Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2015 Samsung Electronics Co., LTD * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.gearvrf.keyboard.model; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D; import org.gearvrf.GVRAndroidResource; import org.gearvrf.GVRContext; import org.gearvrf.GVRSceneObject; import org.gearvrf.keyboard.R; import org.gearvrf.keyboard.shader.SphereShader; import org.gearvrf.keyboard.util.SceneObjectNames; import java.util.ArrayList; public class SphereStaticList { public ArrayList<GVRSceneObject> listFlag; public static int MOVEABLE = 0; public static int ANSWERING = 1; public static int RESTORING = 2; public SphereStaticList(GVRContext gvrContext) { getSpheres(gvrContext, R.array.spheres); } public void changeLockStateAllSpheresEyePointee(final boolean lock) { for (GVRSceneObject sphereFlag : listFlag) { if (sphereFlag != null && sphereFlag.getParent() != null && sphereFlag.getEyePointeeHolder() != null) { sphereFlag.getEyePointeeHolder().setEnable(lock); } } } public void updateSpheresMaterial() { for (GVRSceneObject sphereFlag : listFlag) { float[] mat = sphereFlag.getTransform().getModelMatrix(); float[] light = new float[4]; light[0] = 2.0f; light[1] = 4.0f; light[2] = 10.0f; light[3] = 1.0f; float lX = mat[0] * light[0] + mat[1] * light[1] + mat[2] * light[2] + mat[3] * light[3]; float lY = mat[4] * light[0] + mat[5] * light[1] + mat[6] * light[2] + mat[7] * light[3]; float lZ = mat[8] * light[0] + mat[9] * light[1] + mat[10] * light[2] + mat[11] * light[3]; float x = 0;// this.getGVRContext().getMainScene().getMainCameraRig().getOwnerObject().getTransform().getPositionX(); float y = 0;// this.getGVRContext().getMainScene().getMainCameraRig().getOwnerObject().getTransform().getPositionY(); float z = 0;// this.getGVRContext().getMainScene().getMainCameraRig().getOwnerObject().getTransform().getPositionZ(); float eX = mat[0] * x + mat[1] * y + mat[2] * z + mat[3] * 1; float eY = mat[4] * x + mat[5] * y + mat[6] * z + mat[7] * 1; float eZ = mat[8] * x + mat[9] * y + mat[10] * z + mat[11] * 1; sphereFlag.getRenderData().getMaterial().setVec3(SphereShader.LIGHT_KEY, lX - sphereFlag.getTransform().getPositionX(), lY - sphereFlag.getTransform().getPositionY(), lZ - sphereFlag.getTransform().getPositionZ()); sphereFlag.getRenderData().getMaterial().setVec3(SphereShader.EYE_KEY, eX, eY, eZ); } } private void getSpheres(GVRContext gvrContext, int array) { listFlag = new ArrayList<GVRSceneObject>(); Resources res = gvrContext.getContext().getResources(); TypedArray spheres = res.obtainTypedArray(array); for (int i = 0; i < spheres.length(); i++) { int type = spheres.getResourceId(i, -1); TypedArray sphere = res.obtainTypedArray(type); SphereFlag objectSphere = new SphereFlag(gvrContext, sphere); Vector3D parentPosition = objectSphere.getInitialPositionVector(); GVRSceneObject parent = new GVRSceneObject(gvrContext, new GVRAndroidResource(gvrContext, R.drawable.hit_area_half), new GVRAndroidResource(gvrContext, R.raw.empty)); parent.setName(SceneObjectNames.SPHERE_FLAG_PARENT); parent.getTransform().setPosition((float) parentPosition.getX(), (float) parentPosition.getY(), (float) parentPosition.getZ()); parent.addChildObject(objectSphere); listFlag.add(parent); } } }