Java tutorial
/* * Portions of this file Copyright 1999-2005 University of Chicago * Portions of this file Copyright 1999-2005 The University of Southern California. * * This file or a portion of this file is licensed under the * terms of the Globus Toolkit Public License, found at * * If you redistribute this file, with or without * modifications, you must include this notice in the file. */ package org.globus.gatekeeper.jobmanager; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import; import; import; import; import; import org.globus.util.GlobusURL; import org.globus.util.Util; import org.globus.gram.internal.GRAMConstants; import org.globus.rsl.RSLParser; import org.globus.rsl.RslNode; import org.globus.rsl.RslEvaluationException; import org.globus.rsl.RslAttributes; import org.globus.gsi.gssapi.auth.SelfAuthorization; import org.globus.gsi.gssapi.auth.HostAuthorization; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.globus.util.Tail; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout; import org.apache.log4j.FileAppender; import org.gridforum.jgss.ExtendedGSSCredential; import org.ietf.jgss.GSSCredential; import org.ietf.jgss.GSSException; import org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JLogger; // FIXME: does not handle file:// urls /** * AbstractJobManager is a base class from which all specific job managers * should inherit from. It provides all the basic functionality required * for a job manager. */ public abstract class AbstractJobManager implements JobManager { private static final String LOG_PATTERN = "%-5p: %m%n"; private static final String[] ENV_VARIABLES = { "X509_CERT_DIR", "X509_USER_PROXY", "GLOBUS_GRAM_JOB_CONTACT", "GLOBUS_DEPLOY_PATH", "GLOBUS_INSTALL_PATH" }; // will open stdout files in append mode - append should be assumed // becuase the external scripts do that protected boolean appendStdout = true; protected List fileList; protected GSSCredential _credential = null; protected int _status = 0; protected int _failureCode = 0; protected Hashtable _callbackUrl; protected boolean allowStdioUrls = false; protected Tail _outputFollower; protected String _id; protected Properties _symbolTable; /** called only when job is done or failed and * all after other listeners were notified of the state */ protected JobDoneListener _jobDoneListener; protected Logger _jobLogger; public AbstractJobManager() { _id = String.valueOf(hashCode()); _symbolTable = new Properties(); _callbackUrl = new Hashtable(); // FIXME: lazy instatiate it fileList = new LinkedList(); initSymbolTable(); initJobLogger(); } protected void initJobLogger() { _jobLogger = Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName() + "." + _id); } public void setLogFile() { File f = new File(System.getProperty("user.home"), "jgram_job_mgr_" + _id + ".log"); setLogFile(f.getAbsolutePath()); } public void setLogFile(String file) { FileAppender ap = new FileAppender(); ap.setFile(file); ap.setName("JobManager Log"); ap.setLayout(new PatternLayout(LOG_PATTERN)); ap.activateOptions(); _jobLogger.addAppender(ap); } public void setLogger(Logger logger) { _jobLogger = logger; } public void setCredentials(GSSCredential credentials) { _credential = credentials; } public GSSCredential getCredentials() { return _credential; } public String getID() { return _id; } public void setID(String id) { _id = id; } protected void initSymbolTable() { _symbolTable.put("HOME", System.getProperty("user.home")); _symbolTable.put("LOGNAME", System.getProperty("")); _symbolTable.put("GLOBUS_HOST_OSNAME", System.getProperty("")); _symbolTable.put("GLOBUS_HOST_OSVERSION", System.getProperty("os.version")); setGlobusProperties(_symbolTable); } public static void setGlobusProperties(Map map) { String key = null; Properties props = System.getProperties(); Enumeration e = props.keys(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { key = (String) e.nextElement(); if (key.regionMatches(true, 0, "GLOBUS", 0, 6)) { map.put(key, props.getProperty(key)); } } } public Properties getSymbolTable() { return _symbolTable; } public Map getEnvironment() { Map map = new HashMap(); String value; for (int i = 0; i < ENV_VARIABLES.length; i++) { value = _symbolTable.getProperty(ENV_VARIABLES[i]); if (value != null) { map.put(ENV_VARIABLES[i], value); } } return map; } public String[] getEnvArray() { return getEnvArray(null); } public String[] getEnvArray(Map map) { String name = null; Iterator iter = null; Map env = getEnvironment(); if (map != null) { iter = map.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { name = (String); // merge passed env with internal env // and do not overwrite the variables if (env.get(name) == null) { env.put(name, map.get(name)); } } } int i = 0; String[] envArray = new String[env.size()]; iter = env.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { name = (String); envArray[i++] = name + "=" + env.get(name); } return envArray; } // this is GSI specific - will not work with Kerberos protected void saveDelegatedCredentials() throws JobManagerException { if (_credential == null) { throw new JobManagerException(JobManagerException.USER_PROXY_NOT_FOUND); } if (!(_credential instanceof ExtendedGSSCredential)) { throw new JobManagerException(JobManagerException.ERROR_OPENING_CACHE_USER_PROXY); } File proxyFile = null; try { proxyFile = File.createTempFile("x509up_", ".tmp"); } catch (IOException e) { throw new JobManagerException(JobManagerException.ERROR_OPENING_CACHE_USER_PROXY); } fileList.add(proxyFile); FileOutputStream out = null; try { out = new FileOutputStream(proxyFile); // set read only permissions Util.setOwnerAccessOnly(proxyFile.getAbsolutePath()); // write the contents byte[] data = ((ExtendedGSSCredential) _credential).export(ExtendedGSSCredential.IMPEXP_OPAQUE); out.write(data); } catch (Exception e) { throw new JobManagerException(JobManagerException.ERROR_OPENING_CACHE_USER_PROXY, e); } finally { if (out != null) { try { out.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } // FIXME: this enables to rsl evaluate again user proxy location _symbolTable.put("X509_USER_PROXY", proxyFile.getAbsolutePath()); } public void request(String rslRequest) throws JobManagerException { /* * In case of an error the dispose() * function is called automatically */ if (_jobLogger.isInfoEnabled()) {"Job request: " + rslRequest); } RslNode rslTree = null; try { rslTree = RSLParser.parse(Util.unquote(rslRequest)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new JobManagerException(JobManagerException.BAD_RSL, e); } // init req JobRequest jobReq = new JobRequest(); try { rslTree = (RslNode) rslTree.evaluate(getSymbolTable()); } catch (RslEvaluationException e) { throw new JobManagerException(JobManagerException.RSL_EVALUATION_FAILED, e); } String tmpArg = null; RslAttributes rsl = new RslAttributes(rslTree); // custom mod to add dynamic debugging tmpArg = rsl.getSingle("debug"); if (tmpArg != null && tmpArg.equalsIgnoreCase("yes")) { setLogFile(); } if (_jobLogger.isInfoEnabled()) {"Final rsl: " + rslTree); } jobReq.setRslAttributes(rsl); int tmpInt; long tmpLong; try { // *** check directory *** tmpArg = rsl.getSingle("directory"); if (tmpArg == null) { tmpArg = System.getProperty("user.home"); } File dir = new File(tmpArg); if (!dir.exists() || dir.isFile()) { throw new JobManagerException(JobManagerException.BAD_DIRECTORY); } jobReq.setDirectory(dir); // *** check executable *** tmpArg = rsl.getSingle("executable"); if (tmpArg == null) { throw new JobManagerException(JobManagerException.EXECUTABLE_UNDEFINED); } if (tmpArg.indexOf("://") != -1) { tmpArg = stageExecutable(tmpArg); } File exec = null; if (isAbsolutePath(tmpArg)) { exec = new File(tmpArg); } else { exec = new File(dir, tmpArg); } if (!exec.exists()) { throw new JobManagerException(JobManagerException.EXECUTABLE_NOT_FOUND); } // set executable jobReq.setExecutable(exec.getAbsolutePath()); // FIXME: should these checks be part of the JobRequest class? // *** count *** tmpInt = getAsInt(rsl.getSingle("count"), 1, JobManagerException.INVALID_COUNT); if (tmpInt < 1) { throw new JobManagerException(JobManagerException.INVALID_COUNT); } jobReq.setCount(tmpInt); // *** min memory *** tmpLong = getAsLong(rsl.getSingle("minMemory"), 0, JobManagerException.INVALID_MIN_MEMORY); if (tmpLong < 0) { throw new JobManagerException(JobManagerException.INVALID_MIN_MEMORY); } jobReq.setMinMemory(tmpLong); // *** max memory *** tmpLong = getAsLong(rsl.getSingle("maxMemory"), 0, JobManagerException.INVALID_MAX_MEMORY); if (tmpLong < 0) { throw new JobManagerException(JobManagerException.INVALID_MAX_MEMORY); } jobReq.setMaxMemory(tmpLong); // *** host count *** tmpInt = getAsInt(rsl.getSingle("hostCount"), 1, JobManagerException.INVALID_HOST_COUNT); if (tmpInt < 1) { throw new JobManagerException(JobManagerException.INVALID_HOST_COUNT); } jobReq.setHostCount(tmpInt); // *** wall time *** tmpInt = getAsInt(rsl.getSingle("maxWallTime"), 0, JobManagerException.INVALID_MAX_WALL_TIME); if (tmpInt < 0) { throw new JobManagerException(JobManagerException.INVALID_MAX_WALL_TIME); } jobReq.setMaxWallTime(tmpInt); // *** max cpu time *** tmpInt = getAsInt(rsl.getSingle("maxCpuTime"), 0, JobManagerException.INVALID_MAX_CPU_TIME); if (tmpInt < 0) { throw new JobManagerException(JobManagerException.INVALID_MAX_CPU_TIME); } jobReq.setMaxCpuTime(tmpInt); // *** max time *** tmpInt = getAsInt(rsl.getSingle("maxTime"), 0, JobManagerException.INVALID_MAXTIME); if (tmpInt < 0) { throw new JobManagerException(JobManagerException.INVALID_MAXTIME); } jobReq.setMaxTime(tmpInt); // *** job type *** tmpArg = rsl.getSingle("jobType"); if (tmpArg != null) { if (tmpArg.equalsIgnoreCase("mpi")) { tmpInt = JobRequest.JOBTYPE_MPI; } else if (tmpArg.equalsIgnoreCase("single")) { tmpInt = JobRequest.JOBTYPE_SINGLE; } else if (tmpArg.equalsIgnoreCase("multiple")) { tmpInt = JobRequest.JOBTYPE_MULTIPLE; } else if (tmpArg.equalsIgnoreCase("condor")) { tmpInt = JobRequest.JOBTYPE_CONDOR; } else { throw new JobManagerException(JobManagerException.INVALID_JOBTYPE); } } else { tmpInt = JobRequest.JOBTYPE_MULTIPLE; } jobReq.setJobType(tmpInt); // *** dry run *** tmpArg = rsl.getSingle("dryrun"); if (tmpArg != null && tmpArg.equalsIgnoreCase("yes")) { jobReq.setDryRun(true); } else { jobReq.setDryRun(false); } // FIXME: other stuff is not set yet *** String inputFile = rsl.getSingle("stdin"); if (inputFile != null) { if (inputFile.indexOf("://") != -1) { inputFile = stageStdin(inputFile); } else { inputFile = getPath(inputFile, dir); } } jobReq.setStdin(inputFile); String outFile = getFile(rsl.getSingle("stdout"), dir, JobManagerException.ERROR_OPENING_STDOUT); jobReq.setStdout(outFile); String errFile = getFile(rsl.getSingle("stderr"), dir, JobManagerException.ERROR_OPENING_STDERR); jobReq.setStderr(errFile); // save proxy saveDelegatedCredentials(); // call the abstract method request(jobReq); } catch (JobManagerException e) { _jobLogger.error("Job request failed.", e); dispose(); throw e; } catch (Exception e) { _jobLogger.error("Unexpected error.", e); dispose(); throw new JobManagerException(JobManagerException.UNIMPLEMENTED, e); } } private static boolean isAbsolutePath(String path) { int length = path.length(); return ((length > 1 && path.charAt(0) == '/') || (length > 2 && path.charAt(1) == ':' && Character.isLetter(path.charAt(0)))); } public abstract void request(JobRequest request) throws JobManagerException; private int getAsInt(String tmpArg, int defValue, int errorCode) throws JobManagerException { if (tmpArg != null) { try { return Integer.parseInt(tmpArg); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new JobManagerException(errorCode, e); } } else { return defValue; } } private long getAsLong(String tmpArg, long defValue, int errorCode) throws JobManagerException { if (tmpArg != null) { try { return Long.parseLong(tmpArg); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new JobManagerException(errorCode, e); } } else { return defValue; } } private String getFile(String file, File dir, int err) throws JobManagerException { if (file == null) return null; if (file.indexOf("://") != -1) { if (allowStdioUrls) { return file; } else { return redirectThruFile(file, err); } } else { return getPath(file, dir); } } protected String redirectThruFile(String file, int err) throws JobManagerException { OutputStream out = openUrl(file, err); File outFile; try { outFile = File.createTempFile("output", ".tmp"); } catch (IOException e) { throw new JobManagerException(err, e); } fileList.add(outFile); if (_outputFollower == null) { _outputFollower = new Tail(); _outputFollower.setLogger(new Log4JLogger(_jobLogger)); _outputFollower.start(); } try { _outputFollower.addFile(outFile, out, 0); } catch (IOException e) { _jobLogger.error("Unexpected error in io redirection", e); } return outFile.getAbsolutePath(); } protected OutputStream openUrl(String file, int err) throws JobManagerException { GlobusURL url = null; try { url = new GlobusURL(file); } catch (Exception e) { throw new JobManagerException(err, "Invalid url: " + file, e); } try { return openUrl(url); } catch (Exception e) { throw new JobManagerException(err, "Failed to open (remote): " + file, e); } } protected String getPath(String localFile, File dir) { if (localFile.length() == 0) return localFile; if (isAbsolutePath(localFile)) { return localFile; } else { return (new File(dir, localFile)).getAbsolutePath(); } } protected OutputStream openUrl(GlobusURL url) throws Exception { String protocol = url.getProtocol(); if (protocol.equalsIgnoreCase("https")) { return new GassOutputStream(_credential, SelfAuthorization.getInstance(), url.getHost(), url.getPort(), url.getPath(), -1, appendStdout); } else if (protocol.equalsIgnoreCase("http")) { return new HTTPOutputStream(url.getHost(), url.getPort(), url.getPath(), -1, appendStdout); } else if (protocol.equalsIgnoreCase("gsiftp") || protocol.equalsIgnoreCase("gridftp")) { return new GridFTPOutputStream(_credential, HostAuthorization.getInstance(), url.getHost(), url.getPort(), url.getPath(), appendStdout, true); } else if (protocol.equalsIgnoreCase("ftp")) { return new FTPOutputStream(url.getHost(), url.getPort(), url.getUser(), url.getPwd(), url.getPath(), appendStdout); } else { throw new Exception("Protocol not supported: " + protocol); } } public void signal(int signal, String args) throws JobManagerException { if (_jobLogger.isInfoEnabled()) {"signal called: " + signal + " " + args); } switch (signal) { case GRAMConstants.SIGNAL_CANCEL: cancel(); break; default: throw new JobManagerException(JobManagerException.UNKNOWN_SIGNAL_TYPE); } } public void addJobStatusListener(JobStatusListener jobStatusListener) { if (_jobLogger.isInfoEnabled()) {"addStatusListener: " + jobStatusListener); } if (jobStatusListener == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("job status listener cannot be null"); } if (jobStatusListener instanceof JobDoneListener) { _jobDoneListener = (JobDoneListener) jobStatusListener; } else { _callbackUrl.put(jobStatusListener.getID(), jobStatusListener); } // can throw JobManagerException.ERROR_INSERTING_CLIENT_CONTACT) } public void removeJobStatusListener(JobStatusListener jobStatusListener) throws JobManagerException { if (_jobLogger.isInfoEnabled()) {"removeStatusListener: " + jobStatusListener); } if (jobStatusListener == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("job status listener cannot be null"); } removeJobStatusListenerByID(jobStatusListener.getID()); } public void removeJobStatusListenerByID(String jobStatusListenerID) throws JobManagerException { if (_jobLogger.isInfoEnabled()) {"removeStatusListenerID: " + jobStatusListenerID); } if (jobStatusListenerID == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("job status listener id cannot be null"); } JobStatusListener list = (JobStatusListener) _callbackUrl.remove(jobStatusListenerID); if (list == null) { throw new JobManagerException(JobManagerException.CLIENT_CONTACT_NOT_FOUND); } list.dispose(); } /** * Provides the status of the job. * @return the status of the job. */ public int getStatus() { return _status; } /** * Provides the failure code or exit code of the job. * @return the failure code or exit code of the job. */ public int getFailureCode() { return _failureCode; } /** * changes the old status to the new status and calls any required status * updates which are registered. * @param status the new status of the process. */ public synchronized void setStatus(int status) { if (_status == status) return; if (isValidStatus(status)) { _status = status; if (_jobLogger.isInfoEnabled()) {"Setting job status to: " + _status); } /* send DONE or FAILED event only after * the whole output is sent to the client if any */ if (status == GRAMConstants.STATUS_DONE || status == GRAMConstants.STATUS_FAILED) { if (_outputFollower != null) { _outputFollower.stop(); try { _outputFollower.join(); } catch (Exception e) { _jobLogger.error("Unexpected error", e); } } fireStatusUpdate(); dispose(); } else { fireStatusUpdate(); } } } public void fireStatusUpdate() { Enumeration e = _callbackUrl.elements(); JobStatusListener listener; while (e.hasMoreElements()) { listener = (JobStatusListener) e.nextElement(); listener.statusChanged(this); } } protected void dispose() {"[base jm] Cleaning up..."); Iterator iter = fileList.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { File f = (File); if (_jobLogger.isDebugEnabled()) { _jobLogger.debug("Deleting tmp file: " + f); } f.delete(); } if (_callbackUrl != null) { Enumeration e = _callbackUrl.elements(); JobStatusListener listener; while (e.hasMoreElements()) { listener = (JobStatusListener) e.nextElement(); listener.dispose(); } } if (_jobDoneListener != null) { _jobDoneListener.dispose(); } if (_outputFollower != null) { _outputFollower.stop(); } } /** * checks to whether or not status is valid * @return true if status is valid, otherwise false. */ private boolean isValidStatus(int status) { return status == GRAMConstants.STATUS_ACTIVE || status == GRAMConstants.STATUS_DONE || status == GRAMConstants.STATUS_FAILED || status == GRAMConstants.STATUS_PENDING || status == GRAMConstants.STATUS_SUSPENDED; } public String stageExecutable(String url) throws JobManagerException { String file = null; try { file = stageFile(url); } catch (Exception e) { throw new JobManagerException(JobManagerException.ERROR_STAGING_EXECUTABLE, e); } Util.setFilePermissions(file, 700); return file; } public String stageStdin(String url) throws JobManagerException { try { return stageFile(url); } catch (Exception e) { throw new JobManagerException(JobManagerException.ERROR_STAGING_STDIN, e); } } private String getExtension(GlobusURL url) { String file = url.getPath(); char ch; for (int i = file.length() - 1; i > 0; i--) { ch = file.charAt(i); if (ch == '/' || ch == '\\') { break; } else if (ch == '.') { return file.substring(i); } } return ".tmp"; } protected String stageFile(String url) throws MalformedURLException, IOException, UrlCopyException { // it is a url GlobusURL remoteUrl; GlobusURL localUrl; remoteUrl = new GlobusURL(url); File localFile = null; localFile = File.createTempFile("staged", getExtension(remoteUrl)); fileList.add(localFile); localUrl = new GlobusURL(localFile.toURL()); UrlCopy c = new UrlCopy(); c.setCredentials(_credential); c.setSourceUrl(remoteUrl); c.setDestinationUrl(localUrl); c.copy(); return localFile.getAbsolutePath(); } }