Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2011 * Andrew V. Pogrebnyak * All rights reserved. * * This software is distributed under GNU General Public License Version 2.0 * You shall use it and distribute only in accordance with the terms of the * License Agreement. */ package org.forumj.dbextreme.db.dao; import static org.forumj.common.db.entity.IFJThread.*; import static org.forumj.dbextreme.db.dao.tool.QueryBuilder.*; import; import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.Date; import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException; import org.forumj.common.db.entity.*; import org.forumj.common.exception.DBException; import org.forumj.common.web.*; import org.forumj.dbextreme.db.entity.*; /** * * @author <a href="">Andrew V. Pogrebnyak</a> */ public class FJThreadDao extends FJDao { public void create(IFJThread thread, IFJPost post) throws IOException, DBException, SQLException, ConfigurationException { String createThreadQuery = getCreateThreadQuery(); Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement st = null; boolean error = true; try { conn = getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); st = conn.prepareStatement(createThreadQuery, new String[] { "id" }); st.setLong(1, thread.getAuthId()); st.setString(2, thread.getHead()); Date date = new Date(); st.setDate(3, new java.sql.Date(date.getTime())); st.setDate(4, new java.sql.Date(date.getTime())); st.setString(5, thread.getNick()); st.setInt(6, thread.getType().getType()); st.executeUpdate(); ResultSet idRs = st.getGeneratedKeys(); if ( { Long threadId = idRs.getLong(1); thread.setId(threadId); post.setThreadId(threadId); post.getHead().setThreadId(threadId); post.getHead().setCreateTime(date.getTime()); FJPostDao postDao = new FJPostDao(); Long postId = postDao.create(post, conn, false); thread.setLastPostId(postId); thread.setLastPostAuthId(post.getHead().getAuth()); thread.setLastPostTime(new Date(post.getHead().getCreateTime())); thread.setLastPostNick(post.getHead().getAuthor().getNick()); update(thread, conn); if (thread instanceof FJQuestionThread) { FJQuestNodeDao answersDao = new FJQuestNodeDao(); FJQuestionThread questionThread = (FJQuestionThread) thread; List<IQuestNode> answers = questionThread.getAnswers(); QuestNode question = new QuestNode(); question.setNode(questionThread.getQuestion()); question.setGol(0); question.setHead(threadId); question.setNumb(0); question.setType(0); question.setUserId((long) 0); answersDao.create(question, conn); for (int answerIndex = 0; answerIndex < answers.size(); answerIndex++) { IQuestNode answer = answers.get(answerIndex); answer.setHead(threadId); answersDao.create(answer, conn); } } } else { throw new DBException("Thread wasn't created"); } error = false; } finally { writeFinally(conn, st, error); } } public void update(FJThread thread) throws IOException, DBException, ConfigurationException, SQLException { Connection conn = null; try { conn = getConnection(); update(thread, conn); } finally { readFinally(conn, null); } } public boolean checkThreadExist(Long id) throws IOException, SQLException, ConfigurationException { String readThreadQuery = getCheckThreadExistQuery(); PreparedStatement st = null; Connection conn = null; try { conn = getConnection(); st = conn.prepareStatement(readThreadQuery); st.setLong(1, id); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); if ( { return true; } else { return false; } } finally { readFinally(conn, st); } } public FJThread read(Long id) throws ConfigurationException, SQLException, IOException { FJThread thread = null; String readThreadQuery = getReadThreadQuery(); PreparedStatement st = null; Connection conn = null; try { conn = getConnection(); st = conn.prepareStatement(readThreadQuery); st.setLong(1, id); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); if ( { thread = new FJThread(); thread.setId(id); thread.setAuthId(rs.getLong(AUTH_FIELD_NAME)); thread.setHead(rs.getString(HEAD_FIELD_NAME)); thread.setRegDate(rs.getDate(REGISTRATION_DATE_FIELD_NAME)); thread.setLastPostTime(rs.getTimestamp(LAST_POST_DATE_FIELD_NAME)); thread.setLastPostAuthId(rs.getLong(LAST_POST_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME)); thread.setLastPostNick(rs.getString(LAST_POST_USER_NICK_FIELD_NAME)); thread.setLastPostId(rs.getLong(LAST_POST_ID_FIELD_NAME)); thread.setSnid(rs.getInt(SEEN_ID_FIELD_NAME)); thread.setSnall(rs.getInt(SEEN_ALL_FIELD_NAME)); thread.setDock(Pin.valueOfInteger(rs.getInt(DOCK_FIELD_NAME))); thread.setType(ThreadType.valueOfInteger(rs.getInt(TYPE_FIELD_NAME))); thread.setFolderId(rs.getLong(FOLDER_ID_FIELD_NAME)); thread.setPcount(rs.getInt(POSTS_COUNT_FIELD_NAME)); thread.setClosed(rs.getBoolean(CLOSED_FIELD_NAME)); } } finally { readFinally(conn, st); } return thread; } public void update(IFJThread thread, Connection conn) throws IOException, SQLException { String updateThreadQuery = getUpdateThreadQuery(); PreparedStatement st = null; try { st = conn.prepareStatement(updateThreadQuery); st.setString(1, thread.getHead()); st.setTimestamp(2, new java.sql.Timestamp(thread.getLastPostTime().getTime())); st.setLong(3, thread.getLastPostAuthId()); st.setString(4, thread.getLastPostNick()); st.setLong(5, thread.getLastPostId()); st.setInt(6, thread.getDock().getCode()); st.setLong(7, thread.getFolderId()); st.setInt(8, thread.getPcount()); st.setBoolean(9, thread.isClosed()); st.setLong(10, thread.getId()); st.executeUpdate(); } finally { readFinally(null, st); } } public long getAddedThreadsAmount(long lastThreadId) throws SQLException, ConfigurationException, IOException { long result = 0; String query = getAddedThreadsAmountQuery(); PreparedStatement st = null; Connection conn = null; try { conn = getConnection(); st = conn.prepareStatement(query); st.setLong(1, lastThreadId); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); if ( { result = rs.getLong("mx"); } } finally { readFinally(conn, st); } return result; } /** * ? ? * @throws SQLException * @throws ConfigurationException * @throws IOException */ public Integer getPostsCountInThread(Long threadId, Long idMax) throws ConfigurationException, SQLException, IOException { Integer result = null; String query = getPostsCountInThreadQuery(); PreparedStatement st = null; Connection conn = null; try { conn = getConnection(); st = conn.prepareStatement(query); st.setLong(1, threadId); st.setLong(2, idMax); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); if ( { result = rs.getInt("kolvo"); } } finally { readFinally(conn, st); } return result; } /** * ? ??? ? ? * * @param $isLogin ? ? * @throws SQLException * @throws ConfigurationException * @throws IOException */ public void setSeen(IUser user, Long threadId) throws ConfigurationException, SQLException, IOException { String query = ""; if (user.isLogined()) { query = getSeenByUserQuery(); } else { query = getSeenByGuestQuery(); } PreparedStatement st = null; Connection conn = null; try { conn = getConnection(); st = conn.prepareStatement(query); st.setLong(1, threadId); st.executeUpdate(); } finally { readFinally(conn, st); } } public FJThreads getThreads(Long viewId, long nfirstpost, IUser user, List<IIgnor> ignorList) throws SQLException, ConfigurationException { FJThreads result = new FJThreads(); String sql_views = "SELECT folder FROM fdvtranzit WHERE (user=" + user.getId() + " OR user=0) AND view=" + viewId; Connection conn = null; Statement st = null; int xRow = 0; int isForum = 0; String folders = "("; try { conn = getConnection(); st = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(sql_views); while ( { Long folder = rs.getLong("folder"); if (folder.longValue() == 1) { isForum = 1; } else { folders += " " + folder.toString() + ","; } xRow++; } if (xRow == 1 && isForum == 1) { /*? */ } else if (xRow == 0) { // TODO ! folders = "(1)"; isForum = 1; } else { /**/ folders = folders.substring(0, folders.length() - 1) + ")"; } String ignored = null; /* ? */ if (ignorList.size() > 0) { ignored = "("; for (int ignorIndex = 0; ignorIndex < ignorList.size(); ignorIndex++) { ignored += ignorList.get(ignorIndex).getUser().getId(); if (ignorIndex < ignorList.size() - 1) { ignored += ", "; } } ignored += ")"; } String where = ""; if (ignored != null) { where = " WHERE titles.auth NOT IN " + ignored + " "; } String join = null; String sqlTmpJoinTable = null; String sqlTmpJoinTableInsert = null; String folderName = null; if (isForum > 0) { /*? */ if (xRow == 1) { /*? */ /*? ? - ? */ String sqlMoved = " SELECT title FROM fdtranzit WHERE user=" + user.getId() + " "; rs = st.executeQuery(sqlMoved); String moved = null; while ( { /*? ?*/ if (moved == null) { moved = "("; } moved += " " + rs.getLong("title") + ","; } if (moved != null) { moved = moved.substring(0, moved.length() - 1) + ")"; } /* ?*/ if (moved != null) { if (ignored != null) { where += " AND NOT IN " + moved + " "; } else { where = " WHERE NOT IN " + moved + " "; } } folderName = "'' as _flname, "; join = ""; } else { /* ? - */ /*? ? - */ String sqlMoved = " SELECT title FROM fdtranzit WHERE user=" + user.getId() + " AND folder NOT IN " + folders + " "; rs = st.executeQuery(sqlMoved); String moved = null; while ( { /*? ?*/ if (moved == null) { moved = "("; } moved += " " + rs.getLong("title") + ","; } if (moved != null) { moved = moved.substring(0, moved.length() - 1) + ")"; } /* ?*/ if (moved != null) { if (ignored != null) { where += " AND NOT IN " + moved + " "; } else { where = " WHERE NOT IN " + moved + " "; } } folderName = "IF (ISNULL(fdfolders.flname), '', fdfolders.flname) as _flname, "; // ? sqlTmpJoinTable = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE fdutranzit LIKE fdtranzit"; sqlTmpJoinTableInsert = "INSERT INTO fdutranzit (title, folder) SELECT fdtranzit.title, fdtranzit.folder FROM fdtranzit WHERE fdtranzit.user=" + user.getId() + ";"; join = " LEFT JOIN fdutranzit on LEFT JOIN fdfolders ON "; } } else { /* ? */ /*? ? - ? */ String sqlMoved = "SELECT title FROM fdtranzit WHERE user=" + user.getId() + " AND folder IN " + folders + " "; rs = st.executeQuery(sqlMoved); String moved = null; while ( { /*? ?*/ if (moved == null) { moved = "("; } moved += " " + rs.getLong("title") + ","; } if (moved != null) { moved = moved.substring(0, moved.length() - 1) + ")"; } /* ?*/ if (moved != null) { if (ignored != null) { where += " AND NOT IN " + moved + " "; } else { where = " WHERE IN " + moved + " "; } } else { //? if (ignored != null) { where += " AND 0=1"; } else { where = " WHERE 0=1"; } } folderName = "IF (ISNULL(fdfolders.flname), '', fdfolders.flname) as _flname, "; // ? sqlTmpJoinTable = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE fdutranzit LIKE fdtranzit"; sqlTmpJoinTableInsert = "INSERT INTO fdutranzit (title, folder) SELECT fdtranzit.title, fdtranzit.folder FROM fdtranzit WHERE fdtranzit.user=" + user.getId() + ";"; join = "LEFT JOIN fdutranzit on LEFT JOIN fdfolders ON "; } String sql_main = "SELECT " + ", " + "titles.dock, " + "DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD(titles.lposttime,INTERVAL 0 HOUR), INTERVAL 0 MINUTE) as lposttime_, " + "titles.type, " + "titles.npost, " + "titles.seenid, " + "titles.seenall, " + "DATE_FORMAT(titles.reg, '%d.%m %H:%i') as reg_, " + "titles.head, " + "titles.lpostuser, " + "titles.lpostnick, " + "titles.id_last_post, " + "titles.closed, " + "titles.auth, " + folderName + "users.nick " + "FROM " + "titles force index(titles0001) " + "LEFT JOIN users ON " + join + where + " ORDER BY " + "titles.dock desc, " + "titles.lposttime desc " + "LIMIT " + nfirstpost + ", " + user.getPt() + " "; String sql_count = "SELECT " + "COUNT(id) as kolvo " + "FROM " + "titles " + where + ";"; // ? if (sqlTmpJoinTable != null) { String query = "DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS fdutranzit;"; st.executeUpdate(query); st.executeUpdate(sqlTmpJoinTable); st.executeUpdate(sqlTmpJoinTableInsert); } rs = st.executeQuery(sql_count); long count = 0; if ( { count = rs.getLong("kolvo"); } rs = st.executeQuery(sql_main); result.setThreadCount(count); int disain = -1; Statement st1 = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs1; StringBuffer indctrIds = new StringBuffer(); while ( { Long id = rs.getLong("id"); Long idLastPost = rs.getLong("id_last_post"); if (idLastPost.longValue() == 0) { String query = "SELECT MAX(id) as id_post FROM body WHERE head=" + id.toString(); rs1 = st1.executeQuery(query); if ( { idLastPost = rs1.getLong("id_post"); } query = "UPDATE titles SET id_last_post=" + idLastPost.toString() + " WHERE id=" + id.toString(); st1.executeUpdate(query); } indctrIds.append(";" + id.toString() + "," + idLastPost.toString()); FJThread thr = new FJThread(); thr.setDisain(disain); thr.setId(id); thr.setDock(Pin.valueOfInteger(rs.getInt("dock"))); thr.setLastPostTime(rs.getTimestamp("lposttime_")); thr.setHead(rs.getString("head")); thr.setNick(rs.getString("nick")); thr.setLastPostNick(rs.getString("lpostnick")); thr.setPcount(rs.getInt("npost") - 1); thr.setSnid(rs.getInt("seenid")); thr.setSnall(rs.getInt("seenall")); thr.setType(ThreadType.valueOfInteger(rs.getInt("type"))); thr.setClosed(rs.getBoolean("closed")); thr.setAuthId(rs.getLong("auth")); thr.setFolder(rs.getString("_flname")); result.getThreads().add(thr); disain = disain * -1; } result.setIndctrIds(indctrIds.toString()); } finally { readFinally(conn, st); } return result; } /** * id ? * * @return unknown * @throws SQLException * @throws ConfigurationException * @throws IOException */ public Long getMaxThreadId() throws ConfigurationException, SQLException, IOException { Long result = 0l; String query = getLastThreadIdQuery(); Connection conn = null; Statement st = null; try { conn = getConnection(); st = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(query); if ( { result = rs.getLong("mx"); } } finally { readFinally(conn, st); } return result; } public void pin(Long threadId, Pin pin) throws IOException, ConfigurationException, SQLException { String query = getPinQuery(); PreparedStatement st = null; Connection conn = null; try { conn = getConnection(); st = conn.prepareStatement(query); st.setInt(1, pin.getCode()); st.setLong(2, threadId); st.executeUpdate(); } finally { readFinally(conn, st); } } public void close(Long threadId, boolean closed) throws IOException, ConfigurationException, SQLException { String query = getCloseThreadQuery(); PreparedStatement st = null; Connection conn = null; try { conn = getConnection(); st = conn.prepareStatement(query); st.setBoolean(1, closed); st.setLong(2, threadId); st.executeUpdate(); } finally { readFinally(conn, st); } } }