Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * This file is part of Freemail
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

package org.freenetproject.freemail.smtp;

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;

import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Base64;
import org.junit.Test;

public class SMTPAuthTest extends SMTPTestBase {
    /* *************************************************** *
     * Tests that don't work with any specific auth method *
     * *************************************************** */
    public void authWithoutType() throws IOException {
        List<String> commands = new LinkedList<String>();

        List<String> expectedResponse = new LinkedList<String>();
        expectedResponse.add("220 localhost ready");
        expectedResponse.add("504 No auth type given");

        runSimpleTest(commands, expectedResponse);

    public void rejectsInvalidAuthMethod() throws IOException {
        List<String> commands = new LinkedList<String>();
        commands.add("AUTH Unsupported");

        List<String> expectedResponse = new LinkedList<String>();
        expectedResponse.add("220 localhost ready");
        expectedResponse.add("504 Auth type unimplemented - weren't you listening?");

        runSimpleTest(commands, expectedResponse);

     * Checks that the server rejects the auth command after the client has already been authenticated.
     * @see <a href="">RFC4954 Section 4</a>
    public void rejectsSecondAuth() throws IOException {
        final String authData = new String(Base64.encode(("\0" + BASE64_USERNAME + "\0password").getBytes("ASCII")),

        List<String> commands = new LinkedList<String>();
        commands.add("AUTH PLAIN " + authData);
        commands.add("AUTH PLAIN " + authData);

        List<String> expectedResponse = new LinkedList<String>();
        expectedResponse.add("220 localhost ready");
        expectedResponse.add("235 Authenticated");
        expectedResponse.add("503 Already authenticated");

        runSimpleTest(commands, expectedResponse);

    /* ****************************************** *
     * Tests that work with the plain auth method *
     * ****************************************** */
    public void correctAuthPlainNoInitial() throws IOException {
        List<String> commands = new LinkedList<String>();
        commands.add("AUTH PLAIN");

        final String authData = new String(
                Base64.encode((BASE64_USERNAME + "\0" + BASE64_USERNAME + "\0password").getBytes("ASCII")),

        List<String> expectedResponse = new LinkedList<String>();
        expectedResponse.add("220 localhost ready");
        expectedResponse.add("334 ");
        expectedResponse.add("235 Authenticated");

        runSimpleTest(commands, expectedResponse);

    public void correctAuthPlainInitial() throws IOException {
        List<String> commands = new LinkedList<String>();

        final String authData = new String(
                Base64.encode((BASE64_USERNAME + "\0" + BASE64_USERNAME + "\0password").getBytes("ASCII")),
        commands.add("AUTH PLAIN " + authData);

        List<String> expectedResponse = new LinkedList<String>();
        expectedResponse.add("220 localhost ready");
        expectedResponse.add("235 Authenticated");

        runSimpleTest(commands, expectedResponse);

    public void plainAuthWithoutAuthzid() throws IOException {
        List<String> commands = new LinkedList<String>();

        final String authData = new String(Base64.encode(("\0" + BASE64_USERNAME + "\0password").getBytes("ASCII")),
        commands.add("AUTH PLAIN " + authData);

        List<String> expectedResponse = new LinkedList<String>();
        expectedResponse.add("220 localhost ready");
        expectedResponse.add("235 Authenticated");

        runSimpleTest(commands, expectedResponse);

     * Tests case where:
     *   * authzid is invalid
     *   * authcid is valid
     *   * passwd is valid (for authcid)
     * This should fail since Freemail doesn't support authenticating as one user while authorizing (acting) as another.
    public void plainAuthWithInvalidAuthzidValidAuthcid() throws IOException {
        String authData = new String(
                Base64.encode(("nosuchuser\0" + BASE64_USERNAME + "\0password").getBytes("ASCII")), "ASCII");

        List<String> commands = new LinkedList<String>();
        commands.add("AUTH PLAIN " + authData);

        List<String> expectedResponse = new LinkedList<String>();
        expectedResponse.add("220 localhost ready");
        expectedResponse.add("535 Authentication failed");

        runSimpleTest(commands, expectedResponse);

     * Tests case where:
     *   * authzid is valid
     *   * authcid is invalid
     *   * passwd is valid (for authzid)
     * This should fail since
     *   1. Freemail doesn't support authenticating as one user while authorizing (acting) as another
     *   2. Authenticating user is invalid
    public void plainAuthWithValidAuthzidInValidAuthcid() throws IOException {
        String authData = new String(Base64.encode((BASE64_USERNAME + "\0nosuchuser\0password").getBytes("ASCII")),

        List<String> commands = new LinkedList<String>();
        commands.add("AUTH PLAIN " + authData);

        List<String> expectedResponse = new LinkedList<String>();
        expectedResponse.add("220 localhost ready");
        expectedResponse.add("535 Authentication failed");

        runSimpleTest(commands, expectedResponse);

     * Tests case where:
     *   * authzid is valid
     *   * authcid is valid (but != authzid)
     *   * passwd is valid (for both user)
     * This should fail since
     *   1. Freemail doesn't support authenticating as one user while authorizing (acting) as another
     *   2. Password is invalid
    public void plainAuthTwoUsersValidPassword() throws IOException {
        String authData = new String(
                Base64.encode((BASE64_USERNAMES[0] + "\0" + BASE64_USERNAMES[1] + "\0password").getBytes("ASCII")),

        List<String> commands = new LinkedList<String>();
        commands.add("AUTH PLAIN " + authData);

        List<String> expectedResponse = new LinkedList<String>();
        expectedResponse.add("220 localhost ready");
        expectedResponse.add("535 Authentication failed");

        runSimpleTest(commands, expectedResponse);

     * Checks that the server handles receiving AUTH PLAIN data with only the username
    public void plainAuthOnlyUsername() throws IOException {
        List<String> commands = new LinkedList<String>();
        commands.add("AUTH PLAIN " + new String(Base64.encode((BASE64_USERNAME).getBytes("ASCII")), "ASCII"));

        List<String> expectedResponse = new LinkedList<String>();
        expectedResponse.add("220 localhost ready");
        expectedResponse.add("501 Invalid arguments to plain auth");

        runSimpleTest(commands, expectedResponse);

     * Tests authentication of a valid username:password combination when using the full email for the username
    public void plainAuthWithEmailAsUsername() throws IOException {
        String authData = new String(
                Base64.encode(("\0zidel@" + BASE64_USERNAME + ".freemail\0password").getBytes("ASCII")), "ASCII");

        List<String> commands = new LinkedList<String>();
        commands.add("AUTH PLAIN " + authData);

        List<String> expectedResponse = new LinkedList<String>();
        expectedResponse.add("220 localhost ready");
        expectedResponse.add("535 Authentication failed");

        runSimpleTest(commands, expectedResponse);

     * Checks the server response when the client cancels an auth plain exchange instead of sending the data
    public void clientCancelsPlainAuthAfterChallenge() throws IOException {
        List<String> commands = new LinkedList<String>();
        commands.add("AUTH PLAIN");

        List<String> expectedResponse = new LinkedList<String>();
        expectedResponse.add("220 localhost ready");
        expectedResponse.add("334 ");
        expectedResponse.add("501 Authentication canceled");

        runSimpleTest(commands, expectedResponse);

    /* ****************************************** *
     * Tests that work with the login auth method *
     * ****************************************** */
    public void correctAuthLogin() throws IOException {
        List<String> commands = new LinkedList<String>();
        commands.add("AUTH LOGIN");
        commands.add(new String(Base64.encode(BASE64_USERNAME.getBytes("ASCII")), "ASCII"));
        commands.add(new String(Base64.encode("password".getBytes("ASCII")), "ASCII"));

        List<String> expectedResponse = new LinkedList<String>();
        expectedResponse.add("220 localhost ready");
        expectedResponse.add("334 " + new String(Base64.encode("Username:".getBytes("ASCII")), "ASCII"));
        expectedResponse.add("334 " + new String(Base64.encode("Password:".getBytes("ASCII")), "ASCII"));
        expectedResponse.add("235 Authenticated");

        runSimpleTest(commands, expectedResponse);