Java tutorial
package org.gbif.ipt.task; import org.gbif.api.vocabulary.Language; import org.gbif.common.parsers.LanguageParser; import org.gbif.common.parsers.core.ParseResult; import org.gbif.ipt.config.AppConfig; import org.gbif.ipt.model.Ipt; import org.gbif.ipt.model.Organisation; import org.gbif.ipt.model.Resource; import org.gbif.ipt.service.InvalidConfigException; import org.gbif.ipt.service.admin.RegistrationManager; import org.gbif.ipt.service.manage.ResourceManager; import org.gbif.ipt.utils.InputStreamUtils; import org.gbif.ipt.utils.ResourceUtils; import org.gbif.metadata.eml.Agent; import org.gbif.metadata.eml.BBox; import org.gbif.metadata.eml.Eml; import org.gbif.metadata.eml.GeospatialCoverage; import org.gbif.metadata.eml.KeywordSet; import; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; /** * Class to generate a DCAT feed, including all resources that are published, public and have a license. * * @see <a href="">DCAT project homepage</a> * @see <a href="">DCAT IPT Fork</a> */ @Singleton public class GenerateDCAT { // logging private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(GenerateDCAT.class); private static final String DCAT_SETTINGS = "org/gbif/metadata/eml/"; private static final String PREFIXES_PROPERTIES = "org/gbif/metadata/eml/"; private static final LanguageParser LANGUAGE_PARSER = LanguageParser.getInstance(); private static final DateFormat DATE_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mmXXX"); private static final InputStreamUtils streamUtils = new InputStreamUtils(); // DCAT settings keys private static final String CATALOG_THEME_TITLE_KEY = "catalogThemeTitle"; private static final String THEME_TAXONOMY_URI_KEY = "themeTaxonomyUri"; private static final String DATASET_THEME_LABEL_KEY = "datasetThemeLabel"; private static final String THEME_URI_KEY = "themeUri"; private static final String LANGUAGE_LINK_KEY = "languageLink"; private static final String PUBLISHER_BASELINK_KEY = "publisherBaselink"; private static final String DATASET_BASELINK_KEY = "datasetBaselink"; private static final String CATALOG_RIGHTS_KEY = "catalogRights"; private static final String CACHING_TIME_KEY = "cachingTime"; private Map<String, String> settings; private Map<String, String> prefixes; // String used to cache the feed private String feed = ""; // time in milliseconds since feed was created private long time = 0; private final AppConfig cfg; private final RegistrationManager registrationManager; private final ResourceManager resourceManager; @Inject public GenerateDCAT(AppConfig cfg, RegistrationManager registrationManager, ResourceManager resourceManager) { this.cfg = cfg; this.registrationManager = registrationManager; this.resourceManager = resourceManager; settings = ImmutableMap.copyOf(loadDCATSettings()); prefixes = ImmutableMap.copyOf(loadDCATPrefixes()); } /** * Return the DCAT feed, recreating it if the caching time has been exceeded. * * @return DCAT feed */ public String getFeed() { // determine caching time, from settings long cacheTime; try { cacheTime = Long.valueOf(settings.get(CACHING_TIME_KEY)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new InvalidConfigException(InvalidConfigException.TYPE.INVALID_PROPERTIES_FILE, "Invalid caching time in properties file: " + DCAT_SETTINGS); } long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if ((now > time + cacheTime) || cfg.devMode()) { feed = createDCATFeed(); time = now;"Updated DCAT feed"); } return feed; } /** * Create and regenerate the entire DCAT feed. This includes the Prefixes, Catalog, dataset(s), Distribution(s) * and the organization(s). * * @return DCAT feed */ private String createDCATFeed() { StringBuilder feed = new StringBuilder(); //Prefixes if (!prefixes.isEmpty()) { feed.append(createPrefixesInformation()); feed.append("\n"); } //Catalog feed.append(createDCATCatalogInformation()); feed.append("\n"); Set<String> organisations = new HashSet<String>(); //add organisation of Catalog String publisherBaselink = settings.get(PUBLISHER_BASELINK_KEY); if (registrationManager.getHostingOrganisation() != null && publisherBaselink != null) { Organisation org = registrationManager.getHostingOrganisation(); String publisher = publisherBaselink + org.getKey() + "#Organization"; String organisation = encapsulateObject(publisher, ObjectTypes.RESOURCE) + " a foaf:Agent ; foaf:name \"" + org.getName() + "\""; if (org.getHomepageURL() != null) { organisation += " ; foaf:homepage " + encapsulateObject(org.getHomepageURL(), ObjectTypes.RESOURCE); } organisation += " ."; organisations.add(organisation); } //Datasets and Distributions Set<String> themes = new HashSet<String>(); String themeUri = settings.get(THEME_URI_KEY); String datasetThemeLabel = settings.get(DATASET_THEME_LABEL_KEY); String themeTaxonomyUri = settings.get(THEME_TAXONOMY_URI_KEY); boolean foundDatasets = false; // iterate through all published public versions for (Resource resource : resourceManager.listPublishedPublicVersions()) { if (themeUri != null && datasetThemeLabel != null && themeTaxonomyUri != null && publisherBaselink != null) { // reconstruct the last published public version BigDecimal v = resource.getLastPublishedVersionsVersion(); String shortname = resource.getShortname(); File versionEmlFile = cfg.getDataDir().resourceEmlFile(shortname, v); Resource publishedPublicVersion = ResourceUtils.reconstructVersion(v, resource.getShortname(), resource.getAssignedDoi(), resource.getOrganisation(), resource.findVersionHistory(v), versionEmlFile, resource.getKey()); // make sure it has a license and records published if (publishedPublicVersion.getRecordsPublished() > 0 && publishedPublicVersion.getEml() != null && publishedPublicVersion.getEml().parseLicenseUrl() != null) { feed.append(createDCATDatasetInformation(publishedPublicVersion)); feed.append("\n"); feed.append(createDCATDistributionInformation(publishedPublicVersion)); feed.append("\n"); foundDatasets = true; //add Organisation of Dataset (optional) if (publishedPublicVersion.getOrganisation() != null) { String publisher = publisherBaselink + publishedPublicVersion.getOrganisation().getKey() + "#Organization"; String organisation = encapsulateObject(publisher, ObjectTypes.RESOURCE) + " a foaf:Agent ; foaf:name \"" + publishedPublicVersion.getOrganisation().getName() + "\""; if (publishedPublicVersion.getOrganisation().getHomepageURL() != null) { organisation += " ; foaf:homepage " + encapsulateObject(publishedPublicVersion.getOrganisation().getHomepageURL(), ObjectTypes.RESOURCE); } organisation += " ."; organisations.add(organisation); } //add Themes of datasets themes.add(encapsulateObject(themeUri, ObjectTypes.RESOURCE) + " a skos:Concept ; skos:prefLabel \"" + datasetThemeLabel + "\"@en ; skos:inScheme <" + themeTaxonomyUri + "> ."); } } } if (foundDatasets) { LOG.debug("Resources appended to DCAT feed."); } else { feed.append( "\n#No published public resources added to DCAT feed, a valid DCAT feed requires at least one!\n"); } //Organisations for (String organisation : organisations) { feed.append(organisation); feed.append("\n"); } feed.append("\n"); //Themes for (String theme : themes) { feed.append(theme); feed.append("\n"); } return feed.toString(); } /** * This method loads the DCAT settings from */ private Map<String, String> loadDCATSettings() { Map<String, String> loadedSettings = Maps.newHashMap(); Closer closer = Closer.create(); try { InputStream configStream = closer.register(streamUtils.classpathStream(DCAT_SETTINGS)); if (configStream == null) { LOG.error("Failed to load DCAT settings: " + DCAT_SETTINGS); } else { Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.load(configStream); for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : properties.entrySet()) { String key = StringUtils.trim((String) entry.getKey()); String value = StringUtils.trim((String) entry.getValue()); if (key != null && value != null) { loadedSettings.put(key, value); } else { throw new InvalidConfigException(InvalidConfigException.TYPE.INVALID_PROPERTIES_FILE, "Invalid properties file: " + DCAT_SETTINGS); } } LOG.debug("Loaded static DCAT settings: " + loadedSettings.toString()); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Failed to load DCAT settings from: " + DCAT_SETTINGS, e); } finally { try { closer.close(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.debug("Failed to close input stream on DCAT settings file: " + DCAT_SETTINGS, e); } } return loadedSettings; } /** * This method loads the DCAT prefixes from */ private Map<String, String> loadDCATPrefixes() { HashMap<String, String> prefixes = new HashMap<String, String>(); Closer closer = Closer.create(); try { InputStreamUtils streamUtils = new InputStreamUtils(); InputStream configStream = streamUtils.classpathStream(PREFIXES_PROPERTIES); if (configStream == null) { LOG.error("Could not load DCAT prefixes from file: " + PREFIXES_PROPERTIES); } else { Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.load(configStream); for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : properties.entrySet()) { String key = StringUtils.trim((String) entry.getKey()); String value = StringUtils.trim((String) entry.getValue()); if (key != null && value != null) { prefixes.put(key, value); } else { throw new InvalidConfigException(InvalidConfigException.TYPE.INVALID_PROPERTIES_FILE, "Invalid properties file: " + PREFIXES_PROPERTIES); } } LOG.debug("Loaded DCAT prefixes: " + prefixes.toString()); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { closer.close(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Failed to close input stream on DCAT prefixes file: " + PREFIXES_PROPERTIES); } } return prefixes; } /** * Write all the prefixes needed in a String representation. * * @return String representation of Prefixes */ @VisibleForTesting protected String createPrefixesInformation() { StringBuilder prefixBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (String pre : prefixes.keySet()) { prefixBuilder.append("@prefix "); prefixBuilder.append(pre); prefixBuilder.append(": <"); prefixBuilder.append(prefixes.get(pre)); prefixBuilder.append("> .\n"); } return prefixBuilder.toString(); } /** * Create the DCAT feed for the Catalog. * </br> * Implemented: * <ul> * <li>dct:title</li> * <li>dct:description</li> * <li>dct:publisher</li> * <li>dcat:dataset</li> * <li>foaf:homepage</li> * <li>dct:issued</li> * <li>dct:modified</li> * <li>dcat:themeTaxonomy</li> * <li>dct:license</li> * <li>dct:spatial</li> * <li>dct:language</li> * </ul> * </p> * * @return String DCAT Catalog */ @VisibleForTesting protected String createDCATCatalogInformation() { StringBuilder catalogBuilder = new StringBuilder(); List<String> themeTaxonomies = new ArrayList<String>(); Ipt ipt = registrationManager.getIpt(); //Run over resources List<String> uris = new ArrayList<String>(); Date firstCreation = new Date(); boolean firstPublishedDatePresent = false; Date lastModification = new Date(0); boolean lastPublishedDatePresent = false; for (Resource res : resourceManager.listPublishedPublicVersions()) { if (res.getEml().parseLicenseUrl() != null) { String uri = cfg.getResourceUrl(res.getShortname()) + "#Dataset"; uris.add(uri); if (res.getCreated() != null && res.getCreated().before(firstCreation)) { firstCreation = res.getCreated(); firstPublishedDatePresent = true; } if (res.getLastPublished() != null && res.getLastPublished().after(lastModification)) { lastModification = res.getLastPublished(); lastPublishedDatePresent = true; } } } //Base String url = cfg.getBaseUrl(); url += "#Catalog"; catalogBuilder.append(encapsulateObject(url, ObjectTypes.RESOURCE)); catalogBuilder.append("\n"); catalogBuilder.append(" a dcat:Catalog"); String publisherBaselink = settings.get(PUBLISHER_BASELINK_KEY); if (ipt != null && publisherBaselink != null) { //dct:title addPredicateToBuilder(catalogBuilder, "dct:title"); addObjectToBuilder(catalogBuilder, ipt.getName(), ObjectTypes.LITERAL); //dct:description if (ipt.getDescription() != null) { addPredicateToBuilder(catalogBuilder, "dct:description"); addObjectToBuilder(catalogBuilder, ipt.getDescription(), ObjectTypes.LITERAL); } else { LOG.debug("IPT description is null"); } //dct:publisher addPredicateToBuilder(catalogBuilder, "dct:publisher"); String publisher = publisherBaselink + ipt.getOrganisationKey() + "#Organization"; addObjectToBuilder(catalogBuilder, publisher, ObjectTypes.RESOURCE); //dcat:dataset if (!uris.isEmpty()) { addPredicateToBuilder(catalogBuilder, "dcat:dataset"); addObjectsToBuilder(catalogBuilder, uris, ObjectTypes.RESOURCE); } //foaf:homepage if (cfg.getBaseUrl() != null) { addPredicateToBuilder(catalogBuilder, "foaf:homepage"); addObjectToBuilder(catalogBuilder, cfg.getBaseUrl(), ObjectTypes.RESOURCE); } //dct:issued if (firstPublishedDatePresent) { addPredicateToBuilder(catalogBuilder, "dct:issued"); addObjectToBuilder(catalogBuilder, parseToIsoDate(firstCreation), ObjectTypes.LITERAL); } //dct:modified if (lastPublishedDatePresent) { addPredicateToBuilder(catalogBuilder, "dct:modified"); addObjectToBuilder(catalogBuilder, parseToIsoDate(lastModification), ObjectTypes.LITERAL); } //dcat:themeTaxonomy String themeTaxonomyUri = settings.get(THEME_TAXONOMY_URI_KEY); String catalogThemeTitle = settings.get(CATALOG_THEME_TITLE_KEY); if (themeTaxonomyUri != null && catalogThemeTitle != null) { addPredicateToBuilder(catalogBuilder, "dcat:themeTaxonomy"); themeTaxonomies.add(encapsulateObject(themeTaxonomyUri, ObjectTypes.RESOURCE) + " a skos:ConceptScheme ; dct:title \"" + catalogThemeTitle + "\"@en ."); addObjectToBuilder(catalogBuilder, themeTaxonomyUri, ObjectTypes.RESOURCE); } //dct:rights String catalogRights = settings.get(CATALOG_RIGHTS_KEY); if (catalogRights != null) { addPredicateToBuilder(catalogBuilder, "dct:license"); addObjectToBuilder(catalogBuilder, catalogRights, ObjectTypes.RESOURCE); } //dct:spatial if (cfg.getLongitude() != null && cfg.getLatitude() != null) { addPredicateToBuilder(catalogBuilder, "dct:spatial"); String spatial = " a dct:Location ; locn:geometry \"" + "{ \\\"type\\\": \\\"Point\\\", \\\"coordinates\\\": [ " + cfg.getLongitude() + "," + cfg.getLatitude() + " ] }\" "; addObjectToBuilder(catalogBuilder, spatial, ObjectTypes.OBJECT); } else { LOG.debug("No spatial data defined for the IPT"); } //dct:language String languageLink = settings.get(LANGUAGE_LINK_KEY); if (languageLink != null) { languageLink = languageLink + "en"; addPredicateToBuilder(catalogBuilder, "dct:language"); addObjectToBuilder(catalogBuilder, languageLink, ObjectTypes.RESOURCE); } } else { LOG.error("IPT has not been registered yet"); } catalogBuilder.append(" .\n"); catalogBuilder.append("\n"); for (String tax : themeTaxonomies) { catalogBuilder.append(tax); catalogBuilder.append("\n"); } return catalogBuilder.toString(); } /** * Create a DCAT Dataset from one resource. * </br> * For every publisher it creates a foaf:agent with the name of the organisation. * </br> * Implmented: * <ul> * <li>dct:title</li> * <li>dct:description</li> * <li>dcat:keyword</li> * <li>dcat:theme</li> * <li>dcat:contactPoint</li> * <li>dct:issued</li> * <li>dct:modified</li> * <li>dct:spatial</li> * <li>adms:versionInfo</li> * <li>adms:versionNotes</li> * <li>dcat:landingPage</li> * <li>foaf:homepage</li> * <li>dct:identifier</li> * <li>dct:publisher</li> * <li>dcat:distribution</li> * <li>dct:language</li> * </ul> * </p> * * @param resource resource to create DCAT Dataset from * * @return String DCAT Dataset for one resource */ @VisibleForTesting protected String createDCATDatasetInformation(Resource resource) { StringBuilder datasetBuilder = new StringBuilder(); Eml eml = resource.getEml(); //Base String url = cfg.getResourceUrl(resource.getShortname()) + "#Dataset"; datasetBuilder.append(encapsulateObject(url, ObjectTypes.RESOURCE)); datasetBuilder.append("\n"); datasetBuilder.append("a dcat:Dataset"); //dct:title if (eml.getTitle() != null) { addPredicateToBuilder(datasetBuilder, "dct:title"); addObjectToBuilder(datasetBuilder, eml.getTitle(), ObjectTypes.LITERAL); } //dct:description if (!eml.getDescription().isEmpty()) { addPredicateToBuilder(datasetBuilder, "dct:description"); StringBuilder description = new StringBuilder(); Iterator<String> iter = eml.getDescription().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String des = Strings.emptyToNull(; if (des != null) { description.append(des); } // turtle format requires line breaks to be escaped if (iter.hasNext()) { description.append("\\n"); } } addObjectToBuilder(datasetBuilder, description.toString(), ObjectTypes.LITERAL); } //dcat:keyword // note: duplicate keywords cannot exist, see issue #1210 if (!eml.getKeywords().isEmpty()) { List<String> keywords = Lists.newArrayList(); for (KeywordSet keywordSet : eml.getKeywords()) { for (String keyword : keywordSet.getKeywords()) { if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(keyword) && !keywords.contains(keyword)) { keywords.add(keyword); } } } addPredicateToBuilder(datasetBuilder, "dcat:keyword"); addObjectsToBuilder(datasetBuilder, keywords, ObjectTypes.LITERAL); } //dcat:theme String theme = settings.get(THEME_URI_KEY); if (theme != null) { addPredicateToBuilder(datasetBuilder, "dcat:theme"); addObjectToBuilder(datasetBuilder, theme, ObjectTypes.RESOURCE); } //adms:contactPoint for (Agent contact : eml.getContacts()) { addPredicateToBuilder(datasetBuilder, "dcat:contactPoint"); String agent = " a vcard:Individual ; vcard:fn \"" + contact.getFullName() + "\""; if (contact.getEmail() != null) { agent += "; vcard:hasEmail <mailto:" + contact.getEmail() + "> "; } addObjectToBuilder(datasetBuilder, agent, ObjectTypes.OBJECT); } //dct:issued if (resource.getCreated() != null) { addPredicateToBuilder(datasetBuilder, "dct:issued"); addObjectToBuilder(datasetBuilder, parseToIsoDate(resource.getCreated()), ObjectTypes.LITERAL); } //dct:modified if (resource.getLastPublished() != null) { addPredicateToBuilder(datasetBuilder, "dct:modified"); addObjectToBuilder(datasetBuilder, parseToIsoDate(resource.getLastPublished()), ObjectTypes.LITERAL); } // dct:spatial // Uses geoJSON to represent the geospatial coverage, this can easily be verified at // Note, a Polygon's first and last points must be equivalent for (GeospatialCoverage coverage : eml.getGeospatialCoverages()) { BBox bb = coverage.getBoundingCoordinates(); addPredicateToBuilder(datasetBuilder, "dct:spatial"); String spatial = " a dct:Location ; locn:geometry \"" + "{ \\\"type\\\": \\\"Polygon\\\", \\\"coordinates\\\": [ [ [" + bb.getMin().getLongitude() + "," + bb.getMin().getLatitude() + "], [" + bb.getMin().getLongitude() + "," + bb.getMax().getLatitude() + "], [" + bb.getMax().getLongitude() + "," + bb.getMax().getLatitude() + "], [" + bb.getMax().getLongitude() + "," + bb.getMin().getLatitude() + "], [" + bb.getMin().getLongitude() + "," + bb.getMin().getLatitude() + "] ] ] }" + "\" "; addObjectToBuilder(datasetBuilder, spatial, ObjectTypes.OBJECT); } //adms:versionInfo if (resource.getLastPublishedVersionsVersion() != null) { addPredicateToBuilder(datasetBuilder, "adms:versionInfo"); addObjectToBuilder(datasetBuilder, resource.getLastPublishedVersionsVersion().toPlainString(), ObjectTypes.LITERAL); } //adms:versionNotes if (resource.getLastPublishedVersionsChangeSummary() != null) { addPredicateToBuilder(datasetBuilder, "adms:versionNotes"); addObjectToBuilder(datasetBuilder, resource.getLastPublishedVersionsChangeSummary(), ObjectTypes.LITERAL); } //dcat:landingPage String landingPage = cfg.getResourceUrl(resource.getShortname()); addPredicateToBuilder(datasetBuilder, "dcat:landingPage"); addObjectToBuilder(datasetBuilder, landingPage, ObjectTypes.RESOURCE); //foaf:homepage if (eml.getHomepageUrl() != null) { addPredicateToBuilder(datasetBuilder, "foaf:homepage"); addObjectToBuilder(datasetBuilder, eml.getHomepageUrl(), ObjectTypes.RESOURCE); } //dct:identifier String datasetBaselink = settings.get(DATASET_BASELINK_KEY); if (resource.getKey() != null && datasetBaselink != null) { addPredicateToBuilder(datasetBuilder, "dct:identifier"); // TODO check if should be type Resource not Literal addObjectToBuilder(datasetBuilder, datasetBaselink + resource.getKey(), ObjectTypes.LITERAL); } //dct:publisher String publisherBaselink = settings.get(PUBLISHER_BASELINK_KEY); if (resource.getOrganisation() != null && publisherBaselink != null) { addPredicateToBuilder(datasetBuilder, "dct:publisher"); String publisherLink = publisherBaselink + resource.getOrganisation().getKey() + "#Organization"; addObjectToBuilder(datasetBuilder, publisherLink, ObjectTypes.RESOURCE); } //dcat:Distribution addPredicateToBuilder(datasetBuilder, "dcat:distribution"); String dist = cfg.getResourceArchiveUrl(resource.getShortname()); addObjectToBuilder(datasetBuilder, dist, ObjectTypes.RESOURCE); //dct:language (ISO 639 1 - 2 letter code) String languageLink = settings.get(LANGUAGE_LINK_KEY); if (languageLink != null) { addPredicateToBuilder(datasetBuilder, "dct:language"); ParseResult<Language> result = LANGUAGE_PARSER.parse(eml.getMetadataLanguage()); String ln = (result.isSuccessful()) ? languageLink + result.getPayload().getIso2LetterCode().toLowerCase() : languageLink + "en"; addObjectToBuilder(datasetBuilder, ln, ObjectTypes.RESOURCE); } datasetBuilder.append(" .\n"); return datasetBuilder.toString(); } /** * Create a DCAT Distribution for one resource. * </br> * Implemented: * <ul> * <li>dct:description</li> * <li>dct:license</li> * <li>dct:format</li> * <li>dcat:mediaType</li> * <li>dcat:downloadURL</li> * <li>dcat:accessURL</li> * </ul> * * @param resource resource to create the DCAT Distribution from * * @return String DCAT Distribution for one resource */ @VisibleForTesting protected String createDCATDistributionInformation(Resource resource) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(resource.getEml()); Preconditions.checkNotNull(resource.getEml().parseLicenseUrl()); StringBuilder distributionBuilder = new StringBuilder(); //Base String url = cfg.getResourceArchiveUrl(resource.getShortname()); distributionBuilder.append(encapsulateObject(url, ObjectTypes.RESOURCE)); distributionBuilder.append("\n"); distributionBuilder.append("a dcat:Distribution"); //dct:title if (resource.getEml().getTitle() != null) { addPredicateToBuilder(distributionBuilder, "dct:title"); addObjectToBuilder(distributionBuilder, "Darwin Core Archive of " + resource.getEml().getTitle(), ObjectTypes.LITERAL); } //dct:description addPredicateToBuilder(distributionBuilder, "dct:description"); addObjectToBuilder(distributionBuilder, "Darwin Core Archive", ObjectTypes.LITERAL); //dct:license addPredicateToBuilder(distributionBuilder, "dct:license"); addObjectToBuilder(distributionBuilder, resource.getEml().parseLicenseUrl(), ObjectTypes.RESOURCE); //dct:format addPredicateToBuilder(distributionBuilder, "dct:format"); addObjectToBuilder(distributionBuilder, "dwc-a", ObjectTypes.LITERAL); //dcat:mediaType addPredicateToBuilder(distributionBuilder, "dcat:mediaType"); addObjectToBuilder(distributionBuilder, "application/zip", ObjectTypes.LITERAL); //dcat:downloadURL addPredicateToBuilder(distributionBuilder, "dcat:downloadURL"); addObjectToBuilder(distributionBuilder, cfg.getResourceArchiveUrl(resource.getShortname()), ObjectTypes.RESOURCE); //dcat:accessURL addPredicateToBuilder(distributionBuilder, "dcat:accessURL"); String accessURLClass = encapsulateObject(cfg.getResourceUrl(resource.getShortname()), ObjectTypes.RESOURCE) + " a rdfs:Resource ."; addObjectToBuilder(distributionBuilder, cfg.getResourceUrl(resource.getShortname()), ObjectTypes.RESOURCE); distributionBuilder.append(" .\n"); distributionBuilder.append(accessURLClass); distributionBuilder.append("\n"); return distributionBuilder.toString(); } /** * Method adds the predicate to the builder in turtle syntax: ends the previous predicate with a ; and a newline. * * @param builder StringBuilder * @param predicate between the subject and object */ private void addPredicateToBuilder(@NotNull StringBuilder builder, @NotNull String predicate) { builder.append(" ;\n"); builder.append(predicate); builder.append(" "); } /** * Method encapsulates object, then adds object to the builder. Note the object cannot be null. * * @param builder StringBuilder * @param object to add * @param type type of the object */ private void addObjectToBuilder(@NotNull StringBuilder builder, @NotNull String object, @NotNull ObjectTypes type) { builder.append(encapsulateObject(object, type)); } /** * Method adds a list of objects to the builder: puts commas between the literal and encapsulates the objects with " * or < depending on the boolean literal. Note objects cannot be null and must at least contain one value. * * @param builder StringBuilder * @param objects List of objects to add * @param type type of the objects (Literals, resources or objects) */ private void addObjectsToBuilder(@NotNull StringBuilder builder, @NotNull List<String> objects, @NotNull ObjectTypes type) { Preconditions.checkArgument(objects.size() >= 1); for (String s : objects) { if (objects.indexOf(s) != 0) { builder.append(" , "); } builder.append(encapsulateObject(s, type)); } } /** * Enumeration to describe the kind of the object. */ private enum ObjectTypes { OBJECT, LITERAL, RESOURCE } /** * Encapsulates an object: * </br> * Literals are encapsulated with double quotation marks ("). * </br> * Resources are encapsulated with less than (<) and greater than (>) symbols. * </br> * Objects are encapsulated with left bracket ([) and right bracket (]). * * @param object string to encapsulate * @param type type of the object */ private String encapsulateObject(@NotNull String object, @NotNull ObjectTypes type) { String ret = ""; switch (type) { case LITERAL: ret += "\""; break; case RESOURCE: ret += "<"; break; case OBJECT: ret += "["; break; } ret += (ObjectTypes.LITERAL == type) ? escapeString(object) : object; switch (type) { case LITERAL: ret += "\""; break; case RESOURCE: ret += ">"; break; case OBJECT: ret += "]"; break; } return ret; } /** * Parse a Date to the ISO 8601 standard. * * @param dateStamp Date * * @return ISO8601 string representation for a date */ private String parseToIsoDate(@NotNull Date dateStamp) { return DATE_FORMAT.format(dateStamp); } /** * This method ensures a string uses \-escape sequences where necessary (e.g. double quotation marks). * Escape sequence specified in <a href="">Turtle specification</a>. * * @param s string * * @return escaped string */ private String escapeString(String s) { return (s == null) ? null : s.replaceAll("\"", "\\\\\""); } }