Java tutorial
/* * ==================================================================== * * This code is subject to the freebxml License, Version 1.1 * * Copyright (c) 2001 - 2003 All rights reserved. * * $Header: /cvsroot/ebxmlrr/omar/src/java/org/freebxml/omar/server/common/,v 1.21 2006/12/12 20:52:48 farrukh_najmi Exp $ * ==================================================================== */ package org.freebxml.omar.server.common; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.Locale; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import javax.xml.registry.InvalidRequestException; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.freebxml.omar.common.BindingUtility; import javax.xml.registry.JAXRException; import org.freebxml.omar.common.CommonRequestContext; import org.freebxml.omar.common.spi.QueryManager; import org.freebxml.omar.common.spi.QueryManagerFactory; import org.freebxml.omar.common.ReferenceInfo; import javax.xml.registry.RegistryException; import org.freebxml.omar.common.CommonResourceBundle; import org.freebxml.omar.common.RepositoryItem; import org.freebxml.omar.common.exceptions.ObjectNotFoundException; import org.freebxml.omar.common.spi.RequestContext; import org.freebxml.omar.server.cache.ServerCache; /* HIEOS/BHT (REMOVED): import org.freebxml.omar.server.event.EventManager; import org.freebxml.omar.server.event.EventManagerFactory; import org.freebxml.omar.server.lcm.replication.ReplicationManager; */ import org.freebxml.omar.server.lcm.versioning.VersionProcessor; import org.freebxml.omar.server.persistence.PersistenceManager; import org.freebxml.omar.server.persistence.PersistenceManagerFactory; import org.freebxml.omar.server.plugin.RequestInterceptorManager; import; import org.freebxml.omar.server.util.ServerResourceBundle; import org.oasis.ebxml.registry.bindings.lcm.SubmitObjectsRequest; import org.oasis.ebxml.registry.bindings.lcm.UpdateObjectsRequest; import org.oasis.ebxml.registry.bindings.query.AdhocQueryRequest; import org.oasis.ebxml.registry.bindings.query.AdhocQueryResponseType; import org.oasis.ebxml.registry.bindings.query.ResponseOption; import org.oasis.ebxml.registry.bindings.query.ResponseOptionType; import org.oasis.ebxml.registry.bindings.query.ReturnType; import org.oasis.ebxml.registry.bindings.rim.AdhocQueryType; import org.oasis.ebxml.registry.bindings.rim.AuditableEventType; import org.oasis.ebxml.registry.bindings.rim.ClassificationNodeType; import org.oasis.ebxml.registry.bindings.rim.ClassificationSchemeType; import org.oasis.ebxml.registry.bindings.rim.ExtrinsicObjectType; import org.oasis.ebxml.registry.bindings.rim.ObjectRefListType; import org.oasis.ebxml.registry.bindings.rim.ObjectRefType; import org.oasis.ebxml.registry.bindings.rim.RegistryObjectType; import org.oasis.ebxml.registry.bindings.rim.UserType; import; import; /** * Keeps track of the state and context for a client request * as it makes its way through the server. * * @author Farrukh S. Najmi */ public class ServerRequestContext extends CommonRequestContext { private Log log = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass()); private static BindingUtility bu = BindingUtility.getInstance(); private static PersistenceManager pm = PersistenceManagerFactory.getInstance().getPersistenceManager(); private static QueryManager qm = QueryManagerFactory.getInstance().getQueryManager(); //Map of top level Identifiable objects within the request with id keys and IdentifiableType values private Map topLevelObjectsMap = new HashMap(); //Ids of subset of submittedObjects that are new and not pre-existing in registry private Set newSubmittedObjectIds = null; //New versions of RegistryObjects that are a subset of topLevelObjects that were created by Versioning feature private Map newROVersionMap = new HashMap(); //New versions of RepositoryItems that were created by Versioning feature private Map newRIVersionMap = new HashMap(); //Map of composed RegistryObjects within the request with id keys and RegistryObjectType values private Map composedObjectsMap = new HashMap(); //Map of all submitted RegistryObjects objects within the request with id keys and IdentifiableType values //includes composedObjects //Set of all RegistryObject ids referenced from submitted (top level + composed) objects private Set referencedInfos = null; //Set of solved id references for this request private SortedSet checkedRefs = new TreeSet(); //Map of RegistryObject owners with RO id keys and ownerId string values private SortedMap fetchedOwners = new TreeMap(); //Map of submitted RegistryObjects with RO id keys and RegistryObjectType values private Map submittedObjectsMap = new HashMap(); //Map of ObjectRefs within the request with id keys and ObjectRef values private Map objectRefsMap = new HashMap(); //Maps temporary id key to permanent id value private Map idMap = new HashMap(); //Used only by QueryManagerImpl to pass results of a query for read access control check. private List queryResults = new ArrayList(); //Short lived memory used only in handling special queries related to cache based optimizations. private List specialQueryResults = null; //Short lived memory used only in handling stored query invocation private List storedQueryParams = new ArrayList();; //The RegistryErrorList for this request private RegistryErrorListType errorList = null; //Tracks those associations that are being confirmed private Map confirmationAssociations = new HashMap(); private Locale localeOfCaller = Locale.getDefault(); //Begin former DAOContext members private Connection connection = null; private AuditableEventType createEvent; private AuditableEventType updateEvent; private AuditableEventType versionEvent; private AuditableEventType setStatusEvent; private AuditableEventType approveEvent; private AuditableEventType deprecateEvent; private AuditableEventType unDeprecateEvent; private AuditableEventType deleteEvent; private AuditableEventType relocateEvent; private ResponseOptionType responseOption; private ArrayList objectRefs; //Consolidation of events of all types above into a single List. This is initialized in saveAuditableEVents() private List auditableEvents = new ArrayList(); private Map affectedObjectsMap = new HashMap(); //Map from id to lid for existing objects in registry that are either submitted or referenced in this request private Map idToLidMap = new HashMap(); //The queryId for a request that is a parameterized query invocation private String queryId; private Map queryParamsMap = null; //true if user has RegistryAdministrator role private Boolean isAdmin = null; /** Creates a new instance of RequestContext */ public ServerRequestContext(String contextId, RegistryRequestType request) throws RegistryException { super(contextId, request); //Call RequestInterceptors //Only intercept top level requests. /* HIEOS/BHT (REMOVED): if (request != null) { RequestInterceptorManager.getInstance().preProcessRequest(this); } */ try { setErrorList(BindingUtility.getInstance().rsFac.createRegistryErrorList()); objectRefs = new ArrayList(); } catch (JAXBException e) { throw new RegistryException(e); } } private void createEvents() throws RegistryException { try { UserType user = getUser(); if (user != null) { createEvent = bu.rimFac.createAuditableEvent(); createEvent.setEventType(BindingUtility.CANONICAL_EVENT_TYPE_ID_Created); createEvent.setId(org.freebxml.omar.common.Utility.getInstance().createId()); createEvent.setRequestId("//TODO"); createEvent.setUser(user.getId()); ObjectRefListType createRefList = bu.rimFac.createObjectRefListType(); createEvent.setAffectedObjects(createRefList); updateEvent = bu.rimFac.createAuditableEvent(); updateEvent.setEventType(BindingUtility.CANONICAL_EVENT_TYPE_ID_Updated); updateEvent.setId(org.freebxml.omar.common.Utility.getInstance().createId()); updateEvent.setRequestId("//TODO"); updateEvent.setUser(user.getId()); ObjectRefListType updateRefList = bu.rimFac.createObjectRefListType(); updateEvent.setAffectedObjects(updateRefList); versionEvent = bu.rimFac.createAuditableEvent(); versionEvent.setEventType(BindingUtility.CANONICAL_EVENT_TYPE_ID_Versioned); versionEvent.setId(org.freebxml.omar.common.Utility.getInstance().createId()); versionEvent.setRequestId("//TODO"); versionEvent.setUser(user.getId()); ObjectRefListType versionRefList = bu.rimFac.createObjectRefListType(); versionEvent.setAffectedObjects(versionRefList); setStatusEvent = bu.rimFac.createAuditableEvent(); setStatusEvent.setId(org.freebxml.omar.common.Utility.getInstance().createId()); setStatusEvent.setRequestId("//TODO"); setStatusEvent.setUser(user.getId()); ObjectRefListType setStatusRefList = bu.rimFac.createObjectRefListType(); setStatusEvent.setAffectedObjects(setStatusRefList); approveEvent = bu.rimFac.createAuditableEvent(); approveEvent.setEventType(BindingUtility.CANONICAL_EVENT_TYPE_ID_Approved); approveEvent.setId(org.freebxml.omar.common.Utility.getInstance().createId()); approveEvent.setRequestId("//TODO"); approveEvent.setUser(user.getId()); ObjectRefListType approveRefList = bu.rimFac.createObjectRefListType(); approveEvent.setAffectedObjects(approveRefList); deprecateEvent = bu.rimFac.createAuditableEvent(); deprecateEvent.setEventType(BindingUtility.CANONICAL_EVENT_TYPE_ID_Deprecated); deprecateEvent.setId(org.freebxml.omar.common.Utility.getInstance().createId()); deprecateEvent.setRequestId("//TODO"); deprecateEvent.setUser(user.getId()); ObjectRefListType deprecateRefList = bu.rimFac.createObjectRefListType(); deprecateEvent.setAffectedObjects(deprecateRefList); unDeprecateEvent = bu.rimFac.createAuditableEvent(); unDeprecateEvent.setEventType(BindingUtility.CANONICAL_EVENT_TYPE_ID_Undeprecated); unDeprecateEvent.setId(org.freebxml.omar.common.Utility.getInstance().createId()); unDeprecateEvent.setRequestId("//TODO"); unDeprecateEvent.setUser(user.getId()); ObjectRefListType unDeprecateRefList = bu.rimFac.createObjectRefListType(); unDeprecateEvent.setAffectedObjects(unDeprecateRefList); deleteEvent = bu.rimFac.createAuditableEvent(); deleteEvent.setEventType(BindingUtility.CANONICAL_EVENT_TYPE_ID_Deleted); deleteEvent.setId(org.freebxml.omar.common.Utility.getInstance().createId()); deleteEvent.setRequestId("//TODO"); deleteEvent.setUser(user.getId()); ObjectRefListType deleteRefList = bu.rimFac.createObjectRefListType(); deleteEvent.setAffectedObjects(deleteRefList); relocateEvent = bu.rimFac.createAuditableEvent(); relocateEvent.setEventType(BindingUtility.CANONICAL_EVENT_TYPE_ID_Relocated); relocateEvent.setId(org.freebxml.omar.common.Utility.getInstance().createId()); relocateEvent.setRequestId("//TODO"); relocateEvent.setUser(user.getId()); ObjectRefListType relocateRefList = bu.rimFac.createObjectRefListType(); relocateEvent.setAffectedObjects(relocateRefList); } } catch (JAXBException e) { throw new RegistryException(e); } } /** * Gets the RegistryObject associated with the specified id. * First looks in submittedObjectsMap in case it is a new object being submitted. * Next look in ServerCache in case it was previously fetched from registry. * Finally looks in registry. */ public RegistryObjectType getRegistryObject(String id, String tableName) throws RegistryException { return getRegistryObject(id, tableName, false); } /** * Gets the RegistryObject associated with the specified id. * First looks in submittedObjectsMap in case it is a new object being submitted. * This is only done if requireExisting is false. * * Next look in ServerCache in case it was previously fetched from registry. * ServerCache will look in registry if not found in cache. */ public RegistryObjectType getRegistryObject(String id, String tableName, boolean requireExisting) throws RegistryException { RegistryObjectType ro = null; if (!requireExisting) { //If request is submit or update then get ro from context if ((this.getRegistryRequestStack().size() > 0) && ((this.getCurrentRegistryRequest() instanceof SubmitObjectsRequest) || (this.getCurrentRegistryRequest() instanceof UpdateObjectsRequest))) { //First look in submitted objects. ro = (RegistryObjectType) getSubmittedObjectsMap().get(id); } } if (ro == null) { //Next look in registry via the ObjectCache ro = ServerCache.getInstance().getRegistryObject(this, id, tableName); if (ro == null) { throw new ObjectNotFoundException(id, tableName); } } return ro; } /** * * Removes object matching specified id from all the various maps. */ public void remove(String id) { getTopLevelObjectsMap().remove(id); getSubmittedObjectsMap().remove(id); getComposedObjectsMap().remove(id); getIdMap().remove(id); } /** * Checks each object including composed objects. */ public void checkObjects() throws RegistryException { try { //Process ObjectRefs and create local replicas of any remote ObjectRefs createReplicasOfRemoteObjectRefs(); //Get all submitted objects including composed objects that are part of the submission //so that they can be used to resolve references getSubmittedObjectsMap().putAll(getTopLevelObjectsMap()); Set composedObjects = bu.getComposedRegistryObjects(getTopLevelObjectsMap().values(), -1); getSubmittedObjectsMap().putAll(bu.getRegistryObjectMap(composedObjects)); pm.updateIdToLidMap(this, getSubmittedObjectsMap().keySet(), "RegistryObject"); getNewSubmittedObjectIds(); //Check id of each object (top level or composed) Iterator iter = getSubmittedObjectsMap().values().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { RegistryObjectType ro = (RegistryObjectType); //AuditableEvents are not allowed to be submitted by clients if (ro instanceof AuditableEventType) { throw new InvalidRequestException( ServerResourceBundle.getInstance().getString("message.auditableEventsNotAllowed")); } checkId(ro); } //Get RegistryObjects referenced by submittedObjects. this.getReferenceInfos(); //Append the references to the IdToLidMap iter = this.referencedInfos.iterator(); Set referencedIds = new HashSet(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ReferenceInfo refInfo = (ReferenceInfo); referencedIds.add(refInfo.targetObject); } pm.updateIdToLidMap(this, referencedIds, "RegistryObject"); //Iterate over idMap and replace keys in various structures that use id as key //that are based on temporary ids with their permanent id. iter = getIdMap().keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String idOld = (String); String idNew = (String) getIdMap().get(idOld); //replace in all RequestContext data structures Object obj = getTopLevelObjectsMap().remove(idOld); if (obj != null) { getTopLevelObjectsMap().put(idNew, obj); } obj = getSubmittedObjectsMap().remove(idOld); if (obj != null) { getSubmittedObjectsMap().put(idNew, obj); } if (getNewSubmittedObjectIds().remove(idOld)) { getNewSubmittedObjectIds().add(idNew); } RepositoryItem ri = (RepositoryItem) getRepositoryItemsMap().remove(idOld); if (ri != null) { ri.setId(idNew); getRepositoryItemsMap().put(idNew, ri); } } //Now replace any old versions of RegistryObjects with new versions iter = getNewROVersionMap().keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { RegistryObjectType roOld = (RegistryObjectType); RegistryObjectType roNew = (RegistryObjectType) getNewROVersionMap().get(roOld); //replace in all data structures getSubmittedObjectsMap().remove(roOld.getId()); getSubmittedObjectsMap().put(roNew.getId(), roNew); getTopLevelObjectsMap().remove(roOld.getId()); getTopLevelObjectsMap().put(roNew.getId(), roNew); } //Now replace any old versions of RepositoryItems with new versions iter = getNewRIVersionMap().keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { RepositoryItem riOld = (RepositoryItem); RepositoryItem riNew = (RepositoryItem) getNewRIVersionMap().get(riOld); //replace in all RequestContext data structures getRepositoryItemsMap().remove(riOld.getId()); getRepositoryItemsMap().put(riNew.getId(), riNew); } //resolve references from each object resolveObjectReferences(); } catch (JAXRException e) { throw new RegistryException(e); } } private void createReplicasOfRemoteObjectRefs() throws RegistryException { /* HIEOS/BHT: REMOVED Iterator iter = getObjectRefsMap().values().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ObjectRefType ref = (ObjectRefType); ReplicationManager replMgr = ReplicationManager.getInstance(); if (replMgr.isRemoteObjectRef(ref)) { //This is a Remote ObjectRef. Resolve reference by creating a replica replMgr.createReplica(this, ref); } } */ } /** * Check if id is a proper UUID. If not make a proper UUID based URN and add * a mapping in idMap between old and new Id. * * @param submittedIds The ArrayList holding ids of all objects (including composed objects) submitted. * * @param idMap The HashMap with old temporary id to new permanent id mapping. * * @throws UUIDNotUniqueException if any UUID is not unique within a * SubmitObjectsRequest */ private void checkId(RegistryObjectType ro) throws RegistryException { String id = ro.getId(); org.freebxml.omar.common.Utility util = org.freebxml.omar.common.Utility.getInstance(); if (!util.isValidRegistryId(id)) { // Generate permanent id for this temporary id String newId = util.createId(); ro.setId(newId); getIdMap().put(id, newId); } VersionProcessor vp = new VersionProcessor(this); vp.checkRegistryObjectLid(ro); /* HIEOS/BHT (REMOVED): boolean needToVersionRepositoryItem = false; if (ro instanceof ExtrinsicObjectType) { ExtrinsicObjectType eo = (ExtrinsicObjectType) ro; needToVersionRepositoryItem = vp.needToVersionRepositoryItem(eo, (RepositoryItem) getRepositoryItemsMap().get(id)); if (needToVersionRepositoryItem) { //Following will also create new version of eo implicitly vp.createRepositoryItemVersion(eo); } } //Only version RegistryObject if RepositoryItem was not versioned //This is because RegistryObject is implictly versioned during //versioning of RepositoryItem if (!needToVersionRepositoryItem) { boolean needToVersionRegistryObject = vp.needToVersionRegistryObject(ro); if (needToVersionRegistryObject) { vp.createRegistryObjectVersion(ro); } } */ } /* * Resolves each ObjectRef within the specified objects. * * @param obj the object whose reference attribute are being checked for being resolvable. * * */ private void resolveObjectReferences() throws RegistryException { try { //Get Set of ids for objects referenced from obj Set refInfos = this.referencedInfos; //Check that each ref is resolvable Iterator iter = refInfos.iterator(); Set unresolvedRefIds = new HashSet(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ReferenceInfo refInfo = (ReferenceInfo); String refId = refInfo.targetObject; // only check referenced id once per request if (getCheckedRefs().contains(refId)) { continue; } else { getCheckedRefs().add(refId); } ObjectRefType ref = (ObjectRefType) getObjectRefsMap().get(refId); //Remote references already resolved by creating local replica by now //First check if resolved within submittedIds if (!(getSubmittedObjectsMap().containsKey(refId))) { //ref not resolved within submitted objects //See if exists in the registry if (!(getIdToLidMap().keySet().contains(refId))) { unresolvedRefIds.add(refId); } } } if (unresolvedRefIds.size() > 0) { throw new RegistryException(ServerResourceBundle.getInstance() .getString("message.unresolvedReferences", new Object[] { unresolvedRefIds })); } } catch (JAXRException e) { throw new RegistryException(e); } } public ResponseOptionType getResponseOption() throws RegistryException { try { if (responseOption == null) { responseOption = bu.queryFac.createResponseOption(); responseOption.setReturnType(ReturnType.LEAF_CLASS); responseOption.setReturnComposedObjects(true); } } catch (JAXBException e) { throw new RegistryException(e); } return responseOption; } public void setResponseOption(ResponseOptionType responseOption) { this.responseOption = responseOption; } /** * Gets ObjectRefs from result of the AdhocQuery specified (if any). * */ public List getObjectsRefsFromQueryResults(AdhocQueryType query) throws RegistryException, JAXBException { List orefs = new ArrayList(); try { if (query != null) { AdhocQueryRequest req = bu.queryFac.createAdhocQueryRequest(); req.setId(org.freebxml.omar.common.Utility.getInstance().createId()); req.setAdhocQuery(query); ResponseOption ro = bu.queryFac.createResponseOption(); ro.setReturnComposedObjects(false); ro.setReturnType(ReturnType.OBJECT_REF); req.setResponseOption(ro); this.pushRegistryRequest(req); AdhocQueryResponseType resp = qm.submitAdhocQuery(this); orefs.addAll(resp.getRegistryObjectList().getIdentifiable()); } } finally { if (query != null) { this.popRegistryRequest(); } } return orefs; } public List getObjectRefs() { return objectRefs; } public AuditableEventType getCreateEvent() { return createEvent; } public AuditableEventType getUpdateEvent() { return updateEvent; } public AuditableEventType getVersionEvent() { return versionEvent; } public AuditableEventType getSetStatusEvent() { return setStatusEvent; } public AuditableEventType getApproveEvent() { return approveEvent; } public AuditableEventType getDeprecateEvent() { return deprecateEvent; } public AuditableEventType getUnDeprecateEvent() { return unDeprecateEvent; } public AuditableEventType getDeleteEvent() { return deleteEvent; } public AuditableEventType getRelocateEvent() { return relocateEvent; } public Connection getConnection() throws RegistryException { if (connection == null) { connection = pm.getConnection(this); } return connection; } private void saveAuditableEvents() throws RegistryException { UserType user = getUser(); if (user != null) { auditableEvents.clear(); Calendar timeNow = Calendar.getInstance(); //create events during relocate event should be ignored if (eventOccured(getRelocateEvent())) { getRelocateEvent().setTimestamp(timeNow); removeDuplicateAffectedObjects(getRelocateEvent()); auditableEvents.add(getRelocateEvent()); } else if (eventOccured(getCreateEvent())) { getCreateEvent().setTimestamp(timeNow); removeDuplicateAffectedObjects(getCreateEvent()); auditableEvents.add(getCreateEvent()); } //Delete during update should be ignored as they are an impl artifact if (eventOccured(getUpdateEvent())) { getUpdateEvent().setTimestamp(timeNow); removeDuplicateAffectedObjects(getUpdateEvent()); auditableEvents.add(getUpdateEvent()); } else if (eventOccured(getDeleteEvent())) { getDeleteEvent().setTimestamp(timeNow); removeDuplicateAffectedObjects(getDeleteEvent()); auditableEvents.add(getDeleteEvent()); } if (eventOccured(getSetStatusEvent())) { getSetStatusEvent().setTimestamp(timeNow); removeDuplicateAffectedObjects(getSetStatusEvent()); auditableEvents.add(getSetStatusEvent()); } if (eventOccured(getApproveEvent())) { getApproveEvent().setTimestamp(timeNow); removeDuplicateAffectedObjects(getApproveEvent()); auditableEvents.add(getApproveEvent()); } if (eventOccured(getDeprecateEvent())) { getDeprecateEvent().setTimestamp(timeNow); removeDuplicateAffectedObjects(getDeprecateEvent()); auditableEvents.add(getDeprecateEvent()); } if (eventOccured(getUnDeprecateEvent())) { getUnDeprecateEvent().setTimestamp(timeNow); removeDuplicateAffectedObjects(getUnDeprecateEvent()); auditableEvents.add(getUnDeprecateEvent()); } if (eventOccured(getVersionEvent())) { getVersionEvent().setTimestamp(timeNow); removeDuplicateAffectedObjects(getVersionEvent()); auditableEvents.add(getVersionEvent()); } if (auditableEvents.size() > 0) { getCreateEvent().setTimestamp(timeNow); pm.insert(this, auditableEvents); } } } /** * Delete of composed objects such as ClassificationNodes within Schemes * can result in duplicate ObjectRefs being deleted. */ private void removeDuplicateAffectedObjects(AuditableEventType ae) { HashSet ids = new HashSet(); HashSet duplicateObjectRefs = new HashSet(); //Determine duplicate ObjectRefs Iterator iter = ae.getAffectedObjects().getObjectRef().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ObjectRefType oref = (ObjectRefType); String id = oref.getId(); if (ids.contains(id)) { duplicateObjectRefs.add(oref); } else { ids.add(id); } } //Now remove duplicate ObjectRefs iter = duplicateObjectRefs.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ae.getAffectedObjects().getObjectRef().remove(; } } private boolean eventOccured(AuditableEventType ae) { boolean occured = false; if ((ae.getAffectedObjects() != null) && (ae.getAffectedObjects().getObjectRef() != null) && (ae.getAffectedObjects().getObjectRef().size() > 0)) { occured = true; } return occured; } /* REMOVED (HIEOS/BHT): private void sendEventsToEventManager() { EventManager eventManager = EventManagerFactory.getInstance().getEventManager(); UserType user = getUser(); if (user != null) { if (eventOccured(getCreateEvent())) { eventManager.onEvent(this, getCreateEvent()); } if (eventOccured(getVersionEvent())) { eventManager.onEvent(this, getVersionEvent()); } if (eventOccured(getSetStatusEvent())) { eventManager.onEvent(this, getSetStatusEvent()); } if (eventOccured(getApproveEvent())) { eventManager.onEvent(this, getApproveEvent()); } if (eventOccured(getDeprecateEvent())) { eventManager.onEvent(this, getDeprecateEvent()); } if (eventOccured(getUnDeprecateEvent())) { eventManager.onEvent(this, getUnDeprecateEvent()); } //Delete during update should be ignored as they are an impl artifact if (eventOccured(getUpdateEvent())) { eventManager.onEvent(this, getUpdateEvent()); } else if (eventOccured(getDeleteEvent())) { eventManager.onEvent(this, getDeleteEvent()); } } } */ /* * Called to commit the transaction * Saves auditable events for this transaction prior to commit. * Notifies EventManager after commit. */ public void commit() throws RegistryException { //Dont commit unless this is the last request in stack. if ((connection != null) && (getRegistryRequestStack().size() <= 1)) { try { //Save auditable events prior to commit /* HIEOS/BHT (REMOVED) saveAuditableEvents(); */ //Only commit if LCM_DO_NOT_COMMIT is unspecified or false String dontCommit = null; if (getRegistryRequestStack().size() > 0) { HashMap slotsMap = bu.getSlotsFromRequest(this.getCurrentRegistryRequest()); dontCommit = (String) slotsMap.get(BindingUtility.CANONICAL_SLOT_LCM_DO_NOT_COMMIT); } if ((dontCommit == null) || (dontCommit.equalsIgnoreCase("false"))) { connection.commit(); pm.releaseConnection(this, connection); connection = null; //New connection can be created in sendEventsToEventManager() which must be released try { /* HIEOS/BHT (REMOVED): sendEventsToEventManager(); */ updateCache(); } catch (Exception e) { rollback(); log.error(ServerResourceBundle.getInstance().getString("message.CaughtException1"), e); } if (connection != null) { connection.commit(); pm.releaseConnection(this, connection); connection = null; } } else { rollback(); } } catch (RegistryException e) { rollback(); throw e; } catch (JAXBException e) { rollback(); throw new RegistryException(e); } catch (SQLException e) { rollback(); throw new RegistryException(e); } //Call RequestInterceptors if (getRegistryRequestStack().size() == 1) { //Only intercept top level requests. //Still causing infinite recursion and StackOverflow //RequestInterceptorManager.getInstance().postProcessRequest(this); } } } private void updateCache() { Iterator iter = auditableEvents.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { AuditableEventType ae = (AuditableEventType); //Update the cache for these objects. ServerCache.getInstance().onEvent(this, ae); } } public void rollback() throws RegistryException { try { //Dont rollback if there are multiple requests on the requestStack if ((connection != null) && (getRegistryRequestStack().size() <= 1)) { connection.rollback(); pm.releaseConnection(this, connection); connection = null; } } catch (SQLException e) { } } public void setUser(UserType user) throws RegistryException { if ((getUser() != user) || (createEvent == null)) { super.setUser(user); createEvents(); } } public Map getTopLevelObjectsMap() { return topLevelObjectsMap; } public Set getNewSubmittedObjectIds() { if (newSubmittedObjectIds == null) { newSubmittedObjectIds = new HashSet(); newSubmittedObjectIds = getIdsNotInRegistry(getSubmittedObjectsMap().keySet()); } return newSubmittedObjectIds; } /* * Gets the subset of ids that do not match ids of objects that are already in registry */ public Set getIdsNotInRegistry(Set ids) { Set idsNotInRegistry = new HashSet(); Iterator iter = ids.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Object id =; if (!(getIdToLidMap().keySet().contains(id))) { idsNotInRegistry.add(id); } } return idsNotInRegistry; } public Map getNewROVersionMap() { return newROVersionMap; } public Map getNewRIVersionMap() { return newRIVersionMap; } public Map getComposedObjectsMap() { return composedObjectsMap; } public SortedSet getCheckedRefs() { return checkedRefs; } public SortedMap getFetchedOwners() { return fetchedOwners; } public Map getSubmittedObjectsMap() { return submittedObjectsMap; } public Map getObjectRefsMap() { return objectRefsMap; } public Map getIdMap() { return idMap; } public RegistryErrorListType getErrorList() { return errorList; } private void setErrorList(RegistryErrorListType errorList) { this.errorList = errorList; } public Map getConfirmationAssociations() { return confirmationAssociations; } public Locale getLocale() { if (localeOfCaller == null) { HashMap slotsMap = null; String localeStr = null; try { slotsMap = bu.getSlotsFromRequest(this.getCurrentRegistryRequest()); localeStr = (String) slotsMap.get(CommonResourceBundle.LOCALE); } catch (Throwable t) { log.error(ServerResourceBundle.getInstance().getString("message.CouldNotGetSlotsFromTheRequest"), t); } localeOfCaller = CommonResourceBundle.getInstance().parseLocale(localeStr); } return localeOfCaller; } public List getQueryResults() { return queryResults; } public void setQueryResults(List queryResults) { //Need to create a copy because if the List param is a SingletonList //then remove() method does not work on it during filtering of objects //that are not authorized to be seen by requestor in QueryManager. this.queryResults = new ArrayList(); this.queryResults.addAll(queryResults); } /** * If context is not a ServerRequestContext then convert it to ServerRequestContext. * This is used in XXManagerLocalProxy classes to convert a ClientRequestContext to a ServerRequestContext. * * @return the ServerRequestContext */ public static ServerRequestContext convert(RequestContext context) throws RegistryException { ServerRequestContext serverContext = null; if (context instanceof ServerRequestContext) { serverContext = (ServerRequestContext) context; } else { RegistryRequestType req = null; if (context.getRegistryRequestStack().size() > 0) { req = context.getCurrentRegistryRequest(); } serverContext = new ServerRequestContext(context.getId(), req); serverContext.setUser(context.getUser()); serverContext.setRepositoryItemsMap(context.getRepositoryItemsMap()); } return serverContext; } public List getSpecialQueryResults() { return specialQueryResults; } public void setSpecialQueryResults(List specialQueryResults) { this.specialQueryResults = specialQueryResults; } public Map getAffectedObjectsMap() { return affectedObjectsMap; } public void addAffectedObjectToAuditableEvent(AuditableEventType ae, RegistryObjectType ro) throws RegistryException { /* HIEOS/BHT (REMOVED): Left interface to minimize changes to DAO classes. try { ObjectRefType ref = BindingUtility.getInstance().rimFac.createObjectRef(); ref.setId(ro.getId()); ae.getAffectedObjects().getObjectRef().add(ref); affectedObjectsMap.put(ro.getId(), ro); } catch (JAXBException e) { throw new RegistryException(e); } */ } public void addAffectedObjectsToAuditableEvent(AuditableEventType ae, ObjectRefListType orefList) throws RegistryException { /* HIEOS/BHT (REMOVED): Left interface to minimize changes to DAO classes. ae.getAffectedObjects().getObjectRef().addAll(orefList.getObjectRef()); for (Iterator it = orefList.getObjectRef().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String id = ((ObjectRefType); RegistryObjectType ro = getRegistryObject(id, "RegistryObject"); affectedObjectsMap.put(id, ro); } */ } public List getStoredQueryParams() { return storedQueryParams; } public Map getIdToLidMap() { return idToLidMap; } public Set getReferenceInfos() throws RegistryException { if (referencedInfos == null) { try { referencedInfos = new HashSet(); Iterator iter = getSubmittedObjectsMap().entrySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Object o = ((java.util.Map.Entry); if (o instanceof RegistryObjectType) { RegistryObjectType ro = (RegistryObjectType) o; //Get Set of ids for objects referenced from obj Set refInfos = bu.getObjectRefsInRegistryObject(ro, getIdMap(), new HashSet(), -1); Iterator refInfosIter = refInfos.iterator(); while (refInfosIter.hasNext()) { referencedInfos.add(; } } } } catch (JAXRException e) { throw new RegistryException(e); } } return referencedInfos; } public void checkClassificationNodeRefConstraint(String nodeId, String expectedSchemeId, String attributeName) throws RegistryException { ClassificationSchemeType expectedScheme = null; try { //Check that objectType is the id of a ClassificationNode in ObjectType scheme expectedScheme = (ClassificationSchemeType) ServerCache.getInstance().getRegistryObject(this, expectedSchemeId, "ClassScheme"); ClassificationNodeType node = (ClassificationNodeType) this.getRegistryObject(nodeId, "ClassificationNode"); String path = node.getPath(); String schemePath = "/" + expectedScheme.getId(); if ((path != null) && (path.length() > 0)) { if (!path.startsWith(schemePath)) { throw new RegistryException( ServerResourceBundle.getInstance().getString("message.notTheExpectedTypeOfNode", new Object[] { attributeName, expectedScheme.getId(), nodeId })); } } } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) { throw new RegistryException( ServerResourceBundle.getInstance().getString("message.notTheExpectedTypeOfNode", new Object[] { attributeName, expectedScheme.getId(), nodeId })); } } public String getQueryId() { return queryId; } public void setQueryId(String queryId) { this.queryId = queryId; } public Map getQueryParamsMap() { return queryParamsMap; } public void setQueryParamsMap(Map queryParamsMap) { this.queryParamsMap = queryParamsMap; } public boolean isRegistryAdministrator() throws RegistryException { if (isAdmin == null) { UserType user = getUser(); if (user != null) { isAdmin = Boolean .valueOf(AuthenticationServiceImpl.getInstance().hasRegistryAdministratorRole(user)); } } return isAdmin.booleanValue(); } }