Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015-2016 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.glowroot.central.repo; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import com.datastax.driver.core.BoundStatement; import com.datastax.driver.core.PreparedStatement; import com.datastax.driver.core.ResultSet; import com.datastax.driver.core.ResultSetFuture; import com.datastax.driver.core.Row; import com.datastax.driver.core.Session; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.immutables.value.Value; import org.glowroot.common.config.AgentRollupConfig; import org.glowroot.common.config.ImmutableAgentRollupConfig; import org.glowroot.common.repo.AgentRepository; import org.glowroot.common.repo.ImmutableAgentRollup; import org.glowroot.common.util.Styles; import org.glowroot.wire.api.model.AgentConfigOuterClass.AgentConfig; import static; public class AgentDao implements AgentRepository { private static final String WITH_LCS = "with compaction = { 'class' : 'LeveledCompactionStrategy' }"; private final Session session; private final PreparedStatement readPS; private final PreparedStatement readParentIdPS; private final PreparedStatement insertPS; private final PreparedStatement insertLastCaptureTimePS; private final PreparedStatement isAgentPS; private final PreparedStatement readDisplayPS; private final PreparedStatement insertDisplayPS; private final PreparedStatement deletePS; private final LoadingCache<String, Optional<String>> agentRollupIdCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder() .build(new AgentRollupIdCacheLoader()); private final LoadingCache<String, Optional<AgentRollupConfig>> agentRollupConfigCache = CacheBuilder .newBuilder().build(new AgentRollupConfigCacheLoader()); public AgentDao(Session session) { this.session = session; session.execute("create table if not exists agent_rollup (one int, agent_rollup_id varchar," + " parent_agent_rollup_id varchar, display varchar, agent boolean," + " last_capture_time timestamp, primary key (one, agent_rollup_id)) " + WITH_LCS); readPS = session.prepare("select agent_rollup_id, parent_agent_rollup_id," + " display, agent, last_capture_time from agent_rollup where one = 1"); readParentIdPS = session.prepare( "select parent_agent_rollup_id from agent_rollup where" + " one = 1 and agent_rollup_id = ?"); insertPS = session.prepare("insert into agent_rollup (one, agent_rollup_id," + " parent_agent_rollup_id, agent) values (1, ?, ?, ?)"); insertLastCaptureTimePS = session.prepare( "insert into agent_rollup (one, agent_rollup_id," + " last_capture_time) values (1, ?, ?)"); isAgentPS = session.prepare("select agent from agent_rollup where one = 1 and agent_rollup_id = ?"); readDisplayPS = session.prepare("select display from agent_rollup where one = 1 and agent_rollup_id = ?"); insertDisplayPS = session .prepare("insert into agent_rollup (one, agent_rollup_id, display)" + " values (1, ?, ?)"); deletePS = session.prepare("delete from agent_rollup where one = 1 and agent_rollup_id = ?"); } // returns stored agent config public void store(String agentId, @Nullable String agentRollupId) throws Exception { // insert into agent_rollup last so readEnvironment() and readAgentConfig() are more likely // to return non-null BoundStatement boundStatement = insertPS.bind(); int i = 0; boundStatement.setString(i++, agentId); boundStatement.setString(i++, agentRollupId); boundStatement.setBool(i++, true); session.execute(boundStatement); if (agentRollupId != null) { List<String> agentRollupIds = getAgentRollupIds(agentRollupId); for (int j = agentRollupIds.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) { String loopAgentRollupId = agentRollupIds.get(j); String loopParentAgentRollupId = j == 0 ? null : agentRollupIds.get(j - 1); boundStatement = insertPS.bind(); i = 0; boundStatement.setString(i++, loopAgentRollupId); boundStatement.setString(i++, loopParentAgentRollupId); boundStatement.setBool(i++, false); session.execute(boundStatement); } } agentRollupIdCache.invalidate(agentId); // currently agent rollup config cannot be changed from agent (via // but this will probably change, and likely to forget to invalidate agent rollup config // cache at that time, so... agentRollupConfigCache.invalidate(agentId); } @Override public List<AgentRollup> readAgentRollups() { ResultSet results = session.execute(readPS.bind()); Set<AgentRollupRecord> topLevel = Sets.newHashSet(); Multimap<String, AgentRollupRecord> childMultimap = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (Row row : results) { int i = 0; String id = checkNotNull(row.getString(i++)); String parentId = row.getString(i++); String display = MoreObjects.firstNonNull(row.getString(i++), id); boolean agent = row.getBool(i++); Date lastCaptureTime = row.getTimestamp(i++); AgentRollupRecord agentRollupRecord = ImmutableAgentRollupRecord.builder().id(id).display(display) .agent(agent).lastCaptureTime(lastCaptureTime).build(); if (parentId == null) { topLevel.add(agentRollupRecord); } else { childMultimap.put(parentId, agentRollupRecord); } } List<AgentRollup> agentRollups = Lists.newArrayList(); for (AgentRollupRecord topLevelAgentRollup : Ordering.natural().sortedCopy(topLevel)) { agentRollups.add(createAgentRollup(topLevelAgentRollup, childMultimap)); } return agentRollups; } @Override public String readAgentRollupDisplay(String agentRollupId) throws Exception { AgentRollupConfig agentRollupConfig = agentRollupConfigCache.get(agentRollupId).orNull(); if (agentRollupConfig == null) { return agentRollupId; } String display = agentRollupConfig.display(); if (display.isEmpty()) { return agentRollupId; } return display; } @Override public boolean isAgent(String agentRollupId) { BoundStatement boundStatement = isAgentPS.bind(); boundStatement.setString(0, agentRollupId); Row row = session.execute(boundStatement).one(); if (row == null) { return false; } return row.getBool(0); } // includes agentId itself // agentId is index 0 // its direct parent is index 1 // etc... public List<String> readAgentRollupIds(String agentId) throws Exception { String agentRollupId = agentRollupIdCache.get(agentId).orNull(); if (agentRollupId == null) { // agent must have been manually deleted return ImmutableList.of(agentId); } List<String> agentRollupIds = getAgentRollupIds(agentRollupId); Collections.reverse(agentRollupIds); agentRollupIds.add(0, agentId); return agentRollupIds; } ResultSetFuture updateLastCaptureTime(String agentId, long captureTime) { BoundStatement boundStatement = insertLastCaptureTimePS.bind(); int i = 0; boundStatement.setString(i++, agentId); boundStatement.setTimestamp(i++, new Date(captureTime)); return session.executeAsync(boundStatement); } @Nullable AgentRollupConfig readAgentRollupConfig(String agentRollupId) throws Exception { return agentRollupConfigCache.get(agentRollupId).orNull(); } void update(AgentRollupConfig agentRollupConfig) { BoundStatement boundStatement = insertDisplayPS.bind(); int i = 0; boundStatement.setString(i++,; boundStatement.setString(i++, Strings.emptyToNull(agentRollupConfig.display())); session.execute(boundStatement); agentRollupConfigCache.invalidate(; } void delete(String agentRollupId) { BoundStatement boundStatement = deletePS.bind(); boundStatement.setString(0, agentRollupId); session.execute(boundStatement); } private AgentRollup createAgentRollup(AgentRollupRecord agentRollupRecord, Multimap<String, AgentRollupRecord> parentChildMap) { Collection<AgentRollupRecord> childAgentRollupRecords = parentChildMap.get(; ImmutableAgentRollup.Builder builder = ImmutableAgentRollup.builder().id( .display(agentRollupRecord.display()).agent(agentRollupRecord.agent()) .lastCaptureTime(agentRollupRecord.lastCaptureTime()); for (AgentRollupRecord childAgentRollupRecord : Ordering.natural().sortedCopy(childAgentRollupRecords)) { builder.addChildren(createAgentRollup(childAgentRollupRecord, parentChildMap)); } return; } static List<String> getAgentRollupIds(String agentRollupId) { List<String> agentRollupIds = Lists.newArrayList(); int lastFoundIndex = -1; int nextFoundIndex; while ((nextFoundIndex = agentRollupId.indexOf('/', lastFoundIndex)) != -1) { agentRollupIds.add(agentRollupId.substring(0, nextFoundIndex)); lastFoundIndex = nextFoundIndex + 1; } agentRollupIds.add(agentRollupId); return agentRollupIds; } @Value.Immutable public interface AgentConfigUpdate { AgentConfig config(); UUID configUpdateToken(); } @Value.Immutable @Styles.AllParameters interface AgentRollupRecord extends Comparable<AgentRollupRecord> { String id(); String display(); boolean agent(); @Nullable Date lastCaptureTime(); @Override default public int compareTo(AgentRollupRecord right) { return display().compareToIgnoreCase(right.display()); } } private class AgentRollupIdCacheLoader extends CacheLoader<String, Optional<String>> { @Override public Optional<String> load(String agentId) throws Exception { BoundStatement boundStatement = readParentIdPS.bind(); boundStatement.setString(0, agentId); ResultSet results = session.execute(boundStatement); Row row =; if (row == null) { return Optional.absent(); } return Optional.fromNullable(row.getString(0)); } } private class AgentRollupConfigCacheLoader extends CacheLoader<String, Optional<AgentRollupConfig>> { @Override public Optional<AgentRollupConfig> load(String agentRollupId) throws Exception { BoundStatement boundStatement = readDisplayPS.bind(); boundStatement.setString(0, agentRollupId); ResultSet results = session.execute(boundStatement); Row row =; if (row == null) { return Optional.absent(); } return Optional.of(ImmutableAgentRollupConfig.builder().id(agentRollupId) .display(Strings.nullToEmpty(row.getString(0))).build()); } } }