Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 1999-2008 University of Chicago * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy * of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package; import org.apache.axis.message.addressing.EndpointReferenceType; import org.apache.axis.types.URI; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.globus.gsi.GlobusCredential; import org.globus.workspace.client_common.BaseClient; import org.globus.workspace.client_core.ExecutionProblem; import org.globus.workspace.client_core.ExitNow; import org.globus.workspace.client_core.ParameterProblem; import org.globus.workspace.client_core.actions.Status_QueryAll; import org.globus.workspace.client_core.print.PrCodes; import org.globus.workspace.client_core.repr.Workspace; import org.globus.workspace.client_core.utils.NimbusCredential; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.globus.workspace.common.SecurityUtil; import org.globus.workspace.common.client.CLIUtils; import org.globus.workspace.common.client.CommonPrint; import org.globus.workspace.common.print.Print; import org.globus.workspace.common.print.PrintOpts; import org.globus.workspace.status.client.WorkspaceStatusClient; import; import; import org.globus.wsrf.utils.AddressingUtils; import org.nimbustools.ctxbroker.generated.gt4_0.description.Cloudcluster_Type; import org.nimbustools.messaging.gt4_0.common.CommonUtil; import org.nimbustools.messaging.gt4_0.generated.metadata.VirtualWorkspace_Type; import org.nimbustools.messaging.gt4_0.generated.negotiable.WorkspaceDeployment_Type; import org.nimbustools.messaging.gt4_0.generated.status.WorkspaceStatusFault; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; public class CloudClient { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // STATIC VARIABLES // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- public static final int SUCCESS_EXIT_CODE = 0; public static final int COMMAND_LINE_EXIT_CODE = 1; public static final int APPLICATION_EXIT_CODE = 2; public static final int UNKNOWN_ERROR_EXIT_CODE = 3; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // INSTANCE VARIABLES // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- private AllArgs args; // set if handle is a cluster handle private boolean isClusterHandle; private ExecuteUtil executeUtil = new ExecuteUtil(); private final Print print; /* derived */ private GlobusCredential x509Used; private String specificEPRpath; private String[] trustedCertDirs; private String workspaceFactoryURL; private EndpointReferenceType statusServiceEPR; private String newUnpropTargetURL; private ClusterMember[] clusterMembers; private URI kernelURI; private RepositoryInterface repoUtil; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CONSTRUCTORS // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @param pr must be non-null */ public CloudClient(Print pr) { if (pr == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("print may not be null"); } this.print = pr; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ENTRY POINTS // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // null means all public static int[] getOptInPrCodes() { final int[] optOuts = { PrCodes.OPTIONALPARAM__FILE_READ, PrCodes.DEPREQ__FILE_READ, PrCodes.METADATA__FILE_READ, PrCodes.SSH__FILE_READ, PrCodes.LISTENER_STATECHANGE__INSTANCE_STATE_CHANGE, PrCodes.CREATE__EPRFILE_WRITES, PrCodes.CREATE__INSTANCE_ID_PRINT, PrCodes.CREATE__INSTANCE_CREATING_INIITIAL_DURATION, PrCodes.CREATE__INSTANCE_CREATING_NET_ASSOCIATION, PrCodes.CREATE__INSTANCE_CREATING_NET_BROADCAST, PrCodes.CREATE__INSTANCE_CREATING_NET_GATEWAY, PrCodes.CREATE__INSTANCE_CREATING_NET_MAC, PrCodes.CREATE__INSTANCE_CREATING_NET_MASK, PrCodes.CREATE__INSTANCE_CREATING_NET_NETWORK, PrCodes.CREATE__INSTANCE_CREATING_NET_NAME, PrCodes.CREATE__ENSEMBLE_ID_PRINT, PrCodes.CREATE__CONTEXT_ID_PRINT, PrCodes.CREATE__EXTRALINES, PrCodes.MD_SSH__FILE_READ, PrCodes.MD_USERDATA__FILE_READ, PrCodes.LISTENER_TERMINATION__INSTANCE_ID_PRINT, PrCodes.LISTENER_AUTODESTROY, PrCodes.CREATE__CTXBROKER_CONTACTINF }; return PrCodes.getAllCodesExcept(optOuts); } public static void main(String[] argv) { // look for debug early, for diagnosing problems with parsing etc. PrintStream debug = null; if (CLIUtils.containsDebug(argv)) { debug = System.err; } final PrintOpts pOpts = new PrintOpts(getOptInPrCodes()); final Print print = new Print(pOpts, System.out, System.err, debug); final int retCode = mainImpl(argv, print); print.flush(); print.close(); System.exit(retCode); } public static int mainImpl(String[] argv, Print pr) { final CloudClient client = new CloudClient(pr); // used: ParameterProblem parameterProblem = null; ExitNow exitNow = null; Throwable any = null; // unused currently: //Throwable throwable = null; //ExecutionProblem executionProblem = null; int retCode; try { retCode = _mainImpl(argv, client); } catch (ExitNow e) { exitNow = e; any = e; retCode = exitNow.exitCode; } catch (ParameterProblem e) { parameterProblem = e; any = e; retCode = BaseClient.COMMAND_LINE_EXIT_CODE; } catch (ExecutionProblem e) { //executionProblem = e; any = e; retCode = BaseClient.APPLICATION_EXIT_CODE; } catch (Throwable t) { //throwable = t; any = t; retCode = BaseClient.UNKNOWN_EXIT_CODE; } if (!pr.enabled()) { // the rest of this method is for printing return retCode; // *** EARLY RETURN *** } if (exitNow != null) { pr.debugln("[exiting via exitnow system]"); pr.debugln(BaseClient.retCodeDebugStr(retCode)); return retCode; // *** EARLY RETURN *** } if (any == null) { pr.debugln(BaseClient.retCodeDebugStr(retCode)); return retCode; // *** EARLY RETURN *** } CommonPrint.printDebugSection(pr, "PROBLEM"); final String message = CommonUtil.genericExceptionMessageWrapper(any); String err = "Problem: " + message; if (parameterProblem != null && !pr.useLogging()) { err += "\nSee help (-h)."; } pr.errln(err); pr.debugln("\n"); final String sectionTitle = "STACKTRACE"; CommonPrint.printDebugSection(pr, sectionTitle); any.printStackTrace(pr.getDebugProxy()); CommonPrint.printDebugSectionEnd(pr, sectionTitle); pr.debugln("\n"); pr.debugln("Stacktrace was from: " + any.getMessage()); pr.debugln(BaseClient.retCodeDebugStr(retCode)); return retCode; } private static int _mainImpl(String[] argv, CloudClient client) throws ParameterProblem, ExecutionProblem, ExitNow { // (for development only, to attach a remote debugger etc) if (CLIUtils.containsDebuggerHang(argv)) { try { CLIUtils.hangForInput(client.getPrint()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ExecutionProblem("", e); } } CommonPrint.logArgs(argv, client.getPrint()); final AllArgs allArgs = new AllArgs(client.getPrint()); try { allArgs.intakeCmdlineOptions(argv); } catch (ParseException e) { // in all likelihood due to issue with given parameter throw new ParameterProblem(e.getMessage(), e); } try { allArgs.intakeUserProperties(); allArgs.intakeDefaultProperties(); } catch (IOException e) { // in all likelihood due to issue with given parameter throw new ParameterProblem(e.getMessage(), e); }; return BaseClient.SUCCESS_EXIT_CODE; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RUN() WRAPPER // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @param allArguments may not be null * @throws ParameterProblem problem with inputs * @throws ExecutionProblem problem going through with something * @throws ExitNow early exit (see source code...) */ public void run(AllArgs allArguments) throws ParameterProblem, ExecutionProblem, ExitNow { if (allArguments == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("allArguments may not be null"); } this.args = allArguments; String repoType = this.args.getXferType(); if (repoType == null) { repoType = "gridftp"; } this.repoUtil = CloudClientUtil.getRepoUtil(repoType, this.args, this.print); try { final String credPath = this.args.getNimbusCertFile(); if (credPath != null) { NimbusCredential.setNimbusCredentialPath(credPath); } final String keyPath = this.args.getNimbusKeyFile(); if (keyPath != null) { NimbusCredential.setNimbusUnencryptedKeyPath(keyPath); } this.parameterCheck(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParameterProblem(e.getMessage(), e); } try { this.runNoParameterCheck(); } finally { if (this.executeUtil != null) { this.executeUtil.stopExecutorService(); } } } protected Print getPrint() { return this.print; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PARAMETER CHECKS // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void parameterCheck() throws Exception { final List actions = this.args.getActions(); if (actions == null || actions.isEmpty()) { throw new ParameterProblem("Give at least one action."); } if (actions.contains(AllArgs.ACTION_HELP) || actions.contains(AllArgs.ACTION_EXTRAHELP) || actions.contains(AllArgs.ACTION_USAGE)) { // nothing else matters return; // *** EARLY RETURN *** } if (actions.contains(AllArgs.ACTION_SECURITY_PRINT)) { final String sectionTitle = "PARAMETER CHECK: --" + Opts.SECURITY_OPT_STRING; CommonPrint.printDebugSection(this.print, sectionTitle); this.parameterCheck_securityPrint(); CommonPrint.printDebugSectionEnd(this.print, sectionTitle); } if (actions.contains(AllArgs.ACTION_TARGET_PRINT)) { final String sectionTitle = "PARAMETER CHECK: --" + Opts.PRINT_TARGET_OPT_STRING; CommonPrint.printDebugSection(this.print, sectionTitle); this.parameterCheck_targetPrint(); CommonPrint.printDebugSectionEnd(this.print, sectionTitle); } if (actions.contains(AllArgs.ACTION_HASH_PRINT)) { final String sectionTitle = "PARAMETER CHECK: --" + Opts.HASH_PRINT_OPT_STRING; CommonPrint.printDebugSection(this.print, sectionTitle); this.parameterCheck_hashPrint(); CommonPrint.printDebugSectionEnd(this.print, sectionTitle); } if (actions.contains(AllArgs.ACTION_LIST)) { final String sectionTitle = "PARAMETER CHECK: --" + Opts.LIST_OPT_STRING; CommonPrint.printDebugSection(this.print, sectionTitle); this.parameterCheck_list(); CommonPrint.printDebugSectionEnd(this.print, sectionTitle); } if (actions.contains(AllArgs.ACTION_TRANSFER)) { final String sectionTitle = "PARAMETER CHECK: --" + Opts.TRANSFER_OPT_STRING; CommonPrint.printDebugSection(this.print, sectionTitle); this.parameterCheck_transfer(); CommonPrint.printDebugSectionEnd(this.print, sectionTitle); } if (actions.contains(AllArgs.ACTION_DELETE)) { final String sectionTitle = "PARAMETER CHECK: --" + Opts.DELETE_OPT_STRING; CommonPrint.printDebugSection(this.print, sectionTitle); this.parameterCheck_delete(); CommonPrint.printDebugSectionEnd(this.print, sectionTitle); } if (actions.contains(AllArgs.ACTION_DOWNLOAD)) { final String sectionTitle = "PARAMETER CHECK: --" + Opts.DOWNLOAD_OPT_STRING; CommonPrint.printDebugSection(this.print, sectionTitle); this.parameterCheck_download(); CommonPrint.printDebugSectionEnd(this.print, sectionTitle); } if (actions.contains(AllArgs.ACTION_SERVICE_PRINT)) { final String sectionTitle = "PARAMETER CHECK: --" + Opts.PRINT_SERVICE_OPT_STRING; CommonPrint.printDebugSection(this.print, sectionTitle); this.parameterCheck_servicePrint(); CommonPrint.printDebugSectionEnd(this.print, sectionTitle); } if (actions.contains(AllArgs.ACTION_DESTROY)) { final String sectionTitle = "PARAMETER CHECK: --" + Opts.DESTROY_OPT_STRING; CommonPrint.printDebugSection(this.print, sectionTitle); this.parameterCheck_destroy(); CommonPrint.printDebugSectionEnd(this.print, sectionTitle); } if (actions.contains(AllArgs.ACTION_STATUS_CHECK)) { final String sectionTitle = "PARAMETER CHECK: --" + Opts.STATUS_CHECK_OPT_STRING; CommonPrint.printDebugSection(this.print, sectionTitle); this.parameterCheck_status(); CommonPrint.printDebugSectionEnd(this.print, sectionTitle); } if (actions.contains(AllArgs.ACTION_ASSOC_QUERY)) { final String sectionTitle = "PARAMETER CHECK: --" + Opts.ASSOC_QUERY_OPT_STRING; CommonPrint.printDebugSection(this.print, sectionTitle); this.parameterCheck_assocquery(); CommonPrint.printDebugSectionEnd(this.print, sectionTitle); } if (actions.contains(AllArgs.ACTION_SAVE)) { final String sectionTitle = "PARAMETER CHECK: --" + Opts.SAVE_OPT_STRING; CommonPrint.printDebugSection(this.print, sectionTitle); this.parameterCheck_save(); CommonPrint.printDebugSectionEnd(this.print, sectionTitle); } if (actions.contains(AllArgs.ACTION_RUN)) { final String sectionTitle = "PARAMETER CHECK: --" + Opts.RUN_OPT_STRING; CommonPrint.printDebugSection(this.print, sectionTitle); this.parameterCheck_run(); CommonPrint.printDebugSectionEnd(this.print, sectionTitle); } if (actions.contains(AllArgs.ACTION_INIT_CONTEXT)) { final String sectionTitle = "PARAMETER CHECK: --" + Opts.INIT_CTX_OPT_STRING; CommonPrint.printDebugSection(this.print, sectionTitle); this.parameterCheck_initCtx(); CommonPrint.printDebugSectionEnd(this.print, sectionTitle); } if (actions.contains(AllArgs.ACTION_PRINT_CTX_STATUS)) { final String sectionTitle = "PARAMETER CHECK: --" + Opts.PRINT_CTX_STATUS_OPT_STRING; CommonPrint.printDebugSection(this.print, sectionTitle); this.parameterCheck_printContextStatus(); CommonPrint.printDebugSectionEnd(this.print, sectionTitle); } } void parameterCheck_initCtx() throws ParameterProblem { this._parameterCheck_clusterfile(); this._parameterCheck_initContext(); } void parameterCheck_list() throws ParameterProblem { this.repoUtil.paramterCheck(this.args, Opts.LIST_OPT_STRING); } void parameterCheck_hashPrint() throws ParameterProblem { if (this.args.getHashPrintDN() == null) { throw new ParameterProblem("Hash print requires DN to hash"); } } void parameterCheck_securityPrint() throws ParameterProblem { CloudClientUtil.checkX509Credential("Security printing", this.print); try { loadX509BeingUsed(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParameterProblem(e.getMessage()); } } void parameterCheck_servicePrint() throws ParameterProblem { this._checkServiceURL(Opts.PRINT_SERVICE_OPT_STRING); } void parameterCheck_destroy() throws ParameterProblem { if (this.args.getActions().contains(AllArgs.ACTION_RUN)) { throw new ParameterProblem( "You cannot create (--" + Opts.RUN_OPT_STRING + ") and destroy in the same invocation"); } final String actionString = "Terminating"; CloudClientUtil.checkX509Credential(actionString, this.print); this._translateHandle(actionString); this._checkSpecificEPR(actionString); } void parameterCheck_status() throws ParameterProblem { if (this.args.getActions().contains(AllArgs.ACTION_RUN)) { throw new ParameterProblem("You cannot create (--" + Opts.RUN_OPT_STRING + ") and run a status check (on a previously" + "created workspace) in the same invocation"); } final String actionString = "Checking status"; CloudClientUtil.checkX509Credential(actionString, this.print); this._translateHandle(actionString); if (this.args.getHistorySubDir() != null || this.args.getEprGivenFilePath() != null) { this._checkSpecificEPR("Checking status of one workspace"); } else { this._checkStatusServiceEPR("Checking status of all workspaces"); } } void parameterCheck_printContextStatus() throws ParameterProblem { if (this.args.getActions().contains(AllArgs.ACTION_RUN)) { throw new ParameterProblem("You cannot create (--" + Opts.RUN_OPT_STRING + ") and run print context status (on a previously" + "created cluster) in the same invocation"); } final String actionString = "Printing ctx status of each node"; CloudClientUtil.checkX509Credential(actionString, this.print); this._translateHandle(actionString); if (this.args.getHistorySubDir() != null || this.args.getEprGivenFilePath() != null) { this._checkSpecificBrokerEPR(actionString); } else { throw new ParameterProblem(actionString + " requires either " + "'--" + Opts.HANDLE_OPT_STRING + "' or path to specific context EPR file using '--" + Opts.EPR_FILE_OPT_STRING + '\''); } } void parameterCheck_assocquery() throws ParameterProblem { final String actionString = "Querying networks"; CloudClientUtil.checkX509Credential(actionString, this.print); this._checkServiceURL(actionString); } void parameterCheck_save() throws ParameterProblem { if (this.args.getActions().contains(AllArgs.ACTION_RUN)) { throw new ParameterProblem("You cannot create (--" + Opts.RUN_OPT_STRING + ") and " + "save a previously created workspace in the same invocation"); } final String actionString = "Saving"; CloudClientUtil.checkX509Credential(actionString, this.print); this._translateHandle(actionString); this._checkSpecificEPR(actionString); this.repoUtil.paramterCheck(this.args, actionString); final String newname = this.args.getNewname(); if (newname != null) { this.print.debugln("save called with newname '" + newname + "'"); try { this.newUnpropTargetURL = this.repoUtil.getDerivedImageURL(newname); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParameterProblem("Problem with save's newname '" + newname + "': " + e.getMessage(), e); } } else { this.print.debugln("save called with no newname"); } } void parameterCheck_targetPrint() throws ParameterProblem { this.repoUtil.paramterCheck(this.args, Opts.TARGETDIR_OPT_STRING); final String sourcefile = this.args.getSourcefile(); final String name = this.args.getName(); if (sourcefile == null && name == null) { throw new ParameterProblem(Opts.TARGETDIR_OPT_STRING + " requires either '" + Opts.SOURCEFILE_OPT_STRING + "' or '" + Opts.NAME_OPT_STRING + "'"); } } void parameterCheck_transfer() throws ParameterProblem { this.repoUtil.paramterCheck(this.args, Opts.TRANSFER_OPT_STRING); final String sourcefile = this.args.getSourcefile(); if (sourcefile == null) { throw new ParameterProblem(Opts.TRANSFER_OPT_STRING + " requires '" + Opts.SOURCEFILE_OPT_STRING + "'"); } this._checkSourcefile(); } void parameterCheck_delete() throws ParameterProblem { this.repoUtil.paramterCheck(this.args, Opts.DELETE_OPT_STRING); final String name = this.args.getName(); if (name == null) { throw new ParameterProblem("Deleting requires '" + Opts.NAME_OPT_STRING + "' (the name " + "of the file in your remote personal directory)"); } } void parameterCheck_download() throws ParameterProblem { this.repoUtil.paramterCheck(this.args, Opts.DOWNLOAD_OPT_STRING); final String localfile = this.args.getLocalfile(); final String name = this.args.getName(); if (localfile == null) { throw new ParameterProblem(Opts.DOWNLOAD_OPT_STRING + " requires '" + Opts.LOCAL_FILE_OPT_STRING + "'"); } if (name == null) { throw new ParameterProblem("Downloading requires '" + Opts.NAME_OPT_STRING + "' (the name " + "of the file in your remote personal directory)"); } this._checkLocalfile(); } /* SINGLE RUN/CLUSTER RUN CHECKS: */ void parameterCheck_run() throws ParameterProblem { final String sourcefile = this.args.getSourcefile(); final String clusterPath = this.args.getClusterPath(); final String name = this.args.getName(); final String ec2ScriptPath = this.args.getEc2ScriptPath(); // Differentiate between run and cluster-run if (sourcefile == null && name == null && clusterPath == null) { throw new ParameterProblem("Running requires either '" + Opts.SOURCEFILE_OPT_STRING + "', '" + Opts.NAME_OPT_STRING + "', or '" + Opts.CLUSTER_OPT_STRING + "'"); } if (sourcefile != null && name != null) { throw new ParameterProblem("You may not specify both '" + Opts.SOURCEFILE_OPT_STRING + "' and '" + Opts.NAME_OPT_STRING + "'"); } if (sourcefile == null && name == null && ec2ScriptPath != null) { this.args.getActions().add(AllArgs.ACTION_EC2_CLUSTER); this.print.debugln("\n*** EC2 CLUSTER HELPER\n"); this._parameterCheck_runec2cluster(); this._parameterCheck_clusterfile(); } else if (sourcefile == null && name == null) { this.args.getActions().add(AllArgs.ACTION_RUN_CLUSTER); this.print.debugln("\n*** RUN CLUSTER\n"); this._parameterCheck_runcommon(); this._parameterCheck_clusterfile(); } else { this.args.getActions().add(AllArgs.ACTION_RUN_SINGLE); this.print.debugln("\n*** RUN SINGLE\n"); this._parameterCheck_runcommon(); } } void _parameterCheck_clusterfile() throws ParameterProblem { String clusterPath = this.args.getClusterPath(); this.clusterMembers = ClusterUtil.getClusterMembers(clusterPath, this.args.getBrokerLocalNicPrefix(), this.args.getBrokerPublicNicPrefix(), this.print); // true if at least one contextualization section is present boolean oneContextualization = false; // true if at least one adjustment is requested boolean adjustKnownHosts = false; String ssh_hostsfile = this.args.getSsh_hostsfile(); if (ssh_hostsfile == null) { this.print.errln("Your SSH known_hosts file will not be updated with " + "generated keys (see to enable)."); } for (int i = 0; i < this.clusterMembers.length; i++) { final ClusterMember member = this.clusterMembers[i]; if (member.isOneLoginFlagPresent()) { if (member.getClusterForUserData() == null && ssh_hostsfile != null) { this.print.errln(" - Warning: Host SSH pubkey(s) will " + "not be available for this member " + "(it's not involved in contextualization)"); } else { adjustKnownHosts = true; } } if (member.getClusterForUserData() != null) { oneContextualization = true; } } if (this.args.isNoContextLock() && !oneContextualization) { this.print.errln(" - Warning: You gave the --" + Opts.NOCTXLOCK_OPT_STRING + " flag but there are no " + "contextualization sections in the cluster definition."); } // at least one adjustment is requested if (adjustKnownHosts && ssh_hostsfile != null) { String newHostsFile = ClusterUtil.expandSshHostsFile(ssh_hostsfile, this.print); this.args.setSsh_hostsfile(newHostsFile); } } void _parameterCheck_runcommon() throws ParameterProblem { CloudClientUtil.checkX509Credential("Running", this.print); this._checkServiceURL(Opts.RUN_OPT_STRING); String sshfile = this.args.getSshfile(); if (sshfile == null) { this.print.errln("WARNING: no SSH public key is configured"); } if (this.args.getHistoryDirectory() == null) { throw new ParameterProblem("Running requires '" + Opts.HISTORY_DIR_OPT_STRING + "'"); } this._checkHistoryDirectory("Running"); if (!this.args.isDurationMinutesConfigured()) { throw new ParameterProblem("Running requires '" + Opts.HOURS_OPT_STRING + "'"); } this.print.debugln("Checking on repository URL for running " + "because we are going to derive propagation string " + "for the client"); this.repoUtil.paramterCheck(this.args, Opts.RUN_OPT_STRING); final String newname = this.args.getNewname(); if (newname != null) { this.print.debugln("run called with newname '" + newname + "'"); try { this.newUnpropTargetURL = this.repoUtil.getDerivedImageURL(newname); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParameterProblem("Problem with run's newname '" + newname + "': " + e.getMessage(), e); } } if (sshfile != null) { sshfile = CloudClientUtil.expandSshPath(sshfile); final File f = new File(sshfile); sshfile = f.getAbsolutePath(); this.args.setSshfile(sshfile); this.print.debugln("Examining '" + sshfile + "'"); if (!CloudClientUtil.fileExistsAndReadable(sshfile)) { throw new ParameterProblem( "SSH public key file does not " + "exist or is not readable: '" + sshfile + "'"); } this.print.debugln("Exists and readable: '" + sshfile + "'"); } if (this.args.getKernel() != null) { final String kernel = this.args.getKernel().trim(); if (kernel.length() == 0) { throw new ParameterProblem("empty kernel string?"); } if (kernel.indexOf('/') >= 0) { throw new ParameterProblem("kernel may not contain any /"); } if (kernel.indexOf("..") >= 0) { throw new ParameterProblem("kernel may not contain any '..'"); } // already-propagated kernel is implied try { this.kernelURI = new URI("file://" + kernel); } catch (URI.MalformedURIException e) { throw new ParameterProblem(e.getMessage(), e); } } } void _parameterCheck_initContext() throws ParameterProblem { CloudClientUtil.checkX509Credential("Context init helper (which talks to the " + "context broker)", this.print); if (this.args.getInitCtxDir() == null) { throw new ParameterProblem("Must specify ctx output directory"); } } void _parameterCheck_runec2cluster() throws ParameterProblem { CloudClientUtil.checkX509Credential("EC2 cluster helper (which talks to the " + "context broker)", this.print); final String brokerURL = this.args.getBrokerURL(); if (brokerURL == null) { final String factoryHostPort = this.args.getFactoryHostPort(); if (factoryHostPort == null) { throw new ParameterProblem(" requires either '--" + Opts.BROKER_URL_OPT_STRING + "' or '--" + Opts.FACTORY_OPT_STRING + "'"); } final String url = CloudClientUtil.serviceURL(factoryHostPort); if (!CloudClientUtil.validURL(url, this.print.getDebugProxy())) { throw new ParameterProblem("Derived service URL is not a " + "valid URL: '" + url + "'"); } this.workspaceFactoryURL = url; } if (this.args.getHistoryDirectory() == null) { throw new ParameterProblem("This requires '" + Opts.HISTORY_DIR_OPT_STRING + "'"); } this._checkHistoryDirectory("EC2 cluster helper (which talks to the " + "context broker)"); } /* SHARED CHECKS: */ void _checkServiceURL(String action) throws ParameterProblem { final String factoryHostPort = this.args.getFactoryHostPort(); if (factoryHostPort == null) { throw new ParameterProblem(action + " requires '" + Opts.FACTORY_OPT_STRING + "'"); } final String url = CloudClientUtil.serviceURL(factoryHostPort); if (!CloudClientUtil.validURL(url, this.print.getDebugProxy())) { throw new ParameterProblem("Service URL is not a valid URL: '" + url + "'"); } this.workspaceFactoryURL = url; this.print.debugln("Derived workspace factory URL: '" + url + "'"); } void _checkStatusServiceEPR(String action) throws ParameterProblem { final String factoryHostPort = this.args.getFactoryHostPort(); if (factoryHostPort == null) { throw new ParameterProblem(action + " requires '" + Opts.FACTORY_OPT_STRING + "'"); } final String url = CloudClientUtil.statusServiceURL(factoryHostPort); if (!CloudClientUtil.validURL(url, this.print.getDebugProxy())) { throw new ParameterProblem("Status Service URL is not a valid URL: '" + url + "'"); } try { this.statusServiceEPR = AddressingUtils.createEndpointReference(url, WorkspaceStatusClient.defaultResourceKey); } catch (Exception e) { final String err = "Problem deriving status service EPR: "; throw new ParameterProblem(err + e.getMessage(), e); } this.print.debugln("Derived workspace status service URL: '" + url + "'"); } void _checkHistoryDirectory(String action) throws ParameterProblem { final String historyDirectory = this.args.getHistoryDirectory(); if (historyDirectory == null) { throw new ParameterProblem(action + " requires '" + Opts.HISTORY_DIR_OPT_STRING + "'"); } CloudClientUtil.verifyHistoryDir(historyDirectory, true, true); } void _translateHandle(String action) throws ParameterProblem { if (this.args.getHandle() == null) { this.print.debugln("no handle supplied"); return; } if (this.args.getHistorySubDir() != null) { this.print.debugln("handle supplied, but presence of history " + "sub-directory argument overrides it"); return; } if (this.args.getHistoryDirectory() == null) { throw new ParameterProblem("Not able to use handle to locate the " + "necessary, stored information: no top-level history " + "directory argument was supplied."); } this._checkHistoryDirectory(action); // translate history directory and handle argument into history subdir, // the result will be checked later by whatever needs it final String historySubDir = this.args.getHistoryDirectory() + File.separator + this.args.getHandle(); this.args.setHistorySubDir(historySubDir); } void _checkSpecificEPR(String action) throws ParameterProblem { final String historySubDir = this.args.getHistorySubDir(); final String eprGivenFilePath = this.args.getEprGivenFilePath(); if (historySubDir == null && eprGivenFilePath == null) { // This is a message present to human. An unmentioned, third option // is technically possible. It's more esoteric, but one could // specify Opts.HISTORY_SUBDIR_OPT_STRING directly. throw new ParameterProblem(action + " requires either " + "'" + Opts.HANDLE_OPT_STRING + "' or path to specific EPR file using '" + Opts.EPR_FILE_OPT_STRING + "'"); } if (historySubDir != null && eprGivenFilePath != null) { throw new ParameterProblem(action + " will use either '" + Opts.HISTORY_SUBDIR_OPT_STRING + "' or '" + Opts.EPR_FILE_OPT_STRING + "', but you've provided BOTH options."); } File f; if (historySubDir != null) { CloudClientUtil.verifyHistoryDir(historySubDir, false, false); f = new File(historySubDir, HistoryUtil.SINGLE_EPR_FILE_NAME); if (!CloudClientUtil.fileExistsAndReadable(f)) { f = new File(historySubDir, HistoryUtil.ENSEMBLE_EPR_FILE_NAME); if (CloudClientUtil.fileExistsAndReadable(f)) { this.isClusterHandle = true; } else { throw new ParameterProblem("Cannot find or read any " + "instance or cluster EPRs under '" + historySubDir + "'\nPerhaps this launch did " + "not succeed?"); } } } else { f = new File(eprGivenFilePath); if (!CloudClientUtil.fileExistsAndReadable(f)) { throw new ParameterProblem("Cannot find or read '" + eprGivenFilePath + "'"); } } String old = null; if (this.specificEPRpath != null) { old = this.specificEPRpath; } this.specificEPRpath = f.getAbsolutePath(); if (old != null) { if (!old.equals(this.specificEPRpath)) { throw new ParameterProblem( "Unexpected with any input: specific EPR that was " + "previously set is '" + old + "' but it is " + "not the same as a repeat derivation which " + "is '" + this.specificEPRpath + "'. Please " + "send debug output file (in the history " + "directory) to developers, thankyou."); } } } void _checkSpecificBrokerEPR(String action) throws ParameterProblem { final String historySubDir = this.args.getHistorySubDir(); final String eprGivenFilePath = this.args.getEprGivenFilePath(); if (historySubDir == null && eprGivenFilePath == null) { // This is a message present to human. An unmentioned, third option // is technically possible. It's more esoteric, but one could // specify Opts.HISTORY_SUBDIR_OPT_STRING directly. throw new ParameterProblem(action + " requires either " + "'" + Opts.HANDLE_OPT_STRING + "' or path to specific EPR file using '" + Opts.EPR_FILE_OPT_STRING + "'"); } if (historySubDir != null && eprGivenFilePath != null) { throw new ParameterProblem(action + " will use either '" + Opts.HISTORY_SUBDIR_OPT_STRING + "' or '" + Opts.EPR_FILE_OPT_STRING + "', but you've provided BOTH options."); } File f; if (historySubDir != null) { CloudClientUtil.verifyHistoryDir(historySubDir, false, false); f = new File(historySubDir, HistoryUtil.CONTEXT_EPR_FILE_NAME); if (!CloudClientUtil.fileExistsAndReadable(f)) { throw new ParameterProblem("Cannot find or read any " + "context EPRs under '" + historySubDir + "'\nPerhaps this launch did " + "not succeed or it was not a virtual cluster launch " + "using the context broker?"); } } else { f = new File(eprGivenFilePath); if (!CloudClientUtil.fileExistsAndReadable(f)) { throw new ParameterProblem("Cannot find or read '" + eprGivenFilePath + "'"); } } String old = null; if (this.specificEPRpath != null) { old = this.specificEPRpath; } this.specificEPRpath = f.getAbsolutePath(); if (old != null) { if (!old.equals(this.specificEPRpath)) { throw new ParameterProblem( "Unexpected with any input: specific EPR that was " + "previously set is '" + old + "' but it is " + "not the same as a repeat derivation which " + "is '" + this.specificEPRpath + "'. Please " + "send debug output file (in the history " + "directory) to developers, thankyou."); } } } void _checkSourcefile() throws ParameterProblem { final String sourcefile = this.args.getSourcefile(); if (!CloudClientUtil.fileExistsAndReadable(sourcefile)) { throw new ParameterProblem( "Specified source file does not " + "exist or is not readable: '" + sourcefile + "'"); } } void _checkLocalfile() throws ParameterProblem { final String localfile = this.args.getLocalfile(); if (CloudClientUtil.fileExists(localfile)) { throw new ParameterProblem("Specified local target file already " + "exists: '" + localfile + "'"); } } void _checkDepReqDefaults(String action) throws ParameterProblem { this.__checknull(action, "deployment request file name", this.args.getDeploymentRequest_fileName()); } void _checkMetadataDefaults(String action) throws ParameterProblem { this.__checknull(action, "association name", this.args.getMetadata_association()); this.__checknull(action, "cpu type", this.args.getMetadata_cpuType()); this.__checknull(action, "metadata filename", this.args.getMetadata_fileName()); this.__checknull(action, "partition mount-as", this.args.getMetadata_mountAs()); this.__checknull(action, "NIC name", this.args.getMetadata_nicName()); this.__checknull(action, "VMM type", this.args.getMetadata_vmmType()); this.__checknull(action, "VMM version", this.args.getMetadata_vmmVersion()); } void __checknull(String action, String propname, String val) throws ParameterProblem { if (val == null) { throw new ParameterProblem(action + " requires " + propname); } } /* DERIVED FIELDS */ // only used for printing and/or presence-detect GlobusCredential loadX509BeingUsed() throws Exception { if (this.x509Used != null) { return this.x509Used; } this.x509Used = CloudClientUtil.getActiveX509Credential(this.print); return this.x509Used; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // EXECUTE // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void runNoParameterCheck() throws ExecutionProblem, ExitNow { if (this.action_help()) { return; // if a help action ran, cut out early } this.action_hashPrint(); this.trustedCAs(); this.action_justPrinting(); this.action_assoc_query(); this.action_list(); this.action_status(); this.action_save(); this.action_destroy(); this.action_transfer(); this.action_run_single(); this.action_run_cluster(); this.action_run_ec2cluster(); this.action_init_context(); this.action_download(); this.action_delete(); this.action_print_context_status(); } void trustedCAs() throws ExecutionProblem { final String sectionTitle = "TRUSTED CAs CHECK"; CommonPrint.printDebugSection(this.print, sectionTitle); final String caAppendDir = this.args.getCaAppendDir(); try { if (caAppendDir != null) { this.print.debugln("caAppendDir = '" + caAppendDir + "'"); TrustedCAs.addTrustedCaDirectory(caAppendDir); this.print.debugln("Added '" + caAppendDir + "' to " + "trusted certificate directories"); } else { this.print.debugln("caAppendDir not present"); } this.trustedCertDirs = CertUtil.trustedCertificateDirectories(this.print.getDebugProxy()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ExecutionProblem(e.getMessage(), e); // ... } CommonPrint.printDebugSectionEnd(this.print, sectionTitle); } // returns true if a help action ran boolean action_help() throws ExecutionProblem { try { if (this.args.getActions().contains(AllArgs.ACTION_USAGE)) { this.print.infoln(new Help().getUsageString()); return true; } if (this.args.getActions().contains(AllArgs.ACTION_HELP)) { this.print.infoln(new Help().getHelpString()); return true; } if (this.args.getActions().contains(AllArgs.ACTION_EXTRAHELP)) { this.print.infoln(new Help().getExtraHelpString()); return true; } } catch (IOException e) { throw new ExecutionProblem("Unexpected problem with help system: " + e.getMessage(), e); } return false; } void action_hashPrint() throws ExecutionProblem { if (this.args.getActions().contains(AllArgs.ACTION_HASH_PRINT)) { //this.print.infoln(" DN: " + this.hashPrintDN); try { //this.print.infoln("HASH: " + // SecurityUtil.hashDN(this.hashPrintDN)); this.print.infoln(SecurityUtil.hashDN(this.args.getHashPrintDN())); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new ExecutionProblem(e.getMessage(), e); } } } void action_justPrinting() throws ExecutionProblem { try { if (this.args.getActions().contains(AllArgs.ACTION_SECURITY_PRINT)) { final String sectionTitle = "ACTION: SECURITY PRINT"; CommonPrint.printDebugSection(this.print, sectionTitle); final SecurityPrinter sp = new SecurityPrinter(this.x509Used, this.trustedCertDirs); sp.print(this.args.getCaHash(), this.print.getInfoProxy(), this.print.getDebugProxy()); CommonPrint.printDebugSectionEnd(this.print, sectionTitle); } if (this.args.getActions().contains(AllArgs.ACTION_SERVICE_PRINT)) { final String sectionTitle = "ACTION: SERVICE PRINT"; CommonPrint.printDebugSection(this.print, sectionTitle); this.print.infoln(this.workspaceFactoryURL); CommonPrint.printDebugSectionEnd(this.print, sectionTitle); } if (this.args.getActions().contains(AllArgs.ACTION_TARGET_PRINT)) { final String sectionTitle = "ACTION: TARGET URL PRINT"; CommonPrint.printDebugSection(this.print, sectionTitle); String sourcefile = this.args.getSourcefile(); String name = this.args.getName(); if (sourcefile != null) { final File f = new File(sourcefile); name = f.getName(); } if (name != null) { String pUrl = this.repoUtil.getRemoteUrl(name); this.print.infoln(pUrl); } else { throw new ExecutionProblem("print target configured but no target URL?"); } CommonPrint.printDebugSectionEnd(this.print, sectionTitle); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ExecutionProblem(e.getMessage(), e); // ... } } void action_list() throws ExecutionProblem { if (this.args.getActions().contains(AllArgs.ACTION_LIST)) { final String sectionTitle = "ACTION: LIST"; CommonPrint.printDebugSection(this.print, sectionTitle); final FileListing[] files = this.repoUtil.listFiles(this.print.getInfoProxy(), this.print.getErrProxy(), this.print.getDebugProxy()); CloudClientUtil.printFileList(files, this.print); CommonPrint.printDebugSectionEnd(this.print, sectionTitle); } } void action_destroy() throws ExecutionProblem, ExitNow { if (this.args.getActions().contains(AllArgs.ACTION_DESTROY)) { final String sectionTitle = "ACTION: DESTROY"; CommonPrint.printDebugSection(this.print, sectionTitle); this.executeUtil.destroy(this.specificEPRpath, this.args.getFactoryID(), this.isClusterHandle, this.print); CommonPrint.printDebugSectionEnd(this.print, sectionTitle); } } void action_status() throws ExecutionProblem, ExitNow { if (this.args.getActions().contains(AllArgs.ACTION_STATUS_CHECK)) { if (this.specificEPRpath == null) { this._action_status_all(); } else { this._action_status_one(); } } } private void _action_status_one() throws ExecutionProblem, ExitNow { final String sectionTitle = "ACTION: STATUS CHECK (one workspace)"; CommonPrint.printDebugSection(this.print, sectionTitle); this.executeUtil.statusQuery(this.specificEPRpath, this.args.getFactoryID(), this.print); CommonPrint.printDebugSectionEnd(this.print, sectionTitle); } private void _action_status_all() throws ExecutionProblem, ExitNow { final String sectionTitle = "ACTION: STATUS CHECK (all workspaces)"; CommonPrint.printDebugSection(this.print, sectionTitle); final StubConf conf = new StubConf(); conf.setEPR(this.statusServiceEPR); if (this.args.getFactoryID() != null) { conf.setAuthorization(new IdentityAuthorization(this.args.getFactoryID())); } else { conf.setAuthorization(HostAuthorization.getInstance()); } final Status_QueryAll queryAll = new Status_QueryAll(this.statusServiceEPR, conf, this.print); this.print.infoln("Querying for ALL instances.\n"); try { final Workspace[] workspaces = queryAll.queryAll(); CloudClientUtil.printCurrent(workspaces, this.print, this.args.getHistoryDirectory(), this.statusServiceEPR); } catch (WorkspaceStatusFault e) { throw new ExecutionProblem(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (ParameterProblem e) { throw new ExecutionProblem(e.getMessage(), e); } CommonPrint.printDebugSectionEnd(this.print, sectionTitle); } void action_save() throws ExecutionProblem, ExitNow { if (this.args.getActions().contains(AllArgs.ACTION_SAVE)) { final String sectionTitle = "ACTION: SAVE"; CommonPrint.printDebugSection(this.print, sectionTitle);, this.newUnpropTargetURL, this.specificEPRpath, this.args.getPollMs(), this.args.isUseNotifications(), this.args.getFactoryID(), this.print); CommonPrint.printDebugSectionEnd(this.print, sectionTitle); } } void action_transfer() throws ExecutionProblem { if (this.args.getActions().contains(AllArgs.ACTION_TRANSFER)) { final String sectionTitle = "ACTION: TRANSFER"; CommonPrint.printDebugSection(this.print, sectionTitle); final String sourcefile = this.args.getSourcefile(); final File f = new File(sourcefile); this.repoUtil.uploadVM(sourcefile, f.getName(), this.print.getInfoProxy(), this.print.getDebugProxy(), this.executeUtil.getExecer()); CommonPrint.printDebugSectionEnd(this.print, sectionTitle); } } void action_assoc_query() throws ExecutionProblem, ExitNow { if (!this.args.getActions().contains(AllArgs.ACTION_ASSOC_QUERY)) { return; // *** EARLY RETURN *** } final String sectionTitle = "ACTION: NETWORK QUERY"; CommonPrint.printDebugSection(this.print, sectionTitle); this.executeUtil.associationQuery(this.workspaceFactoryURL, this.args.getFactoryID(), this.print); CommonPrint.printDebugSectionEnd(this.print, sectionTitle); } void action_run_single() throws ExecutionProblem, ExitNow { if (!this.args.getActions().contains(AllArgs.ACTION_RUN_SINGLE)) { return; // *** EARLY RETURN *** } final String sectionTitle = "ACTION: RUN SINGLE"; CommonPrint.printDebugSection(this.print, sectionTitle); String imageName = this.args.getName(); if (imageName == null) { final File sfile = new File(this.args.getSourcefile()); imageName = sfile.getName(); this.print.debugln("Derived image name to run from " + "given sourcefile: '" + imageName + "'"); } else { this.print.debugln("Using given image name: '" + imageName + "'"); } final String imageURL; try { imageURL = this.repoUtil.getDerivedImageURL(imageName); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ExecutionProblem("Problem with image name '" + imageName + "': " + e.getMessage(), e); } final URI imageURI; try { imageURI = new URI(imageURL); } catch (URI.MalformedURIException e) { throw new ExecutionProblem(e.getMessage(), e); } final String[] associations = { this.args.getMetadata_association() }; final String[] nicnames = { this.args.getMetadata_nicName() }; // runName (3rd method paramater, being set to null) will be set in // startOneWorkspace once rundir is known final VirtualWorkspace_Type metadata = MetadataXMLUtil.constructMetadata(imageURI, this.args.getMetadata_mountAs(), null, associations, nicnames, this.args.getMetadata_cpuType(), this.args.getMetadata_vmmVersion(), this.args.getMetadata_vmmType(), this.kernelURI); final WorkspaceDeployment_Type deploymentRequest = DeploymentXMLUtil.constructDeployment( this.args.getDurationMinutes(), this.args.getMemory(), this.args.getCores(), this.newUnpropTargetURL); this.executeUtil.startOneWorkspace(this.workspaceFactoryURL, metadata, this.args.getMetadata_fileName(), deploymentRequest, this.args.getDeploymentRequest_fileName(), this.args.getSshfile(), this.args.getHistoryDirectory(), this.args.getPollMs(), this.args.isUseNotifications(), this.args.getFactoryID(), this.print); CommonPrint.printDebugSectionEnd(this.print, sectionTitle); } void action_run_cluster() throws ExecutionProblem, ExitNow { if (!this.args.getActions().contains(AllArgs.ACTION_RUN_CLUSTER)) { return; // *** EARLY RETURN *** } final String sectionTitle = "ACTION: RUN CLUSTER"; CommonPrint.printDebugSection(this.print, sectionTitle); final int len = this.clusterMembers.length; final VirtualWorkspace_Type[] metadatas = new VirtualWorkspace_Type[len]; final WorkspaceDeployment_Type[] deploymentRequests = new WorkspaceDeployment_Type[len]; final String[] metadata_fileNames = new String[len]; final String[] deploymentRequest_fileNames = new String[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { final ClusterMember member = this.clusterMembers[i]; if (member == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("valid clusterMembers must be present here"); } final String imageName = member.getImageName(); final String imageURL; try { imageURL = this.repoUtil.getDerivedImageURL(imageName); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ExecutionProblem("Problem with image name '" + imageName + "': " + e.getMessage(), e); } final URI imageURI; try { imageURI = new URI(imageURL); } catch (URI.MalformedURIException e) { throw new ExecutionProblem(e.getMessage(), e); } // runName (3rd method paramater, being set to null) will be set // in startWorkspaceCluster once rundir is known metadatas[i] = MetadataXMLUtil.constructMetadata(imageURI, this.args.getMetadata_mountAs(), null, member.getAssociations(), member.getIfaceNames(), this.args.getMetadata_cpuType(), this.args.getMetadata_vmmVersion(), this.args.getMetadata_vmmType(), this.kernelURI); deploymentRequests[i] = DeploymentXMLUtil.constructDeployment(this.args.getDurationMinutes(), this.args.getMemory(), this.args.getCores(), this.newUnpropTargetURL, member.getQuantity()); metadata_fileNames[i] = HistoryUtil.getMemberName(i + 1) + "-" + this.args.getMetadata_fileName(); deploymentRequest_fileNames[i] = HistoryUtil.getMemberName(i + 1) + "-" + this.args.getDeploymentRequest_fileName(); } ClusterUtil.printClusterInfo(this.clusterMembers, this.print); final String[] printNames = new String[this.clusterMembers.length]; final Cloudcluster_Type[] clustersForUserData = new Cloudcluster_Type[this.clusterMembers.length]; for (int i = 0; i < this.clusterMembers.length; i++) { final int memberIndex = i; final ClusterMember member = this.clusterMembers[memberIndex]; printNames[i] = member.getPrintName(); // may be null // will be null if not involved in contextualization clustersForUserData[memberIndex] = member.getClusterForUserData(); printNames[i] = member.getPrintName(); // may be null } final KnownHostsTask[] knownHostTasks; if (this.args.getSsh_hostsfile() != null) { knownHostTasks = ClusterUtil.constructKnownHostTasks(this.clusterMembers, this.args.isHostkeyDir()); } else { knownHostTasks = null; } this.executeUtil.startWorkspaceCluster(this.workspaceFactoryURL, knownHostTasks, metadatas, metadata_fileNames, deploymentRequests, deploymentRequest_fileNames, printNames, clustersForUserData, !this.args.isNoContextLock(), this.args.getSshfile(), this.args.getSsh_hostsfile(), this.args.getHistoryDirectory(), this.args.getPollMs(), this.args.getFactoryID(), this.print, this.args.getBrokerURL(), this.args.getBrokerID()); CommonPrint.printDebugSectionEnd(this.print, sectionTitle); } class CtxMemberInfo { private final String image; private final int quantity; private final ClusterMember clusterMember; public CtxMemberInfo(ClusterMember member) throws ExecutionProblem { if (member == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("member may not be null"); } this.clusterMember = member; this.image = member.getImageName(); if (this.image == null || this.image.trim().length() == 0) { throw new ExecutionProblem("image name missing from " + "cluster document"); } this.quantity = member.getQuantity(); } } void validateClusterMembersForCtxClient() throws ExecutionProblem { if (this.clusterMembers == null) { throw new ExecutionProblem("no clusterMembers provided"); } for (ClusterMember member : this.clusterMembers) { if (member == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("valid clusterMembers must be present here"); } final String imageName = member.getImageName(); if (imageName == null || imageName.trim().length() == 0) { throw new ExecutionProblem("No AMI in cluster file"); } } } void action_init_context() throws ExecutionProblem, ExitNow { if (!this.args.getActions().contains(AllArgs.ACTION_INIT_CONTEXT)) { return; // *** EARLY RETURN *** } String brokerURL = this.args.getBrokerURL(); String brokerIdentityAuthorization = this.args.getBrokerID(); if (brokerURL == null) { int dx = this.workspaceFactoryURL.indexOf("WorkspaceFactoryService"); brokerURL = this.workspaceFactoryURL.substring(0, dx); brokerURL += "NimbusContextBroker"; print.debugln("No context broker URL was explicitly supplied," + " so it has been deduced from the nimbus factory URL." + " Using: " + brokerURL); // and so ID scheme for service must be copied if (brokerIdentityAuthorization == null && this.args.getFactoryID() != null) { brokerIdentityAuthorization = this.args.getFactoryID(); } } this.validateClusterMembersForCtxClient(); this.executeUtil.ctxClusterHelp(this.clusterMembers, brokerURL, brokerIdentityAuthorization, !this.args.isNoContextLock(), this.args.getInitCtxDir(), this.print); } void action_print_context_status() throws ExecutionProblem, ExitNow { if (!this.args.getActions().contains(AllArgs.ACTION_PRINT_CTX_STATUS)) { return; // *** EARLY RETURN *** } String brokerIdentityAuthorization = this.args.getBrokerID(); if (brokerIdentityAuthorization == null && this.args.getFactoryID() != null) { brokerIdentityAuthorization = this.args.getFactoryID(); } this.executeUtil.printContextStatusQuery(this.specificEPRpath, brokerIdentityAuthorization, this.print); } void action_run_ec2cluster() throws ExecutionProblem, ExitNow { if (!this.args.getActions().contains(AllArgs.ACTION_EC2_CLUSTER)) { return; // *** EARLY RETURN *** } this.validateClusterMembersForCtxClient(); final String sectionTitle = "ACTION: EC2 CLUSTER HELP"; CommonPrint.printDebugSection(this.print, sectionTitle); print.infoln("\nEC2 cluster:"); for (int i = 0; i < this.clusterMembers.length; i++) { final ClusterMember member = this.clusterMembers[i]; String inststr = " instance"; if (member.getQuantity() > 1) { inststr += "s"; } final String mname; if (member.getPrintName() == null) { mname = HistoryUtil.getMemberName(i + 1); } else { mname = member.getPrintName(); } this.print.infoln( " - " + mname + ": AMI '" + member.getImageName() + "', " + member.getQuantity() + inststr); } String brokerURL = this.args.getBrokerURL(); String brokerIdentityAuthorization = this.args.getBrokerID(); if (brokerURL == null) { int dx = this.workspaceFactoryURL.indexOf("WorkspaceFactoryService"); brokerURL = this.workspaceFactoryURL.substring(0, dx); brokerURL += "NimbusContextBroker"; print.debugln("No context broker URL was explicitly supplied," + " so it has been deduced from the nimbus factory URL." + " Using: " + brokerURL); // and so ID scheme for service must be copied if (brokerIdentityAuthorization == null && this.args.getFactoryID() != null) { brokerIdentityAuthorization = this.args.getFactoryID(); } } this.executeUtil.ec2ClusterHelp(this.clusterMembers, brokerURL, brokerIdentityAuthorization, !this.args.isNoContextLock(), this.args.getPollMs(), this.args.getEc2ScriptPath(), this.args.getHistoryDirectory(), this.print); CommonPrint.printDebugSectionEnd(this.print, sectionTitle); } void action_download() throws ExecutionProblem { if (this.args.getActions().contains(AllArgs.ACTION_DOWNLOAD)) { final String sectionTitle = "ACTION: DOWNLOAD"; CommonPrint.printDebugSection(this.print, sectionTitle); final String localfile = this.args.getLocalfile(); final String name = this.args.getName(); this.repoUtil.downloadVM(localfile, name, this.print.getInfoProxy(), this.print.getDebugProxy(), this.executeUtil.getExecer()); CommonPrint.printDebugSectionEnd(this.print, sectionTitle); } } void action_delete() throws ExecutionProblem { if (this.args.getActions().contains(AllArgs.ACTION_DELETE)) { final String sectionTitle = "ACTION: DELETE"; CommonPrint.printDebugSection(this.print, sectionTitle); this.repoUtil.deleteVM(this.args.getName(), this.print.getInfoProxy(), this.print.getDebugProxy()); CommonPrint.printDebugSectionEnd(this.print, sectionTitle); } } }