Java tutorial
// // GCALDaemon is an OS-independent Java program that offers two-way // synchronization between Google Calendar and various iCalalendar (RFC 2445) // compatible calendar applications (Sunbird, Rainlendar, iCal, Lightning, etc). // // Apache License // Version 2.0, January 2004 // // // Project home: // // package org.gcaldaemon.gui.config; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import javax.swing.ComboBoxModel; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.gcaldaemon.core.Configurator; import org.gcaldaemon.core.FilterMask; import org.gcaldaemon.core.GCalUtilities; import org.gcaldaemon.core.PasswordEncoder; import org.gcaldaemon.core.Request; import org.gcaldaemon.core.StringUtils; import org.gcaldaemon.logger.QuickWriter; /** * Container for the GCALDaemon's configuration. * * Created: Apr 16, 2007 12:50:56 PM * * @author Andras Berkes */ public final class MainConfig { // --- LOGGER --- private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(MainConfig.class); // --- VARIABLES --- private File configFile; private Properties config = new Properties(); // --- CONSTRUCTOR --- public MainConfig(Configurator configurator) throws Exception { // Load config file configFile = configurator.getConfigFile(); FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(configFile); config.load(new BufferedInputStream(in)); in.close(); // Verify alarm mappings String alarmTypes = getConfigProperty(Configurator.REMOTE_ALARM_TYPES, null); if (alarmTypes == null) { config.setProperty(Configurator.REMOTE_ALARM_TYPES, "email,sms,popup"); } // Parse LDAP accounts String parameterPostfix; for (int i = 1;; i++) { if (i == 1) { parameterPostfix = ""; } else { parameterPostfix = Integer.toString(i); if (getConfigProperty(Configurator.LDAP_GOOGLE_USERNAME + parameterPostfix, null) == null) { break; } } // Get username String username = getConfigProperty(Configurator.LDAP_GOOGLE_USERNAME + parameterPostfix, null); if (username == null) { continue; } // Get password String password = null; if (getConfigProperty(Configurator.LDAP_GOOGLE_PASSWORD + parameterPostfix, null) != null) { password = getPasswordProperty(Configurator.LDAP_GOOGLE_PASSWORD + parameterPostfix); if (password == null || password.length() == 0) { password = "password"; } } // Add account AccountInfo info = new AccountInfo(); info.username = username; info.password = password; ldapAccountList.addLast(info); } // Parse file configs for (int j, i = 1;; i++) { if (i == 1) { parameterPostfix = ""; } else { parameterPostfix = Integer.toString(i); if (getConfigProperty(Configurator.FILE_ICAL_PATH + parameterPostfix, null) == null) { break; } } // Get local file path String filePath = getConfigProperty(Configurator.FILE_ICAL_PATH + parameterPostfix, "/google" + i + ".ics"); if (filePath.charAt(0) == '~') { filePath = filePath.substring(1); } // Get username String username = getConfigProperty(Configurator.FILE_GOOGLE_USERNAME + parameterPostfix, null); // Get password String password = null; if (getConfigProperty(Configurator.FILE_GOOGLE_PASSWORD + parameterPostfix, null) != null) { password = getPasswordProperty(Configurator.FILE_GOOGLE_PASSWORD + parameterPostfix); if (password == null || password.length() == 0) { password = "password"; } } // Get calendar URL String url = getConfigProperty(Configurator.FILE_PRIVATE_ICAL_URL + parameterPostfix, null); // Verify parameters if (url == null) { log.warn("Missing private ICAL URL (" + Configurator.FILE_PRIVATE_ICAL_URL + parameterPostfix + ")!"); } else { j = url.indexOf("/calendar"); if (j > 0) { url = url.substring(j); } j = url.indexOf('@'); if (j != -1) { url = url.substring(0, j) + "%40" + url.substring(j + 1); } j = url.indexOf(""); if (j != -1) { url = url.substring(0, j) + "" + url.substring(j + 14); } } // Add parameters to lists FileSync fileSync = new FileSync(); fileSync.icalPath = filePath; fileSync.privateIcalUrl = url; fileSync.username = username; fileSync.password = password; fileSyncList.addLast(fileSync); } } // --- COMMON CONFIGURATION PROPERTY GETTERS --- private boolean configChanged; public final boolean isConfigChanged() { return configChanged; } public final String getConfigProperty(String name, String defaultValue) { String value = config.getProperty(name, defaultValue); if (value == null) { return defaultValue; } else { value = value.trim(); if (value.length() == 0) { return defaultValue; } } return value; } public final boolean getConfigProperty(String name, boolean defaultValue) { String bool = config.getProperty(name, Boolean.toString(defaultValue)).toLowerCase(); return "true".equals(bool) || "on".equals(bool) || "1".equals(bool); } public final long getConfigProperty(String name, long defaultValue) throws Exception { String number = config.getProperty(name, Long.toString(defaultValue)); try { if (number.length() == 0) { return defaultValue; } number = number.replace('%', ' ').trim(); return StringUtils.stringToLong(number); } catch (Exception malformed) { log.warn("Malformed numeric parameter (" + name + ")!"); } return defaultValue; } public final FilterMask[] getFilterPropertyd(String name) { String list = config.getProperty(name, null); try { return StringUtils.splitMaskList(list, false); } catch (Exception malformed) { log.warn("Malformed mask list (" + name + ")!"); } return new FilterMask[0]; } public final String getPasswordProperty(String name) { String encodedPassword = config.getProperty(name, null); if (encodedPassword == null || encodedPassword.length() == 0) { return ""; } try { return StringUtils.decodePassword(encodedPassword); } catch (Exception malformed) { log.warn("Malformed password (" + name + ")!"); } return ""; } // --- PROPERTY SETTERS --- public final void markAsChanged() { configChanged = true; } public final void setConfigProperty(String name, String value) { String old = getConfigProperty(name, null); if (value == null) { if (old != null) { configChanged = true; } config.remove(name); } else { if (old == null || !value.equals(old)) { configChanged = true; } config.setProperty(name, value); } } public final void setConfigProperty(String name, boolean value) { setConfigProperty(name, Boolean.toString(value)); } public final void setPasswordProperty(String name, String password) { if (password == null) { setConfigProperty(name, null); return; } password = password.trim(); if (password.length() == 0) { setConfigProperty(name, null); return; } try { setConfigProperty(name, PasswordEncoder.encodePassword(password)); } catch (Exception anyException) { log.warn("Invalid password!", anyException); setConfigProperty(name, null); } } // --- GETTER / SETTER FOR LDAP ACCOUNTS --- private final LinkedList ldapAccountList = new LinkedList(); public final AccountInfo[] getLDAPAccounts() { AccountInfo[] array = new AccountInfo[ldapAccountList.size()]; ldapAccountList.toArray(array); return array; } public final void removeLDAPAccount(AccountInfo info) { if (info.username == null || info.username.length() == 0) { return; } if (info.password == null || info.password.length() == 0) { return; } Iterator configs = ldapAccountList.iterator(); while (configs.hasNext()) { AccountInfo test = (AccountInfo); if (test.username != null && test.username.equals(info.username)) { configs.remove(); continue; } } } public final void setLDAPAccount(AccountInfo info) { if (info.username == null || info.username.length() == 0) { return; } if (info.password == null || info.password.length() == 0) { return; } removeLDAPAccount(info); ldapAccountList.addLast(info); } // --- GETTER / SETTER FOR FILE SYNC --- private final LinkedList fileSyncList = new LinkedList(); public final FileSync[] getFileSyncConfigs() { FileSync[] array = new FileSync[fileSyncList.size()]; fileSyncList.toArray(array); return array; } public final void removeFileSyncConfig(FileSync fileSync) { Iterator configs = fileSyncList.iterator(); while (configs.hasNext()) { FileSync test = (FileSync); if (test.icalPath != null && test.icalPath.equals(fileSync.icalPath)) { configs.remove(); continue; } if (test.privateIcalUrl != null && test.privateIcalUrl.equals(fileSync.privateIcalUrl)) { configs.remove(); continue; } } } public final void setFileSyncConfig(FileSync fileSync) { if (fileSync.privateIcalUrl == null || fileSync.privateIcalUrl.length() == 0) { return; } if (fileSync.icalPath == null || fileSync.icalPath.length() == 0) { return; } removeFileSyncConfig(fileSync); fileSyncList.addLast(fileSync); } // --- SAVE CONFIG --- public final void saveConfig() { configChanged = false; QuickWriter out = new QuickWriter(10240); out.write("################################################\r\n"); out.write("# COMMON GCALDAEMON CONFIGURATION #\r\n"); out.write("################################################\r\n\r\n"); writeParam(out, Configurator.LOG_CONFIG, "Name of the Log4J configuration file (file name or full path)"); writeParam(out, Configurator.WORK_DIR, "Full path of the working directory (or empty)"); writeParam(out, Configurator.CACHE_TIMEOUT, "Calendar timeout in the local cache (recommended is '3 min')"); writeParam(out, Configurator.PROGRESS_ENABLED, "Show animated progress bar while synching"); writeParam(out, Configurator.SEND_INVITATIONS, "Google Calendar send an email to the attendees to invite them to attend"); writeParam(out, Configurator.ICAL_BACKUP_TIMEOUT, "Backup file timeout (0 = don't create backups, default is '7 day')"); writeParam(out, Configurator.EXTENDED_SYNC_ENABLED, "Enable to sync alarms, categories, urls, priorities (reduces the performance!)"); writeParam(out, Configurator.REMOTE_ALARM_TYPES, "Enabled remote alarm types (defaults are 'email,sms,popup')"); writeParam(out, Configurator.PROXY_HOST, "HTTP proxy host (eg. '' or empty)"); writeParam(out, Configurator.PROXY_PORT, "HTTP proxy port (eg. '8080' or empty)"); writeParam(out, Configurator.PROXY_USERNAME, "Username for HTTP proxy authentication (username or empty)"); writeParam(out, Configurator.PROXY_PASSWORD, "Password for HTTP proxy authentication (use password encoder!)"); out.write("################################################\r\n"); out.write("# CONFIGURATION OF THE HTTP-BASED SYNCHRONIZER #\r\n"); out.write("################################################\r\n\r\n"); writeParam(out, Configurator.HTTP_ENABLED, "Enable built-in HTTP server/synchronizer"); writeParam(out, Configurator.HTTP_PORT, "Port of the HTTP server (default is '9090')"); writeParam(out, Configurator.HTTP_ALLOWED_HOSTNAMES, "List of allowed hostnames (eg. '*,localhost,userpc.domain.*' or '*')"); writeParam(out, Configurator.HTTP_ALLOWED_ADDRESSES, "List of allowed IP addresses (eg. '*.23.45.5,,211.32.*' or '*')"); out.write("################################################\r\n"); out.write("# CONFIGURATION OF THE FILE-BASED SYNCHRONIZER #\r\n"); out.write("################################################\r\n\r\n"); writeParam(out, Configurator.FILE_ENABLED, "Enable built-in HTTP server/synchronizer"); FileSync[] configs = getFileSyncConfigs(); FileSync cfg; String idx; for (int i = 0; i < configs.length; i++) { cfg = configs[i]; if (i == 0) { idx = ""; } else { idx = Integer.toString(i + 1); } writeParam(out, Configurator.FILE_ICAL_PATH + idx, cfg.icalPath, "Full path of the local iCalendar file (don't include backslash characters!)"); writeParam(out, Configurator.FILE_PRIVATE_ICAL_URL + idx, cfg.privateIcalUrl, "URL (without hostname) of the Google Calendar's private ical file"); if (cfg.username != null && cfg.password != null) { writeParam(out, Configurator.FILE_GOOGLE_USERNAME + idx, cfg.username, "Gmail user (your full email address)"); try { writeParam(out, Configurator.FILE_GOOGLE_PASSWORD + idx, PasswordEncoder.encodePassword(cfg.password), "Gmail password (use password encoder!)"); } catch (Exception passwordException) { writeParam(out, Configurator.FILE_GOOGLE_PASSWORD + idx, "", "Gmail password (use password encoder!)"); log.warn("Unable to encode password!", passwordException); } } } writeParam(out, Configurator.FILE_POLLING_FILE, "Local iCalendar file polling interval (recommended is '10 sec')"); writeParam(out, Configurator.FILE_POLLING_GOOGLE, "Google Calendar polling interval (recommended is '10 min')"); writeParam(out, Configurator.FILE_OFFLINE_ENABLED, "Turn it on when you use dial-up connection (default is 'false')"); writeParam(out, Configurator.FILE_RELOADER_SCRIPT, "Full path of the calendar reloader script (or empty)"); out.write("################################################\r\n"); out.write("# CONFIGURATION OF THE FEED TO ICAL CONVERTER #\r\n"); out.write("################################################\r\n\r\n"); writeParam(out, Configurator.FEED_ENABLED, "Enable RSS/ATOM feed to iCalendar converter"); writeParam(out, Configurator.FEED_CACHE_TIMEOUT, "Feed timeout in the local cache (recommended is '1 hour')"); writeParam(out, Configurator.FEED_EVENT_LENGTH, "Length of feed events in calendar (default is '45 min')"); writeParam(out, Configurator.FEED_DUPLICATION_FILTER, "Sensitivity of the duplication filter (50% = very sensitive, 100% = disabled)"); out.write("################################################\r\n"); out.write("# CONFIGURATION OF THE GMAIL CONTACT CONVERTER #\r\n"); out.write("################################################\r\n\r\n"); writeParam(out, Configurator.LDAP_ENABLED, "Enable LDAP server"); writeParam(out, Configurator.LDAP_PORT, "Port of the LDAP server (default is '9080')"); AccountInfo[] accounts = getLDAPAccounts(); AccountInfo account; for (int i = 0; i < accounts.length; i++) { account = accounts[i]; if (i == 0) { idx = ""; } else { idx = Integer.toString(i + 1); } writeParam(out, Configurator.LDAP_GOOGLE_USERNAME + idx, account.username, "Gmail user (your full email address)"); try { writeParam(out, Configurator.LDAP_GOOGLE_PASSWORD + idx, PasswordEncoder.encodePassword(account.password), "Gmail password (use password encoder!)"); } catch (Exception passwordException) { writeParam(out, Configurator.LDAP_GOOGLE_PASSWORD + idx, "", "Gmail password (use password encoder!)"); log.warn("Unable to encode password!", passwordException); } } writeParam(out, Configurator.LDAP_CACHE_TIMEOUT, "Contact list timeout in the local cache (recommended is '1 hour')"); writeParam(out, Configurator.LDAP_VCARD_ENCODING, "vCard encoding ('quoted', 'native' or 'utf-8', default is 'quoted')"); writeParam(out, Configurator.LDAP_VCARD_VERSION, "vCard version ('2.1', '3.0', default is '3.0')"); writeParam(out, Configurator.LDAP_ALLOWED_HOSTNAMES, "List of allowed hostnames (eg. '*,localhost,userpc.domain.*' or '*')"); writeParam(out, Configurator.LDAP_ALLOWED_ADDRESSES, "List of allowed IP addresses (eg. '*.23.45.5,,211.32.*' or '*')"); out.write("################################################\r\n"); out.write("# CONFIGURATION OF THE GMAIL NOTIFIER #\r\n"); out.write("################################################\r\n\r\n"); writeParam(out, Configurator.NOTIFIER_ENABLED, "Enable Gmail notifier"); writeParam(out, Configurator.NOTIFIER_GOOGLE_USERNAME, "Gmail user (your full email address)"); writeParam(out, Configurator.NOTIFIER_GOOGLE_PASSWORD, "Gmail password (use password encoder!)"); writeParam(out, Configurator.NOTIFIER_POLLING_MAILBOX, "Mailbox polling interval (recommended is '10 min')"); writeParam(out, Configurator.NOTIFIER_WINDOW_STYLE, "Style of the notifier's window (style name or GIF/JPG/PNG file path without backslash)"); writeParam(out, Configurator.NOTIFIER_WINDOW_SOUND, "Notifier's sound effect ('beep', 'sound' or WAV/AU/MID file path without backslash)"); writeParam(out, Configurator.NOTIFIER_DATE_FORMAT, "Date format in the notifier's window (default is 'yyyy.MM.dd HH\\:mm\\:ss')"); writeParam(out, Configurator.NOTIFIER_LOCAL_USERS, "List of allowed local users (eg. 'root,peter*,*admin' or '*')"); out.write("################################################\r\n"); out.write("# CONFIGURATION OF THE MAIL SENDER SERVICE #\r\n"); out.write("################################################\r\n\r\n"); writeParam(out, Configurator.SENDMAIL_ENABLED, "Enable Gmail sender service"); writeParam(out, Configurator.SENDMAIL_GOOGLE_USERNAME, "Gmail user (your full email address)"); writeParam(out, Configurator.SENDMAIL_GOOGLE_PASSWORD, "Gmail password (use password encoder!)"); writeParam(out, Configurator.SENDMAIL_DIR_PATH, "Full path of the outgoing mail directory (don't include backslash characters!)"); writeParam(out, Configurator.SENDMAIL_POLLING_DIR, "Outgoing directory polling interval (recommended is '10 sec')"); out.write("################################################\r\n"); out.write("# CONFIGURATION OF THE MAIL TERMINAL #\r\n"); out.write("################################################\r\n\r\n"); writeParam(out, Configurator.MAILTERM_ENABLED, "Enable Gmail terminal"); writeParam(out, Configurator.MAILTERM_GOOGLE_USERNAME, "Gmail user (your full email address)"); writeParam(out, Configurator.MAILTERM_GOOGLE_PASSWORD, "Gmail password (use password encoder!)"); writeParam(out, Configurator.MAILTERM_MAIL_SUBJECT, "Subject of command mails (use password encoder!)"); writeParam(out, Configurator.MAILTERM_ALLOWED_ADDRESSES, "List of allowed e-mail addresses (eg. ',*' or '*')"); writeParam(out, Configurator.MAILTERM_POLLING_GOOGLE, "Gmail inbox polling interval (recommended is '10 min')"); writeParam(out, Configurator.MAILTERM_DIR_PATH, "Full path of the script directory (don't include backslash characters!)"); writeParam(out, Configurator.MAILTERM_CONSOLE_ENCODING, "Console encoding (IBM850, IBM852, etc, default is 'US-ASCII')"); out.write("################################################\r\n"); out.write("# CONFIGURATION OF THE CONFIG EDITOR #\r\n"); out.write("################################################\r\n\r\n"); writeParam(out, Configurator.EDITOR_LANGUAGE, "Language code (default is 'en')"); writeParam(out, Configurator.EDITOR_LOOK_AND_FEEL, "Class name of the Swing Look and Feel"); try { // Write config FileOutputStream file = new FileOutputStream(configFile); file.write(out.getBytes()); file.close(); // Remove registry file File registryFile = new File(getWorkDirectory(), "event-registry.txt"); if (registryFile.isFile() && registryFile.canWrite()) { registryFile.delete(); } } catch (Exception ioException) { log.fatal("Unable to save config!", ioException); if (System.getProperty("", "unknown").toLowerCase().indexOf("windows") == -1) {"Please check the file permissions on the '" + configFile.getParent() + "' folder!\r\n" + "Hint: [sudo] chmod -R 777 <" + configFile.getParent() + ">"); } } } public final File getWorkDirectory() { String programRootDir = System.getProperty("gcaldaemon.program.dir"); String workPath = getConfigProperty(Configurator.WORK_DIR, null); File directory; if (workPath == null) { directory = new File(programRootDir, "work"); } else { directory = new File(workPath); } return directory; } private final void writeParam(QuickWriter out, String name, String description) { String value = getConfigProperty(name, ""); writeParam(out, name, value, description); } private static final void writeParam(QuickWriter out, String name, String value, String description) { if (value == null) { value = ""; } if (description != null && description.length() != 0) { out.write("# "); out.write(description); out.write("\r\n"); } out.write(name); out.write('='); boolean head = true; int size = value.length(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { char c = value.charAt(i); switch (c) { case '\n': out.write("\\n"); break; case '\r': out.write("\\r"); break; case '\t': out.write("\\t"); break; case ' ': out.write(head ? "\\ " : " "); break; case '\\': case '!': case '#': case '=': case ':': out.write('\\'); out.write(c); break; default: if (c < ' ' || c > '~') { String hex = Integer.toHexString(c); out.write("\\u0000".substring(0, 6 - hex.length())); out.write(hex); } else { out.write(c); } } if (c != ' ') { head = false; } } out.write("\r\n\r\n"); } // --- ACCOUNT UTILS --- private final HashMap accountMap = new HashMap(); public final AccountInfo[] getAccounts() { FileSync[] configs = getFileSyncConfigs(); FileSync cfg; int i = 0; // Add file sync accounts for (; i < configs.length; i++) { cfg = configs[i]; if (cfg.username != null && cfg.password != null) { AccountInfo info = new AccountInfo(); info.username = cfg.username; info.password = cfg.password; accountMap.put(info.username, info); } } // Add account of the LDAP service AccountInfo[] array = getLDAPAccounts(); AccountInfo info; for (i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { info = array[i]; if (info.username != null && info.password != null) { AccountInfo copy = new AccountInfo(); copy.username = info.username; copy.password = info.password; accountMap.put(copy.username, copy); } } // Add account of the Gmail notifier service info = new AccountInfo(); info.username = getConfigProperty(Configurator.NOTIFIER_GOOGLE_USERNAME, null); if (info.username != null) { info.password = getPasswordProperty(Configurator.NOTIFIER_GOOGLE_PASSWORD); accountMap.put(info.username, info); } // Add account of the sendmail service info = new AccountInfo(); info.username = getConfigProperty(Configurator.SENDMAIL_GOOGLE_USERNAME, null); if (info.username != null) { info.password = getPasswordProperty(Configurator.SENDMAIL_GOOGLE_PASSWORD); accountMap.put(info.username, info); } // Add account of the mailterm service info = new AccountInfo(); info.username = getConfigProperty(Configurator.MAILTERM_GOOGLE_USERNAME, null); if (info.username != null) { info.password = getPasswordProperty(Configurator.MAILTERM_GOOGLE_PASSWORD); accountMap.put(info.username, info); } array = new AccountInfo[accountMap.size()]; if (array.length == 0) { return array; } Iterator mapEntries = accountMap.entrySet().iterator(); Map.Entry entry; i = 0; while (mapEntries.hasNext()) { entry = (Map.Entry); array[i] = (AccountInfo) entry.getValue(); i++; } return array; } public final void removeAccount(AccountInfo account) { AccountInfo[] accounts = getAccounts(); if (account == null || accounts.length < 2 || account.username == null) { return; } accountMap.remove(account.username); // Remove account from file sync config Iterator fileIterator = fileSyncList.iterator(); FileSync fileSync; while (fileIterator.hasNext()) { fileSync = (FileSync); if (account.username.equals(fileSync.username)) { fileIterator.remove(); } } // Find another account AccountInfo another = null; AccountInfo info; for (int i = 0; i < accounts.length; i++) { info = accounts[i]; if (info.username != null && !info.username.equals(account.username)) { another = info; break; } } if (another == null) { another = new AccountInfo(); another.username = ""; another.password = "example"; } info = new AccountInfo(); // Remove account from LDAP config removeLDAPAccount(account); if (ldapAccountList.isEmpty()) { ldapAccountList.addLast(another); } // Remove account from notifier's config info.username = getConfigProperty(Configurator.NOTIFIER_GOOGLE_USERNAME, null); if (info.username == null || info.username.equals(account.username)) { setConfigProperty(Configurator.NOTIFIER_GOOGLE_USERNAME, another.username); setPasswordProperty(Configurator.NOTIFIER_GOOGLE_PASSWORD, another.password); } // Remove account from sendmail's config info.username = getConfigProperty(Configurator.SENDMAIL_GOOGLE_USERNAME, null); if (info.username == null || info.username.equals(account.username)) { setConfigProperty(Configurator.SENDMAIL_GOOGLE_USERNAME, another.username); setPasswordProperty(Configurator.SENDMAIL_GOOGLE_PASSWORD, another.password); } // Remove account from mailterm's config info.username = getConfigProperty(Configurator.MAILTERM_GOOGLE_USERNAME, null); if (info.username == null || info.username.equals(account.username)) { setConfigProperty(Configurator.MAILTERM_GOOGLE_USERNAME, another.username); setPasswordProperty(Configurator.MAILTERM_GOOGLE_PASSWORD, another.password); } } public final void setAccount(AccountInfo account, String oldUsername) { getAccounts(); if (oldUsername == null || account.username == null) { return; } accountMap.put(account.username, account); // Set account in file sync config Iterator fileIterator = fileSyncList.iterator(); FileSync fileSync; while (fileIterator.hasNext()) { fileSync = (FileSync); if (oldUsername.equals(fileSync.username)) { fileSync.username = account.username; fileSync.password = account.password; } } // Set account in LDAP config String username = getConfigProperty(Configurator.LDAP_GOOGLE_USERNAME, null); if (username == null || username.equals(oldUsername)) { setConfigProperty(Configurator.LDAP_GOOGLE_USERNAME, account.username); setPasswordProperty(Configurator.LDAP_GOOGLE_PASSWORD, account.password); } // Set account in notifier's config username = getConfigProperty(Configurator.NOTIFIER_GOOGLE_USERNAME, null); if (username == null || username.equals(oldUsername)) { setConfigProperty(Configurator.NOTIFIER_GOOGLE_USERNAME, account.username); setPasswordProperty(Configurator.NOTIFIER_GOOGLE_PASSWORD, account.password); } // Set account in sendmail's config username = getConfigProperty(Configurator.SENDMAIL_GOOGLE_USERNAME, null); if (username == null || username.equals(oldUsername)) { setConfigProperty(Configurator.SENDMAIL_GOOGLE_USERNAME, account.username); setPasswordProperty(Configurator.SENDMAIL_GOOGLE_PASSWORD, account.password); } // Set account in mailterm's config username = getConfigProperty(Configurator.MAILTERM_GOOGLE_USERNAME, null); if (username == null || username.equals(oldUsername)) { setConfigProperty(Configurator.MAILTERM_GOOGLE_USERNAME, account.username); setPasswordProperty(Configurator.MAILTERM_GOOGLE_PASSWORD, account.password); } } // --- CALENDAR UTILS --- private final HashMap urlMap = new HashMap(); public final String[] getCalendarURLs(AccountInfo account, boolean loadFromGoogle) throws Exception { if (account == null || account.username == null) { return new String[0]; } HashSet set = new HashSet(); String[] urls = null; int i; if (loadFromGoogle) { Request request = new Request(); request.username = account.username; request.password = account.password; urls = GCalUtilities.getCalendarURLs(request, getWorkDirectory()); urlMap.put(account.username, urls); } else { urls = (String[]) urlMap.get(account.username); } if (urls != null) { for (i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) { set.add(urls[i]); } } FileSync[] configs = getFileSyncConfigs(); FileSync config; for (i = 0; i < configs.length; i++) { config = configs[i]; if (account.username.equals(config.username)) { if (config.privateIcalUrl != null && config.privateIcalUrl.endsWith(".ics") && !containsURL(set, config.privateIcalUrl)) { set.add(config.privateIcalUrl); } } } String[] array = new String[set.size()]; set.toArray(array); Arrays.sort(array, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); return array; } private static final boolean containsURL(HashSet set, String url) { int i = url.indexOf("/private"); if (i != -1) { url = url.substring(0, i); Iterator urls = set.iterator(); String test; while (urls.hasNext()) { test = (String); if (test.startsWith(url)) { return true; } } } return false; } public static final boolean selectItem(JComboBox combo, String value) { if (value == null || combo == null || value.length() == 0) { return false; } ComboBoxModel model = combo.getModel(); if (model != null) { int n, size = model.getSize(); n = value.indexOf(" - "); if (n != -1) { value = value.substring(n + 3); } String test; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { test = (String) model.getElementAt(i); if (test != null) { n = test.indexOf(" - "); if (n != -1) { test = test.substring(n + 3); } if (test.equals(value)) { combo.setSelectedIndex(i); combo.setToolTipText((String) model.getElementAt(i)); return true; } } } } if (combo.isEditable()) { combo.setSelectedItem(value); combo.setToolTipText(value); return true; } return false; } // --- LOCAL ICAL FILE UTILS --- private final HashMap icalNames = new HashMap(); public final String[] getCalendarPaths() { try { HashSet set = new HashSet(); FileSync[] configs = getFileSyncConfigs(); // Scan directories HashSet dirs = new HashSet(); int i; FileSync config; File file, dir; for (i = 0; i < configs.length; i++) { config = configs[i]; if (config.icalPath != null && config.icalPath.endsWith(".ics")) { if (config.icalPath.indexOf("*.ics") != -1) { continue; } if (config.icalPath.indexOf("Application Support") != -1) { continue; } file = new File(config.icalPath); dir = file.getParentFile(); if (dir.isDirectory() && dir.canRead() && !dirs.contains(dir)) { dirs.add(dir); getCalendarPaths(set, dir, true); } } } // Scan folders of iCal3 getICalendar3Paths(set, dirs); // Scan folders of iCal4 getICalendar4Paths(set, dirs); // Scan folders of Evolution getEvolutionPaths(set, dirs); // Add configured paths for (i = 0; i < configs.length; i++) { config = configs[i]; if (config.icalPath != null && config.icalPath.endsWith(".ics") && !containsPath(set, config.icalPath)) { set.add(config.icalPath); } } String[] array = new String[set.size()]; set.toArray(array); Arrays.sort(array, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); return array; } catch (Exception anyException) { } return null; } private static final boolean containsPath(HashSet set, String path) { int i = path.indexOf(':'); if (i != -1) { path = path.substring(i + 1); } Iterator urls = set.iterator(); String test; while (urls.hasNext()) { test = (String); if (test.indexOf(path) != -1) { return true; } } return false; } private static final void getICalendar3Paths(HashSet set, HashSet dirs) { try { String userHome = System.getProperty("user.home"); if (userHome == null || userHome.length() == 0) { return; } File sources = new File(userHome, "Library/Application Support/iCal/Sources"); if (!sources.isDirectory()) { return; } File[] calendarDirs = sources.listFiles(); if (calendarDirs == null || calendarDirs.length == 0) { return; } File calendarDir, calendar; String dirName; for (int i = 0; i < calendarDirs.length; i++) { calendarDir = calendarDirs[i]; if (calendarDir.isDirectory() && !dirs.contains(calendarDir)) { dirs.add(calendarDir); dirName = calendarDir.getName(); if (dirName.endsWith(".group")) { continue; } calendar = new File(calendarDir, "corestorage.ics"); if (calendar.isFile()) { set.add(calendar.getCanonicalPath().replace('\\', '/')); } } } } catch (Exception ignored) { } } private static final void getICalendar4Paths(HashSet set, HashSet dirs) { try { String userHome = System.getProperty("user.home"); if (userHome == null || userHome.length() == 0) { return; } File sources = new File(userHome, "Library/Calendars"); if (!sources.isDirectory()) { return; } File[] calendarDirs = sources.listFiles(); if (calendarDirs == null || calendarDirs.length == 0) { return; } File calendarDir, eventsDir; String dirName; for (int i = 0; i < calendarDirs.length; i++) { calendarDir = calendarDirs[i]; if (calendarDir.isDirectory() && !dirs.contains(calendarDir)) { dirs.add(calendarDir); dirName = calendarDir.getName(); if (dirName.endsWith(".group")) { continue; } if (dirName.endsWith(".calendar")) { eventsDir = new File(calendarDir, "Events"); if (eventsDir.isDirectory()) { dirName = eventsDir.getCanonicalPath().replace('\\', '/'); if (!dirName.endsWith("/")) { dirName += "/"; } set.add(dirName + "*.ics"); } } } } } catch (Exception ignored) { } } private static final void getEvolutionPaths(HashSet set, HashSet dirs) { try { String userHome = System.getProperty("user.home"); if (userHome == null || userHome.length() == 0) { return; } File sources = new File(userHome, ".evolution/calendar/local"); if (!sources.isDirectory() || !sources.canRead()) { return; } File[] calendarDirs = sources.listFiles(); if (calendarDirs == null || calendarDirs.length == 0) { return; } File calendarDir, calendar; for (int i = 0; i < calendarDirs.length; i++) { calendarDir = calendarDirs[i]; if (calendarDir.isDirectory() && calendarDir.canRead() && !dirs.contains(calendarDir)) { dirs.add(calendarDir); calendar = new File(calendarDir, "calendar.ics"); if (calendar.isFile()) { set.add(calendar.getCanonicalPath().replace('\\', '/')); } } } } catch (Exception ignored) { } } private static final void getCalendarPaths(HashSet set, File dir, boolean recursive) { try { File[] files = dir.listFiles(); if (files == null || files.length == 0) { return; } String name; File file; for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { file = files[i]; if (file.isFile()) { name = file.getName(); if (name.endsWith(".ics")) { name = file.getCanonicalPath().replace('\\', '/'); set.add(name); } continue; } if (recursive && file.isDirectory() && file.canRead()) { getCalendarPaths(set, file, false); } } } catch (Exception ignored) { } } public final String getCalendarName(String path) { if (path == null || path.length() == 0 || !path.endsWith(".ics")) { return null; } try { int n = path.indexOf(" - "); if (n != -1) { path = path.substring(n + 3); } path = path.replace('\\', '/').trim(); if (path.endsWith("/*.ics")) { path = path.substring(0, path.length() - 6); } String name = (String) icalNames.get(path); if (name != null) { return name; } File file = new File(path); File dir = file.getParentFile(); if (dir != null && dir.isDirectory() && dir.canRead()) { File plist = new File(dir, "Info.plist"); if (plist.isFile() && plist.canRead()) { name = readNameFromPList(plist); if (name != null) { icalNames.put(path, name); return name; } } name = readNameFromCalendar(file); if (name != null) { icalNames.put(path, name); return name; } } name = file.getName(); int i = name.lastIndexOf('.'); name = name.substring(0, i); icalNames.put(path, name); return name; } catch (Exception anyException) { } return null; } private static final String readNameFromPList(File plist) { BufferedReader reader = null; try { reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(plist), "UTF8")); String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (line.indexOf("Title") != -1) { if ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { reader.close(); int index = line.indexOf(">"); line = line.substring(index + 1); index = line.indexOf("<"); line = line.substring(0, index).trim(); if (line.length() == 0) { return null; } return line; } } } reader.close(); } catch (Exception anyException) { try { if (reader != null) { reader.close(); } } catch (Throwable ignored) { } } return null; } private static final String readNameFromCalendar(File ical) { BufferedReader reader = null; try { reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(ical), "UTF8")); String line; int counter = 0; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (counter == 30) { break; } if (line.indexOf("X-WR-CALNAME") != -1) { reader.close(); int index = line.indexOf(':'); line = line.substring(index + 1).trim(); if (line.length() == 0) { return null; } return line; } counter++; } reader.close(); } catch (Exception anyException) { try { if (reader != null) { reader.close(); } } catch (Throwable ignored) { } } return null; } public final String getConfigPath() { try { return configFile.getCanonicalPath(); } catch (Exception ignored) { return configFile.getAbsolutePath(); } } }