Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2011 * Andrew V. Pogrebnyak * All rights reserved. * * This software is distributed under GNU General Public License Version 2.0 * You shall use it and distribute only in accordance with the terms of the * License Agreement. */ package org.forumj.dbextreme.db.dao; import static org.forumj.common.db.entity.IFJPost.*; import static org.forumj.dbextreme.db.dao.tool.QueryBuilder.*; import; import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Date; import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException; import org.forumj.common.db.entity.*; import org.forumj.common.exception.DBException; import org.forumj.dbextreme.db.entity.*; /** * * @author <a href="">Andrew V. Pogrebnyak</a> */ public class FJPostDao extends FJDao { public Long create(IFJPost post, Connection conn, boolean updateThread) throws IOException, DBException, SQLException, ConfigurationException { Long postId = null; String createPostQuery = getCreatePostQuery(); FJForumDao forumDao = new FJForumDao(); String tableBody = forumDao.getCurretBodyTable(); String tableHead = forumDao.getCurretBodyHeadTable(); String createPostBodyQuery = getCreatePostBodyQuery(tableBody); String createPostHeadQuery = getCreatePostHeadQuery(tableHead); PreparedStatement st = null; try { st = conn.prepareStatement(createPostQuery, new String[] { "id" }); st.setLong(1, post.getThreadId()); st.setInt(2, post.getState()); st.setString(3, tableBody); st.setString(4, tableHead); st.executeUpdate(); ResultSet idRs = st.getGeneratedKeys(); if ( { postId = idRs.getLong(1); post.setId(postId); st.close(); st = conn.prepareStatement(createPostBodyQuery); IFJPostBody postBody = post.getBody(); st.setLong(1, postId); st.setLong(2, postId); st.setString(3, postBody.getBody()); st.executeUpdate(); st.close(); st = conn.prepareStatement(createPostHeadQuery); IFJPostHead postHead = post.getHead(); st.setLong(1, postId); st.setLong(2, postId); st.setLong(3, postHead.getAuth()); st.setLong(4, postHead.getThreadId()); st.setString(5, postHead.getTitle()); st.setLong(6, postHead.getCreateTime()); st.setString(7, postHead.getIp()); st.setString(8, postHead.getDomen()); st.setString(9, " "); st.executeUpdate(); if (updateThread) { FJThreadDao threadDao = new FJThreadDao(); FJThread thread =; thread.setLastPostId(postId); thread.setLastPostAuthId(postHead.getAuth()); thread.setLastPostTime(new Date(postHead.getCreateTime())); thread.setLastPostNick(postHead.getAuthor().getNick()); thread.setPcount(thread.getPcount() + 1); threadDao.update(thread, conn); } } else { throw new DBException("Post wasn't created"); } } finally { readFinally(null, st); } return postId; } public Long create(IFJPost post) throws IOException, DBException, ConfigurationException, SQLException { Connection conn = null; Long result = null; boolean error = true; try { conn = getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); result = create(post, conn, true); error = false; } finally { writeFinally(conn, null, error); } return result; } public void update(IFJPost post) throws IOException, SQLException, ConfigurationException { String updatePostQuery = getUpdatePostQuery(); String updatePostHeadQuery = getUpdatePostHeadQuery(post.getTableHead()); String updatePostBodyQuery = getUpdatePostBodyQuery(post.getTablePost()); Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement st = null; boolean error = true; try { conn = getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); st = conn.prepareStatement(updatePostQuery); st.setLong(1, post.getThreadId()); st.setInt(2, post.getState()); st.setString(3, post.getTablePost()); st.setString(4, post.getTableHead()); st.setLong(5, post.getId()); st.executeUpdate(); IFJPostHead postHead = post.getHead(); st = conn.prepareStatement(updatePostHeadQuery); st.setLong(1, postHead.getAuth()); st.setString(2, postHead.getTitle()); st.setString(3, postHead.getIp()); st.setString(4, postHead.getDomen()); st.setString(5, postHead.getOutd()); st.setInt(6, postHead.getNred()); st.setLong(7, postHead.getCreateTime()); st.setLong(8, postHead.getEditTime()); st.setLong(9, postHead.getPostId()); st.setLong(10, postHead.getThreadId()); st.setLong(11, postHead.getId()); st.executeUpdate(); IFJPostBody postBody = post.getBody(); st = conn.prepareStatement(updatePostBodyQuery); st.setLong(1, postBody.getPostId()); st.setString(2, postBody.getBody()); st.setLong(3, postBody.getId()); st.executeUpdate(); if (isFirstPost(post.getId(), post.getThreadId(), conn)) { FJThreadDao threadDao = new FJThreadDao(); FJThread thread =; thread.setHead(postHead.getTitle()); threadDao.update(thread, conn); } error = false; } finally { writeFinally(conn, st, error); } } private boolean isFirstPost(Long postId, Long threadId, Connection conn) throws ConfigurationException, SQLException, IOException { boolean result = false; String firstPostIdInThreadQuery = getFirstPostIdInThreadQuery(); PreparedStatement st = null; try { st = conn.prepareStatement(firstPostIdInThreadQuery); st.setLong(1, threadId); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); if ( { result = postId.equals(rs.getLong("id")); } } finally { readFinally(null, st); } return result; } public FJPost read(Long id) throws IOException, ConfigurationException, SQLException { FJPost result = null; String readPostQuery = getReadPostQuery(); PreparedStatement st = null; Connection conn = null; try { conn = getConnection(); st = conn.prepareStatement(readPostQuery); st.setLong(1, id); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); if ( { result = new FJPost(); result.setId(id); result.setState(rs.getInt(STATE_FIELD_NAME)); result.setThreadId(rs.getLong(THREAD_ID_FIELD_NAME)); result.setTableHead(rs.getString(TABLE_HEAD_FIELD_NAME)); result.setTablePost(rs.getString(TABLE_POST_FIELD_NAME)); FJPostHead postHead = readHead(id, result.getTableHead(), conn); result.setHead(postHead); FJPostBody postBody = readBody(id, result.getTablePost(), conn); result.setBody(postBody); } } finally { readFinally(conn, st); } return result; } private FJPostHead readHead(Long id, String tableHead, Connection conn) throws SQLException, IOException, ConfigurationException { FJUserDao userDao = new FJUserDao(); String readPostHeadQuery = getReadPostHeadQuery(tableHead); FJPostHead result = null; PreparedStatement st = null; Connection cn = null; try { cn = conn == null ? getConnection() : conn; st = cn.prepareStatement(readPostHeadQuery); st.setLong(1, id); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); if ( { result = new FJPostHead(); result.setId(id); result.setAuth(rs.getLong(IFJPostHead.ATHOR_ID_FIELD_NAME)); result.setTitle(rs.getString(IFJPostHead.TITLE_FIELD_NAME)); result.setIp(rs.getString(IFJPostHead.ATHOR_IP_FIELD_NAME)); result.setDomen(rs.getString(IFJPostHead.ATHOR_DOMEN_FIELD_NAME)); result.setOutd(rs.getString(IFJPostHead.OUTD_FIELD_NAME)); result.setNred(rs.getInt(IFJPostHead.NUMBER_OF_EDITS_FIELD_NAME)); result.setCreateTime(rs.getLong(IFJPostHead.CREATIN_DATE_FIELD_NAME)); result.setEditTime(rs.getLong(IFJPostHead.LAST_EDIT_DATE_FIELD_NAME)); result.setPostId(rs.getLong(IFJPostHead.POST_ID_FIELD_NAME)); result.setThreadId(rs.getLong(IFJPostHead.THREAD_ID_FIELD_NAME)); IUser user =, conn); result.setAuthor(user); } } finally { readFinally(conn == null ? cn : null, st); } return result; } private FJPostBody readBody(Long id, String bodyTable, Connection conn) throws SQLException, IOException, ConfigurationException { String readPostBodyQuery = getReadPostBodyQuery(bodyTable); FJPostBody result = null; PreparedStatement st = null; Connection cn = null; try { cn = conn == null ? getConnection() : conn; st = cn.prepareStatement(readPostBodyQuery); st.setLong(1, id); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); if ( { result = new FJPostBody(); result.setId(id); result.setBody(rs.getString(IFJPostBody.BODY_FIELD_NAME)); result.setPostId(rs.getLong(IFJPostBody.POST_ID_FIELD_NAME)); } } finally { readFinally(conn == null ? cn : null, st); } return result; } public long getAddedPostsAmount(long lastPostId) throws SQLException, ConfigurationException, IOException { long result = 0; String query = getAddedPostsAmountQuery(); PreparedStatement st = null; Connection conn = null; try { conn = getConnection(); st = conn.prepareStatement(query); st.setLong(1, lastPostId); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); if ( { result = rs.getLong("mx"); } } finally { readFinally(conn, st); } return result; } public long getAddedPostsAmount(long threadId, long lastPostId) throws SQLException, ConfigurationException, IOException { long result = 0; String query = getAddedPostsInThreadAmountQuery(); PreparedStatement st = null; Connection conn = null; try { conn = getConnection(); st = conn.prepareStatement(query); st.setLong(1, lastPostId); st.setLong(2, threadId); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); if ( { result = rs.getLong("mx"); } } finally { readFinally(conn, st); } return result; } /** * ?? ? ? * * @param user * @param threadId * @param nfirstpost * @param count * @param page * @param lastPost * @return * @throws IOException * @throws SQLException * @throws ConfigurationException */ public List<IFJPost> getPostsList(IUser user, Long threadId, long nfirstpost, int count, int page, boolean lastPost) throws IOException, SQLException, ConfigurationException { String query = getReadPostsQuery(); List<IFJPost> result = new ArrayList<IFJPost>(); Map<Long, FJPost> postsMap = new HashMap<Long, FJPost>(); boolean isQuest = false; boolean isFirst; int nPost = 0; Map<String, String> bodiesId = new HashMap<String, String>(); Map<String, String> headsId = new HashMap<String, String>(); Long lastPostId = null; Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement st = null; FJQuestNodeDao questDao = new FJQuestNodeDao(); try { conn = getConnection(); st = conn.prepareStatement(query); st.setLong(1, threadId); st.setLong(2, nfirstpost); st.setInt(3, count); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); FJPost post = null; while ( { isFirst = page == 1 && ++nPost == 1; lastPostId = rs.getLong("id"); post = new FJPost(); post.setId(lastPostId); post.setFirstPost(isFirst); post.setThreadId(rs.getLong(THREAD_ID_FIELD_NAME)); result.add(post); postsMap.put(lastPostId, post); String tablePost = rs.getString("table_post"); String tablePostIds = bodiesId.get(tablePost); if (tablePostIds != null) { tablePostIds += ", " + lastPostId.toString(); } else { tablePostIds = lastPostId.toString(); } bodiesId.put(tablePost, tablePostIds); String tableHead = rs.getString("table_head"); String tableHeadIds = headsId.get(tableHead); if (tableHeadIds != null) { tableHeadIds += ", " + lastPostId.toString(); } else { tableHeadIds = lastPostId.toString(); } headsId.put(tableHead, tableHeadIds); } if (lastPost && post != null) { post.setLastPost(true); } // ? for (Iterator<Entry<String, String>> iterator = headsId.entrySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Entry<String, String> entry =; String table = entry.getKey(); String ids = entry.getValue(); query = getReadPostsHeadsQuery(table, ids); st = conn.prepareStatement(query); rs = st.executeQuery(); while ( { Long postId = rs.getLong("id"); int type = rs.getInt("type"); isQuest = (type == 1 || type == 2); post = postsMap.get(postId); FJPostHead postHead = new FJPostHead(); post.setHead(postHead); if (post.isFirstPost() && isQuest) { post.setAnswers(new ArrayList<IQuestNode>()); List<IQuestNode> questNodes = questDao.loadNodes(threadId); FJVoiceDao voiceDao = new FJVoiceDao(); post.setVoicesAmount(voiceDao.getVoicesAmount(threadId)); post.setAnswers(questNodes); post.setQuestion(questNodes.get(0)); } IUser author = new User(); postHead.setAuthor(author); author.setNick(rs.getString("nick")); author.setId(rs.getLong("auth")); postHead.setAuth(author.getId()); postHead.setIp(rs.getString("ip")); author.setAvatar(rs.getString("avatar")); author.setShowAvatar(rs.getInt("users.s_avatar") == 1); author.setAvatarApproved(rs.getInt("ok_avatar") == 1); author.setWantSeeAvatars(rs.getInt("v_avatars") == 1); author.setCountry(rs.getString("country")); author.setShowCountry(rs.getInt("scountry") == 1); postHead.setCreateTime(rs.getLong("post_time")); author.setCity(rs.getString("city")); author.setShowCity(rs.getInt("scity") == 1); author.setFooter(rs.getString("footer")); postHead.setDomen(rs.getString("domen")); postHead.setTitle(rs.getString("tilte")); postHead.setNred(rs.getInt("nred")); postHead.setEditTime(rs.getLong("post_edit_time")); } } // ? for (Iterator<Entry<String, String>> iterator = bodiesId.entrySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Entry<String, String> entry =; String table = entry.getKey(); String ids = entry.getValue(); query = getReadPostsBodiesQuery(table, ids); st = conn.prepareStatement(query); rs = st.executeQuery(); while ( { Long postId = rs.getLong("id"); post = postsMap.get(postId); FJPostBody postBody = new FJPostBody(); post.setBody(postBody); postBody.setBody(rs.getString("body")); } } } finally { readFinally(conn, st); } return result; } public boolean checkPostExist(Long id) throws ConfigurationException, SQLException, IOException { String checkPostQuery = getCheckPostExistQuery(); PreparedStatement st = null; Connection conn = null; try { conn = getConnection(); st = conn.prepareStatement(checkPostQuery); st.setLong(1, id); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); if ( { return true; } else { return false; } } finally { readFinally(conn, st); } } /** * id ? ? * * @return unknown * @throws SQLException * @throws ConfigurationException * @throws IOException */ public Long getLastPostId() throws ConfigurationException, SQLException, IOException { Long result = 0l; String query = getLastPostIdQuery(); Connection conn = null; Statement st = null; try { conn = getConnection(); st = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(query); if ( { result = rs.getLong("mx"); } } finally { readFinally(conn, st); } return result; } }