Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) Fundacion Jala. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. */ package org.fundacionjala.enforce.sonarqube.apex.checks.soql; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.fundacionjala.enforce.sonarqube.apex.ApexConfiguration; import org.fundacionjala.enforce.sonarqube.apex.api.grammar.ApexGrammarRuleKey; import org.fundacionjala.enforce.sonarqube.apex.checks.ChecksLogger; import org.fundacionjala.enforce.sonarqube.apex.parser.ApexParser; import; import com.sonar.sslr.api.AstNode; import com.sonar.sslr.api.Grammar; import com.sonar.sslr.impl.Parser; public class SoqlParser { /** * String used to log. */ private static final String CLASS_TO_LOG = "SoqlParser"; /** * String used to log. */ private static final String METHOD_TO_LOG = "parseQuery"; /** * The beginning of a SOQL sentence. */ private static final String SOQL_START = "'SELECT"; /** * Checks if a node is a query by checking if it's a string and then it's * beginning. * * @param astNode The node to check. * @return True if the node is a query as String. */ public static boolean isStringQuery(AstNode astNode) { return && astNode.getTokenValue().startsWith(SOQL_START); } /** * Re-parses a query that was retrieved as a String. * * @param astNode The String's node. * @return The query as a new QUERY_EXPRESSION node. */ public static AstNode parseQuery(AstNode astNode) { AstNode parsedQuery = null; try { String string = astNode.getTokenOriginalValue(); String queryAsString = StringUtils.substringBetween(string, "'", "'"); Parser<Grammar> queryParser = ApexParser.create(new ApexConfiguration(Charsets.UTF_8)); queryParser.setRootRule(queryParser.getGrammar().rule(ApexGrammarRuleKey.QUERY_EXPRESSION)); parsedQuery = queryParser.parse(queryAsString); } catch (Exception e) { ChecksLogger.logCheckError(CLASS_TO_LOG, METHOD_TO_LOG, e.toString()); } return parsedQuery; } }