Java tutorial
/** * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * @author Arne Kepp, The Open Planning Project, Copyright 2008 */ package org.geowebcache.layer; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.RenderingHints; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.awt.image.RenderedImage; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import javax.imageio.IIOImage; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam; import javax.imageio.ImageWriter; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.geowebcache.GeoWebCacheException; import org.geowebcache.grid.BoundingBox; import org.geowebcache.grid.GridSubset; import org.geowebcache.grid.SRS; import; import; import org.geowebcache.mime.FormatModifier; import org.geowebcache.mime.MimeType; import org.springframework.util.Assert; public class MetaTile implements TileResponseReceiver { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(MetaTile.class); protected static final RenderingHints NO_CACHE = new RenderingHints(JAI.KEY_TILE_CACHE, null); private static final boolean NATIVE_JAI_AVAILABLE; static { // we directly access the Mlib Image class, if in the classpath it will tell us if // the native extensions are available, if not, an Error will be thrown boolean nativeJAIAvailable; try { Class<?> image = Class.forName("com.sun.medialib.mlib.Image"); nativeJAIAvailable = (Boolean) image.getMethod("isAvailable").invoke(null); } catch (Throwable e) { nativeJAIAvailable = false; } NATIVE_JAI_AVAILABLE = nativeJAIAvailable; if (!NATIVE_JAI_AVAILABLE) { log.warn("********* Native JAI is not installed, meta tile cropping may be slow ********"); } } // buffer for storing the metatile, if it is an image protected RenderedImage metaTileImage = null; protected int[] gutter = new int[4]; // L,B,R,T in pixels protected final Rectangle[] tiles; // minx,miny,maxx,maxy,zoomlevel protected long[] metaGridCov = null; // the grid positions of the individual tiles protected long[][] tilesGridPositions = null; // X metatiling factor, after adjusting to bounds protected int metaX; // Y metatiling factor, after adjusting to bounds protected int metaY; protected GridSubset gridSubset; protected long status = -1; protected boolean error = false; protected String errorMessage; protected long expiresHeader = -1; protected MimeType responseFormat; protected FormatModifier formatModifier; private int gutterConfig; private BoundingBox metaBbox; private int metaTileWidth; private int metaTileHeight; private List<RenderedImage> disposableImages; /** * The the request format is the format used for the request to the backend. * * The response format is what the tiles are actually saved as. The primary example is to use * image/png or image/tiff for backend requests, and then save the resulting tiles to JPEG to * avoid loss of quality. * * @param srs * @param responseFormat * @param requestFormat * @param tileGridPosition * @param metaX * @param metaY * @param gutter2 */ public MetaTile(GridSubset gridSubset, MimeType responseFormat, FormatModifier formatModifier, long[] tileGridPosition, int metaX, int metaY, Integer gutter) { this.gridSubset = gridSubset; this.responseFormat = responseFormat; this.formatModifier = formatModifier; this.metaX = metaX; this.metaY = metaY; this.gutterConfig = responseFormat.isVector() || gutter == null ? 0 : gutter.intValue(); metaGridCov = calculateMetaTileGridBounds(gridSubset.getCoverage((int) tileGridPosition[2]), tileGridPosition); tilesGridPositions = calculateTilesGridPositions(); calculateEdgeGutter(); int tileHeight = gridSubset.getTileHeight(); int tileWidth = gridSubset.getTileWidth(); this.tiles = createTiles(tileHeight, tileWidth); } /*** * Calculates final meta tile width, height and bounding box * <p> * Adding a gutter should be really easy, just add to all sides, right ? * * But GeoServer / GeoTools, and possibly other WMS servers, can get mad if we exceed 180,90 (or * the equivalent for other projections), so we'lll treat those with special care. * </p> * * @param strBuilder * @param metaTileGridBounds */ protected void calculateEdgeGutter() { Arrays.fill(this.gutter, 0); long[] layerCov = gridSubset.getCoverage((int) this.metaGridCov[4]); this.metaBbox = gridSubset.boundsFromRectangle(metaGridCov); this.metaTileWidth = metaX * gridSubset.getTileWidth(); this.metaTileHeight = metaY * gridSubset.getTileHeight(); double widthRelDelta = ((1.0 * metaTileWidth + gutterConfig) / metaTileWidth) - 1.0; double heightRelDelta = ((1.0 * metaTileHeight + gutterConfig) / metaTileHeight) - 1.0; double coordWidth = metaBbox.getWidth(); double coordHeight = metaBbox.getHeight(); double coordWidthDelta = coordWidth * widthRelDelta; double coordHeightDelta = coordHeight * heightRelDelta; if (layerCov[0] < metaGridCov[0]) { metaTileWidth += gutterConfig; gutter[0] = gutterConfig; metaBbox.setMinX(metaBbox.getMinX() - coordWidthDelta); } if (layerCov[1] < metaGridCov[1]) { metaTileHeight += gutterConfig; gutter[1] = gutterConfig; metaBbox.setMinY(metaBbox.getMinY() - coordHeightDelta); } if (layerCov[2] > metaGridCov[2]) { metaTileWidth += gutterConfig; gutter[2] = gutterConfig; metaBbox.setMaxX(metaBbox.getMaxX() + coordWidthDelta); } if (layerCov[3] > metaGridCov[3]) { metaTileHeight += gutterConfig; gutter[3] = gutterConfig; metaBbox.setMaxY(metaBbox.getMaxY() + coordHeightDelta); } } public BoundingBox getMetaTileBounds() { return metaBbox; } public int getMetaTileWidth() { return metaTileWidth; } public int getMetaTileHeight() { return metaTileHeight; } public int getStatus() { return (int) status; } public void setStatus(int status) { this.status = (long) status; } public boolean getError() { return this.error; } public void setError() { this.error = true; } public String getErrorMessage() { return this.errorMessage; } public void setErrorMessage(String errorMessage) { this.errorMessage = errorMessage; } public long getExpiresHeader() { return this.expiresHeader; } public void setExpiresHeader(long seconds) { this.expiresHeader = seconds; } public void setImageBytes(Resource buffer) throws GeoWebCacheException { Assert.notNull(buffer, "WMSMetaTile.setImageBytes() received null"); Assert.isTrue(buffer.getSize() > 0, "WMSMetaTile.setImageBytes() received empty contents"); try { ImageInputStream imgStream; imgStream = new ResourceImageInputStream(((ByteArrayResource) buffer).getInputStream()); RenderedImage metaTiledImage =;// read closes the stream for us setImage(metaTiledImage); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new GeoWebCacheException( "WMSMetaTile.setImageBytes() " + "failed on[" + buffer.getSize() + "])", ioe); } if (metaTileImage == null) { throw new GeoWebCacheException(" returned null. Unable to read image."); } } public void setImage(RenderedImage metaTiledImage) { this.metaTileImage = metaTiledImage; } /** * Cuts the metaTile into the specified number of tiles, the actual number of tiles is * determined by metaX and metaY, not the width and height provided here. * * @param tileWidth * width of each tile * @param tileHeight * height of each tile * @return */ private Rectangle[] createTiles(int tileHeight, int tileWidth) { int tileCount = metaX * metaY; Rectangle[] tiles = new Rectangle[tileCount]; for (int y = 0; y < metaY; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < metaX; x++) { int i = x * tileWidth + gutter[0]; int j = (metaY - 1 - y) * tileHeight + gutter[3]; // tiles[y * metaX + x] = createTile(i, j, tileWidth, tileHeight, useJAI); tiles[y * metaX + x] = new Rectangle(i, j, tileWidth, tileHeight); } } return tiles; } /** * Extracts a single tile from the metatile. * * @param minX * left pixel index to crop the meta tile at * @param minY * top pixel index to crop the meta tile at * @param tileWidth * width of the tile * @param tileHeight * height of the tile * @return a rendered image of the specified meta tile region */ public RenderedImage createTile(final int minX, final int minY, final int tileWidth, final int tileHeight) { // do a crop, and then turn it into a buffered image so that we can release // the image chain RenderedOp cropped = CropDescriptor.create(metaTileImage, Float.valueOf(minX), Float.valueOf(minY), Float.valueOf(tileWidth), Float.valueOf(tileHeight), NO_CACHE); if (nativeAccelAvailable()) { log.trace("created cropped tile"); return cropped; } log.trace("native accel not available, returning buffered image"); BufferedImage tile = cropped.getAsBufferedImage(); disposePlanarImageChain(cropped, new HashSet<PlanarImage>()); return tile; } protected boolean nativeAccelAvailable() { return NATIVE_JAI_AVAILABLE; } /** * Outputs one tile from the internal array of tiles to a provided stream * * @param tileIdx * the index of the tile relative to the internal array * @param format * the Java name for the format * @param resource * the outputstream * @return true if no error was encountered * @throws IOException */ public boolean writeTileToStream(final int tileIdx, Resource target) throws IOException { if (tiles == null) { return false; } String format = responseFormat.getInternalName(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Thread: " + Thread.currentThread().getName() + " writing: " + tileIdx); } // TODO should we recycle the writers ? // GR: it'd be only a 2% perf gain according to profile Iterator<ImageWriter> it = javax.imageio.ImageIO.getImageWritersByFormatName(format); ImageWriter writer =; ImageWriteParam param = writer.getDefaultWriteParam(); if (this.formatModifier != null) { param = formatModifier.adjustImageWriteParam(param); } Rectangle tileRegion = tiles[tileIdx]; RenderedImage tile = createTile(tileRegion.x, tileRegion.y, tileRegion.width, tileRegion.height); disposeLater(tile); OutputStream outputStream = target.getOutputStream(); ImageOutputStream imgOut = new MemoryCacheImageOutputStream(outputStream); writer.setOutput(imgOut); IIOImage image = new IIOImage(tile, null, null); try { writer.write(null, image, param); } finally { imgOut.close(); writer.dispose(); } return true; } protected void disposeLater(RenderedImage tile) { if (disposableImages == null) { disposableImages = new ArrayList<RenderedImage>(tiles.length); } disposableImages.add(tile); } public String debugString() { return " metaX: " + metaX + " metaY: " + metaY + " metaGridCov: " + Arrays.toString(metaGridCov); } /** * Figures out the bounds of the metatile, in terms of the gridposition of all contained tiles. * To get the BBOX you need to add one tilewidth to the top and right. * * It also updates metaX and metaY to the actual metatiling factors * * @param gridBounds * @param tileGridPosition * @return */ private long[] calculateMetaTileGridBounds(long[] coverage, long[] tileIdx) { long[] metaGridCov = new long[5]; metaGridCov[0] = tileIdx[0] - (tileIdx[0] % metaX); metaGridCov[1] = tileIdx[1] - (tileIdx[1] % metaY); metaGridCov[2] = Math.min(metaGridCov[0] + metaX - 1, coverage[2]); metaGridCov[3] = Math.min(metaGridCov[1] + metaY - 1, coverage[3]); metaGridCov[4] = tileIdx[2]; // Save the actual metatiling factor, important at the boundaries metaX = (int) (metaGridCov[2] - metaGridCov[0] + 1); metaY = (int) (metaGridCov[3] - metaGridCov[1] + 1); return metaGridCov; } /** * Creates an array with all the grid positions, used for cache keys */ private long[][] calculateTilesGridPositions() { if (metaX < 0 || metaY < 0) { return null; } long[][] tilesGridPos = new long[metaX * metaY][3]; for (int y = 0; y < metaY; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < metaX; x++) { int tile = y * metaX + x; tilesGridPos[tile][0] = metaGridCov[0] + x; tilesGridPos[tile][1] = metaGridCov[1] + y; tilesGridPos[tile][2] = metaGridCov[4]; } } return tilesGridPos; } /** * The bottom left grid position and zoomlevel for this metatile, used for locking. * * @return */ public long[] getMetaGridPos() { long[] gridPos = { metaGridCov[0], metaGridCov[1], metaGridCov[4] }; return gridPos; } /** * The bounds for the metatile * * @return */ public long[] getMetaTileGridBounds() { return metaGridCov; } public long[][] getTilesGridPositions() { return tilesGridPositions; } public SRS getSRS() { return this.gridSubset.getSRS(); } public MimeType getResponseFormat() { return this.responseFormat; } public MimeType getRequestFormat() { if (formatModifier == null) { return this.responseFormat; } else { return this.formatModifier.getRequestFormat(); } } /** * Should be called as soon as the meta tile is no longer needed in order to dispose any held * resource */ public void dispose() { if (metaTileImage == null) { return; } RenderedImage image = metaTileImage; metaTileImage = null; if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("disposing metatile " + image); } if (image instanceof BufferedImage) { ((BufferedImage) image).flush(); } else if (image instanceof PlanarImage) { disposePlanarImageChain((PlanarImage) image, new HashSet<PlanarImage>()); } if (disposableImages != null) { for (RenderedImage tile : disposableImages) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("disposing tile " + tile); } if (tile instanceof BufferedImage) { ((BufferedImage) tile).flush(); } else if (tile instanceof PlanarImage) { disposePlanarImageChain((PlanarImage) tile, new HashSet<PlanarImage>()); } } } disposableImages = null; } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") protected static void disposePlanarImageChain(PlanarImage pi, HashSet<PlanarImage> visited) { Vector sinks = pi.getSinks(); // check all the sinks (the image might be in the middle of a chain) if (sinks != null) { for (Object sink : sinks) { if (sink instanceof PlanarImage && !visited.contains(sink)) { disposePlanarImageChain((PlanarImage) sink, visited); } else if (sink instanceof BufferedImage) { ((BufferedImage) sink).flush(); } } } // dispose the image itself pi.dispose(); visited.add(pi); // check the image sources Vector sources = pi.getSources(); if (sources != null) { for (Object child : sources) { if (child instanceof PlanarImage && !visited.contains(child)) { disposePlanarImageChain((PlanarImage) child, visited); } else if (child instanceof BufferedImage) { ((BufferedImage) child).flush(); } } } // ImageRead might also hold onto a image input stream that we have to close if (pi instanceof RenderedOp) { RenderedOp op = (RenderedOp) pi; for (Object param : op.getParameterBlock().getParameters()) { if (param instanceof ImageInputStream) { ImageInputStream iis = (ImageInputStream) param; try { iis.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // fine, we tried } } } } } }