Java tutorial
/* * This is part of Geomajas, a GIS framework, * * Copyright 2008-2014 Geosparc nv,, Belgium. * * The program is available in open source according to the GNU Affero * General Public License. All contributions in this program are covered * by the Geomajas Contributors License Agreement. For full licensing * details, see LICENSE.txt in the project root. */ package org.geomajas.plugin.print.component.impl; import java.awt.Font; import org.geomajas.plugin.print.component.LabelComponent; import org.geomajas.plugin.print.component.PdfContext; import org.geomajas.plugin.print.component.PrintComponentVisitor; import org.geomajas.plugin.print.component.dto.LabelComponentInfo; import org.geomajas.plugin.print.component.service.PrintDtoConverterService; import org.geomajas.plugin.print.parser.FontConverter; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import com.lowagie.text.Rectangle; import com.thoughtworks.xstream.annotations.XStreamConverter; import com.thoughtworks.xstream.annotations.XStreamOmitField; /** * Inclusion of label in printed document. * * @author Jan De Moerloose * @author An Buyle */ @Component() @Scope(value = "prototype") public class LabelComponentImpl extends AbstractPrintComponent<LabelComponentInfo> implements LabelComponent { private static final String ELLIPSES_STRING = "..."; /** The font for the text. */ @XStreamConverter(FontConverter.class) private Font font; /** Label text. */ private String text; /** Color of the text. */ private String fontColor; /** Background color. */ private String backgroundColor; /** Line color. */ private String borderColor; /** Only text, no border? */ private boolean textOnly; /** Border line width. */ private float lineWidth; /** Margin around text. */ private float margin; /** Max. width of rendered text (in point units) Default is 0.0, meaning there's no limit imposed by the client. */ private float maxWidthText; @Autowired @XStreamOmitField private PrintDtoConverterService converterService; public LabelComponentImpl() { this("white", "black", new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12), "black", "<missing text>", false, 1f); } public LabelComponentImpl(Font font, String fontColor, String text) { this("white", "black", font, fontColor, text, true, 1f); } public LabelComponentImpl(String backgroundColor, String borderColor, Font font, String fontColor, String text, boolean textOnly, float lineWidth) { this.backgroundColor = backgroundColor; this.borderColor = borderColor; this.font = font; this.fontColor = fontColor; this.text = text; this.textOnly = textOnly; this.lineWidth = lineWidth; } /** * Call back visitor. * * @param visitor * visitor */ public void accept(PrintComponentVisitor visitor) { visitor.visit(this); } public String getBackgroundColor() { return backgroundColor; } public void setBackgroundColor(String backgroundColor) { this.backgroundColor = backgroundColor; } public String getBorderColor() { return borderColor; } public void setBorderColor(String borderColor) { this.borderColor = borderColor; } public String getFontColor() { return fontColor; } public void setFontColor(String fontColor) { this.fontColor = fontColor; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.geomajas.plugin.print.component.impl.LabelComponent#getText() */ public String getText() { return text; } public void setText(String text) { this.text = text; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.geomajas.plugin.print.component.impl.LabelComponent#getFont() */ public Font getFont() { return font; } public void setFont(Font font) { this.font = font; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.geomajas.plugin.print.component.impl.LabelComponent#isTextOnly() */ public boolean isTextOnly() { return textOnly; } public void setTextOnly(boolean textOnly) { this.textOnly = textOnly; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.geomajas.plugin.print.component.impl.LabelComponent#getLineWidth() */ public float getLineWidth() { return lineWidth; } public void setLineWidth(float lineWidth) { this.lineWidth = lineWidth; } /** * Get the maximum width of the rendered text (in point units). * Default is 0.0, meaning there's no limit imposed by the client. * * @return The maximum width of the rendered text (in point units) */ public float getMaxWidthText() { return this.maxWidthText; } /** * Set the maximum width of the rendered text (in point units). * A value of 0.0, means there's no limit imposed by the client. * * @param maxWidthText * The maximum width of the rendered text (in point units). */ public void setMaxWidthText(float maxWidthText) { this.maxWidthText = maxWidthText; } /** * Get the margin around the text. * * @return The margin around the text */ public float getMargin() { return margin; } /** * Set the margin around the text. * * @param margin * The margin around the text. */ public void setMargin(float margin) { this.margin = margin; } public void render(PdfContext context) { assert (null != getText()) : "getText() must be non-null"; if (!isTextOnly()) { context.fillRectangle(getSize(), context.getColor(getBackgroundColor(), 1f)); context.strokeRectangle(getSize(), context.getColor(getBorderColor(), 1f), getLineWidth()); } if (getText() != null) { context.drawText(getText(), getFont(), getSize(), context.getColor(getFontColor(), 1f)); } } @Override public void calculateSize(PdfContext context) { assert (null != getText()) : "getText() must be non-null"; if (getMaxWidthText() > 0.0) { limitTextWidth(context, getMaxWidthText()); } Rectangle textSize = context.getTextSize(getText(), getFont()); float margin = getMargin(); // Get the specified value if (margin <= 0.0f) { margin = 0.5f * getFont().getSize(); } float width = textSize.getWidth() + 2.0f * margin; float height = textSize.getHeight() + 2.0f * margin; if (null != getConstraint()) { if (getConstraint().getWidth() > 0.0f) { width = getConstraint().getWidth(); } if (getConstraint().getHeight() > 0.0f) { height = getConstraint().getHeight(); } } setBounds(new Rectangle(width, height)); } public void fromDto(LabelComponentInfo labelInfo) { super.fromDto(labelInfo); setBackgroundColor(labelInfo.getBackgroundColor()); setBorderColor(labelInfo.getBorderColor()); setFont(converterService.toInternal(labelInfo.getFont())); setFontColor(labelInfo.getFontColor()); setLineWidth(labelInfo.getLineWidth()); setTextOnly(labelInfo.isTextOnly()); setText(labelInfo.getText()); // support for max-width of rendered text (in point units?) setMaxWidthText(labelInfo.getMaxWidthText()); setMargin(labelInfo.getMargin()); } private void limitTextWidth(PdfContext context, float maxWidth) { assert (null != getText()) : "getText() must be non-null"; if (getMaxWidthText() > 0.0) { float elipsesWidth = context.getTextSize(ELLIPSES_STRING, getFont()).getWidth(); if (context.getTextSize(getText(), getFont()).getWidth() > getMaxWidthText() && getText().length() > 2) { StringBuffer text = new StringBuffer(getText()); do { text.deleteCharAt(text.length() - 1); } while (context.getTextSize(text.toString(), getFont()).getWidth() + elipsesWidth > getMaxWidthText() && text.length() > 2); setText(text.append("...").toString()); } } } }