Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 1999-2008 University of Chicago * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy * of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package; import org.globus.workspace.common.print.Print; import org.globus.workspace.common.client.CommonPrint; import org.globus.workspace.client_core.ParameterProblem; import; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.PosixParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; public class AllArgs { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CONSTRUCTOR // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- public AllArgs(Print print) { if (print == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("print may not be null"); } this.print = print; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // INSTANCE VARIABLES // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- private final Print print; private List actions = new ArrayList(8); /* ACTIONS: */ public static final Integer ACTION_HELP = new Integer(0); public static final Integer ACTION_EXTRAHELP = new Integer(1); public static final Integer ACTION_TRANSFER = new Integer(2); public static final Integer ACTION_LIST = new Integer(3); public static final Integer ACTION_RUN = new Integer(4); public static final Integer ACTION_TARGET_PRINT = new Integer(5); public static final Integer ACTION_SERVICE_PRINT = new Integer(6); public static final Integer ACTION_SECURITY_PRINT = new Integer(7); public static final Integer ACTION_DESTROY = new Integer(8); public static final Integer ACTION_STATUS_CHECK = new Integer(9); public static final Integer ACTION_HASH_PRINT = new Integer(10); public static final Integer ACTION_SAVE = new Integer(11); public static final Integer ACTION_DELETE = new Integer(12); public static final Integer ACTION_DOWNLOAD = new Integer(13); public static final Integer ACTION_RUN_SINGLE = new Integer(14); public static final Integer ACTION_RUN_CLUSTER = new Integer(15); public static final Integer ACTION_ASSOC_QUERY = new Integer(16); public static final Integer ACTION_USAGE = new Integer(17); public static final Integer ACTION_EC2_CLUSTER = new Integer(18); public static final Integer ACTION_INIT_CONTEXT = new Integer(19); public static final Integer ACTION_PRINT_CTX_STATUS = new Integer(20); // ------------------------------------ private String caAppendDir; private String caHash; private String clusterPath; private String ec2ScriptPath; private int durationMinutes; private String eprGivenFilePath; private String factoryHostPort; private String factoryID; private String xferHostPort; private String xferType; private String xferS3ID; private String xferS3Key; private String xferS3BaseKey; private String xferS3Https; private String xferS3AllowSelfSigned; private String xferCanonicalID; private String s3Bucket; private String gridftpID; private String handle; private String hashPrintDN; private String historyDirectory; private String historySubDir; private String initCtxDir; private String kernel; private String localfile; private String nimbusCertFile; private String nimbusKeyFile; private int memory; private int cores = -1; private String name; private String newname; private boolean noContextLock; private boolean useNotifications; private int pollMs; private boolean propagationKeepPort = true; private String propagationScheme; private String propertiesPath; private String sourcefile; private String sshfile; private String ssh_hostsfile; private String targetBaseDirectory; private String brokerURL; private String brokerID; private int timeoutMinutes; private boolean common_image = false; private boolean nospinner = false; private String imageDescString = null; // ------------------------------------ private String metadata_mountAs; private String metadata_association; private String metadata_nicName; private String metadata_cpuType; private String metadata_vmmVersion; private String metadata_vmmType; private String metadata_fileName; private String deploymentRequest_fileName; // ------------------------------------ private String brokerPublicNicPrefix; private String brokerLocalNicPrefix; // ------------------------------------ // set if something has already configured useNotifications private boolean useNotificationsConfigured; // set if something has already configured pollMs private boolean pollMsConfigured; // set if something has already configured timeoutMinutes private boolean timeoutMinutesConfigured; // set if something has already configured durationMinutes private boolean durationMinutesConfigured; // set if something has already configured memory private boolean memoryConfigured; // set if something has already configured cores private boolean coresConfigured; // set if something has already configured propagationKeepPort private boolean propagationKeepPortConfigured; // set if user wants every ctx hostkey written to special subdir of history private boolean hostkeyDir; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // INTAKE COMMANDLINES // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- private void gotCmdLine(String optionName, String value) { this.print.dbg("[*] Set '" + optionName + "' from command line, " + "value: '" + value + "'"); } public void intakeCmdlineOptions(String[] args) throws ParameterProblem, ParseException { // (debug was fished out already) final String sectionTitle = "COMMANDLINE INTAKE"; CommonPrint.printDebugSection(this.print, sectionTitle); final Options options = new Options(); final Opts opts = new Opts(); for (int i = 0; i < opts.ALL_ENABLED_OPTIONS.length; i++) { options.addOption(opts.ALL_ENABLED_OPTIONS[i]); } final CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser(); final CommandLine line = parser.parse(options, args); final List leftovers = line.getArgList(); if (leftovers != null && !leftovers.isEmpty()) { // there are situations where this could cause dataloss, see: // throw new ParameterProblem("There are unrecognized arguments, check -h to make " + "sure you are doing the intended thing: " + leftovers.toString()); } // note debug was already recognized and configured, keeping this // block here for completeness (and for gotCmdLine logging) if (line.hasOption(Opts.DEBUG_OPT_STRING)) { this.print.setDebugStream(System.out); this.gotCmdLine(Opts.DEBUG_OPT_STRING_LONG, "enabled"); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.BROKER_ID_OPT_STRING)) { this.brokerID = line.getOptionValue(Opts.BROKER_ID_OPT_STRING); this.gotCmdLine(Opts.BROKER_ID_OPT_STRING, this.brokerID); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.BROKER_URL_OPT_STRING)) { this.brokerURL = line.getOptionValue(Opts.BROKER_URL_OPT_STRING); this.gotCmdLine(Opts.BROKER_URL_OPT_STRING, this.brokerURL); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.CADIR_OPT_STRING)) { this.caAppendDir = line.getOptionValue(Opts.CADIR_OPT_STRING); this.gotCmdLine(Opts.CADIR_OPT_STRING, this.caAppendDir); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.CAHASH_OPT_STRING)) { this.caHash = line.getOptionValue(Opts.CAHASH_OPT_STRING); this.gotCmdLine(Opts.CAHASH_OPT_STRING, this.caHash); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.CLUSTER_OPT_STRING)) { this.clusterPath = line.getOptionValue(Opts.CLUSTER_OPT_STRING); this.gotCmdLine(Opts.CLUSTER_OPT_STRING, this.clusterPath); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.EC2SCRIPT_OPT_STRING)) { this.ec2ScriptPath = line.getOptionValue(Opts.EC2SCRIPT_OPT_STRING); this.gotCmdLine(Opts.EC2SCRIPT_OPT_STRING, this.ec2ScriptPath); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.ASSOC_QUERY_OPT_STRING)) { this.actions.add(ACTION_ASSOC_QUERY); this.gotCmdLine(Opts.ASSOC_QUERY_OPT_STRING, "enabled"); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.DELETE_OPT_STRING)) { this.actions.add(ACTION_DELETE); this.gotCmdLine(Opts.DELETE_OPT_STRING, "enabled"); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.DESTROY_OPT_STRING)) { this.actions.add(ACTION_DESTROY); this.gotCmdLine(Opts.DESTROY_OPT_STRING, "enabled"); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.DOWNLOAD_OPT_STRING)) { this.actions.add(ACTION_DOWNLOAD); this.gotCmdLine(Opts.DOWNLOAD_OPT_STRING, "enabled"); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.EPR_FILE_OPT_STRING)) { this.eprGivenFilePath = line.getOptionValue(Opts.EPR_FILE_OPT_STRING); this.gotCmdLine(Opts.EPR_FILE_OPT_STRING, this.eprGivenFilePath); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.EXTRAHELP_OPT_STRING)) { this.actions.add(ACTION_EXTRAHELP); this.gotCmdLine(Opts.EXTRAHELP_OPT_STRING, "enabled"); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.FACTORY_OPT_STRING)) { this.factoryHostPort = line.getOptionValue(Opts.FACTORY_OPT_STRING); this.gotCmdLine(Opts.FACTORY_OPT_STRING, this.factoryHostPort); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.FACTORY_ID_OPT_STRING)) { this.factoryID = line.getOptionValue(Opts.FACTORY_ID_OPT_STRING); this.gotCmdLine(Opts.FACTORY_ID_OPT_STRING, this.factoryID); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.GRIDFTP_OPT_STRING)) { this.xferHostPort = line.getOptionValue(Opts.GRIDFTP_OPT_STRING); this.gotCmdLine(Opts.GRIDFTP_OPT_STRING, this.xferHostPort); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.GRIDFTP_ID_OPT_STRING)) { this.gridftpID = line.getOptionValue(Opts.GRIDFTP_ID_OPT_STRING); this.gotCmdLine(Opts.GRIDFTP_ID_OPT_STRING, this.gridftpID); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.HANDLE_OPT_STRING)) { this.handle = line.getOptionValue(Opts.HANDLE_OPT_STRING); this.gotCmdLine(Opts.HANDLE_OPT_STRING, this.handle); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.HASH_PRINT_OPT_STRING)) { this.actions.add(ACTION_HASH_PRINT); this.hashPrintDN = line.getOptionValue(Opts.HASH_PRINT_OPT_STRING); this.gotCmdLine(Opts.HASH_PRINT_OPT_STRING, this.hashPrintDN); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.INIT_CTX_OPT_STRING)) { this.actions.add(ACTION_INIT_CONTEXT); this.initCtxDir = line.getOptionValue(Opts.INIT_CTX_OPT_STRING); this.gotCmdLine(Opts.INIT_CTX_OPT_STRING, this.initCtxDir); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.HELP_OPT_STRING)) { this.actions.add(ACTION_HELP); this.gotCmdLine(Opts.HELP_OPT_STRING, "enabled"); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.HISTORY_DIR_OPT_STRING)) { this.historyDirectory = line.getOptionValue(Opts.HISTORY_DIR_OPT_STRING); this.gotCmdLine(Opts.HISTORY_DIR_OPT_STRING, this.historyDirectory); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.HISTORY_SUBDIR_OPT_STRING)) { this.historySubDir = line.getOptionValue(Opts.HISTORY_SUBDIR_OPT_STRING); this.gotCmdLine(Opts.HISTORY_SUBDIR_OPT_STRING, this.historySubDir); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.HOSTKEYDIR_OPT_STRING)) { this.hostkeyDir = true; this.gotCmdLine(Opts.HOSTKEYDIR_OPT_STRING, "enabled"); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.HOURS_OPT_STRING)) { final String hoursString = line.getOptionValue(Opts.HOURS_OPT_STRING); final double hours = Double.parseDouble(hoursString); final double minutesDouble = hours * 60; this.print.dbg("Duration minutes given: " + minutesDouble); // intentional loss of precision this.durationMinutes = (int) minutesDouble; this.print.dbg("Duration minutes used: " + this.durationMinutes); this.durationMinutesConfigured = true; this.gotCmdLine(Opts.HOURS_OPT_STRING + " (converted to minutes)", Integer.toString(this.durationMinutes)); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.KERNEL_OPT_STRING)) { this.kernel = line.getOptionValue(Opts.KERNEL_OPT_STRING); this.gotCmdLine(Opts.KERNEL_OPT_STRING, this.kernel); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.LIST_OPT_STRING)) { this.actions.add(ACTION_LIST); this.gotCmdLine(Opts.LIST_OPT_STRING, "enabled"); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.LOCAL_FILE_OPT_STRING)) { this.localfile = line.getOptionValue(Opts.LOCAL_FILE_OPT_STRING); this.gotCmdLine(Opts.LOCAL_FILE_OPT_STRING, this.localfile); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.NAME_OPT_STRING)) { = line.getOptionValue(Opts.NAME_OPT_STRING); this.gotCmdLine(Opts.NAME_OPT_STRING,; } if (line.hasOption(Opts.NEWNAME_OPT_STRING)) { this.newname = line.getOptionValue(Opts.NEWNAME_OPT_STRING); this.gotCmdLine(Opts.NEWNAME_OPT_STRING, this.newname); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.NOCTXLOCK_OPT_STRING)) { this.noContextLock = true; this.gotCmdLine(Opts.NOCTXLOCK_OPT_STRING, "enabled"); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.NOTIFICATIONS_OPT_STRING)) { this.useNotifications = true; this.useNotificationsConfigured = true; this.gotCmdLine(Opts.NOTIFICATIONS_OPT_STRING, "enabled"); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.POLL_INTERVAL_OPT_STRING)) { final String msString = line.getOptionValue(Opts.POLL_INTERVAL_OPT_STRING); this.pollMs = Integer.parseInt(msString); this.pollMsConfigured = true; this.gotCmdLine(Opts.POLL_INTERVAL_OPT_STRING, msString); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.PRINT_CTX_STATUS_OPT_STRING)) { this.actions.add(ACTION_PRINT_CTX_STATUS); this.gotCmdLine(Opts.PRINT_CTX_STATUS_OPT_STRING, "enabled"); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.PRINT_TARGET_OPT_STRING)) { this.actions.add(ACTION_TARGET_PRINT); this.gotCmdLine(Opts.PRINT_TARGET_OPT_STRING, "enabled"); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.PROPFILE_OPT_STRING)) { this.propertiesPath = line.getOptionValue(Opts.PROPFILE_OPT_STRING); this.gotCmdLine(Opts.PROPFILE_OPT_STRING, this.propertiesPath); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.RUN_OPT_STRING)) { this.actions.add(ACTION_RUN); this.gotCmdLine(Opts.RUN_OPT_STRING, "enabled"); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.SAVE_OPT_STRING)) { this.actions.add(ACTION_SAVE); this.gotCmdLine(Opts.SAVE_OPT_STRING, "enabled"); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.SECURITY_OPT_STRING)) { this.actions.add(ACTION_SECURITY_PRINT); this.gotCmdLine(Opts.SECURITY_OPT_STRING, "enabled"); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.SOURCEFILE_OPT_STRING)) { this.sourcefile = line.getOptionValue(Opts.SOURCEFILE_OPT_STRING); this.gotCmdLine(Opts.SOURCEFILE_OPT_STRING, this.sourcefile); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.SSH_FILE_OPT_STRING)) { this.sshfile = line.getOptionValue(Opts.SSH_FILE_OPT_STRING); this.gotCmdLine(Opts.SSH_FILE_OPT_STRING, this.sshfile); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.STATUS_CHECK_OPT_STRING)) { this.actions.add(ACTION_STATUS_CHECK); this.gotCmdLine(Opts.STATUS_CHECK_OPT_STRING, "enabled"); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.TARGETDIR_OPT_STRING)) { this.targetBaseDirectory = line.getOptionValue(Opts.TARGETDIR_OPT_STRING); this.gotCmdLine(Opts.TARGETDIR_OPT_STRING, this.targetBaseDirectory); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.TIMEOUT_OPT_STRING)) { final String timeoutString = line.getOptionValue(Opts.TIMEOUT_OPT_STRING); final double hours = Double.parseDouble(timeoutString); final double minutesDouble = hours * 60; this.print.dbg("Timeout minutes given: " + minutesDouble); // intentional loss of precision this.timeoutMinutes = (int) minutesDouble; this.print.dbg("Timeout minutes used: " + this.timeoutMinutes); this.timeoutMinutesConfigured = true; this.gotCmdLine(Opts.TIMEOUT_OPT_STRING, Integer.toString(this.timeoutMinutes)); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.COMMON_OPT_STRING)) { this.common_image = true; this.gotCmdLine(Opts.COMMON_OPT_STRING, "enabled"); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.IMAGE_DESC_OPT_STRING)) { final String imageDescString = line.getOptionValue(Opts.IMAGE_DESC_OPT_STRING); this.imageDescString = imageDescString; this.gotCmdLine(Opts.IMAGE_DESC_OPT_STRING, imageDescString); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.NOSPINNER_OPT_STRING)) { this.nospinner = true; this.gotCmdLine(Opts.NOSPINNER_OPT_STRING, "enabled"); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.TRANSFER_OPT_STRING)) { this.actions.add(ACTION_TRANSFER); this.gotCmdLine(Opts.TRANSFER_OPT_STRING, "enabled"); } if (line.hasOption(Opts.USAGE_OPT_STRING)) { this.actions.add(ACTION_USAGE); this.gotCmdLine(Opts.USAGE_OPT_STRING, "enabled"); } CommonPrint.printDebugSectionEnd(this.print, sectionTitle); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // INTAKE PROPERTIES // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- private void gotProp(String optionName, String value, String sourceName) { if (value == null) { return; } this.print.dbg("[*] Set '" + optionName + "' from " + sourceName + ", value: '" + value + "'"); } public void intakeUserProperties() throws ParameterProblem, IOException { final String sectionTitle = "USER SUPPLIED PROPERTIES"; CommonPrint.printDebugSection(this.print, sectionTitle); if (this.propertiesPath == null) { this.print.dbg("user properties file not specified"); return; } final File f = new File(this.propertiesPath); if (!CloudClientUtil.fileExistsAndReadable(f)) { throw new ParameterProblem("Properties file specified but file does not exist or " + "is not readable: '" + this.propertiesPath + "'"); } this.print.dbg("Loading supplied properties file: '" + this.propertiesPath + "'\nAbsolute path: '" + f.getAbsolutePath() + "'"); InputStream is = null; final Properties userProps = new Properties(); try { is = new FileInputStream(f); userProps.load(is); } finally { if (is != null) { is.close(); } } this.intakeProperties(userProps, "user-supplied properties", f.getAbsolutePath()); CommonPrint.printDebugSectionEnd(this.print, sectionTitle); } public void intakeDefaultProperties() throws ParameterProblem, IOException { final String sectionTitle = "DEFAULT PROPERTIES"; CommonPrint.printDebugSection(this.print, sectionTitle); final Properties defaultProps = new Properties(); InputStream is = null; try { is = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(""); if (is == null) { throw new IOException("Problem loading default properties"); } defaultProps.load(is); } finally { if (is != null) { is.close(); } } this.intakeProperties(defaultProps, "default properties", null); CommonPrint.printDebugSectionEnd(this.print, sectionTitle); } public void intakeProperties(Properties props, String sourceName, String sourcePath) throws ParameterProblem { this.print.dbg("\nAll properties in " + sourceName + " file:\n"); final Enumeration e = props.keys(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { final String key = (String) e.nextElement(); String val = props.getProperty(key); this.print.dbg(" KEY : " + key); if (key.equals("vws.repository.s3key") || key.equals("vws.repository.s3id")) { val = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"; } this.print.dbg(" VALUE: " + val); this.print.dbg(" "); } this.print.flush(); // null checks: don't use if option already set. This is how the config // precedence is implemented with strings. With booleans and numbers // a matching "isConfigured" variable exists for each option. // // Config precedence reminder: cmdline > user props > default props if (this.factoryHostPort == null) { this.factoryHostPort = CloudClientUtil.getProp(props, Props.KEY_FACTORY_HOSTPORT); this.gotProp(Props.KEY_FACTORY_HOSTPORT, this.factoryHostPort, sourceName); } if (this.factoryID == null) { this.factoryID = CloudClientUtil.getProp(props, Props.KEY_FACTORY_IDENTITY); this.gotProp(Props.KEY_FACTORY_IDENTITY, this.factoryID, sourceName); } if (this.xferCanonicalID == null) { this.xferCanonicalID = CloudClientUtil.getProp(props, Props.KEY_CANONICAL_ID); this.gotProp(Props.KEY_CANONICAL_ID, this.xferCanonicalID, sourceName); } if (this.xferS3AllowSelfSigned == null) { this.xferS3AllowSelfSigned = CloudClientUtil.getProp(props, Props.KEY_S3_ALLOW_SELF_SIGNED); this.gotProp(Props.KEY_S3_ALLOW_SELF_SIGNED, this.xferS3AllowSelfSigned, sourceName); } if (this.xferS3Https == null) { this.xferS3Https = CloudClientUtil.getProp(props, Props.KEY_S3_HTTPS); this.gotProp(Props.KEY_S3_HTTPS, this.xferS3Https, sourceName); } if (this.xferS3ID == null) { this.xferS3ID = CloudClientUtil.getProp(props, Props.KEY_S3_ID); this.gotProp(Props.KEY_S3_ID, this.xferS3ID, sourceName); } if (this.xferS3Key == null) { this.xferS3Key = CloudClientUtil.getProp(props, Props.KEY_S3_KEY); // don't want keys all over the debug logs in the history directory this.gotProp(Props.KEY_S3_KEY, "[REDACTED]", sourceName); } if (this.xferS3BaseKey == null) { this.xferS3BaseKey = CloudClientUtil.getProp(props, Props.KEY_S3_BASEKEY); this.gotProp(Props.KEY_S3_BASEKEY, this.xferS3BaseKey, sourceName); } if (this.s3Bucket == null) { this.s3Bucket = CloudClientUtil.getProp(props, Props.KEY_S3_BUCKET); this.gotProp(Props.KEY_S3_BUCKET, this.s3Bucket, sourceName); } if (this.xferHostPort == null) { this.xferHostPort = CloudClientUtil.getProp(props, Props.KEY_XFER_HOSTPORT); this.gotProp(Props.KEY_XFER_HOSTPORT, this.xferHostPort, sourceName); } if (this.xferType == null) { this.xferType = CloudClientUtil.getProp(props, Props.KEY_XFER_TYPE); this.gotProp(Props.KEY_XFER_TYPE, this.xferType, sourceName); } if (this.gridftpID == null) { this.gridftpID = CloudClientUtil.getProp(props, Props.KEY_GRIDFTP_IDENTITY); this.gotProp(Props.KEY_GRIDFTP_IDENTITY, this.gridftpID, sourceName); } if (!this.memoryConfigured) { final String mem = CloudClientUtil.getProp(props, Props.KEY_MEMORY_REQ); if (mem != null) { this.memory = Integer.parseInt(mem); if (this.memory < 1) { throw new ParameterProblem("Configured memory (" + mem + ") is invalid (less than one)"); } this.memoryConfigured = true; this.gotProp(Props.KEY_MEMORY_REQ, Integer.toString(this.memory), sourceName); } } if (!this.coresConfigured) { final String corenum = CloudClientUtil.getProp(props, Props.KEY_CORES_REQ); if (corenum != null) { this.cores = Integer.parseInt(corenum); if (this.cores < 1) { throw new ParameterProblem("Configured cores (" + corenum + ") is invalid (less than one)"); } this.coresConfigured = true; this.gotProp(Props.KEY_CORES_REQ, Integer.toString(this.cores), sourceName); } } if (this.sshfile == null) { this.sshfile = CloudClientUtil.getProp(props, Props.KEY_SSHFILE); this.gotProp(Props.KEY_SSHFILE, this.sshfile, sourceName); } if (this.ssh_hostsfile == null) { this.ssh_hostsfile = CloudClientUtil.getProp(props, Props.KEY_SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS); this.gotProp(Props.KEY_SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS, this.ssh_hostsfile, sourceName); } if (this.targetBaseDirectory == null) { this.targetBaseDirectory = CloudClientUtil.getProp(props, Props.KEY_TARGET_BASEDIR); this.gotProp(Props.KEY_TARGET_BASEDIR, this.targetBaseDirectory, sourceName); } if (this.caHash == null) { this.caHash = CloudClientUtil.getProp(props, Props.KEY_CAHASH); this.gotProp(Props.KEY_CAHASH, this.caHash, sourceName); } if (!this.pollMsConfigured) { final String msString = CloudClientUtil.getProp(props, Props.KEY_POLL_INTERVAL); if (msString != null) { this.pollMs = Integer.parseInt(msString); this.pollMsConfigured = true; } } if (!this.useNotificationsConfigured) { final String bull = CloudClientUtil.getProp(props, Props.KEY_USE_NOTIFICATIONS); if (bull != null) { final Boolean setting = Boolean.valueOf(bull); this.useNotifications = setting.booleanValue(); this.useNotificationsConfigured = true; this.gotProp(Props.KEY_USE_NOTIFICATIONS, setting.toString(), sourceName); } } if (!this.propagationKeepPortConfigured) { final String bull = CloudClientUtil.getProp(props, Props.KEY_PROPAGATION_KEEPPORT); if (bull != null) { final Boolean setting = Boolean.valueOf(bull); this.propagationKeepPort = setting.booleanValue(); this.propagationKeepPortConfigured = true; this.gotProp(Props.KEY_PROPAGATION_KEEPPORT, setting.toString(), sourceName); } } if (this.propagationScheme == null) { final String scheme = CloudClientUtil.getProp(props, Props.KEY_PROPAGATION_SCHEME); if (scheme != null) { this.propagationScheme = scheme; this.gotProp(Props.KEY_PROPAGATION_SCHEME, scheme, sourceName); } } if (!this.timeoutMinutesConfigured) { final String timeoutString = CloudClientUtil.getProp(props, Props.KEY_XFER_TIMEOUT); if (timeoutString != null) { final double hours = Double.parseDouble(timeoutString); final double minutesDouble = hours * 60; this.print.dbg("Timeout minutes from properties: " + minutesDouble); // intentional loss of precision this.timeoutMinutes = (int) minutesDouble; this.print.dbg("Timeout minutes used: " + this.timeoutMinutes); this.timeoutMinutesConfigured = true; this.gotProp(Props.KEY_XFER_TIMEOUT, Integer.toString(this.timeoutMinutes), sourceName); } } if (this.nimbusCertFile == null) { final String key = Props.KEY_NIMBUS_CERT; final String val = CloudClientUtil.getProp(props, key); if (val != null) { final String path = resolvePathProperty(key, val, sourcePath); this.nimbusCertFile = path; this.gotProp(key, path, sourceName); } } if (this.nimbusKeyFile == null) { final String key = Props.KEY_NIMBUS_KEY; final String val = CloudClientUtil.getProp(props, key); if (val != null) { final String path = resolvePathProperty(key, val, sourcePath); this.nimbusKeyFile = path; this.gotProp(key, path, sourceName); } } // ---- if (this.metadata_association == null) { final String key = Props.KEY_METADATA_ASSOCIATION; final String val = CloudClientUtil.getProp(props, key); this.metadata_association = val; this.gotProp(key, val, sourceName); } if (this.metadata_cpuType == null) { final String key = Props.KEY_METADATA_CPUTYPE; final String val = CloudClientUtil.getProp(props, key); this.metadata_cpuType = val; this.gotProp(key, val, sourceName); } if (this.metadata_fileName == null) { final String key = Props.KEY_METADATA_FILENAME; final String val = CloudClientUtil.getProp(props, key); this.metadata_fileName = val; this.gotProp(key, val, sourceName); } if (this.metadata_mountAs == null) { final String key = Props.KEY_METADATA_MOUNTAS; final String val = CloudClientUtil.getProp(props, key); this.metadata_mountAs = val; this.gotProp(key, val, sourceName); } if (this.metadata_nicName == null) { final String key = Props.KEY_METADATA_NICNAME; final String val = CloudClientUtil.getProp(props, key); this.metadata_nicName = val; this.gotProp(key, val, sourceName); } if (this.metadata_vmmType == null) { final String key = Props.KEY_METADATA_VMMTYPE; final String val = CloudClientUtil.getProp(props, key); this.metadata_vmmType = val; this.gotProp(key, val, sourceName); } if (this.metadata_vmmVersion == null) { final String key = Props.KEY_METADATA_VMMVERSION; final String val = CloudClientUtil.getProp(props, key); this.metadata_vmmVersion = val; this.gotProp(key, val, sourceName); } if (this.deploymentRequest_fileName == null) { final String key = Props.KEY_DEPREQ_FILENAME; final String val = CloudClientUtil.getProp(props, key); this.deploymentRequest_fileName = val; this.gotProp(key, val, sourceName); } // ---- if (this.brokerPublicNicPrefix == null) { final String key = Props.KEY_BROKER_PUB; final String val = CloudClientUtil.getProp(props, key); this.brokerPublicNicPrefix = val; this.gotProp(key, val, sourceName); } if (this.brokerLocalNicPrefix == null) { final String key = Props.KEY_BROKER_LOCAL; final String val = CloudClientUtil.getProp(props, key); this.brokerLocalNicPrefix = val; this.gotProp(key, val, sourceName); } if (this.brokerURL == null) { final String key = Props.KEY_BROKER_URL; final String val = CloudClientUtil.getProp(props, key); this.brokerURL = val; this.gotProp(key, val, sourceName); } if (this.brokerID == null) { final String key = Props.KEY_BROKER_IDENTITY; final String val = CloudClientUtil.getProp(props, key); this.brokerID = val; this.gotProp(key, val, sourceName); } } private String resolvePathProperty(String key, String val, String sourcePath) { if (val.indexOf("~/") == 0) { String home_dir = System.getProperty("user.home") + "/"; val = val.replaceFirst("~/", home_dir); } File f = new File(val); if (!f.isAbsolute() && sourcePath != null) { f = new File(new File(sourcePath).getParent(), val); String path = f.getAbsolutePath(); this.print.dbg("Resolved " + key + " property relative to config file: " + val + " -> " + path); return path; } return val; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GET/SET // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- public List getActions() { return this.actions; } public void setActions(List actionsList) { this.actions = actionsList; } public String getCaAppendDir() { return this.caAppendDir; } public void setCaAppendDir(String caAppendDir) { this.caAppendDir = caAppendDir; } public String getCaHash() { return this.caHash; } public void setCaHash(String caHash) { this.caHash = caHash; } public String getClusterPath() { return this.clusterPath; } public void setClusterPath(String clusterPath) { this.clusterPath = clusterPath; } public String getInitCtxDir() { return initCtxDir; } public void setInitCtxDir(String initCtxDir) { this.initCtxDir = initCtxDir; } public String getEc2ScriptPath() { return this.ec2ScriptPath; } public void setEc2ScriptPath(String ec2ScriptPath) { this.ec2ScriptPath = ec2ScriptPath; } public int getDurationMinutes() { return this.durationMinutes; } public void setDurationMinutes(int durationMinutes) { this.durationMinutes = durationMinutes; } public String getEprGivenFilePath() { return this.eprGivenFilePath; } public void setEprGivenFilePath(String eprGivenFilePath) { this.eprGivenFilePath = eprGivenFilePath; } public String getFactoryHostPort() { return this.factoryHostPort; } public void setFactoryHostPort(String factoryHostPort) { this.factoryHostPort = factoryHostPort; } public String getFactoryID() { return this.factoryID; } public void setFactoryID(String factoryID) { this.factoryID = factoryID; } public String getXferHostPort() { return this.xferHostPort; } public void setGridftpHostPort(String xferHostPort) { this.xferHostPort = xferHostPort; } public String getXferType() { return this.xferType; } public void setXferType(String xferType) { this.xferType = xferType; } public String getXferCanonicalID() { return this.xferCanonicalID; } public void setXferCanonicalID(String xferCanonicalID) { this.xferCanonicalID = xferS3AllowSelfSigned; } public String getXferS3AllowSelfSigned() { return this.xferS3AllowSelfSigned; } public void setXferS3AllowSelfSigned(String xferS3AllowSelfSigned) { this.xferS3AllowSelfSigned = xferS3AllowSelfSigned; } public String getXferS3Https() { return this.xferS3Https; } public void setXferS3Https(String xferS3Https) { this.xferS3Https = xferS3Https; } public String getXferS3ID() { return this.xferS3ID; } public void setXferS3ID(String xferS3ID) { this.xferS3ID = xferS3ID; } public String getXferS3BaseKey() { return this.xferS3BaseKey; } public void setXferS3BaseKey(String xferS3BaseKey) { this.xferS3BaseKey = xferS3BaseKey; } public String getXferS3Key() { return this.xferS3Key; } public void setXferS3Key(String xferS3Key) { this.xferS3Key = xferS3Key; } public String getGridftpID() { return this.gridftpID; } public String getS3Bucket() { return this.s3Bucket; } public void setS3Bucket(String s3Bucket) { this.s3Bucket = s3Bucket; } public void setGridftpID(String gridftpID) { this.gridftpID = gridftpID; } public String getHandle() { return this.handle; } public void setHandle(String handle) { this.handle = handle; } public String getHashPrintDN() { return this.hashPrintDN; } public void setHashPrintDN(String hashPrintDN) { this.hashPrintDN = hashPrintDN; } public String getHistoryDirectory() { return this.historyDirectory; } public void setHistoryDirectory(String historyDirectory) { this.historyDirectory = historyDirectory; } public String getHistorySubDir() { return this.historySubDir; } public void setHistorySubDir(String historySubDir) { this.historySubDir = historySubDir; } public boolean isHostkeyDir() { return hostkeyDir; } public void setHostkeyDir(boolean hostkeyDir) { this.hostkeyDir = hostkeyDir; } public String getKernel() { return kernel; } public void setKernel(String kernel) { this.kernel = kernel; } public String getLocalfile() { return this.localfile; } public void setLocalfile(String localfile) { this.localfile = localfile; } public int getMemory() { return this.memory; } public void setMemory(int memory) { this.memory = memory; } public int getCores() { return cores; } public void setCores(int cores) { this.cores = cores; } public boolean getCommonVMSet() { return this.common_image; } public void setCommonVMSet(boolean b) { this.common_image = b; } public String getVMDescription() { return this.imageDescString; } public boolean getNoSpinner() { return this.nospinner; } public void setNoSpinner(boolean b) { this.nospinner = b; } public String getName() { return; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public String getNewname() { return this.newname; } public void setNewname(String newname) { this.newname = newname; } public boolean isNoContextLock() { return this.noContextLock; } public void setNoContextLock(boolean noContextLock) { this.noContextLock = noContextLock; } public String getBrokerURL() { return this.brokerURL; } public void setBrokerURL(String brokerURL) { this.brokerURL = brokerURL; } public String getBrokerID() { return this.brokerID; } public void setBrokerID(String brokerID) { this.brokerID = brokerID; } public boolean isUseNotifications() { return this.useNotifications; } public void setUseNotifications(boolean useNotifications) { this.useNotifications = useNotifications; } public int getPollMs() { return this.pollMs; } public void setPollMs(int pollMs) { this.pollMs = pollMs; } public boolean isPropagationKeepPort() { return this.propagationKeepPort; } public void setPropagationKeepPort(boolean propagationKeepPort) { this.propagationKeepPort = propagationKeepPort; } public String getPropagationScheme() { return propagationScheme; } public void setPropagationScheme(String propagationScheme) { this.propagationScheme = propagationScheme; } public String getPropertiesPath() { return this.propertiesPath; } public void setPropertiesPath(String propertiesPath) { this.propertiesPath = propertiesPath; } public String getSourcefile() { return this.sourcefile; } public void setSourcefile(String sourcefile) { this.sourcefile = sourcefile; } public String getSshfile() { return this.sshfile; } public void setSshfile(String sshfile) { this.sshfile = sshfile; } public String getSsh_hostsfile() { return this.ssh_hostsfile; } public void setSsh_hostsfile(String ssh_hostsfile) { this.ssh_hostsfile = ssh_hostsfile; } public String getTargetBaseDirectory() { return this.targetBaseDirectory; } public void setTargetBaseDirectory(String targetBaseDirectory) { this.targetBaseDirectory = targetBaseDirectory; } public int getTimeoutMinutes() { return this.timeoutMinutes; } public void setTimeoutMinutes(int timeoutMinutes) { this.timeoutMinutes = timeoutMinutes; } public String getMetadata_mountAs() { return this.metadata_mountAs; } public void setMetadata_mountAs(String metadata_mountAs) { this.metadata_mountAs = metadata_mountAs; } public String getMetadata_association() { return this.metadata_association; } public void setMetadata_association(String metadata_association) { this.metadata_association = metadata_association; } public String getMetadata_nicName() { return this.metadata_nicName; } public void setMetadata_nicName(String metadata_nicName) { this.metadata_nicName = metadata_nicName; } public String getMetadata_cpuType() { return this.metadata_cpuType; } public void setMetadata_cpuType(String metadata_cpuType) { this.metadata_cpuType = metadata_cpuType; } public String getMetadata_vmmVersion() { return this.metadata_vmmVersion; } public void setMetadata_vmmVersion(String metadata_vmmVersion) { this.metadata_vmmVersion = metadata_vmmVersion; } public String getMetadata_vmmType() { return this.metadata_vmmType; } public void setMetadata_vmmType(String metadata_vmmType) { this.metadata_vmmType = metadata_vmmType; } public String getMetadata_fileName() { return this.metadata_fileName; } public void setMetadata_fileName(String metadata_fileName) { this.metadata_fileName = metadata_fileName; } public String getDeploymentRequest_fileName() { return this.deploymentRequest_fileName; } public void setDeploymentRequest_fileName(String deploymentRequest_fileName) { this.deploymentRequest_fileName = deploymentRequest_fileName; } public boolean isUseNotificationsConfigured() { return this.useNotificationsConfigured; } public void setUseNotificationsConfigured(boolean useNotificationsConfigured) { this.useNotificationsConfigured = useNotificationsConfigured; } public boolean isPollMsConfigured() { return this.pollMsConfigured; } public void setPollMsConfigured(boolean pollMsConfigured) { this.pollMsConfigured = pollMsConfigured; } public boolean isTimeoutMinutesConfigured() { return this.timeoutMinutesConfigured; } public void setTimeoutMinutesConfigured(boolean timeoutMinutesConfigured) { this.timeoutMinutesConfigured = timeoutMinutesConfigured; } public boolean isDurationMinutesConfigured() { return this.durationMinutesConfigured; } public void setDurationMinutesConfigured(boolean durationMinutesConfigured) { this.durationMinutesConfigured = durationMinutesConfigured; } public boolean isMemoryConfigured() { return this.memoryConfigured; } public void setMemoryConfigured(boolean memoryConfigured) { this.memoryConfigured = memoryConfigured; } public boolean isPropagationKeepPortConfigured() { return this.propagationKeepPortConfigured; } public void setPropagationKeepPortConfigured(boolean propagationKeepPortConfigured) { this.propagationKeepPortConfigured = propagationKeepPortConfigured; } public String getBrokerPublicNicPrefix() { return this.brokerPublicNicPrefix; } public void setBrokerPublicNicPrefix(String brokerPublicNicPrefix) { this.brokerPublicNicPrefix = brokerPublicNicPrefix; } public String getBrokerLocalNicPrefix() { return this.brokerLocalNicPrefix; } public void setBrokerLocalNicPrefix(String brokerLocalNicPrefix) { this.brokerLocalNicPrefix = brokerLocalNicPrefix; } public String getNimbusCertFile() { return nimbusCertFile; } public void setNimbusCertFile(String nimbusCertFile) { this.nimbusCertFile = nimbusCertFile; } public String getNimbusKeyFile() { return nimbusKeyFile; } public void setNimbusKeyFile(String nimbusKeyFile) { this.nimbusKeyFile = nimbusKeyFile; } }