Java tutorial
/* * * Copyright (c) 2012-2016 "FlockData LLC" * * This file is part of FlockData. * * FlockData is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * FlockData is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with FlockData. If not, see <>. */ package; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.elasticsearch.action.ListenableActionFuture; import org.elasticsearch.action.NoShardAvailableActionException; import; import; import org.elasticsearch.action.delete.DeleteResponse; import org.elasticsearch.action.get.GetRequestBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.action.get.GetResponse; import org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexRequestBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexResponse; import org.elasticsearch.client.Client; import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.MapperParsingException; import org.flockdata.helper.FdJsonObjectMapper; import org.flockdata.integration.IndexManager; import org.flockdata.model.Entity; import; import; import; import; import org.flockdata.track.bean.EntityKeyBean; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.amqp.AmqpRejectAndDontRequeueException; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import; import java.util.*; /** * @author mholdsworth * @since 27/04/2013 */ @Service public class EntityChangeWriterEs implements EntityChangeWriter { private final Client elasticSearchClient; private final IndexManager indexManager; private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EntityChangeWriterEs.class); @Autowired public EntityChangeWriterEs(Client elasticSearchClient, IndexManager indexManager) { this.elasticSearchClient = elasticSearchClient; this.indexManager = indexManager; } @Override public boolean delete(EntitySearchChange searchChange) { String indexName = searchChange.getIndexName(); String recordType = searchChange.getDocumentType(); String existingIndexKey = searchChange.getSearchKey(); DeleteResponse dr = elasticSearchClient .prepareDelete(searchChange.getIndexName(), recordType, existingIndexKey) .setRouting(searchChange.getCode()).execute().actionGet(); if (!dr.isFound()) { logger.debug("Didn't find the document to remove [{}] from {}/{}", existingIndexKey, indexName, recordType); return false;// Not found } logger.debug("Removed document [{}] from {}/{}", existingIndexKey, indexName, recordType); return true; } /** * @param searchChange object containing changes * @param source Json to save * @return key value of the child document */ private EntitySearchChange save(EntitySearchChange searchChange, String source) throws IOException { String indexName = searchChange.getIndexName(); String documentType = searchChange.getDocumentType(); logger.debug("Received request to Save [{}] SearchKey [{}]", searchChange.getKey(), searchChange.getSearchKey()); // Rebuilding a document after a reindex - preserving the unique key. IndexRequestBuilder irb = elasticSearchClient.prepareIndex(searchChange.getIndexName(), documentType) .setSource(source); irb.setId(searchChange.getSearchKey()); if (searchChange.getParent() != null) // Disabling parent document functionality // irb.setParent(searchChange.getParent().getCode()); irb.setRouting(searchChange.getParent().getCode()); else irb.setRouting(searchChange.getCode()); try { IndexResponse ir = irb.execute().actionGet(); logger.debug("Save:Document entityId [{}], [{}], logId= [{}] searchKey [{}] index [{}/{}]", searchChange.getId(), searchChange.getKey(), searchChange.getLogId(), ir.getId(), indexName, documentType); return searchChange; } catch (MapperParsingException e) { // DAT-359 logger.error("Parsing error {} - code [{}], key [{}], [{}]", indexName, searchChange.getCode(), searchChange.getKey(), e.getMessage()); throw new AmqpRejectAndDontRequeueException("Parsing error - callerRef [" + searchChange.getCode() + "], key [" + searchChange.getKey() + "], " + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Writing to index {} produced an error [{}]", indexName, e.getMessage()); throw new AmqpRejectAndDontRequeueException("Parsing error - callerRef [" + searchChange.getCode() + "], key [" + searchChange.getKey() + "], " + e.getMessage(), e); } } @Override public EntitySearchChange handle(EntitySearchChange searchChange) throws IOException { String source = getJsonToIndex(searchChange); if (searchChange.getSearchKey() == null || searchChange.getSearchKey().equals("")) { searchChange.setSearchKey( (searchChange.getCode() == null ? searchChange.getKey() : searchChange.getCode())); logger.debug("No search key, creating as a new document [{}]", searchChange.getKey()); return save(searchChange, source); } try { logger.debug("Update request for searchKey [{}], key[{}]", searchChange.getSearchKey(), searchChange.getKey()); GetRequestBuilder request = elasticSearchClient.prepareGet(searchChange.getIndexName(), searchChange.getDocumentType(), searchChange.getSearchKey()); // if (searchChange.getParent() != null) { // request.setRouting(searchChange.getParent().getCode()); // } GetResponse response = request.execute().actionGet(); logger.debug("executed get request for {}", searchChange.toString()); if (response.isExists() && !response.isSourceEmpty()) { logger.debug("Document exists!"); // Messages can be received out of sequence // Check to ensure we don't accidentally overwrite a more current // document with an older one. We assume the calling fortress understands // what the most recent doc is. Object o = response.getSource().get(SearchSchema.UPDATED); // fortress view of UPDATED, not FlockDatas! if (o != null) { Long existingWhen = Long.decode(o.toString()); logger.debug("Comparing searchChange when {} with stored when {}", searchChange.getUpdatedDate(), existingWhen); if (!searchChange.isForceReindex()) { if (existingWhen.compareTo(searchChange.getUpdatedDate().getTime()) > 0) { logger.debug( "ignoring a request to update as the existing document dated [{}] is newer than the searchChange document dated [{}]", new Date(existingWhen), searchChange.getUpdatedDate()); return searchChange; // Don't overwrite the most current doc! } else if (searchChange.getUpdatedDate().getTime() == 0L && !searchChange.isReplyRequired()) { // Meta Change - not indexed in FD, so ignore something we already have. // Likely scenario is a batch is being reprocessed return searchChange; } logger.debug("Document is more recent. Proceeding with update"); } else { logger.debug("Forcing an update of the document."); } } } else { // No response, to a search key we expect to exist. Create a new one // Likely to be in response to rebuilding an ES index from Graph data. logger.debug("About to create in response to an update request for {}", searchChange.toString()); return save(searchChange, source); } // Update the existing document with the searchChange change IndexRequestBuilder update = elasticSearchClient.prepareIndex(searchChange.getIndexName(), searchChange.getDocumentType(), searchChange.getSearchKey()); //.setRouting(searchChange.getKey()); ListenableActionFuture<IndexResponse> ur = update.setSource(source).execute(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { IndexResponse indexResponse = ur.actionGet(); logger.debug("Updated [{}] logId=[{}] for [{}] to version [{}]", searchChange.getSearchKey(), searchChange.getLogId(), searchChange, indexResponse.getVersion()); } // } catch (IndexMissingException e) { // administrator must have deleted it, but we think it still exists //"Attempt to update non-existent index [{}]. Creating it..", searchChange.getIndexName()); // purgeCache(); // return save(searchChange, source); } catch (NoShardAvailableActionException e) { return save(searchChange, source); } return searchChange; } //@CacheEvict(value = {"mappedIndexes"}, allEntries = true) public void purgeCache() { } public Map<String, Object> findOne(Entity entity) { return findOne(entity, null); } public Map<String, Object> findOne(Entity entity, String id) { String indexName = indexManager.parseIndex(entity);//entity.getFortress().getRootIndex(); String documentType = entity.getType(); if (id == null) id = entity.getSearchKey(); logger.debug("Looking for [{}] in {}", id, indexName + documentType); GetResponse response = elasticSearchClient.prepareGet(indexName, documentType, id) //.setRouting(entity.getKey()) .execute().actionGet(); if (response != null && response.isExists() && !response.isSourceEmpty()) return response.getSource();"Unable to find response data for [" + id + "] in " + indexName + "/" + documentType); return null; } @Override public Map<String, Object> ping() { Map<String, Object> results = new HashMap<>(); ClusterHealthRequest request = new ClusterHealthRequest(); ClusterHealthResponse response = elasticSearchClient.admin().cluster().health(request).actionGet(); if (response == null) { results.put("status", "error!"); return results; } results.put("Status", "ok"); results.put("health", response.getStatus().name()); results.put("dataNodes", response.getNumberOfDataNodes()); results.put("nodes", response.getNumberOfNodes()); results.put("clusterName", response.getClusterName()); results.put("nodeName", elasticSearchClient.settings().get("name")); return results; } private String getJsonToIndex(EntitySearchChange searchChange) { ObjectMapper mapper = FdJsonObjectMapper.getObjectMapper(); Map<String, Object> index = getMapFromChange(searchChange); try { return mapper.writeValueAsString(index); } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } return null; } /** * Converts a user requested searchChange in to a standardised document to index * * @param searchChange searchChange * @return document to index */ public Map<String, Object> getMapFromChange(EntitySearchChange searchChange) { Map<String, Object> indexMe = new HashMap<>(); indexMe.put(SearchSchema.FORTRESS, searchChange.getFortressName()); // MKH - let elasticSearch manage this // indexMe.put(SearchSchema.DOC_TYPE, searchChange.getDocumentType()); if (searchChange.getKey() != null) //DAT-83 No need to track NULL key // This occurs if the search doc is not being tracked in fd-engine's graph indexMe.put(SearchSchema.KEY, searchChange.getKey()); if (searchChange.getData() != null) indexMe.put(SearchSchema.DATA, searchChange.getData()); if (searchChange.getProps() != null && !searchChange.getProps().isEmpty()) indexMe.put(SearchSchema.PROPS, searchChange.getProps()); if (searchChange.getWho() != null) indexMe.put(SearchSchema.WHO, searchChange.getWho()); if (searchChange.getEvent() != null) indexMe.put(SearchSchema.LAST_EVENT, searchChange.getEvent()); // When the Entity was created in the fortress indexMe.put(SearchSchema.CREATED, searchChange.getCreatedDate()); if (searchChange.getUpdatedDate() != null) indexMe.put(SearchSchema.UPDATED, searchChange.getUpdatedDate()); if (searchChange.hasAttachment()) { // DAT-159 indexMe.put(SearchSchema.ATTACHMENT, searchChange.getAttachment()); indexMe.put(SearchSchema.FILENAME, searchChange.getFileName()); indexMe.put(SearchSchema.CONTENT_TYPE, searchChange.getContentType()); } // Time that this change was indexed by fd-engine indexMe.put(SearchSchema.TIMESTAMP, new Date(searchChange.getSysWhen())); if (searchChange.getCode() != null) indexMe.put(SearchSchema.CODE, searchChange.getCode()); String name = searchChange.getName(); String description = searchChange.getDescription(); if (name != null) { // We prefer storing the description in the search doc if (description == null || StringUtils.equals(name, description)) description = name; else indexMe.put(SearchSchema.NAME, searchChange.getName()); } if (description != null) // Search description - generally always returned indexMe.put(SearchSchema.DESCRIPTION, searchChange.getDescription()); if (!searchChange.getTagValues().isEmpty()) setTags("", indexMe, searchChange.getTagValues()); if (!searchChange.getEntityLinks().isEmpty()) setEntityLinks(indexMe, searchChange.getEntityLinks()); return indexMe; } private void setEntityLinks(Map<String, Object> indexMe, Collection<EntityKeyBean> entityLinks) { for (EntityKeyBean linkedEntity : entityLinks) { //String prefix; Map<String, Map<String, Object>> entity = (Map<String, Map<String, Object>>) indexMe.get("e"); if (entity == null) { entity = new HashMap<>();// indexMe.put("e", entity); } String docType = linkedEntity.getDocumentType().toLowerCase(); Map<String, Object> docEntry = entity.get(docType); if (docEntry == null) { docEntry = new HashMap<>(); } entity.put(docType, docEntry); Map<String, Object> leaf; if (linkedEntity.getRelationshipName() == null || linkedEntity.getRelationshipName().equals("") || linkedEntity.getRelationshipName().equalsIgnoreCase(linkedEntity.getDocumentType())) { leaf = docEntry; //prefix = "e" +QueryDaoES.ES_FIELD_SEP + linkedEntity.getDocumentType().toLowerCase() + QueryDaoES.ES_FIELD_SEP; } else { leaf = new HashMap<>(); docEntry.put(linkedEntity.getRelationshipName().toLowerCase(), leaf); //prefix = "e" +QueryDaoES.ES_FIELD_SEP+ linkedEntity.getDocumentType().toLowerCase() + QueryDaoES.ES_FIELD_SEP + linkedEntity.getRelationship() + QueryDaoES.ES_FIELD_SEP; } setNonEmptyValue(SearchSchema.CODE, linkedEntity.getCode(), leaf); setNonEmptyValue(SearchSchema.INDEX, linkedEntity.getIndex(), leaf); setNonEmptyValue(SearchSchema.DESCRIPTION, linkedEntity.getDescription(), leaf); setNonEmptyValue("name", linkedEntity.getName(), leaf); setTags("", leaf, linkedEntity.getSearchTags()); } } private void setNonEmptyValue(String key, Object value, Map<String, Object> values) { if (value != null && !value.toString().equals("")) { values.put(key, value); } } private void setTags(String prefix, Map<String, Object> indexMe, HashMap<String, Map<String, ArrayList<SearchTag>>> tagValues) { Collection<String> uniqueTags = new ArrayList<>(); Collection<String> outputs = new ArrayList<>(); boolean oneToMany = true; // Kibana presentation only. ToDo: Set from TagInputBean->SearchTag // If false, makes the presentation look better in Kibana. // Consider one to one then one to many. One to one displays flat // while one to many assumes the tags to be an []. Presentation should strive to be consistent // but you can still query consistently either way. Map<String, Object> byRelationship = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, Object> squash = new HashMap<>(); boolean enableSquash = true; // If tag and rlx names are the same, store just the values // means will appear as for (String relationship : tagValues.keySet()) { if (enableSquash && tagValues.get(relationship).containsKey(relationship)) { // DAT-328 - the relationship and label have the same name ArrayList<SearchTag> values = tagValues.get(relationship).get(relationship); if (values.size() == 1 & !oneToMany) { // DAT-329 SearchTag searchTag = values.iterator().next(); squash.put(relationship, searchTag); gatherTag(uniqueTags, searchTag); } else { ArrayList<SearchTag> searchTags = tagValues.get(relationship).get(relationship); squash.put(relationship, searchTags); gatherTags(uniqueTags, searchTags); } } else { Map<String, ArrayList<SearchTag>> mapValues = tagValues.get(relationship); Map<String, Object> newValues = new HashMap<>(); for (String label : mapValues.keySet()) { if (mapValues.get(label).size() == 1 & !oneToMany) { // DAT-329 if only one value, don't store as a collection SearchTag searchTag = mapValues.get(label).iterator().next(); // Store the tag newValues.put(label, searchTag); gatherTag(uniqueTags, searchTag); } else { ArrayList<SearchTag> searchTags = mapValues.get(label); newValues.put(label, searchTags); gatherTags(uniqueTags, searchTags); } } byRelationship.put(relationship, newValues); } } if (!squash.isEmpty()) byRelationship.putAll(squash); if (!byRelationship.isEmpty()) { indexMe.put(prefix + SearchSchema.TAG, byRelationship); } // if (prefix.equals("") && !uniqueTags.isEmpty()) { // ALL_TAGS contains autocomplete searchable tags. // ToDo: Prefix == null check stops linked entity tags being written to this list indexMe.put(SearchSchema.ALL_TAGS, uniqueTags); } } /** * adds a unique tag to the list of tags to store with this document * These tags can be search by autocomplete * * @param tagCodes modified by reference * @param fromTags tags to analyze */ private void gatherTags(Collection<String> tagCodes, Collection<SearchTag> fromTags) { for (SearchTag value : fromTags) { gatherTag(tagCodes, value); } } private void gatherTag(Collection<String> tagCodes, SearchTag tag) { // ToDo: externalise config final int minTagLength = 2; if (!tagCodes.contains(tag.getCode())) { if (tag.getCode() != null && tag.getCode().length() >= minTagLength) { // DAT-446 - Favour the description over a numeric tag code // MKH - let fd-engine decide this //boolean isAlphaNumeric = true;//!NumberUtils.isNumber(tag.getCode()); // Always store the code if there is no description or it is Alpha Numeric //if ( tag.getName() == null || isAlphaNumeric ) tagCodes.add(tag.getCode()); } if (tag.getName() != null) { String key = tag.getName(); if (!tagCodes.contains(key)) tagCodes.add(key); } } if (tag.getGeo() != null) { Map<String, Object> geoBeans = tag.getGeo(); for (String key : geoBeans.keySet()) { // GeoDataBean geoBean = geoBeans.get(key); String code = geoBeans.get(key).toString(); if (!tagCodes.contains(code)) { // ToDo: Figure out autocomplete across ngrams // DAT-501 ES 2.0 does not support field names with a . if (key.endsWith("Code")) { String nameKey = key.substring(0, key.indexOf("Code")) + "Name"; String name = null; if (geoBeans.containsKey(nameKey)) name = geoBeans.get(nameKey).toString(); tagCodes.add(code + (name != null ? " - " + name : "")); if (name != null) tagCodes.add(name + " - " + code); } } } } if (!tag.getParent().isEmpty()) { for (String key : tag.getParent().keySet()) { Collection<SearchTag> nestedSearchTags = tag.getParent().get(key); gatherTags(tagCodes, nestedSearchTags); //; } } } }