Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2009 by Abacus Research AG, Switzerland. * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the Abacus Formula Compiler (AFC). * * For commercial licensing, please contact sales(at) * * AFC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * AFC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with AFC. If not, see <>. */ package org.formulacompiler.compiler.internal.bytecode; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.formulacompiler.compiler.CompilerException; import org.formulacompiler.compiler.Function; import org.formulacompiler.compiler.Operator; import org.formulacompiler.compiler.internal.bytecode.MethodCompiler.LocalArrayRef; import org.formulacompiler.compiler.internal.bytecode.MethodCompiler.LocalRef; import org.formulacompiler.compiler.internal.bytecode.MethodCompiler.LocalValueRef; import org.formulacompiler.compiler.internal.expressions.ArrayDescriptor; import org.formulacompiler.compiler.internal.expressions.DataType; import org.formulacompiler.compiler.internal.expressions.ExpressionBuilder; import org.formulacompiler.compiler.internal.expressions.ExpressionNode; import org.formulacompiler.compiler.internal.expressions.ExpressionNodeForArrayReference; import org.formulacompiler.compiler.internal.expressions.ExpressionNodeForConstantValue; import org.formulacompiler.compiler.internal.expressions.ExpressionNodeForFoldDatabase; import org.formulacompiler.compiler.internal.expressions.ExpressionNodeForFoldList; import org.formulacompiler.compiler.internal.expressions.ExpressionNodeForFoldVectors; import org.formulacompiler.compiler.internal.expressions.ExpressionNodeForFunction; import org.formulacompiler.compiler.internal.expressions.ExpressionNodeForLet; import org.formulacompiler.compiler.internal.expressions.ExpressionNodeForLetVar; import org.formulacompiler.compiler.internal.expressions.ExpressionNodeForLogging; import org.formulacompiler.compiler.internal.expressions.ExpressionNodeForMaxValue; import org.formulacompiler.compiler.internal.expressions.ExpressionNodeForMinValue; import org.formulacompiler.compiler.internal.expressions.ExpressionNodeForOperator; import org.formulacompiler.compiler.internal.expressions.ExpressionNodeForSwitch; import org.formulacompiler.compiler.internal.expressions.InnerExpressionException; import org.formulacompiler.compiler.internal.expressions.LetDictionary; import org.formulacompiler.compiler.internal.expressions.LetDictionary.LetEntry; import org.formulacompiler.compiler.internal.model.CellModel; import org.formulacompiler.compiler.internal.model.ExpressionNodeForCellModel; import org.formulacompiler.compiler.internal.model.ExpressionNodeForCount; import org.formulacompiler.compiler.internal.model.ExpressionNodeForParentSectionModel; import org.formulacompiler.compiler.internal.model.ExpressionNodeForSubSectionModel; import org.formulacompiler.runtime.ComputationException; import org.formulacompiler.runtime.FormulaException; import org.formulacompiler.runtime.Milliseconds; import org.formulacompiler.runtime.MillisecondsSinceUTC1970; import org.formulacompiler.runtime.New; import org.formulacompiler.runtime.NotAvailableException; import org.formulacompiler.runtime.ScaledLong; import org.formulacompiler.runtime.spreadsheet.CellAddress; import org.objectweb.asm.Label; import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes; import org.objectweb.asm.Type; import org.objectweb.asm.commons.GeneratorAdapter; abstract class ExpressionCompiler { private static final Type COMPUTATION_ERROR_TYPE = Type.getType(ComputationException.class); private static final Type NOT_AVAILABLE_ERROR_TYPE = Type.getType(NotAvailableException.class); private static final Type ARITHMETIC_EXCEPTION_TYPE = Type.getType(ArithmeticException.class); protected static final Type FORMULA_ERROR_TYPE = Type.getType(FormulaException.class); private final MethodCompiler methodCompiler; ExpressionCompiler(MethodCompiler _methodCompiler) { super(); this.methodCompiler = _methodCompiler; } protected final MethodCompiler method() { return this.methodCompiler; } protected final SectionCompiler section() { return method().section(); } protected final SectionCompiler sectionInContext() { return method().sectionInContext(); } protected abstract TypeCompiler typeCompiler(); protected final DataType dataType() { return typeCompiler().dataType(); } protected final Type type() { return typeCompiler().type(); } protected final GeneratorAdapter mv() { return method().mv(); } protected final LetDictionary<Compilable> letDict() { return method().letDict(); } protected final Iterable<LetEntry<Compilable>> closureOf(ExpressionNode _node) { return method().closureOf(_node); } protected final int localsOffset() { return method().localsOffset(); } protected final void incLocalsOffset(int _by) { method().incLocalsOffset(_by); } protected final void resetLocalsTo(int _to) { method().resetLocalsTo(_to); } protected final void compile(ExpressionNode _node) throws CompilerException { try { compileInner(_node); } catch (InnerExpressionException e) { throw e; } catch (CompilerException e) { throw new InnerExpressionException(_node, e); } } private final void compileInner(ExpressionNode _node) throws CompilerException { if (null == _node) { mv().visitInsn(Opcodes.ACONST_NULL); return; } final DataType nodeType = _node.getDataType(); if (null == nodeType) { throw new CompilerException.UnsupportedDataType( "Internal error: Data type not set on node " + _node.describe() + "."); } else if (DataType.NULL != nodeType && dataType() != nodeType) { method().expressionCompiler(nodeType).compile(_node); compileConversionFrom(nodeType); } else if (_node instanceof ExpressionNodeForConstantValue) { compileConst(((ExpressionNodeForConstantValue) _node).value()); } else if (_node instanceof ExpressionNodeForMinValue) { typeCompiler().compileMinValue(mv()); } else if (_node instanceof ExpressionNodeForMaxValue) { typeCompiler().compileMaxValue(mv()); } else if (_node instanceof ExpressionNodeForCellModel) { compileRef(((ExpressionNodeForCellModel) _node).getCellModel()); } else if (_node instanceof ExpressionNodeForParentSectionModel) { compileRef((ExpressionNodeForParentSectionModel) _node); } else if (_node instanceof ExpressionNodeForSubSectionModel) { compileRef((ExpressionNodeForSubSectionModel) _node); } else if (_node instanceof ExpressionNodeForArrayReference) { compileRef((ExpressionNodeForArrayReference) _node); } else if (_node instanceof ExpressionNodeForOperator) { final ExpressionNodeForOperator node = (ExpressionNodeForOperator) _node; if (needsIf(node.getOperator())) { compileIf(node, ExpressionBuilder.TRUE, ExpressionBuilder.FALSE); } else { compileOperator(node); } } else if (_node instanceof ExpressionNodeForFunction) { final ExpressionNodeForFunction node = (ExpressionNodeForFunction) _node; switch (node.getFunction()) { case IF: compileIf(node); break; case NOT: compileIf(node, ExpressionBuilder.TRUE, ExpressionBuilder.FALSE); break; case AND: case OR: compileIf(node, ExpressionBuilder.TRUE, ExpressionBuilder.FALSE); break; default: compileFunction(node); } } else if (_node instanceof ExpressionNodeForSwitch) { compileSwitch((ExpressionNodeForSwitch) _node); } else if (_node instanceof ExpressionNodeForCount) { compileCount((ExpressionNodeForCount) _node); } else if (_node instanceof ExpressionNodeForLet) { compileLet((ExpressionNodeForLet) _node); } else if (_node instanceof ExpressionNodeForLetVar) { compileLetVar(((ExpressionNodeForLetVar) _node).varName()); } else if (_node instanceof ExpressionNodeForFoldList) { compileFoldList((ExpressionNodeForFoldList) _node); } else if (_node instanceof ExpressionNodeForFoldVectors) { compileFoldVectors((ExpressionNodeForFoldVectors) _node); } else if (_node instanceof ExpressionNodeForFoldDatabase) { compileFoldDatabase((ExpressionNodeForFoldDatabase) _node); } else if (_node instanceof ExpressionNodeForLogging) { compileLogging((ExpressionNodeForLogging) _node); } else { throw new CompilerException.UnsupportedExpression( "Internal error: unsupported node type " + _node.describe() + "."); } } private final boolean needsIf(Operator _operator) { switch (_operator) { case EQUAL: case NOTEQUAL: case LESS: case LESSOREQUAL: case GREATER: case GREATEROREQUAL: return true; default: return false; } } protected void compileConst(Object _value) throws CompilerException { typeCompiler().compileConst(mv(), _value); } protected void compileOperator(ExpressionNodeForOperator _node) throws CompilerException { final List<ExpressionNode> args = _node.arguments(); final Operator op = _node.getOperator(); switch (args.size()) { case 0: throw new CompilerException.UnsupportedExpression( "Internal error: must have at least one argument for operator node " + _node.describe() + "."); case 1: compile(args.get(0)); compileOperatorWithFirstArgOnStack(op, null); break; default: compile(args.get(0)); for (int i = 1; i < args.size(); i++) { compileOperatorWithFirstArgOnStack(op, args.get(i)); } } } protected void compileOperatorWithFirstArgOnStack(Operator _operator, ExpressionNode _secondArg) throws CompilerException { throw new CompilerException.UnsupportedExpression( "Operator " + _operator + " is not supported for " + this + " engines."); } protected abstract int compileComparison(int _ifOpcode, int _comparisonOpcode) throws CompilerException; protected final void compileZero() throws CompilerException { typeCompiler().compileZero(mv()); } protected final void compileConversionFrom(Class _class) throws CompilerException { compileConversionFromUnboxed(compileUnboxing(_class)); } private void compileConversionFromUnboxed(Class _class) throws CompilerException { if (_class == Integer.TYPE || _class == Short.TYPE || _class == Byte.TYPE) { compileConversionFromInt(); } else if (_class == Long.TYPE) { compileConversionFromLong(); } else if (_class == Double.TYPE) { compileConversionFromDouble(); } else if (_class == Float.TYPE) { compileConversionFromFloat(); } else if (BigDecimal.class.isAssignableFrom(_class)) { compileConversionFromBigDecimal(); } else if (BigInteger.class.isAssignableFrom(_class)) { compileConversionFromBigInteger(); } else if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(_class)) { compileConversionFromNumber(); } else if (_class == Boolean.TYPE) { compile_util_fromBoolean(); } else if (Date.class.isAssignableFrom(_class)) { compile_util_fromDate(); } else if (String.class.isAssignableFrom(_class)) { compile_util_fromString(); } else { throw new CompilerException.UnsupportedDataType( "Cannot convert from a " + _class.getName() + " to a " + this + "."); } } protected void compileConversionFromLong() throws CompilerException { compile_util_fromLong(); } protected void compileConversionFromInt() throws CompilerException { compile_util_fromInt(); } protected void compileConversionFromNumber() throws CompilerException { compile_util_fromNumber(); } protected void compileConversionFromBigInteger() throws CompilerException { compile_util_fromBigInteger(); } protected void compileConversionFromBigDecimal() throws CompilerException { compile_util_fromBigDecimal(); } protected void compileConversionFromFloat() throws CompilerException { compile_util_fromFloat(); } protected void compileConversionFromDouble() throws CompilerException { compile_util_fromDouble(); } protected abstract void compile_util_fromInt() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compile_util_fromLong() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compile_util_fromDouble() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compile_util_fromFloat() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compile_util_fromNumber() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compile_util_fromBigDecimal() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compile_util_fromBigInteger() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compile_util_fromBoolean() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compile_util_fromDate() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compile_util_fromString() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compile_util_fromMsSinceUTC1970() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compile_util_fromMs() throws CompilerException; private Class compileUnboxing(Class _class) throws CompilerException { if (Byte.class.isAssignableFrom(_class)) { compile_util_unboxByte(); return Byte.TYPE; } else if (Short.class.isAssignableFrom(_class)) { compile_util_unboxShort(); return Short.TYPE; } else if (Integer.class.isAssignableFrom(_class)) { compile_util_unboxInteger(); return Integer.TYPE; } else if (Long.class.isAssignableFrom(_class)) { compile_util_unboxLong(); return Long.TYPE; } else if (Float.class.isAssignableFrom(_class)) { compile_util_unboxFloat(); return Float.TYPE; } else if (Double.class.isAssignableFrom(_class)) { compile_util_unboxDouble(); return Double.TYPE; } else if (Character.class.isAssignableFrom(_class)) { compile_util_unboxCharacter(); return Character.TYPE; } else if (Boolean.class.isAssignableFrom(_class)) { compile_util_unboxBoolean(); return Boolean.TYPE; } return _class; } protected abstract void compile_util_unboxByte() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compile_util_unboxShort() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compile_util_unboxInteger() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compile_util_unboxLong() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compile_util_unboxFloat() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compile_util_unboxDouble() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compile_util_unboxCharacter() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compile_util_unboxBoolean() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compileConversionFrom(DataType _type) throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compileConversionFrom(ScaledLong _scale) throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compileConversionTo(ScaledLong _scale) throws CompilerException; protected final void compileConversionFromResultOf(Method _method) throws CompilerException { try { final Class returnType = _method.getReturnType(); if (returnType == Long.TYPE || returnType == Long.class) { if ((_method.getAnnotation(Milliseconds.class) != null)) { if (returnType == Long.class) { compile_util_unboxLong(); } compile_util_fromMs(); return; } if ((_method.getAnnotation(MillisecondsSinceUTC1970.class) != null)) { if (returnType == Long.class) { compile_util_unboxLong(); } compile_util_fromMsSinceUTC1970(); return; } final ScaledLong scale = scaleOf(_method); if (scale != null && scale.value() != 0) { if (returnType == Long.class) { compile_util_unboxLong(); } compileConversionFrom(scale); return; } } compileConversionFrom(returnType); } catch (CompilerException e) { e.addMessageContext("\nCaused by return type of input '" + _method + "'."); throw e; } } protected final ScaledLong scaleOf(Method _method) { final ScaledLong typeScale = _method.getDeclaringClass().getAnnotation(ScaledLong.class); final ScaledLong mtdScale = _method.getAnnotation(ScaledLong.class); final ScaledLong scale = (mtdScale != null) ? mtdScale : typeScale; return scale; } protected final void compileConversionTo(Class _class) throws CompilerException { if (_class == Number.class) { compileConversionToNumber(); } else if (_class == Object.class) { compileConversionToObject(); } else { final Class unboxed = unboxed(_class); if (null == unboxed) { compileConversionToUnboxed(_class); } else { compileConversionToUnboxed(unboxed); compileBoxing(_class); } } } private static Class unboxed(Class _class) { if (Byte.class == _class) { return Byte.TYPE; } else if (Short.class == _class) { return Short.TYPE; } else if (Integer.class == _class) { return Integer.TYPE; } else if (Long.class == _class) { return Long.TYPE; } else if (Float.class == _class) { return Float.TYPE; } else if (Double.class == _class) { return Double.TYPE; } else if (Character.class == _class) { return Character.TYPE; } else if (Boolean.class == _class) { return Boolean.TYPE; } return null; } private final void compileBoxing(Class _class) throws CompilerException { if (Byte.class == _class) { compile_util_boxByte(); } else if (Short.class == _class) { compile_util_boxShort(); } else if (Integer.class == _class) { compile_util_boxInteger(); } else if (Long.class == _class) { compile_util_boxLong(); } else if (Float.class == _class) { compile_util_boxFloat(); } else if (Double.class == _class) { compile_util_boxDouble(); } else if (Character.class == _class) { compile_util_boxCharacter(); } else if (Boolean.class == _class) { compile_util_boxBoolean(); } } private final void compileConversionToUnboxed(Class _class) throws CompilerException { if (_class == Long.TYPE) { compileConversionToLong(); } else if (_class == Integer.TYPE) { compileConversionToInt(); } else if (_class == Short.TYPE) { compileConversionToShort(); } else if (_class == Byte.TYPE) { compileConversionToByte(); } else if (_class == Boolean.TYPE) { compileConversionToBoolean(); } else if (_class == Double.TYPE) { compileConversionToDouble(); } else if (_class == Float.TYPE) { compileConversionToFloat(); } else if (_class == BigInteger.class) { compileConversionToBigInteger(); } else if (_class == BigDecimal.class) { compileConversionToBigDecimal(); } else if (_class == Date.class) { compileConversionToDate(); } else if (_class == String.class) { compileConversionToString(); } else { throw new CompilerException.UnsupportedDataType( "Cannot convert from a " + this + " to a " + _class.getName() + "."); } } protected abstract void compileConversionToLong() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compileConversionToInt() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compileConversionToShort() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compileConversionToByte() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compileConversionToBigDecimal() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compileConversionToBigInteger() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compileConversionToFloat() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compileConversionToDouble() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compileConversionToBoolean() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compileConversionToNumber() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compileConversionToString() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compileConversionToDate() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compileConversionToObject() throws CompilerException; protected final void compileConversionToResultOf(Method _method) throws CompilerException { try { final Class returnType = _method.getReturnType(); if (returnType == Long.TYPE || returnType == Long.class) { if ((_method.getAnnotation(Milliseconds.class) != null)) { compile_util_toMs(); if (returnType == Long.class) { compile_util_boxLong(); } return; } if ((_method.getAnnotation(MillisecondsSinceUTC1970.class) != null)) { compile_util_toMsSinceUTC1970(); if (returnType == Long.class) { compile_util_boxLong(); } return; } final ScaledLong scale = scaleOf(_method); if (scale != null && scale.value() != 0) { compileConversionTo(scale); if (returnType == Long.class) { compile_util_boxLong(); } return; } } compileConversionTo(returnType); } catch (CompilerException e) { e.addMessageContext("\nCaused by return type of input '" + _method + "'."); throw e; } } protected abstract void compile_util_boxByte() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compile_util_boxShort() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compile_util_boxInteger() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compile_util_boxLong() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compile_util_boxFloat() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compile_util_boxDouble() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compile_util_boxCharacter() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compile_util_boxBoolean() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compile_util_toMs() throws CompilerException; protected abstract void compile_util_toMsSinceUTC1970() throws CompilerException; protected void compileFunction(ExpressionNodeForFunction _node) throws CompilerException { final Function fun = _node.getFunction(); switch (fun) { case INDEX: compileIndex(_node); break; case ISERROR: compileIsException(_node, true, ERROR_TYPES, NO_TYPES); break; case ISERR: compileIsException(_node, true, ERR_TYPES, NA_TYPES); break; case ISNA: compileIsException(_node, false, NA_TYPES, ERR_TYPES); break; default: throw new CompilerException.UnsupportedExpression( "Function " + fun + " is not supported for " + this + " engines."); } } private static final Type[] NO_TYPES = {}; private static final Type[] ERROR_TYPES = { COMPUTATION_ERROR_TYPE, ARITHMETIC_EXCEPTION_TYPE }; private static final Type[] ERR_TYPES = { FORMULA_ERROR_TYPE, ARITHMETIC_EXCEPTION_TYPE }; private static final Type[] NA_TYPES = { NOT_AVAILABLE_ERROR_TYPE }; private final void compileIndex(ExpressionNodeForFunction _node) throws CompilerException { final ExpressionNodeForArrayReference array = (ExpressionNodeForArrayReference) _node.argument(0); switch (_node.cardinality()) { case 2: if (array.arrayDescriptor().numberOfColumns() == 1) { compileIndex(array, _node.argument(1), null); } else if (array.arrayDescriptor().numberOfRows() == 1) { compileIndex(array, null, _node.argument(1)); } else { throw new CompilerException.UnsupportedExpression( "INDEX with single index expression must not have two-dimensional range argument."); } return; case 3: compileIndex(array, _node.argument(1), _node.argument(2)); return; } throw new CompilerException.UnsupportedExpression("INDEX must have two or three arguments."); } private final void compileIndex(ExpressionNodeForArrayReference _array, ExpressionNode _row, ExpressionNode _col) throws CompilerException { final GeneratorAdapter mv = mv(); final MethodCompiler mtd = method(); final ExpressionCompilerForNumbers numCompiler = mtd.numericCompiler(); // Push receiver for index switch method. mtd.compileObjectInContext(); // Compute index value. final ArrayDescriptor desc = _array.arrayDescriptor(); final int cols = desc.numberOfColumns(); if (cols == 1 && isNullOrZeroOrOne(_col)) { // <row> - 1; numCompiler.compileInt(_row); mv.push(1); mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.ISUB); } else { final int rows = desc.numberOfRows(); if (rows == 1 && isNullOrZeroOrOne(_row)) { // <col> - 1; numCompiler.compileInt(_col); mv.push(1); mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.ISUB); } else { // Push receiver for linearizer method. mtd.compileObjectInContext(); numCompiler.compileInt(_row); numCompiler.compileInt(_col); section().getLinearizerFor(rows, cols).compileCall(mv); } } section().getIndexerFor(_array).compileCall(mv); } private final boolean isNullOrZeroOrOne(ExpressionNode _node) { if (_node == null) return true; if (_node instanceof ExpressionNodeForConstantValue) { final ExpressionNodeForConstantValue constNode = (ExpressionNodeForConstantValue) _node; final Number constValue = (Number) constNode.value(); return (constValue == null || constValue.intValue() == 0 || constValue.intValue() == 1); } return false; } private void compileIsException(final ExpressionNodeForFunction _node, final boolean _testForErrors, final Type[] _handledTypesReturningTrue, final Type[] _handledTypesReturningFalse) throws CompilerException { /* * Move the handler into its own method because exception handlers clobber the stack. */ final Iterable<LetEntry<Compilable>> closure = closureOf(_node); compileHelpedExpr(new HelperCompiler(sectionInContext(), _node, closure) { @Override protected void compileBody() throws CompilerException { final GeneratorAdapter mv =; final ExpressionCompiler ec = expressionCompiler(); final Label handled = mv.newLabel(); final Label beginHandling = mv.mark(); ec.compile(_node.argument(0)); ec.compileExceptionalValueTest(_testForErrors); mv.goTo(handled); final Label endHandling = mv.mark(); for (final Type a_handledTypesReturningTrue : _handledTypesReturningTrue) { mv.catchException(beginHandling, endHandling, a_handledTypesReturningTrue); mv.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ASTORE, method().newLocal(1)); ec.compileConst(Boolean.TRUE); mv.goTo(handled); } for (final Type a_handledTypesReturningFalse : _handledTypesReturningFalse) { mv.catchException(beginHandling, endHandling, a_handledTypesReturningFalse); mv.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ASTORE, method().newLocal(1)); ec.compileConst(Boolean.FALSE); mv.goTo(handled); } mv.mark(handled); mv.returnValue(); } }, closure); } protected void compileExceptionalValueTest(boolean _testForErrors) throws CompilerException { compilePop(); compileConst(Boolean.FALSE); } private final void compileIf(ExpressionNodeForFunction _node) throws CompilerException { compileIf(_node.arguments().get(0), _node.arguments().get(1), _node.arguments().get(2)); } private final void compileIf(ExpressionNode _test, ExpressionNode _ifTrue, ExpressionNode _ifFalse) throws CompilerException { final GeneratorAdapter mv = mv(); final Label notMet = mv.newLabel(); final Label done = mv.newLabel(); method().numericCompiler().compileTest(_test, notMet); final Set<DelayedLet> outerSetsInTrueBranch = compileTrackingSetsOfOuterLets(_ifTrue); revertSetsOfOuterLets(outerSetsInTrueBranch, null); mv.visitJumpInsn(Opcodes.GOTO, done); mv.mark(notMet); final Set<DelayedLet> outerSetsInFalseBranch = compileTrackingSetsOfOuterLets(_ifFalse); revertSetsOfOuterLets(outerSetsInFalseBranch, outerSetsInTrueBranch); mv.mark(done); } private final Set<DelayedLet> compileTrackingSetsOfOuterLets(final ExpressionNode _node) throws CompilerException { final Object oldState = method().beginTrackingSetsOfOuterLets(); try { compile(_node); return method().trackedSetsOfOuterLets(); } finally { method().endTrackingSetsOfOuterLets(oldState); } } private final void revertSetsOfOuterLets(Set<DelayedLet> _ifInThisSetOnly, Set<DelayedLet> _notIfInThisSetToo) { for (final DelayedLet let : _ifInThisSetOnly) { if (_notIfInThisSetToo != null && _notIfInThisSetToo.contains(let)) { method().trackSetOfLet(let); } else { method().letDict().set(, let); } } } private void compileSwitch(ExpressionNodeForSwitch _node) throws CompilerException { final Iterable<LetEntry<Compilable>> closure = closureOf(_node); compileHelpedExpr(new HelperCompilerForSwitch(sectionInContext(), _node, closure), closure); } final void compileCallTo(MethodCompiler _methodCompiler) { method().compileObjectInContext(); _methodCompiler.compileCall(mv()); } final void compileRef(CellModel _cell) { compileCallTo(sectionInContext().cellMethodCompiler(_cell)); } private final void compileRef(ExpressionNodeForParentSectionModel _node) throws CompilerException { final SectionCompiler section = sectionInContext(); final SectionCompiler parent = section.parentSectionCompiler(); final int parentObject = method().newLocal(1); // Object final GeneratorAdapter mv = mv(); method().compileObjectInContext(); mv.getField(section.classType(), ByteCodeEngineCompiler.PARENT_MEMBER_NAME, parent.classType()); mv().visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ASTORE, parentObject); compileInContextOfObject(parent, parentObject, _node); } protected final void compileInContextOfObject(final SectionCompiler _section, int _object, ExpressionNode _node) throws CompilerException { final int oldLocals = method().localsOffset(); try { final SectionCompiler oldSection = method().sectionInContext(); final int oldObject = method().objectInContext(); try { method().setObjectInContext(_section, _object); compile(_node.argument(0)); } finally { method().setObjectInContext(oldSection, oldObject); } } finally { method().resetLocalsTo(oldLocals); } } final void compileSubSectionTraversal(final ExpressionNodeForSubSectionModel _sub, final SubSectionTraversal _traversal) throws CompilerException { final SubSectionCompiler subSection = sectionInContext().subSectionCompiler(_sub.getSectionModel()); final GeneratorAdapter mv = mv(); method().compileObjectInContext(); sectionInContext().compileCallToGetterFor(mv, subSection); compileScanArray(new ForEachElementCompilation() { public void compile(int _objectLocalOffset, int _indexLocalOffset) throws CompilerException { final SectionCompiler oldSection = sectionInContext(); final int oldObject = method().objectInContext(); try { method().setObjectInContext(subSection, _objectLocalOffset); _traversal.compile(_sub.arguments(), _indexLocalOffset); } finally { method().setObjectInContext(oldSection, oldObject); } } }); } protected static interface SubSectionTraversal { void compile(Collection<ExpressionNode> _elements, int _indexLocalOffset) throws CompilerException; } private final void compileRef(ExpressionNodeForSubSectionModel _node) throws CompilerException { throw new CompilerException.ReferenceToInnerCellNotAggregated(); } private final void compileRef(ExpressionNodeForArrayReference _node) throws CompilerException { throw new CompilerException.ReferenceToArrayNotAggregated(); } protected abstract void compileCount(ExpressionNodeForCount _node) throws CompilerException; private final void compileLet(ExpressionNodeForLet _node) throws CompilerException { final String varName = _node.varName(); switch (_node.type()) { case BYVAL: /* * Note: It is important to allocate the local here rather than at the point of first * evaluation. Otherwise it could get reused when the first evaluation is within a local * scope. */ final LocalRef local = compileNewLocal(isArray(_node.value())); letDict().let(varName, _node.value().getDataType(), new DelayedLet(varName, local, _node.value(), method().letTrackingNestingLevel())); try { compile(; } finally { letDict().unlet(varName); } break; case BYNAME: /* * Note: Used internally to pass outer values as single-eval method arguments to helper * methods by wrapping the construct in a series of LETs. The closure then automatically * declares the parameters and passes the values to them. */ letDict().let(varName, _node.value().getDataType(), new CompilableExpressionNode(_node.value())); try { compile(; } finally { letDict().unlet(varName); } break; default: throw new CompilerException.UnsupportedExpression("Cannot compile this type of LET."); } } static boolean isArray(ExpressionNode _node) { return _node instanceof ExpressionNodeForArrayReference; } private final void compileLetVar(String _varName) throws CompilerException { if (this.forbiddenLetVars.contains(_varName)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot compile a letvar named " + _varName + " when already compiling one of that name - rewriter bug?"); } final Compilable val = letDict().lookup(_varName); compileLetValue(_varName, val); } final void compileLetValue(String _name, Compilable _value) throws CompilerException { if (_value != null) { _value.compile(this); } else { throw new CompilerException.NameNotFound("The variable " + _name + " is not bound in this context."); } } void compileDelayedLet(DelayedLet _letDef) throws CompilerException { this.forbiddenLetVars.add(; try { compile(_letDef.node); } finally { this.forbiddenLetVars.remove(; } compileDup(_letDef.isArray()); _letDef.local.compileStoreLocal(this); letDict().set(, _letDef.local); method().trackSetOfLet(_letDef); } private final Set<String> forbiddenLetVars = New.set(); protected final LocalRef compileNewLocal(boolean _isArray) { if (_isArray) { return new LocalArrayRef(method().newLocal(1)); } else { return new LocalValueRef(method().newLocal(type().getSize())); } } private void compileDup(boolean _isArray) { if (_isArray) { mv().visitInsn(Opcodes.DUP); } else { compileDup(); } } protected void compileDup() { mv().visitInsn(Opcodes.DUP); } protected void compilePop() { mv().visitInsn(Opcodes.POP); } final void compileHelpedExpr(HelperCompiler _compiler, Iterable<LetEntry<Compilable>> _closure) throws CompilerException { _compiler.compile(); method().compileCalleeAndClosure(_closure); _compiler.compileCall(mv()); } protected final void compileRuntimeMethod(String _methodName, String _methodSig) { typeCompiler().compileRuntimeMethod(mv(), _methodName, _methodSig); } protected void compile_environment() { section().compileEnvironmentAccess(mv()); } protected void compile_sectionInfo() { section().compileSectionInfoAccess(mv()); } protected void compile_computationMode() { method().section().compileComputationModeAccess(mv()); } protected void compile_computationTime() { method().section().compileComputationTimeAccess(mv()); } private static interface ForEachElementCompilation { void compile(int _objectLocalOffset, int _indexLocalOffset) throws CompilerException; } private void compileScanArray(ForEachElementCompilation _forElement) throws CompilerException { final GeneratorAdapter mv = mv(); final int loc = localsOffset(); incLocalsOffset(4); // store array mv.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ASTORE, loc); // store array length mv.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ALOAD, loc); mv.arrayLength(); mv.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ISTORE, 1 + loc); // loop index mv.push(0); mv.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ISTORE, 2 + loc); // loop start final Label l0 = mv.mark(); // check loop condition mv.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ILOAD, 2 + loc); mv.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ILOAD, 1 + loc); final Label l1 = new Label(); mv.ifICmp(GeneratorAdapter.GE, l1); // loop body mv.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ALOAD, loc); mv.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ILOAD, 2 + loc); mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.AALOAD); mv.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ASTORE, 3 + loc); _forElement.compile(3 + loc, 2 + loc); // inc loop index mv.visitIincInsn(2 + loc, 1); mv.goTo(l0); mv.visitLabel(l1); } protected final void compileArray(ExpressionNode _arrayNode) throws CompilerException { final GeneratorAdapter mv = mv(); final ExpressionNodeForArrayReference arr = (ExpressionNodeForArrayReference) _arrayNode; mv.push(arr.arrayDescriptor().numberOfElements()); mv.newArray(type()); int i = 0; for (ExpressionNode arg : arr.arguments()) { mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.DUP); mv.push(i++); compile(arg); mv.arrayStore(type()); } } private final void compileFoldList(ExpressionNodeForFoldList _node) throws CompilerException { if (ChainedFoldCompiler.isChainable(_node.fold())) { if (new ChainedFoldCompiler(this, _node).compile()) { return; } if (!_node.fold().isSpecialWhenEmpty()) { final Iterable<LetEntry<Compilable>> closure = closureOf(_node); compileHelpedExpr(new HelperCompilerForFoldChained(sectionInContext(), _node, closure), closure); return; } } final Iterable<LetEntry<Compilable>> closure = closureOf(_node); compileHelpedExpr(new HelperCompilerForFoldList(sectionInContext(), _node, closure), closure); } private final void compileFoldVectors(ExpressionNodeForFoldVectors _node) throws CompilerException { final Iterable<LetEntry<Compilable>> closure = closureOf(_node); compileHelpedExpr(new HelperCompilerForFoldVectors(sectionInContext(), _node, closure), closure); } private final void compileFoldDatabase(ExpressionNodeForFoldDatabase _node) throws CompilerException { final Iterable<LetEntry<Compilable>> closure = closureOf(_node); compileHelpedExpr(new HelperCompilerForFoldDatabase(sectionInContext(), _node, closure), closure); } private void compileLogging(final ExpressionNodeForLogging _expressionNodeForLogging) throws CompilerException { compile(_expressionNodeForLogging.argument(0)); final Object source = _expressionNodeForLogging.getSource(); if (source instanceof CellAddress) { final CellAddress cellAddress = (CellAddress) source; final String definedName = _expressionNodeForLogging.getDefinedName(); final boolean input = _expressionNodeForLogging.isInput(); final boolean output = _expressionNodeForLogging.isOutput(); compileLogging(cellAddress, definedName, input, output); } } void compileLogging(final CellAddress _cellAddress, final String _name, boolean _input, boolean _output) throws CompilerException { final GeneratorAdapter mv = mv(); final int valLocal = mv.newLocal(type()); mv.storeLocal(valLocal); mv.loadLocal(valLocal); if (DataType.NUMERIC.equals(dataType())) { compileConversionTo(Number.class); } compile_util_log(_cellAddress.getSheetName(), _cellAddress.getColumnIndex(), _cellAddress.getRowIndex(), _name, _input, _output); mv.loadLocal(valLocal); } protected abstract void compile_util_log(String _sheetName, int _columnIndex, int _rowIndex, String _definedName, boolean _input, boolean _output) throws CompilerException; static final boolean isSubSectionIn(Iterable<ExpressionNode> _elts) { for (ExpressionNode elt : _elts) { if (elt instanceof ExpressionNodeForSubSectionModel) { return true; } } return false; } }