Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2018-2019 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.glowroot.central.repo;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;

import com.datastax.driver.core.BoundStatement;
import com.datastax.driver.core.PreparedStatement;
import com.datastax.driver.core.ResultSet;
import com.datastax.driver.core.Row;
import org.immutables.value.Value;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import org.glowroot.central.util.MoreFutures;
import org.glowroot.central.util.Session;
import org.glowroot.common2.config.ImmutableUserConfig;
import org.glowroot.common2.repo.PasswordHash;

import static;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.DAYS;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.HOURS;

public class Tools {

    private static final Logger startupLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("org.glowroot");

    // agent_config and environment are needed to support agents prior to 0.10.10 which don't
    // re-send that data when requested
    private static final Set<String> keepTableNames = ImmutableSet.of("schema_version", "central_config",
            "agent_config", "user", "role", "environment", "v09_agent_rollup");

    private final Session session;
    private final CentralRepoModule repos;

    public Tools(Session session, CentralRepoModule repos) {
        this.session = session;
        this.repos = repos;

    public boolean setupAdminUser(List<String> args) throws Exception {
        String username = args.get(0);
        String password = args.get(1);
        if (repos.getRoleDao().read("Administrator") == null) {
            startupLogger.error("Administrator role does not exist, exiting");
            return false;
        // not using insertIfNotExists in case this command fails on the next line for some reason
        // (while deleting anonymous user) and the command needs to be re-run
        return true;

    public boolean truncateAllData(@SuppressWarnings("unused") List<String> args) throws Exception {
        for (String tableName : session.getAllTableNames()) {
            if (!keepTableNames.contains(tableName)) {
      "truncating {}...", tableName);
                session.updateSchemaWithRetry("truncate table " + tableName);
        // no longer need v09 data checks (but still need v09_agent_rollup mappings for 0.9 agents)
        session.updateSchemaWithRetry("drop table if exists v09_agent_check");
        session.updateSchemaWithRetry("drop table if exists v09_last_capture_time");"NOTE: by default, Cassandra snapshots tables when they are truncated,"
                + " so in order to free up disk space you will need to clear those snapshots, e.g."
                + " with \"nodetool clearsnapshot {}\"", session.getKeyspaceName());
        return true;

    public boolean deleteOldData(List<String> args) throws Exception {
        String partialTableName = args.get(0);
        int rollupLevel = Integer.parseInt(args.get(1));
        List<Integer> expirationHours;
        if (partialTableName.equals("query") || partialTableName.equals("service_call")) {
            expirationHours = repos.getConfigRepository().getCentralStorageConfig()
        } else if (partialTableName.equals("profile")) {
            expirationHours = repos.getConfigRepository().getCentralStorageConfig().profileRollupExpirationHours();
        } else if (partialTableName.equals("overview") || partialTableName.equals("histogram")
                || partialTableName.equals("throughput") || partialTableName.equals("summary")
                || partialTableName.equals("error_summary") || partialTableName.equals("gauge_value")) {
            expirationHours = repos.getConfigRepository().getCentralStorageConfig().rollupExpirationHours();
        } else {
            throw new Exception("Unexpected partial table name: " + partialTableName);
        Date threshold = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() - HOURS.toMillis(expirationHours.get(rollupLevel)));
        if (partialTableName.equals("gauge_value")) {
            return executeGaugeValueRangeDeletes(rollupLevel, "<", threshold);
        } else if (partialTableName.equals("summary") || partialTableName.equals("error_summary")) {
            return executeAggregateSummaryRangeDeletes(partialTableName, rollupLevel, "<", threshold);
        } else {
            return executeAggregateRangeDeletes(partialTableName, rollupLevel, "<", threshold);

    public boolean deleteBadFutureData(List<String> args) throws Exception {
        String partialTableName = args.get(0);
        int rollupLevel = Integer.parseInt(args.get(1));
        Date threshold = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + DAYS.toMillis(1));
        if (partialTableName.equals("gauge_value")) {
            return executeGaugeValueRangeDeletes(rollupLevel, ">", threshold);
        } else if (partialTableName.equals("summary") || partialTableName.equals("error_summary")) {
            return executeAggregateSummaryRangeDeletes(partialTableName, rollupLevel, ">", threshold);
        } else {
            return executeAggregateRangeDeletes(partialTableName, rollupLevel, ">", threshold);

    private boolean executeAggregateRangeDeletes(String partialTableName, int rollupLevel,
            String thresholdComparator, Date threshold) throws Exception {"this could take several minutes on large data sets...");
        Set<TtPartitionKey> ttPartitionKeys = getPartitionKeys(rollupLevel, thresholdComparator, threshold);
        Set<TnPartitionKey> tnPartitionKeys = getPartitionKeys(rollupLevel, ttPartitionKeys, thresholdComparator,
        if (partialTableName.equals("profile")) {
            executeDeletesTt(rollupLevel, "main_thread_profile", thresholdComparator, threshold, ttPartitionKeys);
            executeDeletesTn(rollupLevel, "main_thread_profile", thresholdComparator, threshold, tnPartitionKeys);
            executeDeletesTt(rollupLevel, "aux_thread_profile", thresholdComparator, threshold, ttPartitionKeys);
            executeDeletesTn(rollupLevel, "aux_thread_profile", thresholdComparator, threshold, tnPartitionKeys);
  "NOTE: in order for the deletes just issued to free up disk space,"
                    + " you need to force full compactions on" + " aggregate_tt_main_thread_profile_rollup_"
                    + rollupLevel + ", aggregate_tn_main_thread_profile_rollup_" + rollupLevel
                    + ", aggregate_tt_aux_thread_profile_rollup_" + rollupLevel
                    + " and aggregate_tn_aux_thread_profile_rollup_" + rollupLevel);
        } else {
            executeDeletesTt(rollupLevel, partialTableName, thresholdComparator, threshold, ttPartitionKeys);
            executeDeletesTn(rollupLevel, partialTableName, thresholdComparator, threshold, tnPartitionKeys);
  "NOTE: in order for the range deletes just issued to free up disk"
                    + " space, you need to force full compactions on aggregate_tt_" + partialTableName + "_rollup_"
                    + rollupLevel + " and aggregate_tn_" + partialTableName + "_rollup_" + rollupLevel);
        }"ADVANCED NOTE: if you want to avoid full compactions and you are using"
                + " Cassandra 3.4 or later, you can use \"nodetool flush ...\" to flush the range"
                + " tombstones and then use \"nodetool compaction --user-defined ...\" to compact"
                + " the new sstable(s) that contain the range tombstones with the old sstables that"
                + " have data matching the range tombstones");
        return true;

    private boolean executeAggregateSummaryRangeDeletes(String partialTableName, int rollupLevel,
            String thresholdComparator, Date threshold) throws Exception {"this could take several minutes on large data sets...");
        Set<TtPartitionKey> ttPartitionKeys = getPartitionKeys(rollupLevel, thresholdComparator, threshold);
        executeDeletesTt(rollupLevel, partialTableName, thresholdComparator, threshold, ttPartitionKeys);"NOTE: in order for the range deletes just issued to free up disk space,"
                + " you need to force full compactions on aggregate_tt_summary_rollup_" + partialTableName
                + "_rollup_" + rollupLevel);"ADVANCED NOTE: if you want to avoid full compactions and you are using"
                + " Cassandra 3.4 or later, you can use \"nodetool flush ...\" to flush the range"
                + " tombstones and then use \"nodetool compaction --user-defined ...\" to compact"
                + " the new sstable(s) that contain the range tombstones with the old sstables that"
                + " have data matching the range tombstones");
        return true;

    private boolean executeGaugeValueRangeDeletes(int rollupLevel, String thresholdComparator, Date threshold)
            throws Exception {"this could take several minutes on large data sets...");
        Set<GaugeValuePartitionKey> partitionKeys = getGaugeValuePartitionKeys(rollupLevel, thresholdComparator,
        executeGaugeValueDeletes(rollupLevel, thresholdComparator, threshold, partitionKeys);"NOTE: in order for the range deletes just issued to free up disk space,"
                + " you need to force full compaction on gauge_value_rollup_" + rollupLevel);"ADVANCED NOTE: if you want to avoid full compaction and you are using"
                + " Cassandra 3.4 or later, you can use \"nodetool flush ...\" to flush the range"
                + " tombstones and then use \"nodetool compaction --user-defined ...\" to compact"
                + " the new sstable(s) that contain the range tombstones with the old sstables that"
                + " have data matching the range tombstones");
        return true;

    private Set<TtPartitionKey> getPartitionKeys(int rollupLevel, String thresholdComparator, Date threshold)
            throws Exception {
        ResultSet results ="select agent_rollup, transaction_type, capture_time"
                + " from aggregate_tt_summary_rollup_" + rollupLevel);
        Multimap<String, String> transactionTypes = HashMultimap.create();
        for (Row row : results) {
            int i = 0;
            String agentRollupId = checkNotNull(row.getString(i++));
            String transactionType = checkNotNull(row.getString(i++));
            Date captureTime = checkNotNull(row.getTimestamp(i++));
            if (thresholdComparator.equals("<")) {
                if (captureTime.getTime() < threshold.getTime()) {
                    transactionTypes.put(agentRollupId, transactionType);
            } else if (thresholdComparator.equals(">")) {
                if (captureTime.getTime() > threshold.getTime()) {
                    transactionTypes.put(agentRollupId, transactionType);
            } else {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected threshold comparator: " + thresholdComparator);
        Set<TtPartitionKey> ttPartitionKeys = new HashSet<>();
        for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : transactionTypes.entries()) {
        return ttPartitionKeys;

    private Set<TnPartitionKey> getPartitionKeys(int rollupLevel, Set<TtPartitionKey> ttPartitionKeys,
            String thresholdComparator, Date threshold) throws Exception {
        Set<TnPartitionKey> tnPartitionKeys = new HashSet<>();
        PreparedStatement readPS = session.prepare("select transaction_name from" + " aggregate_tn_summary_rollup_"
                + rollupLevel + " where agent_rollup = ? and" + " transaction_type = ? and capture_time "
                + thresholdComparator + " ?");
        for (TtPartitionKey ttPartitionKey : ttPartitionKeys) {
            BoundStatement boundStatement = readPS.bind();
            int i = 0;
            boundStatement.setString(i++, ttPartitionKey.agentRollupId());
            boundStatement.setString(i++, ttPartitionKey.transactionType());
            boundStatement.setTimestamp(i++, threshold);
            ResultSet results =;
            Set<String> transactionNames = new HashSet<>();
            for (Row row : results) {
            for (String transactionName : transactionNames) {
        return tnPartitionKeys;

    private Set<GaugeValuePartitionKey> getGaugeValuePartitionKeys(int rollupLevel, String thresholdComparator,
            Date threshold) throws Exception {
        ResultSet results = session
                .read("select agent_rollup, gauge_name, capture_time from" + " gauge_value_rollup_" + rollupLevel);
        Multimap<String, String> gaugeNames = HashMultimap.create();
        for (Row row : results) {
            int i = 0;
            String agentRollupId = checkNotNull(row.getString(i++));
            String gaugeName = checkNotNull(row.getString(i++));
            Date captureTime = checkNotNull(row.getTimestamp(i++));
            if (thresholdComparator.equals("<")) {
                if (captureTime.getTime() < threshold.getTime()) {
                    gaugeNames.put(agentRollupId, gaugeName);
            } else if (thresholdComparator.equals(">")) {
                if (captureTime.getTime() > threshold.getTime()) {
                    gaugeNames.put(agentRollupId, gaugeName);
            } else {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected threshold comparator: " + thresholdComparator);
        Set<GaugeValuePartitionKey> partitionKeys = new HashSet<>();
        for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : gaugeNames.entries()) {
        return partitionKeys;

    private void executeDeletesTt(int rollupLevel, String partialName, String thresholdComparator, Date threshold,
            Set<TtPartitionKey> partitionKeys) throws Exception {
        String tableName = "aggregate_tt_" + partialName + "_rollup_" + rollupLevel;
        PreparedStatement deletePS = session.prepare(
                "delete from " + tableName + " where agent_rollup = ? and transaction_type = ? and capture_time "
                        + thresholdComparator + " ?");
        int count = 0;
        List<Future<?>> futures = new ArrayList<>();
        for (TtPartitionKey partitionKey : partitionKeys) {
            BoundStatement boundStatement = deletePS.bind();
            int i = 0;
            boundStatement.setString(i++, partitionKey.agentRollupId());
            boundStatement.setString(i++, partitionKey.transactionType());
            boundStatement.setTimestamp(i++, threshold);
        MoreFutures.waitForAll(futures);"{} range deletes executed against {}", count, tableName);

    private void executeDeletesTn(int rollupLevel, String partialName, String thresholdComparator, Date threshold,
            Set<TnPartitionKey> partitionKeys) throws Exception {
        String tableName = "aggregate_tn_" + partialName + "_rollup_" + rollupLevel;
        PreparedStatement deletePS = session.prepare("delete from " + tableName
                + " where agent_rollup = ? and transaction_type = ? and transaction_name = ? and" + " capture_time "
                + thresholdComparator + " ?");
        int count = 0;
        List<Future<?>> futures = new ArrayList<>();
        for (TnPartitionKey partitionKey : partitionKeys) {
            BoundStatement boundStatement = deletePS.bind();
            int i = 0;
            boundStatement.setString(i++, partitionKey.agentRollupId());
            boundStatement.setString(i++, partitionKey.transactionType());
            boundStatement.setString(i++, partitionKey.transactionName());
            boundStatement.setTimestamp(i++, threshold);
        MoreFutures.waitForAll(futures);"{} range deletes executed against {}", count, tableName);

    private void executeGaugeValueDeletes(int rollupLevel, String thresholdComparator, Date threshold,
            Set<GaugeValuePartitionKey> partitionKeys) throws Exception {
        String tableName = "gauge_value_rollup_" + rollupLevel;
        PreparedStatement deletePS = session.prepare("delete from " + tableName
                + " where agent_rollup = ? and gauge_name = ? and capture_time " + thresholdComparator + " ?");
        int count = 0;
        List<Future<?>> futures = new ArrayList<>();
        for (GaugeValuePartitionKey partitionKey : partitionKeys) {
            BoundStatement boundStatement = deletePS.bind();
            int i = 0;
            boundStatement.setString(i++, partitionKey.agentRollupId());
            boundStatement.setString(i++, partitionKey.gaugeName());
            boundStatement.setTimestamp(i++, threshold);
        MoreFutures.waitForAll(futures);"{} range deletes executed against {}", count, tableName);


    interface TtPartitionKey {
        String agentRollupId();

        String transactionType();

    interface TnPartitionKey {
        String agentRollupId();

        String transactionType();

        String transactionName();

    interface GaugeValuePartitionKey {
        String agentRollupId();

        String gaugeName();