Source code

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 * Copyright (C) 2005 Global Biodiversity Information Facility Secretariat.
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
 * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
 * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
 * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
 * rights and limitations under the License.
package org.gbif.portal.registration;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.List;

import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration;
import javax.naming.NamingException;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.gbif.portal.registration.model.UserLogin;

 * CIRCA is an LDAP that is used for authentication
 * This class provides utilities for communication with LDAP
 * @author trobertson
 * @author dmartin
public class LDAPUtils {

    protected static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(LDAPUtils.class);

    /** The groups a new user should be added to */
    protected String[] userGroups = { "cn=Data Portal Registration Users" };
    /** The URL for the user context */
    protected String userLdapUrl;
    /** The URL for the groups context */
    protected String groupLdapUrl;
    /** Initial context factory class for connections */
    protected String initialContextFactory = "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory";
    /** Authentication type */
    protected String authenticationType = "simple";
    /** Security prinicipal */
    protected String securityPrincipal = "uid=dmartin,ou=People,dc=gbif,dc=org";
    /** Security credentials */
    protected String securityCredentials = "123";

     * Gets the common, phone and email for the
     * @param uid To use for searching in LDAP  
     * @return An array containing the 3 strings
     * @throws NamingException On error
    public UserLogin getUserLogin(String uid) throws NamingException {
        DirContext ctx = getUserContext();
        try {
            Attributes attributes = ctx.getAttributes("uid=" + uid);


            UserLogin ul = new UserLogin();
            ul.setSurname((String) attributes.get("sn").get());
            ul.setFirstName((String) attributes.get("givenName").get());
            ul.setEmail((String) attributes.get("mail").get());
            return ul;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            //expected behaviour for bad username
            logger.debug(e.getMessage(), e);
            return null;

     * Log attribute values for debug.
     * @param attributes
     * @throws NamingException
    private void debugAttributes(Attributes attributes) throws NamingException {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            // useful for debug
            NamingEnumeration attributesEnum = attributes.getAll();
            while (attributesEnum != null && attributesEnum.hasMore()) {
                logger.debug("Attribute:" +;

     * Gets the common, phone and email for the
     * @param uid To use for searching in LDAP  
     * @return An array containing the 3 strings
     * @throws NamingException On error
    public List<UserLogin> getUsernamePasswordForEmail(String email) throws NamingException {
        DirContext ctx = getUserContext();
        NamingEnumeration searchResults ="", "mail=" + email, null, new SearchControls());
        List<UserLogin> uls = new ArrayList<UserLogin>();
        while (searchResults.hasMore()) {
            SearchResult sr = (SearchResult);
            Attributes attributes = sr.getAttributes();
            UserLogin ul = new UserLogin();
            ul.setSurname((String) attributes.get("sn").get());
            ul.setFirstName((String) attributes.get("givenName").get());
            ul.setEmail((String) attributes.get("mail").get());
            ul.setUsername((String) attributes.get("uid").get());
        return uls;

     * Get LDAP context.
     * @param url
     * @return
     * @throws NamingException
    public DirContext getContext(String url) throws NamingException {
        Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
        env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, url);
        env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, initialContextFactory);
        env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, authenticationType);
        env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, securityPrincipal);
        env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, securityCredentials);
        DirContext ctx = new InitialDirContext(env);
        return ctx;

     * Get user context.
     * @return
     * @throws NamingException
    private DirContext getUserContext() throws NamingException {
        return getContext(getUserLdapUrl());

     * Get group context.
     * @return
     * @throws NamingException
    private DirContext getGroupContext() throws NamingException {
        return getContext(getGroupLdapUrl());

     * Creates a user. String array contains:
     * 1) first name
     * 2) surname
     * 3) email
     * 4) username
     * 5) password
     * @param userDetails
     * @return
     * @throws NamingException
    public boolean createNewUser(UserLogin userLogin) throws NamingException {
        DirContext ctx = getUserContext();
        Attributes attributes = new BasicAttributes();
        attributes.put(new BasicAttribute("sn", userLogin.getSurname()));
        attributes.put(new BasicAttribute("givenName", userLogin.getFirstName()));
        attributes.put(new BasicAttribute("cn", userLogin.getFirstName() + " " + userLogin.getSurname()));
        attributes.put(new BasicAttribute("mail", userLogin.getEmail()));
        if (userLogin.getTelephone() != null) {
            attributes.put(new BasicAttribute("telephoneNumber", userLogin.getTelephone()));
        attributes.put(new BasicAttribute("userPassword", userLogin.getPassword()));
        attributes.put(new BasicAttribute("objectClass", "top"));
        attributes.put(new BasicAttribute("objectClass", "person"));
        attributes.put(new BasicAttribute("objectClass", "organizationalPerson"));
        attributes.put(new BasicAttribute("objectClass", "inetorgperson"));
        String contextName = "uid=" + userLogin.getUsername();
        String fullContextName = contextName + "," + ctx.getNameInNamespace();

        //add the user to ldap
        ctx.createSubcontext(contextName, attributes);

        //need to add user to group
        for (int i = 0; i < userGroups.length; i++) {
            DirContext groupContext = getGroupContext();
            Attributes groupAttributes = groupContext.getAttributes(userGroups[i]);
            groupContext.modifyAttributes(userGroups[i], DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, groupAttributes);
        return true;

     * Update the details of the supplied user in LDAP.
     * @param userLogin
     * @return
     * @throws NamingException
    public boolean updateUser(UserLogin userLogin) throws NamingException {
        DirContext ctx = getUserContext();
        Attributes attributes = new BasicAttributes();
        attributes.put(new BasicAttribute("sn", userLogin.getSurname()));
        attributes.put(new BasicAttribute("givenName", userLogin.getFirstName()));
        attributes.put(new BasicAttribute("cn", userLogin.getFirstName() + " " + userLogin.getSurname()));
        attributes.put(new BasicAttribute("mail", userLogin.getEmail()));
        if (userLogin.getTelephone() != null) {
            attributes.put(new BasicAttribute("telephoneNumber", userLogin.getTelephone()));
        attributes.put(new BasicAttribute("userPassword", userLogin.getPassword()));
        ctx.modifyAttributes("uid=" + userLogin.getUsername(), DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, attributes);
        return true;

     * Update the password for the supplied user.
     * @param username
     * @param newPassword
     * @throws NamingException
    public void updatePassword(String username, String newPassword) throws NamingException {
        DirContext ctx = getUserContext();
        Attributes attributes = new BasicAttributes();
        attributes.put(new BasicAttribute("userPassword", newPassword));
        ctx.modifyAttributes("uid=" + username, DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, attributes);

     * Checks to see if the supplied user name is in use.
     * @param userName
     * @return
     * @throws NamingException
    public boolean userNameInUse(String userName) throws NamingException {
        DirContext ctx = getUserContext();
        Attributes attributes = new BasicAttributes();
        try {
            NamingEnumeration searchContext ="uid=" + userName, attributes);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            //expected behaviour
            return false;
        return true;

     * @return the userGroups
    public String[] getUserGroups() {
        return userGroups;

     * @param userGroups the userGroups to set
    public void setUserGroups(String[] userGroups) {
        this.userGroups = userGroups;

     * @return the userLdapUrl
    public String getUserLdapUrl() {
        return userLdapUrl;

     * @param userLdapUrl the userLdapUrl to set
    public void setUserLdapUrl(String userLdapUrl) {
        this.userLdapUrl = userLdapUrl;

     * @return the groupLdapUrl
    public String getGroupLdapUrl() {
        return groupLdapUrl;

     * @param groupLdapUrl the groupLdapUrl to set
    public void setGroupLdapUrl(String groupLdapUrl) {
        this.groupLdapUrl = groupLdapUrl;

     * @return the initialContextFactory
    public String getInitialContextFactory() {
        return initialContextFactory;

     * @param initialContextFactory the initialContextFactory to set
    public void setInitialContextFactory(String initialContextFactory) {
        this.initialContextFactory = initialContextFactory;

     * @return the authenticationType
    public String getAuthenticationType() {
        return authenticationType;

     * @param authenticationType the authenticationType to set
    public void setAuthenticationType(String authenticationType) {
        this.authenticationType = authenticationType;

     * @return the securityPrincipal
    public String getSecurityPrincipal() {
        return securityPrincipal;

     * @param securityPrincipal the securityPrincipal to set
    public void setSecurityPrincipal(String securityPrincipal) {
        this.securityPrincipal = securityPrincipal;

     * @return the securityCredentials
    public String getSecurityCredentials() {
        return securityCredentials;

     * @param securityCredentials the securityCredentials to set
    public void setSecurityCredentials(String securityCredentials) {
        this.securityCredentials = securityCredentials;