Java tutorial
package org.fnppl.opensdx.keyserverfe; /* * Copyright (C) 2010-2015 * fine people e.V. <> * Henning Thie <> * * */ /* * Software license * * As far as this file or parts of this file is/are software, rather than documentation, this software-license applies / shall be applied. * * This file is part of openSDX * openSDX is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * openSDX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * and GNU General Public License along with openSDX. * If not, see <>. * */ /* * Documentation license * * As far as this file or parts of this file is/are documentation, rather than software, this documentation-license applies / shall be applied. * * This file is part of openSDX. * Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document * under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 * or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; * with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. * A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU * Free Documentation License" resp. in the file called "FDL.txt". * */ import org.fnppl.dbaccess.*; import org.fnppl.opensdx.common.*; import org.fnppl.opensdx.keyserver.helper.SQLStatement; import*; import java.util.*; import org.apache.velocity.VelocityContext; import org.jdom2.Element; public class ActiveUser { public final static long MAX_LOGINTIME = 16 * 60 * 60 * 1000;//16h // public Client client = null; //reference on android-client-spec (if present) public String sessionid = null; public long mandantid = -1; public String ip = null; public boolean loggedin = false; public long logintime = -1; public long lastalive = -1; public long userid = -1; public long clientid = -1; public Hashtable<String, Object> sessiondata = null; //new Hashtable<String, Object>(); public ActiveUser() { } public String sessiondataAsString() { return buildSessionXml(sessiondata); } public static ActiveUser logIn( //Auftragnehmer aun, Client cl, String sessionid, String ip) { ActiveUser au = new ActiveUser(); au.loggedin = true; // au.client = cl; au.ip = ip; au.sessionid = sessionid; // au.userid = aun.getId(); au.logintime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // au.clientid = cl.getLong("clientid"); au.sessiondata = new Hashtable<String, Object>(); // delete old Sessions for user // flushSessions(aun.getId()); au.generateNewDBSession(); return au; } public static ActiveUser logInTNuser( // TrendnetUser tu, String sessionid, String ip, Hashtable<String, Object> sessiondata) { ActiveUser au = new ActiveUser(); au.loggedin = true; au.ip = ip; au.sessionid = sessionid; // au.userid = tu.getId(); au.logintime = System.currentTimeMillis(); au.sessiondata = sessiondata; // delete old Sessions for user // flushSessions(tu.getId()); au.generateNewDBSession(); return au; } public static ActiveUser logInKundenUser( // KundenUser tu, String sessionid, String ip, Hashtable<String, Object> sessiondata) { ActiveUser au = new ActiveUser(); au.loggedin = true; au.ip = ip; au.sessionid = sessionid; // au.userid = tu.getId(); au.logintime = System.currentTimeMillis(); au.sessiondata = sessiondata; // delete old Sessions for user // flushSessions(tu.getId()); au.generateNewDBSession(); return au; } public void save() { String sql = null; boolean alreadyExists = false; // BalancingConnectionManager.execQuery( // "select exists(select * from activeusers where " + // "sessionid='"+SQLStatement.dbEncodeInApostrophes(sessionid)+"' and mandantid="+mandantid+")" // ).getBooleanAt(0, 0); // System.out.println("Does this activeuser already exists in ther Database?"); if (alreadyExists) { // System.out.println("YES! So just update."); //Wenn vorhanden dann reicht ein Update // sql = "update activeusers set " + // "logintime="+logintime+", "+ // "clientid="+clientid+", "+ // "lastalive="+System.currentTimeMillis()+", "+ // "sessiondata='"+Helper.dbEncode(buildSessionXml(sessiondata))+"' " + // "where sessionid='"+Helper.dbEncode(sessionid)+"' and mandantid="+mandantid; // // int r = BalancingConnectionManager.execUpdate(sql); } else { generateNewDBSession(); } } public static boolean detectSessionIdInDB(String sessionid) { return false; // DBResultSet Rs = BalancingConnectionManager.execQuery("select exists(select sessionid from activeusers where sessionid='"+Helper.dbEncode(sessionid)+"') "); // return Rs.getBooleanAt(0,0); } public static ActiveUser fromDB(String sessionid) { // DBResultSet Rs = BalancingConnectionManager.execQuery("select * from activeusers where sessionid='"+Helper.dbEncode(sessionid)+"' "); // ActiveUser au = new ActiveUser(); // au.ip = Rs.getValueOf(0, "ip"); // au.sessionid = Rs.getValueOf(0, "sessionid"); // au.mandantid = Rs.getLongOf(0, "mandantid"); // au.userid = Rs.getLongOf(0, "userid"); // au.lastalive = Rs.getLongOf(0, "lastalive"); // au.logintime = Rs.getLongOf(0, "logintime"); // au.sessiondata = buildSessionHash(Rs.getValueOf(0, "sessiondata")); // au.clientid = Rs.getLongOf(0, "clientid"); // au.loggedin = au.logintime > 0; // // return au; return null; } /** * Lscht die aktuelle Session des Users */ public static void deleteSession(String sessionid) { // BalancingConnectionManager.execUpdate( // "delete from activeusers where sessionid = '"+Helper.dbEncode(sessionid)+"'"); } public Object get(String k) { //das hier mu sein, um aus velocity daten zu kriegen... if (k.equalsIgnoreCase("sessionid")) { return sessionid; } else if (k.equalsIgnoreCase("mandantid")) { return "" + mandantid; } else if (k.equalsIgnoreCase("loggedin")) { return "" + loggedin; } else if (k.equalsIgnoreCase("logintime")) { return "" + logintime; } else if (k.equalsIgnoreCase("lastalive")) { return "" + lastalive; } else if (k.equalsIgnoreCase("clientid")) { return "" + clientid; } else if (k.equalsIgnoreCase("userid")) { return "" + userid; } return null; } // boolean sessionloaded = false; // public void ensureSessionData() { // if(!sessionloaded) { // sessiondata = getSessionFromDB(sessionid); // sessionloaded = true; // } // } public void generateNewDBSession() { System.out.println("generateNewDBSession() :: IN!"); // long userid = -1; lastalive = System.currentTimeMillis(); // BalancingConnectionManager.execUpdate("insert into activeusers values (" + // "'"+Helper.dbEncode(sessionid)+"', " + // ""+mandantid+", " + // ""+userid+", " + // "'"+Helper.dbEncode(ip)+"', " + // ""+lastalive+", " + // ""+logintime+", " + // ""+clientid+", " + // "'"+Helper.dbEncode(buildSessionXml(sessiondata))+"' " + //sessiondata // ")"); } public static void flushSessions(long userid) { // BalancingConnectionManager.execUpdate("delete from activeusers where userid="+userid); } // private Hashtable<String, Object> getSessionFromDB(String sessionid) { // Hashtable<String, Object> session = null; // // DBResultSet Rs = BalancingConnectionManager.execQuery("select * from activeusers where sessionid='"+Helper.dbEncode(sessionid)+"' and mandantid="+mandantid); // // if(Rs.height()==1) { // try { // session = buildSessionHash(Rs.getValueOf(0, "sessiondata")); // lastalive = Long.parseLong(Rs.getValueOf(0, "lastalive")); // logintime = Long.parseLong(Rs.getValueOf(0, "logintime")); // loggedin = logintime > 0; // // if(System.currentTimeMillis() - lastalive > 1000l*60l*15) { //15min. // BalancingConnectionManager.execUpdate("update activeusers set lastalive='"+System.currentTimeMillis()+"' where sessionid='"+Helper.dbEncode(sessionid)+"' and mandantid="+mandantid); // } // } catch(Exception ex) { // ex.printStackTrace(); // session = null; // } // } // // return session; // } public static Hashtable<String, Object> buildSessionHash(String xml) { Hashtable<String, Object> hash = new Hashtable<String, Object>(); org.jdom2.input.SAXBuilder sax = new org.jdom2.input.SAXBuilder(false); try { //System.out.println("XML: "+xml); Element e = StringReader(xml)).getRootElement(); Iterator<Element> it = e.getChildren().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Element ee =; hash.put(ee.getName(), ee.getText()); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); hash = null; } return hash; } private static String buildSessionXml(Hashtable<String, Object> hash) { Element e = new Element("sessiondata"); Enumeration<String> en = hash.keys(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { String key = (String) en.nextElement(); Object value = hash.get(key); if (value instanceof String) { e.addContent((new Element(key)).setText((String) value)); } else if (value instanceof Long) { e.addContent((new Element(key)).setText("" + value)); } else if (value instanceof Boolean) { e.addContent((new Element(key)).setText("" + value)); } else if (value instanceof Integer) { e.addContent((new Element(key)).setText("" + value)); } else if (value instanceof Element) { Element ke = (Element) ((Element) value).clone(); ke.setName(key);//dirty?! e.addContent(ke); } } org.jdom2.output.XMLOutputter xout = new org.jdom2.output.XMLOutputter(); return xout.outputString(e); } }