Java tutorial
/**************************************************************************************** * This file is part of FIWARE CyberCAPTOR, * * instance of FIWARE Cyber Security Generic Enabler * * Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Thales Services S.A.S., * * 20-22 rue Grande Dame Rose 78140 VELIZY-VILACOUBLAY FRANCE * * * * FIWARE CyberCAPTOR is free software; you can redistribute * * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, * * or (at your option) any later version. * * * * FIWARE CyberCAPTOR is distributed in the hope * * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with FIWARE CyberCAPTOR. * * If not, see <>. * ****************************************************************************************/ package org.fiware.cybercaptor.server.informationsystem; import org.fiware.cybercaptor.server.attackgraph.SecurityRequirement; import org.fiware.cybercaptor.server.database.Database; import org.fiware.cybercaptor.server.remediation.Patch; import org.fiware.cybercaptor.server.topology.Topology; import org.fiware.cybercaptor.server.topology.asset.Host; import org.fiware.cybercaptor.server.topology.asset.IPAddress; import org.fiware.cybercaptor.server.topology.asset.Network; import org.fiware.cybercaptor.server.topology.asset.component.FirewallRule; import org.fiware.cybercaptor.server.topology.asset.component.FirewallRulesTable; import org.fiware.cybercaptor.server.topology.asset.component.Interface; import org.fiware.cybercaptor.server.topology.asset.component.Route; import org.fiware.cybercaptor.server.vulnerability.Vulnerability; import org.jdom2.Element; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Class that represents a host of the {@link org.fiware.cybercaptor.server.informationsystem.InformationSystem} * * @author Francois-Xavier Aguessy */ public class InformationSystemHost extends Host { /** * The network services running on this host */ private Map<String, Service> services = new HashMap<String, Service>(); /** * The list of the users of this host */ private Map<String, User> users = new HashMap<String, User>(); /** * The accounts on this host */ private Map<String, Account> accounts = new HashMap<String, Account>(); /** * The security requirements that needs this machine */ private List<SecurityRequirement> securityRequirements = new ArrayList<SecurityRequirement>(); /** * Create an empty host * * @param topology the network topology */ public InformationSystemHost(Topology topology) { super(topology); } /** * Create a host with its name * * @param str the name of the host * @param topology the topology */ public InformationSystemHost(String str, Topology topology) { super(str, topology); } /** * @return the services */ public Map<String, Service> getServices() { return services; } /** * @return the users */ public Map<String, User> getUsers() { return users; } /** * @param users the users to set */ public void setUsers(Map<String, User> users) { this.users = users; } /** * Delete on the service of the machine the vulnerabilities that should be corrected * * @param correctedVulnerabilities the vulnerabilities to correct */ public void correctVulnerabilities(List<Vulnerability> correctedVulnerabilities) { for (String key : services.keySet()) { Service service = services.get(key); for (Vulnerability vulnerability : correctedVulnerabilities) { if (service.getVulnerabilities().containsKey(vulnerability.cve)) { service.getVulnerabilities().remove(vulnerability.cve); } } } } /** * Return the service if it exists or create a new service if it doesn't * * @param key the key of the service * @return the service */ public Service getNewOrExistingService(String key) { Service result = getExistingService(key); if (result != null) { return services.get(key); } else { result = new Service(key); result.setMachine(this);, result); return result; } } /** * Return the service if it exists or return null if it doesn't * * @param key the name of the service * @return the service */ public Service getExistingService(String key) { if (services.containsKey(key)) { return services.get(key); } else { return null; } } /** * Get an existing service from port and protocol. If the service is not found, return null * * @param protocol the protocol * @param port the port of the service * @return the service */ public Service getExistingServiceFromProtocolAndPort(FirewallRule.Protocol protocol, int port) { Service result = null; for (String key : services.keySet()) { if (services.get(key).getProtocol() == protocol && services.get(key).getPortNumber() == port) { result = services.get(key); break; } } return result; } /** * @return the dom element corresponding to this host with the format of the tva report file */ public Element toDomXMLElement() { Element root = new Element("machine"); Element nameElement = new Element("name"); nameElement.setText(this.getName()); root.addContent(nameElement); Element cpeElement = new Element("cpe"); cpeElement.setText("cpe:/"); root.addContent(cpeElement); //Interfaces Element interfacesElement = new Element("interfaces"); root.addContent(interfacesElement); for (String key : getInterfaces().keySet()) { Interface intface = getInterfaces().get(key); interfacesElement.addContent(intface.toDomElement()); } //Services Element servicesElement = new Element("services"); root.addContent(servicesElement); for (String key : services.keySet()) { Service service = services.get(key); servicesElement.addContent(service.toDomXMLElement()); } //Routes Element routesElement = new Element("routes"); root.addContent(routesElement); for (int i = 0; i < this.getRoutingTable().getRouteList().size(); i++) { Route route = this.getRoutingTable().getRouteList().get(i); routesElement.addContent(route.toDomXMLElement()); } //Firwall root.addContent(getInputFirewallRulesTable().toDomXMLElement()); root.addContent(getOutputFirewallRulesTable().toDomXMLElement()); return root; } /** * Load the host from a DOM element (extracted from an XML file) * * @param domElement the host root dom element * @param topology the current network topology * @throws Exception */ public void loadFromDomElement(Element domElement, Topology topology, Database db) throws Exception { Element nameElement = domElement.getChild("name"); if (nameElement != null) this.setName(nameElement.getText()); Element securityRequirementElement = domElement.getChild("security_requirement"); if (securityRequirementElement != null) { double securityRequirementValue = Double.parseDouble(securityRequirementElement.getText()); SecurityRequirement securityRequirement = new SecurityRequirement("sec-req-xml", securityRequirementValue); this.addSecurityRequirements(securityRequirement); } //Host interfaces Element interfacesElement = domElement.getChild("interfaces"); if (interfacesElement != null) { List<Element> interfaceListElement = interfacesElement.getChildren("interface"); for (Element interfaceElement : interfaceListElement) { Element interfaceNameElement = interfaceElement.getChild("name"); Element interfaceAddressElement = interfaceElement.getChild("ipaddress"); Element interfaceVlanElement = interfaceElement.getChild("vlan"); if (interfaceNameElement != null && interfaceAddressElement != null) { String interfaceName = interfaceNameElement.getText(); String interfaceAddress = interfaceAddressElement.getText(); Interface inface; if (interfaceVlanElement != null && !interfaceVlanElement.getText().isEmpty()) { inface = new Interface(interfaceName, interfaceAddress, this, topology.getNewOrExistingVlan(interfaceVlanElement.getChildText("label"))); } else { inface = new Interface(interfaceName, interfaceAddress, this); } this.getInterfaces().put(interfaceName, inface); Element networkElement = interfaceElement.getChild("network"); Element maskElement = interfaceElement.getChild("mask"); if (networkElement != null && maskElement != null) { inface.setNetwork(new Network(new IPAddress(networkElement.getText()), new IPAddress(maskElement.getText()))); } Element directlyConnectedElement = interfaceElement.getChild("directly-connected"); if (directlyConnectedElement != null) { Element connectedToInternetElement = directlyConnectedElement.getChild("internet"); if (connectedToInternetElement != null) { inface.setConnectedToTheInternet(true); } } } } } //Machine services Element servicesElement = domElement.getChild("services"); if (servicesElement != null) { List<Element> servicesElementList = servicesElement.getChildren("service"); for (Element serviceElement : servicesElementList) { Element serviceNameElement = serviceElement.getChild("name"); if (serviceNameElement != null) { String serviceName = serviceNameElement.getText(); Service service; if (! { service = new Service(serviceName);, service); service.setMachine(this); } else { service =; } Element serviceIPElement = serviceElement.getChild("ipaddress"); if (serviceIPElement != null && !serviceIPElement.getText().isEmpty() && service.getIpAddress() == null) { service.setIpAddress(new IPAddress(serviceIPElement.getText())); } Element servicePortElement = serviceElement.getChild("port"); if (servicePortElement != null && !servicePortElement.getText().isEmpty() && service.getPortNumber() == 0) service.setPortNumber(Service.portStringToInt(servicePortElement.getText())); Element serviceProtocolElement = serviceElement.getChild("protocol"); if (serviceProtocolElement != null && !serviceProtocolElement.getText().isEmpty() && service.getProtocol() == null) service.setProtocol( FirewallRule.Protocol.getProtocolFromString(serviceProtocolElement.getText())); Element serviceCPEElement = serviceElement.getChild("CPE"); if (serviceCPEElement != null) service.setCPE(serviceCPEElement.getText()); Element serviceAccountElement = serviceElement.getChild("user"); if (serviceAccountElement != null) { service.setAccount(this.getAccountByName(serviceAccountElement.getText())); } Element serviceVersionElement = serviceElement.getChild("version"); if (serviceVersionElement != null) service.setVersion(serviceVersionElement.getText()); Element vulnerabilitiesElement = serviceElement.getChild("vulnerabilities"); if (vulnerabilitiesElement != null) { List<Element> vulnsElements = vulnerabilitiesElement.getChildren("vulnerability"); for (Element vulnElement : vulnsElements) { Element typeElement = vulnElement.getChild("type"); Element goalElement = vulnElement.getChild("goal"); Element cveElement = vulnElement.getChild("cve"); Vulnerability vuln = new Vulnerability(cveElement.getText()); vuln.exploitGoal = goalElement.getText(); vuln.exploitType = typeElement.getText(); vuln.loadParametersFromDatabase(db.getConn()); service.getVulnerabilities().put(vuln.cve, vuln); } } Element serviceDeployedPatchElement = serviceElement.getChild("deployed-patchs"); if (serviceDeployedPatchElement != null) { List<Element> patchsElements = serviceDeployedPatchElement.getChildren("patch"); for (Element patchElement : patchsElements) { Patch patch = new Patch(patchElement.getText()); service.getDeployedPatches().add(patch); } } } } } Element routesElement = domElement.getChild("routes"); if (routesElement != null) this.getRoutingTable().loadFromDomElement(routesElement, this); Element incommingFirewallElement = domElement.getChild("input-firewall"); if (incommingFirewallElement != null) this.getInputFirewallRulesTable().loadFromDomElement(incommingFirewallElement); Element outgoingFirewallElement = domElement.getChild("output-firewall"); if (outgoingFirewallElement != null) this.getOutputFirewallRulesTable().loadFromDomElement(outgoingFirewallElement); } /** * @param text the name of the account to find * @return the account whose name is text on this host */ private Account getAccountByName(String text) { if (this.accounts.get(text) != null) return this.accounts.get(text); else { Account account = new Account(text); account.setMachine(this); this.accounts.put(text, account); return account; } } @Override public String toString() { if (getFirstIPAddress() != null) return getName() + "(" + getFirstIPAddress().getAddress() + ")"; return getName(); } /** * @return the metric */ public double getMetric() { double result = 0.; for (SecurityRequirement securityRequirement : securityRequirements) { result += securityRequirement.getMetric(); } return result; } /** * @return the securityRequirements */ public List<SecurityRequirement> getSecurityRequirements() { return securityRequirements; } /** * Remove all security requirements of this host */ public void removeAllSecurityRequirements() { this.securityRequirements = new ArrayList<>(); } /** * @param securityRequirement the securityRequirements to add */ public void addSecurityRequirements(SecurityRequirement securityRequirement) { this.securityRequirements.add(securityRequirement); } /** * @param ruleToDeploy a firewall rule that can be deployed on this host * @return true if the parameter firewall rule is conflicting with the currently deployed rules on this host */ public List<FirewallRule> firewallRuleConflict(FirewallRule ruleToDeploy) { FirewallRulesTable table; if (ruleToDeploy.getTable() == FirewallRule.Table.INPUT) { table = this.getInputFirewallRulesTable(); } else { table = this.getOutputFirewallRulesTable(); } return table.getConflictsFirewallRulesWith(ruleToDeploy); } }