Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2009 by Abacus Research AG, Switzerland. * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the Abacus Formula Compiler (AFC). * * For commercial licensing, please contact sales(at) * * AFC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * AFC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with AFC. If not, see <>. */ package org.formulacompiler.compiler.internal.bytecode; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import org.formulacompiler.compiler.CompilerException; import org.formulacompiler.compiler.internal.expressions.ArrayDescriptor; import org.formulacompiler.compiler.internal.expressions.DataType; import org.formulacompiler.compiler.internal.expressions.ExpressionNode; import org.formulacompiler.compiler.internal.expressions.ExpressionNodeForArrayReference; import org.formulacompiler.compiler.internal.expressions.ExpressionNodeForFoldDatabase; import org.formulacompiler.compiler.internal.expressions.LetDictionary.LetEntry; import org.formulacompiler.compiler.internal.model.ExpressionNodeForSubSectionModel; import org.objectweb.asm.Label; import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes; import org.objectweb.asm.commons.GeneratorAdapter; final class HelperCompilerForFoldDatabase extends HelperCompilerForFoldApply { private final ExpressionNodeForFoldDatabase db; private final ExpressionNodeForArrayReference table; private final ArrayDescriptor tableDescriptor; private final String[] colNames; private final DataType[] colTypes; private final ExpressionNode filterExpr; public HelperCompilerForFoldDatabase(SectionCompiler _section, ExpressionNodeForFoldDatabase _applyNode, Iterable<LetEntry<Compilable>> _closure) { super(_section, _applyNode, _closure); this.db = _applyNode; this.table = _applyNode.table(); this.tableDescriptor = _applyNode.table().arrayDescriptor(); this.colNames = _applyNode.filterColumnNames(); this.colTypes = _applyNode.filterColumnTypes(); this.filterExpr = _applyNode.filter(); } @Override protected boolean argumentsAreVectors() { return false; } @Override protected void compileTraversal() throws CompilerException { final int colIdx = this.db.staticFoldedColumnIndex(); if (colIdx < 0) { final ExpressionNode colIdxExpr = this.db.foldedColumnIndex(); compileColumnSwitch(colIdxExpr); } else { compileFixedColumnTraversal(colIdx); } } private void compileColumnSwitch(ExpressionNode _colIdxExpr) throws CompilerException { final ExpressionCompilerForNumbers num = numericCompiler(); final ExpressionNodeForFoldDatabase node = this.db; num.compileInt(_colIdxExpr); compileTableSwitch(node.foldableColumnKeys(), new TableSwitchGenerator() { @Override protected void generateCase(int _key, Label _end) throws CompilerException { final int iCol = _key - 1; compileFixedColumnTraversal(iCol); mv().goTo(_end); } @Override protected void generateDefault() throws CompilerException { final ExpressionCompiler retCompiler = expressionCompiler(node.getDataType()); if (null != node.fold().whenEmpty()) { retCompiler.compile(node.fold().whenEmpty()); } else { retCompiler.compileZero(); } mv().returnValue(); } }); } private MethodCompiler matcher; private final void compileFixedColumnTraversal(int _foldedCol) throws CompilerException { final List<ExpressionNode> elts = this.table.arguments(); final int nElt = elts.size(); int iElt = 0; while (iElt < nElt) { iElt = compileRowTraversal(_foldedCol, elts, iElt); } } private int compileRowTraversal(int _foldedCol, List<ExpressionNode> _elts, int _iElt) throws CompilerException { final ExpressionNode elt = _elts.get(_iElt); if (elt instanceof ExpressionNodeForArrayReference) { compileRowTraversal(_foldedCol, elt.arguments(), 0); return _iElt + 1; } else if (elt instanceof ExpressionNodeForSubSectionModel) { compileSubSectionTraversal(_foldedCol, (ExpressionNodeForSubSectionModel) elt); return _iElt + 1; } else { final GeneratorAdapter mv = mv(); final int iFoldedElt = _iElt + _foldedCol; final ExpressionNode foldedElt = _elts.get(iFoldedElt); final Label noMatch = mv.newLabel(); compileCallToMatcherAndBuildItInFirstPass(_elts, _iElt); compileSkipFoldIfNoMatch(noMatch); compileElementFold(foldedElt); mv.mark(noMatch); return _iElt + this.tableDescriptor.numberOfColumns(); } } private void compileSubSectionTraversal(final int _foldedCol, final ExpressionNodeForSubSectionModel _sub) throws CompilerException { expressionCompiler().compileSubSectionTraversal(_sub, new ExpressionCompiler.SubSectionTraversal() { public void compile(Collection<ExpressionNode> _elements, int _indexLocalOffset) throws CompilerException { compileRowTraversal(_foldedCol, _sub.arguments(), 0); } }); } private void compileElementFold(ExpressionNode _foldedElt) throws CompilerException { final String eltName = this.db.fold().eltName(0); letDict().let(eltName, _foldedElt.getDataType(), new CompilableExpressionNode(_foldedElt)); try { compileFoldStepsWithEltsBound(); } finally { letDict().unlet(eltName); } } private void compileCallToMatcherAndBuildItInFirstPass(List<ExpressionNode> _elts, int _iElt) throws CompilerException { final int nCols = this.tableDescriptor.numberOfColumns(); final GeneratorAdapter mv = mv(); try { for (int iCol = 0; iCol < nCols; iCol++) { final ExpressionNode elt = _elts.get(_iElt + iCol); letDict().let(this.colNames[iCol], this.colTypes[iCol], new CompilableExpressionNode(elt)); } final Iterable<LetEntry<Compilable>> closure = closureOf(this.filterExpr); if (this.matcher == null) { this.matcher = new HelperCompilerForDatabaseMatch(section(), this.filterExpr, closure); this.matcher.compile(); } mv().loadThis(); compileClosure(closure); this.matcher.compileCall(mv); } finally { letDict().unlet(nCols); } } private void compileSkipFoldIfNoMatch(final Label _noMatch) { mv().ifZCmp(Opcodes.IFEQ, _noMatch); } }