Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) Members of the EGEE Collaboration. 2004. * See for details on the copyright * holders. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * * Authors: Paolo Andreetto, <> * */ package org.glite.ce.commonj.authz.gjaf; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Base64; import org.glite.ce.commonj.authz.AuthZConstants; import org.glite.ce.commonj.authz.AuthorizationException; import org.glite.ce.commonj.authz.ServiceAuthorizationInterface; public class LocalUserPIP implements ServicePIP { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(LocalUserPIP.class.getName()); public static final String GLEXEC_BIN_PATH = "glexec_bin_path"; public static final String GLEXEC_PROBE_CMD = "glexec_probe_cmd"; public static final String ALLOWED_OPS = "methods"; public static final Pattern uidPattern = Pattern.compile("uid=\\d+\\(([^)]+)\\)"); public static final Pattern gidPattern = Pattern.compile("gid=\\d+\\(([^)]+)\\)"); public static final Pattern groupsPattern = Pattern.compile("groups=(\\S+)"); public static final Pattern groupsSubPattern = Pattern.compile("\\d+\\(([^)]+)\\)"); private String id; private String glexecPath; private String probeCmd; private String[] opList; public LocalUserPIP() { this("undef"); } public LocalUserPIP(String id) { = id; logger.debug("Created " + id); } public void initialize(ChainConfig config, String name, String id) throws InitializeException { logger.debug("Initializing LocalUserPIP"); glexecPath = (String) config.getProperty(name, GLEXEC_BIN_PATH); if (glexecPath == null) { logger.error("Missing parameter " + GLEXEC_BIN_PATH); throw new InitializeException("Missing parameter " + GLEXEC_BIN_PATH); } probeCmd = (String) config.getProperty(name, GLEXEC_PROBE_CMD); if (probeCmd == null) { logger.error("Missing parameter " + GLEXEC_PROBE_CMD); throw new InitializeException("Missing parameter " + GLEXEC_PROBE_CMD); } String tmps = (String) config.getProperty(name, ALLOWED_OPS); if (tmps == null) { logger.error("Missing parameter " + ALLOWED_OPS); throw new InitializeException("Missing parameter " + ALLOWED_OPS); } opList = parseOpList(tmps); logger.debug("Initialized LocalUserPIP: " + id); } public String getId() { return id; } public void setProperty(String name, String value) throws InitializeException { if (name.equals(GLEXEC_BIN_PATH)) { glexecPath = value; } if (name.equals(GLEXEC_PROBE_CMD)) { probeCmd = value; } if (name.equals(ALLOWED_OPS)) { opList = parseOpList(value); } } public String getProperty(String name) { if (name.equals(GLEXEC_BIN_PATH)) { return glexecPath; } if (name.equals(GLEXEC_PROBE_CMD)) { return probeCmd; } if (name.equals(ALLOWED_OPS)) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); for (int k = 0; k < opList.length; k++) { if (k == 0) { buffer.append(opList[k]); } else { buffer.append(",").append(opList[k]); } } return buffer.toString(); } return null; } public String[] getProperties() { return new String[] { GLEXEC_BIN_PATH, GLEXEC_PROBE_CMD, ALLOWED_OPS }; } public boolean isTriggerable(String name) { return false; } public void collectAttributes(Subject peerSubject, ServiceAuthorizationInterface.MessageContext context, QName operation) throws AuthorizationException { boolean missing = true; for (String tmps : opList) { missing = missing && (!tmps.equals(operation.getLocalPart())); } if (missing) { logger.debug("Operation not enabled: " + operation.getLocalPart()); return; } X509Certificate[] certList = (X509Certificate[]) context.getProperty(AuthZConstants.USER_CERTCHAIN_LABEL); if (certList == null) { logger.error("Cannot retrieve proxy certificate from context"); throw new AuthorizationException("Cannot retrieve proxy certificate from context"); } File tmpFile = null; BufferedWriter tmpFileWriter = null; try { tmpFile = File.createTempFile("userproxy", ".pem"); tmpFileWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(tmpFile)); for (X509Certificate certItem : certList) { byte[] pemBytes = Base64.encode(certItem.getEncoded()); tmpFileWriter.write("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----"); tmpFileWriter.newLine(); for (int n = 0; n < pemBytes.length; n = n + 64) { if ((pemBytes.length - n) < 64) { tmpFileWriter.write(new String(pemBytes, n, pemBytes.length - n)); } else { tmpFileWriter.write(new String(pemBytes, n, 64)); } tmpFileWriter.newLine(); } tmpFileWriter.write("-----END CERTIFICATE-----"); tmpFileWriter.newLine(); tmpFileWriter.flush(); } logger.debug("Created temporary proxy " + tmpFile.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (Throwable th) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.error("Cannot store proxy certificate", th); } else { logger.error("Cannot store proxy certificate: " + th.getMessage()); } throw new AuthorizationException("Cannot store proxy certificate"); } finally { if (tmpFileWriter != null) { try { tmpFileWriter.close(); } catch (IOException ioEx) { logger.error(ioEx.getMessage()); } } } int retcod = 0; Process chmodProc = null; /* * TODO chmod as parameter */ String chmodCmd = "chmod 0600 " + tmpFile.getAbsolutePath(); try { chmodProc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(chmodCmd); retcod = chmodProc.waitFor(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.warn("Interrupted call to " + chmodCmd); retcod = -1; } catch (Exception ex) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.error("Cannot set permissions to the store proxy certificate", ex); } else { logger.error("Cannot set permissions to the store proxy certificate: " + ex.getMessage()); } retcod = -1; } finally { if (chmodProc != null) { try { chmodProc.getInputStream().close(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Cannot close instream for " + chmodCmd); } try { chmodProc.getErrorStream().close(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Cannot close errstream for " + chmodCmd); } try { chmodProc.getOutputStream().close(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Cannot close outstream for " + chmodCmd); } } } if (retcod != 0) throw new AuthorizationException("Cannot set permissions to the store proxy certificate"); String[] envp = new String[] { "GLEXEC_MODE=lcmaps_get_account", "GLEXEC_CLIENT_CERT=" + tmpFile.getAbsolutePath() }; String[] cmdLine = new String[] { glexecPath, probeCmd }; BufferedReader in = null; BufferedOutputStream out = null; BufferedReader err = null; String failureDescr = null; try { Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmdLine, envp); in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(proc.getInputStream())); out = new BufferedOutputStream(proc.getOutputStream()); err = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(proc.getErrorStream())); proc.waitFor(); if (proc.exitValue() != 0) { StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer("glexec error: "); String line = err.readLine(); while (line != null) { buff.append(line); line = err.readLine(); } failureDescr = buff.toString(); logger.error(failureDescr); } else { String tmpDN = (String) context.getProperty(AuthZConstants.USERDN_RFC2253_LABEL); UserInfo userInfo = parseGlexecOutput(in); if (userInfo.uid == null) { logger.warn("Cannot retrieve user ID from glexec output for: " + tmpDN); } else { logger.debug("Mapped " + tmpDN + " into " + userInfo.uid); context.setProperty(AuthZConstants.LOCAL_USER_ID, userInfo.uid); } if (userInfo.gid == null) { logger.warn("Cannot retrieve group ID from glexec output for: " + tmpDN); } else { logger.debug("Gid for " + tmpDN + ": " + userInfo.gid); context.setProperty(AuthZConstants.LOCAL_GROUP_ID, userInfo.gid); } if (userInfo.groups.size() > 0) { String[] tmpgrp = new String[userInfo.groups.size()]; userInfo.groups.toArray(tmpgrp); context.setProperty(AuthZConstants.LOCAL_GROUPS_LIST, tmpgrp); } } } catch (Throwable th) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.error(th.getMessage(), th); } else { logger.error(th.getMessage()); } failureDescr = th.getMessage(); } finally { if (in != null) { try { in.close(); } catch (IOException ioEx) { logger.error(ioEx.getMessage()); } } if (out != null) { try { out.close(); } catch (IOException ioEx) { logger.error(ioEx.getMessage()); } } if (err != null) { try { err.close(); } catch (IOException ioEx) { logger.error(ioEx.getMessage()); } } if (tmpFile != null && !tmpFile.delete()) { logger.error("Cannot delete file " + tmpFile.getAbsolutePath()); } } if (failureDescr != null) { throw new AuthorizationException("Failed to get the local user id via glexec: " + failureDescr); } } public void close() throws CloseException { } public Object clone() { LocalUserPIP result = new LocalUserPIP(id); result.glexecPath = glexecPath; result.probeCmd = probeCmd; result.opList = opList; return result; } public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof LocalUserPIP)) return false; LocalUserPIP pip = (LocalUserPIP) obj; return; } private String[] parseOpList(String opStr) { StringTokenizer strok = new StringTokenizer(opStr, ","); ArrayList<String> tmpList = new ArrayList<String>(); while (strok.hasMoreTokens()) { String tmps = strok.nextToken().trim(); if (tmps.length() > 0) { tmpList.add(tmps); logger.debug("Registered allowed operation " + tmps); } } String[] result = new String[tmpList.size()]; tmpList.toArray(result); return result; } private UserInfo parseGlexecOutput(BufferedReader reader) throws IOException { UserInfo result = new UserInfo(); String line = reader.readLine(); while (line != null) { Matcher uidMatcher = uidPattern.matcher(line); if (uidMatcher.find()) { result.uid =; } Matcher gidMatcher = gidPattern.matcher(line); if (gidMatcher.find()) { result.gid =; } Matcher groupMatcher = groupsPattern.matcher(line); if (groupMatcher.find()) { String grpStr =; groupMatcher = groupsSubPattern.matcher(grpStr); while (groupMatcher.find()) { String tmps =; result.groups.add(tmps); } } line = reader.readLine(); } if (result.groups.size() == 0) { result.groups.add(result.gid); } return result; } private class UserInfo { public String uid; public String gid; public ArrayList<String> groups; public UserInfo() { uid = null; gid = null; groups = new ArrayList<String>(1); } } }