Java tutorial
/* * $Id$ * * Authors: * Jeff Buchbinder <> * * FreeMED Electronic Medical Record and Practice Management System * Copyright (C) 1999-2012 FreeMED Software Foundation * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ package org.freemedsoftware.gwt.client.widget; import static org.freemedsoftware.gwt.client.i18n.I18nUtil._; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import org.freemedsoftware.gwt.client.CustomRequestCallback; import org.freemedsoftware.gwt.client.JsonUtil; import org.freemedsoftware.gwt.client.Util; import org.freemedsoftware.gwt.client.Util.ProgramMode; import org.freemedsoftware.gwt.client.i18n.AppConstants; import org.freemedsoftware.gwt.client.widget.CustomTable.TableWidgetColumnSetInterface; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class PostCheckWidget extends Composite { protected VerticalPanel vPanel; protected CustomListBox payerList; protected TextBox tbCheckNo; protected TextBox tbTotalAmount; protected FlexTable postCheckInfoFlexTable; protected HashSet<String> procs; // protected CustomModuleWidget payerWidget; protected CustomTable proceduresInfoTable; protected CustomRequestCallback callback; ArrayList<String> pids; public PostCheckWidget(HashSet<String> p, CustomRequestCallback cb) { callback = cb; procs = p; vPanel = new VerticalPanel(); vPanel.setSpacing(10); initWidget(vPanel); postCheckInfoFlexTable = new FlexTable(); // postCheckInfoFlexTable.setWidth("100%"); // Label payerLb = new Label("Payer"); // payerWidget = new CustomModuleWidget( // "api.ClaimLog.RebillDistinctPayers"); Label checkNumberLb = new Label(_("Check Number")); tbCheckNo = new TextBox(); Label totalAmountLb = new Label(_("Total Amount")); tbTotalAmount = new TextBox(); // postCheckInfoFlexTable.setWidget(0, 0, payerLb); // postCheckInfoFlexTable.setWidget(0, 1, payerWidget); postCheckInfoFlexTable.setWidget(1, 0, checkNumberLb); postCheckInfoFlexTable.setWidget(1, 1, tbCheckNo); postCheckInfoFlexTable.setWidget(2, 0, totalAmountLb); postCheckInfoFlexTable.setWidget(2, 1, tbTotalAmount); proceduresInfoTable = new CustomTable(); proceduresInfoTable.setAllowSelection(false); proceduresInfoTable.setSize("100%", "100%"); proceduresInfoTable.setIndexName("id"); proceduresInfoTable.addColumn(_("Patient"), "pt_name"); proceduresInfoTable.addColumn(_("Claim"), "clm"); proceduresInfoTable.addColumn(_("CPT"), "cpt"); proceduresInfoTable.addColumn(_("Service Date"), "ser_date"); proceduresInfoTable.addColumn(_("Paid"), "paid"); proceduresInfoTable.addColumn(_("Amount Billed"), "amnt_bill"); proceduresInfoTable.addColumn(_("Amount Allowed"), "balance"); proceduresInfoTable.addColumn(_("Adustment Balance"), "adj_bal"); proceduresInfoTable.addColumn(_("Payment"), "pay"); proceduresInfoTable.addColumn(_("Copay"), "copay"); proceduresInfoTable.addColumn(_("Left Over"), "left"); proceduresInfoTable.setTableWidgetColumnSetInterface(new TableWidgetColumnSetInterface() { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Widget setColumn(String columnName, final HashMap<String, String> data) { final int actionRow = proceduresInfoTable.getActionRow(); if (columnName.compareTo("balance") == 0) { int row = proceduresInfoTable.getActionRow(); proceduresInfoTable.getFlexTable().getFlexCellFormatter().setWidth(row, 6, "10%"); pids.add(data.get("id")); final TextBox tbAllowedAmount = new TextBox(); tbAllowedAmount.setWidth("100%"); tbAllowedAmount.setText(data.get("balance")); tbAllowedAmount.addChangeHandler(new ChangeHandler() { @Override public void onChange(ChangeEvent arg0) { float all_amnt = 0; float pay = 0; float copay = 0; if (!(tbAllowedAmount.getText().equals("0") || tbAllowedAmount.getText().equals(""))) { all_amnt = Float.parseFloat(tbAllowedAmount.getText().trim()); } TextBox tb1 = (TextBox) proceduresInfoTable.getWidget(8); TextBox tb2 = (TextBox) proceduresInfoTable.getWidget(9); if (!(tb1.getText().equals("0") || tb1.getText().equals(""))) { pay = Float.parseFloat(tb1.getText().trim()); } if (!(tb2.getText().equals("0") || tb2.getText().equals(""))) { copay = Float.parseFloat(tb2.getText().trim()); } Label left = (Label) proceduresInfoTable.getWidget(10); left.setText("" + (all_amnt - pay - copay)); } }); return tbAllowedAmount; } else if (columnName.compareTo("pay") == 0) { int row = proceduresInfoTable.getActionRow(); proceduresInfoTable.getFlexTable().getFlexCellFormatter().setWidth(row, 8, "10%"); final TextBox tbPayment = new TextBox(); tbPayment.setWidth("100%"); tbPayment.setText("0"); tbPayment.addChangeHandler(new ChangeHandler() { @Override public void onChange(ChangeEvent arg0) { float all_amnt = 0; float pay = 0; float copay = 0; if (!(tbPayment.getText().equals("0") || tbPayment.getText().equals(""))) { pay = Float.parseFloat(tbPayment.getText().trim()); } TextBox tb1 = (TextBox) proceduresInfoTable.getWidget(6); TextBox tb2 = (TextBox) proceduresInfoTable.getWidget(9); if (!(tb1.getText().equals("0") || tb1.getText().equals(""))) { all_amnt = Float.parseFloat(tb1.getText().trim()); } if (!(tb2.getText().equals("0") || tb2.getText().equals(""))) { copay = Float.parseFloat(tb2.getText().trim()); } Label left = (Label) proceduresInfoTable.getWidget(10); left.setText("" + (all_amnt - pay - copay)); } }); return tbPayment; } else if (columnName.compareTo("copay") == 0) { int row = proceduresInfoTable.getActionRow(); proceduresInfoTable.getFlexTable().getFlexCellFormatter().setWidth(row, 9, "10%"); final TextBox tbCopay = new TextBox(); tbCopay.setWidth("100%"); tbCopay.setText("0"); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") ArrayList params = new ArrayList(); tbCopay.addChangeHandler(new ChangeHandler() { @Override public void onChange(ChangeEvent arg0) { float all_amnt = 0; float pay = 0; float copay = 0; if (!(tbCopay.getText().equals("0") || tbCopay.getText().equals(""))) { copay = Float.parseFloat(tbCopay.getText().trim()); } TextBox tb1 = (TextBox) proceduresInfoTable.getWidget(6); TextBox tb2 = (TextBox) proceduresInfoTable.getWidget(8); if (!(tb1.getText().equals("0") || tb1.getText().equals(""))) { all_amnt = Float.parseFloat(tb1.getText().trim()); } if (!(tb2.getText().equals("0") || tb2.getText().equals(""))) { pay = Float.parseFloat(tb2.getText().trim()); } Label left = (Label) proceduresInfoTable.getWidget(10); left.setText("" + (all_amnt - pay - copay)); } }); params.add(data.get("pt_id")); params.add(data.get("id")); Util.callApiMethod("Ledger", "getCoveragesCopayInfo", params, new CustomRequestCallback() { @Override public void onError() { } @Override public void jsonifiedData(Object d) { if (data != null) { HashMap<String, String> result = (HashMap<String, String>) d; // tbAmount.setEnabled(false); if (result != null) { tbCopay.setText(result.get("copay")); try { Label lbLeft = new Label(); float left = 0; float copay = Float.parseFloat(result.get("copay")); left = Float.parseFloat(data.get("left")); lbLeft.setText("" + (left - copay)); proceduresInfoTable.getFlexTable().setWidget(actionRow, 10, lbLeft); } catch (Exception e) { Window.alert("aaaa"); } // tbAmount.setEnabled(false); } } } }, "HashMap<String,String>"); return tbCopay; } else if (columnName.compareTo("left") == 0) { int row = proceduresInfoTable.getActionRow(); proceduresInfoTable.getFlexTable().getFlexCellFormatter().setWidth(row, 10, "10%"); try { Label lb = (Label) proceduresInfoTable.getWidget(10); return lb; } catch (Exception e) { return new Label(); } } else if (columnName.compareTo("adj_bal") == 0) { int row = proceduresInfoTable.getActionRow(); proceduresInfoTable.getFlexTable().getFlexCellFormatter().setWidth(row, 7, "10%"); Label adjbal = new Label(); adjbal.setText(data.get("adj_bal")); return adjbal; } else if (columnName.compareTo("amnt_bill") == 0) { int row = proceduresInfoTable.getActionRow(); proceduresInfoTable.getFlexTable().getFlexCellFormatter().setWidth(row, 5, "10%"); Label amntbill = new Label(); amntbill.setText(data.get("amnt_bill")); return amntbill; } else { return (Widget) null; } } }); HorizontalPanel actionPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); actionPanel.setSpacing(5); // actionPanel.setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); CustomButton postBtn = new CustomButton(_("Post"), AppConstants.ICON_ADD); postBtn.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { prepareDataForPostCheck(); } }); CustomButton cancelBtn = new CustomButton(_("Cancel"), AppConstants.ICON_CANCEL); final PostCheckWidget pcw = this; cancelBtn.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { pcw.removeFromParent(); callback.jsonifiedData("cancel"); } }); actionPanel.add(postBtn); actionPanel.add(cancelBtn); vPanel.add(postCheckInfoFlexTable); vPanel.add(proceduresInfoTable); vPanel.add(actionPanel); vPanel.setCellHorizontalAlignment(actionPanel, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); pids = new ArrayList<String>(); loadSelectedProcedureInfo(); } public void loadSelectedProcedureInfo() { if (Util.getProgramMode() == ProgramMode.STUBBED) { } else if (Util.getProgramMode() == ProgramMode.JSONRPC) { String[] params = { procs.toString() }; RequestBuilder builder = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.POST, URL.encode(Util.getJsonRequest("org.freemedsoftware.api.ClaimLog.getProceduresInfo", params))); try { builder.sendRequest(null, new RequestCallback() { public void onError(Request request, Throwable ex) { Window.alert(ex.toString()); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) { if (Util.checkValidSessionResponse(response.getText())) { if (200 == response.getStatusCode()) { try { HashMap<String, String>[] result = (HashMap<String, String>[]) JsonUtil .shoehornJson(JSONParser.parseStrict(response.getText()), "HashMap<String,String>[]"); if (result != null) { if (result.length > 0) { proceduresInfoTable.loadData(result); } } } catch (Exception e) { } } else { } } } }); } catch (RequestException e) { Window.alert(e.toString()); } } else { } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void prepareDataForPostCheck() { FlexTable procsInfoTable = proceduresInfoTable.getFlexTable(); // ArrayList<String> pays = new ArrayList<String>(); // ArrayList<String> copays = new ArrayList<String>(); // ArrayList<String> adjs = new ArrayList<String>(); HashMap<String, String>[] procsMaps = new HashMap[pids.size()]; float amount = 0; for (int i = 1; i < (pids.size() + 1); i++) { procsMaps[i - 1] = new HashMap<String, String>(); // Window.alert(((TextBox)procsInfoTable.getWidget(i, // 6)).getText().toString()); TextBox adjTb = (TextBox) procsInfoTable.getWidget(i, 6); TextBox payTb = (TextBox) procsInfoTable.getWidget(i, 8); TextBox copayTb = (TextBox) procsInfoTable.getWidget(i, 9); procsMaps[i - 1].put("proc", "" + pids.get(i - 1)); if (adjTb.getText().equals("0") || adjTb.getText().equals("")) { procsMaps[i - 1].put("adj", "0"); } else { procsMaps[i - 1].put("adj", adjTb.getText()); } if (payTb.getText().equals("0") || payTb.getText().equals("")) { procsMaps[i - 1].put("pay", "0"); } else { procsMaps[i - 1].put("pay", payTb.getText()); try { float val = Float.parseFloat(payTb.getText()); amount += val; } catch (Exception e) { } } if (copayTb.getText().equals("0") || copayTb.getText().equals("")) { procsMaps[i - 1].put("copay", "0"); } else { procsMaps[i - 1].put("copay", copayTb.getText()); try { float val = Float.parseFloat(copayTb.getText()); amount += val; } catch (Exception e) { } } } float totalAmount = 0; try { totalAmount = Float.parseFloat(tbTotalAmount.getText()); } catch (Exception e) { } if (amount != totalAmount) { Window.alert(_("The total amount entered is not equal to the amounts entered in individual claims")); } else { postCheck(procsMaps); } } public void postCheck(HashMap<String, String>[] maps) { final PostCheckWidget pcw = this; if (Util.getProgramMode() == ProgramMode.STUBBED) { } else if (Util.getProgramMode() == ProgramMode.JSONRPC) { // String[] params = { "" + payerWidget.getStoredValue(), // JsonUtil.jsonify(tbCheckNo.getText()), // JsonUtil.jsonify(maps) }; String[] params = { "", JsonUtil.jsonify(tbCheckNo.getText()), JsonUtil.jsonify(maps) }; RequestBuilder builder = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.POST, URL.encode(Util.getJsonRequest("org.freemedsoftware.api.ClaimLog.post_check", params))); try { builder.sendRequest(null, new RequestCallback() { public void onError(Request request, Throwable ex) { Window.alert(ex.toString()); } public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) { if (Util.checkValidSessionResponse(response.getText())) { if (200 == response.getStatusCode()) { pcw.removeFromParent(); callback.jsonifiedData("update"); } else { } } } }); } catch (RequestException e) { Window.alert(e.toString()); } } else { } } }