Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) Members of the EGEE Collaboration. 2004. * See for details on the copyright * holders. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.glite.wms.wmproxy; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.axis2.AxisFault; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.protocol.Protocol; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.bouncycastle.openssl.PEMParser; import org.bouncycastle.pkcs.PKCS10CertificationRequest; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.gridsite.www.namespaces.delegation_2.DelegationException_Fault; import org.gridsite.www.namespaces.delegation_2.WMProxyStub.Destroy; import org.gridsite.www.namespaces.delegation_2.WMProxyStub.GetInterfaceVersion; import org.gridsite.www.namespaces.delegation_2.WMProxyStub.GetNewProxyReq; import org.gridsite.www.namespaces.delegation_2.WMProxyStub.GetServiceMetadata; import org.gridsite.www.namespaces.delegation_2.WMProxyStub.GetTerminationTime; import org.gridsite.www.namespaces.delegation_2.WMProxyStub.RenewProxyReq; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Allows sending requests to the Workload Manager Proxy (WMProxy) server * <p> * The class WMProxyAPI represents a client API to access to the WMProxy * services provided as Web Services.<BR> * It provides a set of methods that allow : * <UL> * <LI>delegating the credential ; * <LI>registering and submitting jobs ; * <LI>cancelling the job during its life-cycle ; * <LI>retrieving information on the location where the job input sandbox files * can be stored ; * <LI>retrieving the output sandbox files list ; * <LI>retrieving a list of possible matching Computer Elements ; * <LI>getting JDL templates ; * <LI>getting information on the user disk quota on the server . * </UL> * </p> * <p> * Job requirements are expressed by Job Description Language (JDL). The types * of jobs supported by the WM service are: * <UL> * <LI>Normal - a simple application * <LI>DAG - a direct acyclic graph of dependent jobs * <LI>Collection - a set of independent jobs * <LI>Parametric - jobs with JDL's containing some parameters * </UL> * */ public class WMProxyAPI { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(WMProxyAPI.class.getName()); private URL serviceURL = null; private PEMCredential pemCredential = null; private String certsPath = null; private WMProxyStub serviceStub = null; private org.gridsite.www.namespaces.delegation_2.WMProxyStub grstStub = null; /** * Constructor * * @param url * WMProxy service URL * @param proxyFile * the path location of the user proxy file * @throws ServiceException * If any error in calling the service * @throws ServiceURLException * malformed service URL specified as input * @throws CredentialException * in case of any error with the user proxy file */ public WMProxyAPI(String url, String proxyFile) throws ServiceException, ServiceURLException { File proxy = new File(proxyFile); if (!proxy.exists()) logger.error("Failed retrieving proxy from path: File not exists."); certsPath = "/etc/grid-security/certificates"; this.WMProxyAPIConstructor(url, proxyFile, certsPath); } /** * Constructor that allows setting of the Log4j tool by configuration file * * @param url * WMProxy service URL * @param proxyFile * the path location of the user proxy file * @param logPropFille * the path location of the log4j properties file * @throws ServiceException * If any error in calling the service * @throws CredentialException * in case of any error with the user proxy file * @throws ServiceURLException * malformed service URL specified as input */ public WMProxyAPI(String url, String proxyFile, String certsPath) throws ServiceException, ServiceURLException { File proxy = new File(proxyFile); if (!proxy.exists()) logger.error("Failed retrieving proxy from path: File not exists."); File caFolder = new File(certsPath); if (!caFolder.exists()) logger.error("Failed retrieving CA certificates from path: Folder not exists."); this.WMProxyAPIConstructor(url, proxyFile, certsPath); } /** * Method that serves the constructors of the class * * @param url * WMProxy service URL * @param proxyFile * the proxy in input as a stream * @param logPropFille * the path location of the log4j properties file * @throws ServiceException * If any error in calling the service * @throws CredentialException * in case of any error with the user proxy file * @throws ServiceURLException * malformed service URL specified as input */ private void WMProxyAPIConstructor(String url, String proxyFile, String certsPath) throws ServiceException, ServiceURLException { logger.debug("INPUT: url=[" + url + "] - proxyFile = [" + proxyFile + "] - certsPath=[" + certsPath + "]"); try { this.serviceURL = new URL(url); } catch ( exc) { throw new ServiceURLException(exc.getMessage()); } try { char[] emptyPwd = null; this.pemCredential = new PEMCredential(proxyFile, emptyPwd); } catch (KeyStoreException e) { logger.error("Failed retrieving proxy:" + e.toString()); } catch (CertificateException e) { logger.error("Failed retrieving proxy:" + e.toString()); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Failed reading proxy:" + e.toString()); } this.certsPath = certsPath; try { setSSLProperties(proxyFile); this.serviceStub = new WMProxyStub(serviceURL.toString()); this.grstStub = new org.gridsite.www.namespaces.delegation_2.WMProxyStub(serviceURL.toString()); } catch (AxisFault fault) { throw new ServiceException(fault.getMessage()); } } private void setSSLProperties(String proxy) { Protocol.registerProtocol(this.serviceURL.getProtocol(), new Protocol(this.serviceURL.getProtocol(), new CANLAXIS2SocketFactory(), this.serviceURL.getPort())); Properties sslConfig = new Properties(); sslConfig.put("truststore", this.certsPath); sslConfig.put("crlcheckingmode", "ifvalid"); sslConfig.put("proxy", proxy); CANLAXIS2SocketFactory.setCurrentProperties(sslConfig); } /** * Gets a proxy identified by the delegationId string. This method remains * to keep compatibility with the version 1.0.0 of WMProxy servers, but it * will be soon deprecated. * * @param delegationID * the id to identify the delegation * @return the string representing the proxy * @throws AuthorizationFaultException * if the client is not authorized to perform this operation * @throws AuthenticationFaultException * a generic authentication problem occurred * @throws ServiceException * a problem occurred during the remote call to the WMProxy * server * @throws ServerOverloadedFaultException * the server is too much busy to attend the requested operation */ public String getProxyReq(String delegationId) throws AuthenticationFaultException, ServiceException, ServerOverloadedFaultException, AuthorizationFaultException { logger.debug("INPUT: delegationId=[" + delegationId + "]"); try { GetProxyReq getProxyReq = new GetProxyReq(); getProxyReq.setDelegationID(delegationId); return this.serviceStub.getProxyReq(getProxyReq).getRequest(); } catch ( exc) { throw new AuthenticationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new AuthorizationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new ServerOverloadedFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new ServiceException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new ServiceException(exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Gets a proxy identified by the delegationId string. This method can be * only used invoking WMProxy servers with versions greater than or equal to * 2.0.0; the version of the server can be retrieved by calling the * getVersion service. * * @param delegationID * the id to identify the delegation * @return a string representing the proxy * @throws CredentialException * a problem occurred during the operations of retrieving the * proxy * @throws ServiceException * a problem occurred during the remote call to the WMProxy * server * @throws ServerOverloadedFaultException * the server is too much busy to attend the requested operation * @since 1.2.0 */ public String grstGetProxyReq(String delegationId) throws CredentialException, ServiceException, ServerOverloadedFaultException { logger.debug("INPUT: delegationId=[" + delegationId + "]"); try { org.gridsite.www.namespaces.delegation_2.WMProxyStub.GetProxyReq getProxyReq = new org.gridsite.www.namespaces.delegation_2.WMProxyStub.GetProxyReq(); getProxyReq.setDelegationID(delegationId); return this.grstStub.getProxyReq(getProxyReq).getGetProxyReqReturn(); } catch (DelegationException_Fault exc) { throw new CredentialException(exc.getMessage()); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new ServiceException(exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Gets a proxy identified by the delegationId string. This method can be * only used invoking WMProxy servers with versions greater than or equal to * 3.0.0; the version of the server can be retrieved by calling the * getVersion service. * * @param delegationID * the id to identify the delegation * @return a NewProxyReq representing the proxy * @throws CredentialException * a problem occurred during the operations of retrieving the * proxy * @throws ServiceException * a problem occurred during the remote call to the WMProxy * server * @throws ServerOverloadedFaultException * the server is too much busy to attend the requested operation */ public org.gridsite.www.namespaces.delegation_2.WMProxyStub.NewProxyReq getNewProxyReq() throws CredentialException, ServiceException, ServerOverloadedFaultException { try { GetNewProxyReq getNewProxtReq = new GetNewProxyReq(); return this.grstStub.getNewProxyReq(getNewProxtReq).getGetNewProxyReqReturn(); } catch (DelegationException_Fault exc) { throw new CredentialException(exc.getMessage()); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new ServiceException(exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Queries implementation specific meta information about the service This * method can be only used invoking WMProxy servers with versions greater * than or equal to 3.0.0; the version of the server can be retrieved by * calling the getVersion service. * * @param the * key of the queried service metadata * @return a string representing the information * @throws CredentialException * a problem occurred during the operations of retrieving the * proxy * @throws ServiceException * a problem occurred during the remote call to the WMProxy * server * @throws ServerOverloadedFaultException * the server is too much busy to attend the requested operation */ public String getServiceMetadata(String keyString) throws CredentialException, ServiceException, ServerOverloadedFaultException { try { GetServiceMetadata key = new GetServiceMetadata(); key.setKey(keyString); return this.grstStub.getServiceMetadata(key).getGetServiceMetadataReturn(); } catch (DelegationException_Fault exc) { throw new CredentialException(exc.getMessage()); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new ServiceException(exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Queries the version of the supported interface. This method can be only * used invoking WMProxy servers with versions greater than or equal to * 3.0.0; the version of the server can be retrieved by calling the * getVersion service. * * @return a string representing the version number of the interface * @throws CredentialException * a problem occurred during the operations of retrieving the * proxy * @throws ServiceException * a problem occurred during the remote call to the WMProxy * server * @throws ServerOverloadedFaultException * the server is too much busy to attend the requested operation */ public String getInterfaceVersion() throws CredentialException, ServiceException, ServerOverloadedFaultException { try { GetInterfaceVersion getInterfaceVersion = new GetInterfaceVersion(); return this.grstStub.getInterfaceVersion(getInterfaceVersion).getGetInterfaceVersionReturn(); } catch (DelegationException_Fault exc) { throw new CredentialException(exc.getMessage()); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new ServiceException(exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Returns the expiration date and time of the credential, associated with * the given delegationId. This method can be only used invoking WMProxy * servers with versions greater than or equal to 3.0.0; the version of the * server can be retrieved by calling the getVersion service. * * @param delegationID * the id to identify the delegation * @return a calendar with the date and time when the delegated credentials * will expire * @throws CredentialException * a problem occurred during the operations of retrieving the * proxy * @throws ServiceException * a problem occurred during the remote call to the WMProxy * server * @throws ServerOverloadedFaultException * the server is too much busy to attend the requested operation */ public java.util.Calendar getTerminationTime(String delegationIdString) throws CredentialException, ServiceException, ServerOverloadedFaultException { try { GetTerminationTime delegationId = new GetTerminationTime(); delegationId.setDelegationID(delegationIdString); return this.grstStub.getTerminationTime(delegationId).getGetTerminationTimeReturn(); } catch (DelegationException_Fault exc) { throw new CredentialException(exc.getMessage()); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new ServiceException(exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Destroys the delegated credentials associated with the given * delegationId. This method can be only used invoking WMProxy servers with * versions greater than or equal to 3.0.0; the version of the server can be * retrieved by calling the getVersion service. * * @param delegationID * the id to identify the delegation * @throws CredentialException * a problem occurred during the operations of retrieving the * proxy * @throws ServiceException * a problem occurred during the remote call to the WMProxy * server * @throws ServerOverloadedFaultException * the server is too much busy to attend the requested operation */ public void destroy(String delegationId) throws CredentialException, ServiceException, ServerOverloadedFaultException { try { Destroy destroy = new Destroy(); destroy.setDelegationID(delegationId); this.grstStub.destroy(destroy); } catch (DelegationException_Fault exc) { throw new CredentialException(exc.getMessage()); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new ServiceException(exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Restarts the delegation procedure by asking for a certificate signing * request from the server for an already existing delegationId. This method * can be only used invoking WMProxy servers with versions greater than or * equal to 3.0.0; the version of the server can be retrieved by calling the * getVersion service. * * @param delegationID * the id to identify the delegation * @return a string with the new proxy request, which is to replace the * existing one * @throws CredentialException * a problem occurred during the operations of retrieving the * proxy * @throws ServiceException * a problem occurred during the remote call to the WMProxy * server * @throws ServerOverloadedFaultException * the server is too much busy to attend the requested operation */ public String renewProxyReq(String delegationId) throws CredentialException, ServiceException, ServerOverloadedFaultException { try { RenewProxyReq renewProxyReq = new RenewProxyReq(); renewProxyReq.setDelegationID(delegationId); return this.grstStub.renewProxyReq(renewProxyReq).getRenewProxyReqReturn(); } catch (DelegationException_Fault exc) { throw new CredentialException(exc.getMessage()); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new ServiceException(exc.getMessage()); } } /** * This method allows delegating user credential to the WMProxy server: it * creates a proxy from the input certificate (got by a previous call to the * createProxyfromCertReq server). The created proxy is sent to the server * and identified by a delegationId string. This string can be used to call * some services accepting a delegationId string as input parameter (like * jobRegister, jobSubmit, etc) until its expiration time. This method * remains to keep compatibility with the version 1.0.0 of WMProxy servers, * but it will be soon deprecated; the version of the server can be * retrieved by calling the getVersion service. * * @param delegationId * the id used to identify the delegation * @param certReq * the certificate request * @throws CredentialException * if any error occurs during the creation of the proxy from the * input certificate * @throws AuthorizationFaultException * if the client is not authorized to perform this operation * @throws AuthenticationFaultException * a generic authentication problem occurred * @throws ServiceException * If any other error occurs during the execution of the remote * method call to the WMProxy server * @throws ServerOverloadedFaultException * the server is too much busy to attend the requested operation * @see #getVersion * */ public void putProxy(String delegationId, String certReq) throws AuthenticationFaultException, AuthorizationFaultException, CredentialException, ServiceException, ServerOverloadedFaultException { String proxy = this.createProxyfromCertReq(certReq); try { logger.debug("Delegating credential (putProxy)"); WMProxyStub.PutProxy putProxy = new WMProxyStub.PutProxy(); putProxy.setDelegationID(delegationId); putProxy.setProxy(proxy); this.serviceStub.putProxy(putProxy); } catch ( exc) { throw new AuthenticationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new AuthorizationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new ServiceException(exc.getMessage()); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new ServiceException(exc.getMessage()); } } /** * This method allows delegating user credential to the WMProxy server using * the GridSite package: it creates a proxy from the input certificate (got * by a previous call to the createProxyfromCertReq server). The created * proxy is sent to the server and identified by a delegationId string. This * string can be used to call some services accepting a delegationId string * as input parameter (like jobRegister, jobSubmit, etc) until its * expiration time. This method can be only used invoking WMProxy servers * with versions greater than or equal to 2.0.0 * * @param delegationId * the id used to identify the delegation * @param certReq * the certificate request * @throws CredentialException * a problem occurred during the operations of delegation * @throws ServiceException * If any other error occurs during the execution of the remote * method call to the WMProxy server * @throws ServerOverloadedFaultException * the server is too much busy to attend the requested operation * @since 1.2.0 * @see #getVersion */ public void grstPutProxy(String delegationId, String certReq) throws CredentialException, ServiceException, ServerOverloadedFaultException { String proxy = this.createProxyfromCertReq(certReq); logger.debug("Delegating credential (putProxy)"); try { WMProxyStub.PutProxy putProxy = new WMProxyStub.PutProxy(); putProxy.setDelegationID(delegationId); putProxy.setProxy(proxy); this.serviceStub.putProxy(putProxy); } catch ( exc) { throw new CredentialException(exc.getMessage()); } catch ( exc) { throw new CredentialException(exc.getMessage()); } catch ( exc) { throw new ServerOverloadedFaultException(exc.getMessage()); } catch ( exc) { throw new ServiceException(exc.getMessage()); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new ServiceException(exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Returns the Delegated Proxy information identified by the delegationId * string * * @param delegationId * The id of the delegation created previously (by a getProxyReq * call) * @param cfs * Non-default configuration context (proxy file, endpoint URL * and trusted cert location) ; if NULL, the object is created * with the default parameters * @return a struct with the information on the input proxy * @throws AuthenticationFaultException * a generic authentication problem occurred. * @throws AuthorizationFaultException * if the client is not authorized to perform this operation. * @throws InvalidArgumentFaultException * one or more of the given input parameters is not valid. * @throws ServiceException * If any other error occurs during the execution of the remote * method call to the WMProxy server * @throws ServerOverloadedFaultException * the server is too much busy to attend the requested operation * @see #getProxyReq * @see #grstGetProxyReq * @see #putProxy * @see #grstPutProxy * @since 1.5.3 */ public WMProxyStub.ProxyInfoStructType getDelegatedProxyInfo(String delegationId) throws AuthorizationFaultException, AuthenticationFaultException, InvalidArgumentFaultException, ServiceException, ServerOverloadedFaultException { logger.debug("INPUT: delegationId=[" + delegationId + "]"); try { WMProxyStub.GetDelegatedProxyInfo getDelegationProxyInfo = new WMProxyStub.GetDelegatedProxyInfo(); getDelegationProxyInfo.setDelegationID(delegationId); return this.serviceStub.getDelegatedProxyInfo(getDelegationProxyInfo).getItems(); } catch ( exc) { throw new AuthenticationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new AuthorizationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new InvalidArgumentFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new ServiceException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new ServiceException(exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Returns the information related to the proxy used to submit a job that * identified by its JobId. This operation needs that a valid proxy * (identified by an id string -delegationId string-) has been previously * delegated to the endpoint. * * @param jobId * the identifier of the job * @param cfs * Non-default configuration context (proxy file, endpoint URL * and trusted cert location) ; if NULL, the object is created * with the default parameters * @return a struct with the information on the input proxy * @throws AuthenticationFaultException * a generic authentication problem occurred. * @throws AuthorizationFaultException * if the client is not authorized to perform this operation. * @throws InvalidArgumentFaultException * one or more of the given input parameters is not valid. * @throws ServiceException * If any other error occurs during the execution of the remote * method call to the WMProxy server * @throws ServerOverloadedFaultException * the server is too much busy to attend the requested operation * @see #getProxyReq * @see #putProxy * @see BaseException */ public WMProxyStub.ProxyInfoStructType getJobProxyInfo(String jobId) throws AuthorizationFaultException, AuthenticationFaultException, InvalidArgumentFaultException, ServiceException, ServerOverloadedFaultException { logger.debug("INPUT: jobId=[" + jobId + "]"); try { GetJobProxyInfo getJobProxyInfo = new GetJobProxyInfo(); getJobProxyInfo.setJobId(jobId); return this.serviceStub.getJobProxyInfo(getJobProxyInfo).getItems(); } catch ( exc) { throw new AuthenticationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new AuthorizationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new InvalidArgumentFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new ServiceException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new ServiceException(exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Gets the version numbers of the WMProxy services * * @return the string with the version numbers * @throws AuthorizationFaultException * if the client is not authorized to perform this operation * @throws AuthenticationFaultException * a generic authentication problem occurred * @throws ServiceException * If any other error occurs during the execution of the remote * method call to the WMProxy server * @throws ServerOverloadedFaultException * the server is too much busy to attend the requested operation */ public String getVersion() throws AuthenticationFaultException, ServiceException, ServerOverloadedFaultException { try { GetVersion getVersion = new GetVersion(); return this.serviceStub.getVersion(getVersion).getVersion(); } catch ( exc) { throw new AuthenticationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new ServiceException(exc.getMessage()); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new ServiceException(exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Returns the information related to the status of the job identified by * its JobId. This operation needs that a valid proxy (identified by an id * string -delegationId string-) has been previously delegated to the * * endpoint. * * @param jobId * the identifier of the job * @return a struct with the information on the status of the job * @throws AuthenticationFaultException * a generic authentication problem occurred. * @throws AuthorizationFaultException * if the client is not authorized to perform this operation. * @throws ServiceException * If any other error occurs during the execution of the remote * method call to the WMProxy server * @throws ServerOverloadedFaultException * the server is too much busy to attend the requested operation */ public WMProxyStub.JobStatusStructType getJobStatus(String jobId) throws AuthenticationFaultException, AuthorizationFaultException, ServiceException, ServerOverloadedFaultException { try { GetJobStatus getJobStatus = new GetJobStatus(); getJobStatus.setJobId(jobId); return this.serviceStub.getJobStatus(getJobStatus).getJobStatusStruct(); } catch ( exc) { throw new AuthenticationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new AuthorizationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new ServerOverloadedFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new ServiceException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new ServiceException(exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Registers a job for submission.The unique identifier assigned to the job * is returned to the client. This operation only registers the job and * assigns it with an identifier. The processing of the job (matchmaking, * scheduling etc.) within the WM is not started. The job is "held" by the * system in the "Registered" status until the jobStart operation is called. * Between the two calls the client can perform all preparatory actions * needed by the job to run (e.g. the registration of input data, the upload * of the job input sandbox files etc); especially those actions requiring * the specification of the job identifier. The service supports * registration (and consequently submission) of simple jobs, parametric * jobs, partitionable jobs, DAGs and collections of jobs. The description * is always provided through a single JDL description. When a clients * requests for registration of a complex object, i.e. parametric and * partitionable jobs, DAGs and collections of jobs (all those requests * represent in fact a set of jobs), the operations returns a structure * containing the main identifier of the complex object and the identifiers * of all related sub jobs. * * @param jdl * the job jdl representation. * @param delegationId * the id used to identify the delegation * @return the structure containing the id of the registered job * @throws AuthenticationFaultException * a generic authentication problem occurred * @throws InvalidArgumentFaultException * the given JDL expression is not valid * @throws ServiceException * If any other error occurs during the execution of the remote * method call to the WMProxy server * @throws ServerOverloadedFaultException * the server is too much busy to attend the requested operation */ public WMProxyStub.JobIdStructType jobRegister(String jdl, String delegationId) throws AuthenticationFaultException, InvalidArgumentFaultException, ServiceException, ServerOverloadedFaultException { logger.debug("INPUT: JDL=[" + jdl + "]"); logger.debug("INPUT: delegationId=[" + delegationId + "]"); try { JobRegister jobRegister = new JobRegister(); jobRegister.setDelegationId(delegationId); jobRegister.setJdl(jdl); return this.serviceStub.jobRegister(jobRegister).getJobIdStruct(); } catch ( exc) { throw new AuthenticationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new InvalidArgumentFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new ServiceException(exc.getMessage()); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new ServiceException(exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Triggers the submission a previously registered job. It starts the actual * processing of the registered job within the Workload Manager. It is * assumed that when this operation is called, all the work preparatory to * the job (e.g. input sandbox upload, registration of input data to the * Data Management service etc.) has been completed by the client.<BR> * Here follows an example of the sequence of operations to be performed for * submitting a job:<BR> * <UL> * <LI>jobId = jobRegister(JDL) * <LI>destURI = getSandboxDestURI(jobID) * <LI>transfer of the job Input Sandbox file to the returned destURI (using * GridFTP) * <LI>jobStart(jobId).Triggers the submission for a previously registered * job * </UL> * * @param jobId * the id of the job * @throws AuthorizationFaultException * if the client is not authorized to perform this operation * @throws AuthenticationFaultException * a generic authentication problem occurred * @throws JobUnknownFaultException * the given job has not been registered to the system * @throws InvalidArgumentFaultException * the given job Id is not valid * @throws OperationNotAllowedFaultException * the current job status does not allow requested operation. * @throws ServerOverloadedFaultException * the server is too much busy to attend the requested operation * @throws ServiceException * If any other error occurs during the execution of the remote * method call to the WMProxy server * @throws ServerOverloadedFaultException * the server is too much busy to attend the requested operation */ public void jobStart(String jobIdString) throws AuthorizationFaultException, AuthenticationFaultException, OperationNotAllowedFaultException, InvalidArgumentFaultException, JobUnknownFaultException, ServiceException, ServerOverloadedFaultException { logger.debug("INPUT: jobid=[" + jobIdString + "]"); try { JobStart jobId = new JobStart(); jobId.setJobId(jobIdString); this.serviceStub.jobStart(jobId); } catch ( exc) { throw new AuthenticationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new AuthorizationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new OperationNotAllowedFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new InvalidArgumentFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new JobUnknownFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new ServiceException(exc.getMessage()); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new ServiceException(exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Submits a job: performs registration and triggers the submission The JDL * description of the job provided by the client is validated by the * service, registered to the LB and finally passed to the Workload Manager. * The unique identifier assigned to the job is returned to the client. * Usage of this operation (instead of jobRegister + jobStart) is indeed * recommended when the job identifier is not needed prior to its submission * (e.g. jobs without input sandbox or with a sandbox entirely available on * a GridFTP server managed by the client or her organisation). The service * supports submission of simple jobs, parametric jobs, partitionable jobs, * DAGs and collections of jobs; the description is always provided through * a single JDL description. When a clients requests for submission of a * complex object, i.e. parametric and partitionable jobs, DAGs and * collections of jobs (all those requests represent in fact a set of jobs), * the operations returns a structure containing the main identifier of the * complex object and the identifiers of all related sub jobs. * * @param jobId * the id of the job * @param delegationId * the id used to identify the delegation * @return the id of the job * @throws AuthorizationFaultException * if the client is not authorized to perform this operation * @throws AuthenticationFaultException * a generic authentication problem occurred * @throws InvalidArgumentFaultException * the given job Id is not valid * @throws ServerOverloadedFaultException * the server is too much busy to attend the requested operation * @throws ServiceException * If any other error occurs during the execution of the remote * method call to the WMProxy server * @throws ServerOverloadedFaultException * the server is too much busy to attend the requested operation */ public WMProxyStub.JobIdStructType jobSubmit(String jdl, String delegationId) throws AuthorizationFaultException, AuthenticationFaultException, InvalidArgumentFaultException, ServiceException, ServerOverloadedFaultException { logger.debug("INPUT: JDL=[" + jdl + "]\n"); logger.debug("INPUT: delegationId=[" + delegationId + "]"); try { JobSubmit jobSubmit = new JobSubmit(); jobSubmit.setDelegationId(delegationId); jobSubmit.setJdl(jdl); return this.serviceStub.jobSubmit(jobSubmit).getJobIdStruct(); } catch ( exc) { throw new AuthenticationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new AuthorizationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new InvalidArgumentFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new ServiceException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new ServiceException(exc.getMessage()); } } /** * This operation cancels a previously submitted job identified by its * JobId. If the job is still managed by the WM then it is removed from the * WM tasks queue. If the job has been already sent to the CE, the WM simply * forwards the request to the CE. For suspending/releasing and sending * signals to a submitted job the user has to check that the job has been * scheduled to a CE and access directly the corresponding operations made * available by the CE service. * * @param jobId * the id of the job * @throws AuthorizationFaultException * if the client is not authorized to perform this operation * @throws AuthenticationFaultException * a generic authentication problem occurred * @throws JobUnknownFaultException * the given job has not been registered to the system * @throws InvalidArgumentFaultException * the given job Id is not valid * @throws OperationNotAllowedFaultException * the current job status does not allow requested operation. * @throws ServerOverloadedFaultException * the server is too much busy to attend the requested operation * @throws ServiceException * If any other error occurs during the execution of the remote * method call to the WMProxy server * @throws ServerOverloadedFaultException * the server is too much busy to attend the requested operation */ public void jobCancel(String jobId) throws AuthorizationFaultException, AuthenticationFaultException, OperationNotAllowedFaultException, InvalidArgumentFaultException, JobUnknownFaultException, ServiceException, ServerOverloadedFaultException { logger.debug("INPUT: jobid=[" + jobId + "]"); try { JobCancel jobCancel = new JobCancel(); jobCancel.setJobId(jobId); this.serviceStub.jobCancel(jobCancel); } catch ( exc) { // AuthenticationFault throw new AuthenticationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { // AuthorizationFault throw new AuthorizationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { // OperationNotAllowedFault throw new OperationNotAllowedFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { // InvalidArgumentFault throw new InvalidArgumentFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { // JobUnknownFault throw new JobUnknownFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { // GenericFault ->ServiceException throw new ServiceException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch (java.rmi.RemoteException exc) { // RemoteException->ServiceException throw new ServiceException(exc.getMessage()); } catch (Exception exc) { // Exception->ServiceException throw new ServiceException(exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Returns the maximum Input sandbox size (in bytes) a user can count on for * a job submission if using the space managed by the WM. This is a static * value in the WM configuration (on a job-basis) set by the VO * administrator * * @return the size of the InputSandbox (in bytes) * @throws AuthenticationFaultException * a generic authentication problem occurred * @throws ServiceException * If any other error occurs during the execution of the remote * method call to the WMProxy server * @throws ServerOverloadedFaultException * the server is too much busy to attend the requested operation */ public double getMaxInputSandboxSize() throws AuthenticationFaultException, ServiceException, ServerOverloadedFaultException { try { GetMaxInputSandboxSize getMaxInputSandboxSize = new GetMaxInputSandboxSize(); return this.serviceStub.getMaxInputSandboxSize(getMaxInputSandboxSize).getSize(); } catch ( exc) { // AuthenticationFault throw new AuthenticationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { // GenericFault ->ServiceException throw new ServiceException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch (java.rmi.RemoteException exc) { // RemoteException->ServiceException throw new ServiceException(exc.getMessage()); } catch (Exception exc) { // Exception->ServiceException throw new ServiceException(exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Returns the server available transfer protocols to be used for file * transferring operations * * @return a list with the protocol strings * @throws AuthorizationFaultException * if the client is not authorized to perform this operation * @throws AuthenticationFaultException * a generic authentication problem occurred * @throws ServiceException * If any other error occurs during the execution of the remote * method call to the WMProxy server * @throws ServerOverloadedFaultException * the server is too much busy to attend the requested operation */ public String[] getTransferProtocols() throws AuthorizationFaultException, AuthenticationFaultException, ServiceException, ServerOverloadedFaultException { try { GetTransferProtocols getTransferProtocols = new GetTransferProtocols(); WMProxyStub.StringList resList = this.serviceStub.getTransferProtocols(getTransferProtocols).getItems(); return resList.getItem(); } catch ( exc) { throw new AuthorizationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new AuthenticationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new ServiceException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new ServiceException(exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Returns a list of destination URI's associated to the job, identified by * the jobId provided as input, where the job input sandbox files can be * uploaded by the client. The location is created in the storage managed by * the WM (if needed) and the corresponding URI is returned to the operation * caller if no problems has been arised during creation. Files of the job * input sandbox that have been referenced in the JDL as relative or * absolute paths are expected to be found in the returned location when the * job lands on the CE. File upload can be performed by the GridFTP/HTTPS * server available on the WMS node(using file-transferring tools like curl * and globus-url-copy). The user can also specify in the JDL the complete * URI of files that are stored on a GridFTP/HTTPS server (e.g. managed by * her organisation); those files will be directly downloaded (by the * JobWrapper) on the WN where the job will run without transiting on the * WMS machine. The same applies to the output sandbox files list, i.e. the * user can specify in the JDL the complete URIs for the files of the output * sandbox; those files will be directly uploaded (by the JobWrapper) from * the WN to the specified GridFTP/HTTPS servers without transiting on the * WMS machine. * * @param jobId * string containing the JobId * @param protocol * string containing the protocol to use in the returned URI * (Server available protocols are those returned by * getTransferProtocols operation. Possible standard values are: * "all" to get URIs with all available protocols; "default" to * get URIs with the server default protocol not mandatory, * default value is "all") * @return the list of the Sandbox destionation URI's strings * @throws AuthorizationFaultException * if the client is not authorized to perform this operation * @throws AuthenticationFaultException * a generic authentication problem occurred * @throws JobUnknownFaultException * the given job has not been registered to the system * @throws InvalidArgumentFaultException * the given job Id is not valid * @throws OperationNotAllowedFaultException * the current job status does not allow requested operation. * @throws ServiceException * If any other error occurs during the execution of the remote * method call to the WMProxy server * @throws ServerOverloadedFaultException * the server is too much busy to attend the requested operation */ public String[] getSandboxDestURI(String jobId, String protocol) throws AuthorizationFaultException, AuthenticationFaultException, OperationNotAllowedFaultException, InvalidArgumentFaultException, JobUnknownFaultException, ServiceException, ServerOverloadedFaultException { logger.debug("INPUT: jobid=[" + jobId + "] - protocol [" + protocol + "]"); try { GetSandboxDestURI getSandboxDestURI = new GetSandboxDestURI(); getSandboxDestURI.setJobId(jobId); getSandboxDestURI.setProtocol(protocol); WMProxyStub.StringList resList = this.serviceStub.getSandboxDestURI(getSandboxDestURI).getPath(); return resList.getItem(); } catch ( exc) { throw new AuthenticationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new AuthorizationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new OperationNotAllowedFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new InvalidArgumentFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new ServiceException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new JobUnknownFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new ServiceException(exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Returns the list of destination URIs associated to a compound job (i.e. a * DAG a Collection or a parametric jobs) and all of its sub-jobs in a * complex structure containing: * <UL> * <LI>the job id * <LI>the corresponding list of destination URIs (can be more than one if * different transfer protocols are supported, e.g. gsiftp, https etc.) * <UL> * The structure contains an element (structure above) for the compound job * id provided (at first position) and one further element for any sub * nodes. It contains only one element if the job id provided as imnput is * the identifier of a simple job. The location is created in the storage * managed by the WMS and the corresponding URI is returned to the operation * caller if no problems has been arised during creation. Files of the job * input sandbox that have been referenced in the JDL as relative or * absolute paths are expected to be found in the returned location when the * job lands on the CE. * File upload can be performed by the GridFTP/HTTPS * server available on the WMS node(using file-transferring tools like curl * and globus-url-copy). The user can also specify in the JDL the complete * URI of files that are stored on a GridFTP/HTTPS server (e.g. managed by * her organisation); those files will be directly downloaded (by the * JobWrapper) on the WN where the job will run without transiting on the * WMS machine. The same applies to the output sandbox files list, i.e. the * user can specify in the JDL the complete URIs for the files of the output * sandbox; those files will be directly uploaded (by the JobWrapper) from * the WN to the specified GridFTP/HTTPS servers without transiting on the * WMS machine. * * @param jobId * string containing the JobId * @param protocol * string containing the protocol to use in the returned URI * (Server available protocols are those returned by * getTransferProtocols * @return the list of the Sandbox destionation URI's strings * @throws AuthorizationFaultException * if the client is not authorized to perform this operation * @throws AuthenticationFaultException * a generic authentication problem occurred * @throws JobUnknownFaultException * the given job has not been registered to the system * @throws InvalidArgumentFaultException * the given job Id is not valid * @throws OperationNotAllowedFaultException * the current job status does not allow requested operation. * @throws ServiceException * If any other error occurs during the execution of the remote * method call to the WMProxy server * @throws ServerOverloadedFaultException * the server is too much busy to attend the requested operation */ public WMProxyStub.DestURIsStructType getSandboxBulkDestURI(String jobId, String protocol) throws AuthorizationFaultException, AuthenticationFaultException, OperationNotAllowedFaultException, InvalidArgumentFaultException, JobUnknownFaultException, ServiceException, ServerOverloadedFaultException { logger.debug("INPUT: jobid=[" + jobId + "] - protocol [" + protocol + "]"); try { GetSandboxBulkDestURI getSanboxBulkDestURI = new GetSandboxBulkDestURI(); getSanboxBulkDestURI.setJobId(jobId); getSanboxBulkDestURI.setProtocol(protocol); return this.serviceStub.getSandboxBulkDestURI(getSanboxBulkDestURI).getDestURIsStructType(); } catch ( exc) { throw new AuthenticationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new AuthorizationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new OperationNotAllowedFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new InvalidArgumentFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new JobUnknownFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new ServiceException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new ServiceException(exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Returns the total space quota assigned to the user on the storage managed * by the WM The fault GetQuotaManagementFault is returned if the quota * management is not active on the WM. * * @param softLimit * the returned value of the soft limit free quota i.e. the * difference between quota soft limit and user's disk usage. * @param hardLimit * the returned value of the hard limit quota (in bytes) i.e. the * real quota limit that cannot be exceeded. * @throws AuthenticationFaultException * a generic authentication problem occurred * @throws GetQuotaManagementFaultException * quota management is not active on the WM. * @throws ServiceException * If any other error occurs during the execution of the remote * method call to the WMProxy server * @throws ServerOverloadedFaultException * the server is too much busy to attend the requested operation */ public void getTotalQuota() throws AuthenticationFaultException, GetQuotaManagementFaultException, ServiceException, ServerOverloadedFaultException { try { GetTotalQuota getTotalQuota = new GetTotalQuota(); this.serviceStub.getTotalQuota(getTotalQuota); } catch ( exc) { throw new AuthenticationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new GetQuotaManagementFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new ServiceException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new ServiceException(exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Returns the remaining free part of available user disk quota (in bytes). * The fault GetQuotaManagementFault is returned if the quota management is * not active. * * @throws AuthenticationFaultException * a generic authentication problem occurred * @throws GetQuotaManagementFaultException * quota management is not active on the WM. * @throws ServiceException * If any other error occurs during the execution of the remote * method call to the WMProxy server * @throws ServerOverloadedFaultException * the server is too much busy to attend the requested operation */ public void getFreeQuota() throws AuthenticationFaultException, GetQuotaManagementFaultException, ServiceException, ServerOverloadedFaultException { try { GetFreeQuota getFreeQuota = new GetFreeQuota(); this.serviceStub.getFreeQuota(getFreeQuota); } catch ( exc) { throw new AuthenticationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new GetQuotaManagementFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new ServiceException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new ServiceException(exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Removes from the WM managed space all files related to the job identified * by the jobId provided as input. It can only be applied for job related * files that are managed by the WM. E.g. Input/Output sandbox files that * have been specified in the JDL through a URI will be not subjected to * this management. * * @param jobId * the identifier of the job * @throws AuthorizationFaultException * if the client is not authorized to perform this operation * @throws AuthenticationFaultException * a generic authentication problem occurred * @throws JobUnknownFaultException * the given job has not been registered to the system * @throws InvalidArgumentFaultException * the given job Id is not valid * @throws OperationNotAllowedFaultException * the current job status does not allow requested operation. * @throws ServiceException * If any other error occurs during the execution of the remote * method call to the WMProxy server * @throws ServerOverloadedFaultException * the server is too much busy to attend the requested operation */ public void jobPurge(String jobId) throws AuthorizationFaultException, AuthenticationFaultException, OperationNotAllowedFaultException, InvalidArgumentFaultException, JobUnknownFaultException, ServiceException, ServerOverloadedFaultException { logger.debug("INPUT: jobid=[" + jobId + "]"); try { JobPurge jobPurge = new JobPurge(); jobPurge.setJobId(jobId); this.serviceStub.jobPurge(jobPurge); } catch ( exc) { throw new AuthenticationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new AuthorizationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new OperationNotAllowedFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new InvalidArgumentFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new JobUnknownFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new ServiceException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new ServiceException(exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Returns the list of URIs where the output files created during job * execution have been stored in the WM managed space and the corresponding * sizes in bytes. It can only be applied for files of the Output Sandbox * that are managed by the WM (i.e. not specified as URI in the JDL). * * @param jobId * the identifier of the job * @param cfs * Non-default configuration context (proxy file, endpoint URL * and trusted cert location) ; if NULL, the object is created * with the default parameters * @return the list of objects containing the file URI and the corresponding * size in bytes * @throws AuthorizationFaultException * if the client is not authorized to perform this operation * @throws AuthenticationFaultException * a generic authentication problem occurred * @throws JobUnknownFaultException * the given job has not been registered to the system * @throws InvalidArgumentFaultException * the given job Id is not valid * @throws OperationNotAllowedFaultException * the current job status does not allow requested operation. * @throws ServiceException * If any other error occurs during the execution of the remote * method call to the WMProxy server * @throws ServerOverloadedFaultException * the server is too much busy to attend the requested operation */ public WMProxyStub.StringAndLongList getOutputFileList(String jobId, String protocol) throws AuthorizationFaultException, AuthenticationFaultException, OperationNotAllowedFaultException, InvalidArgumentFaultException, JobUnknownFaultException, ServiceException, ServerOverloadedFaultException { logger.debug("INPUT: jobid=[" + jobId + "] - protocol [" + protocol + "]"); try { GetOutputFileList getOutputFileList = new GetOutputFileList(); getOutputFileList.setJobId(jobId); getOutputFileList.setProtocol(protocol); return this.serviceStub.getOutputFileList(getOutputFileList).getOutputFileAndSizeList(); } catch ( exc) { throw new AuthenticationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new AuthorizationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new OperationNotAllowedFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new InvalidArgumentFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new JobUnknownFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new ServiceException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new ServiceException(exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Returns the list of CE Ids satisfying the job Requirements specified in * the JDL, ordered according to the decreasing Rank. The fault * NoSuitableResourcesFault is returned if there are no resources matching * job constraints. * * @param jdl * the job description * @param delegationId * the string used previously to delegate credential * @return the list of the found resources and their rank values * @throws AuthorizationFaultException * if the client is not authorized to perform this operation * @throws AuthenticationFaultException * a generic authentication problem occurred * @throws NoSuitableResourcesFaultException * no suitable resources matching job requirements have been * found. * @throws InvalidArgumentFaultException * the given job JDL expression is not valid * @throws ServiceException * If any other error occurs during the execution of the remote * method call to the WMProxy server * @throws ServerOverloadedFaultException * the server is too much busy to attend the requested operation */ public WMProxyStub.StringAndLongList jobListMatch(String jdl, String delegationId) throws AuthorizationFaultException, AuthenticationFaultException, InvalidArgumentFaultException, NoSuitableResourcesFaultException, ServiceException, ServerOverloadedFaultException { logger.debug("INPUT: JDL=[" + jdl + "] - deleagtionId=[" + delegationId + "]"); try { JobListMatch jobListMatch = new JobListMatch(); jobListMatch.setDelegationId(delegationId); jobListMatch.setJdl(jdl); return this.serviceStub.jobListMatch(jobListMatch).getCEIdAndRankList(); } catch ( exc) { throw new AuthenticationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new AuthorizationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new NoSuitableResourcesFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new InvalidArgumentFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new ServiceException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new ServiceException(exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Enables file perusal functionalities if not disabled with the specific * jdl attribute during job register operation. Calling this operation, the * user enables perusal for job identified by jobId, for files specified * with fileList. After this operation, the URIs of perusal files generated * during job execution can be retrieved by calling the getPerusalFiles * service An empty fileList disables perusal. This method can be only used * invoking WMProxy servers with version greater than or equal to 2.0.0; the * version of the server can be retrieved by calling the getVersion service. * * @param jobid * the string with the job identifier * @param fileList * the list of filenames to be enabled * @throws AuthorizationFaultException * if the client is not authorized to perform this operation * @throws AuthenticationFaultException * a generic authentication problem occurred * @throws InvalidArgumentFaultException * the given jobId is not valid * @throws OperationNotAllowedFaultException * perusal was disabled with the specific jdl attribute. * @throws ServiceException * If any other error occurs during the execution of the remote * method call to the WMProxy server * @throws ServerOverloadedFaultException * the server is too much busy to attend the requested operation * @see #getPerusalFiles * @see #getVersion */ public void enableFilePerusal(String jobId, String[] fileList) throws AuthorizationFaultException, AuthenticationFaultException, InvalidArgumentFaultException, JobUnknownFaultException, ServiceException, ServerOverloadedFaultException { logger.debug("INPUT: jobId=[" + jobId + "]"); try { WMProxyStub.StringList fList = new WMProxyStub.StringList(); for (String item : fileList) { fList.addItem(item); } EnableFilePerusal enableFilePerusal = new EnableFilePerusal(); enableFilePerusal.setFileList(fList); enableFilePerusal.setJobId(jobId); this.serviceStub.enableFilePerusal(enableFilePerusal); } catch ( exc) { throw new AuthenticationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new AuthorizationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new InvalidArgumentFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new JobUnknownFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new ServiceException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new ServiceException(exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Gets the URIs of perusal files generated during job execution for the * specified file file. If allChunks is set to true all perusal URIs will be * returned; also the URIs already requested with a previous getPerusalFiles * operation. Default value is false. Perusal files have to be presiuosly * enabled by calling the enableFilePerusal service This method can be only * used invoking WMProxy servers with version greater than or equal to * 2.0.0; the version of the server can be retrieved by calling the * getVersion service. * * @param jobid * the string with the job identifier * @param allchuncks * boolean value to specify when to get all chuncks * @param jobid * the string with the job identifier * @param file * the name of the perusal file be enabled * @param jobid * the string with the job identifier * @param file * the name of the perusal file be enabled * @param protocol * string containing the protocol to use in the returned URI * (Server available protocols are those returned by * getTransferProtocols * @throws AuthenticationFaultException * An authentication problem occurred * @throws AuthorizationFaultException * The user is not authorized to perform this operation * @throws InvalidArgumentFaultException * If the given jobId is not valid * @throws JobUnknownFaultException * The provided jobId has not been registered to the system * @throws OperationNotAllowedFaultexception * perusal was disabled with the specific jdl attribute * @throws ServiceException * If any other error occurs during the execution of the remote * method call to the WMProxy server * @throws ServerOverloadedFaultException * the server is too much busy to attend the requested operation * @see #enableFilePerusal * @see #getVersion */ public String[] getPerusalFiles(String jobId, String file, boolean allchunks, String protocol) throws AuthorizationFaultException, AuthenticationFaultException, InvalidArgumentFaultException, JobUnknownFaultException, ServiceException, ServerOverloadedFaultException { logger.debug("INPUT: jobId=[" + jobId + "] - file=[" + file + "] - allchunck=[" + allchunks + "] - protocol [" + protocol + "]"); try { GetPerusalFiles perusalFiles = new GetPerusalFiles(); perusalFiles.setAllChunks(allchunks); perusalFiles.setFile(file); perusalFiles.setJobId(jobId); perusalFiles.setProtocol(protocol); WMProxyStub.StringList response = this.serviceStub.getPerusalFiles(perusalFiles).getFileList(); return response.getItem(); } catch ( exc) { throw new AuthenticationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new AuthorizationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new JobUnknownFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new InvalidArgumentFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new ServiceException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new ServiceException(exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Returns a JDL template for the requested job type. * * @param jobType * the job type description * @param executable * the exacutable filename * @param arguments * the arguments of the executable * @param requirements * a string representing the expression describing all the Job * requirements (which is an attribute of boolean type) * @param rank * a string representing the expression for the rank (which is an * attribute of double type) of the resources * @return the jdl template of the job * @throws AuthenticationFaultException * a generic authentication problem occurred. * @throws AuthorizationFaultException * if the client is not authorized to perform this operation. * @throws InvalidArgumentFaultException * one or more of the given input parameters is not valid * @throws ServiceException * If any other error occurs during the execution of the remote * method call to the WMProxy server * @throws ServerOverloadedFaultException * the server is too much busy to attend the requested operation */ public String getJobTemplate(WMProxyStub.JobType[] jobType, String executable, String arguments, String requirements, String rank) throws AuthorizationFaultException, AuthenticationFaultException, InvalidArgumentFaultException, ServiceException, ServerOverloadedFaultException { logger.debug("INPUT: executable=[" + executable + "] - arguments=[" + arguments + "]"); logger.debug("INPUT: requirements=[" + requirements + "] - rank=[" + rank + "]"); try { WMProxyStub.JobTypeList jList = new WMProxyStub.JobTypeList(); for (WMProxyStub.JobType item : jobType) { jList.addJobType(item); } GetJobTemplate getJobTemplate = new GetJobTemplate(); getJobTemplate.setArguments(arguments); getJobTemplate.setExecutable(executable); getJobTemplate.setJobType(jList); getJobTemplate.setRank(rank); getJobTemplate.setRequirements(requirements); return this.serviceStub.getJobTemplate(getJobTemplate).getJdl(); } catch ( exc) { throw new AuthenticationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new AuthorizationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new InvalidArgumentFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new ServiceException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new ServiceException(exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Returns a JDL template for a DAG. * * @param dependencies * the description of the DAG * @param requirements * a string representing the expression describing all the Job * requirements (which is an attribute of boolean type) * @param rank * a string representing the expression for the rank (which is an * attribute of double type) for all the nodes of the dag * @return the jdl template of the DAG * @throws AuthenticationFaultException * a generic authentication problem occurred. * @throws AuthorizationFaultException * if the client is not authorized to perform this operation. * @throws InvalidArgumentFaultException * one or more of the given input parameters is not valid * @throws ServiceException * If any other error occurs during the execution of the remote * method call to the WMProxy server * @throws ServerOverloadedFaultException * the server is too much busy to attend the requested operation * */ public String getDAGTemplate(WMProxyStub.GraphStructType dependencies, String requirements, String rank) throws AuthorizationFaultException, AuthenticationFaultException, InvalidArgumentFaultException, ServiceException, ServerOverloadedFaultException { logger.debug("INPUT: requirements=[" + requirements + "] - rank=[" + rank + "]"); try { GetDAGTemplate getDAGTemplate = new GetDAGTemplate(); getDAGTemplate.setDependencies(dependencies); getDAGTemplate.setRank(rank); getDAGTemplate.setRequirements(requirements); return this.serviceStub.getDAGTemplate(getDAGTemplate).getJdl(); } catch ( exc) { throw new AuthenticationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new AuthorizationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new InvalidArgumentFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new ServiceException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new ServiceException(exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Returns a JDL template for a collection of jobs, that is a set of * independent jobs that can be submitted, controlled and monitored as a * single entity. * * @param jobNumber * integer representing the number of jobs of the collection. * @param requirements * a string representing the expression describing all the Job * requirements (which is an attribute of boolean type) * @param rank * a string representing the expression for the rank (which is an * attribute of double type) of the resources * @return the jdl template of the collection * @throws AuthenticationFaultException * a generic authentication problem occurred. * @throws AuthorizationFaultException * if the client is not authorized to perform this operation. * @throws InvalidArgumentFaultException * one or more of the given input parameters is not valid. * @throws ServiceException * If any other error occurs during the execution of the remote * method call to the WMProxy server * @throws ServerOverloadedFaultException * the server is too much busy to attend the requested operation */ public String getCollectionTemplate(int jobNumber, String requirements, String rank) throws AuthorizationFaultException, AuthenticationFaultException, InvalidArgumentFaultException, ServiceException, ServerOverloadedFaultException { logger.debug("INPUT: requirements=[" + requirements + "] - rank=[" + rank + "]"); try { GetCollectionTemplate getCollectionTemplate = new GetCollectionTemplate(); getCollectionTemplate.setJobNumber(jobNumber); getCollectionTemplate.setRequirements(requirements); getCollectionTemplate.setRank(rank); return this.serviceStub.getCollectionTemplate(getCollectionTemplate).getJdl(); } catch ( exc) { // AuthenticationFault throw new AuthenticationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { // AuthorizationFault throw new AuthorizationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { // InvalidArgumentFault throw new InvalidArgumentFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { // GenericFault ->ServiceException throw new ServiceException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch (java.rmi.RemoteException exc) { // RemoteException->ServiceException throw new ServiceException(exc.getMessage()); } catch (Exception exc) { // Exception->ServiceException throw new ServiceException(exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Returns a JDL template for a parametric of job, which is a job having one * or more parametric attributes in the JDL. The parametric attributes vary * their values according to the "Parameter" attribute specified in the JDL * itself (in this case the parametere has to be an integer). The submission * of a Parametric job results in the submission of a set of jobs having the * same descritpion apart from the parametrised attribute. They can be * however controlled and monitored as a single entity. * * @param attributes * list of strings representing the parametric JDL attributes * @param param * integer representing the value of the Parameter attribute * @param paramStart * integer representing the start value for varying the * parametric attributes * @param paramStep * intege representing the step of each variation * @param requirements * a string representing the expression describing all the Job * requirements (which is an attribute of boolean type) * @param rank * a string representing the expression for the rank (which is an * attribute of double type) of the resources * @return the jdl template * @throws AuthenticationFaultException * a generic authentication problem occurred. * @throws AuthorizationFaultException * if the client is not authorized to perform this operation. * @throws InvalidArgumentFaultException * one or more of the given input parameters is not valid. * @throws ServiceException * If any other error occurs during the execution of the remote * method call to the WMProxy server * @throws ServerOverloadedFaultException * the server is too much busy to attend the requested operation */ public String getIntParametricJobTemplate(String[] attributes, int param, int parameterStart, int parameterStep, String requirements, String rank) throws AuthorizationFaultException, AuthenticationFaultException, InvalidArgumentFaultException, ServiceException, ServerOverloadedFaultException { logger.debug("INPUT: param=[" + param + "] - parameterStart=[" + parameterStart + "] - parameterStep=[" + parameterStep + "]"); logger.debug("INPUT: requirements=[" + requirements + "] - rank=[" + rank + "]"); try { WMProxyStub.StringList attrList = new WMProxyStub.StringList(); for (String item : attributes) { attrList.addItem(item); } GetIntParametricJobTemplate getIntParametricJobTemplate = new GetIntParametricJobTemplate(); getIntParametricJobTemplate.setAttributes(attrList); getIntParametricJobTemplate.setParam(param); getIntParametricJobTemplate.setParameterStart(parameterStart); getIntParametricJobTemplate.setParameterStep(parameterStep); getIntParametricJobTemplate.setRequirements(requirements); getIntParametricJobTemplate.setRank(rank); return this.serviceStub.getIntParametricJobTemplate(getIntParametricJobTemplate).getJdl(); } catch ( exc) { throw new AuthenticationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new AuthorizationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new InvalidArgumentFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new ServiceException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new ServiceException(exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Returns a JDL template for a parametric of job, which is a job having one * or more parametric attributes in the JDL. The parametric attributes vary * their values according to the "Parameter" attribute specified in the JDL * itself (in this case the parametere has to be a list of strings). The * submission of a Parametric job results in the submission of a set of jobs * having the same descritpion apart from the value of the parametric * attributes. They can be however controlled and monitored as a single * entity. * * @param attributes * list of strings representing the parametric JDL attributes * @param param * list of strings representing the values of the Parameter * attribute * @param requirements * a string representing the expression describing all the Job * requirements (which is an attribute of boolean type) * @param rank * a string representing the expression for the rank (which is an * attribute of double type) of the resources * @return the jdl template * @throws AuthenticationFaultException * a generic authentication problem occurred. * @throws AuthorizationFaultException * if the client is not authorized to perform this operation. * @throws InvalidArgumentFaultException * one or more of the given input parameters is not valid * @throws ServiceException * If any other error occurs during the execution of the remote * method call to the WMProxy server * @throws ServerOverloadedFaultException * the server is too much busy to attend the requested operation */ public String getStringParametricJobTemplate(String[] attributes, String[] param, String requirements, String rank) throws AuthorizationFaultException, AuthenticationFaultException, InvalidArgumentFaultException, ServiceException, ServerOverloadedFaultException { try { WMProxyStub.StringList attrList = new WMProxyStub.StringList(); for (String item : attributes) { attrList.addItem(item); } WMProxyStub.StringList pList = new WMProxyStub.StringList(); for (String item : param) { pList.addItem(item); } GetStringParametricJobTemplate getStringParametricJobTemplate = new GetStringParametricJobTemplate(); getStringParametricJobTemplate.setAttributes(attrList); getStringParametricJobTemplate.setParam(pList); getStringParametricJobTemplate.setRequirements(requirements); getStringParametricJobTemplate.setRank(rank); return this.serviceStub.getStringParametricJobTemplate(getStringParametricJobTemplate).getJdl(); } catch ( exc) { throw new AuthenticationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new AuthorizationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new InvalidArgumentFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new ServiceException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new ServiceException(exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Returns the JDL string which identifier is the input JobId * * @param jobid * the identifier of the job * @param type * the type of the JDL to be retrieved (either ORIGINAL or * REGISTERED) * @return the string with the JDL * @throws AuthenticationFaultException * a generic authentication problem occurred. * @throws AuthorizationFaultException * if the client is not authorized to perform this operation. * @throws InvalidArgumentFaultException * one or more of the given input parameters is not valid. * @throws ServiceException * If any other error occurs during the execution of the remote * method call to the WMProxy server * @throws ServerOverloadedFaultException * the server is too much busy to attend the requested operation * @since 1.5.3 */ public String getJDL(String jobId, WMProxyStub.JdlType type) throws AuthorizationFaultException, AuthenticationFaultException, InvalidArgumentFaultException, ServiceException, ServerOverloadedFaultException { logger.debug("INPUT: jobId=[" + jobId + "] - JdlType=[" + type + "]"); try { GetJDL getJDL = new GetJDL(); getJDL.setJobId(jobId); getJDL.setType(type); return this.serviceStub.getJDL(getJDL).getJdl(); } catch ( exc) { throw new AuthenticationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new AuthorizationFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new InvalidArgumentFaultException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch ( exc) { throw new ServiceException(this.createExceptionMessage(exc)); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new ServiceException(exc.getMessage()); } } /** * Return the URL of the service. * @return the URL of the service. */ public String getEndPoint() { return serviceURL.toString(); } /** * Generates a proxy from the input certificate and from the user proxy file * on the user local machine (which path has to be specified as input * parameter in one of the class costructors) This service is called after * the getProxyReq the input proxy string of this service is the string got * by getProxyReq. * * @param certReq * Service certificate request * @return the generated proxy certificate * @throws CredentialException * in case of any error with the local user proxy */ private String createProxyfromCertReq(String certReq) throws CredentialException { try { PrivateKey pKey = this.pemCredential.getKey(); PEMParser pemParser = new PEMParser(new StringReader(certReq)); PKCS10CertificationRequest proxyReq = (PKCS10CertificationRequest) pemParser.readObject(); pemParser.close(); ProxyRequestOptions csrOpt = new ProxyRequestOptions(this.pemCredential.getCertificateChain(), proxyReq); X509Certificate[] certChain = ProxyGenerator.generate(csrOpt, pKey); ByteArrayOutputStream outStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); for (X509Certificate tmpcert : certChain) { CertificateUtils.saveCertificate(outStream, tmpcert, CertificateUtils.Encoding.PEM); } return outStream.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CredentialException(e.getMessage()); } } private String createExceptionMessage(Exception exc) { StringBuffer message = new StringBuffer(); WMProxyStub.BaseFaultType fault = null; if (exc instanceof { fault = (( exc).getFaultMessage() .getAuthenticationFault(); } else if (exc instanceof { fault = (( exc).getFaultMessage() .getJobUnknownFault(); } else if (exc instanceof { fault = (( exc).getFaultMessage() .getNoSuitableResourcesFault(); } else if (exc instanceof { fault = (( exc).getFaultMessage() .getAuthorizationFault(); } else if (exc instanceof { fault = (( exc).getFaultMessage() .getGetQuotaManagementFault(); } else if (exc instanceof { fault = (( exc).getFaultMessage() .getOperationNotAllowedFault(); } else if (exc instanceof { fault = (( exc).getFaultMessage().getGenericFault(); } else if (exc instanceof { fault = (( exc).getFaultMessage() .getInvalidArgumentFault(); } else if (exc instanceof { fault = (( exc).getFaultMessage() .getServerOverloadedFault(); } if (fault != null) { message.append("Description: ").append(fault.getDescription()).append("\n"); message.append("Error code : ").append(fault.getErrorCode()).append("\n"); message.append("Cause:\n"); for (String cause : fault.getFaultCause()) { message.append(" ").append(cause).append("\n"); } message.append("Method: ").append(fault.getMethodName()).append("\n"); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"); message.append("TimeStamp: ").append(sdf.format(fault.getTimestamp().getTime())).append("\n"); } if (exc instanceof DelegationException_Fault) { DelegationException_Fault dfException = (DelegationException_Fault) exc; org.gridsite.www.namespaces.delegation_2.WMProxyStub.DelegationException dFault = dfException .getFaultMessage(); message.append("Description: ").append(dFault.getMsg()).append("\n"); } return message.toString(); } }