Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


   D-Bus Java Implementation
   Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Matthew Johnson
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   under the terms of either the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2 or the
   Academic Free Licence Version 2.1.
   Full licence texts are included in the COPYING file with this program.
package org.freedesktop.dbus;

import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Vector;

import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.freedesktop.dbus.exceptions.DBusException;
import org.freedesktop.dbus.exceptions.MarshallingException;
import org.freedesktop.dbus.exceptions.UnknownTypeCodeException;
import org.freedesktop.dbus.types.DBusMap;
import org.freedesktop.dbus.types.UInt16;
import org.freedesktop.dbus.types.UInt32;
import org.freedesktop.dbus.types.UInt64;
import org.freedesktop.dbus.types.Variant;

 * Superclass of all messages which are sent over the Bus.
 * This class deals with all the marshalling to/from the wire format.
public class Message {

    private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Message.class);

    /** Defines constants representing the endianness of the message. */
    public static interface Endian {

        public static final byte BIG = 'B';
        public static final byte LITTLE = 'l';

    /** Defines constants representing the flags which can be set on a message. */
    public static interface Flags {

        public static final byte NO_REPLY_EXPECTED = 0x01;
        public static final byte NO_AUTO_START = 0x02;
        public static final byte ASYNC = 0x40;

    /** Defines constants for each message type. */
    public static interface MessageType {

        public static final byte METHOD_CALL = 1;
        public static final byte METHOD_RETURN = 2;
        public static final byte ERROR = 3;
        public static final byte SIGNAL = 4;

    /** The current protocol major version. */
    public static final byte PROTOCOL = 1;

    /** Defines constants for each valid header field type. */
    public static interface HeaderField {

        public static final byte PATH = 1;
        public static final byte INTERFACE = 2;
        public static final byte MEMBER = 3;
        public static final byte ERROR_NAME = 4;
        public static final byte REPLY_SERIAL = 5;
        public static final byte DESTINATION = 6;
        public static final byte SENDER = 7;
        public static final byte SIGNATURE = 8;

     * Defines constants for each argument type.
     * There are two constants for each argument type,
     * as a byte or as a String (the _STRING version)
    public static interface ArgumentType {

        public static final String BYTE_STRING = "y";
        public static final String BOOLEAN_STRING = "b";
        public static final String INT16_STRING = "n";
        public static final String UINT16_STRING = "q";
        public static final String INT32_STRING = "i";
        public static final String UINT32_STRING = "u";
        public static final String INT64_STRING = "x";
        public static final String UINT64_STRING = "t";
        public static final String DOUBLE_STRING = "d";
        public static final String FLOAT_STRING = "f";
        public static final String STRING_STRING = "s";
        public static final String OBJECT_PATH_STRING = "o";
        public static final String SIGNATURE_STRING = "g";
        public static final String ARRAY_STRING = "a";
        public static final String VARIANT_STRING = "v";
        public static final String STRUCT_STRING = "r";
        public static final String STRUCT1_STRING = "(";
        public static final String STRUCT2_STRING = ")";
        public static final String DICT_ENTRY_STRING = "e";
        public static final String DICT_ENTRY1_STRING = "{";
        public static final String DICT_ENTRY2_STRING = "}";
        public static final String UNIX_FD_STRING = "h";

        public static final byte BYTE = 'y';
        public static final byte BOOLEAN = 'b';
        public static final byte INT16 = 'n';
        public static final byte UINT16 = 'q';
        public static final byte INT32 = 'i';
        public static final byte UINT32 = 'u';
        public static final byte INT64 = 'x';
        public static final byte UINT64 = 't';
        public static final byte DOUBLE = 'd';
        public static final byte FLOAT = 'f';
        public static final byte STRING = 's';
        public static final byte OBJECT_PATH = 'o';
        public static final byte SIGNATURE = 'g';
        public static final byte ARRAY = 'a';
        public static final byte VARIANT = 'v';
        public static final byte STRUCT = 'r';
        public static final byte STRUCT1 = '(';
        public static final byte STRUCT2 = ')';
        public static final byte DICT_ENTRY = 'e';
        public static final byte DICT_ENTRY1 = '{';
        public static final byte DICT_ENTRY2 = '}';
        public static final byte UNIX_FD = 'h';

    /** Keep a static reference to each size of padding array to prevent allocation. */
    private static byte[][] padding;
    static {
        padding = new byte[][] { null, new byte[1], new byte[2], new byte[3], new byte[4], new byte[5], new byte[6],
                new byte[7] };
    /** Steps to increment the buffer array. */
    private static final int BUFFERINCREMENT = 20;

    private boolean big;
    protected byte[][] wiredata;
    protected long bytecounter;
    protected Map<Byte, Object> headers;
    protected static long globalserial = 0;
    protected long serial;
    protected byte type;
    protected byte flags;
    protected byte protover;
    private Object[] args;
    private byte[] body;
    private long bodylen = 0;
    private int preallocated = 0;
    private int paofs = 0;
    private byte[] pabuf;
    private int bufferuse = 0;

     * Returns the name of the given header field.
    public static String getHeaderFieldName(byte field) {
        switch (field) {
        case HeaderField.PATH:
            return "Path";
        case HeaderField.INTERFACE:
            return "Interface";
        case HeaderField.MEMBER:
            return "Member";
        case HeaderField.ERROR_NAME:
            return "Error Name";
        case HeaderField.REPLY_SERIAL:
            return "Reply Serial";
        case HeaderField.DESTINATION:
            return "Destination";
        case HeaderField.SENDER:
            return "Sender";
        case HeaderField.SIGNATURE:
            return "Signature";
            return "Invalid";

     * Create a message; only to be called by sub-classes.
     * @param endian
     *            The endianness to create the message.
     * @param type
     *            The message type.
     * @param flags
     *            Any message flags.
    protected Message(byte endian, byte type, byte flags) throws DBusException {
        this.wiredata = new byte[BUFFERINCREMENT][];
        this.headers = new HashMap<>();
        this.big = (Endian.BIG == endian);
        this.bytecounter = 0;
        synchronized (Message.class) {
            this.serial = ++globalserial;

        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Creating message with serial " + this.serial);
        this.type = type;
        this.flags = flags;
        append("yyyy", endian, type, flags, Message.PROTOCOL);

     * Create a blank message. Only to be used when calling populate.
    protected Message() {
        this.wiredata = new byte[BUFFERINCREMENT][];
        this.headers = new HashMap<>();
        this.bytecounter = 0;

     * Create a message from wire-format data.
     * @param msg
     *            D-Bus serialized data of type yyyuu
     * @param hdrs
     *            D-Bus serialized data of type a(yv)
     * @param bdy
     *            D-Bus serialized data of the signature defined in headers.
    void populate(byte[] msg, byte[] hdrs, byte[] bdy) throws DBusException {
        this.big = (msg[0] == Endian.BIG);
        this.type = msg[1];
        this.flags = msg[2];
        this.protover = msg[3];
        this.wiredata[0] = msg;
        this.wiredata[1] = hdrs;
        this.wiredata[2] = bdy;
        this.body = bdy;
        this.bufferuse = 3;
        this.bodylen = ((Number) extract(Message.ArgumentType.UINT32_STRING, msg, 4)[0]).longValue();
        this.serial = ((Number) extract(Message.ArgumentType.UINT32_STRING, msg, 8)[0]).longValue();
        this.bytecounter = msg.length + hdrs.length + bdy.length;

        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
        Object[] hs = extract("a(yv)", hdrs, 0);

        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
        for (Object o : (Vector<Object>) hs[0]) {
            this.headers.put((Byte) ((Object[]) o)[0], ((Variant<Object>) ((Object[]) o)[1]).getValue());

     * Create a buffer of num bytes.
     * Data is copied to this rather than added to the buffer list.
    private void preallocate(int num) {
        this.preallocated = 0;
        this.pabuf = new byte[num];
        this.preallocated = num;
        this.paofs = 0;

     * Ensures there are enough free buffers.
     * @param num
     *            number of free buffers to create.
    private void ensureBuffers(int num) {
        int increase = num - this.wiredata.length + this.bufferuse;
        if (increase > 0) {
            if (increase < BUFFERINCREMENT)
                increase = BUFFERINCREMENT;
            if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                log.trace("Resizing " + this.bufferuse);
            byte[][] temp = new byte[this.wiredata.length + increase][];
            System.arraycopy(this.wiredata, 0, temp, 0, this.wiredata.length);
            this.wiredata = temp;

     * Appends a buffer to the buffer list.
    protected void appendBytes(byte[] buf) {
        if (null == buf)
        if (this.preallocated > 0) {
            if (this.paofs + buf.length > this.pabuf.length)
                throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(
                        String.format("Array index out of bounds, paofs=%s, pabuf.length=%s, buf.length=%s.",
                                this.paofs, this.pabuf.length, buf.length));
            System.arraycopy(buf, 0, this.pabuf, this.paofs, buf.length);
            this.paofs += buf.length;
            this.preallocated -= buf.length;
        } else {
            if (this.bufferuse == this.wiredata.length) {
                if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                    log.trace("Resizing " + this.bufferuse);
                byte[][] temp = new byte[this.wiredata.length + BUFFERINCREMENT][];
                System.arraycopy(this.wiredata, 0, temp, 0, this.wiredata.length);
                this.wiredata = temp;
            this.wiredata[this.bufferuse++] = buf;
            this.bytecounter += buf.length;

     * Appends a byte to the buffer list.
    protected void appendByte(byte b) {
        if (this.preallocated > 0) {
            this.pabuf[this.paofs++] = b;
        } else {
            if (this.bufferuse == this.wiredata.length) {
                if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                    log.trace("Resizing " + this.bufferuse);
                byte[][] temp = new byte[this.wiredata.length + BUFFERINCREMENT][];
                System.arraycopy(this.wiredata, 0, temp, 0, this.wiredata.length);
                this.wiredata = temp;
            this.wiredata[this.bufferuse++] = new byte[] { b };

     * Demarshalls an integer of a given width from a buffer.
     * Endianness is determined from the format of the message.
     * @param buf
     *            The buffer to demarshall from.
     * @param ofs
     *            The offset to demarshall from.
     * @param width
     *            The byte-width of the int.
    public long demarshallint(byte[] buf, int ofs, int width) {
        return this.big ? demarshallintBig(buf, ofs, width) : demarshallintLittle(buf, ofs, width);

     * Demarshalls an integer of a given width from a buffer.
     * @param buf
     *            The buffer to demarshall from.
     * @param ofs
     *            The offset to demarshall from.
     * @param endian
     *            The endianness to use in demarshalling.
     * @param width
     *            The byte-width of the int.
    public static long demarshallint(byte[] buf, int ofs, byte endian, int width) {
        return endian == Endian.BIG ? demarshallintBig(buf, ofs, width) : demarshallintLittle(buf, ofs, width);

     * Demarshalls an integer of a given width from a buffer using big-endian format.
     * @param buf
     *            The buffer to demarshall from.
     * @param ofs
     *            The offset to demarshall from.
     * @param width
     *            The byte-width of the int.
    public static long demarshallintBig(byte[] buf, int ofs, int width) {
        long l = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
            l <<= 8;
            l |= (buf[ofs + i] & 0xFF);
        return l;

     * Demarshalls an integer of a given width from a buffer using little-endian format.
     * @param buf
     *            The buffer to demarshall from.
     * @param ofs
     *            The offset to demarshall from.
     * @param width
     *            The byte-width of the int.
    public static long demarshallintLittle(byte[] buf, int ofs, int width) {
        long l = 0;
        for (int i = (width - 1); i >= 0; i--) {
            l <<= 8;
            l |= (buf[ofs + i] & 0xFF);
        return l;

     * Marshalls an integer of a given width and appends it to the message.
     * Endianness is determined from the message.
     * @param l
     *            The integer to marshall.
     * @param width
     *            The byte-width of the int.
    public void appendint(long l, int width) {
        byte[] buf = new byte[width];
        marshallint(l, buf, 0, width);

     * Marshalls an integer of a given width into a buffer.
     * Endianness is determined from the message.
     * @param l
     *            The integer to marshall.
     * @param buf
     *            The buffer to marshall to.
     * @param ofs
     *            The offset to marshall to.
     * @param width
     *            The byte-width of the int.
    public void marshallint(long l, byte[] buf, int ofs, int width) {
        if (this.big)
            marshallintBig(l, buf, ofs, width);
            marshallintLittle(l, buf, ofs, width);

        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            Hex h = new Hex();
            log.trace("Marshalled int " + l + " to " + h.encode(Arrays.copyOfRange(buf, ofs, width)));

     * Marshalls an integer of a given width into a buffer using big-endian format.
     * @param l
     *            The integer to marshall.
     * @param buf
     *            The buffer to marshall to.
     * @param ofs
     *            The offset to marshall to.
     * @param width
     *            The byte-width of the int.
    public static void marshallintBig(long l, byte[] buf, int ofs, int width) {
        long t = l;
        for (int i = (width - 1); i >= 0; i--) {
            buf[i + ofs] = (byte) (t & 0xFF);
            t >>= 8;

     * Marshalls an integer of a given width into a buffer using little-endian format.
     * @param l
     *            The integer to marshall.
     * @param buf
     *            The buffer to demarshall to.
     * @param ofs
     *            The offset to demarshall to.
     * @param width
     *            The byte-width of the int.
    public static void marshallintLittle(long l, byte[] buf, int ofs, int width) {
        long t = l;
        for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
            buf[i + ofs] = (byte) (t & 0xFF);
            t >>= 8;

    public byte[][] getWireData() {
        return this.wiredata;

     * Formats the message in a human-readable format.
    public String toString() {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        sb.append(' ');
        sb.append(' ');
        if (this.headers.size() == 0)
        else {
            for (Byte field : this.headers.keySet()) {
                sb.append(' ');
            sb.setCharAt(sb.length() - 2, ' ');
            sb.setCharAt(sb.length() - 1, '}');
        sb.append(' ');
        sb.append(' ');
        Object[] params = null;
        try {
            params = getParameters();
        } catch (DBusException DBe) {
            log.warn("Failed to get parameters", DBe);
        if (null == params || 0 == params.length)
        else {
            for (Object o : params) {
                if (o instanceof Object[])
                    sb.append(Arrays.deepToString((Object[]) o));
                else if (o instanceof byte[])
                    sb.append(Arrays.toString((byte[]) o));
                else if (o instanceof int[])
                    sb.append(Arrays.toString((int[]) o));
                else if (o instanceof short[])
                    sb.append(Arrays.toString((short[]) o));
                else if (o instanceof long[])
                    sb.append(Arrays.toString((long[]) o));
                else if (o instanceof boolean[])
                    sb.append(Arrays.toString((boolean[]) o));
                else if (o instanceof double[])
                    sb.append(Arrays.toString((double[]) o));
                else if (o instanceof float[])
                    sb.append(Arrays.toString((float[]) o));
                sb.append(' ');
            sb.setCharAt(sb.length() - 2, ' ');
            sb.setCharAt(sb.length() - 1, '}');
        return sb.toString();

     * Returns the value of the header field of a given field.
     * @param t
     *            The field to return.
     * @return The value of the field or null if unset.
    public Object getHeader(byte t) {
        return this.headers.get(t);

     * Appends a value to the message.
     * The type of the value is read from a D-Bus signature and used to marshall
     * the value.
     * @param sigb
     *            A buffer of the D-Bus signature.
     * @param sigofs
     *            The offset into the signature corresponding to this value.
     * @param data
     *            The value to marshall.
     * @return The offset into the signature of the end of this value's type.
    private int appendone(byte[] sigb, int sigofs, Object data) throws DBusException {
        try {
            int i = sigofs;
            if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                log.trace("Appending type: " + ((char) sigb[i]) + " value: " + data);

            // pad to the alignment of this type.
            switch (sigb[i]) {
            case ArgumentType.BYTE:
                appendByte(((Number) data).byteValue());
            case ArgumentType.BOOLEAN:
                appendint(((Boolean) data).booleanValue() ? 1 : 0, 4);
            case ArgumentType.DOUBLE:
                long l = Double.doubleToLongBits(((Number) data).doubleValue());
                appendint(l, 8);
            case ArgumentType.FLOAT:
                int rf = Float.floatToIntBits(((Number) data).floatValue());
                appendint(rf, 4);
            case ArgumentType.UINT32:
                appendint(((Number) data).longValue(), 4);
            case ArgumentType.INT64:
                appendint(((Number) data).longValue(), 8);
            case ArgumentType.UINT64:
                if (this.big) {
                    appendint(((UInt64) data).top(), 4);
                    appendint(((UInt64) data).bottom(), 4);
                } else {
                    appendint(((UInt64) data).bottom(), 4);
                    appendint(((UInt64) data).top(), 4);
            case ArgumentType.INT32:
                appendint(((Number) data).intValue(), 4);
            case ArgumentType.UINT16:
                appendint(((Number) data).intValue(), 2);
            case ArgumentType.INT16:
                appendint(((Number) data).shortValue(), 2);
            case ArgumentType.STRING:
            case ArgumentType.OBJECT_PATH:
                // Strings are marshalled as a UInt32 with the length,
                // followed by the String, followed by a null byte.
                String payload = data.toString();
                byte[] payloadbytes = null;
                try {
                    payloadbytes = payload.getBytes("UTF-8");
                } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException UEe) {
                    throw new DBusException("System does not support UTF-8 encoding", UEe);
                if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                    log.trace("Appending String of length " + payloadbytes.length);
                appendint(payloadbytes.length, 4);
                // pad(ArgumentType.STRING);? do we need this?
            case ArgumentType.SIGNATURE:
                // Signatures are marshalled as a byte with the length,
                // followed by the String, followed by a null byte.
                // Signatures are generally short, so preallocate the array
                // for the string, length and null byte.
                if (data instanceof Type[])
                    payload = Marshalling.getDBusType((Type[]) data);
                    payload = (String) data;
                byte[] pbytes = payload.getBytes();
                preallocate(2 + pbytes.length);
                appendByte((byte) pbytes.length);
                appendByte((byte) 0);
            case ArgumentType.ARRAY:
                // Arrays are given as a UInt32 for the length in bytes,
                // padding to the element alignment, then elements in
                // order. The length is the length from the end of the
                // initial padding to the end of the last element.

                if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                    if (data instanceof Object[])
                        log.trace("Appending array: " + Arrays.deepToString((Object[]) data));

                byte[] alen = new byte[4];
                long c = this.bytecounter;

                // optimise primatives
                if (data.getClass().isArray() && data.getClass().getComponentType().isPrimitive()) {
                    byte[] primbuf;
                    int algn = getAlignment(sigb[i]);
                    int len = Array.getLength(data);
                    switch (sigb[i]) {
                    case ArgumentType.BYTE:
                        primbuf = (byte[]) data;
                    case ArgumentType.INT16:
                    case ArgumentType.INT32:
                    case ArgumentType.INT64:
                        primbuf = new byte[len * algn];
                        for (int j = 0, k = 0; j < len; j++, k += algn)
                            marshallint(Array.getLong(data, j), primbuf, k, algn);
                    case ArgumentType.BOOLEAN:
                        primbuf = new byte[len * algn];
                        for (int j = 0, k = 0; j < len; j++, k += algn)
                            marshallint(Array.getBoolean(data, j) ? 1 : 0, primbuf, k, algn);
                    case ArgumentType.DOUBLE:
                        primbuf = new byte[len * algn];
                        if (data instanceof float[])
                            for (int j = 0, k = 0; j < len; j++, k += algn)
                                marshallint(Double.doubleToRawLongBits(((float[]) data)[j]), primbuf, k, algn);
                            for (int j = 0, k = 0; j < len; j++, k += algn)
                                marshallint(Double.doubleToRawLongBits(((double[]) data)[j]), primbuf, k, algn);
                    case ArgumentType.FLOAT:
                        primbuf = new byte[len * algn];
                        for (int j = 0, k = 0; j < len; j++, k += algn)
                            marshallint(Float.floatToRawIntBits(((float[]) data)[j]), primbuf, k, algn);
                        throw new MarshallingException("Primative array being sent as non-primative array.");
                } else if (data instanceof List) {
                    Object[] contents = ((List<Object>) data).toArray();
                    int diff = i;
                    ensureBuffers(contents.length * 4);
                    for (Object o : contents)
                        diff = appendone(sigb, i, o);
                    i = diff;
                } else if (data instanceof Map) {
                    int diff = i;
                    ensureBuffers(((Map<Object, Object>) data).size() * 6);
                    for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> o : ((Map<Object, Object>) data).entrySet())
                        diff = appendone(sigb, i, o);
                    if (i == diff) {
                        // advance the type parser even on 0-size arrays.
                        Vector<Type> temp = new Vector<>();
                        byte[] temp2 = new byte[sigb.length - diff];
                        System.arraycopy(sigb, diff, temp2, 0, temp2.length);
                        String temp3 = new String(temp2);
                        int temp4 = Marshalling.getJavaType(temp3, temp, 1);
                        diff += temp4;
                    i = diff;
                } else {
                    Object[] contents = (Object[]) data;
                    ensureBuffers(contents.length * 4);
                    int diff = i;
                    for (Object o : contents)
                        diff = appendone(sigb, i, o);
                    i = diff;
                if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                    log.trace("start: " + c + " end: " + this.bytecounter + " length: " + (this.bytecounter - c));
                marshallint(this.bytecounter - c, alen, 0, 4);
            case ArgumentType.STRUCT1:
                // Structs are aligned to 8 bytes
                // and simply contain each element marshalled in order
                Object[] contents;
                if (data instanceof Container)
                    contents = ((Container) data).getParameters();
                    contents = (Object[]) data;
                ensureBuffers(contents.length * 4);
                int j = 0;
                for (i++; sigb[i] != ArgumentType.STRUCT2; i++)
                    i = appendone(sigb, i, contents[j++]);
            case ArgumentType.DICT_ENTRY1:
                // Dict entries are the same as structs.
                if (data instanceof Map.Entry) {
                    i = appendone(sigb, i, ((Map.Entry<Object, Object>) data).getKey());
                    i = appendone(sigb, i, ((Map.Entry<Object, Object>) data).getValue());
                } else {
                    contents = (Object[]) data;
                    j = 0;
                    for (i++; sigb[i] != ArgumentType.DICT_ENTRY2; i++)
                        i = appendone(sigb, i, contents[j++]);
            case ArgumentType.VARIANT:
                // Variants are marshalled as a signature
                // followed by the value.
                if (data instanceof Variant) {
                    Variant<?> var = (Variant<?>) data;
                    appendone(new byte[] { ArgumentType.SIGNATURE }, 0, var.getSig());
                    appendone((var.getSig()).getBytes(), 0, var.getValue());
                } else if (data instanceof Object[]) {
                    contents = (Object[]) data;
                    appendone(new byte[] { ArgumentType.SIGNATURE }, 0, contents[0]);
                    appendone(((String) contents[0]).getBytes(), 0, contents[1]);
                } else {
                    String sig = Marshalling.getDBusType(data.getClass())[0];
                    appendone(new byte[] { ArgumentType.SIGNATURE }, 0, sig);
                    appendone((sig).getBytes(), 0, data);
            return i;
        } catch (ClassCastException CCe) {
            throw new MarshallingException(
                    String.format("Trying to marshall to unconvertable type (from %s to %s).",
                            data.getClass().getName(), sigb[sigofs]),

     * Pad the message to the proper alignment for the given type.
    public void pad(byte t) {
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace("padding for " + (char) t);
        int a = getAlignment(t);
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace(this.preallocated + " " + this.paofs + " " + this.bytecounter + " " + a);
        int b = (int) ((this.bytecounter - this.preallocated) % a);
        if (0 == b)
        a = (a - b);
        if (this.preallocated > 0) {
            this.paofs += a;
            this.preallocated -= a;
        } else
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace(this.preallocated + " " + this.paofs + " " + this.bytecounter + " " + a);

     * Return the alignment for a given type.
    public static int getAlignment(byte type) {
        switch (type) {
        case 2:
        case ArgumentType.INT16:
        case ArgumentType.UINT16:
            return 2;
        case 4:
        case ArgumentType.BOOLEAN:
        case ArgumentType.FLOAT:
        case ArgumentType.INT32:
        case ArgumentType.UINT32:
        case ArgumentType.STRING:
        case ArgumentType.OBJECT_PATH:
        case ArgumentType.ARRAY:
            return 4;
        case 8:
        case ArgumentType.INT64:
        case ArgumentType.UINT64:
        case ArgumentType.DOUBLE:
        case ArgumentType.STRUCT:
        case ArgumentType.DICT_ENTRY:
        case ArgumentType.STRUCT1:
        case ArgumentType.DICT_ENTRY1:
        case ArgumentType.STRUCT2:
        case ArgumentType.DICT_ENTRY2:
            return 8;
        case 1:
        case ArgumentType.BYTE:
        case ArgumentType.SIGNATURE:
        case ArgumentType.VARIANT:
            return 1;

     * Append a series of values to the message.
     * @param sig
     *            The signature(s) of the value(s).
     * @param data
     *            The value(s).
    public void append(String sig, Object... data) throws DBusException {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Appending sig: " + sig + " data: " + Arrays.deepToString(data));
        byte[] sigb = sig.getBytes();
        int j = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < sigb.length; i++) {
            if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                log.trace("Appending item: " + i + " " + ((char) sigb[i]) + " " + j);
            i = appendone(sigb, i, data[j++]);

     * Align a counter to the given type.
     * @param current
     *            The current counter.
     * @param type
     *            The type to align to.
     * @return The new, aligned, counter.
    public int align(int current, byte t) {
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace("aligning to " + (char) t);
        int a = getAlignment(t);
        if (0 == (current % a))
            return current;
        return current + (a - (current % a));

     * Demarshall one value from a buffer.
     * @param sigb
     *            A buffer of the D-Bus signature.
     * @param buf
     *            The buffer to demarshall from.
     * @param ofs
     *            An array of two ints, the offset into the signature buffer
     *            and the offset into the data buffer. These values will be
     *            updated to the start of the next value ofter demarshalling.
     * @param contained
     *            converts nested arrays to Lists
     * @return The demarshalled value.
    private Object extractone(byte[] sigb, byte[] buf, int[] ofs, boolean contained) throws DBusException {
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace("Extracting type: " + ((char) sigb[ofs[0]]) + " from offset " + ofs[1]);
        Object rv = null;
        ofs[1] = align(ofs[1], sigb[ofs[0]]);
        switch (sigb[ofs[0]]) {
        case ArgumentType.BYTE:
            rv = buf[ofs[1]++];
        case ArgumentType.UINT32:
            rv = new UInt32(demarshallint(buf, ofs[1], 4));
            ofs[1] += 4;
        case ArgumentType.INT32:
            rv = (int) demarshallint(buf, ofs[1], 4);
            ofs[1] += 4;
        case ArgumentType.INT16:
            rv = (short) demarshallint(buf, ofs[1], 2);
            ofs[1] += 2;
        case ArgumentType.UINT16:
            rv = new UInt16((int) demarshallint(buf, ofs[1], 2));
            ofs[1] += 2;
        case ArgumentType.INT64:
            rv = demarshallint(buf, ofs[1], 8);
            ofs[1] += 8;
        case ArgumentType.UINT64:
            long top;
            long bottom;
            if (this.big) {
                top = demarshallint(buf, ofs[1], 4);
                ofs[1] += 4;
                bottom = demarshallint(buf, ofs[1], 4);
            } else {
                bottom = demarshallint(buf, ofs[1], 4);
                ofs[1] += 4;
                top = demarshallint(buf, ofs[1], 4);
            rv = new UInt64(top, bottom);
            ofs[1] += 4;
        case ArgumentType.DOUBLE:
            long l = demarshallint(buf, ofs[1], 8);
            ofs[1] += 8;
            rv = Double.longBitsToDouble(l);
        case ArgumentType.FLOAT:
            int rf = (int) demarshallint(buf, ofs[1], 4);
            ofs[1] += 4;
            rv = Float.intBitsToFloat(rf);
        case ArgumentType.BOOLEAN:
            rf = (int) demarshallint(buf, ofs[1], 4);
            ofs[1] += 4;
            rv = (1 == rf) ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
        case ArgumentType.ARRAY:
            long size = demarshallint(buf, ofs[1], 4);
            if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                log.trace("Reading array of size: " + size);
            ofs[1] += 4;
            byte algn = (byte) getAlignment(sigb[++ofs[0]]);
            ofs[1] = align(ofs[1], sigb[ofs[0]]);
            int length = (int) (size / algn);
            if (length > AbstractConnection.MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH)
                throw new MarshallingException("Arrays must not exceed " + AbstractConnection.MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH);
            // optimise primatives
            switch (sigb[ofs[0]]) {
            case ArgumentType.BYTE:
                rv = new byte[length];
                System.arraycopy(buf, ofs[1], rv, 0, length);
                ofs[1] += size;
            case ArgumentType.INT16:
                rv = new short[length];
                for (int j = 0; j < length; j++, ofs[1] += algn)
                    ((short[]) rv)[j] = (short) demarshallint(buf, ofs[1], algn);
            case ArgumentType.INT32:
                rv = new int[length];
                for (int j = 0; j < length; j++, ofs[1] += algn)
                    ((int[]) rv)[j] = (int) demarshallint(buf, ofs[1], algn);
            case ArgumentType.INT64:
                rv = new long[length];
                for (int j = 0; j < length; j++, ofs[1] += algn)
                    ((long[]) rv)[j] = demarshallint(buf, ofs[1], algn);
            case ArgumentType.BOOLEAN:
                rv = new boolean[length];
                for (int j = 0; j < length; j++, ofs[1] += algn)
                    ((boolean[]) rv)[j] = (1 == demarshallint(buf, ofs[1], algn));
            case ArgumentType.FLOAT:
                rv = new float[length];
                for (int j = 0; j < length; j++, ofs[1] += algn)
                    ((float[]) rv)[j] = Float.intBitsToFloat((int) demarshallint(buf, ofs[1], algn));
            case ArgumentType.DOUBLE:
                rv = new double[length];
                for (int j = 0; j < length; j++, ofs[1] += algn)
                    ((double[]) rv)[j] = Double.longBitsToDouble(demarshallint(buf, ofs[1], algn));
            case ArgumentType.DICT_ENTRY1:
                if (0 == size) {
                    // advance the type parser even on 0-size arrays.
                    Vector<Type> temp = new Vector<>();
                    byte[] temp2 = new byte[sigb.length - ofs[0]];
                    System.arraycopy(sigb, ofs[0], temp2, 0, temp2.length);
                    String temp3 = new String(temp2);
                    // ofs[0] gets incremented anyway. Leave one character on the stack
                    int temp4 = Marshalling.getJavaType(temp3, temp, 1) - 1;
                    ofs[0] += temp4;
                    if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                        log.trace("Aligned type: " + temp3 + " " + temp4 + " " + ofs[0]);
                int ofssave = ofs[0];
                long end = ofs[1] + size;
                Vector<Object[]> entries = new Vector<>();
                while (ofs[1] < end) {
                    ofs[0] = ofssave;
                    entries.add((Object[]) extractone(sigb, buf, ofs, true));
                rv = new DBusMap<>(entries.toArray(new Object[0][]));
                if (0 == size) {
                    // advance the type parser even on 0-size arrays.
                    Vector<Type> temp = new Vector<>();
                    byte[] temp2 = new byte[sigb.length - ofs[0]];
                    System.arraycopy(sigb, ofs[0], temp2, 0, temp2.length);
                    String temp3 = new String(temp2);
                    // ofs[0] gets incremented anyway. Leave one character on the stack
                    int temp4 = Marshalling.getJavaType(temp3, temp, 1) - 1;
                    ofs[0] += temp4;
                    if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                        log.trace("Aligned type: " + temp3 + " " + temp4 + " " + ofs[0]);
                ofssave = ofs[0];
                end = ofs[1] + size;
                Vector<Object> contents = new Vector<>();
                while (ofs[1] < end) {
                    ofs[0] = ofssave;
                    contents.add(extractone(sigb, buf, ofs, true));
                rv = contents;
            if (contained && !(rv instanceof List) && !(rv instanceof Map))
                rv = ArrayFrob.listify(rv);
        case ArgumentType.STRUCT1:
            Vector<Object> contents = new Vector<>();
            while (sigb[++ofs[0]] != ArgumentType.STRUCT2)
                contents.add(extractone(sigb, buf, ofs, true));
            rv = contents.toArray();
        case ArgumentType.DICT_ENTRY1:
            Object[] decontents = new Object[2];
            if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                Hex h = new Hex();
                        "Extracting Dict Entry (" + h.encode(Arrays.copyOfRange(sigb, ofs[0], sigb.length - ofs[0]))
                                + ") from: " + h.encode(Arrays.copyOfRange(buf, ofs[1], buf.length - ofs[1])));
            decontents[0] = extractone(sigb, buf, ofs, true);
            decontents[1] = extractone(sigb, buf, ofs, true);
            rv = decontents;
        case ArgumentType.VARIANT:
            int[] newofs = new int[] { 0, ofs[1] };
            String sig = (String) extract(ArgumentType.SIGNATURE_STRING, buf, newofs)[0];
            newofs[0] = 0;
            rv = new Variant<>(extract(sig, buf, newofs)[0], sig);
            ofs[1] = newofs[1];
        case ArgumentType.STRING:
            length = (int) demarshallint(buf, ofs[1], 4);
            ofs[1] += 4;
            try {
                rv = new String(buf, ofs[1], length, "UTF-8");
            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException UEe) {
                throw new DBusException("System does not support UTF-8 encoding", UEe);
            ofs[1] += length + 1;
        case ArgumentType.OBJECT_PATH:
            length = (int) demarshallint(buf, ofs[1], 4);
            ofs[1] += 4;
            rv = new ObjectPath(getSource(), new String(buf, ofs[1], length));
            ofs[1] += length + 1;
        case ArgumentType.SIGNATURE:
            length = (buf[ofs[1]++] & 0xFF);
            rv = new String(buf, ofs[1], length);
            ofs[1] += length + 1;
            throw new UnknownTypeCodeException(sigb[ofs[0]]);
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            if (rv instanceof Object[])
                log.trace("Extracted: " + Arrays.deepToString((Object[]) rv) + " (now at " + ofs[1] + ")");
                log.trace("Extracted: " + rv + " (now at " + ofs[1] + ")");
        return rv;

     * Demarshall values from a buffer.
     * @param sig
     *            The D-Bus signature(s) of the value(s).
     * @param buf
     *            The buffer to demarshall from.
     * @param ofs
     *            The offset into the data buffer to start.
     * @return The demarshalled value(s).
    public Object[] extract(String sig, byte[] buf, int ofs) throws DBusException {
        return extract(sig, buf, new int[] { 0, ofs });

     * Demarshall values from a buffer.
     * @param sig
     *            The D-Bus signature(s) of the value(s).
     * @param buf
     *            The buffer to demarshall from.
     * @param ofs
     *            An array of two ints, the offset into the signature
     *            and the offset into the data buffer. These values will be
     *            updated to the start of the next value ofter demarshalling.
     * @return The demarshalled value(s).
    public Object[] extract(String sig, byte[] buf, int[] ofs) throws DBusException {
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace("extract(" + sig + ",#" + buf.length + ", {" + ofs[0] + "," + ofs[1] + "}");
        Vector<Object> rv = new Vector<>();
        byte[] sigb = sig.getBytes();
        for (int[] i = ofs; i[0] < sigb.length; i[0]++) {
            rv.add(extractone(sigb, buf, i, false));
        return rv.toArray();

     * Returns the Bus ID that sent the message.
    public String getSource() {
        return (String) this.headers.get(HeaderField.SENDER);

     * Returns the destination of the message.
    public String getDestination() {
        return (String) this.headers.get(HeaderField.DESTINATION);

     * Returns the interface of the message.
    public String getInterface() {
        return (String) this.headers.get(HeaderField.INTERFACE);

     * Returns the object path of the message.
    public String getPath() {
        Object o = this.headers.get(HeaderField.PATH);
        if (null == o)
            return null;
        return o.toString();

     * Returns the member name or error name this message represents.
    public String getName() {
        if (this instanceof Error) {
            return (String) this.headers.get(HeaderField.ERROR_NAME);
        return (String) this.headers.get(HeaderField.MEMBER);

     * Returns the dbus signature of the parameters.
    public String getSig() {
        return (String) this.headers.get(HeaderField.SIGNATURE);

     * Returns the message flags.
    public int getFlags() {
        return this.flags;

     * Returns the message serial ID (unique for this connection)
     * @return the message serial.
    public long getSerial() {
        return this.serial;

     * If this is a reply to a message, this returns its serial.
     * @return The reply serial, or 0 if it is not a reply.
    public long getReplySerial() {
        Number l = (Number) this.headers.get(HeaderField.REPLY_SERIAL);
        if (null == l)
            return 0;
        return l.longValue();

     * Parses and returns the parameters to this message as an Object array.
    public Object[] getParameters() throws DBusException {
        if (null == this.args && null != this.body) {
            String sig = (String) this.headers.get(HeaderField.SIGNATURE);
            if (null != sig && 0 != this.body.length) {
                this.args = extract(sig, this.body, 0);
            } else
                this.args = new Object[0];
        return this.args;

    protected void setArgs(Object[] args) {
        this.args = args;

     * Warning, do not use this method unless you really know what you are doing.
    public void setSource(String source) throws DBusException {
        if (null != this.body) {
            this.wiredata = new byte[BUFFERINCREMENT][];
            this.bufferuse = 0;
            this.bytecounter = 0;
            append("yyyyuu", this.big ? Endian.BIG : Endian.LITTLE, this.type, this.flags, this.protover,
                    this.bodylen, this.serial);
            this.headers.put(HeaderField.SENDER, source);
            Object[][] newhead = new Object[this.headers.size()][];
            int i = 0;
            for (Byte b : this.headers.keySet()) {
                newhead[i] = new Object[2];
                newhead[i][0] = b;
                newhead[i][1] = this.headers.get(b);
            append("a(yv)", (Object) newhead);
            pad((byte) 8);