Java tutorial
/** * The GDMS library (Generic Datasource Management System) * is a middleware dedicated to the management of various kinds of * data-sources such as spatial vectorial data or alphanumeric. Based * on the JTS library and conform to the OGC simple feature access * specifications, it provides a complete and robust API to manipulate * in a SQL way remote DBMS (PostgreSQL, H2...) or flat files (.shp, * .csv...). * * Gdms is distributed under GPL 3 license. It is produced by the "Atelier SIG" * team of the IRSTV Institute <> CNRS FR 2488. * * Copyright (C) 2007-2012 IRSTV FR CNRS 2488 * * This file is part of Gdms. * * Gdms is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * Gdms is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * Gdms. If not, see <>. * * For more information, please consult: <> * * or contact directly: * */ package org.gdms.driver.shapefile; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.*; import*; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import; import org.cts.parser.prj.PrjWriter; import; import*; import*; import; import; import org.gdms.driver.*; import org.gdms.driver.dbf.DBFDriver; import org.gdms.driver.driverManager.DriverManager; import org.gdms.geometryUtils.GeometryClean; import org.gdms.source.SourceManager; import org.orbisgis.progress.ProgressMonitor; import org.orbisgis.utils.FileUtils; public final class ShapefileDriver extends AbstractDataSet implements FileReadWriteDriver { public static final String DRIVER_NAME = "Shapefile driver"; private static final GeometryFactory GF = new GeometryFactory(); private Envelope envelope; private DBFDriver dbfDriver; private DataSet dataSet; private ShapefileReader reader; private IndexFile shxFile; private DataSourceFactory dataSourceFactory; private Schema schema; private DefaultMetadata metadata; private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(ShapefileDriver.class); private File file; private CoordinateReferenceSystem crs; @Override public void close() throws DriverException { LOG.trace("Closing"); try { if (reader != null) { reader.close(); } reader = null; if (shxFile != null) { shxFile.close(); } shxFile = null; if (dbfDriver != null) { dbfDriver.close(); } dbfDriver = null; } catch (IOException e) { throw new DriverException(e); } } @Override public void open() throws DriverException { LOG.trace("Opening"); try { FileInputStream shpFis = new FileInputStream(file); reader = new ShapefileReader(shpFis.getChannel()); File shx = FileUtils.getFileWithExtension(file, "shx"); if (shx == null || !shx.exists()) { throw new DriverException("The file " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " has no corresponding .shx file"); } FileInputStream shxFis = new FileInputStream(shx); shxFile = new IndexFile(shxFis.getChannel()); ShapefileHeader header = reader.getHeader(); envelope = new Envelope(new Coordinate(header.minX(), header.minY()), new Coordinate(header.maxX(), header.maxY())); ShapeType type = header.getShapeType(); dbfDriver = new DBFDriver(); dbfDriver.setDataSourceFactory(dataSourceFactory); File dbf = FileUtils.getFileWithExtension(file, "dbf"); if (dbf == null || !dbf.exists()) { throw new DriverException("The file " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " has no corresponding .dbf file"); } dbfDriver.setFile(dbf);; // registering DataSet dataSet = dbfDriver.getTable(DriverManager.DEFAULT_SINGLE_TABLE_NAME); Constraint dc; //We can force the type of the data in the GDMS table according to the type //given in the ShapeFile. This variable is here for this task. int gtype; // In case of a geometric type, the GeometryConstraint is mandatory if ( == { gtype = Type.POINT; dc = new Dimension3DConstraint(2); } else if ( == { gtype = Type.MULTILINESTRING; dc = new Dimension3DConstraint(2); } else if ( == { gtype = Type.MULTIPOLYGON; dc = new Dimension3DConstraint(2); } else if ( == { gtype = Type.MULTIPOINT; dc = new Dimension3DConstraint(2); } else if ( == { gtype = Type.POINT; dc = new Dimension3DConstraint(3); } else if ( == { gtype = Type.MULTILINESTRING; dc = new Dimension3DConstraint(3); } else if ( == { gtype = Type.MULTIPOLYGON; dc = new Dimension3DConstraint(3); } else if ( == { gtype = Type.MULTIPOINT; dc = new Dimension3DConstraint(3); } else { throw new DriverException("Unknown geometric type !"); } Constraint[] constraints; File prj = FileUtils.getFileWithExtension(file, "prj"); if (prj != null && prj.exists()) { crs = DataSourceFactory.getCRSFactory().createFromPrj(prj); if (crs != null) { CRSConstraint cc = new CRSConstraint(crs); constraints = new Constraint[] { dc, cc }; } else { constraints = new Constraint[] { dc }; } } else { constraints = new Constraint[] { dc }; } metadata.clear(); metadata.addField(0, "the_geom", gtype, constraints); metadata.addAll(dataSet.getMetadata()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new DriverException(e); } catch (ShapefileException e) { throw new DriverException(e); } catch (InvalidTypeException e) { throw new DriverException(e); } catch (CRSException e) { throw new DriverException(e); } } @Override public void setDataSourceFactory(DataSourceFactory dsf) { this.dataSourceFactory = dsf; } @Override public String getDriverId() { return DRIVER_NAME; } @Override public TypeDefinition[] getTypesDefinitions() { List<TypeDefinition> result = new LinkedList<TypeDefinition>( Arrays.asList(new DBFDriver().getTypesDefinitions())); result.add(new DefaultTypeDefinition("Point", Type.POINT, Constraint.DIMENSION_3D_GEOMETRY)); result.add(new DefaultTypeDefinition("MultiPoint", Type.MULTIPOINT, Constraint.DIMENSION_3D_GEOMETRY)); result.add(new DefaultTypeDefinition("MultiPolygon", Type.MULTIPOLYGON, Constraint.DIMENSION_3D_GEOMETRY)); result.add(new DefaultTypeDefinition("MultiLineString", Type.MULTILINESTRING, Constraint.DIMENSION_3D_GEOMETRY)); return result.toArray(new TypeDefinition[result.size()]); } @Override public void copy(File in, File out) throws IOException { File inDBF = FileUtils.getFileWithExtension(in, "dbf"); File inSHX = FileUtils.getFileWithExtension(in, "shx"); File outDBF = FileUtils.getFileWithExtension(out, "dbf"); File outSHX = FileUtils.getFileWithExtension(out, "shx");, outDBF);, outSHX);, out); } private static Geometry convertGeometry(Geometry geom, ShapeType type) throws DriverException { Geometry retVal = null; if ((geom == null) || geom.isEmpty()) { if ((geom instanceof Point) || (geom instanceof MultiPoint)) { retVal = new GeometryFactory().createMultiPoint((Point[]) null); } else if ((geom instanceof LineString) || (geom instanceof MultiLineString)) { retVal = new GeometryFactory().createMultiLineString((LineString[]) null); } else if ((geom instanceof Polygon) || (geom instanceof MultiPolygon)) { retVal = new GeometryFactory().createMultiPolygon((Polygon[]) null); } else { retVal = new GeometryFactory().createMultiPoint((Point[]) null); } } else { if (type == ShapeType.NULL) { return geom; } if ((type == ShapeType.POINT) || (type == ShapeType.POINTZ)) { if ((geom instanceof Point)) { retVal = geom; } else if (geom instanceof MultiPoint) { MultiPoint mp = (MultiPoint) geom; if (mp.getNumGeometries() == 1) { retVal = mp.getGeometryN(0); } } } else if ((type == ShapeType.MULTIPOINT) || (type == ShapeType.MULTIPOINTZ)) { if ((geom instanceof Point)) { retVal = GF.createMultiPoint(new Point[] { (Point) geom }); } else if (geom instanceof MultiPoint) { retVal = geom; } } else if ((type == ShapeType.POLYGON) || (type == ShapeType.POLYGONZ)) { if (geom instanceof Polygon) { Polygon p = GeometryClean.makeGoodShapePolygon((Polygon) geom); retVal = GF.createMultiPolygon(new Polygon[] { p }); } else if (geom instanceof MultiPolygon) { retVal = GeometryClean.makeGoodShapeMultiPolygon((MultiPolygon) geom); } } else if ((type == ShapeType.ARC) || (type == ShapeType.ARCZ)) { if ((geom instanceof LineString)) { retVal = GF.createMultiLineString(new LineString[] { (LineString) geom }); } else if (geom instanceof MultiLineString) { retVal = geom; } } } if (retVal == null) { throw new DriverException("Cannot mix geometry types in a shapefile. " + "ShapeType: " + + " -> Geometry: " + geom.toText()); } return retVal; } @Override public void createSource(String path, Metadata metadata, DataSourceFactory dataSourceFactory) throws DriverException { LOG.trace("Creating source file"); // write dbf String dbfFile = replaceExtension(new File(path), ".dbf").getAbsolutePath(); DBFDriver tempDbfDriver = new DBFDriver(); tempDbfDriver.setDataSourceFactory(dataSourceFactory); tempDbfDriver.createSource(dbfFile, new DBFMetadata(metadata), dataSourceFactory); // write shapefile and shx try { FileOutputStream shpFis = new FileOutputStream(new File(path)); final FileOutputStream shxFis = new FileOutputStream(replaceExtension(new File(path), ".shx")); ShapefileWriter writer = new ShapefileWriter(shpFis.getChannel(), shxFis.getChannel()); Type geomType = getGeometryType(metadata); int dimension = getGeometryDimension(null, metadata); int typeCode = geomType.getTypeCode(); if (typeCode == Type.NULL || (typeCode & Type.GEOMETRY) == 0) { throw new DriverException("Shapefiles need a " + "specific geometry type"); } ShapeType shapeType = getShapeType(geomType, dimension); writer.writeHeaders(new Envelope(0, 0, 0, 0), shapeType, 0, 100); writer.close(); writeprj(replaceExtension(new File(path), ".prj"), metadata); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new DriverException(e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new DriverException(e); } } /** * Write a CRS as a WKT representation in a file * * @param path * @param crs * @throws DriverException */ private void writeprj(File file, Metadata metadata) throws DriverException { int fieldIndex = MetadataUtilities.getSpatialFieldIndex(metadata); if (fieldIndex != -1) { Constraint[] c = metadata.getFieldType(fieldIndex).getConstraints(Constraint.CRS); if (c.length != 0) { crs = ((CRSConstraint) c[0]).getCRS(); } if (crs != null) { String prj = PrjWriter.crsToWKT(crs); try { FileUtils.setContents(file, prj); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new DriverException("Cannot write the prj", ex); } } } } /** * We try to retrieve the type of the geometry recorded in metadata. * @param metadata * @return * @throws DriverException */ private Type getGeometryType(Metadata metadata) throws DriverException { for (int i = 0; i < metadata.getFieldCount(); i++) { if (TypeFactory.isVectorial(metadata.getFieldType(i).getTypeCode())) { return metadata.getFieldType(i); } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("The data " + "source doesn't contain any spatial field"); } private int getGeometryDimension(DataSet dataSource, Metadata metadata) throws DriverException { for (int i = 0; i < metadata.getFieldCount(); i++) { //We search for the vectorial type. if (TypeFactory.isVectorial(metadata.getFieldType(i).getTypeCode())) { //Found it ! Let's check if there is a Dimension3DConstraint somewhere... Dimension3DConstraint c = (Dimension3DConstraint) metadata.getFieldType(i) .getConstraint(Constraint.DIMENSION_3D_GEOMETRY); if (c == null) { //There is not. We search for the first not null geometry, //and consider its dimension to be the same as for all the //other ones... if (dataSource != null) { for (int j = 0; j < dataSource.getRowCount(); j++) { Geometry g = dataSource.getFieldValue(j, i).getAsGeometry(); if (g != null && g.getCoordinate() != null) { if (Double.isNaN(g.getCoordinate().z)) { return 2; } else { return 3; } } } } // ...and if there isn't any geometry in the DataSet, //we are in 2D. return 2; } else { //There is a Dimension3DConstraint. Let's use it ! return c.getDimension(); } } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("The data " + "source doesn't contain any spatial field"); } /** * * @param geometryType * @param dimension * @return * @throws DriverException */ private ShapeType getShapeType(Type geometryType, int dimension) throws DriverException { int typeCode = geometryType.getTypeCode(); switch (typeCode) { case Type.POINT: if (dimension == 2) { return ShapeType.POINT; } else { return ShapeType.POINTZ; } case Type.MULTIPOINT: if (dimension == 2) { return ShapeType.MULTIPOINT; } else { return ShapeType.MULTIPOINTZ; } case Type.LINESTRING: case Type.MULTILINESTRING: if (dimension == 2) { return ShapeType.ARC; } else { return ShapeType.ARCZ; } case Type.POLYGON: case Type.MULTIPOLYGON: if (dimension == 2) { return ShapeType.POLYGON; } else { return ShapeType.POLYGONZ; } case Type.GEOMETRY: case Type.GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: Constraint cons = geometryType.getConstraint(Constraint.DIMENSION_2D_GEOMETRY); if (cons == null) { throw new DriverException("Shapefiles need a specific geometry type"); } else { switch (Integer.valueOf(cons.getConstraintValue())) { case 0: if (dimension == 2) { return ShapeType.MULTIPOINT; } else { return ShapeType.MULTIPOINTZ; } case 1: if (dimension == 2) { return ShapeType.ARC; } else { return ShapeType.ARCZ; } case 2: if (dimension == 2) { return ShapeType.POLYGON; } else { return ShapeType.POLYGONZ; } default: throw new DriverException("Not a valid geometry constraint code."); } } } //Geometry and GeometryCollection are not valid shape types. return null; } @Override public void writeFile(final File file, final DataSet dataSource, ProgressMonitor pm) throws DriverException { LOG.trace("Writing file " + file.getAbsolutePath()); // write dbf DBFDriver tempDbfDriver = new DBFDriver(); tempDbfDriver.setDataSourceFactory(dataSourceFactory); tempDbfDriver.writeFile(replaceExtension(file, ".dbf"), new DBFRowProvider(dataSource), pm); // write shapefile and shx try { final long rowCount = dataSource.getRowCount(); pm.startTask("Writing geometries", rowCount); FileOutputStream shpFis = new FileOutputStream(file); final FileOutputStream shxFis = new FileOutputStream(replaceExtension(file, ".shx")); ShapefileWriter writer = new ShapefileWriter(shpFis.getChannel(), shxFis.getChannel()); Envelope fullExtent = DriverUtilities.getFullExtent(dataSource); Metadata outMetadata = dataSource.getMetadata(); //What geometries are we about to process ? Type geomType = getGeometryType(outMetadata); //We have a look at the dimension. Are we in 3D ? int dimension = getGeometryDimension(dataSource, outMetadata); ShapeType shapeType; //We shall analyse the type code. int typeCode = geomType.getTypeCode(); //Are we dealing with a general vectorial type ? boolean isGeneral = typeCode == Type.GEOMETRY || typeCode == Type.GEOMETRYCOLLECTION; //Do we have a constraint upon dimension ? boolean noDimCons = geomType.getConstraint(Constraint.DIMENSION_3D_GEOMETRY) == null; if (isGeneral && typeCode != Type.NULL && noDimCons) { //We're in a case that is too general for a shape... let's //try to improve this as far as we can. LOG.warn("No geometry type in the " + "metadata. Will take the type of the first geometry"); shapeType = getFirstShapeType(dataSource, dimension); if (shapeType == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("A " + "geometry type have to be specified"); } } else { shapeType = getShapeType(geomType, dimension); } int fileLength = computeSize(dataSource, shapeType); writer.writeHeaders(fullExtent, shapeType, (int) rowCount, fileLength); final int spatialFieldIndex = MetadataUtilities.getSpatialFieldIndex(dataSource.getMetadata()); for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { if (i >= 100 && i % 100 == 0) { if (pm.isCancelled()) { break; } else { pm.progressTo(i); } } Value v = dataSource.getFieldValue(i, spatialFieldIndex); if (!v.isNull()) { writer.writeGeometry(convertGeometry(v.getAsGeometry(), shapeType)); } else { writer.writeGeometry(null); } } pm.progressTo(rowCount); writer.close(); writeprj(replaceExtension(file, ".prj"), dataSource.getMetadata()); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new DriverException(e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new DriverException(e); } catch (ShapefileException e) { throw new DriverException(e); } pm.endTask(); } private File replaceExtension(File file, String suffix) { String prefix = file.getAbsolutePath(); prefix = prefix.substring(0, prefix.lastIndexOf('.')); return new File(prefix + suffix); } private ShapeType getFirstShapeType(DataSet ds, int dimension) throws DriverException { final int spatialFieldIndex = MetadataUtilities.getSpatialFieldIndex(ds.getMetadata()); for (int i = 0; i < ds.getRowCount(); i++) { Value v = ds.getFieldValue(i, spatialFieldIndex); if (!v.isNull()) { return getShapeType(v.getAsGeometry(), dimension); } } return null; } private ShapeType getShapeType(Geometry geom, int dimension) { if (geom instanceof Point) { if (dimension == 2) { return ShapeType.POINT; } else { return ShapeType.POINTZ; } } else if ((geom instanceof LineString) || (geom instanceof MultiLineString)) { if (dimension == 2) { return ShapeType.ARC; } else { return ShapeType.ARCZ; } } else if ((geom instanceof Polygon) || (geom instanceof MultiPolygon)) { if (dimension == 2) { return ShapeType.POLYGON; } else { return ShapeType.POLYGONZ; } } else if (geom instanceof MultiPoint) { if (Double.isNaN(geom.getCoordinate().z)) { return ShapeType.MULTIPOINT; } else { return ShapeType.MULTIPOINTZ; } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized geometry type : " + geom.getClass()); } } private int computeSize(DataSet dataSource, ShapeType type) throws DriverException, ShapefileException { final int spatialFieldIndex = MetadataUtilities.getSpatialFieldIndex(dataSource.getMetadata()); int fileLength = 100; for (int i = (int) (dataSource.getRowCount() - 1); i >= 0; i--) { Value v = dataSource.getFieldValue(i, spatialFieldIndex); if (!v.isNull()) { // shape length + record (2 ints) int size = type.getShapeHandler().getLength(convertGeometry(v.getAsGeometry(), type)) + 8; fileLength += size; } else { // null byte + record (2 ints) fileLength += 4 + 8; } } return fileLength; } @Override public boolean isCommitable() { return true; } @Override public int getSupportedType() { return SourceManager.FILE | SourceManager.VECTORIAL; } @Override public int getType() { return SourceManager.FILE | SourceManager.VECTORIAL; } @Override public String validateMetadata(Metadata m) throws DriverException { int spatialIndex = -1; DefaultMetadata dbfMeta = new DefaultMetadata(); for (int i = 0; i < m.getFieldCount(); i++) { Type fieldType = m.getFieldType(i); int typeCode = fieldType.getTypeCode(); if (TypeFactory.isVectorial(typeCode) && typeCode != Type.NULL) { //At this point, we're sure we have a geometry type that is not Type.NULL if (spatialIndex != -1) { return "Cannot store sources with several geometries on a shapefile: " + m.getFieldName(spatialIndex) + " and " + m.getFieldName(i) + " found"; } else { if (typeCode == Type.GEOMETRY) { return "A generic geometry column is not allowed. It must be of a concrete geometry type " + "other than LineString of Polygon."; } else if (typeCode == Type.LINESTRING) { return "Linestrings are not allowed. Use Multilinestrings instead"; } else if (typeCode == Type.POLYGON) { return "Polygons are not allowed. Use Multipolygons instead"; } Dimension3DConstraint dc = (Dimension3DConstraint) fieldType .getConstraint(Constraint.DIMENSION_3D_GEOMETRY); if (dc == null) { return "A geometry dimension has to be specified"; } spatialIndex = i; } } else { dbfMeta.addField(m.getFieldName(i), fieldType); } } if (spatialIndex == -1) { return "Missing spatial field"; } return new DBFDriver().validateMetadata(dbfMeta); } @Override public String[] getFileExtensions() { return new String[] { "shp" }; } @Override public String getTypeDescription() { return "Esri shapefile"; } @Override public String getTypeName() { return "SHP"; } @Override public Schema getSchema() throws DriverException { return schema; } @Override public DataSet getTable(String name) { if (!name.equals(DriverManager.DEFAULT_SINGLE_TABLE_NAME)) { return null; } return this; } @Override public Value getFieldValue(long rowIndex, int fieldId) throws DriverException { try { if (fieldId == 0) { int offset = shxFile.getOffset((int) rowIndex); Geometry shape = reader.geomAt(offset); return (null == shape) ? null : ValueFactory.createValue(shape, crs); } else { return dataSet.getFieldValue(rowIndex, fieldId - 1); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new DriverException(e); } } @Override public long getRowCount() throws DriverException { return shxFile.getRecordCount(); } @Override public Number[] getScope(int dimension) throws DriverException { if (dimension == X) { return new Number[] { envelope.getMinX(), envelope.getMaxX() }; } else if (dimension == Y) { return new Number[] { envelope.getMinY(), envelope.getMaxY() }; } else { return null; } } @Override public Metadata getMetadata() throws DriverException { return schema.getTableByName(DriverManager.DEFAULT_SINGLE_TABLE_NAME); } @Override public void setFile(File file) { this.file = file; schema = new DefaultSchema("SHP" + file.getAbsolutePath().hashCode()); metadata = new DefaultMetadata(); schema.addTable(DriverManager.DEFAULT_SINGLE_TABLE_NAME, metadata); } @Override public boolean isOpen() { return reader != null; } }