Java tutorial
package; /* * WiFi Backend for Unified Network Location * Copyright (C) 2014,2015 Tod Fitch * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteStatement; import; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class Database extends SQLiteOpenHelper { public static String ACTION_DATA_CHANGED = ""; private static final String TAG = "WiFiBackendDB"; private static final boolean DEBUG = BuildConfig.DEBUG; private static final int VERSION = 5; private static final String NAME = "wifi.db"; public static final String TABLE_SAMPLES = "APs"; @Deprecated public static final String COL_BSSID = "bssid"; public static final String COL_RFID = "rfID"; public static final String COL_MOVED_GUARD = "move_guard"; public static final String COL_SSID = "ssid"; public static final String COL_TYPE = "type"; public static final String COL_LATITUDE = "latitude"; public static final String COL_LONGITUDE = "longitude"; public static final String COL_RADIUS = "radius"; public static final String COL_CHANGED = "changed"; public static final String COL_LAT1 = "lat1"; public static final String COL_LON1 = "lon1"; public static final String COL_LAT2 = "lat2"; public static final String COL_LON2 = "lon2"; public static final String COL_LAT3 = "lat3"; public static final String COL_LON3 = "lon3"; // not used anymore @Deprecated private static final String COL_D12 = "d12"; // not used anymore @Deprecated private static final String COL_D23 = "d23"; // not used anymore @Deprecated private static final String COL_D31 = "d31"; public static final Integer TYPE_WIFI = 0; public static final Integer TYPE_CELL = 1; public static final Integer CHANGED_NONE = 0; public static final Integer CHANGED_AP1 = 1; public static final Integer CHANGED_AP2 = 2; public static final Integer CHANGED_AP3 = 4; private SQLiteStatement sqlSampleInsert; private SQLiteStatement sqlSampleUpdate; private SQLiteStatement sqlAPdrop; private SQLiteDatabase db = null; private final LocalBroadcastManager localBroadcastManager; private final Context context; public Database(Context context) { super(context, NAME, null, VERSION); this.context = context; localBroadcastManager = LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(context.getApplicationContext()); } @Override public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase sqLiteDatabase) { // Always create version 0 of database, then update the schema // in the same order it might occur "in the wild". Avoids having // to check to see if the table exists (may be old version) // or not (can be new version). sqLiteDatabase .execSQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + TABLE_SAMPLES + "(" + COL_BSSID + " STRING PRIMARY KEY, " + COL_LATITUDE + " REAL, " + COL_LONGITUDE + " REAL, " + COL_LAT1 + " REAL, " + COL_LON1 + " REAL, " + COL_LAT2 + " REAL, " + COL_LON2 + " REAL, " + COL_LAT3 + " REAL, " + COL_LON3 + " REAL, " + COL_D12 + " REAL, " + COL_D23 + " REAL, " + COL_D31 + " REAL);"); onUpgrade(sqLiteDatabase, 1, VERSION); } @Override public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase sqLiteDatabase, int oldVersion, int newVersion) { if (oldVersion < 2) { // upgrade to 2 sqLiteDatabase.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + TABLE_SAMPLES + " ADD COLUMN " + COL_MOVED_GUARD + " INTEGER;"); sqLiteDatabase.execSQL("UPDATE " + TABLE_SAMPLES + " SET " + COL_MOVED_GUARD + "=0;"); } if (oldVersion < 3) { // upgrade to 3 sqLiteDatabase.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + TABLE_SAMPLES + " ADD COLUMN " + COL_RADIUS + " REAL;"); sqLiteDatabase.execSQL("UPDATE " + TABLE_SAMPLES + " SET " + COL_RADIUS + "=-1.0;"); } if (oldVersion < 4) { // upgrade to 4 sqLiteDatabase.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + TABLE_SAMPLES + " ADD COLUMN " + COL_SSID + " TEXT;"); } if (oldVersion < 5) { // upgrade to 5 // Sqlite3 does not support dropping columns so we create a new table with our // current fields and copy the old data into it. sqLiteDatabase.execSQL("BEGIN TRANSACTION;"); sqLiteDatabase.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + TABLE_SAMPLES + " RENAME TO " + TABLE_SAMPLES + "_old;"); sqLiteDatabase.execSQL("CREATE TABLE " + TABLE_SAMPLES + "(" + COL_RFID + " STRING PRIMARY KEY, " + COL_TYPE + " INTEGER, " + COL_SSID + " TEXT, " + COL_LATITUDE + " REAL, " + COL_LONGITUDE + " REAL, " + COL_RADIUS + " REAL, " + COL_MOVED_GUARD + " INTEGER, " + COL_CHANGED + " INTEGER, " + COL_LAT1 + " REAL, " + COL_LON1 + " REAL, " + COL_LAT2 + " REAL, " + COL_LON2 + " REAL, " + COL_LAT3 + " REAL, " + COL_LON3 + " REAL);"); sqLiteDatabase.execSQL("INSERT INTO " + TABLE_SAMPLES + "(" + COL_RFID + ", " + COL_SSID + ", " + COL_LATITUDE + ", " + COL_LONGITUDE + ", " + COL_RADIUS + ", " + COL_MOVED_GUARD + ", " + COL_LAT1 + ", " + COL_LON1 + ", " + COL_LAT2 + ", " + COL_LON2 + ", " + COL_LAT3 + ", " + COL_LON3 + ") SELECT " + COL_BSSID + ", " + COL_SSID + ", " + COL_LATITUDE + ", " + COL_LONGITUDE + ", " + COL_RADIUS + ", " + COL_MOVED_GUARD + ", " + COL_LAT1 + ", " + COL_LON1 + ", " + COL_LAT2 + ", " + COL_LON2 + ", " + COL_LAT3 + ", " + COL_LON3 + " FROM " + TABLE_SAMPLES + "_old;"); sqLiteDatabase.execSQL("DROP TABLE " + TABLE_SAMPLES + "_old;"); sqLiteDatabase.execSQL("UPDATE " + TABLE_SAMPLES + " SET " + COL_TYPE + "=" + TYPE_WIFI + ";"); sqLiteDatabase.execSQL("UPDATE " + TABLE_SAMPLES + " SET " + COL_CHANGED + "=" + (CHANGED_AP1 + CHANGED_AP2 + CHANGED_AP3) + ";"); sqLiteDatabase.execSQL("COMMIT;"); } } @Override public void onOpen(SQLiteDatabase db) { super.onOpen(db); this.db = db; sqlSampleInsert = db.compileStatement( "INSERT INTO " + TABLE_SAMPLES + "(" + COL_RFID + ", " + COL_TYPE + ", " + COL_SSID + ", " + COL_LATITUDE + ", " + COL_LONGITUDE + ", " + COL_RADIUS + ", " + COL_MOVED_GUARD + ", " + COL_CHANGED + ", " + COL_LAT1 + ", " + COL_LON1 + ", " + COL_LAT2 + ", " + COL_LON2 + ", " + COL_LAT3 + ", " + COL_LON3 + ") " + "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);"); sqlSampleUpdate = db.compileStatement("UPDATE " + TABLE_SAMPLES + " SET " + COL_SSID + "=?, " + COL_LATITUDE + "=?, " + COL_LONGITUDE + "=?, " + COL_RADIUS + "=?, " + COL_MOVED_GUARD + "=?, " + COL_CHANGED + "=?, " + COL_LAT1 + "=?, " + COL_LON1 + "=?, " + COL_LAT2 + "=?, " + COL_LON2 + "=?, " + COL_LAT3 + "=?, " + COL_LON3 + "=? " + "WHERE " + COL_RFID + "=?;"); sqlAPdrop = db.compileStatement("DELETE FROM " + TABLE_SAMPLES + " WHERE " + COL_RFID + "=?;"); } public void exportComplete() { ensureOpened(); db.execSQL("UPDATE " + TABLE_SAMPLES + " SET " + COL_CHANGED + "=" + CHANGED_NONE + ";"); onAccessPointCountChanged(); } public void dropAP(String rfId) { final String canonicalBSSID = AccessPoint.bssid(rfId); if (DEBUG) { Log.i(TAG, "Dropping " + canonicalBSSID + " from db"); } sqlAPdrop.bindString(1, canonicalBSSID); sqlAPdrop.executeInsert(); sqlAPdrop.clearBindings(); onAccessPointCountChanged(); } public int getAccessPointCount(boolean changed) { String whereClause = ""; if (changed) { whereClause = " WHERE " + COL_CHANGED + "<> 0"; } Cursor cursor = getReadableDatabase().rawQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + TABLE_SAMPLES + whereClause + ";", null); try { if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { return (int) cursor.getLong(0); } else { return 0; } } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } } } @Nullable public SimpleLocation getLocation(String rfId) { final long entryTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); final String canonicalBSSID = AccessPoint.bssid(rfId); Cursor c = getReadableDatabase().query(TABLE_SAMPLES, new String[] { COL_LATITUDE, COL_LONGITUDE, COL_RADIUS, COL_LAT1, COL_LON1, COL_LAT2, COL_LON2, COL_LAT3, COL_LON3 }, COL_RFID + "=? AND " + COL_MOVED_GUARD + "=0", new String[] { canonicalBSSID }, null, null, null); try { if (c != null && c.moveToFirst()) { // We only want to return location data for APs that we have received at least // three samples. Integer sampleCount = 0; if (c.getDouble(3) != 0.d || c.getDouble(4) != 0.d) sampleCount++; if (c.getDouble(5) != 0.d || c.getDouble(6) != 0.d) sampleCount++; if (c.getDouble(7) != 0.d || c.getDouble(8) != 0.d) sampleCount++; if (sampleCount == 3) { // radius is our observed coverage but it can be quite small, as little as // zero if we have only one sample. We want to report an accuracy value that // is likely to actually contain the AP's real location and no matter how // many samples we have collected systemic/sampling errors will mean we dont // know the actual coverage radius. // // Web search indicates that 40m coverage on older WiFi protocols and 100m // coverage on newer APs (both ranges for outdoor conditions). // // So we will take the greater value (assumed max range) or actual measured // range as our assumed accuracy. SimpleLocation result = SimpleLocation.builder().latitude(c.getDouble(0)) .longitude(c.getDouble(1)).radius(Math .max(Configuration.with(context).accessPointAssumedAccuracy(), c.getFloat(2))) .changed(false).build(); if (DEBUG) { Log.i(TAG, rfId + " at " + result.toString()); } if (DEBUG) { Log.i(TAG, "getLocation time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - entryTime) + "ms"); } c.close(); c = null; return result; } else { if (DEBUG) { Log.i(TAG, "getLocation(): Insufficient samples (" + sampleCount + ")"); Log.i(TAG, "getLocation time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - entryTime) + "ms"); } } } c.close(); c = null; return null; } finally { if (c != null) { c.close(); } } } @Nullable public AccessPoint query(String rfId) { Cursor cursor = getReadableDatabase().query(TABLE_SAMPLES, new String[] { COL_RFID, //0 COL_LATITUDE, //1 COL_LONGITUDE, //2 COL_RADIUS, //3 COL_LAT1, //4 COL_LON1, //5 COL_LAT2, //6 COL_LON2, //7 COL_LAT3, //8 COL_LON3, //9 COL_MOVED_GUARD, //10 COL_SSID, //11 COL_TYPE, //12 COL_CHANGED //13 }, COL_RFID + "=?", new String[] { AccessPoint.bssid(rfId) }, null, null, null); try { if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) { List<SimpleLocation> samples = new ArrayList<SimpleLocation>(); Integer changed = cursor.getInt(13); addLocation(cursor, 4, ((changed & CHANGED_AP1) != 0), samples); addLocation(cursor, 6, ((changed & CHANGED_AP2) != 0), samples); addLocation(cursor, 8, ((changed & CHANGED_AP3) != 0), samples); if (DEBUG) { Log.i(TAG, "query(" + rfId + "): change=" + changed + ", samples=" + samples); } return AccessPoint.builder().ssid(cursor.getString(11)).rfId(AccessPoint.bssid(rfId)) .samples(samples).moveGuard(cursor.getInt(10)).rfType(cursor.getInt(12)).build(); } else { return null; } } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } } } public void update(AccessPoint accessPoint) { synchronized (sqlSampleUpdate) { bind(sqlSampleUpdate, accessPoint, 1); sqlSampleUpdate.bindString(13, accessPoint.rfId()); // where clause sqlSampleUpdate.executeInsert(); sqlSampleUpdate.clearBindings(); } onAccessPointDataChanged(); } public void insert(AccessPoint accessPoint) { synchronized (sqlSampleInsert) { sqlSampleInsert.bindString(1, accessPoint.rfId()); sqlSampleInsert.bindLong(2, accessPoint.rfType()); bind(sqlSampleInsert, accessPoint, 3); sqlSampleInsert.executeInsert(); sqlSampleInsert.clearBindings(); } onAccessPointCountChanged(); } private static Integer changedValue(AccessPoint accessPoint) { Integer result = CHANGED_NONE; for (Integer i = 0; i <= 2; i++) { if ((accessPoint.sample(i) != null) && accessPoint.sample(i).changed()) { result |= (1 << i); } } if (DEBUG) { Log.i(TAG, "changedValue=" + result + ", accessPoint=" + accessPoint); } return result; } private static SQLiteStatement bind(SQLiteStatement statement, AccessPoint accessPoint, int start) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(accessPoint.ssid())) { statement.bindString(start, accessPoint.ssid()); } statement.bindString(start + 1, String.valueOf(accessPoint.estimateLocation().latitude())); statement.bindString(start + 2, String.valueOf(accessPoint.estimateLocation().longitude())); statement.bindString(start + 3, String.valueOf(accessPoint.estimateLocation().radius())); statement.bindString(start + 4, String.valueOf(accessPoint.moveGuard())); statement.bindLong(start + 5, changedValue(accessPoint)); bind(statement, accessPoint.sample(0), start + 6); bind(statement, accessPoint.sample(1), start + 8); bind(statement, accessPoint.sample(2), start + 10); return statement; } private static void bind(SQLiteStatement statement, SimpleLocation location, int index) { statement.bindString(index, String.valueOf(location == null ? 0.f : location.latitude())); statement.bindString(index + 1, String.valueOf(location == null ? 0.f : location.longitude())); } private SimpleLocation parse(Cursor cursor, int index, boolean changed) { if (cursor.getDouble(index) != 0.d || cursor.getDouble(index + 1) != 0.d) { return SimpleLocation.builder().latitude(cursor.getDouble(index)).longitude(cursor.getDouble(index + 1)) .radius(Configuration.with(context).accessPointAssumedAccuracy()).changed(changed).build(); } else { return null; } } private List<SimpleLocation> addLocation(Cursor cursor, int index, boolean changed, List<SimpleLocation> list) { SimpleLocation location = parse(cursor, index, changed); if (location != null) { list.add(location); } return list; } protected void onAccessPointCountChanged() { dataChanged(); } protected void onAccessPointDataChanged() { dataChanged(); } private void dataChanged() { localBroadcastManager.sendBroadcast(new Intent(ACTION_DATA_CHANGED)); } public void beginTransaction() { ensureOpened(); db.beginTransaction(); return; } public void commitTransaction() { ensureOpened(); db.setTransactionSuccessful(); db.endTransaction(); } /** * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the database isn't opened */ private void ensureOpened() { if (db == null) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Database is not opened"); } } }