Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * This file is part of FIWARE CyberCAPTOR,                                             *
 * instance of FIWARE Cyber Security Generic Enabler                                    *
 * Copyright (C) 2012-2015  Thales Services S.A.S.,                                     *
 * 20-22 rue Grande Dame Rose 78140 VELIZY-VILACOUBLAY FRANCE                           *
 *                                                                                      *
 * FIWARE CyberCAPTOR is free software; you can redistribute                            *
 * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License                *
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,       *
 * or (at your option) any later version.                                               *
 *                                                                                      *
 * FIWARE CyberCAPTOR is distributed in the hope                                        *
 * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied           *
 * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the            *
 * GNU General Public License for more details.                                         *
 *                                                                                      *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License                    *
 * along with FIWARE CyberCAPTOR.                                                       *
 * If not, see <>.                                          *
package org.fiware.cybercaptor.server.attackgraph;

import org.fiware.cybercaptor.server.attackgraph.Vertex.VertexType;
import org.fiware.cybercaptor.server.attackgraph.fact.DatalogCommand;
import org.fiware.cybercaptor.server.attackgraph.fact.Fact.FactType;
import org.fiware.cybercaptor.server.informationsystem.InformationSystem;
import org.fiware.cybercaptor.server.informationsystem.InformationSystemHost;
import org.fiware.cybercaptor.server.informationsystem.Service;
import org.fiware.cybercaptor.server.informationsystem.graph.InformationSystemGraph;
import org.fiware.cybercaptor.server.remediation.*;
import org.fiware.cybercaptor.server.remediation.RemediationAction.ActionType;
import org.fiware.cybercaptor.server.topology.asset.IPAddress;
import org.fiware.cybercaptor.server.topology.asset.component.FirewallRule;
import org.fiware.cybercaptor.server.topology.asset.component.FirewallRule.Action;
import org.fiware.cybercaptor.server.topology.asset.component.FirewallRule.Protocol;
import org.fiware.cybercaptor.server.topology.asset.component.FirewallRule.Table;
import org.fiware.cybercaptor.server.topology.asset.component.PortRange;
import org.fiware.cybercaptor.server.vulnerability.Vulnerability;
import org.jdom2.Document;
import org.jdom2.Element;
import org.jdom2.input.SAXBuilder;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.util.*;

 * Class used to represent an attack path.
 * An attack path is in fact a special attack graph with several leaves and one goal
 * @author Francois-Xavier Aguessy
public class AttackPath extends MulvalAttackGraph implements Cloneable {

     * The scoring of the attack path (should be between 0 and 1)
    public double scoring = 0;
     * The goal of the attacker
    Vertex goal = null;

     * @param leavesToCorrect      the list of leaves that should be corrected
     * @param indexInPath          the index where we are in the list of leaves
     * @param howToRemediateLeaves a vector of how each leaf can be corrected
     * @return The list of remediation actions : A1 OR A2 OR A3 where A1 = A1.1 AND A1.2 AND A1.3 ...
    static private List<List<RemediationAction>> computeRemediationToPathWithLeafRemediations(
            List<Vertex> leavesToCorrect, int indexInPath,
            HashMap<Integer, List<List<RemediationAction>>> howToRemediateLeaves) {

        //Recursive function on the number of remaining leaves to correct

        if (indexInPath > leavesToCorrect.size() - 1) { //path empty
            //Normally this case should never happen

            return new ArrayList<List<RemediationAction>>();
        } else if (indexInPath == leavesToCorrect.size() - 1) { //one leaf
            //Stop case of the recursion, we return the mean to correct only one leaf
            Vertex currentLeaf = leavesToCorrect.get(indexInPath);

            return howToRemediateLeaves.get(;
        } else { //more than one leaf in path
            Vertex currentLeaf = leavesToCorrect.get(indexInPath);

            //First we correct the other leaves and get the result
            List<List<RemediationAction>> result_remediation_path_without_last_leaf = computeRemediationToPathWithLeafRemediations(
                    leavesToCorrect, indexInPath + 1, howToRemediateLeaves);

            List<List<RemediationAction>> resultWithoutLastLeaf = new ArrayList<List<RemediationAction>>();
            for (List<RemediationAction> aResult_remediation_path_without_last_leaf1 : result_remediation_path_without_last_leaf) {
                List<RemediationAction> contentResultToDuplicate = new ArrayList<RemediationAction>(

            List<List<RemediationAction>> result_to_duplicate = new ArrayList<List<RemediationAction>>();
            for (List<RemediationAction> aResult_remediation_path_without_last_leaf : result_remediation_path_without_last_leaf) {
                List<RemediationAction> contentResultToDuplicate = new ArrayList<RemediationAction>(

            List<List<RemediationAction>> result = new ArrayList<List<RemediationAction>>();

            //Then, we add each element of remediation concerning the current leaf:
            List<List<RemediationAction>> howToRemediateLeaf = howToRemediateLeaves.get(;

            //FOR ALL OR CONDITIONS (remediations of the current leaf)
            //we duplicate the old result (result_remediation_path_without_last_leaf) howToRemediateLeaf.size() - 1 times
            //and add all the howToRemediateLeaf.get(i) to each duplicates

            //For the first OR, no duplicate is useful
            //Add the howToRemediateLeaf.get(i) to all OR elements
            for (List<RemediationAction> aResultWithoutLastLeaf : resultWithoutLastLeaf) {
                aResultWithoutLastLeaf.addAll(new ArrayList<RemediationAction>(howToRemediateLeaf.get(0)));

            //For the other OR, we can duplicate
            for (int i = 1; i < howToRemediateLeaf.size(); i++) {
                //Create the duplicate and add the howToRemediateLeaf.get(i) results into it
                List<List<RemediationAction>> duplicate = new ArrayList<List<RemediationAction>>();
                for (List<RemediationAction> aResult_to_duplicate : result_to_duplicate) {
                    List<RemediationAction> duplicateContent = new ArrayList<RemediationAction>(

                //For all OR of the duplicate, add the howToRemediateLeaf.get(i)
                for (List<RemediationAction> aDuplicate : duplicate) {
                    aDuplicate.addAll(new ArrayList<RemediationAction>(howToRemediateLeaf.get(i)));

            return result;

     * Compute all possible combination of k integers < to n
     * @param k integer < n
     * @param n integer
     * @return the list of list of k integers
    public static List<List<Integer>> combination(int k, int n) {
        List<Integer> listNumber = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        List<List<Integer>> result = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>();
        combinationRecursive(k, listNumber, 0, new ArrayList<Integer>(), result);
        return result;

     * Main recursive function used to calculate the combination list combination(k,n)
    private static void combinationRecursive(int k, List<Integer> listNumber, int startListNumber,
            List<Integer> temporaryResult, List<List<Integer>> result) {
        if (k == 0) {
            result.add(new ArrayList<Integer>(temporaryResult));
        if (listNumber.size() == startListNumber)

        List<Integer> temporaryResult2 = new ArrayList<Integer>(temporaryResult);
        combinationRecursive(k - 1, listNumber, startListNumber + 1, temporaryResult, result);
        combinationRecursive(k, listNumber, startListNumber + 1, temporaryResult2, result);

     * Get all the machines that are involved in this attack path considered only as a list of vertices
     * @param topology   the Network topology
     * @param attackPath the attack path to explore
     * @return the list of machine involved in this attack path
     * @throws Exception
    public static List<InformationSystemHost> getInvolvedMachines(InformationSystem topology,
            List<Vertex> attackPath) throws Exception {
        List<InformationSystemHost> result = new ArrayList<InformationSystemHost>();
        for (Vertex vertex : attackPath) {
            if (vertex.fact != null && vertex.fact.type != FactType.RULE) {
                InformationSystemHost machine = vertex.getRelatedMachine(topology);
        return result;

    public static List<AttackPath> loadAttackPathsFromFile(String attackPathsFilePath,
            AttackGraph relatedAttackGraph) throws Exception {
        FileInputStream file = new FileInputStream(attackPathsFilePath);
        SAXBuilder sxb = new SAXBuilder();
        Document document =;
        Element root = document.getRootElement();

        List<AttackPath> result = new ArrayList<AttackPath>();

        List<Element> attackPathsElements = root.getChildren("attack_path");
        if (!attackPathsElements.isEmpty()) {
            for (Element attackPathElement : attackPathsElements) {
                if (attackPathElement != null) {
                    AttackPath attackPath = new AttackPath();
                    attackPath.loadFromDomElementAndAttackGraph(attackPathElement, relatedAttackGraph);

        return result;


     * Sort attack paths with their scoring in descending order
    public static void sortAttackPaths(List<AttackPath> attackPathList) {
        Collections.sort(attackPathList, new AttackPath.AttackPathComparator());

     * @return the leaves of the attack graph
    public List<Vertex> getLeavesThatCanBeRemediated() {
        List<Vertex> result = new ArrayList<Vertex>();
        for (int i : this.vertices.keySet()) {
            Vertex vertex = this.vertices.get(i);
            if (vertex.parents.size() == 0) {
                if (vertex.fact != null && vertex.fact.datalogCommand != null
                        && vertex.fact.datalogCommand.command != null) {
                    String command = vertex.fact.datalogCommand.command;
                    if (command.equals("vulExists") || command.equals("hacl") || command.equals("haclprimit")
                            || command.toLowerCase().contains("vlan") || command.contains("attackerLocated"))
            } else {
                if (vertex.fact != null && vertex.fact.datalogCommand != null
                        && vertex.fact.datalogCommand.command != null
                        && vertex.fact.datalogCommand.command.equals("hacl")) {
        return result;

     * @return the goal of the attack graph
    public Vertex getGoal() {
        if (goal == null) {
            for (int i : this.vertices.keySet()) {
                Vertex vertex = this.vertices.get(i);
                if (vertex.children.size() == 0)
                    goal = vertex;
        return goal;

     * @param topology the network topology
     * @param conn     database connection
     * @return the list of possible remediation actions to remediate this attack path : remediation[1] OR remediation[2] OR remediation[3] ; remediation[1] = remediation[1][1] AND remediation[1][2]...
    public List<List<RemediationAction>> getRemediationAction(InformationSystem topology, Connection conn,
            String costParametersFolder) throws Exception {
        List<List<RemediationAction>> result = new ArrayList<List<RemediationAction>>();

        List<Vertex> leaves = this.getLeavesThatCanBeRemediated();

        //Compute all possible sufficient combination of leaves to cut the attack path
        List<List<Vertex>> sufficientLeavesToCutPath = new ArrayList<List<Vertex>>();
        List<Vertex> remainingLeaves = new ArrayList<Vertex>(leaves);
        int simultaneousLeavesNumber = 1;

        while (simultaneousLeavesNumber <= remainingLeaves.size()) { //While we take a number of leaves lower than the number of remaining leaves
            List<List<Integer>> combination = combination(simultaneousLeavesNumber, remainingLeaves.size());
            List<Vertex> leavesSufficient = new ArrayList<Vertex>();

            for (List<Integer> aCombination : combination) {
                List<Vertex> leavesToTest = new ArrayList<Vertex>();
                for (Integer anACombination : aCombination) {
                if (leavesMandatoryForGoal(leavesToTest)) {

            for (Vertex aLeavesSufficient : leavesSufficient) {


        //Create a hashlist of the list of remediation for each leaf (possible_actions[1] OR possible_actions[2] OR possible_actions[3] .... with possible_actions[1] = possible_actions[1][1] AND possible_actions[1][2] AND possible_actions[1][3]
        HashMap<Integer, List<List<RemediationAction>>> howToRemediateLeaves = new HashMap<Integer, List<List<RemediationAction>>>();
        for (Vertex leaf : leaves) {
                    getRemediationActionForLeaf(leaf, topology, conn, costParametersFolder));

        //Try to see how to remediate each list of leaf
        for (List<Vertex> aSufficientLeavesToCutPath : sufficientLeavesToCutPath) {
            //List<RemediationAction> pathRemediations = new ArrayList<RemediationAction>();
            boolean pathCanBeRemediated = true;

            //For all leaf list that can cut the attack path
            for (Vertex leaf : aSufficientLeavesToCutPath) {
                if (howToRemediateLeaves.get(
                    pathCanBeRemediated = false;

            if (pathCanBeRemediated) {
                result.addAll(computeRemediationToPathWithLeafRemediations(aSufficientLeavesToCutPath, 0,

        return result;

     * @param topology the network topology
     * @param conn     database connection
     * @return the list of possible remediation actions to remediate this attack path : remediation[1] OR remediation[2] OR remediation[3] ; remediation[1] = remediation[1][1] AND remediation[1][2]... [Withour snort rules]
    public List<List<RemediationAction>> getRemedationActions(InformationSystem topology, Connection conn,
            String costParametersFolder) throws Exception {
        List<List<RemediationAction>> result = new ArrayList<List<RemediationAction>>();

        List<Vertex> leaves = this.getLeavesThatCanBeRemediated();

        //Compute all possible sufficient combination of leaves to cut the attack path
        List<List<Vertex>> sufficientLeavesToCutPath = new ArrayList<List<Vertex>>();
        List<Vertex> remainingLeaves = new ArrayList<Vertex>(leaves);
        int simultaneousLeavesNumber = 1;

        while (simultaneousLeavesNumber <= remainingLeaves.size()) { //While we take a number of leaves lower than the number of remaining leaves
            List<List<Integer>> combination = combination(simultaneousLeavesNumber, remainingLeaves.size());
            List<Vertex> leavesSufficient = new ArrayList<Vertex>();

            //TODO : improve this function : can be much faster.
            for (List<Integer> aCombination : combination) {
                List<Vertex> leavesToTest = new ArrayList<Vertex>();
                for (Integer anACombination : aCombination) {
                if (leavesMandatoryForGoal(leavesToTest)) {

            for (Vertex aLeavesSufficient : leavesSufficient) {


        //Create a hashlist of the list of remediation for each leaf (possible_actions[1] OR possible_actions[2] OR possible_actions[3] .... with possible_actions[1] = possible_actions[1][1] AND possible_actions[1][2] AND possible_actions[1][3]
        HashMap<Integer, List<List<RemediationAction>>> howToRemediateLeaves = new HashMap<Integer, List<List<RemediationAction>>>();
        for (Vertex leaf : leaves) {
                    getRemediationActionForLeaf(leaf, topology, conn, costParametersFolder, true));

        //Try to see how to remediate each list of leaf
        for (List<Vertex> aSufficientLeavesToCutPath : sufficientLeavesToCutPath) {
            //List<RemediationAction> pathRemediations = new ArrayList<RemediationAction>();
            boolean pathCanBeRemediated = true;

            //For all leaf list that can cut the attack path
            for (Vertex leaf : aSufficientLeavesToCutPath) {
                if (howToRemediateLeaves.get(
                    pathCanBeRemediated = false;

            if (pathCanBeRemediated) {
                result.addAll(computeRemediationToPathWithLeafRemediations(aSufficientLeavesToCutPath, 0,

        return result;

     * @param topology             the network topology
     * @param conn                 the database connection
     * @param costParametersFolder the folder where the cost parameters are stored
     * @return the list of deployable remediations without snort rules
     * @throws Exception
    public List<DeployableRemediation> getDeployableRemediations(InformationSystem topology, Connection conn,
            String costParametersFolder) throws Exception {
        List<List<RemediationAction>> remediationActions = this.getRemedationActions(topology, conn,
        List<DeployableRemediation> result = new ArrayList<DeployableRemediation>();

        //For all "OR" remediations
        for (List<RemediationAction> remediationAction1 : remediationActions) {
            List<DeployableRemediation> result_tmp = new ArrayList<DeployableRemediation>(); //Result for only this group of remediations
            DeployableRemediation dr = new DeployableRemediation(this, topology);
            dr.setActions(new ArrayList<DeployableRemediationAction>());

            //For all "AND" remediations
            for (RemediationAction remediationAction : remediationAction1) {
                if (remediationAction.getPossibleMachines().size() > 1) {
                    List<DeployableRemediation> resultForThisRemediationAction = new ArrayList<DeployableRemediation>(); //Result for only this group of remediations
                    for (int m = 1; m < remediationAction.getPossibleMachines().size(); m++) {
                        //For all the previously added Deployable Remediation Actions
                        for (DeployableRemediation aResult_tmp : result_tmp) {
                            DeployableRemediation newdr = new DeployableRemediation(this, topology);
                            DeployableRemediationAction deployableRemediationAction = new DeployableRemediationAction();
                    //FIRST MACHINE
                    for (DeployableRemediation aResult_tmp : result_tmp) { //For all the previously added Deployable Remediation Actions
                        DeployableRemediationAction deployableRemediationAction = new DeployableRemediationAction();
                } else if (remediationAction.getPossibleMachines().size() == 1) {
                    for (DeployableRemediation aResult_tmp : result_tmp) {
                        DeployableRemediationAction deployableRemediationAction = new DeployableRemediationAction();

            //Add all the non empty Deployable Remediation Action to the result
            for (DeployableRemediation aResult_tmp : result_tmp) {
                if (aResult_tmp.getActions().size() > 0)

        //Compute the cost of all remediation action
        for (DeployableRemediation aResult : result) {

        Collections.sort(result, new DeployableRemediationComparator());

        return result;

     * This function compute the scoring of this attack path (float between 0 and 1 : 1 = will arrive ; 0 = can't arrive
    public void computeScoring() {
        scoring = 1.;
        for (int i : this.vertices.keySet()) {
            Vertex vertex = this.vertices.get(i);
            if (vertex.fact != null && vertex.fact.type == FactType.DATALOG_FACT) {
                DatalogCommand command = vertex.fact.datalogCommand;
                if (command.command.equals("vulExists")) {
                    scoring *= 1. / 2;
                if (command.command.equals("cvss") && command.params[1].equals("l")) {
                    scoring *= 1. / 5;
                if (command.command.equals("cvss") && command.params[1].equals("m")) {
                    scoring *= 1. / 10;
                if (command.command.equals("cvss") && command.params[1].equals("h")) {
                    scoring *= 1. / 20;
                } else if (command.command.equals("inCompetent")) {
                    scoring *= 1. / 100;
                //Cheat to have the good attack path for demo first :
                if (command.command.equals("vulExists") && command.params[1].equals("CVE-2004-1315")) {
                    scoring *= 10;
                if (command.command.equals("vulExists") && command.params[1].equals("CVE-2012-3951")) {
                    scoring *= 10;
                if (command.command.equals("networkServiceInfo")
                        && command.params[1].equals("sonicwall_scrutinizer")) {
                    scoring *= 10;
                if (command.command.equals("hacl") && command.params[0].equals("")
                        && command.params[1].equals("") && command.params[3].equals("3306")) {
                    scoring *= 10;
                if (command.command.equals("hacl") && command.params[0].equals("internet")
                        && command.params[1].equals("") && command.params[3].equals("80")) {
                    scoring *= 10;
                if (command.command.equals("execCode") && command.params[0].equals("")) {
                    scoring *= 10;
                if (command.command.equals("execCode") && command.params[0].equals("")) {
                    scoring *= 10;
                if (command.command.equals("netAccess") && command.params[0].equals("")) {
                    scoring *= 10;

     * Print the list of remediations that could be applied to prevent the attack
     * @param topology the network topology
     * @param conn     the database connection
     * @throws Exception
    public void printListRemediations(InformationSystem topology, Connection conn) throws Exception {
        List<Vertex> leaves = this.getLeavesThatCanBeRemediated();
        if (this.getGoal() != null) {
            System.out.print("The goal of this attack is vertex " + this.getGoal().id);
            if (this.getGoal().fact != null && this.getGoal().fact.factString != null)
                System.out.print(" : " + this.getGoal().fact.factString);
        System.out.println("The attack path contains " + leaves.size() + " leaves : ");

        List<List<Vertex>> sufficientLeavesToCutPath = new ArrayList<List<Vertex>>();
        List<Vertex> remainingLeaves = new ArrayList<Vertex>(leaves);
        int simultaneousLeavesNumber = 1;

        while (simultaneousLeavesNumber <= remainingLeaves.size()) { //While we take a number of leaves lower than the number of remaining leaves
            List<List<Integer>> combination = combination(simultaneousLeavesNumber, remainingLeaves.size());
            List<Vertex> leavesSufficient = new ArrayList<Vertex>();

            for (List<Integer> aCombination : combination) {
                List<Vertex> leavesToTest = new ArrayList<Vertex>();
                for (Integer anACombination : aCombination) {
                if (leavesMandatoryForGoal(leavesToTest)) {

            for (Vertex aLeavesSufficient : leavesSufficient) {


                .println("Here are the list of all the combinations of leaves that permit to cut the attack path ");
        for (int i = 0; i < sufficientLeavesToCutPath.size(); i++) {
            System.out.print("Combination  " + (i + 1) + " : ");
            for (int j = 0; j < sufficientLeavesToCutPath.get(i).size(); j++) {
                System.out.print("Leaf " + sufficientLeavesToCutPath.get(i).get(j).id);
                if (j < sufficientLeavesToCutPath.get(i).size() - 1)
                    System.out.print(" + ");

        System.out.println("Here is how to remediate each leaf :");

        for (Vertex leaf : leaves) {
            System.out.print(remediateLeaf(leaf, topology, conn));


     * @param leaf     An attack path leaf
     * @param topology the network topology
     * @param conn     the database connection
     * @return The string that contains the text to remediate a leaf
     * @throws Exception
    public String remediateLeaf(Vertex leaf, InformationSystem topology, Connection conn) throws Exception {
        String result = "";
        result += "* Leaf " + + "\n";
        if (leaf.fact != null && leaf.fact.type == FactType.DATALOG_FACT && leaf.fact.datalogCommand != null) {
            DatalogCommand command = leaf.fact.datalogCommand;
            result += "Datalog fact : " + command.command + "\n";

            switch (command.command) {
            case "vulExists": {
                Vulnerability vuln = new Vulnerability(conn,
                        Vulnerability.getIdVulnerabilityFromCVE(command.params[1], conn));
                List<List<InformationSystemHost>> attackerPath = getAttackerRouteToAVulnerability(leaf, topology);
                result += "To exploit the vulnerability " + vuln.cve
                        + " the packets of the attacker will pass the following machines : " + "\n";
                for (int j = 0; j < attackerPath.size(); j++) {
                    if (attackerPath.size() > 1)
                        result += "Path " + (j + 1) + " : " + "\n";
                    result += "- ";
                    for (int k = 0; k < attackerPath.get(j).size(); k++) {
                        result += attackerPath.get(j).get(k).getName();
                        if (k < attackerPath.get(j).size() - 1)
                            result += " -> ";
                    result += "\n";
                    List<Patch> patches = vuln.getPatchs(conn);
                    List<Rule> rules = vuln.getRules(conn);
                    if (patches.size() > 0) {
                        result += "To protect against this vulnerability, the following patch(es) can be applied on machine \""
                                + leaf.getRelatedMachine(topology).getName() + "\" : " + "\n";
                        for (int m = 0; m < patches.size(); m++) {
                            result += patches.get(m).getLink();
                            if (m < patches.size() - 1)
                                result += " ; ";
                        result += "\n";
                    if (rules.size() > 0) {
                        result += "To protect against this vulnerability, the following rule(s) can be used on at least one machine of the attacker path : "
                                + "\n";
                        for (Rule rule : rules) {
                            result += "-" + rule.getRule() + "\n";
            case "inCompetent":
                result += "To protect against this attack, the user \"" + command.params[0]
                        + "\" should be trained " + "\n";
            case "attackerLocated":
                result += "To protect against this attack, people should know that the attacker is located on \""
                        + command.params[0] + "\" \n";
            case "hasAccount":
                result += "To protect against this attack, the account \"" + command.params[2]
                        + "\" on the machine \"" + leaf.getRelatedMachine(topology).getName()
                        + "\" should be closed\n";
            case "hacl": {
                InformationSystemHost from = topology.getHostByNameOrIPAddress(command.params[0]);
                InformationSystemHost to = topology.getHostByNameOrIPAddress(command.params[1]);
                List<List<InformationSystemHost>> attackerPath = command.getRoutesBetweenHostsOfHacl(topology);
                result += "The attacker packets will use one of the following paths : \n";
                for (int j = 0; j < attackerPath.size(); j++) {
                    if (attackerPath.size() > 1)
                        result += "Path " + (j + 1) + " : " + "\n";
                    result += "- ";
                    for (int k = 0; k < attackerPath.get(j).size(); k++) {
                        result += attackerPath.get(j).get(k).getName();
                        if (k < attackerPath.get(j).size() - 1)
                            result += " -> ";
                    result += "\n";
                System.out.println("The following firewall rule should be deployed on all the paths between \""
                        + from.getName() + "\" and \"" + to.getName() + "\". (See above)");
                if (command.params[0].equals("internet")) {
                    result += "DROP\t" + Protocol.getProtocolFromString(command.params[2]) + "\t--\t0.0.0.0/0\t"
                            + to.getFirstIPAddress().getAddress() + "/32\t" + "dpt:"
                            + Service.portStringToInt(command.params[3]) + "\n";
                } else if (command.params[1].equals("internet")) {
                    result += "DROP\t" + Protocol.getProtocolFromString(command.params[2]) + "\t--\t"
                            + from.getFirstIPAddress().getAddress() + "/32\t0.0.0.0/0\t" + "dpt:"
                            + Service.portStringToInt(command.params[3]) + "\n";
                } else {
                    result += "DROP\t" + Protocol.getProtocolFromString(command.params[2]) + "\t--\t"
                            + from.getFirstIPAddress().getAddress() + "/32\t" + to.getFirstIPAddress().getAddress()
                            + "/32\t" + "dpt:" + Service.portStringToInt(command.params[3]) + "\n";
        } else {
            throw new Exception("Leaf is not a datalog fact");
        if (leafMandatoryForGoal(leaf))
            result += "If this can be corrected, this attack path will be broken" + "\n";
            result += "Deleting only this vulnerability is not sufficient to cut the attack path" + "\n";
        return result;

     * @param leaf     An attack path leaf
     * @param topology the network topology
     * @param conn     the database connection
     * @return the possible remediation action to remediate this leaf. To remediate the leaf, we can apply remediation[1] OR remadiation[2] OR remediation[3]
     * the remediation[1] is remediation[1][1] AND remediation[1][2] AND remediation[1][3] etc...
     * @throws Exception
    public List<List<RemediationAction>> getRemediationActionForLeaf(Vertex leaf, InformationSystem topology,
            Connection conn, String costParametersFolder) throws Exception {
        return getRemediationActionForLeaf(leaf, topology, conn, costParametersFolder, true);

     * @param leaf         An attack path leaf
     * @param topology     the network topology
     * @param conn         the database connection
     * @param useSnortRule : if true, use the snort rules else don't use it for remediation
     * @return the possible remediation action to remediate this leaf. To remediate the leaf, we can apply remediation[1] OR remadiation[2] OR remediation[3]
     * the remediation[1] is remediation[1][1] AND remediation[1][2] AND remediation[1][3] etc...
     * @throws Exception
    public List<List<RemediationAction>> getRemediationActionForLeaf(Vertex leaf, InformationSystem topology,
            Connection conn, String costParametersFolder, boolean useSnortRule) throws Exception {
        List<List<RemediationAction>> result = new ArrayList<List<RemediationAction>>();
        if (leaf.fact != null && leaf.fact.type == FactType.DATALOG_FACT && leaf.fact.datalogCommand != null) {
            DatalogCommand command = leaf.fact.datalogCommand;

            switch (command.command) {
            case "vulExists": {
                List<RemediationAction> remediateVulnerability = new ArrayList<RemediationAction>();
                Vulnerability vulnerability = new Vulnerability(conn,
                        Vulnerability.getIdVulnerabilityFromCVE(command.params[1], conn));
                List<List<InformationSystemHost>> attackerPath = getAttackerRouteToAVulnerability(leaf, topology);

                List<Patch> patches = vulnerability.getPatchs(conn); //Get the path of this vulnerability

                List<Rule> rules = vulnerability.getRules(conn); //Get the snort rules related to this vulnerability

                if (patches.size() > 0) {
                    RemediationAction remediation = new RemediationAction(ActionType.APPLY_PATCH,

                    for (Patch patche : patches) {
                if (rules.size() > 0 && useSnortRule) {
                    //If there is a rule, to remediate the leaf, we can deploy rule 1 OR rule 2 OR rule 3 but on ALL possible paths
                    List<RemediationAction> detectVulnerabilityOnAllPath = new ArrayList<RemediationAction>();
                    //For all possible path
                    for (List<InformationSystemHost> anAttackerPath : attackerPath) {

                        RemediationAction remediation = new RemediationAction(ActionType.DEPLOY_SNORT_RULE,
                        for (Rule rule : rules) {
                            rule.setRule(rule.getRule().replaceFirst("alert", "reject"));

                        for (InformationSystemHost anAnAttackerPath : anAttackerPath) {
                            //TODO : Add the machine to the "possible machines" only if snort is installed  (need a way to specify this in the input file)
                            remediation.getPossibleMachines().add(anAnAttackerPath); //The path

                    //Add the detection of vulnerability on all path
            case "inCompetent":
                List<RemediationAction> trainUser = new ArrayList<RemediationAction>();
                RemediationAction remediation = new RemediationAction(ActionType.TRAIN_USER, costParametersFolder);
            case "hacl":
            case "haclprimit": {
                InformationSystemHost from = topology.getHostByNameOrIPAddress(command.params[0]);
                InformationSystemHost to = topology.getHostByNameOrIPAddress(command.params[1]);
                List<List<InformationSystemHost>> attackerPath = command.getRoutesBetweenHostsOfHacl(topology);

                //For HACL Rules, we can block the packets with firewall rules
                //These rules can be deployed either on the input firewall table or on the output firewall table
                //It depends of the machines
                //TODO : things needs to be corrected, to add remediations with "alternating" between INPUT and OUTPUT rules
                //FIRST LET'S DO THE INPUT RULES

                List<RemediationAction> blockAttackerOnAllPath = new ArrayList<RemediationAction>();
                //For all possible path
                for (List<InformationSystemHost> anAttackerPath1 : attackerPath) {

                    remediation = new RemediationAction(ActionType.DEPLOY_FIREWALL_RULE, costParametersFolder);
                    if (command.params[0].equals("internet")) {
                        FirewallRule fwRule = new FirewallRule(Action.DROP,
                                Protocol.getProtocolFromString(command.params[2]), new IPAddress(""),
                                new IPAddress(""), new PortRange(true), to.getFirstIPAddress(),
                                new IPAddress(""), PortRange.fromString(command.params[3]),
                    } else if (command.params[1].equals("internet")) {
                        FirewallRule fwRule = new FirewallRule(Action.DROP,
                                Protocol.getProtocolFromString(command.params[2]), from.getFirstIPAddress(),
                                new IPAddress(""), new PortRange(true), new IPAddress(""),
                                new IPAddress(""), PortRange.fromString(command.params[3]), Table.INPUT);
                    } else {
                        FirewallRule fwRule = new FirewallRule(Action.DROP,
                                Protocol.getProtocolFromString(command.params[2]), from.getFirstIPAddress(),
                                new IPAddress(""), new PortRange(true), to.getFirstIPAddress(),
                                new IPAddress(""), PortRange.fromString(command.params[3]),
                    //The only thing that change between INPUT and OUTPUT is the machines on which this rule can be deployed
                    for (InformationSystemHost currentAttackerPathHost : anAttackerPath1) {
                        if (command.params[0].equals("internet")) {//Source packet is internet, input will block on all hosts
                        } else {
                            InformationSystemHost sourceHost = topology
                            if (sourceHost == null || !sourceHost.equals(currentAttackerPathHost)) {//we add this machine to the possible machines if it is not the sender of the packets

                //Add the block of the attacker on all path

                //THEN LET'S DO THE OUTPUT RULES
                blockAttackerOnAllPath = new ArrayList<RemediationAction>();
                //For all possible path
                for (List<InformationSystemHost> anAttackerPath : attackerPath) {

                    remediation = new RemediationAction(ActionType.DEPLOY_FIREWALL_RULE, costParametersFolder);
                    if (command.params[0].equals("internet")) {
                        FirewallRule fwRule = new FirewallRule(Action.DROP,
                                Protocol.getProtocolFromString(command.params[2]), new IPAddress(""),
                                new IPAddress(""), new PortRange(true), to.getFirstIPAddress(),
                                new IPAddress(""), PortRange.fromString(command.params[3]),
                    } else if (command.params[1].equals("internet")) {
                        FirewallRule fwRule = new FirewallRule(Action.DROP,
                                Protocol.getProtocolFromString(command.params[2]), from.getFirstIPAddress(),
                                new IPAddress(""), new PortRange(true), new IPAddress(""),
                                new IPAddress(""), PortRange.fromString(command.params[3]), Table.OUTPUT);
                    } else {
                        FirewallRule fwRule = new FirewallRule(Action.DROP,
                                Protocol.getProtocolFromString(command.params[2]), from.getFirstIPAddress(),
                                new IPAddress(""), new PortRange(true), to.getFirstIPAddress(),
                                new IPAddress(""), PortRange.fromString(command.params[3]),

                    //The only thing that change between INPUT and OUTPUT is the machines on which this rule can be deployed
                    for (InformationSystemHost currentAttackerPathHost : anAttackerPath) {
                        if (command.params[1].equals("internet")) {//Source packet is internet, input will block on all hosts
                        } else {
                            InformationSystemHost destinationHost = topology
                            if (destinationHost == null || !destinationHost.equals(currentAttackerPathHost)) {//we add this machine to the possible machines if it is not the receiver of the packets

                //Add the block of the attacker on all path
        return result;


     * Get the attacker route to access a vulnerability according to the information in the attack path
     * @param leaf     the leaf of the vulnerability
     * @param topology the network topology
     * @return the attacker route
     * @throws Exception
    public List<List<InformationSystemHost>> getAttackerRouteToAVulnerability(Vertex leaf,
            InformationSystem topology) throws Exception {
        Vertex child = leaf.children.get(0);
        if (child != null) {
            Vertex netAccessVertex = this.getParentOfVertexWithFactCommand(child, "netAccess");
            if (netAccessVertex == null) {
                netAccessVertex = this.getParentOfVertexWithFactCommand(child, "accessMaliciousInput");
            if (netAccessVertex != null) {
                Vertex ruleAccessVertex = netAccessVertex.parents.get(0);
                if (ruleAccessVertex != null) {
                    Vertex haclVertex = this.getParentOfVertexWithFactCommand(ruleAccessVertex, "hacl");
                    if (haclVertex != null) {
                        return haclVertex.fact.datalogCommand.getRoutesBetweenHostsOfHacl(topology);
                    } else
                        throw new Exception("No hacl.");
                } else {
                    throw new Exception("Problem while going up to the hacl for the leaf " +;
            } else {
                throw new Exception("Problem while going up to the hacl for the leaf " +;
        } else {
            throw new Exception("The leaf a no child");

     * @param leaf an attack path leaf
     * @return true if the leaf is mandatory to reach the goal of the attack Path
    public boolean leafMandatoryForGoal(Vertex leaf) {
        Vertex goal = this.getGoal();
        if (goal != null) {
            List<Vertex> leaf_list = new ArrayList<Vertex>();
            return leavesMandatoryForVertex(leaf_list, goal, new ArrayList<Vertex>());
        return false;

     * @param leaves a list of leaves
     * @return true if the leaves are mandatory to reach the goal
    public boolean leavesMandatoryForGoal(List<Vertex> leaves) {
        Vertex goal = this.getGoal();
        return goal != null && leavesMandatoryForVertex(leaves, goal, new ArrayList<Vertex>());

     * Recursive function that test whether or not leaves are mandatory to access a vertex
     * @param leaves the leaves that will be tested
     * @param v      the vertex
     * @return true if the leaves are mandatory / else false
    private boolean leavesMandatoryForVertex(List<Vertex> leaves, Vertex v, List<Vertex> alreadySeen) {
        if (leaves.contains(v))
            return true;
        else if (v.type == VertexType.AND) {
            boolean result = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < v.parents.size(); i++) {
                Vertex parent = v.parents.get(i);
                if (!alreadySeen.contains(parent))
                    result = result || leavesMandatoryForVertex(leaves, parent, alreadySeen);
            return result;
        } else if (v.type == VertexType.OR) {
            boolean result = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < v.parents.size(); i++) {
                Vertex parent = v.parents.get(i);
                if (!alreadySeen.contains(parent))
                    result = result && leavesMandatoryForVertex(leaves, parent, alreadySeen);
            return result;
        } else {
            return false;

     * Load the attack path from a DOM element of a XML file (the XML file contains only the arcs, the vertices are in the attack graph)
     * @param root        the DOM element
     * @param attackGraph the corresponding attack graph
    public void loadFromDomElementAndAttackGraph(Element root, AttackGraph attackGraph) {
        Element scoringElement = root.getChild("scoring");
        if (scoringElement != null) {
            this.scoring = Double.parseDouble(scoringElement.getText());

        /* Add all the arcs */
        Element arcs_element = root.getChild("arcs");
        if (arcs_element != null) {
            List<Element> arcs = arcs_element.getChildren("arc");
            for (Element arc_element : arcs) { //All arcs
                Element src_element = arc_element.getChild("dst"); //MULVAL XML FILES INVERSE DESTINATION AND DESTINATION
                Element dst_element = arc_element.getChild("src"); //MULVAL XML FILES INVERSE DESTINATION AND DESTINATION
                if (src_element != null && dst_element != null) {
                    Vertex destination = getVertexFromAttackGraph((int) Double.parseDouble(dst_element.getText()),
                    Vertex source = getVertexFromAttackGraph((int) Double.parseDouble(src_element.getText()),
                    Arc arc = new Arc(source, destination);

     * @param vertexID    the vertex number
     * @param attackGraph an attack graph
     * @return the existing vertex if it is already in the attack path else add this vertex from the attack graph
    public Vertex getVertexFromAttackGraph(int vertexID, AttackGraph attackGraph) {
        if (this.vertices.containsKey(vertexID))
            return this.vertices.get(vertexID);
        else {
            Vertex result = attackGraph.getExistingOrCreateVertex(vertexID);
            this.vertices.put(vertexID, result);
            return result;

     * @return the dom element corresponding to this attack path XML file
    public Element toDomXMLElement() {
        Element root = new Element("attack_path");

        Element scoringElement = new Element("scoring");
        scoringElement.setText(this.scoring + "");
        Element arcsElement = new Element("arcs");
        for (Arc arc : arcs) {
            Element arcElement = new Element("arc");
            Element srcElement = new Element("src");
            srcElement.setText( + "");
            Element dstElement = new Element("dst");
            dstElement.setText( + "");

        return root;

    public String toString() {
        String result = "AttackPath : ";
        for (int i : this.vertices.keySet()) {
            result += this.vertices.get(i).id + " - ";
        return result;

     * @param informationSystem the information system
     * @return The topology Graph associated to this attack path
     * @throws Exception
    public InformationSystemGraph getRelatedTopologyGraph(InformationSystem informationSystem) throws Exception {
        InformationSystemGraph result = super.getRelatedTopologyGraph(informationSystem);


        return result;

    public AttackPath clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
        AttackPath copie = (AttackPath) super.clone();

        if (this.goal != null)
            copie.goal = copie.vertices.get(;

        return copie;

    public static class AttackPathComparator implements Comparator<AttackPath> {
        public int compare(AttackPath a1, AttackPath a2) {
            //descending order
            if (a1.scoring == a2.scoring) {
                return 0;
            } else if (a1.scoring < a2.scoring) {
                return 1;
            } else {
                return -1;

     * Comparator to compare deployable remediation according to their cost
    private class DeployableRemediationComparator implements Comparator<DeployableRemediation> {
        public int compare(DeployableRemediation dr1, DeployableRemediation dr2) {
            if (dr1.getCost() == dr2.getCost()) {
                return 0;
            } else if (dr1.getCost() < dr2.getCost()) {
                return -1;
            } else {
                return 1;
