Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2011 Openismus GmbH * * This file is part of GWT-Glom. * * GWT-Glom is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * GWT-Glom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with GWT-Glom. If not, see <>. */ package org.glom.web.server.database; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.glom.web.server.Log; import org.glom.web.server.SqlUtils; import org.glom.web.server.Utils; import org.glom.web.server.libglom.Document; import org.glom.web.shared.NavigationRecord; import org.glom.web.shared.TypedDataItem; import org.glom.web.shared.libglom.Field; import org.glom.web.shared.libglom.Field.GlomFieldType; import org.glom.web.shared.libglom.layout.LayoutItemField; import org.glom.web.shared.libglom.layout.LayoutItemPortal; import org.glom.web.shared.libglom.layout.TableToViewDetails; import com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource; /** * */ public class RelatedListNavigation extends DBAccess { private LayoutItemPortal portal; public RelatedListNavigation(final Document document, final String documentID, final ComboPooledDataSource cpds, final String tableName, final LayoutItemPortal portal) { super(document, documentID, cpds, tableName); if (portal == null) { Log.error(documentID, tableName, "portal is null in table \"" + tableName + "\". " + "Cannot retrieve data for the related list."); return; } this.portal = portal; } /* * Gets a NavigationRecord for the related list given the primaryKeyValue. * * This code was ported from Glom: Box_Data_Portal::get_suitable_record_to_view_details() */ public NavigationRecord getNavigationRecord(final TypedDataItem primaryKeyValue) { if (portal == null) { Log.error(documentID, tableName, "The related list navigation cannot be determined because the LayoutItemPortal has not been found."); return null; } if (primaryKeyValue == null) { Log.error(documentID, tableName, "The related list navigation cannot be determined because the primaryKeyValue is null."); return null; } final TableToViewDetails navigationTable = document.getPortalSuitableTableToViewDetails(portal); if (navigationTable == null) { Log.error(documentID, tableName, "The related list navigation cannot cannot be determined because the navigation table details are empty."); return null; } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(navigationTable.tableName)) { Log.error(documentID, tableName, "The related list navigation cannot cannot be determined because the navigation table name is empty."); return null; } // Get the primary key of that table: final Field navigationTablePrimaryKey = document.getTablePrimaryKeyField(navigationTable.tableName); // Build a layout item to get the field's value: final LayoutItemField navigationRelationshipItem = new LayoutItemField(); navigationRelationshipItem.setName(navigationTablePrimaryKey.getName()); navigationRelationshipItem.setFullFieldDetails(navigationTablePrimaryKey); if (navigationTable.usesRelationship != null) { navigationRelationshipItem.setRelationship(navigationTable.usesRelationship.getRelationship()); navigationRelationshipItem .setRelatedRelationship(navigationTable.usesRelationship.getRelatedRelationship()); } // Get the value of the navigation related primary key: final List<LayoutItemField> fieldsToGet = new ArrayList<LayoutItemField>(); fieldsToGet.add(navigationRelationshipItem); // For instance "invoice_line_id" if this is a portal to an "invoice_lines" table: final String relatedTableName = portal.getTableUsed("" /* not relevant */); final Field primaryKeyField = document.getTablePrimaryKeyField(relatedTableName); if (primaryKeyField == null) { Log.error(documentID, tableName, "The related table's primary key field could not be found, for related table " + relatedTableName); return null; } final NavigationRecord navigationRecord = new NavigationRecord(); String query = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { if (primaryKeyValue != null) { // Make sure that the value knows its actual type, // in case it was received via a URL parameter as a string representation: Utils.transformUnknownToActualType(primaryKeyValue, primaryKeyField.getGlomType()); query = SqlUtils.buildSqlSelectWithKey(relatedTableName, fieldsToGet, primaryKeyField, primaryKeyValue, document.getSqlDialect()); rs = SqlUtils.executeQuery(cpds, query); // Set the output parameters: navigationRecord.setTableName(navigationTable.tableName);; final TypedDataItem navigationTablePrimaryKeyValue = new TypedDataItem(); final ResultSetMetaData rsMetaData = rs.getMetaData(); final int queryReturnValueType = rsMetaData.getColumnType(1); switch (navigationTablePrimaryKey.getGlomType()) { case TYPE_NUMERIC: if (queryReturnValueType == java.sql.Types.NUMERIC) { navigationTablePrimaryKeyValue.setNumber(rs.getDouble(1)); } else { logNavigationTablePrimaryKeyTypeMismatchError(Field.GlomFieldType.TYPE_NUMERIC, rsMetaData.getColumnTypeName(1)); } break; case TYPE_TEXT: if (queryReturnValueType == java.sql.Types.VARCHAR) { navigationTablePrimaryKeyValue.setText(rs.getString(1)); } else { logNavigationTablePrimaryKeyTypeMismatchError(Field.GlomFieldType.TYPE_TEXT, rsMetaData.getColumnTypeName(1)); } break; default: Log.error(documentID, tableName, "Unsupported java.sql.Type: " + rsMetaData.getColumnTypeName(1)); Log.error(documentID, tableName, "The navigation table primary key value will not be created. This is a bug."); break; } // The value is empty when there there is no record to match the key in the related table: // For instance, if an invoice lines record mentions a product id, but the product does not exist in the // products table. if (navigationTablePrimaryKeyValue.isEmpty()) {, tableName, "SQL query returned empty primary key for navigation to the " + navigationTable.tableName + "table. Navigation may not work correctly"); navigationRecord.setPrimaryKeyValue(null); } else { navigationRecord.setPrimaryKeyValue(navigationTablePrimaryKeyValue); } } } catch (final SQLException e) { Log.error(documentID, tableName, "Error executing database query: " + query, e); // TODO: somehow notify user of problem return null; } finally { // cleanup everything that has been used try { if (rs != null) { rs.close(); } } catch (final Exception e) { Log.error(documentID, tableName, "Error closing database resources. Subsequent database queries may not work.", e); } } return navigationRecord; } private void logNavigationTablePrimaryKeyTypeMismatchError(final GlomFieldType glomType, final String queryReturnValueTypeName) { Log.error(documentID, tableName, "The expected type from the Glom document: " + glomType + " doesn't match the type returned by the SQL query: " + queryReturnValueTypeName + "."); Log.error(documentID, tableName, "The navigation table primary key value will not be created. This is a bug."); } }