Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016-2019 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.glowroot.agent.plugin.executor; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.TimerTask; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import org.glowroot.agent.plugin.api.Agent; import org.glowroot.agent.plugin.api.AuxThreadContext; import org.glowroot.agent.plugin.api.Logger; import org.glowroot.agent.plugin.api.ParameterHolder; import org.glowroot.agent.plugin.api.ThreadContext; import org.glowroot.agent.plugin.api.Timer; import org.glowroot.agent.plugin.api.TimerName; import org.glowroot.agent.plugin.api.TraceEntry; import org.glowroot.agent.plugin.api.checker.Nullable; import org.glowroot.agent.plugin.api.weaving.BindClassMeta; import org.glowroot.agent.plugin.api.weaving.BindParameter; import org.glowroot.agent.plugin.api.weaving.BindReceiver; import org.glowroot.agent.plugin.api.weaving.BindThrowable; import org.glowroot.agent.plugin.api.weaving.BindTraveler; import org.glowroot.agent.plugin.api.weaving.IsEnabled; import org.glowroot.agent.plugin.api.weaving.Mixin; import org.glowroot.agent.plugin.api.weaving.OnAfter; import org.glowroot.agent.plugin.api.weaving.OnBefore; import org.glowroot.agent.plugin.api.weaving.OnReturn; import org.glowroot.agent.plugin.api.weaving.OnThrow; import org.glowroot.agent.plugin.api.weaving.Pointcut; public class ExecutorAspect { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ExecutorAspect.class); private static final String EXECUTOR_CLASSES = "java.util.concurrent.Executor" + "|java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService" + "|org.springframework.core.task.AsyncTaskExecutor" + "|org.springframework.core.task.AsyncListenableTaskExecutor"; private static final AtomicBoolean isDoneExceptionLogged = new AtomicBoolean(); // the field and method names are verbose since they will be mixed in to existing classes @Mixin({ "java.lang.Runnable", "java.util.concurrent.Callable", "java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask", "akka.jsr166y.ForkJoinTask", "scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinTask" }) public abstract static class RunnableEtcImpl implements RunnableEtcMixin { private transient volatile @Nullable AuxThreadContext glowroot$auxContext; @Override public @Nullable AuxThreadContext glowroot$getAuxContext() { return glowroot$auxContext; } @Override public void glowroot$setAuxContext(@Nullable AuxThreadContext auxContext) { glowroot$auxContext = auxContext; } } // TODO suppress various known thread pool threads (e.g. TimerThread) @Mixin({ "$SocketProcessor", "org.apache.http.impl.nio.client.CloseableHttpAsyncClientBase$1", "java.util.TimerThread" }) public static class SuppressedRunnableImpl implements SuppressedRunnableMixin { } // the method names are verbose since they will be mixed in to existing classes public interface RunnableEtcMixin { @Nullable AuxThreadContext glowroot$getAuxContext(); void glowroot$setAuxContext(@Nullable AuxThreadContext auxContext); } public interface SuppressedRunnableMixin { } @Pointcut(className = EXECUTOR_CLASSES, methodName = "execute|submit|submitListenable", methodParameterTypes = { "java.lang.Runnable", ".." }, nestingGroup = "executor-execute") public static class ExecuteRunnableAdvice { @OnBefore public static void onBefore(ThreadContext context, @BindParameter ParameterHolder<Runnable> runnableHolder) { onBeforeWithRunnableHolder(context, runnableHolder); } } @Pointcut(className = EXECUTOR_CLASSES, methodName = "execute|submit|submitListenable", methodParameterTypes = { "java.util.concurrent.Callable", ".." }, nestingGroup = "executor-execute") public static class ExecuteCallableAdvice { @OnBefore public static <T> void onBefore(ThreadContext context, @BindParameter ParameterHolder<Callable<T>> callableHolder) { onBeforeWithCallableHolder(context, callableHolder); } } @Pointcut(className = "java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool", methodName = "execute|submit|invoke", methodParameterTypes = { "java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask", ".." }, nestingGroup = "executor-execute") public static class ForkJoinPoolAdvice { @IsEnabled public static boolean isEnabled(@BindParameter Object forkJoinTask) { // this class may have been loaded before class file transformer was added to jvm return forkJoinTask instanceof RunnableEtcMixin; } @OnBefore public static void onBefore(ThreadContext context, @BindParameter Object forkJoinTask) { // cast is safe because of isEnabled() check above onBeforeCommon(context, (RunnableEtcMixin) forkJoinTask); } } @Pointcut(className = "akka.jsr166y.ForkJoinPool", methodName = "execute|submit|invoke", methodParameterTypes = { "akka.jsr166y.ForkJoinTask", ".." }, nestingGroup = "executor-execute") public static class AkkaJsr166yForkJoinPoolAdvice { @IsEnabled public static boolean isEnabled(@BindParameter Object forkJoinTask) { // this class may have been loaded before class file transformer was added to jvm return forkJoinTask instanceof RunnableEtcMixin; } @OnBefore public static void onBefore(ThreadContext context, @BindParameter Object forkJoinTask) { // cast is safe because of isEnabled() check above onBeforeCommon(context, (RunnableEtcMixin) forkJoinTask); } } @Pointcut(className = "scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool", methodName = "execute|submit|invoke", methodParameterTypes = { "scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinTask", ".." }, nestingGroup = "executor-execute") public static class ScalaForkJoinPoolAdvice { @IsEnabled public static boolean isEnabled(@BindParameter Object forkJoinTask) { // this class may have been loaded before class file transformer was added to jvm return forkJoinTask instanceof RunnableEtcMixin; } @OnBefore public static void onBefore(ThreadContext context, @BindParameter Object forkJoinTask) { // cast is safe because of isEnabled() check above onBeforeCommon(context, (RunnableEtcMixin) forkJoinTask); } } @Pointcut(className = "java.lang.Thread", methodName = "<init>", methodParameterTypes = {}, nestingGroup = "executor-execute") public static class ThreadInitAdvice { @OnReturn public static void onReturn(ThreadContext context, @BindReceiver Thread thread) { onThreadInitCommon(context, thread); } } @Pointcut(className = "java.lang.Thread", methodName = "<init>", methodParameterTypes = { "java.lang.String" }, nestingGroup = "executor-execute") public static class ThreadInitWithStringAdvice { @OnReturn public static void onReturn(ThreadContext context, @BindReceiver Thread thread) { onThreadInitCommon(context, thread); } } @Pointcut(className = "java.lang.Thread", methodName = "<init>", methodParameterTypes = { "java.lang.ThreadGroup", "java.lang.String" }, nestingGroup = "executor-execute") public static class ThreadInitWithStringAndThreadGroupAdvice { @OnReturn public static void onReturn(ThreadContext context, @BindReceiver Thread thread) { onThreadInitCommon(context, thread); } } @Pointcut(className = "java.lang.Thread", methodName = "<init>", methodParameterTypes = { "java.lang.Runnable", ".." }, nestingGroup = "executor-execute") public static class ThreadInitWithRunnableAdvice { // cannot use @BindReceiver in @OnBefore of a constructor (at least not in OpenJ9, and for // good reason since receiver is not initialized before call to super) @OnBefore public static boolean onBefore(ThreadContext context, @BindParameter ParameterHolder<Runnable> runnableHolder) { return onThreadInitCommon(context, runnableHolder); } @OnReturn public static void onReturn(ThreadContext context, @BindTraveler boolean alreadyHandled, @BindReceiver Thread thread) { if (!alreadyHandled && thread instanceof RunnableEtcMixin) { onBeforeCommon(context, (RunnableEtcMixin) thread); } } } @Pointcut(className = "java.lang.Thread", methodName = "<init>", methodParameterTypes = { "java.lang.ThreadGroup", "java.lang.Runnable", ".." }, nestingGroup = "executor-execute") public static class ThreadInitWithThreadGroupAdvice { // cannot use @BindReceiver in @OnBefore of a constructor (at least not in OpenJ9, and for // good reason since receiver is not initialized before call to super) @OnBefore public static boolean onBefore(ThreadContext context, @SuppressWarnings("unused") @BindParameter ThreadGroup threadGroup, @BindParameter ParameterHolder<Runnable> runnableHolder) { return onThreadInitCommon(context, runnableHolder); } @OnReturn public static void onReturn(ThreadContext context, @BindTraveler boolean alreadyHandled, @BindReceiver Thread thread) { if (!alreadyHandled && thread instanceof RunnableEtcMixin) { onBeforeCommon(context, (RunnableEtcMixin) thread); } } } @Pointcut(className = "", methodName = "addListener", methodParameterTypes = { "java.lang.Runnable", "java.util.concurrent.Executor" }, nestingGroup = "executor-add-listener") public static class AddListenerAdvice { @OnBefore public static void onBefore(ThreadContext context, @BindParameter ParameterHolder<Runnable> runnableHolder) { onBeforeWithRunnableHolder(context, runnableHolder); } } @Pointcut(className = "java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService|java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool" + "|akka.jsr166y.ForkJoinPool|scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool", methodName = "invokeAll|invokeAny", methodParameterTypes = { "java.util.Collection", ".." }, nestingGroup = "executor-execute") public static class InvokeAnyAllAdvice { @OnBefore public static void onBefore(ThreadContext context, @BindParameter Collection<?> callables) { if (callables == null) { return; } for (Object callable : callables) { // this class may have been loaded before class file transformer was added to jvm if (callable instanceof RunnableEtcMixin) { RunnableEtcMixin callableMixin = (RunnableEtcMixin) callable; AuxThreadContext auxContext = context.createAuxThreadContext(); callableMixin.glowroot$setAuxContext(auxContext); } } } } @Pointcut(className = "java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService", methodName = "schedule", methodParameterTypes = { "java.lang.Runnable", ".." }, nestingGroup = "executor-execute") public static class ScheduleRunnableAdvice { @OnBefore public static void onBefore(ThreadContext context, @BindParameter ParameterHolder<Runnable> runnableHolder) { onBeforeWithRunnableHolder(context, runnableHolder); } } @Pointcut(className = "java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService", methodName = "schedule", methodParameterTypes = { "java.util.concurrent.Callable", ".." }, nestingGroup = "executor-execute") public static class ScheduleCallableAdvice { @OnBefore public static <T> void onBefore(ThreadContext context, @BindParameter ParameterHolder<Callable<T>> callableHolder) { onBeforeWithCallableHolder(context, callableHolder); } } @Pointcut(className = "", methodName = "scheduleOnce", methodParameterTypes = { "scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration", "java.lang.Runnable", ".." }, nestingGroup = "executor-execute") public static class ScheduleOnceAdvice { @OnBefore public static void onBefore(ThreadContext context, @SuppressWarnings("unused") @BindParameter Object duration, @BindParameter ParameterHolder<Runnable> runnableHolder) { onBeforeWithRunnableHolder(context, runnableHolder); } } @Pointcut(className = "java.util.Timer", methodName = "schedule", methodParameterTypes = { "java.util.TimerTask", ".." }, nestingGroup = "executor-execute") public static class TimerScheduleAdvice { @IsEnabled public static boolean isEnabled(@BindParameter Object runnableEtc) { // this class may have been loaded before class file transformer was added to jvm return runnableEtc instanceof RunnableEtcMixin; } @OnBefore public static void onBefore(ThreadContext context, @BindParameter TimerTask timerTask) { // cast is safe because of isEnabled() check above onBeforeCommon(context, (RunnableEtcMixin) timerTask); } } // this method uses submit() and returns Future, but none of the callers use/wait on the Future @Pointcut(className = "", methodName = "schedule", methodParameterTypes = { "java.util.concurrent.Callable" }, nestingGroup = "executor-execute") public static class EhcacheDiskStorageScheduleAdvice { } // these methods use execute() to start long running threads that should not be tied to the // current transaction @Pointcut(className = "" + "|org.eclipse.jetty.server.AbstractConnector" + "|" + "|", methodName = "doStart", methodParameterTypes = {}, nestingGroup = "executor-execute") public static class JettyDoStartAdvice { } @Pointcut(className = "javax.servlet.AsyncContext", methodName = "start", methodParameterTypes = { "java.lang.Runnable" }) public static class StartAdvice { @OnBefore public static void onBefore(ThreadContext context, @BindParameter ParameterHolder<Runnable> runnableHolder) { onBeforeWithRunnableHolder(context, runnableHolder); } } @Pointcut(className = "java.util.concurrent.Future", methodName = "get", methodParameterTypes = { ".." }, timerName = "wait on future", suppressibleUsingKey = "wait-on-future") public static class FutureGetAdvice { private static final TimerName timerName = Agent.getTimerName(FutureGetAdvice.class); @IsEnabled public static boolean isEnabled(@BindReceiver Future<?> future, @BindClassMeta FutureClassMeta futureClassMeta) { if (futureClassMeta.isNonStandardFuture()) { // this is to handle known non-standard Future implementations return false; } // don't capture if already done, primarily this is to avoid caching pattern where // a future is used to store the value to ensure only-once initialization try { return !future.isDone(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug(e.getMessage(), e); if (!isDoneExceptionLogged.getAndSet(true)) {"encountered a non-standard java.util.concurrent.Future" + " implementation, please report this stack trace to the Glowroot" + " project:", e); } return false; } } @OnBefore public static Timer onBefore(ThreadContext context) { return context.startTimer(timerName); } @OnAfter public static void onAfter(@BindTraveler Timer timer) { timer.stop(); } } // the nesting group only starts applying once auxiliary thread context is started (it does not // apply to OptionalThreadContext that miss) @Pointcut(className = "java.lang.Runnable", methodName = "run", methodParameterTypes = {}, nestingGroup = "executor-run") public static class RunnableAdvice { @IsEnabled public static boolean isEnabled(@BindReceiver Runnable runnable) { if (!(runnable instanceof RunnableEtcMixin)) { // this class was loaded before class file transformer was added to jvm return false; } RunnableEtcMixin runnableMixin = (RunnableEtcMixin) runnable; return runnableMixin.glowroot$getAuxContext() != null; } @OnBefore public static @Nullable TraceEntry onBefore(@BindReceiver Runnable runnable) { RunnableEtcMixin runnableMixin = (RunnableEtcMixin) runnable; AuxThreadContext auxContext = runnableMixin.glowroot$getAuxContext(); if (auxContext == null) { // this is unlikely (since checked in @IsEnabled) but possible under concurrency return null; } runnableMixin.glowroot$setAuxContext(null); return auxContext.start(); } @OnReturn public static void onReturn(@BindTraveler @Nullable TraceEntry traceEntry) { if (traceEntry != null) { traceEntry.end(); } } @OnThrow public static void onThrow(@BindThrowable Throwable t, @BindTraveler @Nullable TraceEntry traceEntry) { if (traceEntry != null) { traceEntry.endWithError(t); } } } // the nesting group only starts applying once auxiliary thread context is started (it does not // apply to OptionalThreadContext that miss) @Pointcut(className = "java.util.concurrent.Callable", methodName = "call", methodParameterTypes = {}, nestingGroup = "executor-run") public static class CallableAdvice { @IsEnabled public static boolean isEnabled(@BindReceiver Callable<?> callable) { if (!(callable instanceof RunnableEtcMixin)) { // this class was loaded before class file transformer was added to jvm return false; } RunnableEtcMixin callableMixin = (RunnableEtcMixin) callable; return callableMixin.glowroot$getAuxContext() != null; } @OnBefore public static @Nullable TraceEntry onBefore(@BindReceiver Callable<?> callable) { RunnableEtcMixin callableMixin = (RunnableEtcMixin) callable; AuxThreadContext auxContext = callableMixin.glowroot$getAuxContext(); if (auxContext == null) { // this is unlikely (since checked in @IsEnabled) but possible under concurrency return null; } callableMixin.glowroot$setAuxContext(null); return auxContext.start(); } @OnReturn public static void onReturn(@BindTraveler @Nullable TraceEntry traceEntry) { if (traceEntry != null) { traceEntry.end(); } } @OnThrow public static void onThrow(@BindThrowable Throwable t, @BindTraveler @Nullable TraceEntry traceEntry) { if (traceEntry != null) { traceEntry.endWithError(t); } } } // need to clear out the "executor-execute" nesting group, see // ExecutorWithLambdasIT.shouldCaptureNestedExecute() @Pointcut(className = "org.glowroot.agent.plugin.executor.RunnableWrapper", methodName = "run", methodParameterTypes = {}, nestingGroup = "executor-run") public static class RunnableWrapperAdvice { } // need to clear out the "executor-execute" nesting group, see // ExecutorWithLambdasIT.shouldCaptureNestedSubmit() @Pointcut(className = "org.glowroot.agent.plugin.executor.CallableWrapper", methodName = "call", methodParameterTypes = {}, nestingGroup = "executor-run") public static class CallableWrapperAdvice { } // the nesting group only starts applying once auxiliary thread context is started (it does not // apply to OptionalThreadContext that miss) @Pointcut(className = "java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask|akka.jsr166y.ForkJoinTask" + "|scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinTask", methodName = "exec", methodParameterTypes = {}, nestingGroup = "executor-run") public static class ExecAdvice { @IsEnabled public static boolean isEnabled(@BindReceiver Object task) { if (!(task instanceof RunnableEtcMixin)) { // this class was loaded before class file transformer was added to jvm return false; } RunnableEtcMixin taskMixin = (RunnableEtcMixin) task; return taskMixin.glowroot$getAuxContext() != null; } @OnBefore public static @Nullable TraceEntry onBefore(@BindReceiver Object task) { RunnableEtcMixin taskMixin = (RunnableEtcMixin) task; AuxThreadContext auxContext = taskMixin.glowroot$getAuxContext(); if (auxContext == null) { // this is unlikely (since checked in @IsEnabled) but possible under concurrency return null; } taskMixin.glowroot$setAuxContext(null); return auxContext.start(); } @OnReturn public static void onReturn(@BindTraveler @Nullable TraceEntry traceEntry) { if (traceEntry != null) { traceEntry.end(); } } @OnThrow public static void onThrow(@BindThrowable Throwable t, @BindTraveler @Nullable TraceEntry traceEntry) { if (traceEntry != null) { traceEntry.endWithError(t); } } } private static void onBeforeWithRunnableHolder(ThreadContext context, ParameterHolder<Runnable> runnableHolder) { Runnable runnable = runnableHolder.get(); if (runnable instanceof SuppressedRunnableMixin) { return; } else if (runnable instanceof RunnableEtcMixin) { onBeforeCommon(context, (RunnableEtcMixin) runnable); } else if (runnable != null && runnable.getClass().getName().contains("$$Lambda$")) { wrapRunnable(runnableHolder, context); } } private static <T> void onBeforeWithCallableHolder(ThreadContext context, ParameterHolder<Callable<T>> callableHolder) { Callable<T> callable = callableHolder.get(); if (callable instanceof RunnableEtcMixin) { onBeforeCommon(context, (RunnableEtcMixin) callable); } else if (callable != null && callable.getClass().getName().contains("$$Lambda$")) { wrapCallable(callableHolder, context); } } private static void onThreadInitCommon(ThreadContext context, Thread thread) { if (thread instanceof RunnableEtcMixin && !(thread instanceof SuppressedRunnableMixin)) { onBeforeCommon(context, (RunnableEtcMixin) thread); } } private static boolean onThreadInitCommon(ThreadContext context, ParameterHolder<Runnable> runnableHolder) { Runnable runnable = runnableHolder.get(); if (!(runnable instanceof SuppressedRunnableMixin)) { if (runnable instanceof RunnableEtcMixin) { onBeforeCommon(context, (RunnableEtcMixin) runnable); return true; } else if (runnable != null && runnable.getClass().getName().contains("$$Lambda$")) { wrapRunnable(runnableHolder, context); return true; } } return false; } private static void onBeforeCommon(ThreadContext context, RunnableEtcMixin runnableEtc) { RunnableEtcMixin runnableMixin = runnableEtc; AuxThreadContext auxContext = context.createAuxThreadContext(); runnableMixin.glowroot$setAuxContext(auxContext); } private static void wrapRunnable(ParameterHolder<Runnable> runnableHolder, ThreadContext context) { Runnable runnable = runnableHolder.get(); if (runnable != null) { runnableHolder.set(new RunnableWrapper(runnable, context.createAuxThreadContext())); } } private static <T> void wrapCallable(ParameterHolder<Callable<T>> callableHolder, ThreadContext context) { Callable<T> callable = callableHolder.get(); if (callable != null) { callableHolder.set(new CallableWrapper<T>(callable, context.createAuxThreadContext())); } } // ========== debug ========== // KEEP THIS CODE IT IS VERY USEFUL // private static final ThreadLocal<?> inAuxDebugLogging; // // static { // try { // Class<?> clazz = Class.forName("org.glowroot.agent.impl.AuxThreadContextImpl"); // Field field = clazz.getDeclaredField("inAuxDebugLogging"); // field.setAccessible(true); // inAuxDebugLogging = (ThreadLocal<?>) field.get(null); // } catch (Exception e) { // throw new IllegalStateException(e); // } // } // // @Pointcut(className = "/(?!org.glowroot).*/", methodName = "<init>", // methodParameterTypes = {".."}) // public static class RunnableInitAdvice { // // @OnAfter // public static void onAfter(OptionalThreadContext context, @BindReceiver Object obj) { // if (obj instanceof Runnable && isNotGlowrootThread() // && inAuxDebugLogging.get() == null) { // new Exception( // "Init " + Thread.currentThread().getName() + " " + obj.getClass().getName() // + ":" + obj.hashCode() + " " + context.getClass().getName()) // .printStackTrace(); // } // } // } // // @Pointcut(className = "java.lang.Runnable", methodName = "run", methodParameterTypes = {}, // order = 1) // public static class RunnableRunAdvice { // // @IsEnabled // public static boolean isEnabled() { // return isNotGlowrootThread(); // } // // @OnBefore // public static void onBefore(OptionalThreadContext context, @BindReceiver Runnable obj) { // new Exception("Run " + Thread.currentThread().getName() + " " + obj.getClass().getName() // + ":" + obj.hashCode() + " " + context.getClass().getName()).printStackTrace(); // } // } // // private static boolean isNotGlowrootThread() { // String threadName = Thread.currentThread().getName(); // return !threadName.contains("GRPC") && !threadName.contains("Glowroot"); // } }