Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2006-2014 Helge Hess This file is part of Go. Go is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. Go is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with Go; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package org.getobjects.eoaccess; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.CharacterIterator; import java.text.StringCharacterIterator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.getobjects.eoaccess.derby.EODerbyAdaptor; import org.getobjects.eoaccess.frontbase.EOFrontbaseAdaptor; import org.getobjects.eoaccess.mysql.EOMySQLAdaptor; import org.getobjects.eoaccess.postgresql.EOPostgreSQLAdaptor; import org.getobjects.eoaccess.sqlite.EOSQLiteAdaptor; import org.getobjects.eocontrol.EOFetchSpecification; import org.getobjects.eocontrol.EOQualifier; import org.getobjects.eocontrol.EOSortOrdering; import; import; import; import; import; /** * EOAdaptor * <p> * Wraps a JDBC adaptor. In "real" EOF we would use a subclass, but its not * (yet) considered worth the effort ;-) * * <p> * This object can be used for very simple, but pooled, SQL access. Just use * the performSQL() and performUpdateSQL() methods. Those will acquire an * appropriate EOAdaptorChannel and perform the given SQL. * <br> * Example: * <pre> * List persons = adaptor.performSQL("SELECT * FROM Person");</pre> * If you need transactions, you can either embed BEGIN/COMMIT in the SQL or * use an EOAdaptorChannel. * * <p> * However, its more common and recommended to use EODatabase and * EODatabaseChannel. Example: * <pre> * EODatabase db = new EODatabase(adaptor, null); * EOActiveDataSource ds = db.dataSourceForEntity("person"); * List persons = ds.fetch();</pre> * * <p> * The adaptor also works as a SQL connection pool. * <p> * Connection Properties processed by EOAdaptor: * <ul> * <li>EOAdaptorMaxPoolSize (default: 64) * <li>EOAdaptorMaxChannelWaitTime (default: 3000ms) * <li>EOAdaptorMaxChannelAge (default: 120s) * <li>EOAdaptorMaintenanceInterval (default: 180s) * </ul> * <p> * THREAD: this class, especially the connection pool, is thread safe. You * should usually use one adaptor per login-configuration. * <p> * @see EODatabaseChannel * @see EODatabase */ public class EOAdaptor extends NSObject implements NSDisposable { protected static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog("EOAdaptor"); protected String url; protected Properties connectionProperties; protected int maxConnections; protected long maxChannelWaitTimeInMS; protected long maxChannelAgeInSeconds; protected List<EOAdaptorChannel> availableChannels; protected List<EOAdaptorChannel> checkedOutChannels; protected Timer maintenanceTimer = null; protected int openCountSinceLastMaintenance = 0; protected int releaseCountSinceLastMaintenance = 0; protected long maintenanceTimeOutInSeconds; protected EOModel model; protected EOModel modelPattern; protected long modelFetchTime = 0; public int modelRefetchTimeout = 3; /* in seconds */ public static EOAdaptor adaptorWithURL(String _url, Properties _p, EOModel _model) { EOAdaptor adaptor = null; if (_url == null) return null; else if (_url.startsWith("jdbc:mysql")) adaptor = new EOMySQLAdaptor(_url, _p, _model); else if (_url.startsWith("jdbc:postgres")) adaptor = new EOPostgreSQLAdaptor(_url, _p, _model); else if (_url.startsWith("jdbc:derby")) adaptor = new EODerbyAdaptor(_url, _p, _model); else if (_url.toLowerCase().startsWith("jdbc:frontbase")) adaptor = new EOFrontbaseAdaptor(_url, _p, _model); else if (_url.toLowerCase().startsWith("jdbc:sqlite")) adaptor = new EOSQLiteAdaptor(_url, _p, _model); else { log.warn("no specific adaptor for url: " + _url); adaptor = new EOAdaptor(_url, null, _model); } if (adaptor == null) return null; if (!adaptor.loadDriver()) { log.error("failed to load driver for JDBC URL: " + _url); return null; } return adaptor; } public static EOAdaptor adaptorWithURL(String _url, EOModel _model) { return adaptorWithURL(_url, null /* properties */, _model); } public static EOAdaptor adaptorWithURL(String _url) { return adaptorWithURL(_url, null /* properties */, null /* model */); } /* the constructor */ protected EOAdaptor(String _url, Properties _p, EOModel _model) { super(); this.url = _url; this.connectionProperties = _p; this.loadConfigurationFromProperties(_p); this.availableChannels = new ArrayList<EOAdaptorChannel>(16); this.checkedOutChannels = new ArrayList<EOAdaptorChannel>(16); if (_model != null) { if (_model.isPatternModel()) this.modelPattern = _model; else this.model = _model; } } public void loadConfigurationFromProperties(Properties _p) { this.maxConnections = 64; this.maxChannelWaitTimeInMS = 3 * 1000; this.maxChannelAgeInSeconds = 2 * 60; this.maintenanceTimeOutInSeconds = 3 * 60; if (_p == null) return; /* how many connections will we store in the pool? */ Object v = _p.getProperty("EOAdaptorMaxPoolSize"); if (v != null) this.maxConnections = UObject.intValue(v); /* How long will we wait for a channel to become available (prior returning * an error). */ if ((v = _p.getProperty("EOAdaptorMaxChannelWaitTime")) != null) this.maxChannelWaitTimeInMS = UObject.intValue(v); /* Maximum age of a channel before it is retired (so that we don't keep * channels open forever) */ if ((v = _p.getProperty("EOAdaptorMaxChannelAge")) != null) this.maxChannelAgeInSeconds = UObject.intValue(v); /* How often will we check whether we should retire channels, etc */ if ((v = _p.getProperty("EOAdaptorMaintenanceInterval")) != null) this.maintenanceTimeOutInSeconds = UObject.intValue(v); } /* accessors */ public String url() { return this.url; } /* loading a JDBC driver */ protected boolean loadDriver() { /* this should be overridden by subclasses */ return true; } /* testing connection */ public static boolean testConnect(String _url, String _login, String _pwd) { try { Connection con = _login != null ? DriverManager.getConnection(_url, _login, _pwd) : DriverManager.getConnection(_url); con.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { if (log.isInfoEnabled())"test connect failed: " + _url, e); return false; } return true; } public boolean testConnect() { EOAdaptorChannel channel; channel = this.openChannelAndRegisterInPool(); if (channel == null) {"failed to acquire a connection to the DB: " + this.url); return false; } log.debug("managed to acquired a connection to the DB: " + this.url); this.releaseChannel(channel); return true; } /* methods */ public boolean hasOpenChannels() { /* Note: this only tracks pooled connections */ final int coCount, availCount; synchronized (this) { coCount = this.checkedOutChannels.size(); availCount = this.availableChannels.size(); } return coCount > 0 || availCount > 0; } protected EOAdaptorChannel checkoutFirstAvailableChannel() { // this needs to run inside the monitor for (EOAdaptorChannel availChannel : this.availableChannels) { if (this.shouldKeepChannel(availChannel)) { this.checkedOutChannels.add(availChannel); this.availableChannels.remove(availChannel); return availChannel; } // else // needsMaintenance = true; /* found an invalid entry */ } return null; } /** * This attempts to acquire a channel from the connection pool, or open a * new one if the maximum channel count has not been reached. * It calls openChannelAndRegisterInPool to open a new channel and * register that channel in the pool. * The difference is that openChannelAndRegisterInPool always opens a new * connection while this method first attempts to reuse a connection from * the pool. * * @param _attempt How often the adaptor tried to open a channel. The * adaptor will wait for a channel to become available (being put back * into the pool by another thread) if the maximum number of connections * has been reached. * * @return The EOAdaptorChannle which was opened or acquired or null if the * opening failed or the timeout expired. */ protected EOAdaptorChannel openChannelFromPool(int _attempt) { final boolean isDebugOn = log.isDebugEnabled(); final boolean isInfoOn = log.isInfoEnabled(); if (isInfoOn)"open channel from pool: (attempt=" + _attempt + ")"); /* first look for an available connection */ EOAdaptorChannel channel = null; boolean needsMaintenance = false; boolean mayCreate = false; synchronized (this) { this.openCountSinceLastMaintenance++; channel = this.checkoutFirstAvailableChannel(); if (channel == null) mayCreate = this.checkedOutChannels.size() < this.maxConnections; } /* create a new connection if required */ if (channel == null) { if (mayCreate) { if (isDebugOn)" no avail connection, create ..."); channel = this.openChannelAndRegisterInPool(); } else { log.warn("out of pool connections, attempt: " + _attempt); channel = this.primaryWaitForChannel(_attempt); } } /* perform maintenance */ if (needsMaintenance || this.shouldMaintainPool()) { if (isInfoOn)" maintain ..."); this.maintainPool(); } /* return */ if (channel == null) return null; if (isInfoOn)"connection: " + channel.connection); return channel; } protected EOAdaptorChannel primaryWaitForChannel(int _attempt) { // TODO: improve method name final int coCount, availCount; synchronized (this) { coCount = this.checkedOutChannels.size(); availCount = this.availableChannels.size(); } log.warn(" checked-out=" + coCount + " / avail=" + availCount + " / max=" + this.maxConnections); if (_attempt > 3) { log.error("too many attempts to open a SQL connection, stop" + _attempt); return null; } /* wait a while for a connection to become available */ boolean gotInterrupted = false; final long startTime = new Date().getTime(); EOAdaptorChannel channel = null; synchronized (this) { /* the loop is needed to protect against spurious wakeups */ while (channel == null) { /* wait a bit for a channel to become available (we get notified) */ try { /* Release the surrounding lock and wait for notification or * timeout. * * Note: using maxChannelWaitTime is not entirely correct, this * might make us wait up to twice as long. */ this.wait(this.maxChannelWaitTimeInMS /* ms */); } catch (InterruptedException e) { /* OK, we got Interrupted, so we stop doing anything. */ gotInterrupted = true; break; /* leave while loop */ } /* ok, we did wait, so lets check whether there is a connection */ //System.err.println("SCAN AVAIL: "+this.availableChannels.size()); channel = this.checkoutFirstAvailableChannel(); if (channel != null) break; /* we didn't get a channel, check whether we should still wait */ long timePassedInMS = new Date().getTime() - startTime; if (timePassedInMS > this.maxChannelWaitTimeInMS /* ms */) break; /* waited enough, stop waiting */ } } if (channel != null) {"found a free channel after a bit of waiting."); return channel; } if (gotInterrupted) log.error(" wait got interrupted ..."); log.error(" failed to wait for a free channel ..."); return channel; } /** * This attempts to acquire a channel from the connection pool, or open a * new one if the maximum channel count has not been reached. * It calls openChannelFromPool(1) which does all the hard work. * * The difference to openChannelAndRegisterInPool is that this method first * attempts to reuse a connection from the pool before opening a new SQL * connection. * * Note: this is the preferred way to aquire a channel from the adaptor as * it uses the pool. * * @return The EOAdaptorChannle which was opened or acquired or null if the * opening failed or the timeout expired. */ public EOAdaptorChannel openChannelFromPool() { return this.openChannelFromPool(1); } public void releaseChannel(EOAdaptorChannel _channel, boolean _keepConnect) { if (_channel == null) return; final boolean isDebugOn = log.isDebugEnabled(); if (isDebugOn)"releasing channel: " + _channel); if (_channel.isInTransaction()) { log.error("channel to be released has an open transaction, " + "attempting a rollback ..."); Exception error = _channel.rollback(); if (error != null) { log.error("rollback failed, will close the channel ..."); _keepConnect = false; } } boolean didKeepEntry = _keepConnect; synchronized (this) { this.releaseCountSinceLastMaintenance++; this.checkedOutChannels.remove(_channel); if (_keepConnect && this.shouldKeepChannel(_channel)) this.availableChannels.add(_channel); else didKeepEntry = false; } if (didKeepEntry && isDebugOn && _channel != null) log.debug(" kept entry: " + _channel); if (!didKeepEntry) _channel.close(); if (!didKeepEntry || this.shouldMaintainPool()) this.maintainPool(); /* now notify other threads waiting for a free connection */ synchronized (this) { this.notifyAll(); } if (isDebugOn) log.debug("finished release."); } /** * Put a channel back into the pool. If you aquired a connection from the * adaptor using openChannelFromPool() or openChannelAndRegisterInPool(), * use this method to put it back into the pool. Do *not* close it manually! * * If you detected an error in the channel, use releaseAfterError() * instead. This will (usually) close the channel instead of adding it to * the pool. * * @param _channel */ public void releaseChannel(EOAdaptorChannel _channel) { this.releaseChannel(_channel, true /* try to keep connection */); } /** * Use this method to close a channel if you detected an error. If everything * went fine, use releaseChannel() to give it back to the pool. * * @see releaseChannel(EOAdaptorChannel _channel) * * @param _channel The channel to be closed. * @param _e The error which occurred on the connection. */ public void releaseAfterError(EOAdaptorChannel _channel, Exception _e) {"releasing connection after error."); this.releaseChannel(_channel, false /* do not try to keep */); } /** * This creates a new connection which is not registered in the connection * pool. When you are done, directly close the channel. Do not use the * adaptor.releaseChannel() method. * * @see openChannelFromPool() */ public EOAdaptorChannel openChannel() { Connection connection = null;"opening channel ..."); try { connection = this.connectionProperties != null ? DriverManager.getConnection(this.url, this.connectionProperties) : DriverManager.getConnection(this.url); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("failed to create new SQL connection", e); final int coCount, availCount; synchronized (this) { coCount = this.checkedOutChannels.size(); availCount = this.availableChannels.size(); } log.error(" checked out=" + coCount + "/avail " + availCount); return null; } /* create entry */ return this.primaryCreateChannelForConnection(connection); } protected EOAdaptorChannel primaryCreateChannelForConnection(Connection _c) { /* can be overridden by subclasses to provide specific channels */ return new EOAdaptorChannel(this, _c); } /** * This calls openChannel() to open a new connection to the database and then * registers the result in the pool. * Use releaseChannel() to free channels you got using this method! Do not * close it directly. * * You wouldn't usually want to call this method because it always opens a * new channel. Use openChannelFromPool() instead, this method first checks * whether a free connection is available in the pool. * * @return The fresh EOAdaptorChannel or null if something went wrong. */ public EOAdaptorChannel openChannelAndRegisterInPool() { final EOAdaptorChannel channel = this.openChannel(); if (channel == null) return null; /* register entry */ synchronized (this) { this.checkedOutChannels.add(channel); if (this.maintenanceTimer == null) { /* Note: if we do not create a daemon thread, the timer thread won't * allow apps to stop! */ this.maintenanceTimer = new Timer("EOAdaptorPool", true /* daemon */); this.maintenanceTimer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new MaintenanceTimerTask(this), 1 /* delay in ms */, this.maintenanceTimeOutInSeconds * 1000 /* period in ms */); } } return channel; } /* pool maintenance */ protected boolean shouldMaintainPool() { synchronized (this) { // TODO: find a good maintenance interval if (this.releaseCountSinceLastMaintenance > 64) return true; if (this.openCountSinceLastMaintenance > 64) return true; } return false; } public void closeAllPooledChannels() { /* Can be used to close all unused channels. */ List<EOAdaptorChannel> toBeClosed = new ArrayList<EOAdaptorChannel>(4); /* collect expired connections */ synchronized (this) { toBeClosed.addAll(this.availableChannels); this.availableChannels.clear(); } /* close channels */ for (EOAdaptorChannel entry : toBeClosed) this.closeChannel(entry); } public void maintainPool() { final boolean debugOn = log.isDebugEnabled(); /* scan pool for connections which should be closed */ if (debugOn) log.debug("running maintenance ..."); List<EOAdaptorChannel> toBeClosed = null; Timer timer = null; /* collect expired connections */ synchronized (this) { /* scan for connections which should be closed */ for (EOAdaptorChannel entry : this.availableChannels) { if (!this.shouldKeepChannel(entry)) { if (toBeClosed == null) toBeClosed = new ArrayList<EOAdaptorChannel>(4); toBeClosed.add(entry); } } /* remove expired entries */ if (toBeClosed != null) { if (debugOn) log.debug(" removing expired entries ..."); for (EOAdaptorChannel entry : toBeClosed) this.availableChannels.remove(entry); } /* stop timer if we don't need it anymore */ if (this.maintenanceTimer != null && this.availableChannels.size() == 0 && this.checkedOutChannels.size() == 0) { timer = this.maintenanceTimer; this.maintenanceTimer = null; } this.openCountSinceLastMaintenance = 0; this.releaseCountSinceLastMaintenance = 0; } /* close expired entries */ if (toBeClosed != null) { if (debugOn) log.debug(" closing expired entries ..."); for (EOAdaptorChannel entry : toBeClosed) this.closeChannel(entry); } /* stop timer */ if (timer != null) { /* Hm, will this do a hard cancel to our thread? Not really relevant * since we are done anyways ;-). */ timer.cancel(); timer = null; } if (debugOn) log.debug("pool maintenance done."); } /* non-synchronized methods */ protected void closeChannel(EOAdaptorChannel _entry) { if (_entry == null) return; log.debug("closing entry: " + _entry); if (_entry.connection == null) /* nothing to tear down */ return; try { if (!_entry.connection.isClosed()) _entry.connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.debug("SQL exception while tearing down the connection", e); } } /** * Locates the EOAdaptorChannel which wraps the given connection. This works * by scanning the checkedOutChannels ivar. * * @param _c - the JDBC Connection object to check * @return the EOAdaptorChannel which manages the Connection, or null */ protected EOAdaptorChannel findChannelForConnection(final Connection _c) { // TBD: unused, can be dropped? for (EOAdaptorChannel entry : this.checkedOutChannels) { if (entry.connection == _c) return entry; } return null; } /** * Checks whether the EOAdaptorChannel should be put into the connection * pool. * This checks whether the number of connections exceeds the 'maxConnection' * setting, it checks whether the channel is closed and it checks whether the * age of the channel exceeds the 'maxChannelAgeInSeconds'. * <p> * IMPORTANT: must run in a synchronized section. * * @param _channel - the EOAdaptorChannel * @return true if the channel should be reused, false otherwise */ protected boolean shouldKeepChannel(final EOAdaptorChannel _channel) { // Note: must be run inside a monitor! if (_channel == null) return false; if (this.maxConnections <= this.availableChannels.size()) {"reached connection pool limit: " + this.maxConnections); return false; } if (_channel.connection == null) return false; try { if (_channel.connection.isClosed()) return false; } catch (SQLException e) { log.debug("caught exception while checking close status", e); return false; } if (_channel.ageInSeconds() > this.maxChannelAgeInSeconds) return false; return true; } /* high level convenience methods which maintain their connection */ /** * This is a quick&dirty method to perform fetches in the database. It * acquires a channel from the pool, runs the SQL and gives back the channel. * The fetched rows are returned, or null on error. There is no way * to retrieve error exceptions using this method. * <p> * Example:<pre> * List records = adaptor.performSQL("SELECT * FROM sessiong_log"); * System.out.println("db rows: " + records);</pre> * <p> * <strong>Careful</strong>: * Do not introduce SQL injection issues by adding unquoted values * to the SQL string! Use the EOSQLExpression class for database independend * quoting, eg:<pre> * EOSQLExpression e = ad.expressionFactory().createExpression(null); * s = e.formatValueForAttribute(";DELETE * FROM accounts", null);</pre> * * @param _sql - the SQL to execute * @return a List of Maps representing the database records or null on error */ public List<Map<String, Object>> performSQL(final String _sql) { // TODO: fix return type if (_sql == null || _sql.length() == 0) return null; final EOAdaptorChannel channel = this.openChannelFromPool(); if (channel == null) return null; final List<Map<String, Object>> result = channel.performSQL(_sql); if (result == null) { /* failed with some error */ final Exception error = channel.consumeLastException(); if (error != null) log.warn("performSQL() failed: " + _sql, error); this.releaseAfterError(channel, error); /* do not keep channel */ return null; } this.releaseChannel(channel); return result; } /** * Translates the EOFetchSpecification into a SQL query and evaluates it * using a channel. * * @param _fs - the EOFetchSpecification to perform * @return null on error, or a List containing the raw fetch results */ public List<Map<String, Object>> performSQL(final EOFetchSpecification _fs) { if (_fs == null) return null; final EOSQLExpression e = this.expressionFactory().createExpression(null); e.prepareSelectExpressionWithAttributes(null, _fs.locksObjects(), _fs); final EOAdaptorChannel channel = this.openChannelFromPool(); if (channel == null) return null; final List<Map<String, Object>> result = channel.evaluateQueryExpression(e, null /* no attrs */); if (result == null) { /* failed with some error */ final Exception error = channel.consumeLastException(); if (error != null) log.warn("performSQL() failed: " + e, error); this.releaseAfterError(channel, error); /* do not keep channel */ return null; } this.releaseChannel(channel); return result; } /** * Creates a pattern EOFetchSpecification (EOCustomQueryExpressionHintKey) * and evaluates it using a channel. * <p> * Possible arguments: * <ul> * <li>q / qualifier (EOQualifier or String, eg "name LIKE 'H*'") * <li>sort (EOSortOrdering[]/EOSortOrdering/String, eg "name,-date") * <li>distinct (bool) * <li>offset * <li>limit * </ul> * All remaining keys are evaluated as qualifier bindings. * <p> * Examples:<pre> * ad.performSQL("SELECT * FROM accounts %(where)s", * "q", "name LIKE $query", "query", F("q")); * * this.results = this.application.db.adaptor().performSQL( * "SELECT DISTINCT function FROM employment" + * " %(where)s ORDER BY function ASC %(limit)s", * "limit", limit, "q", "function LIKE '" + this.F("q").trim() + "*'"); * // 'limit' is not a variable, its the fetchspec limit (hardcoded) * // you can use variables inside qualifiers, but not in the SQL * </pre> * For a discussion of the available %(xyz)s patterns, check the * EOSQLExpression class. * <p> * Note: be careful wrt SQL injection! (parameters are good, building query * strings using + is bad!) * * <p> * @param _sqlpat - the SQL pattern, see EOSQLExpression for possible patterns * @param _args - args and bindings in a varargs array * @return null on error, or a List containing the raw fetch results */ public List<Map<String, Object>> performSQL(final String _sqlpat, final Object... _args) { return performSQL(buildVarArgsFetchSpec(_sqlpat, _args)); } /** * Creates a pattern EOFetchSpecification (EOCustomQueryExpressionHintKey). * <p> * Possible arguments: * <ul> * <li>q / qualifier (EOQualifier or String, eg "name LIKE 'H*'") * <li>sort (EOSortOrdering[]/EOSortOrdering/String, eg "name,-date") * <li>distinct (bool) * <li>offset * <li>limit * </ul> * All remaining keys are evaluated as qualifier bindings. * </pre> * For a discussion of the available %(xyz)s patterns, check the * EOSQLExpression class. * <p> * Note: be careful wrt SQL injection! (parameters are good, building query * strings using + is bad!) * * <p> * @param _sqlpat - the SQL pattern, see EOSQLExpression for possible patterns * @param _args - args and bindings in a varargs array * @return the new EOFetchSpecification */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static EOFetchSpecification buildVarArgsFetchSpec(final String _sqlpat, final Object[] _args) { EOQualifier q = null; EOSortOrdering[] sos = null; boolean distinct = false; Number limit = null; Number offset = null; Object o; final Map<String, Object> args = UMap.createArgs(_args); if ((o = args.remove("qualifier")) == null) o = args.remove("q"); /// allow 'q' and 'qualifier' if (o instanceof String) q = EOQualifier.parse((String) o); else if (o instanceof EOQualifier) q = (EOQualifier) o; if ((o = args.remove("sort")) != null) { if (o instanceof String) sos = EOSortOrdering.parse((String) o); // eg: name,-date else if (o instanceof EOSortOrdering[]) sos = (EOSortOrdering[]) o; else if (o instanceof EOSortOrdering) sos = new EOSortOrdering[] { (EOSortOrdering) o }; } if ((o = args.remove("distinct")) != null) distinct = UObject.boolValue(o); if ((o = args.remove("offset")) != null) offset = UObject.intValue(o); if ((o = args.remove("limit")) != null) limit = UObject.intValue(o); if (q != null && args.size() > 0) q = q.qualifierWithBindings(args, false /* do not require all */); EOFetchSpecification fs = new EOFetchSpecification(); fs.setQualifier(q); fs.setSortOrderings(sos); fs.setFetchesRawRows(true); fs.setFetchesReadOnly(true); fs.setUsesDistinct(distinct); if (offset != null) fs.setFetchOffset(offset.intValue()); if (limit != null) fs.setFetchLimit(limit.intValue()); if (_sqlpat != null) fs.setHint(EOSQLExpression.EOCustomQueryExpressionHintKey, _sqlpat); return fs; } /** * This is a quick&dirty method to perform updates in the database. It * acquires a channel from the pool, runs the SQL and gives back the channel. * The number of affected rows is returned, or -1 on error. There is no way * to retrieve error exceptions using this method. * <p> * Example:<pre> * int affected = adaptor.performUpdateSQL("DELETE FROM session_log"); * System.out.println("we deleted " + affected + " rows in the DB!");</pre> * * * @param _sql - the SQL (UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE) to execute * @return number of affected records or -1 on error */ public int performUpdateSQL(final String _sql) { if (_sql == null || _sql.length() == 0) return -1; final EOAdaptorChannel channel = this.openChannelFromPool(); if (channel == null) return -1; int result = channel.performUpdateSQL(_sql); if (result < 0) { /* failed with some error */ final Exception error = channel.consumeLastException(); if (error != null) log.warn("performUpdateSQL() failed: " + _sql, error); this.releaseChannel(channel, false /* do not keep channel */); return result; } this.releaseChannel(channel); return result; } /** * Convenience method which fetches exactly one record. Example:<pre> * Map record = adaptor.fetchRecord("persons", "company_id", 10000);</pre> * * @param _table - name of table, eg 'persons' * @param _field - column to check, usually the primary key (eg 'id') * @param _value - value of the column * @return the record as a Map, or null if the record was not found */ public Map<String, Object> fetchRecord(final String _table, final String _field, final Object _value) { /* generate SQL */ final String sql = this.generateSQLToFetchRecord(_table, _field, _value); if (sql == null) return null; /* run query */ final List<Map<String, Object>> records = this.performSQL(sql); if (records == null) return null; if (records.size() == 0) { log.debug("found no matching record in table " + _table + ": " + _field + " = " + _value); return null; } if (records.size() > 1) { log.warn("found multiple matches for fetchRecord, table " + _table + ": " + _field + " = " + _value); } return records.get(0); } /** * Generates SQL to fetch a single record, example:<pre> * SELECT * FROM persons WHERE id = 10</pre> * * @param _table - name of table, eg 'persons' * @param _field - column to check, usually the primary key (eg 'id') * @param _value - value of the column * @return the record as a Map, or null if the record was not found */ public String generateSQLToFetchRecord(final String _table, final String _field, final Object _value) { if (_table.length() < 1 || _field.length() < 1) return null; if (_value == null) return null; /* generate SQL */ final EOSQLExpression e = this.expressionFactory().createExpression(null); final StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(255); sql.append("SELECT * FROM "); sql.append(e.sqlStringForSchemaObjectName(_table)); sql.append(" WHERE "); sql.append(e.sqlStringForSchemaObjectName(_field)); sql.append(" = "); sql.append(e.formatValueForAttribute(_value, null /* attribute */)); sql.append(" LIMIT 2"); /* 2 so that we can detect multiple records */ return sql.toString(); } public boolean insertRow(final String _table, Map<String, Object> _record) { if (_table == null || _record == null) return false; final EOAdaptorChannel channel = this.openChannelFromPool(); if (channel == null) return false; if (!channel.insertRow(_table, _record)) { this.releaseChannel(channel, false /* do not keep channel */); return false; } this.releaseChannel(channel); return true; } public boolean updateRow(String _table, String _pkey, Object _value, Map<String, Object> _record) { // Note: this does not support insertion of NULLs if (_table == null || _record == null) return false; final EOAdaptorChannel channel = this.openChannelFromPool(); if (channel == null) return false; if (!channel.updateRow(_table, _pkey, _value, _record)) { this.releaseChannel(channel, false /* do not keep channel */); return false; } this.releaseChannel(channel); return true; } /* quoting SQL expressions */ // TODO: maybe we want to move that to an own per-adaptor object? /** * Method used for quoting identifiers. Identifiers are things like * table or column names. * In modern database they can contain almost any UTF-8 characters, as long * as they are properly quoted. * <p> * Example:<pre> * CREATE TABLE "Hello World" ( "my primary key" INT );</pre> * * Most databases use double quotes (") as the quote. MySQL uses a backtick. * Also remember that quoted identifiers are resolved in a case sensitive * way with PostgreSQL (but unquoted are case insensitive!). */ public String stringByQuotingIdentifier(final String _id) { // TBD: could use getIdentifierQuoteString() of java.sql.DatabaseMetaData if (_id == null) return null; // TODO: fix me return "\"" + escape(_id, '"') + "\""; } public boolean escapeIntoBuffer(final StringBuilder _sb, final String _value, final char _quoteChar) { if (_value == null) return false; StringCharacterIterator localParser = new StringCharacterIterator(_value); for (char c = localParser.current(); c != CharacterIterator.DONE; c = { if (c == _quoteChar) { // TBD: buggy? Just quotes single-quotes? _sb.append('\''); _sb.append('\''); } else if (c == '\\') { // escape backslash with double-backslash (why?) _sb.append('\\'); _sb.append('\\'); } else _sb.append(c); } return true; } public String escape(final String _value, final char _quoteChar) { if (_value == null) return null; if (_value.length() == 0) return ""; // TODO: better use some FastStringBuffer (unsynchronized) StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(_value.length()); if (!this.escapeIntoBuffer(buffer, _value, _quoteChar)) return null; return buffer.toString(); } public Class defaultExpressionClass() { return EOSQLExpression.class; } public Class expressionClass() { return this.defaultExpressionClass(); } public EOSQLExpressionFactory expressionFactory() { return new EOSQLExpressionFactory(this); } public EOSchemaGeneration synchronizationFactory() { return new EOSynchronizationFactory(this); } /* model support */ public boolean hasModel() { return this.model != null; } public boolean hasModelPattern() { return this.modelPattern != null; } public void setModelPattern(final EOModel _pattern) { synchronized (this) { if (_pattern == null) { this.modelPattern = null; this.model = null; } else { this.modelPattern = _pattern; this.model = _pattern.isPatternModel() ? null : this.modelPattern; } } } public EOModel modelPattern() { synchronized (this) { return this.modelPattern; } } /** * Returns or builds the EOModel associated with the EOAdaptor. If the model * is not yet set, or if the model is a pattern model, the database schema * is fetched and applied. * * @return the EOModel set in the adaptor */ public EOModel model() { synchronized (this) { if (this.model != null) { // TODO: check timeout return this.model; } } log.debug("determine model for adaptor ..."); EOModel newModel = null; if (this.modelPattern != null) { log.debug(" create model by resolving pattern ..."); newModel = this.resolveModelPattern(this.modelPattern); } else { log.debug(" fetch model from database ..."); newModel = this.fetchModel(); } if (newModel == null)"could not fetch model from database."); synchronized (this) { this.model = newModel; this.modelFetchTime = new Date().getTime(); } return newModel; } public EOModel fetchModel() { EOAdaptorChannel channel = this.openChannelFromPool(); if (channel == null) {"could not open channel to fetch model ..."); return null; } EOModel newModel = null; try { String[] tableNames = channel.describeTableNames(); newModel = channel.describeModelWithTableNames(tableNames); } finally { this.releaseChannel(channel); } newModel.connectRelationships(); return newModel; } public EOModel resolveModelPattern(EOModel _pattern) { if (_pattern == null) return null; if (!_pattern.isPatternModel()) return _pattern; EOEntity[] entities = _pattern.entities(); if (entities == null) return this.fetchModel(); if (entities.length == 0) /* not sure whether this is a good idea */ return this.fetchModel();"starting to resolve pattern model ..."); /* start fetches */ EOAdaptorChannel channel = this.openChannelFromPool(); if (channel == null) {"could not open channel to fetch model ..."); return null; } EOModel newModel = null; try { /* determine set of entities to work upon (tableNameLike) */ if (_pattern.hasEntitiesWithExternalNamePattern()) { // TODO: maybe we should improve this for database which have a // large number of dynamic tables (some kind of on-demand // loading?) // We could also declare an entity as having a "static" // structure?" resolving dynamic table names ..."); String[] tableNames = channel.describeTableNames(); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {" fetched table names: " + UString.componentsJoinedByString(tableNames, ", ")); } List<EOEntity> resolvedList = new ArrayList<EOEntity>(tableNames.length); /* now lets each entity produce a clone for the given table */ for (int i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) { entities[i].addEntitiesMatchingTableNamesToList(resolvedList, tableNames); } entities = resolvedList.toArray(new EOEntity[resolvedList.size()]); } if (entities != null && entities.length > 0) { /* now collect all table names */ String[] tableNames = new String[entities.length]; for (int i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) tableNames[i] = entities[i].externalName(); /* fetch model for the tables we operate on */ EOModel storedModel = channel.describeModelWithTableNames(tableNames); if (storedModel == null) { log.error("the database doesn't provide information for all tables, " + "cannot resolve model: " + UString.componentsJoinedByString(tableNames, ", ")); return null; } /* now give all entities a chance to update their information */ for (int i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) entities[i] = entities[i].resolveEntityPatternWithModel(storedModel); } /* create model object */ if (entities != null) newModel = new EOModel(entities); } finally { this.releaseChannel(channel); }"finished resolving pattern model: " + newModel); newModel.connectRelationships(); return newModel; } /* dispose */ public void dispose() { /* Note: we also dispose channels which are checked out! */ List<EOAdaptorChannel> channels1 = null, channels2 = null; Timer timer = null; synchronized (this) { channels1 = this.availableChannels; channels2 = this.checkedOutChannels; timer = this.maintenanceTimer; this.availableChannels = null; this.checkedOutChannels = null; this.maintenanceTimer = null; } if (channels1 != null) { for (EOAdaptorChannel channel : channels1) channel.dispose(); } if (channels2 != null) { for (EOAdaptorChannel channel : channels2) channel.dispose(); } if (timer != null) { timer.cancel(); timer = null; } } /* maintenance timer */ private static class MaintenanceTimerTask extends TimerTask { private WeakReference<EOAdaptor> adaptor; public MaintenanceTimerTask(final EOAdaptor _adaptor) { this.adaptor = new WeakReference<EOAdaptor>(_adaptor); } @Override public void run() { final EOAdaptor lAdaptor = this.adaptor.get(); if (lAdaptor != null) lAdaptor.maintainPool(); else this.cancel(); } } /* description */ @Override public void appendAttributesToDescription(final StringBuilder _d) { super.appendAttributesToDescription(_d); int coCount, availCount, mOpCount, mRelCount; synchronized (this) { coCount = this.checkedOutChannels.size(); availCount = this.availableChannels.size(); mOpCount = this.openCountSinceLastMaintenance; mRelCount = this.releaseCountSinceLastMaintenance; } _d.append(" #checked-out=" + coCount); _d.append(" #available=" + availCount); _d.append(" maintenance={#opened="); _d.append(mOpCount); _d.append(", #released="); _d.append(mRelCount); _d.append("}"); } }