Java tutorial
/* * $Id$ * * Authors: * Jeff Buchbinder <> * * FreeMED Electronic Medical Record and Practice Management System * Copyright (C) 1999-2012 FreeMED Software Foundation * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ package org.freemedsoftware.gwt.client.screen; import static org.freemedsoftware.gwt.client.i18n.I18nUtil._; import java.util.HashMap; import org.freemedsoftware.gwt.client.CurrentState; import org.freemedsoftware.gwt.client.JsonUtil; import org.freemedsoftware.gwt.client.ScreenInterface; import org.freemedsoftware.gwt.client.Util; import org.freemedsoftware.gwt.client.Util.ProgramMode; import org.freemedsoftware.gwt.client.Api.PatientInterfaceAsync; import org.freemedsoftware.gwt.client.i18n.AppConstants; import org.freemedsoftware.gwt.client.screen.patient.AdvancePayment; import org.freemedsoftware.gwt.client.screen.patient.AllergyEntryScreen; import org.freemedsoftware.gwt.client.screen.patient.DrugSampleEntry; import org.freemedsoftware.gwt.client.screen.patient.EncounterScreen; import org.freemedsoftware.gwt.client.screen.patient.EpisodeOfCareScreen; import org.freemedsoftware.gwt.client.screen.patient.FormEntry; import org.freemedsoftware.gwt.client.screen.patient.GrowthChartScreen; import org.freemedsoftware.gwt.client.screen.patient.ImmunizationEntry; import org.freemedsoftware.gwt.client.screen.patient.LetterEntry; import org.freemedsoftware.gwt.client.screen.patient.PatientCorrespondenceEntry; import org.freemedsoftware.gwt.client.screen.patient.PatientIdEntry; import org.freemedsoftware.gwt.client.screen.patient.PatientLinkEntry; import org.freemedsoftware.gwt.client.screen.patient.PatientReportingScreen; import org.freemedsoftware.gwt.client.screen.patient.PrescriptionsScreen; import org.freemedsoftware.gwt.client.screen.patient.ProcedureScreen; import org.freemedsoftware.gwt.client.screen.patient.ProgressNoteEntry; import org.freemedsoftware.gwt.client.screen.patient.ReferralEntry; import org.freemedsoftware.gwt.client.screen.patient.ScannedDocumentsEntryScreen; import org.freemedsoftware.gwt.client.screen.patient.SummaryScreen; import org.freemedsoftware.gwt.client.screen.patient.VitalsEntry; import org.freemedsoftware.gwt.client.widget.PatientInfoBar; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class PatientScreen extends ScreenInterface { public final static String moduleName = "emr"; protected TabPanel tabPanel; protected PatientInfoBar patientInfoBar = null; protected Integer patientId = new Integer(0); protected String patientName = new String(""); protected HashMap<String, String> patientInfo; protected SummaryScreen summaryScreen = null; protected String providerName; protected String providerId; protected Command onLoad = null; public PatientScreen() { super(moduleName); final VerticalPanel verticalPanel = new VerticalPanel(); initWidget(verticalPanel); verticalPanel.setSize("100%", "100%"); patientInfoBar = new PatientInfoBar(); patientInfoBar.setParentScreen(this); verticalPanel.add(patientInfoBar); { final MenuBar menuBar = new MenuBar(); verticalPanel.add(menuBar); boolean menuItemAdded = false; final MenuBar menuBar_1 = new MenuBar(true); if (CurrentState.isActionAllowed(AllergyEntryScreen.moduleName, AppConstants.WRITE)) { menuBar_1.addItem(_("Allergy"), new Command() { public void execute() { AllergyEntryScreen allergyEntryScreen = new AllergyEntryScreen(); Util.spawnTabPatient(_("Allergy"), allergyEntryScreen, getObject()); allergyEntryScreen.populate(); } }); menuItemAdded = true; } if (true) { menuBar_1.addItem(_("Drug Sample"), new Command() { public void execute() { Util.spawnTabPatient(_("Drug Sample"), new DrugSampleEntry(), getObject()); } }); menuItemAdded = true; } if (true) { menuBar_1.addItem(_("Episode of Care"), new Command() { public void execute() { EpisodeOfCareScreen eoc = new EpisodeOfCareScreen(); Util.spawnTabPatient(_("Episode of Care"), eoc, getObject()); eoc.loadData(); } }); menuItemAdded = true; } if (true) { menuBar_1.addItem(_("Encounter/Progress Notes"), new Command() { public void execute() { EncounterScreen ens = new EncounterScreen(); Util.spawnTabPatient(_("Encounter/Progress Notes"), ens, getObject()); ens.laodData(); } }); menuItemAdded = true; } if (true) { menuBar_1.addItem(_("Foreign ID"), new Command() { public void execute() { Util.spawnTabPatient(_("Foreign ID"), new PatientIdEntry(), getObject()); } }); menuItemAdded = true; } if (true) { menuBar_1.addItem(_("Form"), new Command() { public void execute() { Util.spawnTabPatient(_("Form"), new FormEntry(), getObject()); } }); menuItemAdded = true; } if (true) { menuBar_1.addItem(_("Immunization"), new Command() { public void execute() { Util.spawnTabPatient(_("Immunization"), new ImmunizationEntry(), getObject()); } }); menuItemAdded = true; } if (true) { menuBar_1.addItem(_("Letter"), new Command() { public void execute() { Util.spawnTabPatient(_("Letter"), new LetterEntry(), getObject()); } }); menuItemAdded = true; } if (true) { menuBar_1.addItem(_("Patient Correspondence"), new Command() { public void execute() { Util.spawnTabPatient(_("Patient Correspondence"), new PatientCorrespondenceEntry(), getObject()); } }); menuItemAdded = true; } if (true) { menuBar_1.addItem(_("Patient Link"), new Command() { public void execute() { Util.spawnTabPatient(_("Patient Link"), new PatientLinkEntry(), getObject()); } }); menuItemAdded = true; } if (true) { menuBar_1.addItem(_("Progress Note"), new Command() { public void execute() { Util.spawnTabPatient(_("Progress Note"), new ProgressNoteEntry(), getObject()); } }); menuItemAdded = true; } if (CurrentState.isActionAllowed(PrescriptionsScreen.moduleName, AppConstants.WRITE)) { menuBar_1.addItem(_("Prescription"), new Command() { public void execute() { Util.spawnTabPatient(_("Prescription"), new PrescriptionsScreen(), getObject()); } }); menuItemAdded = true; } if (true) { menuBar_1.addItem(_("Referral"), new Command() { public void execute() { Util.spawnTabPatient(_("Referral"), new ReferralEntry(), getObject()); } }); menuItemAdded = true; } if (true) { menuBar_1.addItem(_("Vitals"), new Command() { public void execute() { Util.spawnTabPatient(_("Vitals"), new VitalsEntry(), getObject()); } }); menuItemAdded = true; } if (true) { menuBar_1.addItem(_("Scanned Documents"), new Command() { public void execute() { ScannedDocumentsEntryScreen scannedDocumentsEntryScreen = new ScannedDocumentsEntryScreen(); Util.spawnTabPatient(_("Scanned Documents"), scannedDocumentsEntryScreen, getObject()); scannedDocumentsEntryScreen.populateAvailableData(); } }); menuItemAdded = true; } if (menuItemAdded) menuBar.addItem(_("New"), menuBar_1); menuItemAdded = false; final MenuBar menuBar_2 = new MenuBar(true); if (CurrentState.isActionAllowed(ProcedureScreen.moduleName, AppConstants.SHOW)) { menuBar_2.addItem(_("Manage Procedures"), new Command() { public void execute() { ProcedureScreen ps = new ProcedureScreen(); Util.spawnTabPatient(_("Manage Procedures"), ps, getObject()); ps.loadData(); } }); menuItemAdded = true; } if (true) { menuBar_2.addItem(_("Payment"), new Command() { public void execute() { AdvancePayment ap = new AdvancePayment(); Util.spawnTabPatient(_("Payment"), ap, getObject()); ap.loadUI(); } }); menuItemAdded = true; } if (CurrentState.isActionAllowed(PatientReportingScreen.moduleName, AppConstants.SHOW)) { menuBar_2.addItem(_("Patient Reporting"), new Command() { public void execute() { Util.spawnTabPatient(_("Patient Reporting"), new PatientReportingScreen(), getObject()); } }); menuItemAdded = true; } menuBar_2.addItem(_("Billing/Payment"), (Command) null); if (true) { menuBar_2.addItem(_("Growth Charts"), new Command() { public void execute() { GrowthChartScreen growthChartScreen = new GrowthChartScreen(); JsonUtil.debug("Calling growth charts with ptsex = " + patientInfo.get("ptsex")); growthChartScreen.setGender(patientInfo.get("ptsex")); growthChartScreen.setBirthDate(Util.sqlToDate(patientInfo.get("ptdob"))); growthChartScreen.init(); Util.spawnTabPatient(_("Growth Charts"), growthChartScreen, getObject()); } }); menuItemAdded = true; } menuBar_2.addItem(_("Trending"), (Command) null); menuBar.addItem(_("Reporting"), menuBar_2); } final VerticalPanel verticalPanel_1 = new VerticalPanel(); verticalPanel.add(verticalPanel_1); verticalPanel_1.setSize("100%", "100%"); tabPanel = new TabPanel(); verticalPanel_1.add(tabPanel); summaryScreen = new SummaryScreen(); tabPanel.add(summaryScreen, _("Summary")); summaryScreen.assignPatientScreen(getObject()); addChildWidget(summaryScreen); tabPanel.selectTab(0); tabPanel.addSelectionHandler(new SelectionHandler<Integer>() { @Override public void onSelection(SelectionEvent<Integer> arg0) { if (tabPanel.getWidget(arg0.getSelectedItem()) instanceof ScreenInterface) { ScreenInterface screenInterface = ((ScreenInterface) tabPanel .getWidget(arg0.getSelectedItem())); String className = screenInterface.getClass().getName(); className = className.substring(className.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); CurrentState.assignCurrentPageHelp(className); } } }); } /** * Get patient tab panel. * * @return */ public TabPanel getTabPanel() { return tabPanel; } /** * Get reference to internal object. * * @return */ protected PatientScreen getObject() { return this; } /** * Set patient id. */ public void setPatient(Integer id) { patientId = id; } /** * Get patient id. * * @return Integer of patient id. */ public Integer getPatient() { return patientId; } /** * Get provider name. * * @return Integer of patient id. */ public String getProviderName() { return providerName; } public PatientInfoBar getPatientInfoBar() { return patientInfoBar; } /** * Set <Command> to be run upon data population. * * @param onLoad */ public void setOnLoad(Command onLoad) { this.onLoad = onLoad; } public void populate() { if (Util.getProgramMode() == ProgramMode.STUBBED) { HashMap<String, String> dummy = new HashMap<String, String>(); dummy.put("patient_name", "Hackenbush, Hugo Z"); dummy.put("id", patientId.toString()); dummy.put("patient_id", "HUGO01"); dummy.put("ptdob", "1979-08-10"); dummy.put("address_line_1", "101 Evergreen Terrace"); dummy.put("address_line_2", ""); dummy.put("csz", "N Kilt Town, IL 00000"); dummy.put("pthphone", "8005551212"); dummy.put("ptwphone", "860KL51212"); populatePatientInformation(dummy); } else if (Util.getProgramMode() == ProgramMode.JSONRPC) { String[] params = { patientId.toString() }; RequestBuilder builder = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.POST, URL.encode( Util.getJsonRequest("org.freemedsoftware.api.PatientInterface.PatientInformation", params))); try { builder.sendRequest(null, new RequestCallback() { public void onError(Request request, Throwable ex) { Util.showErrorMsg("PatientScreen", _("Failed to retrieve patient information.")); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) { if (200 == response.getStatusCode()) { HashMap<String, String> r = (HashMap<String, String>) JsonUtil.shoehornJson( JSONParser.parseStrict(response.getText()), "HashMap<String,String>"); if (r != null) { populatePatientInformation(r); } } else { Util.showErrorMsg("Patientscreen", _("Failed to retrieve patient information.")); } } }); } catch (RequestException e) { Util.showErrorMsg("Patientscreen", _("Failed to retrieve patient information.")); } } else { // Set off async method to get information PatientInterfaceAsync service = null; try { service = (PatientInterfaceAsync) Util .getProxy("org.freemedsoftware.gwt.client.Api.PatientInterface"); } catch (Exception e) { GWT.log("Exception caught: ", e); } service.PatientInformation(patientId, new AsyncCallback<HashMap<String, String>>() { public void onSuccess(HashMap<String, String> pInfo) { populatePatientInformation(pInfo); } public void onFailure(Throwable t) { GWT.log("FAILURE: ", t); Util.showErrorMsg("Patientscreen", _("Failed to retrieve patient information.")); } }); } } /** * * @param info */ protected void populatePatientInformation(HashMap<String, String> info) { // Store this in the object patientInfo = info; // Push out to child widgets patientInfoBar.setPatientFromMap(patientInfo); summaryScreen.setPatientId(patientId); patientName = info.get("patient_name"); providerName = info.get("pcp"); providerId = info.get("pcpid"); summaryScreen.loadData(); if (onLoad != null) { onLoad.execute(); } } protected PatientScreen getPatientScreen() { return this; } @Override public void closeScreen() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub super.closeScreen(); Integer patientId = getPatient(); CurrentState.getPatientScreenMap().remove(patientId); CurrentState.getPatientSubScreenMap().remove(patientId); } public String getPatientName() { return patientName; } public SummaryScreen getSummaryScreen() { return summaryScreen; } }