Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN). 2006-2016 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.hibernate.HibernateException; import org.hibernate.ObjectNotFoundException; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class VOMSGroupDAO { public static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(VOMSGroupDAO.class); private VOMSGroupDAO() { HibernateFactory.beginTransaction(); } public List<VOMSGroup> getAll() { String query = "from VOMSGroup order by name asc"; Query q = HibernateFactory.getSession().createQuery(query); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<VOMSGroup> res = q.list(); return DAOUtils.filterUnvisibleGroups(res); } public int countMatches(String searchString) { String sString = "%" + searchString + "%"; String cQueryString = "select count(*) from where name like :searchString"; Long totalMatches = (Long) HibernateFactory.getSession().createQuery(cQueryString) .setString("searchString", sString).uniqueResult(); return totalMatches.intValue(); } public int countGroups() { Long count = (Long) HibernateFactory.getSession() .createQuery("select count(*) from") .uniqueResult(); return count.intValue(); } public List<VOMSGroup> findAllWithoutRootGroup() { String query = "from VOMSGroup g where g != g.parent"; Query q = HibernateFactory.getSession().createQuery(query); return q.list(); } public List<VOMSGroup> findAll() { String query = "from"; Query q = HibernateFactory.getSession().createQuery(query); return q.list(); } public SearchResults getAll(int firstResult, int maxResults) { SearchResults results = SearchResults.instance(); String query = "from order by name asc"; Query q = HibernateFactory.getSession().createQuery(query); q.setFirstResult(firstResult); q.setMaxResults(maxResults); List<VOMSGroup> res = DAOUtils.filterUnvisibleGroups(q.list()); results.setCount(countGroups()); results.setFirstResult(firstResult); results.setResultsPerPage(maxResults); results.setResults(res); return results; } public SearchResults search(String searchString, int firstResult, int maxResults) { if (searchString == null || searchString.equals("") || searchString.length() == 0) return getAll(firstResult, maxResults); SearchResults results = SearchResults.instance(); String sString = "%" + searchString + "%"; String queryString = "from where name like :searchString order by name asc"; Query q = HibernateFactory.getSession().createQuery(queryString).setString("searchString", sString); q.setFirstResult(firstResult); q.setMaxResults(maxResults); List<VOMSGroup> res = DAOUtils.filterUnvisibleGroups(q.list()); results.setSearchString(searchString); results.setResults(res); results.setCount(countMatches(searchString)); results.setFirstResult(firstResult); results.setResultsPerPage(maxResults); return results; } public SearchResults getMembers(VOMSGroup g, int firstResult, int maxResults) { Set groupMembers = g.getMembers(); // int count = g.getMembers().size(); // Maybe the HQL query is more // efficient int count = groupMembers.size(); SearchResults results = SearchResults.instance(); String queryString = "select m.user as user from m where = :group and m.role is null"; Query q = HibernateFactory.getSession().createQuery(queryString).setFirstResult(firstResult) .setMaxResults(maxResults); q.setEntity("group", g); List res = q.list(); results.setSearchString(null); results.setResults(res); results.setCount(count); results.setFirstResult(firstResult); results.setResultsPerPage(maxResults); return results; } public int countMatchingMembers(VOMSGroup g, String searchString) { if (g == null) throw new NullArgumentException("Cannot search members in a null group!"); String sString = "%" + searchString + "%"; String queryString = "select count(m.user) as u from VOMSMapping m join m.user.certificates as cert where " + " = :group and m.role is null and " + "(cert.subjectString like :searchString " + "or like :searchString " + "or like :searchString " + "or m.user.surname like :searchString " + "or m.user.emailAddress like :searchString " + "or m.user.institution like :searchString)"; // String queryString = // "select count(m.user) from // m where // = :group and m.role is null "+ // "and m.user.dn like :searchString"; Query q = HibernateFactory.getSession().createQuery(queryString).setString("searchString", sString); q.setEntity("group", g); return ((Long) q.uniqueResult()).intValue(); } public SearchResults searchMembers(VOMSGroup g, String searchString, int firstResult, int maxResults) { if (g == null) throw new NullArgumentException("Cannot search members in a null group!"); if (searchString == null || searchString.equals("") || searchString.length() == 0) return getMembers(g, firstResult, maxResults); SearchResults results = SearchResults.instance(); String sString = "%" + searchString + "%"; String queryString = "select m.user as u from VOMSMapping m join m.user.certificates as cert where " + " = :group and m.role is null and " + "(cert.subjectString like :searchString " + "or like :searchString " + "or like :searchString " + "or m.user.surname like :searchString " + "or m.user.emailAddress like :searchString " + "or m.user.institution like :searchString)"; // String queryString = // "select m.user as user from // m where // = :group and m.role is null "+ // "and (m.user.dn like :searchString or like // :searchString) order by m.user.dn asc"; Query q = HibernateFactory.getSession().createQuery(queryString).setString("searchString", sString); q.setEntity("group", g); q.setFirstResult(firstResult); q.setMaxResults(maxResults); List res = q.list(); results.setSearchString(searchString); results.setResults(res); results.setCount(countMatchingMembers(g, searchString)); results.setFirstResult(firstResult); results.setResultsPerPage(maxResults); return results; } public VOMSGroup findByName(String name) { if (!PathNamingScheme.isGroup(name)) throw new VOMSSyntaxException("Syntax error in group name: " + name); String query = "from as g where =:groupName"; Query q = HibernateFactory.getSession().createQuery(query); q.setString("groupName", name); VOMSGroup g = (VOMSGroup) q.uniqueResult(); return g; } public VOMSGroup findById(Long id) { VOMSGroup g = (VOMSGroup) HibernateFactory.getSession().get(VOMSGroup.class, id); return g; } public VOMSGroup getVOGroup() { VOMSConfiguration conf = VOMSConfiguration.instance(); String voName = conf.getString(VOMSConfigurationConstants.VO_NAME); if (voName == null) throw new VOMSConfigurationException( VOMSConfigurationConstants.VO_NAME + "undefined in configuration!"); VOMSGroup g = findByName("/" + voName); return g; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<VOMSGroup> getChildren(VOMSGroup parentGroup) { String query = "from g where g.parent = :parentGroup and g != :parentGroup order by"; Query q = HibernateFactory.getSession().createQuery(query); q.setEntity("parentGroup", parentGroup); return q.list(); } public VOMSGroup create(String groupName) { return create(groupName, null, null); } public VOMSGroup create(String groupName, String description, Boolean isRestricted) { if (!PathNamingScheme.isGroup(groupName)) throw new VOMSSyntaxException("Syntax error in group name: " + groupName); if (findByName(groupName) != null) throw new AlreadyExistsException("Group \"" + groupName + "\" already defined!"); String[] parentGroupChain = PathNamingScheme.getParentGroupChain(groupName); String rootGroupName = getVOGroup().getName(); // The root group of the parent chain must be the root group defined for // the VO if (!parentGroupChain[0].equals(rootGroupName)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The root group for \"" + groupName + "\" must match the root group of the VO (i.e., " + rootGroupName + ")"); String parentGroupName = PathNamingScheme.getParentGroupName(groupName); VOMSGroup parentGroup = findByName(parentGroupName); if (parentGroup == null) throw new NoSuchGroupException("Parent group \"" + parentGroupName + "\" not defined in database!"); VOMSGroup newGroup = new VOMSGroup(); newGroup.setName(groupName); newGroup.setParent(parentGroup); if (description != null) newGroup.setDescription(description); if (isRestricted != null) newGroup.setRestricted(isRestricted); log.debug("Creating group \"" + newGroup + "\"."); HibernateFactory.getSession().save(newGroup); return newGroup; } public void delete(Long id) { VOMSGroup g = (VOMSGroup) findById(id); if (g == null) throw new NoSuchGroupException("Group with id \"" + id + "\" not defined!"); try { delete(g); } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) { throw new NoSuchGroupException("Group with id \"" + id + "\" not defined!"); } } private void uncheckedDelete(VOMSGroup g) { if (!g.isRootGroup()) { g.getMappings().clear(); g.getAttributes().clear(); HibernateFactory.getSession().delete(g); } } public void deleteAll() { Iterator groups = getAll().iterator(); while (groups.hasNext()) uncheckedDelete((VOMSGroup); } public void delete(VOMSGroup g) { if (!PathNamingScheme.isGroup(g.getName())) throw new VOMSSyntaxException("Syntax error in group name for group: " + g); if (g.isRootGroup() && g.equals(getVOGroup())) throw new IllegalOperationException("VO root group \"" + g.getName() + "\" cannot be deleted!"); if (findByName(g.getName()) == null) throw new NoSuchGroupException("Group \"" + g + "\" not defined!"); List children = getChildren(g); if (!children.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalOperationException("The group \"" + g + "\" cannot be deleted since it contains subgroups. Delete subgroups first."); log.debug("Deleting group " + g + "\"."); VOMSRoleDAO.instance().removeRoleAttributesForGroup(g); g.getMappings().clear(); g.getAcls().clear(); // Delete admins and ACL permissions that are related to this group VOMSAdminDAO adminDAO = VOMSAdminDAO.instance(); VOMSAdmin groupAdmin = adminDAO.getByFQAN(g.getName()); if (groupAdmin != null) { ACLDAO.instance().deletePermissionsForAdmin(groupAdmin); adminDAO.delete(groupAdmin); } HibernateFactory.getSession().delete(g); HibernateFactory.getSession().flush(); } public VOMSGroup createVOGroup() { VOMSConfiguration conf = VOMSConfiguration.instance(); String voName = conf.getVOName(); if (voName == null) throw new VOMSConfigurationException( VOMSConfigurationConstants.VO_NAME + " undefined in configuration!"); VOMSGroup g = findByName("/" + voName); if (g != null) throw new VOMSDatabaseException("Root group already defined for vo " + voName); g = new VOMSGroup(); g.setName("/" + voName); g.setId(new Long(1)); try { // The ugly transaction management code here is acceptable since // the creation of the VO GROUP is performed only once during the // lifetime of a VO. HibernateFactory.getSession().save(g); HibernateFactory.commitTransaction(); HibernateFactory.beginTransaction(); g.setParent(g); HibernateFactory.getSession().update(g); HibernateFactory.commitTransaction(); } catch (HibernateException e) { throw new VOMSDatabaseException("Failed creation of VO root group!", e); } finally { HibernateFactory.commitTransaction(); } return g; } public VOMSGroupAttribute setAttribute(VOMSGroup g, String attrName, String attrValue) { VOMSAttributeDescription desc = VOMSAttributeDAO.instance().getAttributeDescriptionByName(attrName); if (desc == null) throw new NoSuchAttributeException("Attribute '" + attrName + "' is not defined in this vo."); VOMSGroupAttribute val = g.getAttributeByName(attrName); if (val != null) val.setValue(attrValue); else { val = VOMSGroupAttribute.instance(desc, attrValue, g); g.addAttribute(val); } HibernateFactory.getSession().update(g); return val; } public VOMSGroupAttribute createAttribute(VOMSGroup g, String attrName, String attrDesc, String attrValue) { if (g.getAttributeByName(attrName) != null) throw new AlreadyExistsException( "Attribute \"" + attrName + "\" already defined for group \"" + g + "\"."); VOMSAttributeDescription desc = VOMSAttributeDAO.instance().getAttributeDescriptionByName(attrName); if (desc == null) desc = VOMSAttributeDAO.instance().createAttributeDescription(attrName, attrDesc); log.debug("Creating attribute \"(" + attrName + "," + attrValue + ")\" for group \"" + g + "\""); VOMSGroupAttribute val = VOMSGroupAttribute.instance(desc, attrValue, g); g.addAttribute(val); return val; } public VOMSGroupAttribute deleteAttribute(VOMSGroup g, String attrName) { VOMSGroupAttribute ga = g.getAttributeByName(attrName); if (ga == null) throw new NoSuchAttributeException( "Attribute named '" + attrName + "' not defined for group '" + g.getName() + "'!"); deleteAttribute(g, ga); return ga; } public void deleteAttribute(VOMSGroup g, VOMSGroupAttribute val) { log.debug("Deleting attribute \"" + val.getName() + "\" from group \"" + g + "\""); g.deleteAttribute(val); } public boolean isVOGroup(VOMSGroup g) { return (g.equals(getVOGroup())); } public static VOMSGroupDAO instance() { return new VOMSGroupDAO(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<VOMSUser> getMembers(VOMSGroup g) { if (g == null) throw new NullArgumentException("Cannot get members of a null group!"); String query = "select m.user from VOMSMapping m where = :group and m.role is null"; return HibernateFactory.getSession().createQuery(query).setEntity("group", g).list(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<String> getMemberSubjectStrings(VOMSGroup g) { if (g == null) throw new NullArgumentException("Cannot get members of a null group!"); String query = "select distinct c.subjectString from VOMSUser u join u.certificates c join u.mappings m where u.suspended is false and c.suspended is false and = :group and m.role is null"; return HibernateFactory.getSession().createQuery(query).setEntity("group", g).list(); } }