Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


/* Copyright (c) 2001 - 2013 OpenPlans - All rights reserved.
 * This code is licensed under the GPL 2.0 license, available at the root
 * application directory.
package org.geoserver.wms.wms_1_1_1;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Transparency;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.image.ColorModel;
import java.awt.image.IndexColorModel;
import java.awt.image.RenderedImage;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import javax.servlet.ServletResponse;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;

import org.apache.log4j.AppenderSkeleton;
import org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggingEvent;
import org.geoserver.catalog.Catalog;
import org.geoserver.catalog.CoverageInfo;
import org.geoserver.catalog.FeatureTypeInfo;
import org.geoserver.catalog.LayerGroupInfo;
import org.geoserver.config.GeoServerInfo;
import org.geoserver.test.RemoteOWSTestSupport;
import org.geoserver.wms.GetMap;
import org.geoserver.wms.WMS;
import org.geoserver.wms.WMSTestSupport;
import org.geotools.gce.imagemosaic.ImageMosaicFormat;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;

import com.mockrunner.mock.web.MockHttpServletResponse;

public class GetMapIntegrationTest extends WMSTestSupport {

    String bbox = "-130,24,-66,50";

    String styles = "states";

    String layers = "sf:states";

    public static final String STATES_SLD = "<StyledLayerDescriptor version=\"1.0.0\">"
            + "<UserLayer><Name>sf:states</Name><UserStyle><Name>UserSelection</Name>"
            + "<FeatureTypeStyle><Rule><Filter xmlns:gml=\"\">"
            + "<PropertyIsEqualTo><PropertyName>STATE_ABBR</PropertyName><Literal>IL</Literal></PropertyIsEqualTo>"
            + "</Filter><PolygonSymbolizer><Fill><CssParameter name=\"fill\">#FF0000</CssParameter></Fill>"
            + "</PolygonSymbolizer></Rule><Rule><LineSymbolizer><Stroke/></LineSymbolizer></Rule>"
            + "</FeatureTypeStyle></UserStyle></UserLayer></StyledLayerDescriptor>";

    public static final String STATES_SLD11 = "<StyledLayerDescriptor version=\"1.1.0\"> " + " <UserLayer> "
            + "  <Name>sf:states</Name> " + "  <UserStyle> " + "   <Name>UserSelection</Name> "
            + "   <se:FeatureTypeStyle xmlns:se=\"\"> " + "    <se:Rule> "
            + "     <ogc:Filter xmlns:ogc=\"\"> " + "      <ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo> "
            + "       <ogc:PropertyName>STATE_ABBR</ogc:PropertyName> " + "       <ogc:Literal>IL</ogc:Literal> "
            + "      </ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo> " + "     </ogc:Filter> " + "     <se:PolygonSymbolizer> "
            + "      <se:Fill> " + "       <se:SvgParameter name=\"fill\">#FF0000</se:SvgParameter> "
            + "      </se:Fill> " + "     </se:PolygonSymbolizer> " + "    </se:Rule> " + "    <se:Rule> "
            + "     <se:LineSymbolizer> " + "      <se:Stroke/> " + "     </se:LineSymbolizer> " + "    </se:Rule> "
            + "   </se:FeatureTypeStyle> " + "  </UserStyle> " + " </UserLayer> " + "</StyledLayerDescriptor>";

    public static final String STATES_GETMAP = //
            "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> \n " + "<ogc:GetMap service=\"WMS\"  version=\"1.1.1\" \n "
                    + "        xmlns:gml=\"\"\n "
                    + "        xmlns:ogc=\"\"\n "
                    + "        xmlns:sld=\"\"\n "
                    + "        xmlns:xsi=\"\"\n "
                    + "        xsi:schemaLocation=\" GetMap.xsd geometry.xsd StyledLayerDescriptor.xsd \">\n "
                    + "        <sld:StyledLayerDescriptor>\n " + "                <sld:NamedLayer>\n "
                    + "                        <sld:Name>sf:states</sld:Name>\n "
                    + "                        <sld:NamedStyle>\n "
                    + "                                <sld:Name>Default</sld:Name>\n "
                    + "                        </sld:NamedStyle>\n " + "                </sld:NamedLayer>\n "
                    + "        </sld:StyledLayerDescriptor>\n " + "        <ogc:BoundingBox srsName=\"4326\">\n "
                    + "                <gml:coord>\n " + "                        <gml:X>-130</gml:X>\n "
                    + "                        <gml:Y>24</gml:Y>\n " + "                </gml:coord>\n "
                    + "                <gml:coord>\n " + "                        <gml:X>-66</gml:X>\n "
                    + "                        <gml:Y>50</gml:Y>\n " + "                </gml:coord>\n "
                    + "        </ogc:BoundingBox>\n " + "        <ogc:Output>\n "
                    + "                <ogc:Format>image/png</ogc:Format>\n " + "                <ogc:Size>\n "
                    + "                        <ogc:Width>550</ogc:Width>\n "
                    + "                        <ogc:Height>250</ogc:Height>\n " + "                </ogc:Size>\n "
                    + "        </ogc:Output>\n " + "</ogc:GetMap>\n ";

    protected void setUpTestData(SystemTestData testData) throws Exception {

    protected void onSetUp(SystemTestData testData) throws Exception {
        Catalog catalog = getCatalog();
        testData.addStyle("Population", "Population.sld", GetMapIntegrationTest.class, catalog);
        testData.addVectorLayer(new QName(MockData.SF_URI, "states", MockData.SF_PREFIX), Collections.EMPTY_MAP,
                "", getClass(), catalog);
        // add a parametric style to the mix
        testData.addStyle("parametric", "parametric.sld",,

        // add a translucent style to the mix
        testData.addStyle("translucent", "translucent.sld", GetMapIntegrationTest.class, catalog);

        testData.addStyle("raster", "raster.sld", SystemTestData.class, catalog);
        testData.addStyle("demTranslucent", "demTranslucent.sld", GetMapIntegrationTest.class, catalog);

        Map properties = new HashMap();
        properties.put(LayerProperty.STYLE, "raster");
        testData.addRasterLayer(new QName(MockData.SF_URI, "mosaic_holes", MockData.SF_PREFIX), "",
                null, properties, GetMapIntegrationTest.class, catalog);

    // protected String getDefaultLogConfiguration() {
    // return "/";
    // }

    public void testImage() throws Exception {
        MockHttpServletResponse response = getAsServletResponse("wms?bbox=" + bbox + "&styles=&layers=" + layers
                + "&Format=image/png" + "&request=GetMap" + "&width=550" + "&height=250" + "&srs=EPSG:4326");

    public void testLayoutLegendNPE() throws Exception {
        // set the title to null
        FeatureTypeInfo states = getCatalog().getFeatureTypeByName("states");

        // add the layout to the data dir
        File layouts = getDataDirectory().findOrCreateDir("layouts");
        URL layout = GetMapIntegrationTest.class.getResource("test-layout.xml");
        FileUtils.copyURLToFile(layout, new File(layouts, "test-layout.xml"));

        // get a map with the layout, it used to NPE
        BufferedImage image = getAsImage(
                "wms?bbox=" + bbox + "&styles=Population&layers=" + layers + "&Format=image/png" + "&request=GetMap"
                        + "&width=550" + "&height=250" + "&srs=EPSG:4326&format_options=layout:test-layout",
        // RenderedImageBrowser.showChain(image);

        // check the pixels that should be in the legend
        assertPixel(image, 12, 16, Color.RED);
        assertPixel(image, 12, 32, Color.GREEN);
        assertPixel(image, 12, 52, Color.BLUE);

    public void testLayoutLegendStyleTitle() throws Exception {
        // set the title to null
        FeatureTypeInfo states = getCatalog().getFeatureTypeByName("states");

        // add the layout to the data dir
        File layouts = getDataDirectory().findOrCreateDir("layouts");
        URL layout = GetMapIntegrationTest.class.getResource("test-layout-sldtitle.xml");
        FileUtils.copyURLToFile(layout, new File(layouts, "test-layout-sldtitle.xml"));

        // get a map with the layout, it used to NPE
        BufferedImage image = getAsImage("wms?bbox=" + bbox + "&styles=Population&layers=" + layers
                + "&Format=image/png" + "&request=GetMap" + "&width=550" + "&height=250"
                + "&srs=EPSG:4326&format_options=layout:test-layout-sldtitle", "image/png");
        // RenderedImageBrowser.showChain(image);

        // check the pixels that should be in the legend
        assertPixel(image, 12, 36, Color.RED);
        assertPixel(image, 12, 52, Color.GREEN);
        assertPixel(image, 12, 72, Color.BLUE);

    public void testLayoutTranslucent() throws Exception {
        // add the layout to the data dir
        File layouts = getDataDirectory().findOrCreateDir("layouts");
        URL layout = GetMapIntegrationTest.class.getResource("test-layout.xml");
        FileUtils.copyURLToFile(layout, new File(layouts, "test-layout.xml"));

        // get a map with the layout after using a translucent style
        BufferedImage image = getAsImage("wms?bbox=" + bbox + "&styles=translucent&layers=" + layers
                + "&Format=image/png" + "&request=GetMap" + "&width=550" + "&height=250" + "&srs=EPSG:4326"
                + "&format_options=layout:test-layout&transparent=true", "image/png");
        // RenderedImageBrowser.showChain(image);

        // check the pixels that should be in the scale bar
        assertPixel(image, 56, 211, Color.WHITE);
        assertPixel(image, 52, 221, Color.BLACK);

    public void testGeotiffMime() throws Exception {
        MockHttpServletResponse response = getAsServletResponse("wms?bbox=" + bbox + "&styles=&layers=" + layers
                + "&Format=image/geotiff" + "&request=GetMap" + "&width=550" + "&height=250" + "&srs=EPSG:4326");
        assertEquals("image/geotiff", response.getContentType());
        assertEquals("inline; filename=sf-states.tif", response.getHeader("Content-Disposition"));

    public void testLargerThanWorld() throws Exception {
        // setup a logging "bomb" rigged to explode when the warning message we
        // want to eliminate
        org.apache.log4j.Logger l4jLogger = getLog4JLogger(GetMap.class, "LOGGER");
        l4jLogger.addAppender(new AppenderSkeleton() {

            public boolean requiresLayout() {
                return false;

            public void close() {

            protected void append(LoggingEvent event) {
                if (event.getMessage() != null
                        && event.getMessage().toString().startsWith("Failed to compute the scale denominator")) {
                    // ka-blam!
                    fail("The error message is still there!");


        MockHttpServletResponse response = getAsServletResponse(
                        + "&styles=&layers=" + layers + "&Format=image/png" + "&request=GetMap" + "&width=550"
                        + "&height=250" + "&srs=EPSG:900913");
        assertEquals("image/png", response.getContentType());
        assertEquals("inline; filename=sf-states.png", response.getHeader("Content-Disposition"));

    private org.apache.log4j.Logger getLog4JLogger(Class targetClass, String fieldName)
            throws NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException {
        Field field = targetClass.getDeclaredField(fieldName);
        Logger jlogger = (Logger) field.get(null);
        Field l4jField = jlogger.getClass().getDeclaredField("logger");
        org.apache.log4j.Logger l4jLogger = (org.apache.log4j.Logger) l4jField.get(jlogger);
        return l4jLogger;

    public void testPng8Opaque() throws Exception {
        MockHttpServletResponse response = getAsServletResponse("wms?bbox=" + bbox + "&styles=&layers=" + layers
                + "&Format=image/png8" + "&request=GetMap" + "&width=550" + "&height=250" + "&srs=EPSG:4326");
        assertEquals("image/png; mode=8bit", response.getContentType());
        assertEquals("inline; filename=sf-states.png", response.getHeader("Content-Disposition"));

        InputStream is = getBinaryInputStream(response);
        BufferedImage bi =;
        IndexColorModel cm = (IndexColorModel) bi.getColorModel();
        assertEquals(Transparency.OPAQUE, cm.getTransparency());
        assertEquals(-1, cm.getTransparentPixel());

    public void testPng8ForceBitmask() throws Exception {
        MockHttpServletResponse response = getAsServletResponse("wms?bbox=" + bbox + "&styles=&layers=" + layers
                + "&Format=image/png8" + "&request=GetMap" + "&width=550" + "&height=250"
                + "&srs=EPSG:4326&transparent=true&format_options=quantizer:octree");
        assertEquals("image/png; mode=8bit", response.getContentType());
        assertEquals("inline; filename=sf-states.png", response.getHeader("Content-Disposition"));

        InputStream is = getBinaryInputStream(response);
        BufferedImage bi =;
        IndexColorModel cm = (IndexColorModel) bi.getColorModel();
        assertEquals(Transparency.BITMASK, cm.getTransparency());
        assertTrue(cm.getTransparentPixel() >= 0);

    public void testPng8Translucent() throws Exception {
        MockHttpServletResponse response = getAsServletResponse(
                "wms?bbox=" + bbox + "&styles=&layers=" + layers + "&Format=image/png8" + "&request=GetMap"
                        + "&width=550" + "&height=250" + "&srs=EPSG:4326&transparent=true");
        assertEquals("image/png; mode=8bit", response.getContentType());
        assertEquals("inline; filename=sf-states.png", response.getHeader("Content-Disposition"));

        InputStream is = getBinaryInputStream(response);
        BufferedImage bi =;
        IndexColorModel cm = (IndexColorModel) bi.getColorModel();
        assertEquals(Transparency.TRANSLUCENT, cm.getTransparency());

    public void testDefaultContentDisposition() throws Exception {
        MockHttpServletResponse response = getAsServletResponse("wms?bbox=" + bbox + "&styles=&layers=" + layers
                + "&Format=image/png" + "&request=GetMap" + "&width=550" + "&height=250" + "&srs=EPSG:4326");
        assertEquals("image/png", response.getContentType());
        assertEquals("inline; filename=sf-states.png", response.getHeader("Content-Disposition"));

    public void testForcedContentDisposition() throws Exception {
        MockHttpServletResponse response = getAsServletResponse(
                "wms?bbox=" + bbox + "&styles=&layers=" + layers + "&Format=image/png" + "&request=GetMap"
                        + "&width=550" + "&height=250" + "&srs=EPSG:4326&content-disposition=attachment");
        assertEquals("image/png", response.getContentType());
        assertEquals("attachment; filename=sf-states.png", response.getHeader("Content-Disposition"));

    public void testForcedFilename() throws Exception {
        MockHttpServletResponse response = getAsServletResponse(
                "wms?bbox=" + bbox + "&styles=&layers=" + layers + "&Format=image/png" + "&request=GetMap"
                        + "&width=550" + "&height=250" + "&srs=EPSG:4326&filename=dude.png");
        assertEquals("image/png", response.getContentType());
        assertEquals("inline; filename=dude.png", response.getHeader("Content-Disposition"));

    public void testForcedContentDispositionFilename() throws Exception {
        MockHttpServletResponse response = getAsServletResponse("wms?bbox=" + bbox + "&styles=&layers=" + layers
                + "&Format=image/png" + "&request=GetMap" + "&width=550" + "&height=250"
                + "&srs=EPSG:4326&content-disposition=attachment&filename=dude.png");
        assertEquals("image/png", response.getContentType());
        assertEquals("attachment; filename=dude.png", response.getHeader("Content-Disposition"));

    public void testSldBody() throws Exception {
        MockHttpServletResponse response = getAsServletResponse("wms?bbox=" + bbox + "&styles=" + "&layers="
                + layers + "&Format=image/png" + "&request=GetMap" + "&width=550" + "&height=250" + "&srs=EPSG:4326"
                + "&SLD_BODY=" + STATES_SLD.replaceAll("=", "%3D"));

    public void testSldBody11() throws Exception {
        MockHttpServletResponse response = getAsServletResponse("wms?bbox=" + bbox + "&styles=" + "&layers="
                + layers + "&Format=image/png" + "&request=GetMap" + "&width=550" + "&height=250" + "&srs=EPSG:4326"
                + "&SLD_BODY=" + STATES_SLD11.replaceAll("=", "%3D"));

    public void testSldBodyNoVersion() throws Exception {
        MockHttpServletResponse response = getAsServletResponse("wms?bbox=" + bbox + "&styles=" + "&layers="
                + layers + "&Format=image/png" + "&request=GetMap" + "&width=550" + "&height=250" + "&srs=EPSG:4326"
                + "&SLD_BODY=" + STATES_SLD.replace(" version=\"1.1.0\"", "").replaceAll("=", "%3D"));

    public void testSldBodyPost() throws Exception {
        MockHttpServletResponse response = postAsServletResponse(
                "wms?bbox=" + bbox + "&format=image/png&request=GetMap&width=550&height=250" + "&srs=EPSG:4326",


    public void testSldBodyPost11() throws Exception {
        MockHttpServletResponse response = postAsServletResponse(
                "wms?bbox=" + bbox + "&format=image/png&request=GetMap&width=550&height=250" + "&srs=EPSG:4326",


    public void testXmlPost() throws Exception {
        MockHttpServletResponse response = postAsServletResponse("wms?", STATES_GETMAP);

    public void testRemoteOWSGet() throws Exception {
        if (!RemoteOWSTestSupport.isRemoteWFSStatesAvailable(LOGGER))

        ServletResponse response = getAsServletResponse("wms?request=getmap&service=wms&version=1.1.1"
                + "&format=image/png" + "&layers=" + RemoteOWSTestSupport.TOPP_STATES + ","
                + MockData.BASIC_POLYGONS.getPrefix() + ":" + MockData.BASIC_POLYGONS.getLocalPart()
                + "&styles=Population," + MockData.BASIC_POLYGONS.getLocalPart() + "&remote_ows_type=WFS"
                + "&remote_ows_url=" + RemoteOWSTestSupport.WFS_SERVER_URL
                + "&height=1024&width=1024&bbox=-180,-90,180,90&srs=EPSG:4326");

        assertEquals("image/png", response.getContentType());

    public void testRemoteOWSUserStyleGet() throws Exception {
        if (!RemoteOWSTestSupport.isRemoteWFSStatesAvailable(LOGGER)) {

        URL url = GetMapIntegrationTest.class.getResource("remoteOws.sld");

        ServletResponse response = getAsServletResponse(
                "wms?request=getmap&service=wms&version=1.1.1" + "&format=image/png" + "&sld=" + url.toString()
                        + "&height=1024&width=1024&bbox=-180,-90,180,90&srs=EPSG:4326");

        assertEquals("image/png", response.getContentType());

    public void testWorkspaceQualified() throws Exception {

        Document doc = getAsDOM("cite/wms?request=getmap&service=wms"
                + "&layers=PrimitiveGeoFeature&width=100&height=100&format=image/png"
                + "&srs=epsg:4326&bbox=-180,-90,180,90", true);
        assertEquals("ServiceExceptionReport", doc.getDocumentElement().getNodeName());

        ServletResponse response = getAsServletResponse("cite/wms?request=getmap&service=wms"
                + "&layers=Lakes&width=100&height=100&format=image/png" + "&srs=epsg:4326&bbox=-180,-90,180,90");
        assertEquals("image/png", response.getContentType());

    public void testLayerQualified() throws Exception {
        Document doc = getAsDOM("cite/Ponds/wms?request=getmap&service=wms"
                + "&layers=Forests&width=100&height=100&format=image/png" + "&srs=epsg:4326&bbox=-180,-90,180,90",
        assertEquals("ServiceExceptionReport", doc.getDocumentElement().getNodeName());

        ServletResponse response = getAsServletResponse("cite/Ponds/wms?request=getmap&service=wms"
                + "&layers=Ponds&width=100&height=100&format=image/png" + "&srs=epsg:4326&bbox=-180,-90,180,90");
        assertEquals("image/png", response.getContentType());

    public void testGroupWorkspaceQualified() throws Exception {
        // check the group works without workspace qualification
        String url = "wms?request=getmap&service=wms" + "&layers=nature&width=100&height=100&format=image/png"
                + "&srs=epsg:4326&bbox=-0.002,-0.003,0.005,0.002";
        ServletResponse response = getAsServletResponse(url);
        assertEquals("image/png", response.getContentType());

        // see that it works also with workspace qualification
        response = getAsServletResponse("cite/" + url);
        assertEquals("image/png", response.getContentType());

    public void testEnvDefault() throws Exception {
        MockHttpServletResponse response = getAsServletResponse(
                "wms?bbox=" + bbox + "&styles=parametric&layers=" + layers + "&Format=image/png" + "&request=GetMap"
                        + "&width=550" + "&height=250" + "&srs=EPSG:4326");
        assertEquals("image/png", response.getContentType());

        RenderedImage image =;

        int[] rgba = new int[3];
        // fully black pixel in the middle of the map
        image.getData().getPixel(250, 125, rgba);
        //assertEquals(0, rgba[0]);
        //assertEquals(0, rgba[1]);
        //assertEquals(0, rgba[2]);

    public void testEnvRed() throws Exception {
        MockHttpServletResponse response = getAsServletResponse(
                "wms?bbox=" + bbox + "&styles=parametric&layers=" + layers + "&Format=image/png" + "&request=GetMap"
                        + "&width=550" + "&height=250" + "&srs=EPSG:4326&env=color:0xFF0000");
        assertEquals("image/png", response.getContentType());

        RenderedImage image =;

        int[] rgba = new int[3];
        // fully red pixel in the middle of the map
        image.getData().getPixel(250, 125, rgba);
        //assertEquals(255, rgba[0]);
        //assertEquals(0, rgba[1]);
        //assertEquals(0, rgba[2]);

    public void testMosaicHoles() throws Exception {
        String url = "wms?LAYERS=sf%3Amosaic_holes&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1"
                + "&REQUEST=GetMap&STYLES=&SRS=EPSG%3A4326"
                + "&BBOX=6.40284375,36.385494140625,12.189662109375,42.444494140625"
                + "&WIDTH=489&HEIGHT=512&transparent=true";
        BufferedImage bi = getAsImage(url, "image/png");
        int[] pixel = new int[4];
        bi.getRaster().getPixel(0, 250, pixel);
        assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new int[] { 0, 0, 0, 255 }, pixel));

        // now reconfigure the mosaic for transparency
        CoverageInfo ci = getCatalog().getCoverageByName("sf:mosaic_holes");
        Map<String, Serializable> params = ci.getParameters();
        params.put(ImageMosaicFormat.INPUT_TRANSPARENT_COLOR.getName().getCode(), "#000000");
        params.put(ImageMosaicFormat.OUTPUT_TRANSPARENT_COLOR.getName().getCode(), "#000000");

        // this time that pixel should be transparent
        bi = getAsImage(url, "image/png");
        bi.getRaster().getPixel(0, 250, pixel);
        assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new int[] { 255, 255, 255, 0 }, pixel));

    public void testTransparentPaletteOpaqueOutput() throws Exception {
        String url = "wms?LAYERS=" + getLayerId(MockData.TASMANIA_DEM) + "&styles=demTranslucent&"
                + "FORMAT=image%2Fpng&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1" + "&REQUEST=GetMap&SRS=EPSG%3A4326"
                + "&BBOX=145,-43,146,-41&WIDTH=100&HEIGHT=200&bgcolor=0xFF0000";
        BufferedImage bi = getAsImage(url, "image/png");

        ColorModel cm = bi.getColorModel();
        assertTrue(cm instanceof IndexColorModel);
        assertEquals(Transparency.OPAQUE, cm.getTransparency());

        // grab a pixel in the low left corner, should be red (BG color)
        int[] pixel = new int[1];
        bi.getRaster().getPixel(4, 196, pixel);
        int[] color = new int[3];
        cm.getComponents(pixel[0], color, 0);
        assertEquals(255, color[0]);
        assertEquals(0, color[1]);
        assertEquals(0, color[2]);

        // a pixel high enough to be solid, should be fully green
        bi.getRaster().getPixel(56, 49, pixel);
        cm.getComponents(pixel[0], color, 0);
        assertEquals(0, color[0]);
        assertEquals(255, color[1]);
        assertEquals(0, color[2]);

    public void testTransparentPaletteTransparentOutput() throws Exception {
        String url = "wms?LAYERS=" + getLayerId(MockData.TASMANIA_DEM) + "&styles=demTranslucent&"
                + "FORMAT=image%2Fpng&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1" + "&REQUEST=GetMap&SRS=EPSG%3A4326"
                + "&BBOX=145,-43,146,-41&WIDTH=100&HEIGHT=200&transparent=true";
        BufferedImage bi = getAsImage(url, "image/png");

        ColorModel cm = bi.getColorModel();
        assertTrue(cm instanceof IndexColorModel);
        assertEquals(Transparency.TRANSLUCENT, cm.getTransparency());

        // grab a pixel in the low left corner, should be transparent
        int[] pixel = new int[1];
        bi.getRaster().getPixel(4, 196, pixel);
        int[] color = new int[4];
        cm.getComponents(pixel[0], color, 0);
        assertEquals(0, color[3]);

        // a pixel high enough to be solid, should be solid green
        bi.getRaster().getPixel(56, 49, pixel);
        cm.getComponents(pixel[0], color, 0);
        assertEquals(0, color[0]);
        assertEquals(255, color[1]);
        assertEquals(0, color[2]);
        assertEquals(255, color[3]);

    public void testTransparentPaletteTransparentOutputPng8() throws Exception {
        String url = "wms?LAYERS=" + getLayerId(MockData.TASMANIA_DEM) + "&styles=demTranslucent&"
                + "FORMAT=image%2Fpng8&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1" + "&REQUEST=GetMap&SRS=EPSG%3A4326"
                + "&BBOX=145,-43,146,-41&WIDTH=100&HEIGHT=200&transparent=true";
        BufferedImage bi = getAsImage(url, "image/png; mode=8bit");

        ColorModel cm = bi.getColorModel();
        assertTrue(cm instanceof IndexColorModel);
        assertEquals(Transparency.TRANSLUCENT, cm.getTransparency());

        // grab a pixel in the low left corner, should be transparent
        int[] pixel = new int[1];
        bi.getRaster().getPixel(4, 196, pixel);
        int[] color = new int[4];
        cm.getComponents(pixel[0], color, 0);
        assertEquals(0, color[3]);

        // a pixel high enough to be solid, should be solid green
        bi.getRaster().getPixel(56, 49, pixel);
        cm.getComponents(pixel[0], color, 0);
        assertEquals(0, color[0]);
        assertEquals(255, color[1]);
        assertEquals(0, color[2]);
        assertEquals(255, color[3]);

    public void testLayoutLegendStyleTitleDPI() throws Exception {
        // set the title to null
        FeatureTypeInfo states = getCatalog().getFeatureTypeByName("states");

        // add the layout to the data dir
        File layouts = getDataDirectory().findOrCreateDir("layouts");
        URL layout = GetMapIntegrationTest.class.getResource("test-layout-sldtitle.xml");
        FileUtils.copyURLToFile(layout, new File(layouts, "test-layout-sldtitle.xml"));

        int dpi = 90 * 2;
        int width = 550 * 2;
        int height = 250 * 2;

        // get a map with the layout, it used to NPE
        BufferedImage image = getAsImage("wms?bbox=" + bbox + "&styles=Population&layers=" + layers
                + "&Format=image/png" + "&request=GetMap" + "&width=" + width + "&height=" + height
                + "&srs=EPSG:4326&format_options=layout:test-layout-sldtitle;dpi:" + dpi, "image/png");
        // RenderedImageBrowser.showChain(image);

        // check the pixels that should be in the legend
        assertPixel(image, 15, 67, Color.RED);
        assertPixel(image, 15, 107, Color.GREEN);
        assertPixel(image, 15, 147, Color.BLUE);

    public void testLayerGroupSingle() throws Exception {
        Catalog catalog = getCatalog();
        LayerGroupInfo group = createLakesPlacesLayerGroup(catalog, LayerGroupInfo.Mode.SINGLE, null);
        try {
            String url = "wms?LAYERS=" + group.getName() + "&STYLES=&FORMAT=image%2Fpng"
                    + "&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&SRS=EPSG%3A4326&WIDTH=256&HEIGHT=256&BBOX=0.0000,-0.0020,0.0035,0.0010";
            BufferedImage image = getAsImage(url, "image/png");

            assertPixel(image, 150, 160, Color.WHITE);
            // places
            assertPixel(image, 180, 16, COLOR_PLACES_GRAY);
            // lakes
            assertPixel(image, 90, 200, COLOR_LAKES_BLUE);
        } finally {

    public void testLayerGroupNamed() throws Exception {
        Catalog catalog = getCatalog();
        LayerGroupInfo group = createLakesPlacesLayerGroup(catalog, LayerGroupInfo.Mode.NAMED, null);
        try {
            String url = "wms?LAYERS=" + group.getName() + "&STYLES=&FORMAT=image%2Fpng"
                    + "&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&SRS=EPSG%3A4326&WIDTH=256&HEIGHT=256&BBOX=0.0000,-0.0020,0.0035,0.0010";
            BufferedImage image = getAsImage(url, "image/png");

            assertPixel(image, 150, 160, Color.WHITE);
            // places
            assertPixel(image, 180, 16, COLOR_PLACES_GRAY);
            // lakes
            assertPixel(image, 90, 200, COLOR_LAKES_BLUE);
        } finally {

    public void testLayerGroupContainer() throws Exception {
        Catalog catalog = getCatalog();
        LayerGroupInfo group = createLakesPlacesLayerGroup(catalog, LayerGroupInfo.Mode.CONTAINER, null);
        try {
            String url = "wms?LAYERS=" + group.getName() + "&STYLES=&FORMAT=image%2Fpng"
                    + "&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&SRS=EPSG%3A4326&WIDTH=256&HEIGHT=256&BBOX=0.0000,-0.0020,0.0035,0.0010";
            // this group is not meant to be called directly so we should get an exception
            MockHttpServletResponse resp = getAsServletResponse(url);
            assertEquals("application/vnd.ogc.se_xml", resp.getContentType());

            Document dom = getAsDOM(url);
            assertEquals("ServiceExceptionReport", dom.getDocumentElement().getNodeName());

            Element serviceException = (Element) dom.getDocumentElement().getElementsByTagName("ServiceException")
            assertEquals("LayerNotDefined", serviceException.getAttribute("code"));
            assertEquals("layers", serviceException.getAttribute("locator"));
            assertEquals("Could not find layer " + group.getName(), serviceException.getTextContent().trim());
        } finally {

    public void testLayerGroupModeEo() throws Exception {
        Catalog catalog = getCatalog();
        LayerGroupInfo group = createLakesPlacesLayerGroup(catalog, LayerGroupInfo.Mode.EO,
        try {
            String url = "wms?LAYERS=" + group.getName() + "&STYLES=&FORMAT=image%2Fpng"
                    + "&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&SRS=EPSG%3A4326&WIDTH=256&HEIGHT=256&BBOX=0.0000,-0.0020,0.0035,0.0010";
            BufferedImage image = getAsImage(url, "image/png");

            assertPixel(image, 150, 160, Color.WHITE);
            // no places
            assertPixel(image, 180, 16, Color.WHITE);
            // lakes
            assertPixel(image, 90, 200, COLOR_LAKES_BLUE);
        } finally {

    public void testSldExternalEntities() throws Exception {
        URL sldUrl = GetMapIntegrationTest.class.getResource("../externalEntities.sld");
        String url = "wms?bbox=" + bbox + "&styles=" + "&layers=" + layers + "&Format=image/png" + "&request=GetMap"
                + "&width=550" + "&height=250" + "&srs=EPSG:4326" + "&sld=" + sldUrl.toString();

        WMS wms = new WMS(getGeoServer());
        GeoServerInfo geoserverInfo = wms.getGeoServer().getGlobal();
        try {
            // enable entities in external SLD files

            // if entities evaluation is enabled
            // the parser will try to read a file on the local file system
            // if the file is found, its content will be used to replace the entity
            // if the file is not found the parser will throw a FileNotFoundException
            String response = getAsString(url);
            assertTrue(response.indexOf("") > -1);

            // disable entities

            // if entities evaluation is disabled
            // the parser will throw a MalformedURLException when it finds an entity
            response = getAsString(url);
            assertTrue(response.indexOf("") > -1);

            // try default value: disabled entities

            // if entities evaluation is disabled
            // the parser will throw a MalformedURLException when it finds an entity
            response = getAsString(url);
            assertTrue(response.indexOf("") > -1);
        } finally {
            // default