Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014-2016 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.List; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLongArray; import; import; import; import; import org.checkerframework.checker.tainting.qual.Untainted; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.glowroot.common.util.Clock; import; import; import; import; import; import org.glowroot.wire.api.model.CollectorServiceOuterClass.GaugeValue; import static; public class GaugeValueDao implements GaugeValueRepository { private static final ImmutableList<Column> columns = ImmutableList.<Column>of( ImmutableColumn.of("gauge_id", ColumnType.BIGINT), ImmutableColumn.of("capture_time", ColumnType.BIGINT), ImmutableColumn.of("value", ColumnType.DOUBLE), // weight is needed for rollups // for non-counters, it is the number of recording that the (averaged) value represents // for counters, it is the interval of time that the (averaged) value represents ImmutableColumn.of("weight", ColumnType.BIGINT)); private final GaugeDao gaugeMetaDao; private final DataSource dataSource; private final ConfigRepository configRepository; private final Clock clock; private final ImmutableList<RollupConfig> rollupConfigs; // AtomicLongArray used for visibility private final AtomicLongArray lastRollupTimes; private final Object rollupLock = new Object(); GaugeValueDao(DataSource dataSource, GaugeDao gaugeMetaDao, ConfigRepository configRepository, Clock clock) throws Exception { this.dataSource = dataSource; this.gaugeMetaDao = gaugeMetaDao; this.configRepository = configRepository; this.clock = clock; this.rollupConfigs = ImmutableList.copyOf(RollupConfig.buildRollupConfigs()); for (int i = 0; i <= rollupConfigs.size(); i++) { dataSource.syncTable("gauge_value_rollup_" + castUntainted(i), columns); dataSource.syncIndexes("gauge_value_rollup_" + castUntainted(i), ImmutableList.<Index>of(ImmutableIndex.of("gauge_value_rollup_" + castUntainted(i) + "_idx", ImmutableList.of("gauge_id", "capture_time", "value", "weight")))); } List<Column> columns = Lists.newArrayList(); for (int i = 1; i <= rollupConfigs.size(); i++) { columns.add(ImmutableColumn.of("last_rollup_" + i + "_time", ColumnType.BIGINT)); } dataSource.syncTable("gauge_value_last_rollup_times", columns); List<String> columnNames = Lists.newArrayList(); for (int i = 1; i <= rollupConfigs.size(); i++) { columnNames.add("last_rollup_" + i + "_time"); } Joiner joiner = Joiner.on(", "); String selectClause = castUntainted(joiner.join(columnNames)); long[] lastRollupTimes = dataSource.query(new LastRollupTimesQuery(selectClause)); if (lastRollupTimes == null) { long[] values = new long[rollupConfigs.size()]; String valueClause = castUntainted(joiner.join(Longs.asList(values))); dataSource.update("insert into gauge_value_last_rollup_times (" + selectClause + ") values (" + valueClause + ")"); this.lastRollupTimes = new AtomicLongArray(values); } else { this.lastRollupTimes = new AtomicLongArray(lastRollupTimes); } // TODO initial rollup in case store is not called in a reasonable time } @Override public List<Gauge> getGauges(String serverRollup) throws Exception { List<String> allGaugeNames = gaugeMetaDao.readAllGaugeNames(); List<Gauge> gauges = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String gaugeName : allGaugeNames) { gauges.add(Gauges.getGauge(gaugeName)); } return gauges; } @Override public void store(String serverId, List<GaugeValue> gaugeValues) throws Exception { if (gaugeValues.isEmpty()) { return; } dataSource.batchUpdate(new GaugeValuesBinder(gaugeValues)); synchronized (rollupLock) { // clock can never go backwards and future gauge captures will wait until this method // completes since ScheduledExecutorService.scheduleAtFixedRate() guarantees that future // invocations of GaugeCollector will wait until prior invocations complete // // TODO this clock logic will fail if remote collectors are introduced long safeCurrentTime = clock.currentTimeMillis() - 1; for (int i = 0; i < rollupConfigs.size(); i++) { long intervalMillis = rollupConfigs.get(i).intervalMillis(); long safeRollupTime = RollupLevelService.getSafeRollupTime(safeCurrentTime, intervalMillis); long lastRollupTime = lastRollupTimes.get(i); if (safeRollupTime > lastRollupTime) { rollup(lastRollupTime, safeRollupTime, intervalMillis, i + 1, i); // JVM termination here will cause last_rollup_*_time to be out of sync, which // will cause a re-rollup of this time after the next startup, but this possible // duplicate is filtered out by the distinct clause in readGaugeValues() dataSource.update("update gauge_value_last_rollup_times set last_rollup_" + castUntainted(i + 1) + "_time = ?", safeRollupTime); lastRollupTimes.set(i, safeRollupTime); } } } } @Override public List<GaugeValue> readGaugeValues(String serverRollup, String gaugeName, long from, long to, int rollupLevel) throws Exception { Long gaugeId = gaugeMetaDao.getGaugeId(gaugeName); if (gaugeId == null) { // not necessarily an error, gauge id not created until first store return ImmutableList.of(); } // the distinct clause is needed for the rollup tables in order to handle corner case where // JVM termination occurs in between rollup and updating gauge_value_last_rollup_times // in which case a duplicate entry will occur after the next startup return dataSource.query(new GaugeValueQuery(gaugeId, from, to, rollupLevel)); } @Override public void deleteAll(String serverRollup) throws Exception { dataSource.execute("truncate table gauge_value_rollup_0"); for (int i = 1; i <= configRepository.getRollupConfigs().size(); i++) { dataSource.execute("truncate table gauge_value_rollup_" + castUntainted(i)); } gaugeMetaDao.deleteAll(); } void deleteBefore(long captureTime, int rollupLevel) throws Exception { dataSource.deleteBefore("gauge_value_rollup_" + castUntainted(rollupLevel), captureTime); } private void rollup(long lastRollupTime, long safeRollupTime, long fixedIntervalMillis, int toRollupLevel, int fromRollupLevel) throws Exception { // TODO handle when offset is different for lastRollupTime and safeRollupTime? int offsetMillis = TimeZone.getDefault().getOffset(safeRollupTime); // need ".0" to force double result String captureTimeSql = castUntainted("ceil((capture_time + " + offsetMillis + ") / " + fixedIntervalMillis + ".0) * " + fixedIntervalMillis + " - " + offsetMillis); rollup(lastRollupTime, safeRollupTime, captureTimeSql, toRollupLevel, fromRollupLevel); } private void rollup(long lastRollupTime, long safeRollupTime, @Untainted String captureTimeSql, int toRollupLevel, int fromRollupLevel) throws Exception { dataSource.update("insert into gauge_value_rollup_" + castUntainted(toRollupLevel) + " (gauge_id, capture_time, value, weight) select gauge_id, " + captureTimeSql + " ceil_capture_time, sum(value * weight) / sum(weight), sum(weight)" + " from gauge_value_rollup_" + castUntainted(fromRollupLevel) + " gp where gp.capture_time > ? and gp.capture_time <= ?" + " group by gp.gauge_id, ceil_capture_time", lastRollupTime, safeRollupTime); } private class GaugeValuesBinder implements JdbcUpdate { private final List<GaugeValue> gaugeValues; private GaugeValuesBinder(List<GaugeValue> gaugeValues) { this.gaugeValues = gaugeValues; } @Override public @Untainted String getSql() { return "insert into gauge_value_rollup_0 (gauge_id, capture_time, value, weight)" + " values (?, ?, ?, ?)"; } @Override public void bind(PreparedStatement preparedStatement) throws SQLException { for (GaugeValue gaugeValue : gaugeValues) { long gaugeId = gaugeMetaDao.updateLastCaptureTime(gaugeValue.getGaugeName(), gaugeValue.getCaptureTime()); if (gaugeId == -1) { // data source is closing and a new gauge id was needed, but could not // insert it, but this bind is already inside of the data source lock so any // inserts here will succeed, thus the return // // --or-- race condition with GaugeMetaDao.deleteAll() in which case return // is the best option also return; } preparedStatement.setLong(1, gaugeId); preparedStatement.setLong(2, gaugeValue.getCaptureTime()); preparedStatement.setDouble(3, gaugeValue.getValue()); preparedStatement.setLong(4, gaugeValue.getWeight()); preparedStatement.addBatch(); } } } private static class LastRollupTimesQuery implements JdbcQuery<long/*@Nullable*/[]> { private final @Untainted String selectClause; public LastRollupTimesQuery(@Untainted String selectClause) { this.selectClause = selectClause; } @Override public @Untainted String getSql() { return "select " + selectClause + " from gauge_value_last_rollup_times"; } @Override public void bind(PreparedStatement preparedStatement) throws Exception { } @Override public long/*@Nullable*/[] processResultSet(ResultSet resultSet) throws Exception { if (! { return null; } int columns = resultSet.getMetaData().getColumnCount(); long[] values = new long[columns]; for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++) { values[i] = resultSet.getLong(i + 1); } return values; } @Override public long/*@Nullable*/[] valueIfDataSourceClosing() { return null; } } private class GaugeValueQuery implements JdbcRowQuery<GaugeValue> { private final long gaugeId; private final long from; private final long to; private final int rollupLevel; private GaugeValueQuery(long gaugeId, long from, long to, int rollupLevel) { this.gaugeId = gaugeId; this.from = from; = to; this.rollupLevel = rollupLevel; } @Override public @Untainted String getSql() { return "select distinct capture_time, value, weight from gauge_value_rollup_" + castUntainted(rollupLevel) + " where gauge_id = ? and capture_time >= ?" + " and capture_time <= ? order by capture_time"; } @Override public void bind(PreparedStatement preparedStatement) throws SQLException { preparedStatement.setLong(1, gaugeId); preparedStatement.setLong(2, from); preparedStatement.setLong(3, to); } @Override public GaugeValue mapRow(ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException { return GaugeValue.newBuilder().setCaptureTime(resultSet.getLong(1)).setValue(resultSet.getDouble(2)) .setWeight(resultSet.getLong(3)).build(); } } }