpath to make available to the web application. */ @InputFiles public Iterable<File> getAdditionalRuntimeJars() { return additionalRuntimeJars; } public void setAdditionalRuntimeJars(Iterable<File> additionalRuntimeJars) { this.additionalRuntimeJars = additionalRuntimeJars; } }