Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Portions of this file Copyright 1999-2005 University of Chicago
 * Portions of this file Copyright 1999-2005 The University of Southern California.
 * This file or a portion of this file is licensed under the
 * terms of the Globus Toolkit Public License, found at
 * If you redistribute this file, with or without
 * modifications, you must include this notice in the file.
package org.globus.pkcs11;



import iaik.x509.*;
import iaik.asn1.*;
import iaik.asn1.structures.*;


import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

 * Contains various utility methods for dealing with PKCS 11 compliant 
 * devices.  This
 * includes performing the following operations:
 * <UL>
 * <LI>Session management</LI>
 * <LI>Retrieving certificates from the device</LI>
 * <LI>Retrieving private keys from the device</LI>
 * <LI>Loading certificates onto the device</LI>
 * <LI>Loading private keys onto the device</LI>
 * </UL>
 * This package depends on libraries from IBM alphaworks that we are not 
 * currently distributing with the Java CoG Kit.  These libraries are 
 * can be downloaded from
 * <a href="">IBM AlphaWorks</a>
 * This class assumes ONE session, and would be hopelessly confused if you
 * tried to use it with more than ONE.
public class PKCS11Util {

    private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(PKCS11Util.class.getName());

    private static PKCS11Session session = null;
    private static PKCS11Slot token = null;

    // need to define the rest of these as well (or at least the common ones)
    // but this will work for now

     * Initiates a session with the PKCS11 device with the given flags, and 
     * logs in as a regular user with the given pin.  
     * Also, if there happens to be more than one PKCS11 device attached, 
     * this function will simply grab the first one it encounters.
    public static void initiateSession(String pin, int flags) throws PKCS11Exception {
        if (token == null) {
            String libName = Config.getPKCS11LibraryName();
            logger.debug("Loading PKCS11 native library: " + libName);
            PKCS11 pkcs11 = new NativePKCS11(libName);

            PKCS11Slot[] tokenSlots = pkcs11.getSlotList(true);
            if (tokenSlots.length == 0) {
                throw new PKCS11Exception("No PKCS11 device present");
            } else {
                logger.debug("Located " + tokenSlots.length + " token(s)");
                logger.debug("Using first located token");
                token = tokenSlots[0];

        if (session != null)

        // open a session 
        logger.debug("Opening a session with the PKCS11 device...");
        session = token.openSession(flags, null, null);
        logger.debug("Logging into the PKCS11 device...");
        session.login(false, pin);

     * Retrieves a handle to a user certificate with the given label that 
     * is on the PKCS11 device.  This
     * handle can be used to instantiate an X509Certificate object.
    public static PKCS11Object retrieveUserCertHandle(String certLabel) {
        logger.debug("Retrieving a user certificate handle with label: " + certLabel);
        PKCS11Object foundUserCert = retrieveObjectByLabel(PKCS11Object.CERTIFICATE, certLabel);
        if (foundUserCert == null) {
            logger.debug("No user certificate with label " + certLabel + " found");
        } else {
            logger.debug("Retrieved a user certificate handle with label: " + certLabel);
        return foundUserCert;

     * Retrieves a handle to a private key with the given label.  The private 
     * key never actually leaves the ibutton device, but this handle can be 
     * used later to initialize a signing operation.
    public static PKCS11Object retrievePrivateKeyHandle(String keyLabel) {
        logger.debug("Retrieving a default private key handle");
        PKCS11Object userPrivateKeyHandle = retrieveObjectByLabel(PKCS11Object.PRIVATE_KEY, keyLabel);
        if (userPrivateKeyHandle == null) {
            logger.debug("No private key with label " + keyLabel + " found");
        } else {
            logger.debug("Retrieved a default private key handle");
        return userPrivateKeyHandle;

    public static PKCS11Object retrieveObjectByLabel(Integer classType, String label) {
        if (session == null) {
            logger.error("Session is null");
            return null;
        int[] searchAttrTypes = { PKCS11Object.CLASS, PKCS11Object.LABEL };
        Object[] searchAttrValues = { classType, label };
        session.findObjectsInit(searchAttrTypes, searchAttrValues);
        PKCS11Object handle = session.findObject();
        // this should always be called.
        return handle;

     * Initializes the PKCS11 device for signing.  Called by signCertificate.
    private static void signInit(PKCS11Object userPrivKeyHandle) {
        logger.debug("Initializing PKCS11 device for signing");
        session.signInit(PKCS11Mechanism.RSA_PKCS, null, userPrivKeyHandle);

     * Creates a signed certificate from the passed in certificate.  Signs the 
     * certificate with the specified private key
    public static X509Certificate signCertificate(X509Certificate cert, PKCS11Object userPrivKeyHandle)
            throws PKCS11Exception {
        try {
            logger.debug("Signing a certificate");
            byte[] certBytes = cert.getTBSCertificate();

            MessageDigest md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
            byte[] hashBytes = md5.digest();

            byte[] signature = new byte[300];
            int sigLength;
            byte[] revSignature;

            ASN1Object digestInfo = new SEQUENCE();
            digestInfo.addComponent(new OCTET_STRING(hashBytes));
            byte[] toBeEncrypted = DerCoder.encode(digestInfo);

            sigLength = session.sign(toBeEncrypted, 0, toBeEncrypted.length, signature, 0);
            revSignature = new byte[sigLength];
            System.arraycopy(signature, 0, revSignature, 0, sigLength);

            ASN1Object tbsCert = DerCoder.decode(certBytes);

            SEQUENCE certASN1 = new SEQUENCE();
            certASN1.addComponent(new BIT_STRING(revSignature));

            return new X509Certificate(DerCoder.encode(certASN1));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new PKCS11Exception("Failed to sign proxy certificate", e);

     * Loads a certificate onto the PKCS11 device with a default label
    public static PKCS11Object instantiateUserCert(X509Certificate userCert, byte[] id)
            throws CertificateEncodingException {
        return instantiateUserCert(userCert, null, id);

     * Loads a certificate onto the PKCS11 device and labels it with the specified
     * label
    public static PKCS11Object instantiateUserCert(X509Certificate userCert, String label, byte[] id)
            throws CertificateEncodingException {

        Name issuer = (Name) userCert.getIssuerDN();
        Name subject = (Name) userCert.getSubjectDN();

        byte[] issuerBytes = issuer.getEncoded();
        byte[] subjectBytes = subject.getEncoded();

        if (label == null) {
            label = subject.toString();

        logger.debug("Instantiating user cert with label " + label + " on device");
        //X_509 CERTIFICATE
        int[] certAttributes = { PKCS11Object.CLASS, PKCS11Object.TOKEN, PKCS11Object.LABEL,
                PKCS11Object.CERTIFICATE_TYPE, PKCS11Object.ID, PKCS11Object.SUBJECT, PKCS11Object.ISSUER,
                PKCS11Object.SERIAL_NUMBER, PKCS11Object.VALUE };

        Object[] certAttrValues = { PKCS11Object.CERTIFICATE, PKCS11Object.TRUE, label, PKCS11Object.X_509, id,
                subjectBytes, issuerBytes, userCert.getSerialNumber().toByteArray(), userCert.getEncoded() };

        return session.createObject(certAttributes, certAttrValues);

     * Loads the specified private key onto the PKCS11 device.  The subject param
     * should be the subject of the certificate this private key is associated with.
    public static PKCS11Object instantiateUserPrivateKey(RSAPrivateKey userPrivateKey, Principal subject,
            byte[] id) {

        logger.debug("Instantiating private key on device");
        int[] privkeyAttributes = { PKCS11Object.CLASS, PKCS11Object.TOKEN, PKCS11Object.KEY_TYPE,
                PKCS11Object.SENSITIVE, PKCS11Object.SUBJECT, PKCS11Object.ID, PKCS11Object.MODULUS,
                PKCS11Object.PRIVATE_EXPONENT, PKCS11Object.PRIME_1, PKCS11Object.PRIME_2 };

        Object[] privkeyAttrValues = { PKCS11Object.PRIVATE_KEY, PKCS11Object.TRUE, PKCS11Object.RSA,
                PKCS11Object.TRUE, ((Name) subject).getEncoded(), id, userPrivateKey.getModulus(),
                userPrivateKey.getPrivateExponent(), userPrivateKey.getPrimeP(), userPrivateKey.getPrimeQ() };
        return session.createObject(privkeyAttributes, privkeyAttrValues);

    public static void closeSession() {
        if (session == null)
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
        session = null;