Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2006-2014 Helge Hess This file is part of Go. Go is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. Go is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with Go; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package org.getobjects.appserver.core; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TimeZone; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.getobjects.appserver.publisher.IGoAuthenticator; import org.getobjects.appserver.publisher.IGoAuthenticatorContainer; import org.getobjects.appserver.publisher.IGoContext; import org.getobjects.appserver.publisher.IGoUser; import org.getobjects.appserver.publisher.GoClassRegistry; import org.getobjects.appserver.publisher.GoTraversalPath; import; import; /** * WOContext * <p> * The WOContext is the context for one HTTP transaction, that is, one * request/response cycle. It provides access to all objects required for * handling the requests, this includes request, response, the session, * the current page and so on. * <p> * THREAD: WOContext is not threadsafe, its supposed to be used from one thread * only (the one processing the HTTP request). */ public class WOContext extends WOCoreContext implements IGoContext { // TBD: document, eg how they are autocreated and the effect on links which // got generated before ... // TBD: move element-id handling to an own class like in SOPE (necessary?) protected WOSession session; protected List<String> languages; protected Locale locale; protected TimeZone timezone; protected boolean hasNewSession; protected boolean savePageRequired; protected boolean isRenderingDisabled; /* preserving query parameters */ protected WOQuerySession querySession; /* component tracking */ protected WOComponent page; protected WOComponent[] componentStack; protected WOElement[] contentStack; protected int stackPos; /* HTML form management and element IDs */ protected boolean isInForm; protected WOElement activeFormElement; protected StringBuilder elementID; protected String reqElementID; protected String fragmentID; protected WOErrorReport errorReport; /* GoObject support */ protected GoTraversalPath goTraversalPath; protected IGoUser activeUser; protected String clientObjectURL; /* logging */ protected static final Log compStackLog = LogFactory.getLog("WOComponentStack"); protected static final Log formLog = LogFactory.getLog("WOForms"); /* construct */ public WOContext(WOApplication _app, WORequest _rq) { super(_app, _rq); this.hasNewSession = false; this.savePageRequired = false; this.isRenderingDisabled = false; this.isInForm = false; this.elementID = new StringBuilder(128); this.componentStack = new WOComponent[20]; this.contentStack = new WOElement[20]; this.stackPos = -1; if (_rq != null) { if ((this.fragmentID = _rq.fragmentID()) != null) { /* for fragments, we initially disable rendering of elements */ this.disableRendering(); } } } /* accessors */ public boolean isSavePageRequired() { return this.savePageRequired; } /** * Configure the list of active languages. * * @param _languages - a List of language IDs (eg ['de', 'en']) */ public void setLanguages(List<String> _languages) { this.languages = _languages; this.setLocale(null); /* reset locale, so you must set it afterwards! */ } /** * Returns the List of languages associated with this request. This method is * checked for localization. * * @return a List of language codes (eg ['en', 'de']) */ public List<String> languages() { /* language sequence: context => session => request */ List<String> langs; if (this.languages != null) return this.languages; if (this.hasSession()) { if ((langs = this.session().languages()) != null) return langs; } return this.request().browserLanguages(); } /** * Assign a specific Java Locale to the context. The Locale is used by * Go formatters (and probably should be used in your application). * * @param _locale - the Locale object */ public void setLocale(Locale _locale) { this.locale = _locale; } /** * Returns the Java Locale associated with the current transaction. If no * Locale was set using setLocale(), the method will call deriveLocale() * to check the session or request for additional ways to specify a locale. * * <p> * @see deriveLocale() * * @return a Java Locale or null if none could be associated with the request */ public Locale locale() { if (this.locale == null) this.locale = this.deriveLocale(); return this.locale; } /** * Try to derive a Locale from the session or request (LC parameter). You * might want to override this method in Context subclasses. In application * code you will usually call the locale() method, not this one. * * <p> * @see locale() * @see deriveTimeZone() * * @return a Java Locale. */ public Locale deriveLocale() { /* first check for an explicit LC request parameter */ if (this.request != null) { String lc = this.request.stringFormValueForKey("LC"); if (lc != null && lc.length() > 0) { Locale l = new Locale(lc); if (l != null) return l; } // TBD: check HTTP locale fields? (accept-language header) // => this is already covered by the languages() based method below } /* next check whether the session has a locale assigned */ if (this.hasSession()) { Locale l = (Locale) this.session().valueForKey("locale"); if (l != null) return l; } /* finally ask the WOResourceManager */ return WOResourceManager.localeForLanguages(this.languages()); } public void setTimeZone(TimeZone _tz) { this.timezone = _tz; } /** * Returns the Java TimeZone associated with the current transaction. If no * TimeZone was set using setTimeZone(), the method will call deriveTimeZone() * to check the session ("timezone" KVC key) or request for additional ways * to specify a timezone. * * <p> * @see deriveTimeZone() * * @return a Java Locale or null if none could be associated with the request */ public TimeZone timezone() { if (this.timezone == null) this.timezone = this.deriveTimeZone(); return this.timezone; } /** * Try to derive a TimeZone from the session or request (TZ parameter). You * might want to override this method in Context subclasses. In application * code you will usually call the timezone() method, not this one. * * <p> * @see timezone() * @see deriveLocale() * * @return a Java TimeZone object */ public TimeZone deriveTimeZone() { /* first check for an explicit LC request parameter */ if (this.request != null) { String tzname = this.request.stringFormValueForKey("TZ"); if (tzname != null && tzname.length() > 0) { TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(tzname); if (tz != null) return tz; } } /* next check whether the session has a locale assigned */ if (this.hasSession()) { TimeZone tz = (TimeZone) this.session().valueForKey("timezone"); if (tz != null) return tz; } return TimeZone.getDefault(); } /* fragments */ public void setFragmentID(String _fragmentID) { this.fragmentID = _fragmentID; } public String fragmentID() { return this.fragmentID; } public void enableRendering() { this.isRenderingDisabled = false; } public void disableRendering() { this.isRenderingDisabled = true; } public boolean isRenderingDisabled() { return this.isRenderingDisabled; } /* error handling */ /** * Returns the currently active WOErrorReport. This method is called by * dynamic elements (eg WOInput) which want to attach errors. * The value can be null (in this case the elements usually throw an * exception). * <p> * Error reports are pushed to the WOContext using the pushErrorReport() * method. For example this is called by WOForm if the errorReport binding * is set. * * @return the active WOErrorReport object */ public WOErrorReport errorReport() { return this.errorReport; } public boolean hasErrorReport() { return this.errorReport() != null; } /** * This method is used to push a new WOErrorReport object to the stack of * error reports. New error reports will be attached to their parent report, * so that a hierarchy of reports can be built. * Eg its called by WOForm if the 'errorReport' binding is set. * <p> * Careful: if the '_report' is null, the parent might get lost! (during pop) * * @param _report - the new WOErrorReport object */ public void pushErrorReport(final WOErrorReport _report) { if (this.errorReport != null) _report.setParentReport(this.errorReport); this.errorReport = _report; } public WOErrorReport popErrorReport() { WOErrorReport old = this.errorReport; if (old != null) this.errorReport = old.parentReport(); else log.warn("popErrorReport called, but no report is active: " + this); return old; } /* sessions */ public boolean hasSession() { return this.session != null ? true : false; } public boolean hasNewSession() { return this.hasNewSession; } public void setSession(WOSession _sn) { this.session = _sn; } public void setNewSession(WOSession _sn) { this.setSession(_sn); this.hasNewSession = true; } public WOSession session() { // TODO: create session on-demand if (this.session == null) { this.application.initializeSession(this); if (this.session == null) log.warn("missing session in context ..."); } return this.session; } /* resource management */ public WOResourceManager rootResourceManager() { if (this.application == null) return null; return this.application().resourceManager(); } /* components */ public void setPage(WOComponent _page) { if (_page != null) _page.ensureAwakeInContext(this); = _page; } public WOComponent page() { return; } public WOComponent component() { return (this.stackPos == -1 || this.stackPos >= this.componentStack.length) ? null : this.componentStack[this.stackPos]; } public WOComponent parentComponent() { return (this.stackPos < 1) ? null : this.componentStack[this.stackPos - 1]; } public WOElement componentContent() { return (this.stackPos == -1) ? null : this.contentStack[this.stackPos]; } public int componentStackCount() { return this.stackPos + 1; } public void enterComponent(WOComponent _component, WOElement _content) { // TODO: support increasing the array? currently we will raise an exception /* push component to stack */ this.stackPos++; if (this.stackPos >= this.componentStack.length) { log.error("component stack depth exhausted: " + this.stackPos + "\n context: " + this + "\n stack:\n" + UString.componentsJoinedByString(this.componentStack, "\n ")); return; } this.componentStack[this.stackPos] = _component; this.contentStack[this.stackPos] = _content; /* awake component */ this._awakeComponent(_component); /* sync with parent */ if (this.stackPos > 0) _component.pullValuesFromParent(); } public void leaveComponent(WOComponent _component) { if (this.stackPos < 0) { compStackLog.error("empty stack, tried to leave component: " + _component); return; } /* find component and compare it with the given one */ WOComponent component = (this.stackPos < this.componentStack.length) ? this.componentStack[this.stackPos] : null; if (_component != null && component != _component) { compStackLog.error("component leave mismatch: " + component + " - " + _component); // TODO: scan stack for _component to see whether the _component is // upcoming, do something useful return; } /* sync variables back to parent component */ if (this.stackPos > 1) component.pushValuesToParent(); /* pop component from stack */ this.componentStack[this.stackPos] = null; this.contentStack[this.stackPos] = null; this.stackPos--; } public Object cursor() { return this.component(); } /* maintaining sleep/awake */ protected Set<WOComponent> awakeComponents = new HashSet<WOComponent>(16); /** * An internal method which is called from various places. It registers a * component as awake (it does NOT trigger the awake() method). * * @param _component - the WOComponent to be registered as awake. */ public void _addAwakeComponent(WOComponent _component) { if (_component == null) return; this.awakeComponents.add(_component); } /** * This is called by enterComponent() to ensure that the component being * entered is awake. It registeres the component as 'awake' (to be put to * sleep after processing using sleepComponents()). * <p> * Note: this is not the only place which awakes components. * * @param _component - the WOComponent */ public void _awakeComponent(WOComponent _component) { if (_component == null) return; if (this.awakeComponents.contains(_component)) /* already awake? */ return; _component._awakeWithContext(this); this._addAwakeComponent(_component); } /** * Calls the sleep() method on all components which got an awake() call with * this context. * This is called in WOApp.handleRequest() before a session is saved to ensure * that just the necessary state is preserved. */ public void sleepComponents() { boolean sendSleepToPage = true; for (WOComponent c : this.awakeComponents) { c._sleepWithContext(this); if (c == sendSleepToPage = false; } if (sendSleepToPage && != null); this.awakeComponents.clear(); } /* forms */ /** * If a WOForm is entered, it calls this method to remember the fact. Remember * that forms must not be nested. * * @param _flag - a flag denoting whether the form is entered or left */ public void setIsInForm(boolean _flag) { if (this.isInForm && _flag) log.warn("form is already active."); this.isInForm = _flag; } /** * Returns whether we are inside an WOForm. Remember that we do NOT track * <wo:form> or <form> tags. * * @return true if the template is contained in a WOForm, false if not */ public boolean isInForm() { return this.isInForm; } /** * This method is called during the takeValues() phase by WOInput elements to * register an element as the active one. Eg if a WOSubmitButton encounters * that its value is set during takeValues() it will set itself as the active * form element (since only the values of the pressed submit button are * transmitted, hence can be used to detect the action). * <br> * This basically moves the invoke step to the take values process for form * values. Actually this should not be strictly necessary? * * @param _element - the WOElement for the action (usually an WOInput object) */ public void addActiveFormElement(WOElement _element) { if (this.activeFormElement != null) { formLog.error("active form element already set: " + _element); return; } if (false) System.err.println("ACTIVE: " + this.elementID() + ": " + _element); this.activeFormElement = _element; // TBD: is this really necessary? The element-id has no relevance? this.setRequestSenderID(this.elementID()); } /** * Returns the element (usually an WOInput) which registered itself as the * active one during the takeValues() phase. * * @return the active form WOElement or null if there was none */ public WOElement activeFormElement() { return this.activeFormElement; } /* element IDs */ // TODO: improve speed /** * Pseudo public, be very careful when calling this. */ public void _setElementID(String _eid) { this.elementID.setLength(0); this.elementID.append(_eid); } /** * Returns the element-id of the currently active element. The element-id can * be assigned manually, or it is an automatically generated path. The id is * calculated by the path the elements flow and repeat through the template * tree.<br> * Careful: this is *not* just the node positions, element ids are * also added/removed by elements like repetitions or conditions! (the * contents of a repetition need own IDs, not their index in the tree) * <p> * Unlike SOPE the Go element id does NOT include the context-id. * * @return a unique identifier for the current element (in page scope) */ public String elementID() { return this.elementID.toString(); } public void appendElementIDComponent(String _id) { if (this.elementID.length() > 0) this.elementID.append('.'); this.elementID.append(_id); } public void appendElementIDComponent(int _id) { if (this.elementID.length() > 0) this.elementID.append('.'); this.elementID.append(_id); } /** * Adds a zero to the element ID. Example:<pre> * "" => "" * "" => "0"</pre> */ public void appendZeroElementIDComponent() { this.elementID.append((this.elementID.length() > 0) ? ".0" : "0"); } /** * Increments the last part of the element-id. Example<pre> * "" => "" * "2" => "3"</pre> */ public void incrementLastElementIDComponent() { int v; int idx; // System.err.println("INCR: " + this.elementID); idx = this.elementID.lastIndexOf("."); if (idx == -1) { v = Integer.parseInt(this.elementID.toString()); this.elementID.setLength(0); } else { v = Integer.parseInt(this.elementID.substring(idx + 1 /* skip dot */)); this.elementID.setLength(idx + 1 /* include dot */); } v++; this.elementID.append(v); } /** * Deletes the last part of the element-id. Example<pre> * "" => "2.3.4" * "2" => ""</pre> */ public void deleteLastElementIDComponent() { int idx; idx = this.elementID.lastIndexOf("."); this.elementID.setLength(idx == -1 ? 0 : idx /* exclude dot */); } /** * Completely clears the element-id (to the empty string ""). */ public void deleteAllElementIDComponents() { this.elementID.setLength(0); } public void setRequestSenderID(String _id) { this.reqElementID = _id; } public String senderID() { return this.reqElementID; } /* URL processing */ /** * Returns the WOQuerySession attached to the context. This calls the * WOApplication's restoreQuerySessionInContext() on demand to set up * the query session. * * @return the WOQuerySession assigned to the context */ public WOQuerySession querySession() { if (this.querySession == null && this.application != null) this.querySession = this.application.restoreQuerySessionInContext(this); return this.querySession; } /** * This method uses the query session to determine which query parameters * should be included in a URL. The method is called by URL generating * dynamic elements (eg WOHyperlink). * * @return a set of key/value pairs to be included in the parameters of a URL */ public Map<String, Object> allQuerySessionValues() { WOQuerySession qs = this.querySession(); return qs != null ? qs.allQuerySessionValues() : null; } /** * Composes a URL suitable for use with the given request handler. * <p> * Important: this does <u>not</u> add any query parameters (like wosid). * * @param _requestHandlerKey - key of the given request handler, eg 'wa' * @param _requestHandlerPath - path to be handled by the request handler * @param _queryString - properly encoded query string * @return a URL */ public String urlWithRequestHandlerKey(String _requestHandlerKey, String _requestHandlerPath, String _queryString) { // TODO: complete me StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(256); if (this.request != null) { String an; if ((an = this.request.adaptorPrefix()) != null) sb.append(an); if ((an = this.request.applicationName()) != null) { int len = sb.length(); if (len == 0 || sb.charAt(len - 1) != '/') sb.append("/"); sb.append(an); } } if (_requestHandlerKey != null) { sb.append("/"); sb.append(_requestHandlerKey); } if (_requestHandlerPath != null) { if (!_requestHandlerPath.startsWith("/")) sb.append("/"); sb.append(_requestHandlerPath); } if (_queryString != null && _queryString.length() > 0) { sb.append("?"); sb.append(_queryString); } return sb.toString(); } /** * Constructs a component action URL for the currently active element. This * URL includes the sessionID as well as the currently active elementID. * <p> * This method calls urlWithRequestHandlerKey to perform the final assembly. * * @return a String with the component action URL */ public String componentActionURL() { WOSession sn; if ((sn = this.session()) == null) { log.error("could no return action URL due to missing session"); return null; } /* * This makes the request handler save the page in the session at the * end of the request (only necessary if the page generates URLs which * refer the context). */ this.savePageRequired = true; // TODO: generate relative link if the request URL was in the same session // and used a component action path // TBD: this should be done in urlWithRequestHandlerKey, no? return this.urlWithRequestHandlerKey( this.application.componentRequestHandlerKey(), /* request handler key */ sn.sessionID() + "/" + this.contextID() + "/" + this.elementID(), null /* query string */); } /** * Generates a URL for the given direct action. * <p> * Important: this does <u>not</u> embed a session id! Session ids or query * session parameters are added to the queryDict by the respective * WODynamicElement class (usually WOLinkGenerator). * * @param _name - a direct action name, eg "Main/default" * @param _queryDict - set of query parameters to be included in the URL * @return a URL */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public String directActionURLForActionNamed(String _name, Map _queryDict) { // TBD: is this correct? This means that the URLs embedded in the HTML // page are encoded in the same charset like the page. Browsers might // behave differently (and we should document the behaviour here) WOMessage r = this.response(); String charset = r != null ? r.contentEncoding() : null; if (charset == null) charset = WOMessage.defaultURLEncoding(); String qs = UMap.stringForQueryDictionary(_queryDict, charset); return this.urlWithRequestHandlerKey(this.application.directActionRequestHandlerKey(), /* rq handler key */ _name, /* path */ qs /* query string */); } /** * Same like directActionURLForActionNamed(name,dict), but this prepares the * query dictionary with the query session parameters and the session-id (if * one is active). * * @param _name - name of the direct action (eg Main/default) * @param _queryDict - query parameters * @param _addSnId - whether to include the session id (?wosid) * @param _incQuerySession - whether to include the query session * @return a URL pointing to the direct action */ public String directActionURLForActionNamed(final String _name, final Map<String, Object> _queryDict, boolean _addSnId, boolean _incQuerySession) { if (!_addSnId && !_incQuerySession) return this.directActionURLForActionNamed(_name, _queryDict); /* check whether there is a query session */ WOQuerySession qs = null; if (_incQuerySession && ((qs = this.querySession()) != null)) { if (!qs.hasActiveQuerySessionValues()) qs = null; } /* check whether there is a session and whether its stores IDs */ String snId = null; if (_addSnId && this.hasSession()) { /* Note: we are not checking storesIDsInURLs() here. If the user explictly * specified a ?wosid binding, we would want to honour that, hence * it must be done in the WOLinkGenerator. */ snId = this.session().sessionID(); } /* compose query parameters */ if (qs == null && snId == null) return this.directActionURLForActionNamed(_name, _queryDict); final Map<String, Object> qd = _queryDict != null ? new HashMap<String, Object>(_queryDict) : new HashMap<String, Object>(8); if (qs != null) qs.addToQueryDictionary(qd); if (snId != null) qd.put(WORequest.SessionIDKey, snId); return this.directActionURLForActionNamed(_name, qd); } /* GoContext */ /** * Returns the GoClass registry associated with the context. The default * implementation returns the registry of the application object associated * with this context. */ public GoClassRegistry goClassRegistry() { return this.application != null ? this.application.goClassRegistry() : null; } public void _setGoTraversalPath(final GoTraversalPath _path) { this.goTraversalPath = _path; } public GoTraversalPath goTraversalPath() { return this.goTraversalPath; } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #goTraversalPath()} instead */ @Deprecated public GoTraversalPath joTraversalPath() { return this.goTraversalPath(); } /** * Returns the 'clientObject' of the GoMethod invocation. The 'clientObject' * is the object in the request URL path which is located before the last * Callable GoObject. * <p> * Examples:<pre> * URL ClientObject Method * /customers/123/view /customers/123 view * /customers/123/view/-manage /customers/123/view -manage * /customers/123 /customers/123 </pre> * Note that a Callable itself can be a clientObject. This is because we need * to modify Callables in the management interface (the -manage example * above). * * @return the clientObject, or null if there was no traversal path */ public Object clientObject() { return this.goTraversalPath != null ? this.goTraversalPath.clientObject() : null; } /** * Returns the URL path to the clientObject(). This URL is always terminated * with a slash (so that you can use relative URLs to invoke methods). * <p> * Example:<pre> * /contacts/M2344/ * /tasks/</pre> * * @return the URL path */ public String clientObjectActionURL() { if (this.goTraversalPath == null) return null; if (this.clientObjectURL != null) return this.clientObjectURL; String[] path = this.goTraversalPath.pathToClientObject(); if (path == null) return null; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(path.length * 16 + 32); if (path.length == 0) return this.urlWithRequestHandlerKey(null, "/", null); final String urlEnc = this.response().contentEncoding(); sb.append("/"); /* root */ for (int i = 0; i < path.length; i++) { String s = UString.stringByEncodingURLComponent(path[i], urlEnc); if (s == null) s = path[i]; sb.append(s); sb.append("/"); /* we always *end* with a slash! */ } return this.urlWithRequestHandlerKey(null, sb.toString(), null); } /** * Returns the user record which was determined by the Go publishing * process. If no user is set yet, this will attempt to lookup an * authenticator and use that to derive the user from the request. * * @return the active user */ public IGoUser activeUser() { if (this.activeUser != null) return this.activeUser; final IGoAuthenticator authenticator = this.lookupAuthenticatorByTraversingLookupPath(); if (authenticator == null) { log.warn("found no authenticator to determine active user"); return null; } if ((this.activeUser = authenticator.userInContext(this)) == null) { log.warn("authenticator returned no user: " + authenticator); return null; } return this.activeUser; } /** * Walks over the object traversal path in reverse order and checks each of * the objects whether they implement the IGoAuthenticatorContainer interface. * If so, the object is asked for an authenticator which is then returned. * * @return an IGoAuthenticator or null if none could be located. */ protected IGoAuthenticator lookupAuthenticatorByTraversingLookupPath() { final GoTraversalPath goPath = this.goTraversalPath(); if (goPath == null) { log.warn("no traversalpath is set: " + this); return null; } final Object[] path = goPath.objectTraversalPath(); if (path == null || path.length == 0) { log.warn("traversalpath is empty: " + this); return null; } for (int i = path.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (path[i] instanceof IGoAuthenticatorContainer) { final IGoAuthenticator authenticator = ((IGoAuthenticatorContainer) path[i]) .authenticatorInContext(this); if (authenticator != null) return authenticator; } } if (this.application instanceof IGoAuthenticatorContainer) { final IGoAuthenticator authenticator = ((IGoAuthenticatorContainer) this.application) .authenticatorInContext(this); if (authenticator != null) return authenticator; } return null; } /* notifications */ public void awake() { } public void sleep() { /* this can happen if an exception occures in handleRequest() */ if (this.awakeComponents != null) this.sleepComponents(); if (this.session != null) this.session._sleepWithContext(this); } /* description */ @Override public void appendAttributesToDescription(final StringBuilder _d) { super.appendAttributesToDescription(_d); if (this.session != null) { _d.append(" sn="); _d.append(this.session.sessionID()); } if (this.elementID != null && this.elementID.length() > 0) { _d.append(" eid="); _d.append(this.elementID); } final WOComponent p =; if (p != null) _d.append(" page=" +; final WOComponent c = this.component(); if (c != null && c != p) _d.append(" comp=" +; if (this.goTraversalPath != null) { final String[] pns = this.goTraversalPath.path(); if (pns != null && pns.length > 0) { _d.append(" path="); for (int i = 0; i < pns.length; i++) { if (i != 0) _d.append("/"); _d.append(pns[i]); } } } if (this.querySession != null) _d.append(" query-sn=" + this.querySession); } }