Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012-2019 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.glowroot.agent.weaving; import; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.WeakHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable; import org.immutables.value.Value; import org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader; import org.objectweb.asm.Type; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.glowroot.agent.impl.PreloadSomeSuperTypesCache; import org.glowroot.agent.weaving.ClassLoaders.LazyDefinedClass; import org.glowroot.common.config.InstrumentationConfig; import org.glowroot.common.util.Styles; import static; public class AnalyzedWorld { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AnalyzedWorld.class); private static final Method findLoadedClassMethod; static { try { findLoadedClassMethod = ClassLoader.class.getDeclaredMethod("findLoadedClass", String.class); findLoadedClassMethod.setAccessible(true); } catch (Exception e) { // unrecoverable error throw new AssertionError(e); } } // weak keys to prevent retention of class loaders // it's important that the weak keys point directly to the class loaders themselves (as opposed // to through another instance, e.g. Optional<ClassLoader>) so that the keys won't be cleared // while their associated class loaders are still being used // // not using the much more convenient (and concurrent) guava CacheBuilder since it uses many // additional classes that must then be pre-initialized since this is called from inside // ClassFileTransformer.transform() (see PreInitializeClasses) private final Map<ClassLoader, ConcurrentMap<String, AnalyzedClass>> world = Collections .synchronizedMap(new WeakHashMap<ClassLoader, ConcurrentMap<String, AnalyzedClass>>()); // the analyzed classes for the bootstrap class loader (null) have to be stored separately since // LoadingCache doesn't accept null keys, and using an Optional<ClassLoader> for the key makes // the weakness on the Optional instance which is not strongly referenced from anywhere and // therefore the keys will most likely be cleared while their class loaders are still being used // // intentionally avoiding Maps.newConcurrentMap() for the same reason as above private final ConcurrentMap<String, AnalyzedClass> bootstrapLoaderWorld = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, AnalyzedClass>(); private final Supplier<List<Advice>> advisors; private final ImmutableList<ShimType> shimTypes; private final ImmutableList<MixinType> mixinTypes; // only null for tests private final @Nullable PreloadSomeSuperTypesCache preloadSomeSuperTypesCache; public AnalyzedWorld(Supplier<List<Advice>> advisors, List<ShimType> shimTypes, List<MixinType> mixinTypes, @Nullable PreloadSomeSuperTypesCache preloadSomeSuperTypesCache) { this.advisors = advisors; this.shimTypes = ImmutableList.copyOf(shimTypes); this.mixinTypes = ImmutableList.copyOf(mixinTypes); this.preloadSomeSuperTypesCache = preloadSomeSuperTypesCache; } public List<Class<?>> getClassesWithReweavableAdvice(boolean remove) { List<Class<?>> classes = Lists.newArrayList(); for (ClassLoader loader : getClassLoaders()) { classes.addAll(getClassesWithReweavableAdvice(loader, remove)); } classes.addAll(getClassesWithReweavableAdvice(null, remove)); return classes; } public void removeClasses(Iterable<Class<?>> classes) { for (Map<String, AnalyzedClass> map : getWorldValues()) { for (Class<?> clazz : classes) { map.remove(clazz.getName()); } } for (Class<?> clazz : classes) { bootstrapLoaderWorld.remove(clazz.getName()); } } public ImmutableList<ClassLoader> getClassLoaders() { synchronized (world) { return ImmutableList.copyOf(world.keySet()); } } void add(AnalyzedClass analyzedClass, @Nullable ClassLoader loader) { ConcurrentMap<String, AnalyzedClass> loaderAnalyzedClasses = getAnalyzedClasses(loader); loaderAnalyzedClasses.put(, analyzedClass); } // it's ok if there are duplicates in the returned list (e.g. an interface that appears twice // in a type hierarchy), it's rare, dups don't cause an issue for callers, and so it doesn't // seem worth the (minor) performance hit to de-dup every time List<AnalyzedClass> getAnalyzedHierarchy(@Nullable String className, @Nullable ClassLoader loader, String subClassName, ParseContext parseContext) { if (className == null || className.equals("java.lang.Object")) { return ImmutableList.of(); } return getSuperClasses(className, loader, subClassName, parseContext); } static List<Advice> mergeInstrumentationAnnotations(List<Advice> advisors, byte[] classBytes, @Nullable ClassLoader loader, String className) { byte[] marker = "Lorg/glowroot/agent/api/Instrumentation$".getBytes(UTF_8); if (Bytes.indexOf(classBytes, marker) == -1) { return advisors; } InstrumentationSeekerClassVisitor cv = new InstrumentationSeekerClassVisitor(); ClassReader cr = new ClassReader(classBytes); cr.accept(cv, ClassReader.SKIP_CODE); List<InstrumentationConfig> instrumentationConfigs = cv.getInstrumentationConfigs(); if (instrumentationConfigs.isEmpty()) { return advisors; } if (loader == null) { logger.warn("@Instrumentation annotations not currently supported in bootstrap class" + " loader: {}", className); return advisors; } for (InstrumentationConfig instrumentationConfig : instrumentationConfigs) { instrumentationConfig.logValidationErrorsIfAny(); } ImmutableMap<Advice, LazyDefinedClass> newAdvisors = AdviceGenerator.createAdvisors(instrumentationConfigs, null, false, false); try { ClassLoaders.defineClasses(newAdvisors.values(), loader); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } List<Advice> mergedAdvisors = Lists.newArrayList(advisors); mergedAdvisors.addAll(newAdvisors.keySet()); return mergedAdvisors; } // it's ok if there are duplicates in the returned list (e.g. an interface that appears twice // in a type hierarchy), it's rare, dups don't cause an issue for callers, and so it doesn't // seem worth the (minor) performance hit to de-dup every time private List<AnalyzedClass> getSuperClasses(String className, @Nullable ClassLoader loader, String subClassName, ParseContext parseContext) { AnalyzedClassAndLoader analyzedClassAndLoader; try { analyzedClassAndLoader = getOrCreateAnalyzedClass(className, loader, subClassName); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); return ImmutableList.of(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // log at debug level only since the code referencing the class must not be getting used // anyways, as it would fail on execution since the type doesn't exist logger.debug("type {} not found while parsing type {}", className, parseContext, e); return ImmutableList.of(); } List<AnalyzedClass> superTypes = Lists.newArrayList(); AnalyzedClass analyzedClass = analyzedClassAndLoader.analyzedClass(); ClassLoader analyzedClassLoader = analyzedClassAndLoader.analyzedClassLoader(); superTypes.add(analyzedClass); String superName = analyzedClass.superName(); if (superName != null && !superName.equals("java.lang.Object")) { superTypes.addAll(getSuperClasses(superName, analyzedClassLoader, className, parseContext)); } for (String interfaceName : analyzedClass.interfaceNames()) { superTypes.addAll(getSuperClasses(interfaceName, analyzedClassLoader, className, parseContext)); } return superTypes; } @Styles.AllParameters @Value.Immutable interface AnalyzedClassAndLoader { AnalyzedClass analyzedClass(); @Nullable ClassLoader analyzedClassLoader(); } private AnalyzedClassAndLoader getOrCreateAnalyzedClass(String className, @Nullable ClassLoader loader, String subClassName) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException { ConcurrentMap<String, AnalyzedClass> loaderAnalyzedClasses = getAnalyzedClasses(loader); AnalyzedClass analyzedClass = loaderAnalyzedClasses.get(className); if (analyzedClass != null) { return ImmutableAnalyzedClassAndLoader.of(analyzedClass, loader); } ClassLoader analyzedClassLoader = getAnalyzedLoader(className, loader, subClassName); loaderAnalyzedClasses = getAnalyzedClasses(analyzedClassLoader); analyzedClass = loaderAnalyzedClasses.get(className); if (analyzedClass == null) { if (analyzedClassLoader != null) { // if it was loaded into bootstrap, probably was loaded prior to weaving started logger.debug("super class {} of {} not already analyzed, loader={}@{}", className, subClassName, analyzedClassLoader.getClass().getName(), analyzedClassLoader.hashCode()); } analyzedClass = createAnalyzedClass(className, analyzedClassLoader); analyzedClass = putAnalyzedClass(loaderAnalyzedClasses, analyzedClass); } return ImmutableAnalyzedClassAndLoader.of(analyzedClass, analyzedClassLoader); } private List<Class<?>> getClassesWithReweavableAdvice(@Nullable ClassLoader loader, boolean remove) { List<Class<?>> classes = Lists.newArrayList(); ConcurrentMap<String, AnalyzedClass> loaderAnalyzedClasses = getAnalyzedClasses(loader); for (Map.Entry<String, AnalyzedClass> innerEntry : loaderAnalyzedClasses.entrySet()) { if (innerEntry.getValue().hasReweavableAdvice()) { try { classes.add(Class.forName(innerEntry.getKey(), false, loader)); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { logger.warn(e.getMessage(), e); } } } if (remove) { for (Class<?> clazz : classes) { loaderAnalyzedClasses.remove(clazz.getName()); } } return classes; } private AnalyzedClass createAnalyzedClass(String className, @Nullable ClassLoader loader) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException { String path = ClassNames.toInternalName(className) + ".class"; URL url; if (loader == null) { // null loader means the bootstrap class loader url = ClassLoader.getSystemResource(path); } else { url = loader.getResource(path); if (url != null) { AnalyzedClass parentLoaderAnalyzedClass = tryToReuseFromParentLoader(className, loader, path, url); if (parentLoaderAnalyzedClass != null) { return parentLoaderAnalyzedClass; } } } if (url == null) { // what follows is just a best attempt in the sort-of-rare case when a custom class // loader does not expose .class file contents via getResource(), e.g. // org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.CallSiteClassLoader return createAnalyzedClassPlanB(className, loader); } byte[] bytes = Resources.toByteArray(url); List<Advice> advisors = mergeInstrumentationAnnotations(this.advisors.get(), bytes, loader, className); ThinClassVisitor accv = new ThinClassVisitor(); new ClassReader(bytes).accept(accv, ClassReader.SKIP_FRAMES + ClassReader.SKIP_CODE); // passing noLongerNeedToWeaveMainMethods=true since not really weaving bytecode here ClassAnalyzer classAnalyzer = new ClassAnalyzer(accv.getThinClass(), advisors, shimTypes, mixinTypes, loader, this, null, bytes, null, true); classAnalyzer.analyzeMethods(); return classAnalyzer.getAnalyzedClass(); } private @Nullable AnalyzedClass tryToReuseFromParentLoader(String className, ClassLoader originalLoader, String path, URL url) { ClassLoader loader = originalLoader; while (loader != null) { ClassLoader parentLoader = loader.getParent(); URL parentLoaderUrl; if (parentLoader == null) { parentLoaderUrl = ClassLoader.getSystemResource(path); } else { parentLoaderUrl = parentLoader.getResource(path); } // comparing results of URL.toExternalForm() since using URL.equals() directly // performs name resolution and is a blocking operation (from the javadoc) if (parentLoaderUrl != null && parentLoaderUrl.toExternalForm().equals(url.toExternalForm())) { // reuse parent loader's AnalyzedClass if available // this saves time here, and reduces memory footprint of AnalyzedWorld // which can be very noticeable when lots of ClassLoaders, e.g. groovy AnalyzedClass parentLoaderAnalyzedClass = getAnalyzedClasses(parentLoader).get(className); if (parentLoaderAnalyzedClass != null) { return parentLoaderAnalyzedClass; } } loader = parentLoader; } return null; } // plan B covers some class loaders like // org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.CallSiteClassLoader that delegate loadClass() to some // other loader where the type may have already been loaded private AnalyzedClass createAnalyzedClassPlanB(String className, @Nullable ClassLoader loader) throws ClassNotFoundException { Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(className, false, loader); AnalyzedClass analyzedClass = getAnalyzedClasses(clazz.getClassLoader()).get(className); if (analyzedClass != null) { return analyzedClass; } // the class loaded by Class.forName() above was not previously loaded which means // weaving was bypassed since ClassFileTransformer.transform() is not re-entrant analyzedClass = createAnalyzedClassPlanC(clazz, advisors.get()); if (analyzedClass.isInterface()) { // FIXME log warning if any default methods have advice return analyzedClass; } if (!analyzedClass.analyzedMethods().isEmpty()) { logger.warn( "{} was not woven with requested advice (it was first encountered during the" + " weaving of one of its {} and the resource {}.class could not be" + " found in class loader {}, so {} had to be explicitly loaded using" + " Class.forName() in the middle of weaving the {}, which means it was" + " not woven itself since weaving is not re-entrant)", clazz.getName(), analyzedClass.isInterface() ? "implementations" : "subclasses", ClassNames.toInternalName(clazz.getName()), loader, clazz.getName(), analyzedClass.isInterface() ? "implementation" : "subclass"); } return analyzedClass; } private ConcurrentMap<String, AnalyzedClass> getAnalyzedClasses(@Nullable ClassLoader loader) { if (loader == null) { return bootstrapLoaderWorld; } else { // this synchronization is for atomicity of get/put synchronized (world) { ConcurrentMap<String, AnalyzedClass> map = world.get(loader); if (map == null) { map = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, AnalyzedClass>(); world.put(loader, map); } return map; } } } private ImmutableList<ConcurrentMap<String, AnalyzedClass>> getWorldValues() { synchronized (world) { return ImmutableList.copyOf(world.values()); } } private static AnalyzedClass putAnalyzedClass(ConcurrentMap<String, AnalyzedClass> loaderAnalyzedClasses, AnalyzedClass analyzedClass) { AnalyzedClass existingAnalyzedClass = loaderAnalyzedClasses.putIfAbsent(, analyzedClass); if (existingAnalyzedClass != null) { // (rare) concurrent AnalyzedClass creation, use the one that made it into the map return existingAnalyzedClass; } return analyzedClass; } private @Nullable ClassLoader getAnalyzedLoader(String className, @Nullable ClassLoader loader, String subClassName) { if (loader == null) { return null; } // can't call Class.forName() since that bypasses ClassFileTransformer.transform() if the // class hasn't already been loaded, so instead, call the package protected // ClassLoader.findLoadedClass() Class<?> clazz = null; try { clazz = (Class<?>) findLoadedClassMethod.invoke(loader, className); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } if (clazz == null) { logger.debug("super class {} of {} not found in loader {}@{}", className, subClassName, loader.getClass().getName(), loader.hashCode()); if (preloadSomeSuperTypesCache != null) { preloadSomeSuperTypesCache.put(subClassName, className); } return loader; } else { // this class has already been loaded, so the corresponding analyzedClass should already // be in the cache under its class loader // // this helps in cases where the .class files are not available via // ClassLoader.getResource(), as well as being a good optimization in other cases return clazz.getClassLoader(); } } // now that the type has been loaded anyways, build the analyzed class via reflection private static AnalyzedClass createAnalyzedClassPlanC(Class<?> clazz, List<Advice> advisors) { ImmutableAnalyzedClass.Builder classBuilder = ImmutableAnalyzedClass.builder(); classBuilder.modifiers(clazz.getModifiers());; Class<?> superClass = clazz.getSuperclass(); String superName = superClass == null ? null : superClass.getName(); classBuilder.superName(superName); List<String> superClassNames = Lists.newArrayList(); if (superName != null) { superClassNames.add(superName); } for (Class<?> interfaceClass : clazz.getInterfaces()) { String interfaceClassName = interfaceClass.getName(); classBuilder.addInterfaceNames(interfaceClassName); superClassNames.add(interfaceClassName); } // FIXME handle @Instrumentation.* List<String> classAnnotations = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Annotation annotation : clazz.getAnnotations()) { classAnnotations.add(annotation.annotationType().getName()); } // TODO document limitations of superClassNames only containing first level super classes // (e.g. doesn't include super class's super class) List<AdviceMatcher> adviceMatchers = AdviceMatcher.getAdviceMatchers(clazz.getName(), classAnnotations, superClassNames, advisors); Map<Method, List<Advice>> bridgeTargetAdvisors = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Method method : clazz.getDeclaredMethods()) { if (!method.isBridge()) { continue; } List<String> methodAnnotations = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Annotation annotation : method.getAnnotations()) { methodAnnotations.add(annotation.annotationType().getName()); } List<Type> parameterTypes = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Class<?> parameterType : method.getParameterTypes()) { parameterTypes.add(Type.getType(parameterType)); } Type returnType = Type.getType(method.getReturnType()); List<Advice> matchingAdvisors = getMatchingAdvisors(method.getModifiers(), method.getName(), methodAnnotations, parameterTypes, returnType, adviceMatchers); if (!matchingAdvisors.isEmpty()) { Method targetMethod = getTargetMethod(method, clazz); if (targetMethod != null) { bridgeTargetAdvisors.put(targetMethod, matchingAdvisors); } } } boolean intf = clazz.isInterface(); for (Method method : clazz.getDeclaredMethods()) { if (method.isSynthetic()) { // don't add synthetic methods to the analyzed model continue; } int modifiers = method.getModifiers(); List<String> methodAnnotations = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Annotation annotation : method.getAnnotations()) { methodAnnotations.add(annotation.annotationType().getName()); } List<Type> parameterTypes = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Class<?> parameterType : method.getParameterTypes()) { parameterTypes.add(Type.getType(parameterType)); } Type returnType = Type.getType(method.getReturnType()); List<Advice> matchingAdvisors = getMatchingAdvisors(modifiers, method.getName(), methodAnnotations, parameterTypes, returnType, adviceMatchers); List<Advice> extraAdvisors = bridgeTargetAdvisors.get(method); if (extraAdvisors != null) { matchingAdvisors.addAll(extraAdvisors); } ClassAnalyzer.sortAdvisors(matchingAdvisors); boolean intfMethod = intf && !Modifier.isStatic(modifiers); if (!matchingAdvisors.isEmpty() || intfMethod) { ImmutableAnalyzedMethod.Builder methodBuilder = ImmutableAnalyzedMethod.builder();; for (Type parameterType : parameterTypes) { methodBuilder.addParameterTypes(parameterType.getClassName()); } methodBuilder.returnType(returnType.getClassName()); methodBuilder.modifiers(modifiers); // FIXME re-build signature and set in AnalyzedMethod.signature() for (Class<?> exceptionType : method.getExceptionTypes()) { methodBuilder.addExceptions(exceptionType.getName()); } methodBuilder.addAllAdvisors(matchingAdvisors); classBuilder.addAnalyzedMethods(; } if (Modifier.isFinal(modifiers) && Modifier.isPublic(modifiers)) { ImmutablePublicFinalMethod.Builder publicFinalMethodBuilder = ImmutablePublicFinalMethod.builder() .name(method.getName()); for (Type parameterType : parameterTypes) { publicFinalMethodBuilder.addParameterTypes(parameterType.getClassName()); } classBuilder.addPublicFinalMethods(; } } boolean ejbRemote = false; for (Annotation annotation : clazz.getDeclaredAnnotations()) { if (annotation.annotationType().getName().equals("javax.ejb.Remote")) { ejbRemote = true; break; } } return classBuilder.ejbRemote(ejbRemote).build(); } private static @Nullable Method getTargetMethod(Method bridgeMethod, Class<?> clazz) { List<Method> possibleTargetMethods = getPossibleTargetMethods(bridgeMethod, clazz); if (possibleTargetMethods.isEmpty()) { logger.warn("could not find any target for bridge method: {}", bridgeMethod); } if (possibleTargetMethods.size() == 1) { return possibleTargetMethods.get(0); } // FIXME what now, look at generic signatures? logger.warn("found more than one possible target for bridge method: {}", bridgeMethod); return null; } private static List<Method> getPossibleTargetMethods(Method bridgeMethod, Class<?> clazz) { List<Method> possibleTargetMethods = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Method method : clazz.getDeclaredMethods()) { if (!method.getName().equals(bridgeMethod.getName())) { continue; } if (method.getParameterTypes().length != bridgeMethod.getParameterTypes().length) { continue; } possibleTargetMethods.add(method); } return possibleTargetMethods; } // important that this returns a mutable list private static List<Advice> getMatchingAdvisors(int access, String name, List<String> methodAnnotations, List<Type> parameterTypes, Type returnType, List<AdviceMatcher> adviceMatchers) { List<Advice> matchingAdvisors = Lists.newArrayList(); for (AdviceMatcher adviceMatcher : adviceMatchers) { if (adviceMatcher.isMethodLevelMatch(name, methodAnnotations, parameterTypes, returnType, access)) { matchingAdvisors.add(adviceMatcher.advice()); } } return matchingAdvisors; } @Value.Immutable @Styles.AllParameters abstract static class ParseContext { abstract String className(); abstract @Nullable CodeSource codeSource(); // toString() is used in logger warning construction @Override public String toString() { CodeSource codeSource = codeSource(); if (codeSource == null) { return className(); } else { return className() + " (" + codeSource.getLocation() + ")"; } } } }