Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Helge Hess This file is part of Go. Go is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. Go is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with Go; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package org.getobjects.eocontrol; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; /** * EOQualifier * <p> * Subclasses represent 'query' expressions like those found in SQL * WHERE statements. * <p> * Commonly used subclasses: * <ul> * <li>EOAndQualifier / EOOrQualifier * <li>EOKeyValueQualifier * <li>EOKeyComparisonQualifier * </ul> * * <p> * Qualifiers are commonly rewritten as SQL qualifiers for evaluation in * database servers. But they can also be applied in memory on Collection * objects. To do that, qualifiers support the EOQualifierEvaluation * interface. */ public class EOQualifier extends EOExpression { @SuppressWarnings("hiding") protected static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog("EOQualifier"); /* parsing */ /** * Parses the EOQualifier given in _fmt. If the format contains % patterns * like %@, %i, the values are filled in from the varargs list. */ public static EOQualifier qualifierWithQualifierFormat(final String _fmt, final Object... _args) { return parseV(_fmt, _args); } public static EOQualifier parse(final String _fmt, final Object... _args) { return parseV(_fmt, _args); } public static EOQualifier parseV(final String _fmt, final Object[] _args) { EOQualifierParser parser = new EOQualifierParser(_fmt.toCharArray(), _args); final EOQualifier q = parser.parseQualifier(); // TODO: check error parser.reset(); return q; } /* factory */ /** * This method returns a set of EOKeyValueQualifiers combined with an * EOAndQualifier. The keys/values for the EOKeyValueQualifier are taken * from the Map. * <p> * Example:<pre> * { lastname = 'Duck'; firstname = 'Donald'; city = 'Hausen' }</pre> * Results in:<pre> * lastname = 'Duck' AND firstname = 'Donald' AND city = 'Hausen'</pre> * * @return an EOQualifier for the given Map, or null if the Map was empty */ public static EOQualifier qualifierToMatchAllValues(final Map _values) { if (_values == null) return null; int size = _values.size(); if (size == 0) return null; final EOQualifier[] qs = new EOQualifier[size]; for (Object key : _values.keySet()) { size--; qs[size] = new EOKeyValueQualifier((String) key, _values.get(key)); } if (size == 1) return qs[0]; return new EOAndQualifier(qs); } /** * This method returns a set of EOKeyValueQualifiers combined with an * EOOrQualifier. The keys/values for the EOKeyValueQualifier are taken * from the Map. * <p> * Example:<pre> * { lastname = 'Duck'; firstname = 'Duck'; city = 'Duck' }</pre> * Results in:<pre> * lastname = 'Duck' OR firstname = 'Duck' OR city = 'Duck'</pre> * * @return an EOQualifier for the given Map, or null if the Map was empty */ public static EOQualifier qualifierToMatchAnyValue(final Map _values) { if (_values == null) return null; int size = _values.size(); if (size == 0) return null; final EOQualifier[] qs = new EOQualifier[size]; for (Object key : _values.keySet()) { size--; qs[size] = new EOKeyValueQualifier((String) key, _values.get(key)); } if (size == 1) return qs[0]; return new EOOrQualifier(qs); } /** * This method returns an EOQualifier which matches a single 'key' against * a set of values. * <p> * Example:<pre> * qualifierToMatchAnyValue('status', [ 1, 2, 3 ]);</pre> * Results in:<pre> * status = 1 OR status = 2 OR status = 3</pre> * <p> * Note: the database adaptor might optimize this into a single IN qualifier. * * @param _key - name of property/column (eg 'city') * @param _vs - values to check against * @return an EOQualifier to match the values */ public static EOQualifier qualifierToMatchAnyValue(String _key, Object[] _vs) { if (_vs == null || _vs.length == 0) return null; if (_vs.length == 1) return new EOKeyValueQualifier(_key, _vs[0]); final EOQualifier[] qs = new EOQualifier[_vs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < _vs.length; i++) qs[i] = new EOKeyValueQualifier(_key, _vs[i]); return new EOOrQualifier(qs); } /** * Returns a qualifier which has its bindings resolved against the given * '_vals' object. The object is usually a Map or NSKeyValueHolder, but can be * any other object accessible using KVC. * <p> * Note that qualifiers w/o bindings just return self. * <p> * The syntax for bindings in string qualifiers is $binding (e.g. * lastname = $lastname). At runtime EOQualifierVariable objects represent * such bindings. * * @param _vals - the object containing the bindings * @param _requiresAll - whether all bindings are required * @return an EOQualifier with the bindings resolved */ public EOQualifier qualifierWithBindings(Object _vals, boolean _requiresAll) { return this; } /** * Returns a qualifier which has its bindings resolved against the given * key/value pairs. * <p> * Note that qualifiers w/o bindings just return self. * <p> * Example:<pre> * q = q.qualifierWithBindings("now", new Date());</pre> * * @param _keysAndValues - the bindings as key/value pairs * @return an EOQualifier with the bindings resolved */ public EOQualifier qualifierWithBindings(Object... _keysAndValues) { return this.qualifierWithBindings(new NSKeyValueHolder(_keysAndValues), true /* requires all */); } public EOExpression expressionWithBindings(final Object _vals, final boolean _requiresAll) { return this.qualifierWithBindings(_vals, _requiresAll); } /* utility */ /** * Filters a collection by applying the qualifier on each item. Only items * matching the qualifier will be included in the resulting List. * * @param _in - the Collection to be filtered * @return a List of objects matching the qualifier */ public List filterCollection(final Collection _in) { if (_in == null) return null; final EOQualifierEvaluation eval = (EOQualifierEvaluation) this; final ArrayList<Object> result = new ArrayList<Object>(_in.size()); for (Object item : _in) { if (eval.evaluateWithObject(item)) result.add(item); } result.trimToSize(); return result; } /* project WOnder style helpers */ /** * Disjoins (ORs) the given qualifier with the recipient. Example:<pre> * q = EOQualifier.parse("lastname = 'Duck'); * q = q.or(EOQualifier.parse("firstname = 'Donald'");</pre> * * @param _q - EOQualifier to disjoin * @return EOQualifier representing the disjoin, usually an EOOrQualifier */ public EOQualifier or(final EOQualifier _q) { return _q != null ? EOOrQualifier.disjoin(this, _q) : this; } /** * Disjoins (ORs) the given qualifier with the recipient. Example:<pre> * q = EOQualifier.parse("lastname = 'Duck'); * q = q.or("firstname = %@", "Donald");</pre> * * @param _q - EOQualifier format to disjoin * @param _args - optional varargs for patterns in used by the format * @return EOQualifier representing the disjoin, usually an EOOrQualifier */ public EOQualifier or(final String _q, final Object... _args) { return _q != null ? this.or(EOQualifier.parseV(_q, _args)) : this; } /** * Conjoins (ANDs) the given qualifier with the recipient. Example:<pre> * q = EOQualifier.parse("lastname = 'Duck'); * q = q.and(EOQualifier.parse("firstname = 'Donald'");</pre> * * @param _q - EOQualifier to disjoin * @return EOQualifier representing the conjoin, usually an EOAndQualifier */ public EOQualifier and(final EOQualifier _q) { return _q != null ? EOAndQualifier.conjoin(this, _q) : this; } /** * Conjoins (ANDs) the given qualifier with the recipient. Example:<pre> * q = EOQualifier.parse("lastname = 'Duck'); * q = q.and("firstname = %@", "Donald");</pre> * * @param _q - EOQualifier format to conjoin * @param _args - optional varargs for patterns in used by the format * @return EOQualifier representing the conjoin, usually an EAndQualifier */ public EOQualifier and(final String _q, final Object... _args) { return _q != null ? this.and(EOQualifier.parseV(_q, _args)) : this; } /** * Negates the qualifier. Example:<pre> * ds.fetchByQualifier(isLockedQualifier.not())</pre> * * @return the negated qualifier, usually an EONotQualifier */ public EOQualifier not() { return new EONotQualifier(this); } /* comparison interface */ public static interface Comparison { public boolean isEqualTo(Object _other); public boolean isNotEqualTo(Object _other); public boolean isGreaterThan(Object _other); public boolean isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Object _other); public boolean isLessThan(Object _other); public boolean isLessThanOrEqualTo(Object _other); public boolean doesContain(Object _other); public boolean doesLike(Object _other); public boolean doesCaseInsensitiveLike(Object _other); } /* comparison operations */ public enum ComparisonOperation { UNKNOWN, EQUAL_TO, NOT_EQUAL_TO, GREATER_THAN, GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL, LESS_THAN, LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL, CONTAINS, LIKE, CASE_INSENSITIVE_LIKE } public static ComparisonOperation operationForString(final String _s) { if (_s == null) return ComparisonOperation.UNKNOWN; final int len = _s.length(); if (len == 1) { final char c0 = _s.charAt(0); if (c0 == '=') return ComparisonOperation.EQUAL_TO; if (c0 == '>') return ComparisonOperation.GREATER_THAN; if (c0 == '<') return ComparisonOperation.LESS_THAN; return ComparisonOperation.UNKNOWN; } if (len == 2) { char c0 = _s.charAt(0); char c1 = _s.charAt(1); if (c0 == '!' && c1 == '=') return ComparisonOperation.NOT_EQUAL_TO; if ((c0 == '>' && c1 == '=') || (c0 == '=' && c1 == '>')) return ComparisonOperation.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL; if ((c0 == '<' && c1 == '=') || (c0 == '=' && c1 == '<')) return ComparisonOperation.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL; if (c0 == '=' && c1 == '=') return ComparisonOperation.EQUAL_TO; if (c0 == 'I' && c1 == 'N') return ComparisonOperation.CONTAINS; return ComparisonOperation.UNKNOWN; } if (len == 4 && "like".compareToIgnoreCase(_s) == 0) return ComparisonOperation.LIKE; if (len == 5 && "ilike".compareToIgnoreCase(_s) == 0) return ComparisonOperation.CASE_INSENSITIVE_LIKE; if (len == 20 && "caseInsensitiveLike:".compareToIgnoreCase(_s) == 0) return ComparisonOperation.CASE_INSENSITIVE_LIKE; if (len == 19 && "caseInsensitiveLike".compareToIgnoreCase(_s) == 0) return ComparisonOperation.CASE_INSENSITIVE_LIKE; return ComparisonOperation.UNKNOWN; } public static String stringForOperation(final ComparisonOperation _op) { switch (_op) { case EQUAL_TO: return "="; case NOT_EQUAL_TO: return "!="; case GREATER_THAN: return ">"; case GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL: return ">="; case LESS_THAN: return "<"; case LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL: return "<="; case CONTAINS: return "IN"; case LIKE: return "LIKE"; case CASE_INSENSITIVE_LIKE: return "caseInsensitiveLike:"; default: return null; } } /* comparison support */ protected static Map<Class, ComparisonSupport> classToSupport; protected static final ComparisonSupport defaultSupport; /* Note: be careful not to retain classes which might be unloaded by the * servlet container. */ public static void setSupportForClass(ComparisonSupport _sup, Class _cls) { classToSupport.put(_cls, _sup); } public static ComparisonSupport supportForClass(Class _cls) { if (_cls == null) return defaultSupport; ComparisonSupport sup = classToSupport.get(_cls); if (sup != null) return sup; while (_cls != null) { if ((sup = classToSupport.get(_cls)) != null) { /* Note: We do not cache because otherwise the user code can't change * the support for a given parent class. * TBD: improve this situation. */ return sup; } _cls = _cls.getSuperclass(); } return defaultSupport; } // TODO: check for "Comparison" support? public static class ComparisonSupport { public boolean compareOperation(ComparisonOperation _op, Object _lhs, Object _rhs) { switch (_op) { case EQUAL_TO: return this.isEqualTo(_lhs, _rhs); case NOT_EQUAL_TO: return this.isNotEqualTo(_lhs, _rhs); case GREATER_THAN: return this.isGreaterThan(_lhs, _rhs); case GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL: return this.isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(_lhs, _rhs); case LESS_THAN: return this.isLessThan(_lhs, _rhs); case LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL: return this.isLessThanOrEqualTo(_lhs, _rhs); case CONTAINS: return this.doesContain(_lhs, _rhs); case LIKE: return this.doesLike(_lhs, _rhs); case CASE_INSENSITIVE_LIKE: return this.doesCaseInsensitiveLike(_lhs, _rhs); default: return false; } } public boolean isEqualTo(final Object _lhs, final Object _rhs) { if (_lhs == _rhs) return true; if (_lhs == null || _rhs == null) return false; return _lhs.equals(_rhs); } public boolean isNotEqualTo(final Object _lhs, final Object _rhs) { if (_lhs == _rhs) return false; if (_lhs == null || _rhs == null) return true; return !this.isEqualTo(_lhs, _rhs); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public boolean isGreaterThan(final Object _lhs, final Object _rhs) { if (_lhs == _rhs) return false; if (this.isEqualTo(_lhs, _rhs)) return false; /* Note: at least Integer.compareTo() doesn't accept null */ if (_rhs == null) return true; if (_lhs == null) return false; if (_lhs instanceof Comparable) return ((Comparable) _lhs).compareTo(_rhs) > 0; if (_rhs instanceof Comparable) return ((Comparable) _rhs).compareTo(_lhs) < 0; return false; } public boolean isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(final Object _lhs, final Object _rhs) { if (_lhs == _rhs) return true; if (this.isEqualTo(_lhs, _rhs)) return true; return this.isGreaterThan(_lhs, _rhs); } public boolean isLessThan(final Object _lhs, final Object _rhs) { if (_lhs == _rhs) return false; if (this.isEqualTo(_lhs, _rhs)) return false; return !this.isGreaterThan(_lhs, _rhs); } public boolean isLessThanOrEqualTo(final Object _lhs, final Object _rhs) { if (_lhs == _rhs) return true; if (this.isEqualTo(_lhs, _rhs)) return true; return this.isLessThan(_lhs, _rhs); } public boolean doesContain(final Object _item, final Object _col) { if (_col == null || _item == null) return false; if (_col instanceof Collection) return ((Collection) _col).contains(_item); return false; } public boolean doesLike(final Object _object, final Object _pattern) { if (_object == null || _pattern == null) return false; String spat = _pattern.toString(); if (spat.equals("*")) /* match everything */ return true; // TODO: we should support much more, we only support prefix/suffix/infix final boolean startsWithStar = spat.charAt(0) == '*'; final boolean endsWithStar = spat.charAt(spat.length() - 1) == '*'; String os = _object.toString(); if (startsWithStar && endsWithStar) spat = spat.substring(1, spat.length() - 1); else if (startsWithStar) spat = spat.substring(1); else if (endsWithStar) spat = spat.substring(0, spat.length() - 1); else ; if (spat.indexOf('*') != -1) log.warn("LIKE pattern contains unprocessed patterns: " + _pattern); if (startsWithStar && endsWithStar) return os.indexOf(spat) != -1; if (startsWithStar) return os.endsWith(spat); if (endsWithStar) return os.startsWith(spat); return os.equals(spat); } public boolean doesCaseInsensitiveLike(Object _object, Object _pattern) { return false; } } public static class StringComparisonSupport extends ComparisonSupport { // TODO: implement me public boolean doesContain(final Object _item, final Object _col) { if (_col == null || _item == null) return false; if (_col instanceof Collection) return ((Collection) _col).contains(_item); return ((String) _col).indexOf((String) _item) != -1; } // TODO: implement doesLike public boolean doesCaseInsensitiveLike(Object _object, Object _pattern) { if (_object == null || _pattern == null) return false; return this.doesLike(((String) _object).toLowerCase(), ((String) _pattern).toLowerCase()); } } public static class DateComparisonSupport extends ComparisonSupport { // TODO: write a test which ensures that Calendar coercion works public boolean isEqualTo(Object _lhs, Object _rhs) { if (_lhs == _rhs) return true; if (_lhs == null || _rhs == null) return false; if (_lhs instanceof Calendar) _lhs = ((Calendar) _lhs).getTime(); if (_rhs instanceof Calendar) _rhs = ((Calendar) _rhs).getTime(); return _lhs.equals(_rhs); } public boolean isGreaterThan(Object _lhs, Object _rhs) { if (_lhs == _rhs) return false; if (_rhs == null) return true; if (_lhs == null) return false; if (_lhs instanceof Calendar) _lhs = ((Calendar) _lhs).getTime(); if (_rhs instanceof Calendar) _rhs = ((Calendar) _rhs).getTime(); return ((Date) _lhs).compareTo((Date) _rhs) > 0; } public boolean isLessThan(Object _lhs, Object _rhs) { if (_lhs == _rhs) return false; if (_rhs == null) return false; if (_lhs == null) return true; if (_lhs instanceof Calendar) _lhs = ((Calendar) _lhs).getTime(); if (_rhs instanceof Calendar) _rhs = ((Calendar) _rhs).getTime(); return ((Date) _lhs).compareTo((Date) _rhs) < 0; } } public static class BooleanComparisonSupport extends ComparisonSupport { // TODO: complete me me public boolean isEqualTo(final Object _lhs, final Object _rhs) { if (_lhs == _rhs) return true; if (_lhs == null || _rhs == null) return false; if (_lhs instanceof Boolean && !(_rhs instanceof Boolean)) { /* special support for Boolean comparisons, required for SOPE compat */ return ((Boolean) _lhs).booleanValue() == UObject.boolValue(_rhs); } return _lhs.equals(_rhs); } public boolean isNotEqualTo(final Object _lhs, final Object _rhs) { if (_lhs == _rhs) return false; if (_lhs == null || _rhs == null) return true; if (_lhs instanceof Boolean && !(_rhs instanceof Boolean)) { /* special support for Boolean comparisons, required for SOPE compat */ return ((Boolean) _lhs).booleanValue() != UObject.boolValue(_rhs); } return !this.isEqualTo(_lhs, _rhs); } } public static class CollectionComparisonSupport extends ComparisonSupport { public boolean doesContain(final Object _item, final Object _col) { if (_col == null || _item == null) return false; return ((Collection) _col).contains(_item); } } /* static init */ static { classToSupport = new ConcurrentHashMap<Class, ComparisonSupport>(4); defaultSupport = new ComparisonSupport(); classToSupport.put(Date.class, new DateComparisonSupport()); classToSupport.put(String.class, new StringComparisonSupport()); classToSupport.put(Boolean.class, new BooleanComparisonSupport()); // TBD: Check whether thats correct. It compares the Date values of // Calendar objects, not the full Calendar object (eg timezone) classToSupport.put(Calendar.class, new DateComparisonSupport()); } }