Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012-2015 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.glowroot.weaving.preinit; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import; import; import; import org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.glowroot.common.ClassNames; public class GlobalCollector { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GlobalCollector.class); // caches private final Set<ReferencedMethod> referencedMethods = Sets.newHashSet(); private final Map<String, Optional<ClassCollector>> classCollectors = Maps.newHashMap(); private final Set<ReferencedMethod> overrides = Sets.newTreeSet(); private String indent = ""; public void processMethodFailIfNotFound(ReferencedMethod rootMethod) throws IOException { processMethod(rootMethod, true); } public void processMethod(ReferencedMethod rootMethod) throws IOException { String prevIndent = indent; indent = indent + " "; processMethod(rootMethod, false); indent = prevIndent; } public void registerClass(String internalName) throws IOException { addClass(internalName); } public void processOverrides() throws IOException { while (true) { for (String internalName : classCollectors.keySet()) { addOverrideReferencedMethods(internalName); addOverrideBootstrapMethods(internalName); } if (overrides.isEmpty()) { return; } for (ReferencedMethod override : overrides) { logger.debug("{} (processing overrides)", override); processMethod(override); } overrides.clear(); } } public List<String> usedInternalNames() { List<String> internalNames = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String internalName : Sets.newTreeSet(classCollectors.keySet())) { if (!InternalNames.inBootstrapClassLoader(internalName) && !internalName.startsWith("org/slf4j/") && !internalName.startsWith("org/glowroot/shaded/slf4j/") && InternalNames.exists(internalName)) { internalNames.add(ClassNames.fromInternalName(internalName)); } } return internalNames; } private void processMethod(ReferencedMethod rootMethod, boolean expected) throws IOException { if (referencedMethods.contains(rootMethod)) { return; } String owner = rootMethod.getOwner(); if (owner.startsWith("[")) { // method on an Array, e.g. new String[] {}.clone() return; } logger.debug("{}{}", indent, rootMethod); // add the containing class and its super classes if not already added Optional<ClassCollector> optional = classCollectors.get(owner); if (optional == null) { optional = addClass(owner); } if (!optional.isPresent()) { // couldn't find class if (expected) { throw new IOException("Could not find class: " + owner); } else { return; } } referencedMethods.add(rootMethod); if (InternalNames.inBootstrapClassLoader(owner)) { return; } if (owner.startsWith("org/slf4j/") || owner.startsWith("org/glowroot/shaded/slf4j/")) { return; } if (rootMethod.getOwner().startsWith("org/glowroot/transaction/model/Transaction") && rootMethod.getName().equals("toString") && rootMethod.getDesc().equals("()Ljava/lang/String;")) { // special case since Transaction.toString() would otherwise pull in many other classes // but it only exists for debugging so no need to worry about these classes return; } ClassCollector classCollector = optional.get(); String methodId = rootMethod.getName() + ":" + rootMethod.getDesc(); MethodCollector methodCollector = classCollector.getMethodCollector(methodId); if (expected && methodCollector == null) { throw new IOException("Could not find method: " + rootMethod); } if (methodCollector == null && !rootMethod.getName().equals("<clinit>") && classCollector.getSuperInternalNames() != null) { // can't find method in class, so go up to super class processMethod(ReferencedMethod.from(classCollector.getSuperInternalNames(), methodId)); } // methodCollector can be null, e.g. unimplemented interface method in an abstract class if (methodCollector != null) { processMethod(methodCollector); } } private void processMethod(MethodCollector methodCollector) throws IOException { // add classes referenced from inside the method for (String referencedInternalName : methodCollector.getReferencedInternalNames()) { addClass(referencedInternalName); } // recurse into other methods called from inside the method for (ReferencedMethod referencedMethod : methodCollector.getReferencedMethods()) { processMethod(referencedMethod); } } private Optional<ClassCollector> addClass(String internalName) throws IOException { Optional<ClassCollector> optional = classCollectors.get(internalName); if (optional != null) { return optional; } List<String> allSuperInternalNames = Lists.newArrayList(); ClassCollector classCollector = createClassCollector(internalName); if (classCollector == null) { optional = Optional.absent(); classCollectors.put(internalName, optional); return optional; } // don't return or recurse without classCollector being fully built classCollectors.put(internalName, Optional.of(classCollector)); if (classCollector.getSuperInternalNames() != null) { // it's a major problem if super class is not present, ok to call Optional.get() ClassCollector superClassCollector = addClass(classCollector.getSuperInternalNames()).get(); allSuperInternalNames.addAll(superClassCollector.getAllSuperInternalNames()); allSuperInternalNames.add(classCollector.getSuperInternalNames()); } for (String interfaceInternalName : classCollector.getInterfaceInternalNames()) { Optional<ClassCollector> loopOptional = addClass(interfaceInternalName); if (loopOptional.isPresent()) { allSuperInternalNames.addAll(loopOptional.get().getAllSuperInternalNames()); allSuperInternalNames.add(interfaceInternalName); } else { logger.debug("could not find class: {}", interfaceInternalName); classCollector.setAllSuperInternalNames(allSuperInternalNames); return Optional.absent(); } } classCollector.setAllSuperInternalNames(allSuperInternalNames); // add static initializer (if it exists) processMethod(ReferencedMethod.from(internalName, "<clinit>", "()V")); // always add default constructor (if it exists) processMethod(ReferencedMethod.from(internalName, "<init>", "()V")); return Optional.of(classCollector); } private @Nullable ClassCollector createClassCollector(String internalName) { if (ClassLoader.getSystemResource(internalName + ".class") == null) { // no need to log error for H2 optional geometry support if (!internalName.startsWith("com/vividsolutions/jts/")) { logger.error("could not find class: {}", internalName); } return null; } ClassCollector classCollector = new ClassCollector(); try { ClassReader cr = new ClassReader(internalName); MyRemappingClassAdapter visitor = new MyRemappingClassAdapter(classCollector); cr.accept(visitor, 0); return classCollector; } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("error parsing class: {}", internalName); return null; } } private void addOverrideReferencedMethods(String internalName) { Optional<ClassCollector> optional = classCollectors.get(internalName); if (!optional.isPresent()) { return; } ClassCollector classCollector = optional.get(); for (String methodId : classCollector.getMethodIds()) { if (methodId.startsWith("<clinit>:") || methodId.startsWith("<init>:")) { continue; } for (String superInternalName : classCollector.getAllSuperInternalNames()) { if (referencedMethods.contains(ReferencedMethod.from(superInternalName, methodId))) { addOverrideMethod(internalName, methodId); // break inner loop break; } } } } private void addOverrideBootstrapMethods(String internalName) { if (InternalNames.inBootstrapClassLoader(internalName)) { return; } Optional<ClassCollector> optional = classCollectors.get(internalName); if (!optional.isPresent()) { return; } ClassCollector classCollector = optional.get(); // add overridden bootstrap methods in class, e.g. hashCode(), toString() for (String methodId : classCollector.getMethodIds()) { if (methodId.startsWith("<clinit>:") || methodId.startsWith("<init>:")) { continue; } for (String superInternalName : classCollector.getAllSuperInternalNames()) { if (InternalNames.inBootstrapClassLoader(superInternalName)) { ClassCollector superClassCollector = classCollectors.get(superInternalName).get(); if (superClassCollector.getMethodCollector(methodId) != null) { addOverrideMethod(internalName, methodId); } } } } } private void addOverrideMethod(String internalName, String methodId) { ReferencedMethod referencedMethod = ReferencedMethod.from(internalName, methodId); if (!referencedMethods.contains(referencedMethod)) { overrides.add(referencedMethod); } } }