Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2009 by Abacus Research AG, Switzerland. * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the Abacus Formula Compiler (AFC). * * For commercial licensing, please contact sales(at) * * AFC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * AFC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with AFC. If not, see <>. */ package org.formulacompiler.compiler.internal.bytecode; import org.formulacompiler.compiler.CompilerException; import org.formulacompiler.compiler.NumericType; import org.formulacompiler.compiler.internal.AbstractLongType; import org.formulacompiler.runtime.ScaledLong; import org.formulacompiler.runtime.ScaledLongSupport; import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes; abstract class ExpressionCompilerForScaledLongs_Base extends ExpressionCompilerForNumbers { private static final String RUNTIME_CONTEXT_DESCRIPTOR = TypeCompilerForScaledLongs.RUNTIME_CONTEXT_DESCRIPTOR; private static final String RUNTIME_CONTEXT_NAME = TypeCompilerForScaledLongs.RUNTIME_CONTEXT_NAME; private final int scale; private final long one; private final TypeCompilerForScaledLongs longCompiler = ((TypeCompilerForScaledLongs) typeCompiler()); public ExpressionCompilerForScaledLongs_Base(MethodCompiler _methodCompiler, NumericType _numericType) { super(_methodCompiler, _numericType); this.scale = _numericType.scale(); = ((AbstractLongType) _numericType).one(); } protected final int scale() { return this.scale; } @Override protected void compileConversionFromLong() throws CompilerException { compile_util_fromLong(); compileScaleUp(); } @Override protected void compileConversionFromInt() throws CompilerException { compile_util_fromInt(); compileScaleUp(); } @Override protected void compileConversionFromNumber() throws CompilerException { compile_util_fromNumber(); compileScaleUp(); } @Override protected void compileConversionFromBigInteger() throws CompilerException { compile_util_fromBigInteger(); compileScaleUp(); } @Override protected void compileConversionFromBigDecimal() throws CompilerException { if (isScaled()) { compile_util_fromBigDecimal_Scaled(); } else { compile_util_fromBigDecimal(); } } @Override protected void compileConversionFromFloat() throws CompilerException { if (isScaled()) { compile_util_fromFloat_Scaled(); } else { compile_util_fromFloat(); } } @Override protected void compileConversionFromDouble() throws CompilerException { if (isScaled()) { compile_util_fromDouble_Scaled(); } else { compile_util_fromDouble(); } } @Override protected void compileConversionToLong() throws CompilerException { compileScaleDown(); compile_util_toLong(); } @Override protected void compileConversionToInt() throws CompilerException { compileScaleDown(); compile_util_toInt(); } @Override protected void compileConversionToShort() throws CompilerException { compileScaleDown(); compile_util_toShort(); } @Override protected void compileConversionToByte() throws CompilerException { compileScaleDown(); compile_util_toByte(); } @Override protected void compileConversionToBigDecimal() throws CompilerException { if (isScaled()) { compile_util_toBigDecimal_Scaled(); } else { compile_util_toBigDecimal(); } } @Override protected void compileConversionToBigInteger() throws CompilerException { compileScaleDown(); compile_util_toBigInteger(); } @Override protected void compileConversionToFloat() throws CompilerException { if (isScaled()) { compile_util_toFloat_Scaled(); } else { compile_util_toFloat(); } } @Override protected void compileConversionToDouble() throws CompilerException { if (isScaled()) { compile_util_toDouble_Scaled(); } else { compile_util_toDouble(); } } @Override protected void compileConversionToBoolean() throws CompilerException { compileScaleDown(); compile_util_toBoolean(); } @Override protected void compileConversionToNumber() throws CompilerException { if (isScaled()) { compile_util_toNumber_Scaled(); } else { compile_util_toNumber(); } } protected final boolean isScaled() { return (scale() != 0); } protected final void compile_scale() { mv().push(scale()); } protected final void compile_context() { this.longCompiler.buildStaticContext(); mv().visitFieldInsn(Opcodes.GETSTATIC, typeCompiler().rootCompiler().classInternalName(), RUNTIME_CONTEXT_NAME, RUNTIME_CONTEXT_DESCRIPTOR); } protected final void compile_one() { mv().push(; } private void compileScaleUp() throws CompilerException { if (scale() > 0) { compile_util_scaleUp(; } } private void compileScaleDown() throws CompilerException { if (scale() > 0) { compile_util_scaleDown(; } } private final void compileScaleCorrection(int _have, int _want) throws CompilerException { if (_have > _want) { long correct = ScaledLongSupport.ONE[_have] / ScaledLongSupport.ONE[_want]; compile_util_scaleDown(correct); } else if (_have < _want) { long correct = ScaledLongSupport.ONE[_want] / ScaledLongSupport.ONE[_have]; compile_util_scaleUp(correct); } } @Override protected void compileConversionFrom(ScaledLong _scale) throws CompilerException { compileScaleCorrection(_scale.value(), scale()); } @Override protected void compileConversionTo(ScaledLong _scale) throws CompilerException { compileScaleCorrection(scale(), _scale.value()); } @Override protected int compileComparison(int _ifOpcode, int _comparisonOpcode) throws CompilerException { mv().visitInsn(Opcodes.LCMP); return _ifOpcode; } @Override protected void compileDup() { mv().visitInsn(Opcodes.DUP2); } @Override protected void compilePop() { mv().visitInsn(Opcodes.POP2); } protected abstract void compile_util_scaleUp(long _one) throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compile_util_scaleDown(long _one) throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compile_util_toDouble_Scaled() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compile_util_toFloat_Scaled() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compile_util_toBigDecimal_Scaled() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compile_util_toNumber_Scaled() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compile_util_fromDouble_Scaled() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compile_util_fromFloat_Scaled() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compile_util_fromBigDecimal_Scaled() throws CompilerException; }